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Intelligent Metering and Control Devices: Applications Summary Features Summary

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Intelligent Metering

and Control Devices

Applications Summary Features Summary For use by industrial sites, commercial facilities,
utilities, power marketers, and energy service
Power Quality Analysis Measurements companies, the ION 7700™ meter offers incredible
Discover the sources of power quality events, ! Revenue certified flexibility and functionality by combining high-
harmonics, and voltage sags/swells. Analyze ! Instantaneous voltage, current, frequency, accuracy, revenue certified power and energy
problems and avoid repeat interruptions. power factor measurements, plus an extensive variety of I/O
! Energy: bi-directional, absolute, net combinations for universal metering. Detailed
Cost Allocation and Billing
! Demand: rolling block, predicted, thermal power quality analysis features keep you informed
Determine cost centers, identify opportunities for
! Harmonics: individual and total harmonic about your power distribution system.
demand control and check energy consumption
patterns. Use comprehensive multi-year distortion up to the 63rd Integrate the meter with our ION Enterprise™
scheduling and time-of-use activity profiles. ! Sag/swell recording software or other energy management and SCADA
systems through multiple communication channels
Demand and Power Factor Control Communications and protocols.
Avoid penalties with automated load shedding, ! Optional built-in modem with ModemGate™
scheduling, peak shaving or capacitor bank control. to allow modem access for 31 other devices Patented ION® technology lets you customize
! Optional 10Base-T or 10Base-FL Ethernet metering or analysis functions at your workstation,
Load Studies and Circuit Optimization port with EtherGate™ for direct data transfer without any hard-wiring. Just graphically link a
Determine the capacity of your electric network from Ethernet to RS-485 few drag-and-drop icons, or select default setups,
and run at peak efficiency. Perform load trending. ! Modbus™ RTU and DNP 3.0 protocol support and you're ready to go.
Equipment Monitoring and Control
On-Board Data Logging
Improve process yields and extend equipment ! Scheduled or event-driven logging of up
life. Meter all your utilities including gas, steam, to 320 parameters
water and more. ! Sequence-of-events and min/max logging
Preventative Maintenance
Setpoints for Control and Alarms
Set up alarms to warn of pending problems. ! Setpoint on any parameter or condition
Log events and alarms for all critical conditions.
! 1 second or 1 cycle operation

Digital Inputs and Outputs

! 4 optional analog inputs
! 8 digital inputs
! Up to 30 addition I/O points can be ordered
ION 7700 www.pwrm.com

Energy Display Front Panel Display Time-Of-Use

The ION 7700 meter can be enhanced with an ! 2 year internal calendar
optional MGT, (Modular Graphics Terminal). ! Up to 15 daily tariff profiles
The MGT features bright back lighting and ! Programmable triggers
adjustable contrast. ! Separate energy and demand accumulators
A wide selection of character sizes enhance visibility
under difficult lighting conditions or at long
The ION 7700 meter offers a comprehensive array
distances. It provides a choice of 24 customizable
of instantaneous (real-time) measurements,
screens (you choose the parameters and the format)
including a choice of high accuracy, 1 second or
and offers password protection.
high-speed, 1 cycle measurements, including
true RMS, per phase and total/average for:
The ION 7700 meter offers a comprehensive set of ! Voltage
high-accuracy metering and recording functions. ! Current
! Active power (kW)
Multiple display formats are available, including bar ! Reactive power (kVAR)
graphs with min/max indicators
The unit is fully bi-directional and meters energy
in four quadrants. It provides active, reactive and ! Apparent power (kVA)
apparent energy parameters and can integrate ! Power factor
any instantaneous power parameter to supply ! Frequency
measurements like: ! Voltage and current unbalance
! kWh delivered ! Phase reversal
! kWh received
Universal Metering
! kWh net (delivered - received)
Accepts input pulses from gas, water, steam, or
! kWh total (delivered + received) other metering equipment. Converts pulses into
! kVARh, kVAh delivered actual consumption values.
! kVARh, kVAh received
! kVARh, kVAh net (delivered - received) Power Quality Metering
! kVARh, kVAh total (delivered + received) Waveform Recording
! Volt-hours It can simultaneously capture all voltage and
View Time-Of-Use data via the front panel current channels, including:
! Amp-hours
! Integration of any instantaneous measurement ! Sub-cycle disturbance capture
Energy registers can be logged automatically ! Up to 14 cycles at 128 samples/cycle
on a programmed schedule. ! Up to 96 cycles at 16 samples/cycle
! Record back-to-back waveforms for up to
several seconds
The ION 7700 meter supports all standard demand
! Display and compare multiple waveforms
calculation methods, including rolling block,
in ION Enterprise software
thermal (exponential), and predicted demand.
It can be configured to measure demand on any Outage Detection
instantaneous value and can record peak (maximum) Advanced setpoint capabilities permit the detection,
and minimum demand with accurate date and time recording, and real-time reporting of outages,
stamps to the second. Peak demand registers can including duration, date, time, and relation to
be reset manually (password protected) or logged other system conditions.
and reset automatically on a programmed schedule.
Out-of-Limit Detection
Measurements include:
The meter offers accurate and reliable setpoint
! kW demand, min/max
capabilities for the detection, recording, and
! kVAR demand, min/max real-time reporting of frequency variations,
! kVA demand, min/max voltage or current phase imbalances, loss of
! Amps demand, min/max voltage or current phase, power factor variations,
! Volts demand, min/max overvoltages or undervoltages, etc.
! Demand on any instantaneous measurement

