1. Introduction
5. Speed/Load Regulation.
which controls the steam flow supplied to the steam turbine via the Governor
valves. The controller modulates the requisite control variable (speed, load,
pressure, etc.) for each phase of operation in line with operating requirements.
the large positioning forces and achieve the short positioning times required.
Hydraulic power supply units supply the necessary high-pressure control fluid
(approx. 160 bar) to the actuators. Each power supply unit serves several
- Speed controller.
- Load controller.
- MS pressure controller.
Valve lift setpoints for the valve lift controllers are formed from the output
formation circuit.
- Loading of the turbine generator with the load controller from zero to
the TSE. Fixed transients for loading and unloading can be set.
boiler mode, so that output and thereby steam flow are set by the
steam generator.
- Controlling step load changes resulting from grid faults and the
The TSL can be operated from the main control room. The turbine startup
b) Providing an analogous position value for each control valve for limiting
c) Providing blocking signals for the actuator unit HP/IP control for the
The (TSL) guarantees during start-up the sequence: open stop vlv. Before
open cont. vlv and during shutdown the sequence: close cont. vlv before closing
stop vlv.
Pre-requisite for the control of TSL is that the system pressure of EHA oil
The control is enabled by the two contact switches “Higher” and/or “Lower”.
The ramp-up time of ramp generator in the direction of closing and opening
The signal of the key TSL “Higher” is interlocked in AND with the signal of EHA
oil supply “ready for operation”. The limit signals are interlocked with the key
TSL “Higher” and “Not Lower” and/or “Lower” and “Not Higher”.
operation takes place in case of operating ATT valves. Thus, this interlocking
With the reaching of limit signal the ramp generator is stopped so long, until
Only then the next limit signal can be started by actuating further the
a) During Startup:
- Hold individual turb. protn. chl 1/2 for stop vlv. at 27.5%.
- Hold individual turb. protn. chl 1/2 for cont vlv. at 32.5%.
b) During Shutdown:
- Trigger individual turb. protn. chl 1/2 for cont vlv. at 27.5%.
- Trigger individual turb. protn. chl 1/2 for stop vlv. at 17.5%.
The output of TSL is provided for each HP/IP control valve and connected to
setpoint formation the control range for the cont. vlv must be adjusted.
The speed setpoint is set from the control room by manual control in the
control room or by the subgroup control (SG) “turbine control”, which controls
a speed ramp. A synchronizer is available for synchronizing the turbine speed
with system frequency. This adjusts the speed setpoint by means of manual
By pressing the over speed test enable, PB, the upper limit of speed ramp
is increased.
setting of distance
The response of turbine trip is stored. The resetting of memory takes place
minimum load, the speed setpoint is automatically set to a higher value (50
which is converted by the speed droop of the speed controller to a load level
switched over from s=0 to s=1. The logic signal “s” has the following
In the limit range greater than 16.7 s-1 and less than 49-1 s-1, the
transient monitoring system responds, if the transient falls below a limit valve
In this case the speed setpoint is switched over to the holding speed.
setpoint control.
Rate of change : 0.5 s-1/s to 0.5 s-1/s (at 100% input signal at integrator)
Initial setting: T=300 s. Rate of change = 0.167 s-1/s (at 100% input signal at
speed setpoint is increased by the factor 100. Thus, the setpoint control runs
The output signal of the setpoint control generates the speed setpoint for the
speed/load control.
The time constant of setpoint control and thus the permissible rate of change
is limited as per TSE margins. The temperature margins holds good for the
In the load operation, the following holds good for setpoint control.
setpoint and speed actual valve greater than + 0.34 s-1 and speed
setpoint “active”.
The speed actual value acquisition takes place in the overspeed protection. 3
speed actual values (KKS: MYA01CS014-16) are provided for speed regulation.
A monitoring of speed actual value also takes place by Mv3. In case of failure
of a channel, the channel with the maximum speed is connected to the output
of the Mv3. In case of failure of 2 channels, the proper channel as per the
The load setpoint selection takes place by means of manual control in the
control room,
over from load operation with speed controller to load operation with load
controller. This ensures bumpless transfer from load operation with speed
In case the load control is switched “OFF”, the load setpoint is set to –10%.
On reactivation of load control, the load setpoint is set to the value of delayed
If the TSE influence is “ON” and it is “disturbed”, the load setpoint is stopped.
During Initial pressure operation, the load set point tracks the actual load.
The rate of change of load setpoint is set by means of time constant of setpoint
Rate of change = 0.5% load set point/s upto 0.05% load setpoint/s (at 100%
Thus, the setpoint control also runs with maximum rate in case of small
between undelayed and delayed output setpoint is increased by the factor 100.
The time constant of setpoint control and thus the permissible rate of change
The WT-influence can be switched ON and OFF (see Fig-3). The effective value
The rate of change of setpoint control can also be limited manually for setpoint
increase and decrease (together). The transient setting takes place in the
“transient setting ON/OFF” in the control room. The state is stored (OFF
precedes ON).
In initial pressure mode the load setpoint is set to the target load setpoint.
A manual control is available in the control room for the limitation of load
setpoint, which controls a speed ramp. Initial setting T = 60 s for 100% load.
respond in case of load rejection (e.g. due to a three-phase fault in the grid):
Deviation between load setpoint and generator actual load > 5%.
takes place automatically, if the generator actual load leaves the output range
between 2 * auxiliary power and –1% reverse power. The switching in at –1%
reverse power is necessary, so that the turbine generator unit can have
During load rejection (load jump) greater than 70%, the load setpoint is
switched OFF. The input signal for setpoint control is changed over to –10%
breaker. This allows the Plant to be run down by the automatic with the
transducers (KKS: MKA02FE001 A/B /C). The analog signals are signified for
further processing.
