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RI Algebra 2

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' Civil Engineering May 2019 PAYCn [~fflllW INNOYATION! Algebra 2

Sequences and Series Fonnulas for G.P. Problems:

Sequence is a succession of numbers formed r=!2.= a3 = a4 = 1. How many three-digit numbers are not
·according to soqte fixed rule. Example is 1, 8, 27, 64, a1 a2 a3 divisible by 3? ,,,111
125, ... which is a sequence so that the 11 th term is 2. A contractor who does not meet the deadime
a,, = a1 rn!..t or an = ll.,n r n-m
given by 113• • on the construction of a building is fined
' _ a1 (1- r") _ a1 (r" -1) P40,000 per day for each of the first ten days of
§!_ries_is the indicated ~ of a sequence of S,, - - - - or 5n -
1-r r- 1 extra time, and for each additional day
numbers. Thus, thereafter the fine is increased by P8,000. If the
a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + a. + ... Where: a. = n th term usually the last term contractor is fined. Pl,008,000, by how many
is the series corresponding to the sequence a.,=
a term after a1 but before a" extra days was the construction delayed?
3. The numbers 28, x + 2, 112 are the first th ree
5,, = sum of n terms
terms in a GP. What is the 31•' term?
Answer: 30,064,771,070
General Tem, of a Series Infinite Geometric Progression (1.G.P.) 4, Find the sum of a sequence of four positive
·J'he general term of a series is an expression A G.P. in which -1 !> r S 1, r 1' 0 and 11 =~
numbers, the first of which is 6 and the fourth
involving n, such that by taking n = 1, 2, 3, ..., one of which is 16, if the first three numbers ~orm
obtains the first, second, third, ... term of the series. s =~
an AP and the last three numbers form a GP.
" 1- r
An.,,....icr: 43
Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) 5. The arithmetic mean of two numbers is 7.5 &
Harmonic Progression (H.P.) t~eir harmonic me~ is 4.8. Find their
A sequence of numbers is in AP. if any number
A sequence of numbers are in H.P. if their geometric mean. A11Swer: 6
after the first is obtained by adding a fixed number
reciprocals form an A.P. 6. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 9m
to the one immediately preceding it. The fixed
number tru'!t is added is called the common Example: 1/2, J/5, 1/ 8, 1/ 11, 1/14, 1/ 17 and each time it strikes the ground, it bounces
difference, d. to a height 2/ 3 of that from which it falls. Find
Relationship between Arithmetic Mean, Harmonic the total distance travelled by the ball before it
Example: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 Mean, and Geometric Mean of Two Numbers comes to rest. Answer: 45 m
GM 2 =AM x E-IM 7. If the 1st, 5th and the 8th terms of an AP will form
Formulas for A.P.
a GP, what would be the common ratio of this
d =a2 - a1 =a3 - a2 = a4 - a3 = ... GP? Answ.:r 3/ 4
an =a1 +(n-l)d or an =a111 +(n-m)d Clock Related Problem: 8. A businessman left his office for an
If the minute hand of appointment and noticed the hands of the wall
Sn =::(a1 +an) or S,, = ~[2a1 + (n - l)d] the clock will describe clock at past 8 o'clock. After more· than two
2 2 X
an arc x minute spaces hours he returned and noticed that the hands of
long, then during the the clock were interchanged. At what time did
Geometric Progression (G.P ;) same time span, the he leave and at what time did he return?
A sequence of numbers is in G.P. if any number hour hand will also Answer: left = 8:58:44; c,,me back = 11:44:53
after the first is obtained by multiplying a fixed describe an arc x/12 9. It is no~ past 4PM. Four minutes from now, the
number to the one immediately preceding it. The minute spaces long. In minute hand of the clock will be directly
fixed number that is multiplied is called the short, to identify the opposite the position of the hour hand S
common ratio, r. corresponding m~vement of the hour hand, always minutes ago. What is the time now ? 4:-t9::?.i