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Performance Indicators Data and Event Recording View waveforms right at the front panel
The unit can be configured to meter a wide range The meter can be equipped with up to 4 MB of
of utility performance indicators, including: meter-based nonvolatile memory, ensuring important
! Total outage time (in seconds) data is never lost, even in the event of communication
! Out-of-tolerance duration for total harmonic or power loss.
distortion, voltage, frequency, power factor
and hundreds of other definable indices Load Profiling
The ION 7700 meter incorporates 320 channels
Harmonic Distortion Metering via 20 data recorders. Channel assignments are
Complete harmonic distortion metering, recording configurable for historical trend recording of
and real-time reporting, up to the 63rd harmonic, energy, demand, voltage, current, power quality,
for all voltage and current inputs. or any other measured parameter. Trigger
! Individual harmonics recorders on a time interval basis, a calendar
! Total even harmonics schedule, by alarm/event condition, or manually.
! Total odd harmonics High-Speed Data Recording
! Total harmonics (even + odd) Use high-speed “burst” recording (as fast as Define custom labels for digital input status like
! K-factor on current inputs 1-cycle intervals) to store detailed characteristics “Breaker 5 open”
of disturbances or outages. Trigger recording by
Disturbance Detection
a user-defined setpoint, or from external equipment.
High-speed setpoint capabilities allow reliable
Gated recording logs data only during the critical
detection and recording of events, sequence-of-events,
event so that memory is conserved.
and alarm conditions, including magnitude, duration
and equipment status. Internal waveform recorders Coincident Min/Max Recording
are completely configurable and can record all Log the values of key parameters or equipment
voltage and current inputs simultaneously. Control conditions coincident with an extreme condition,
the number of pre-event and post-event cycles complete with date/time stamping. For example,
recorded. Trigger waveform recording with events, record all feeder voltages and currents at the
external inputs, or manual control. moment a peak demand condition occurs.
Sag/Swell Detection Power Quality Recording
Monitor and record disturbances caused by Use ION Enterprise software to automatically
poor power quality. upload disturbance waveforms, sag/swell data,
Odd, even or total harmonics, up to the 31st or 63rd.
! Magnitude and duration data suitable for and harmonic distortion measurements from the
plotting on voltage tolerance curves meter to the secure database for detailed visual
! Determine the amount of excess or deficient analysis at your workstation.
energy during the disturbance
Time Synchronization and GPS
! Per phase triggers for waveform recording A real-time clock allows internal events and data
or control operations
records to be date-stamped and time-stamped to
Symmetrical Components millisecond resolution. The clock can be synchronized
Zero, negative and positive sequences including to either of two sources:
phase and magnitude for voltage and current inputs. ! The meter's internal crystal (+/- 50ppm)
Identify harmful voltage and current unbalances ! An external GPS receiver with an accuracy
in equipment before they cause damage. of +/- 1 millisecond

