Abb Acs380 Acs880 Catalog en Reva 3aua0000187460 0106
Abb Acs380 Acs880 Catalog en Reva 3aua0000187460 0106
Abb Acs380 Acs880 Catalog en Reva 3aua0000187460 0106
The idea behind all-compatible is simple: the better a drive you can fine tune them to get more out of the drives and
fits to your processes, users and business and environmental process using less energy.
goals, the faster you start enjoying the benefits it brings.
The ACS380 and ACS880 machinery drives are part of
During drive selection, you save time as the drives have ABB's all-compatible drives portfolio. Together with other
many built-in features simplifying the selection process. all-compatible drives they share the same architecture and
A broad range of options provide easy extension to the drive’s user interfaces, yet there is an optimal drive for virtually any
functionality. The simplicity carries on to the drive application.
setup and commissioning. With a state of the art user
interface and drive design, installation and setup is made Once you have used one all-compatible drive, you can
easy and optimal. use them all. Your knowledge accumulates with each new
installation, resulting in more efficient processes and business.
The total cost of ownership and your impact on the
environment is lower with the drives ensuring your processes That’s it. In short, all-compatible means better business
run efficiently and reliably. The control panel and PC tool sense.
enable you to monitor and analyze the drives. As a result,
4 The all-compatible machinery drives
6 Versatile virtuosity for machine building
8 Human all-compatible
9 Process all-compatible
10 Environment all-compatible
11 Business all-compatible
12 Technical data
13 How to select a drive
14 Persistent predictability with ACS380 machinery drives
15 ACS380 ratings, types and voltages
16 Adaptable performance with ACS880 machinery drives
17 ACS880 ratings, types and voltages
18 Connectivity and flexibility to meet your needs
20 Standard software with versatile features
21 Drive Application programming based on IEC standard 61131-3
for ACS880 machinery drives
22 Application control programs for ACS880 machinery drives
24 PC tool for drive monitoring and process tuning capabilities
24 Remote monitoring access worldwide
25 Drive commissioning and adaptable use with your control panel
26 Flexible connectivity to automation networks
27 Standard interface and extensions for ACS380 machinery drives
28 Standard interface and extensions for ACS880 machinery drives
29 Input/output, extension and feedback modules for increased connectivity
30 Integrated safety reduces costs for ACS880 machinery drives
32 Brake options
32 EMC – electromagnetic compatibility
33 Need a motor? This is our offering.
34 Drives service
36 Contact us
The ACS380 and ACS880 machinery drives are easy to Adaptable performance
adapt and configure to machines in a persistent and The ACS880 machinery drive is a high performance drive
adaptable manner. that provides machine builders adaptability and performance.
Suitable for high-performance applications in machine building,
it offers powers from 0.37 to 45 kW, and voltages from 230 to
The drives control constant torque applications such 500 V, with enclosure class IP20 as standard.
as conveyors, mixers, extruders, winders, warehouse
lifts and overhead cranes in the food and beverage and With ABB's premium motor control (DTC), the drive enables
material handling industries. They require little setting up high static and dynamic motor speed accuracy even without
or commissioning. In addition to the intuitive control panel, a motor feedback device. Integrated safety features include
the ACS380 offers a control panel with an icon based menu safe torque off (STO). The optional safety functions module
for easy and smart commissioning of the drive, getting provides extended safety functions, simplifying configuration
the drive ready for action. The drive is easy to connect to and reducing installation space. PROFIsafe over Profinet
automation systems. All the essential features are built-in as connectivity is possible between the drive and the PLC. The
standard, which reduces the need for additional hardware adaptive IEC 61131-3 programming capability offers additional
and simplifies drive selection. flexibility in designing the control logic and integrating the drive
to other automation devices. General motion control features
Persistent predictability improve precision performance of applications, providing
The ACS380 machinery drive is a robust and compact drive flexible tools for optimized machine building.
ideal for machine building. Ready customized it comes in a
power range from 0.25 to 7.5 kW, and voltages from 200 to
240 V (one-phase) and 380 to 480 V (three-phase).
Remote monitoring
With a built-in web server and
standalone data logger, NETA-21
enables worldwide and secure
remote access to drives.
Startup and
maintenance tool
Drive composer PC tool for
startup, configuration, monitoring
and process tuning. Automation
builder for automation engineering
and Drive Manager for single point
of commissioning.