Example: 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, 486 divide the movement of the minute hand by 12. 10. A meeting of several transport group leaders
was held to decide whether they should strike
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Civil Engineering May 2019 [~l\1n11w IMMOYITION!
ur not. It was arranged that during the many boxes of detergent are necessary for the 29. Ernie's average in 6 subjects 1s 83 . ff his h,w,,.. .
counting, those in favor should remain pyramid? A11swa : 120 grade is disregarded, his rem aini ng subjert 1,
84. What is his lowest grade? [ 78 ]
standing and those against should sit down. In 20. Find the common ratio of an !Gr in which any
due course, the acting chairman announced term is thrice the sum of the succeeding terms. 30. Instead of multiplyi ng the number by 17, Fred
th.:1t the motion is carried by a majority eq4al to Answ~i-: 1/ 4 divided it by 17. If the answer he o bta ined was
exactly ,1 quarter of the opposition, A man 21. It is now between 3 and 4 o'clock and in 20 1, what should have been the correct a nswer? [ 289 ]
protested, saying some of them could not sit minutes the minute hand will be as much 31. There are seven arithmetic means between 3
down because there were not enough chairs. So ahead of the hour hand as it is now behind it. and 35. Find the sum of all the term s. [ 171 ]
the chairman decided that those who wanted to What is the time now? Answer: 3:06.36 32. Which of the following numbers s hould be
sit down but couldn' t, will raise their right 22. If 4, 2, 5, and 18 are added respectively to the changed to make all the nu mbers fo rm ,rn
hand. He counted a dozen and then announced first four terms of an arithmetic progression, arithmetic progression when properly
the motion is lost by a majority of 1. How many the resulting series is a geometric progression. arranged?
transport leaders were in that meeting? 207 What is the common difference of the A. 27 /14 C. 45/ 28
11. Runner A travels at 1200fpm. Runner B travels arithmetic progression? Answer: 7 B. 33/28 D. 20/ 14
975' during the 1st minute but goes 150' further 23. Find two numbers such that their sum 33. The geometric mean of two numbers is 8 and
each minute than in the minute immediately multiplied by the sum of their squares is 5500, their arithmetic mean is 17. What is the fi rst
preceding. Who will win in a mile race? and their difference multiplied by the number? [ 2, 32 ]
Answer: B wire. difference of their squares is 352. One of the 34. a and b are positive numbers. a, -4, b ... form a
12. Determine x so that x, 2x + 7, 10x - 7 will be a numbers is ... Answo?r: 13 geometric progression. 14, a, b... form an
geometric progression. An.<wer: 7; -7 /6 24. Find the 8th term in the following series of arithmetic progression. Find the value of a. [ -1 or 8 ]
13. Find the harmonic mean between 3 & 11:. numbers: 6, 7, 11, 20; 36, ... Answer: 146 35. The sum of the first n terms of a series is 3°-2 -
Am: 33/7 25. The arithmetic mean of two numbers is 37 and 6. Find the fifth term of the series. [ 1458 ]
14. A cask containing 20 liters of v.rine was emptied their geometric mean is 35. What is the 36. What is the value of x if 1, %, 1/ x,_1/ 10, .. . form
of one-fifth of its contents and then filled w ith difference between their harmonic mean and a harmonic progression? [7]
water. If this is done 20 times, how many liters geometric mean? Answer: 1.892 37. Determine the sum of the infinite geometric
of wine will remain in the cask? A n,-i.t'<r: 0.2306\i 26. What time between 2 and 3 o'clock will the series of 1 - 1/ 5 + 1/25.? [ 5/6 ]
15. The arithmetic mean of two numbers exc.eeds angle between the hands of the clock be Situation 1. The fourth telTI\ of a geometric
their geometric mean by two. Find the numbers bisected by t.he line connecting the center of the progression is 6 and the 10th term is 384.
if one is 40 less than the other.Answer: 81 & 121 clock and the 3 u' clock mark? Answer: 2:18:27.6 38. What is the common ratio of the G.P.? [2]
16. Insert three arithmetic means between 11 & 14. 27. Benjie set out on a bike at the rate of 6 km/hr. 39. What is the first term? [ 0.75 ]
Answer: 11.75, 12.5, 13.25 After Benjie had gone 2 hours, Jerwin set out to 40. What is the seventh term? [ 48 ]
17. The first three terms in AP are 20, 16 and 12. overtake him and went on a bike 4 km the first Situation 2. What time after 3:00 o'clock will the
Which term is -96? Answer: 30th term hour, 5 km the second hour, 6 km the third hour minute-hand and the hour-hand of the clock be
18. A besieged fortress is held by 5,700 men who 41. together for the first time? [ 16.36 ]
and so on, gaining 1 km every hour. After how
have provisions for 66 days. If the fortress loses 42. perpendicular for the first time? [ 32.73 ]
many hours were they together?
20 men each day, for how long will the An5wer: Bhrs of Jerwin 43. in straight line for the first time? [ 49.09 ]
provisions hold out? An.wer: 76 days 28. An equilateral triangle is inscribed within a Situation 3. How soon after 5:00 o'clock will the
19. In a display window a grocer wishes to place circle whose diameter is 12 cm. In this triangle hands of the clock form ...
44. a 60-degree angle for the first time? [ 16.36 ]
boxes of detergent in pyramid form so that the a circle is inscribed; and in this circle, another
bottom row contains 15 boxes, the next row 45. a 60-degree angle for the second time? [ 38.18 ]
equilateral triangle is inscribed; . and so on [ 54.55 ]
contains 14 boxes, the,next row contains 13 46. a 150-degree angles?
indefinitely. Find the sum of the areas of all the
boxes, and so on, with one box on top. How triangles. · Answer: 62.35 cm'
Davao: https:// www.facebook..com/ revietvi~novations.dnvaobraro<r.
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Engine trouble occurred after 1 hour Solution: Algebra 2 #1
~ + 3 = 1 + 1 + _d_-_v 999 9
Three-digit numbers: 100, 101, 102,103, · · ., ; N == oo
Divisible by three: 102, 105, 108, 111, · · · 999 ~ AP, d =
t> 0 .6v 1

