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1 250

Power & Energy Meter for Utility and Critical Industrial Substations

Revenue Metering Power Quality Metering

• 0.2% Energy Accuracy • PQ Analyzer with Limits, THD Monitoring, and
Harmonics Recording
• Perpetual Time of Use, Transformer/Line Loss
Compensation, and Test Mode • 512 Samples/Cycle Waveform Recording on Surge

and Sag Events

• Real Time SCADA Communication Capability:
Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP, Level 2 DNP3,
and IEC 61850 Applications
• Multiple Communication Ports: USB Front Port, • Utility Substation Metering
RS485 Port, and Two Optional Ethernet Ports
• Distribution Automation
• 128 MB Memory for Logging and Data Storage
• Alternative Energy
• Upgradable I/O
• Industrial Control Panels
• Cyber Secured Configuration
• Power Quality Studies
• SCADA Metering

Electro Industries/GaugeTech™
The Leader in Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions™
Introduction Time of Use

The Shark® 250 meter is the latest addition to the Shark® Series power The Shark® 250 meter uses a perpetual Time of Use (TOU) calendar that
and energy meter line. Designed for Utility substation and critical only needs to be set up once. The TOU implementation allows the user to
industrial applications, its features include: set up multiple rates to meet most contractual obligations. It also allows
the user to customize any energy parameter for TOU. The 16 available
TOU registers can be configured not only for TOU built-in energy readings,
• Enhanced Revenue metering features, such as onboard Time of
but also for any stored data from pulses or totalizers.
Use, CT/PT compensation, Test Mode and Energy presets, pulse
accumulators and totalizers.
• Perpetual TOU calendar – set up only once and use indefinitely.
• Multiple serial or Ethernet ports for redundant communication.
• Up to four seasons - seasons can be customized.
• Front panel USB port.
• Up to 12 months per year - set independently from seasons.
• Large memory capacity for more significant load studies,
including longer storage without overwriting of data. • Flexible billing periods/rates/holidays/schedules setup.

• Cyber secured configuration for nonintrusive substation use. • Perform TOU on up to 16 configurable datasets consisting of 38
channels of data, including all energy channels, pulse data,
• Rugged design for harsh environments, with standard conformal readings per quadrant and phase, and pulse aggregators.
coating and superior surge withstand capability.
• Cumulative and continuous cumulative demand are available.
• Level 2 DNP3 and IEC 61850.

CT/PT Compensation

Enhanced Revenue Metering

For stringent accuracy requirements, the meter can compensate for the
Features inaccuracies of the instrument transformers. The Shark® 250 meter has
built-in features that allow a utility provider to adjust the energy meter to
Utilities today face many challenges when metering customers. Installed compensate for these inaccuracies, using both amplitude and phase angle
meters need to be highly accurate and verifiable. Due to reductions in adjustments. CT reversal setting is supported.
labor force, modern meters need to be both reliable and designed for a
long operation life. The Shark® 250 meter meets these requirements Loss Compensation
with advanced metering technology and superior engineering to
improve reliability.The meter is an ANSI C12.20 Class 0.2% meter that
The meter can compensate energy readings for transformer and line
also conforms to the IEC 62053-22 CL 0.2S standard for accuracy.
losses. This allows a utility to properly bill a customer for usage, even if
The Shark® 250 meter is designed to provide precise and reliable
the meter is placed on the secondary side of the transformer.
measurements that are highly stable, and that maintain accuracy over a
long period of time. The Shark® 250 meter provides a comprehensive
revenue energy measurement capability, including:

• Energy Test Pulse.

• Test Mode and Energy presets.

• Perpetual Time of Use.

• CT/PT compensation.

• Pulse accumulators and totalizers.

• Up to 8 Pulse Outputs and 8 Pulse Inputs.

Cyber Secured Configuration

The Shark® 250 meter uses a multi-level Cyber Secure encrypted

configuration to protect your metering data. The meter’s Cyber security
is designed to prevent tampering and hacking of your power system data.
Features of the meter’s unique Cyber Security include the following:

• Highly secure encrypted passwords.