Transient Capture When using GPS time synchronization, either

! Detect and record sub-cycle transients as pre-selected serial port is dedicated exclusively
short as 130µs at 60Hz (156µs at 50Hz) as a GPS synchronization input.
! Analyze transients by plotting them on a
voltage tolerance (e.g. CBEMA) curve using The Power of ION
PC-based ION Enterprise software The ION 7700 meter is based on our patented
object-oriented ION® technology, which ensures
the longevity of your metering solution because it
can adapt as your needs change and lets you take
advantage of our ongoing advances in technology.
The measurements and other functions of the
ION 7700 meter are provided by ION modules.
You can quickly add or rearrange functions with
drag-and-drop icons and a few clicks of a mouse.
Imagine new features and build them with ION.

ION 7700 www.pwrm.com

Logic, Math and Control Inputs/Outputs Communications

Sophisticated logic and mathematical functions let The analog and digital I/O capabilities of the Standard Communication Card
you perform on-board calculations on any measured ION 7700 meter allow you to monitor a wide range Optically isolated, transient protected RS-232C
value. Calculate true quantities from pulse inputs of conditions, such as flow rates, device cycles (RPM), or RS-485port
(e.g. BTU calculations) and transformer loss fuel levels, oil pressures and transformer ! Protocols: ION, Modbus RTU, GPS
compensation values. You can also implement temperatures. You can output energy pulses to an ! Baud rate: Up to 19,200 bps
real-time billing schemes. RTU or perform equipment control operations.
Internal Modem
Mathematical Functions Internal Analog Inputs ! Optional internal telephone modem features fast
Define formulas using the following operators: Four optional analog inputs accept 0–1mA, connect time, and ModemGate, a gateway letting
! Arithmetic (+, x, -, ÷) 0–20 mA, 0–1V, or 0–10V signals. up to 31 additional devices share a meter’s
! Comparison (>, <, =, ≥, ≤, ≠) internal modem via the Com 1 port. Supports
Status Inputs ION and Modbus RTU protocols up to 19.2 kbps.
! Logical (AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE, IF) Eight optically isolated digital inputs can monitor
! Trigonometric (SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN) status or count pulses from any external ‘‘volts free’’ Xpress Card™ for Multi-Port,
! Math (PI, SQRT, POWER, SUM, SUMSQ, AVG, RMS, dry contact. Count transducer pulses or breaker trips. Multi-Protocol Access
LOG10, LN, MAX, MIN) The optional Xpress card offers up to 3 additional
Expandable I/O Options communications ports for secure, simultaneous
! Thermocouple linearization ! 1 or 2 optional I/O expansion boards
data sharing with utility systems and customers
Programmable Logic and ! Each board supports up to 15 I/O devices directly at the hardware level using a choice of
Setpoint Control ! Contact Power Measurement for I/O communication standards and protocols.
24 setpoints can be configured for 1-second combinations supported
In addition, the Xpress Card supports up to 3 MB of
or 1-cycle operation. Setpoint can be triggered
expansion memory for data, waveform and event logs.
by any over or under condition you specify. Software Integration
Use setpoints to trigger: With its extensive communication capabilities, Port 1: RS-485
the ION 7700 can be integrated into energy ! Protocols: ION, DNP 3.0, Modbus RTU,
! Audible (through software) and visible alarms
management or distribution control systems. GPS or Ethergate 1*
! Modem/pager dial-back
! Baud rate: Up to 115.2 kbps
! Data logging ION Enterprise
! Waveform recording with control over The meter is compatible with our Windows 2000 Port 2: RS-485
pre-event and post-event capture based ION Enterprise power monitoring software. ! Protocols: ION, DNP 3.0, Modbus RTU,
! Relay control The software displays real-time and logged data GPS or Ethergate 2*
and offers manual control/configuration capabilities. ! Baud rate: Up to 115.2 kbps
! Clearing and reset functions
ION Enterprise software provides enterprise-wide
! Relative setpoints Port 3: Ethernet
data sharing in a secure networked environment.
(10Base-T or 10Base-FL)
! Protocol: ION or Modbus RTU over TCP/IP
Multiport Communications
! Data rate: 10 Mbps
* EtherGate provides a gateway between Ethernet and
RS-485 serial networks.

