This document provides an overview of stochastic hydrology as taught in a course. It introduces key concepts such as random variables, probability distributions, parameter estimation, time series analysis and applications in hydrology. Specific topics covered include one and multi-dimensional random variables, commonly used probability distributions, auto-regressive moving average models, and applications like flood forecasting, reservoir operations, and water quality modeling. Examples of random variables in hydrology and how to determine probability distributions from probability density functions are also demonstrated.
This document provides an overview of stochastic hydrology as taught in a course. It introduces key concepts such as random variables, probability distributions, parameter estimation, time series analysis and applications in hydrology. Specific topics covered include one and multi-dimensional random variables, commonly used probability distributions, auto-regressive moving average models, and applications like flood forecasting, reservoir operations, and water quality modeling. Examples of random variables in hydrology and how to determine probability distributions from probability density functions are also demonstrated.
This document provides an overview of stochastic hydrology as taught in a course. It introduces key concepts such as random variables, probability distributions, parameter estimation, time series analysis and applications in hydrology. Specific topics covered include one and multi-dimensional random variables, commonly used probability distributions, auto-regressive moving average models, and applications like flood forecasting, reservoir operations, and water quality modeling. Examples of random variables in hydrology and how to determine probability distributions from probability density functions are also demonstrated.
This document provides an overview of stochastic hydrology as taught in a course. It introduces key concepts such as random variables, probability distributions, parameter estimation, time series analysis and applications in hydrology. Specific topics covered include one and multi-dimensional random variables, commonly used probability distributions, auto-regressive moving average models, and applications like flood forecasting, reservoir operations, and water quality modeling. Examples of random variables in hydrology and how to determine probability distributions from probability density functions are also demonstrated.
!"#!$" !"&'!'(') *+ &,!)",) !"#$%& !"()&()% Introduction to Random Variables (RVs) Probability Distributions - One dimensional RVs Higher Dimensional RVs Joint Distribution; Conditional Distribution; Independence Properties of Random Variables Parameter Estimation Maximum Likelihood Method and Method of Moments Commonly Used Distributions in Hydrology Hydrologic Data Generation Introduction to Time Series Analysis Purely stochastic Models; Markov Processes !"#$%& !"()&()% *+"(),- Analysis in the Frequency Domain : Spectral Density Auto Correlation and Partial Auto Correlation Auto Regressive Moving Average Models (Box-Jenkins models model identification; Parameter estimation ; calibration and validation ; Simulation of hydrologic time series ; Applications to Hydrologic Data Generation and Forecasting) .&/&$&(+& 0""1% Haan, C.T., "Statistical Methods in Hydrology", First East-West Press Edition, New Delhi, 1995. Bras, R.L. and Rodriguez-Iturbe , Random Functions and Hydrology, Dover Publications, New York, USA, 1993. Clarke, R.T., "Statistical Models in Hydrology", John Wiley, Chinchester, 1994. Yevjevich V. Probability and statistics in Hydrology, Water Resources Publications, Colorado, 1972. Ang, A.H.S. and Tang, W.H., "Probabilistic concepts in Engineering Planning Design", Vol. 1, Wiley, New York, 1975. Effluent streamflow Reservoir Typical Water Resource System Irrigated Agriculture ! Hydro-power R iv e r
Non Point Source Pollution Groundwater Reservoir Recharge Rainfall Rainfall Base flow Pumping Catchment Gauge-A Reservoir Regulated flow Streamflow Time (months) Flow (Mm 3 ) Mean flow Observed (historical) flows at Gauge - A Reservoir Design and Operation
Medium term forecasts for hydropower/ irrigation/water supply, Short term forecasts for flood control Stochastic Hydrology - Applications History provides a valuable clue to the future Rain Gauge Stream Gauge Rainfall Stream Flow Joint variation of rainfall and streamflow in a catchment Rainfall-Runoff relationships
Stochastic Hydrology - Applications Real-time Flood Forecasting '*-" $ To forecast water levels at A, with sufficient lead time Water level at A: Function of rainfall in the catchment upstream, evaporation, infiltration, storage, vegetation and other catchment characteristics. Stochastic Hydrology - Applications Multi-reservoir systems Flood forecasting Intermediate catchment flows Long-term operation of the system
Stochastic Hydrology - Applications
Reliability of Meeting Future Demands How often does the system Fail to deliver?
Resiliency of the System How quickly can the system recover from failure?