The regulation of speed and load takes place by means of common speed-/load
regulator. Proportional gains (K2 and K3) are available parallel to common PIcontent
regulation. The input signal of the speed-/load regulator is generator from the
increased (K1) deviation of speed regulation plus effective load setpoint minus
load actual value. In the load operation, i.e. in generator circuit-breaker “ON”,
The difference from the effective speed setpoint minus speed actual value
forms the speed regulation difference for the speed-/load regulator by means
of an adjustable gain.
Setting gain
Setting range : K1 = 10 to 30
Initial setting : K1 = 20
During load operation, i.e. when load setpoint “ON” and load operation with
Gain : V=1
For a frequency back-up control, the speed actual value is applied negative to
1 + pTN
F(p) = Kp -----------------
Kp = 0.1 Kp = 0.1
TN = 1 s to 10 s TN = 1 s
In case the MS pressure controller or the Turbine startup and lift limiter
assumes control of the turbine, the upper limit of the speed/load controller in
changed over to the position setpoint signal +2%. This ensures that the upper
limit is tracked to the position setpoint signal with a constant margin of 2%,
The difference from effective speed setpoint minus speed actual value
Corresponding keys are provided in the control room for the selection of initial
pressure or limit pressure operation. The state is stored (OFF precedes ON).
In limit pressure operation “ON”, the main steam pressure setpoint is trimmed
pressure regulator drifts into the 105% position and operates only in case of
The main steam pressure before main steam emergency stop valve is recorded
In case for need, the pressure actual value can be applied to pressure
F(p) = Kp 1 + pTN
Setting range Initial setting
Kp = 5 to 50 Kp = 5
TN = 3 s to 30 s TN = 10 s
When the pressure control deviation falls below minimum value, the limitation
+ 2%.
pressure controller as well as the start-up and lift limiter) are minimum signal
Each governor valve can be individually closed and opened (lift limitation) from
VALVES (MYA01DU001/09):
Following control equipment are selected in minimum value selection for the
connection of trimming after free volume takes place. This position setpoint so
valves 1 and 2.
A position setpoint correction is available in order to facilitate the maintenance
valves and position setpoint of turbine control st sliding main steam pressure.
The position setpoint correction takes place as per the following equation:
Hs turbine control
7.2.2 An adjustable fixed valve is applied positive to the output signal of point 7.2.1
of a preference of HP-CV1.
applied to the maximum value selection only in case of control valve testing by
without preference.
For position generation of intercept control valves (IP-CV) the position setpoint
for starting of opening and OPEN-position for the position setpoint formation
- Setting OPEN-position.
This signal is applied negative to the position setpoint of main steam control
control valve testing by the ATT. The closing signal is made available by the
the steam flow through the valve stroke. This characteristic is compensated
the steady-state conditions of its input variable and those of the steam flow.
The valve lift configurations of the main steam valves relative to the reheat
valves depends on the correlation between steam condition in the main steam
controller changes the valve lift configuration of the main steam/reheat valves
via a setpoint correction applied to the lift setpoint of the reheat valves,
For acquiring the position actual value, the piston position of the EHA is
The maximum drive lift is larger/equal to the valve lift plus a negative and
The analog position transducer signal is converted through a A/D-converter
For matching the position transducer signal with the valve lift-valve lift is
area of valve lift - a closing signal for the servo-valve of –2% constant is
The response of monitoring is stored (OFF has priority over ON), it can be
F(p) = Kp
Kp = 10 to 40 Kp = 20
A limit of maximum positive and negative actuator output signal and of the
output signals. To avoid this, difference from Mv3 of the 3 actuator output
signals and the output signal of actuator is applied to the actuator input,
Signal conversion:
The Mv3 selects the mean signal and connects it to the output. Depending
band, the this input signal is disconnected within the Mv3 and it is replaced
by a constant of 0%. This way the Mv3 works like a minimum value selection
for the two remaining signals. The failure of a channel in indicated by a fault
current. This takes place through the diodes in the supply lines.
If the difference from the position setpoint before the valve characteristic curve
and the position actual value led through a reciprocal valve characteristic
curve in the closing direction falls shorts of an adjustable limit signal, then the
Limited signal:
From the response of the high speed control of live steam control valve 1, the
high speed drive is actuated by the intercepting control valve 1 and from the
live steam control valve 2 the high drive is actuated by the intercepting control
valve 2 in parallel.
For the partial Trip release mechanism, the 3 signals of 3-channel actuator are
before the actuator) becomes effective for controlling the high sped drive. This
From the program outage (pressure relief) the subgroup EHA oil-supply
From the failure of each internal 15-V power supply a fault signal each is
The valve lift display is obtained from the adjusted position actual value.
From the position actual value, the signals larger than 98% and smaller than
In the course of the test program for the automatic turbine tester (ATT), the
closing times of the emergency stop and governor valves are measured
is indicated in the control room, takes place from following individual signals.
- WT-influence “DISTURBED”
Following displays, operating keys and signal are provided in the control room
- For speed setpoint (magnifying lens in rated speed range and load
- Key for load for load opn. with spd/load controller (Operation mode
Fault alarm are gated in the cabinet to output a group alarm for turbine
controller fault and indicated by the cabinet alarm lamp. The message is also
output to the power plant alarm annunciation system in the form of a static