• 9 user IDs and passwords - up to 30 characters in length to

insure password strength.
The meter’s Cyber secured configuration is easily set up using
• An administrator and up to 8 user IDs can be created. EIG’s Communicator EXT™ software.

• Password fail timeouts to eliminate brute force attacks.

Robust Communication for Utilities
• Access to the following functions can be controlled:

• Reset energy readings. The Shark® 250 meter is equipped with an advanced communication
• Upload firmware. architecture suited to the specific needs of Utilities. The Shark® 250
meter allows up to 4 serial and Ethernet communication ports, including a
• Reset demand. front panel USB, a standard RS485, optional RS232/RS485, and up to two
• Download and reset logs – access can be controlled for Ethernet ports.
each log, independently.
• Edit TOU calendar, read TOU data, and reset TOU • Level 2 DNP3 (available for 1 serial and/or 1 Ethernet port) and/
accumulators. or IEC 61850.
• Edit and upload programmable settings. • Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP.
• Execute Test Mode.
• NTP, SMTP, HTTP Ethernet protocols.
• Edit CT/PT compensation.
• Ethernet ports and Serial ports.
• Back up meter files.
• Control read access for a COM port.
• Access control functions for I/O. Standard Communication
• Reset input and output counters.
• Meter restart. USB Port

• Manual waveform capture date/time.

• For laptop PC read and programming.
• Set preset energy.
• Change V-Switch™ key. • Modbus ASCII, 57.6k baud.

USB Mini-B
RS485 Port Connection

• Level 2 DNP3.

• Modbus RTU/ASCII, up to 57.6k baud.

IEC 61850

Level 2 DNP3

Field-Expandable I/O and PO1S: Four Pulse Outputs / Four Status Inputs

Communication Capabilities
• Programmable to any energy parameter and
pulse value.
The Shark® 250 meter offers unequaled I/O
expandability. Using the two universal option slots, the unit can be • Form A: Normally open contacts.
easily configured to accept new I/O cards even after installation. The unit
auto-detects installed I/O option cards. Up to 2 cards of any type can be • Also used for End of Interval pulse.
used per meter. For metering applications, it is imperative to not only
measure the energy data, but also to be able to communicate this real
RO1S: Two Relay Outputs / Two Status
time data, in order to meet many operational needs. The Shark® 250
meter is able to send data to many different systems, using multiple open
protocols. These protocols include Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP, Level 2 DNP3
and IEC 61850. The meter’s communication architecture is flexible, and • 30 V AC / 30 V DC - 0.25 A relays, form C.
designed to integrate directly into most existing systems. • Trigger on user set alarms.

INP100S: 100BaseT Ethernet Capability • Set delays and reset delays.

• NTP time server for high accuracy network time FOVPS or FOSTS: Fiber Optic Card

• 12 simultaneous Modbus TCP/IP connections. • EIG’s exclusive Fiber Optic Daisy Chain switchable
built-in logic mimics RS485 half duplex bus, so
• 5 simultaneous Level 2 DNP3 over Ethernet you can daisy chain meters for lower installation
connections. costs. Full duplex is also assignable.

• ST Terminated Option (-FOSTS).

INP300S: IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Card
• Versatile Link Terminated Option (-FOVPS).
• Simultaneous communication of IEC 61850 and • Modbus and Level 2 DNP3 protocols available.
Modbus TCP/IP.

• 5 simultaneous MMS clients. RS1S: Serial Communication Card

• Multiple logical nodes.
• Programmable RS485 or RS232 Port.

1mAOS: Four Channel Bi-directional 0-1 mA Outputs • Up to 2 ports per meter in addition to the standard
RS485 port.
• Assignable to any parameter.
One session of DNP3 serial is available at a time within the meter.
• 0.1% of full scale.

• Max. Load Impedance 10 kΩ. Meter Auto Detects
I/O Card Type

20mAOS: Four Channel 4-20 mA Outputs

Simple Field
• Assignable to any parameter.

• 0.1% of full scale.

• 850 Ω at 24 V DC.

• Loop powered using up to 24 V DC. Field Expandable I/O Slots

Large Memory Capacity I/O Change Log

The Shark® 250 meter offers up to 128 MB memory for logging and data • Provides a time stamped log of any relay output.
storage. This large memory capacity facilitates:
• Provides a time stamped log of input status changes.