Vulnerability of the system Effect of a failure (e.g., expected flood damages; deficit hydropower etc.) Stochastic Hydrology - Applications Rainfall AET GW Pumping Recharge Canal Recharge Release D/S Flow Inflow RESERVOIR IRRIGATED AREA AQUIFER C o n j u n c t i v e
u s e
o f
s u r f a c e
a n d
g r o u n d
w a t e r
Net outflow Stochastic Hydrology - Applications Water Quality in Streams Non-point Source Pollution Governed by : Streamflow, Temperature, Hydraulic properties, Effluent discharges, Non-point source pollution, Reaction rates !.. Stochastic Hydrology - Applications Stochastic Hydrology - Applications ! Flood frequency analysis ! return period of critical events ! Probable Maximum Flood ! Intensity-Duration-Frequency relationships, ! Run-lengths : intervals between rainy days ! Time series, data generation, flow forecasting ! Joint variation of flows in two or more streams ! Urban floods Estimates of design rainfall intensity based on probability concepts ! Spatial variation in aquifer parameters ! Uncertainties introduced by climate change Likely changes in frequencies and magnitudes of floods & droughts. Likely changes in stream flow, precipitation patterns, recharge to ground water + . / 0
1 2
Stochastic Hydrology - Applications Random Variable Real-valued function defined on the sample space. Element s in the sample space Y(s) Y Sample space of an experiment Possible real values of Y Y is a Random Variable Intuitively, a random variable (RV) is a variable whose value cannot be known with certainty, until the RV actually takes on a value; In this sense, most hydrologic variables are random variables Random Variable RVs of interest in hydrology " Rainfall in a given duration " Streamflow " Soil hydraulic properties (e.g. permeability, porosity) " Time between hydrologic events (e.g. floods of a given magnitude) " Evaporation/Evapotranspiration " Ground water levels " Re-aeration rates
Random Variable Any function of a random variable is also a random variable. For example, if X is a r.v., then Z = g(X) is also r.v. Capital letters will be used for denoting r.v.s and small letters for the values they take e.g. X rainfall, x = 30 mm Y stream flow, y = 300 Cu.m. We define events on the r.v. e.g. X=30 ; a <Y <b We associate probabilities to occurrence of events represented as P[X=30], P[a<Y<b] etc.
Discrete & Continuous R.V.s Discrete R.V.: Set of values a random variable can assume is finite (or countably infinite). No. of rainy days in a month (0,1,2!.30) Time (no of years) between two flood events (1,2!.)
Continuous R.V.: If the set of values a random variable can assume is infinite (the r.v. can take on values on a continuous scale) Amount of rainfall occurring in a day Streamflow during a period Flood peak over threshold Temperature Probability Distributions Discrete random variables: Probability Mass Function p(x i ) > 0 ; ! p(x i ) = 1 i x 1 x 2 x 3 x n x n-1
. . . . . . . . . . . . p(x i ) p(x i ) = P [X = x i ] Probability Distributions Cumulative distribution function : discrete RV F(x) =! p(x i ) x i < x x 1 x 2 x 3 x n x n-1
. . . . . . . . . . . . p(x 1 ) 1.0 p(x 1 )+p(x 2 ) P[X = x i ] = F(x i ) F(x i-1 ) The r.v., being discrete, cannot take values other than x 1 , x 2 , x 3 !!!. x n ; P[X = x] = 0 for x " x 1 , x 2 , x 3 !!!. x n Some times, it is advantageous to treat continuous r.v.s as discrete rvs. e.g., we may discretise streamflow at a location into a finite no. of class intervals and associate probabilities of the streamflow belonging to a given class
Continuous R.V.s pdf # Probability Density Function f(x) cdf # Cumulative Distribution Function F(x)
Any function satisfying f(x) > 0 and
can be a pdf ( ) 1 f x ! "! = # a x b f(x) pdf is NOT probability, but a probability density & therefore pdf value can be more than 1 Continuous RVs P [x < X < x+dx] x dx
f(x) [ ] P ( ) lim ( ) 1 dx x X x dx f x f x dx dx ! "! #! < $ + = = % where Continuous RVs PDF # Probability Density Function (Probability mass per unit x)
P [x 1 <X<x 2 ] = 2 1 ( ) x x f x dx ! x x 2 f(x) x 1 P[x 1 < X < x 2 ] = Continuous RVs 2 1 ( ) x x f x dx ! P[x 1 < X < x 2 ] = F(x 2 ) F(x 1 ) x F(x) x 1 x x 2 PDF CDF P[a < X < b] is probability that x takes on a value between a and b equals area under the pdf between a and b P[a < X < b] = F(b) F(a) a x b f(x) P[a<X<b] ( ) ( ) ( ) b a b a f x dx f x dx f x dx !" !" = ! = # # # F (x) = P[X < x] = ( ) x f x dx !" # Continuous RVs x 1 x 1 f(x) F(x) P[X < x 1 ] x x PDF CDF ( ) ( ) dF x f x dx = Cumulative Distribution Function F (x) = P[X < x] = ( ) x f x dx !" # ( ) a f x dx !" # 3 f(x) 3 Area under pdf = 1 F(x) 1.0 P[X<a] = = Area under the pdf up to a Max. value= 1 x For continuous RVs, probability of the RV taking a value exactly equal to a specified value is zero That is P[X = x] = 0 ; X continuous
P[X = d] = P[d < X < d] = P [x- "x < X < x+ "x] " 0 Because P[X = a] = 0 for continuous r.v.