Alarm Dialing
When equipped with the internal modem, Alarm
Dialing allows the meter to contact the ION Enterprise
monitoring station when an Event occurs. The
ION 7700 meter can also send an alphanumeric
message to a pager without ION Enterprise. Contact
us for external modem requirements.
Flash-Based Firmware
! Perform upgrades via communications
without removing the unit from the site

www.pwrm.com ION 7700

Mounting and Dimensions Side View

! The ION 7700 meter can be flush-mounted.
! The MGT can be panel-mounted up to
200 ft. (61 m) from the unit. A single cutout is
required with 4 inches (10 cm) of clearance
behind the panel.
! I/O expansion boards can be flush-mounted
up to 3 ft. (1 m) from the ION 7700; no cutouts
are required.

MGT Panel Cutout Top view with optional Xpress card installed

MGT Back View Optional External I/O, top view

Optional External I/O, end view

MGT Top View

ION 7700 www.pwrm.com

Example Connections Measurement Specifications

4-Wire Wye (Direct Connection)
Parameter Accuracy ± (%reading +% FS*)
1 second
Voltage (l-n) 0.1% + 0.01%
Voltage (l-l) 0.5% + 0.01%
Frequency 0.01%
Current† 0.1% + 0.01%
kVA† 0.2% + 0.02%
kVAR† 0.55% + 0.005%
kVAh 0.2% of reading
Power Factor at Unity PF 0.55% + 0.025%
Harmonics (to 63rd) 1% Full Scale
K Factor 5% Full Scale
Symmetrical Components 1% Full Scale
* %Full scale voltage and current. † Reading from 5% to 125% FS.
3-Wire Delta (2 PTs and 3 CTs) Display resolution meets or exceeds accuracy.

kW and kWh Measurements

Accuracy* Register Bounds
kW kWh
ANSI 12.20 Class 0.5 0.5% reading 0 to ± 3.3x107 0 to ± 1038
IEC 687 Class 0.5 0.5% reading 0 to ± 3.3x107 0 to ± 1038
* Refer to Compliance section on page 7.

User Programmable Log Capacity

! 4-wire Wye, 3-wire Wye, 3-wire Delta,
and Single Phase systems
! 3 voltage and 4 current inputs
! Fourth current input for neutral or
ground current monitoring Example Configurations:
! All inputs pass ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989 Standard Memory XMEM Option (extra 512K) Xpress - 3MEG Option
surge withstand and fast transient tests Event Log 500 Events 500 Events 500 Events 500 Events 500 Events 500 Events
Voltage and Current Inputs Data Log 25 days A 99 days B 67 days A 270 days B 99 days A 395 days B
! No PTs required for Wye (Star) systems Waveform Log 2C 8D 6C 24 D 100 C 400 D
up to 347/600 VAC
! For higher voltage systems, PTs with 120 VAC A 16 parameters recorded every 15 minutes B 16 parameters recorded hourly
secondaries may be used C on each of 6 channels at 128 samples per cycle for 14 cycles D on each of 6 channels at 16 samples per cycle for 22 cycles
! 5 Amp nominal full scale current inputs
(or optional 1 Amp current inputs)

Control Power
The ION 7700 meter can be powered from a
dedicated fused feed, or from the voltage source it
is monitoring (dependent on the power supply).