~+ = + Sd _~ a11 =a1 +(11-l)d

3 2
v 3v 3 999=102+(n-1)(3)
2d 8 n=300
--==-- ~ Equation (1)
3v 3 Required = N - 11 = 600

1: v

V + 50
d •1 Solution: Algebra 2 #2

Utn day penalty= P48,000

12th day penalty = P56,000

13th day penalty = P64,000

Penalty in the l s ' ten days= 40,000 x 10 = P400,000

Arithmetic Progression
d = 8,000
. .. - a1 = 48,000
Had the engine trouble occurred 50 km farther
400,000 + Sum of AP., S = 1,008,000
~ + (3 -1.5) = l + 50 + l + d - v - 50 S = 608,000
V V Q~
½n[2a1 +(n-1)d] = 608, 000
d 3 50 5d 5 250
-+ - = 1+ - + 1+ - - - - - n=8
1' 2 v 3v 3 3v
2d 1001 7 The construction was delayed for 18 days
~ Equation (2)
•3 V 3 V 6
Solution: Algebra 2 #3
Mode .• . 5 ... 1
d 1 9 Mode 3 6
- = 4 and - = - y a31 = 31.~ = 30,064,771,070
v V 200 28
9d = 4 112
y = Shift 1:Stat 5:Reg
d = 88.89 km
Solution: .Algebra 2 #4
6 x y , 16 For G.P.
Solution: Algebra 1 #15
L_.----+-lc:=;,_. _ __,J
__ ~ 16
V1t = 2.25V2 V2t = 4,Ji --Y y~ J!... = ...,....... ➔ y 2 = 16x .
4v1 A.P. X y
t = 2.25v 2 t=-
V1 V2
G .P . :. (2'\'. - 6) 2 = 16x
For A. P. 4x2 - 24x + 36 = 16.'\'.
I Vtt 4v1 x - 6 =y - x 4x2 - 40x + 36 = O·
1 •1
Ao------=--~-------,8 • Meeting Point y = 2x .:. 6 x = 9 and 1
y = 12 and -4
\. \. I The positive numbers are: 6, 9, 12, 16
Sum= 6 + 9 + l2 +16 = 43
Hence, Thus,
2.25v 4v1 4v Solution: Algebra 2 #5
- -2= - .t = -1= 3hrs
V1 V2 .i •v .
3 1 GM 2 = AMxHM ; GM2 = 7.S x 4.8 ; GM=6
V2 = .i.3 v1
Solution: Algebra 2 #6
Time for each train to make the tr.ip
t1 = 3 + 4 = 7 hrs ~ train from A to B
t2 == 3+ 2.25 = 5.25 hrs ~ train from B to A

l.G .P. First tem1. flt = 1~

CE Review May 2019 -E11gr. R umel T arcel o F. \.'e, lam

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