Process all-compatible
The machinery drives are ready for a broad range of constant
torque application and all essential features are built-in as
standard. The drives support adaptive programming for fine
tuning the performance of the application. The machinery
drives offer a wide range of fieldbus protocols for extensive
automation connectivity.
With ABB and the machinery drives, you are not only optimizing
the energy consumption of an electric motor but also your whole
The machinery drives help you use only the exact amount
of energy needed to run your motor. The energy optimizer
feature ensures maximum torque per ampere, reducing energy
drawn from the supply. The drive fulfills the highest IE2 drive
(EN 50598-2) energy efficiency class and is compatible with
high-efficiency IE4 motors, further reducing total life cycle
costs. And the built-in energy efficiency calculators help you to
analyze and optimize processes. With the help of our life cycle
services, you will be able to keep your process running reliably
and efficiently throughout the life cycle of the drives.
Business all-compatible
Usually, any drive is a justified investment that gives a short
payback time by lowering energy consumption and helping
improve productivity of the processes.
Voltage and ACS380 1-phase, 200 to 240 V, +10%/-15% Built-in safety features Safe torque off (STO) acc. to
0.25 to 2.2 kW EN/IEC61800-5-2: IEC61508 ed2: SIL 3,
power range
3-phase, 380 to 480 V, +10%/-15% IEC 61511: SIL 3, IEC 62061: SIL CL 3,
0.25 to 7.5 kW EN ISO 13849-1: PL e
ACS880 3-phase, 200 to 240 V, +10%/-15% Optional safety features ACS880 Safe stop 1 (SS1), safely-limited
0.37 to 22 kW speed (SLS), safe stop, emergency (SSE),
3-phase, 380 to 500 V, +10%/-15% safe brake control (SBC), safe maximum
0.37 to 45 kW speed (SMS), prevention of unexpected
startup (POUS), safe direction (SD)
Frequency 50/60 Hz +- 5% and safe speed monitor (SSM) acc.
Common DC connection To EN/IEC61800-5-2: IEC61508 ed2: SIL 3,
IEC 61511: SIL 3, IEC 62061: SIL CL 3,
DC voltage level ACS380 -2 types 270 to 325 V ±10% EN ISO 13849-1: PL e
-4 types 485 to 620 V ±10%
Optional safety fieldbus ACS880 PROFIsafe over PROFINET, certified
ACS880 -2 types 270 to 325V ±10%
-5 types 485 to 620V ±10% Environmental limits
Ambient temperature
Charging circuit Internal charging circuit
Motor connection Transportation and storage -40 to +70 ºC (-40 to +158 ºF)
Voltage 0 to UN, 3-phase Operation ACS380 -10 to +50 ºC (14 to 122 ºF),
up to +60 ºC (140 ºF) with derating
Frequency 0 to 599 Hz
ACS880 -10 to +40 ºC (14 to 122 ºF),
Motor control ACS380 Scalar control up to +55 ºC (131 ºF) with derating
Vector control
No frost allowed
ACS880 Direct torque control (DTC)
Cooling method Air-cooled, dry clean air
Scalar control
Altitude 0 to 4000, (0 to 13000 ft),
Switching frequency ACS380 1 to 16 kHz, default 4 kHz
derating above 1000m (3300 ft)
ACS880 DTC modulation 1 to 16 kHz, default 4 kHz Relative humidity 5 to 95%, no condensation allowed
Dynamic braking Flux braking (moderate or full) Degree of protection IP20 as standard
Resistor braking (optional)
Contamination levels No conductive dust allowed
Motor control performance
Storage IEC 60721-3-1, Class 1C2 (chemical gases)
Speed control performance, open loop
Class 1S2 (solid particles)
Static accuracy ACS380 20% of motor rated slip
Transportation IEC 60721-3-2, Class 2C2 (chemical gases)
ACS880 10% of motor rated slip
Class 2S2 (solid particles)
Dynamic accuracy ACS380 1%s with 100% torque step
Operation IEC 60721-3-3, Class 3C2 (chemical gases)
ACS880 <0.4%s with 100% torque step
Class 3S2 (solid particles)
Speed control performance, closed loop
Product compliance
Static accuracy ACS380 0.1% of motor rated speed
ACS880 0.01% of motor rated speed Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, EN 61800-5-1: 2007
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, EN 61800-5-2: 2007
Dynamic accuracy ACS380 <1%s with 100% torque step EMC Directive 2004/108/EC, EN 61800-3: 2004 + A1: 2012
ACS880 <0.2%s with 100% torque step UL, cUL certification pending
ITÜV certification for functional safety pending
Torque control performance Quality assurance system ISO 9001
Environmental system ISO 14001
Torque step rise time ACS380 < 10 ms, rated torque step
Waste electrical and electronic equipment directive (WEEE) 2002/96/EC
ACS880 < 5 ms, rated torque step RoHS directive 2011/65/EU
Non-linearity ACS380 ±5% with rated torque
Choose your motor’s power and current rating kW A
Type designation
If the configured variant is selected, choose your fieldbus
protocol (page 15) by selecting the correct option code
and add the option codes to drive’s ordering code.
