WWW - Manaresults.co - In: Power Semiconductor Drives
WWW - Manaresults.co - In: Power Semiconductor Drives
WWW - Manaresults.co - In: Power Semiconductor Drives
1 a) Explain about Load Equalization. [4M]
b) List the differences between circulating and non circulating current dual [4M]
c) Explain the control strategies of dc chopper. [3M]
d) What are the disadvantages of using AC voltage controllers when they are used in [4M]
Induction motor control?
e) Why the slip power recovery scheme is suitable mainly for drives with a low [4M]
speed range?
f) Why a self controlled synchronous motor is free from hunting oscillations? [3M]
2 a) Explain the principle of plugging with the help of speed-torque characteristics of [8M]
separately excited motor and series motor.
b) A dc shunt motor has the armature resistance of 0.04 Ω and the field winding [8M]
resistance of 10 Ω. Motor is coupled to an over hauling load with a torque of
400N-m. Following magnetization curve was measured at 600 rpm:
If A 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25
Eb V 25 50 73.5 90 102.5 110 116 121 125 129
Motor is braked by self excited braking with a braking resistance of 1 Ω. At what
speed the motor will hold the load?
3 a) Explain the speed control operations of separately excited dc motor fed by [8M]
armature with 3 – phase full converter and field with 1 – phase semi- converter.
b) A three phase dual converter feeds a 500 V, 50 A dc motor with separate [8M]
excitation. The armature resistance is 1.2 Ω. The converter is fed from a 400 V,
50 Hz supply. Assume a voltage drop of 10 V in the converter find the firing angle
and back emf for,
(i) Motoring operation at full load current with terminal voltage of 450 V
(ii) The motor is plugged at a terminal voltage of 400 V with a current limiting
resistance of 5Ω.
4 a) Explain the four quadrant operation of a separately excited dc motor controlled by [8M]
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Code No: RT32026 R13 SET - 1
5 a) Draw and explain the speed-torque curves with variable frequency control for two [8M]
different modes:
(i) operation at constant flux
(ii) operation at constant (v/f) ratio.
b) A 2.8 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole, 1370 rpm, Y-connected induction motor has the [8M]
following parameters: RS = 1.9 , Rr’ = 4.757, XS = Xr’ = 3 . Load
characteristics are matched with motor such that the motor runs at 1370 rpm with
full voltage across its terminals. The motor is controlled by terminal voltage
control and load torque is proportional to speed. Determine motor terminal voltage
and current at half rated speed.
6 a) Explain the following with respect to slip energy recovery scheme: [8M]
(i) speed range
(ii) rating of the drive
(iii) transformation ratio of the motor
(iv) line side power factor
b) A Three phase, 400 V, 6 pole, 50 Hz, delta connected SRIM has rotor resistance [8M]
of 0.2 Ω and leakage reactance of 1Ω per phase referred to stator. When driving a
fan load it runs at full load at 4% slip. What resistance must be inserted in the
rotor circuit to obtain a speed of 850 rpm if stator to rotor turns ratio is 2?
7 a) Describe the merits and demerits of separate and self control operations of [8M]
Synchronous Motor.
b) Explain the closed loop control operation of Synchronous motor drive employing [8M]
variable frequency control.
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