P[a < X < b] = P[a < X < b] = P[a < X < b] = P[a < X < b] ( ) 0 d d f x dx = ! P[X > a] = ( ) ( ) a f x dx f x dx ! "! "! = " # # x a f(x) 1-P[X<a] Area indicates P[X>a] ( ) a f x dx ! " = 1 F(a) = 1 P[X < a]
P[x > a] = 1 P[x < a] Mixed Distributions P [X = d] " 0 A finite probability associated with a discrete event X = d At other values that X can assume, there may be a continuous distribution. e.g., probability distribution of rainfall during a day: there is a finite probability associated with a day being a non-rainy day, i.e., P [X=0], where x is rainfall during a day; and for x"0, the r.v. has a continuous distribution ; [ ] 1 2 ( ) ( ) 1.0 d d f x dx P x d f x dx ! "! + = + = # # x f 1 (x) P[X=d] X=d f 2 (x) Mixed Distributions In this case, P [X < d] " P [X < d]
1.0 x "F=P[X=d] d F(x) F(0) = P [X < 0] = P(X=0), in this case. x x 0 P[X=0] f(x), x>0 1.0 F(x) 0 f(x) Distribution of rainfall during a day Example Problem f(x) = a.x 2 0 < x < 4 = 0 otherwise
1. Determine the constant a
( ) 1 f x dx ! "! = # 2 4 3 0 . 1 1 3 a x dx x a ! "! = # $ = % & ' ( ) Gives a = 3/64 and f(x) = 3x 2 /64; 0 < x < 4 2. Determine F(x) 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) x x F x f x dx f x dx !" = = # # 2 0 3 0 3 64 3 64 3 x x x dx x = ! " = # $ % & ' 3 ( ) 0 4 64 x F x x = ! ! ( ) 3 3 27 P[X 3] F 3 64 64 ! = = = Then, for example, P[X < 4] = F(4) = 1.0
P[1 < X < 3] = F(3) - F(1) = 26/64
P [X>6] From the definition of the pdf, this must be zero
P [X>6] = 1 - P[X < 6]
= 1 [ 0 + 1.0 + 0 ] = 0 0 4 6 0 4 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) f x dx f x dx f x dx !" # $ = ! + + % & ' ( ) ) ) Example problem Consider the following pdf
f(x) = x>0
1. Derive the cdf 2. What is the probability that x lies between 3 and 5 3. Determine x such that P[X < x] = 0.5 4. Determine x such that P[X > x] = 0.75 /5 1 5 x e ! 1. CDF: 2. P[3< X < 5] = F(5) - F(3) = 0.63 0.45 = 0.18 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) x x F x f x dx f x dx !" = = # # /5 0 /5 0 1 5 x x x x e dx e ! ! = " # = ! $ % & /5 ( ) 1 x F x e ! " # = ! $ % 3. Determine x such that P[X < x] = 0.5
4. Determine x such that P[X > x] = 0.75
/5 1 0.5 / 5 ln0.5 3.5 x e x x ! " # ! = $ % ! = = [ ] /5 /5 P[X x] 1 0.75 1 1 0.75 0.75 / 5 ln 0.75 1.44 x x P X x e e x x ! ! " = ! # = $ % ! ! = & ' = ! = =