• More significant load studies. • 2048 events available.

• Longer storage without overwriting of data.

Limit/Alarm Log
• Flash sector profiling for improved long-term operation.
• Provides magnitude and duration of an event.
Feature V-Switch™ Key 3 V-Switch™ Key 4
• Includes time stamps and alarm value.
Storage and
Logging 10 MB 128 MB
Memory • 2048 events available.
36 months of recording and 76 months of recording and
Logging storage for 4 energy values storage for 4 energy values • Email on alarm capability with INP100S Ethernet card.
Capability recorded every 15 minutes; up to recorded every 15 minutes; up to
79 waveform record captures 319 waveform record captures
Waveform Limit Alarms and Control Capability
Up to 128 samples per cycle Up to 512 samples per cycle

Limit Events:
Historical Logs

• Any measured parameter.

• Up to 6 assignable historical logs.
• Up to 16 limits.
• Independently programmed trending profiles.
• Voltage unbalance.
• Up to 64 parameters per log.
• Current unbalance.

• Based on % of full scale settings.

System Events Log

To protect critical billing information, the meter records and logs the
following with a time stamp:
Limits Alarms Screen

• Demand resets.
Rugged Design
• System startup.
The Shark® 250 meter is designed for harsh environments. It features:
• Energy resets.

• Log resets. • Standard PCB conformal coating on all circuit boards.

• Critical data repairs. • Compliant to IEC 610186-1/2/3 (high reliability).

• Programmable settings changes. • Improved surge withstand capability.

• Password requests/sealing switch changes. • Intrinsically safe current connections.

Power Quality Measurement and V-Switch™ Key Technology
The Shark® 250 meter is equipped with V-Switch™ key technology, a
The Shark® 250 meter records up to 512 samples per cycle for a voltage virtual firmware-based switch that lets you enable meter features through
sag or swell, or a current fault event. The unit provides the pre and post- software communication. V-Switch™ key technology allows meter up-
event recording capability shown in the table below. Waveform records are grades after installation without removal from service.
programmable to the desired sampling rate. V4 provides up to 128 MB of
storage. Features V1 V2 V3 V4
Basic Measurements

The meter's advanced DSP design allows power quality triggers to be Multifunction Measurement P P P P

based on a 1 cycle updated RMS. Hundreds of events can be stored until Programmable Display P P P P

the memory fills. The meter stores waveform data in a first-in/first-out Time of Use P P P P

circular buffer to insure data is always recording. System Events P P P

Input Status Change P P P P
Limits P P P P
Optional Waveform Recorder
Harmonics P P P P
2 MB Memory** (3 Historical logs) P
Samples Pre Event Post Event Max Waveform
per Cycle Cycles Cycles per Event 10 MB Memory** (6 Historical logs) P

32 16 48 128 128 MB Memory** (6 Historical logs) P

V3 64 8 24 64 Waveform 128 samples P

128 4 12 32 Waveform 512 samples P

256 2 6 16 CT/PT Comp P P P P

V4 TLC Compensation P P P P
512 1 3 8
Note: Sampling rate based on 60 Hz systems. For 50 Hz systems, IEC 61850 Protocol P P P

multiply by 1.2. Level 2 DNP3 P P P P

Modbus Protocol*** P P P P
Waveform Scope
** Note that some memory is reserved for internal operations.

*** See the Shark® 250 Meter Modbus Protocol Application Guide for instructions on
The unit uniquely offers a waveform scope using Modbus with the meter.
to view the real time waveform for voltage
and current. The waveform scope allows the
meter to be used as a basic oscilloscope throughout a power system.
Shark® 250T Transducer Mounting

Independent CBEMA Log Plotting This transducer version of the Shark® 250 meter does not include a
display. The unit mounts directly to a DIN rail and provides an RS485
Modbus or DNP3 output and the expandable I/O.
The meter stores an independent CBEMA
log for magnitude and duration of volt-
age events. This allows a user to quickly
view total surges, total sags and duration,
without retrieving waveform data.

