S TR PTR - 00
S TR PTR - 00
S TR PTR - 00
Possible exceptions to the present prescriptions, concerning the adoption of technical and/or
manufacturing aspects different from the ones prescribed in the present GS, can be evaluated by
In such a case, ADDC/AADC will take into account the opportunity to require additional tests
with regard to the technical/manufacturing proposed solutions.
Such exceptions can be approved by ADDC/AADC.
Figure 2 for conservator with two compartments (transformer oil and on-load tap changer oil)
On load tap
HV (33 kV)
LV (11 kV)
Table G2 – contact and function description (rating power up and included 7.5 MVA)
Contacts Function
1-2 Buchholz relay of transformer alarm (97 T)
3-4 Buchholz relay of transformer trip (97 T)
4-5 Gas-detector relay as leakage detector for diaphragm (alarm)
5-6 Pressure relief oil main tank (trip)
7-8 Top oil thermometer N.1 (alarm)
9-10 Top oil thermometer N.1 (trip)
11-12 Main tank oil level , minimum (alarm)
13-14 Main tank oil level, maximum (alarm)
15-16 spare
17-18 spare
19-20 spare
21-22 4-20 mA signal top oil temperature Thermometer N.1
23-29 spare
30-31 230 Vac Control cabinet heating supply