www.pwrm.com ION 7700

Specifications 0–1V Option: Shipping

! 1.0 VAC/VDC nominal full scale input ! 15 lbs / 7 kg (includes ION 7700 meter, MGT,
Voltage Inputs (1.25 VAC/VDC max.) standard cabling, two I/O boards, one I/O board
! 120 Option: 120 VAC nominal F.S. input power supply)
! Overload withstand: 20 VAC/VDC continuous,
! 277 Option: 277 VAC nominal F.S. input 40 VAC/VDC for 1 second non-recurring ! 17 x 10 x 10 inches (0.98 cu. ft.)
! 347 Option: 347 VAC nominal F.S. input ! Input Impedance: 49.9 kΩ 40.8 x 24 x 24 cm (0.0235 cu. m)
! All Options: 25% overrange, overload withstand for ! Accuracy: AC: 0.25% F.S., Standards Compliance
1500 VAC continuous, 2500 VAC for 1 second DC: ± (0.25% F.S. + 0.13% per Vcm) total error ! Industry Canada: Revenue metering approval
non-recurring, Input Impedance: 2 MΩ
! Maximum Common Mode: 12 V #AE-0688
Current Inputs 0–10V Option: ! Certification to ANSI C12.16-1991 standard,
! Basic Option: 5 Amps AC nominal F.S. input, ! 10.0 VAC/VDC nominal full scale input by an independent NRTL laboratory (Met Labs)
25% overrange (12.5 VAC/VDC max.) ! Meets or exceeds IEC 687 Accuracy Class 0.5
! 1AMP Option: 1.0 Amp AC nominal F.S. input, ! Overload withstand: 20 VAC/VDC continuous, at 25°C (77°F)
25% overrange 40 VAC/VDC for 1 second non-recurring ! Meets or exceeds ANSI C12.20 Accuracy Class 0.5
! Starting current: 5mA ! Input Impedance: 49.9 kΩ at 25°C (77°F)
! 20x fault capture capability ! Accuracy: AC: 0.25% F.S., ! UL: CSA certified to UL 508 and UL 3111-1
! RMICAN and RMANSI Options (revenue DC: ± (0.25% F.S. + 0.025% per Vcm) total error ! CSA: CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.142-M1987 and
metering options): 5 Amps AC nominal F.S. ! Maximum Common Mode: 25 V CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.1010.1
input, 100% overrange, 10x fault capture capability, ! Europe: Registered under CB Scheme to
10mA starting current External I/O Device Specifications EN61010-1, certified to EN50081-2 and
For detailed specifications of all supported external I/O
! Overload withstand: 15 Amps continuous, 300 Amps EN50082-2 by MET Laboratories, Inc.
devices, please contact Power Measurement.
for 1 second non-recurring Input Impedance: 2 mΩ ! Surge Withstand: Voltage, Current, Power,
! Worst Case Burden at 6.25 Amps: 0.0625 VA Power Supply for ION 7700 Internal Digital and Analog inputs, and RS-485 ports
! Basic: 85 to 240 VAC/ 47 to 440 Hz or 110 to all pass ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989 surge withstand
Waveform Recording 300 VDC, 1 Amp worst case loading (56 W) at and fast transient tests
! Sampling Resolution: 16, 32, 64 or 128 samples 100 VAC at 25°C (77°F) ! FCC: Part 15 of FCC Rules for a Class A Digital Device
per cycle for frequencies from 20 to 70 Hz
! P24/48 option: 20 to 60 VDC at 30 W worst case ! Quality Assurance Certification:
! Resolution: 13 bits (0.0125%)
ISO 9002 certified by QMI
Power Consumption for ION 7700
Internal Digital Inputs Typical 150 mA at 120 VAC (with no I/O Expansion boards)
! Self-excited, dry contact, no external voltage
source required Power Supply for
! +30 VDC differential SCOM output to External I/O Board
S1 through S8 inputs (Required for second board. Required for first board if
! Minimum Pulse Width: 1 ms more than 6 analog devices are used.)
! Maximum Pulse Rate: 20 pulses/second ! Basic: 85 to 240 VAC / 47 to 440 Hz or 110 to
300 VDC, 0.5 Amp worst case loading (28 W) at
Internal Analog Inputs (optional) 100 VAC at 25°C (77°F)
0–1mA Option: ! P24/48 Option: 20 to 60 VDC at 30 W worst case
! 1 mA DC nominal full scale input (1.25 mA DC max.)
! Overload withstand: 50 mA continuous, 100 mA for Environmental Conditions
1 second non-recurring ! Operating Temp: -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)
(with MGT): 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
! Input Impedance: 49.9 Ω
! Storage Temp: -30°C to 70°C (-22°F to 158°F)
! Accuracy: DC: ± (0.25% F.S. + 0.25% per Vcm)
(with MGT): -20°C to 70°C (-4°F to 158°F)
total error
! Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing
! Maximum Common Mode: 8 V
0–20mA Option: Revenue Metering
! 20 mA DC nominal full scale input (25 mA DC max.) Revenue metering options of the ION 7700 meter include:
! Overload withstand: 35 mA continuous, Protected Values
70 mA for 1 second non-recurring The following values are protected from alteration:
! Input Impedance: 100 Ω ! kWh and kVARh (import, export, net, total)
! Accuracy: DC: ± (0.25% F.S. + 0.1% per Vcm) ! kVAh (delivered and received)
total error ! kW, kVAR and kVA demand
! Maximum Common Mode: 20 V (TD and SWD min and max)
! kWh, kVARh and kVAh pulse outputs
! Contents of Data Recorder #1
Security Mechanisms
! Anti-tamper mechanical seal on base unit
! Password protection for min/max resetting
! Hardware key required for programming revenue ISO 9002-94
certified modules Registration Cert# 002188