Harmonic Recording to the 40th Order

The Shark® 250 meter provides

advanced harmonic analysis to the
40th order for each voltage and
current channel, in real time. Using the
stored waveforms, harmonic analysis
is available to the 255th order.

Dimensional Drawings

4.71 in
[12.00 cm]
4.85 in 4.10 in
[12.32 cm] [10.41 cm] 3.62 in
[9.20 cm]
4 X 0.2 in

4.0 in

[12.32 cm]

[12.75 cm]

[9.20 cm]
4.85 in

5.02 in

3.62 in
3.25 in The unit mounts directly into an ANSI C39.1 or an IEC 92 mm DIN square form,
[8.26 cm] perfect for new and existing installations.

Shark® 250 Meter Shark® 250 Meter ANSI Mounting DIN Mounting
Front Dimensions Side Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions

Wiring Diagrams



3 Phase 4 Wire 3 Phase 3 Wire

WYE Direct Delta Direct

Power Earth Ground Power

CT Supply
Shorting Connection
Earth Ground FUSE FUSE
L(+) L(+)
N(-) 3A N(-) 3A
N(-) N(-)
lc lb la lc lb la Vref
Vb Vb
Vc Vc

3 x 0.1A 3 x 0.1A




3 Phase 4 Wire 3 Phase 3 Wire

WYE with PTs Delta with PTs

Power Earth Ground Power

Supply Supply
Connection Connection
Earth Ground FUSE
L(+) L(+) FUSE
N(-) 3A N(-) 3A
N(-) N(-)
lc lb la Vref lc lb la Vref
Vb Vb
Vc Vc

3 x 0.1A 2 x 0.1A

Earth Ground
Earth Ground

Voltage Inputs: • Pass Through Wire Diameter: 0.177”/4.6 mm • Option D: (18-60) Volts DC (24 to 48 V DC • Shark® 250 Meter Mounts in 92 mm DIN or
Systems) ANSI C39.1 4" Round Cutouts
• (20-576) Volts Line To Neutral, (0-721) Volts Isolation:
Line to Line • Burden: 10 VA Max • Shipping Container Dimensions: 6” Cube
• All Inputs and Outputs are Galvanically
• Universal Voltage Input Isolated to 2500 Volts Standard Communication Format: Meter Accuracy:
• Input Withstand Capability – Meets IEEE Environmental Rating: • 2 Com Ports (Back and Faceplate) • 0.2% Energy Accuracy
C37.90.1 (Surge Withstand Capability)
• Storage: (-20 to +70) °C • RS485 Port through Backplate • Note: For 2.5 element programmed units,
• Programmable Voltage Range to Any PT Ratio • Operating: (-20 to +70) °C degrade accuracy by an additional 0.5% of
• USB through Faceplate (uses USB reading.
• Supports: 3 Element WYE, 2.5 Element WYE, • Humidity: to 95% RH Mini-B connector)
2 Element Delta, 4 Wire Delta Systems • Note: For 1A (Class 2) Nominal, degrade
• Non-Condensing • Com Port Baud Rate: (1200 - 57600) bps accuracy to 0.5% of reading for watts and
• Burden: Input Impedance 8Ω; Burden 0.018
• Faceplate Rating: NEMA 1 energy; all other values 2 times rated
W at 120 Volts • Com Port Address: 1-247
• Input Wire Gauge: AWG#12 -26/(0.129 - • Mounting Gasket Included • 8 Bit, Parity Setting: Odd, Even, None
3.31) mm2 • Standard Conformal Coating • Modbus RTU, ASCII or Level 2 DNP3
• IEC 62053-22 (0.2% Accuracy)
Current Inputs: Sensing Method: Protocols
• ANSI (IEEE) C37.90.1 Surge Withstand
• Class 10: (0.005 to 11) A, 5 A Nominal, 18 • True RMS • IEC 61850 available with INP300S
A max • ANSI C62.41 (Burst)
• Sampling at over 400 Samples/Cycle on all KYZ Pulse:
• Class 2: (0.001 to 2) A, 1 A Nominal Channels of Measured Readings • EN61000-6-2 – Immunity for Industrial
• Type Form C Contact
Secondary, 2 A Max Simultaneously Environments: 2005
• On Resistance: 35 Ω Max
• Fault Current Withstand (at 23°C): 100 A for • Harmonics Resolution to 40th Order • EN61000-6-4 – Emission Standards for
10 Seconds, 300 A for 3 Seconds, 500 A for • Peak Voltage: 350 V DC Industrial Environments: 2007
1 Second • Waveform up to 512 Samples/Cycle
• Continuous Load Current: 120 mA • EN61326-1 - EMC Requirements: 2006
Update Rate:
• Continuous Current Withstand: 20 A for Screw
• Peak Load Current: 350 mA (10 ms) • KEMA Certified for IEC 61850
Terminated or Pass Through Connections • Watts, VAR and VA - Every 6 Cycles
• Off State Leakage Current @350 V DC: 1uA • Listed to UL/IEC 61010-1 3rd Ed. and
• Programmable Current to Any CT Ratio • All Other Parameters - Every 60 Cycles
CSAC22.2 No. 61010-1, UL File: E250818
Dimensions and Shipping:
• Burden 0.005 VA per Phase Max at 11 A Power Supply:
• PCBs Conformal Coating: Complies with IEC
• Weight: 2 lbs /.91 kg
• Pickup Current: 0.1% of Nominal: Class 10: 5 • Option D2: Universal, (90 to 265) Volts AC or 61086-1/2/3 (high reliability). For adverse
mA, Class 2: 1 mA (100 to 370) Volts DC • Basic Unit: H4.85" x W4.85" x L4.25" environmental conditions.