Quality Assurance: ISO 9002-1994

ION 7700

Some features are optional. Meet the World Leader

To identify standard and optional features, please see the ‘Product Order Forms’ at www.pwrm.com.
Power Measurement is the leading provider of
Features and Options List ION 7700 enterprise energy management systems for energy
suppliers and consumers worldwide. Our ION®
Power Quality
web-ready software and intelligent electronic devices
Sag/Swell Monitoring "
comprise a complete, real-time information and
Symmetrical Components: zero, positive, negative "
control network that supports billing for complex
Transient detection, microseconds 130 energy contracts and helps improve power quality,
Harmonics: individual, even, odd, total up to 63rd reduce energy costs and keep operations running
Sampling rate, maximum samples per cycle 128 enterprise-wide, 24 hours a day. Our reputation for
Flicker, (harmonics to EN50160, IEC 6100-4-7/4-15) unparalleled value, quality and service is based on
Configurable for IEEE 519 - 1992, IEEE159, SEMI nearly two decades of innovation and experience.
Uptime in number of nines
Worldwide Headquarters
Logging and Recording 2195 Keating Cross Rd.
Standard memory capacity 512kB Saanichton, BC, Canada V8M 2A5
Maximum optional memory capacity 4MB Tel: 1-250-652-7100 Fax: 1-250-652-0411
Min/max logging for any parameter " email: sales@pwrm.com
Historical logs, maximum # of channels 320
Waveform logs, maximum # of cycles 96 Schulstrasse 6
Timestamp resolution in seconds 0.001 91320 Ebermannstadt, Germany
GPS time synchronization " Tel. +49 (0) 9194-724 765
Communications and I/O Fax +49 (0) 9194-724 766
email: pme@pwrm.com
RS-232/485 ports 1
RS-485 ports 2
Ethernet ports 1
Internal Modem 1
DNP 3.0 through serial and modem "
Modbus RTU slave on serial and modem "
EtherGate, data transfer between Ethernet and RS-485 "
ModemGate, data transfer between internal modem and RS-485 "
Analog Inputs 18
Analog Outputs 30
Digital status inputs/counter 38
Digital relay outputs 30
Setpoints, Alarming, and Control
Setpoints, minimum response time 1 cycle For the most up to date information, go to
Setpoints, number of 24 www.pwrm.com
Math, logic, trig, log, linearization formulas "
Toll free 1-866-466-7627
Single and multi-condition alarms "
Call-out on alarms "
USA And Canada only
Revenue Metering and Standards
ANSI C12.16 accuracy compliant " Revision Date: October 2002
IEC 60687 accuracy class 0.5S compliant " © 2002 Power Measurement. Printed in Canada 70100-0026
Measurement Canada Approved " ION, ION Enterprise, ION 7700, EtherGate and ModemGate
are trademarks of Power Measurement. All other trademarks
ANSI class 10 (5A nominal, 10A max) "
are property of their respective owners. Any reproduction or
MV-90 on serial, Ethernet ports " re-transmission in whole or in part of this work is expressly
prohibited without the prior consent of Power Measurement.
Multi-year scheduling: hourly activity profiles " Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Transformer/line loss compensation "


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