Ordering Information - All fields must be filled in to create a valid part number.
Model Frequency Current V-Switch™ Power I/O Slot 1* I/O Slot 2* Mounting
Range Input Pack Supply

Option - - - - - - -
Example: Shark250 - 60 - 10 - V1 - D2 - INP100S - X - X

Shark250 60 10 V1 D2 X X X
(Meter) 60 Hz System 10 Amp Measurement (90-265) V AC/ None None ANSI Mounting
Secondary DC

50 2 V2 D RO1S RO1S DIN

50 Hz System 2 Amp V1+2 MB Memory (18-60) V DC 2 Relays/2 Status 2 Relays/2 Status DIN Mounting Brackets

Shark250T V3 PO1S PO1S

(Transducer) V2+10 MB Memory and 4 Pulses/4 Status 4 Pulses/4 Status
128 Samples per Cycle
Waveform Recording
V4 1mAOS 1mAOS
V3+128 MB Memory 4 Channel Analog 4 Channel Analog
Accessories and 512 Samples Output 0-1 mA Output 0-1 mA
per Cycle Waveform (bidirectional) (bidirectional)
E205301 RS485 to USB Adapter Recording

E169305 USB-A to USB Mini-B Cable 20mAOS 20mAOS

4 Channel Analog 4 Channel Analog
Unicom 2500 RS485 to RS232 Converter Output 4-20 mA Output 4-20 mA

Unicom 2500-F RS485 to RS232 to Fiber Optic Converter FOSTS FOSTS

Fiber Optic Output Fiber Optic Output
Certificate of This provides Certificate of Calibration with ST terminated ST terminated
Calibration, NIST traceable Test Data. FOVPS FOVPS
Part #: CCal Fiber Optic Output Fiber Optic Output
VPIN terminated VPIN terminated
COMEXT4P1Y Communicator EXT™ 4.0 Software for 100BaseT Ethernet 100BaseT Ethernet
Windows Single-Computer License
(One Year) INP300S INP300S
IEC 61850 Protocol IEC 61850 Protocol
Ethernet Ethernet
*I/O cards can be ordered separately using the part numbers shown in the ordering information. RS1S RS1S
RS232/RS485 RS232/RS485
Comm Card Comm Card Shark® 250
web page:
1800 Shames Drive, Westbury, NY 11590 1-877-EIMETER
Electro Industries/GaugeTech™ (1-877-346-3837) Tel: 516-334-0870 Fax: 516-338-4741
The Leader in Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions™ Email: sales@electroind.com www.electroind.com E169702 071018 V.1.01

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