ACS880-M04-04A8-2 Type designation
ACS880-M04-08A0-2 ACS380-04xx-03A7-1
ACS880-M04-010A-2 ACS380-04xx-06A9-1
ACS880-M04-018A-2 ACS380-04xx-12A2-1
EMC filterin-vel
ACS880-M04-078A-2 ACS380-040x EMC category C3 (400 V) or C4 (230 V)
Choose your options Add the option codes (pages Option code Description Type desig-
4 23, 24, 25, 26, 29 and 31) to the drive’s ordering 3AUA0000088311
Assistant control panel
code. Remember to use a “+” mark before each option 3AXD50000028828 Basic contol panel ACS-BP-S
code. 3AUA0000108878 Control panel mounting platform (flush mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive) DPMP-01
3AXD50000009374 Control panel mounting platform (surface mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive) DPMP-02
3 4
U N = 400 V (range 380 to 480 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V (0.37 to 11 kW)
Heavy-duty use Maximum Light-overload use Nominal ratings Type designation Frame size
PHd I Hd I max PLd I Ld PN IN
kW A A kW A kW A
0.37 1.2 2.2 0.55 1.7 0.55 1.8 ACS380-04xx-01A8-4 R0
0.55 1.8 3.2 0.75 2.5 0.75 2.6 ACS380-04xx-02A6-4 R1
0.75 2.6 4.7 1.1 3.1 1.1 3.3 ACS380-04xx-03A3-4 R1
1.1 3.3 5.9 1.5 3.8 1.5 4 ACS380-04xx-04A0-4 R1
1.5 4 7.2 2.2 5.3 2.2 5.6 ACS380-04xx-05A6-4 R1
2.2 5.6 10.1 3 6.8 3 7.2 ACS380-04xx-07A2-4 R1
3 7.2 13 4 8.9 4 9.4 ACS380-04xx-09A4-4 R1
4 9.4 16.9 5.5 12 5.5 12.6 ACS380-04xx-12A6-4 R2
5.5 12.6 22.7 7.5 16.2 7.5 17 ACS380-04xx-17A0-4 R3
7.5 17 30.6 11 23.8 11 25 ACS380-04xx-25A0-4 R3
Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 50 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start, then as long as allowed by drive temperature.
Heavy-duty use
I Hd Continuous current allowing 150% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 50 °C.
P Hd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 50 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-overload use.
The ratings apply at 50 °C ambient temperatures.
For derating at higher altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the user's HW manual, document code: 3AXD50000029274
UN = 200 V (range 200 V to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V (0.37 to 22 kW)
Heavy-duty use Maximum Light-overload use Nominal ratings Type designation Frame size
P Hd I Hd I max PLd I Ld PN IN
kW A A kW A kW A
0.37 2.5 4.4 0.37 2.8 0.37 3 ACS880-M04-03A0-2 R1
0.37 3 5.3 0.55 3.4 0.55 3.6 ACS880-M04-03A6-2 R1
0.55 4 7.0 0.75 4.5 0.75 4.8 ACS880-M04-04A8-2 R1
0.75 5 8.8 1.1 5.5 1.1 6 ACS880-M04-06A0-2 R1
1.1 6 10.5 1.5 7.6 1.5 8 ACS880-M04-08A0-2 R1
1.5 9 13.5 2.2 9.7 2.2 10.5 ACS880-M04-010A-2 R2
2.2 11 16.5 3 13 3 14 ACS880-M04-014A-2 R2
3 14 21 4 16.8 4 18 ACS880-M04-018A-2 R2
4 19 33 5.5 23 5.5 25 ACS880-M04-025A-2 R3
5.5 24 36 7.5 28 7.5 30 ACS880-M04-030A-2 R3
7.5 29 44 7.5 32 7.5 35 ACS880-M04-035A-2 R3
7.5 35 53 11 41 11 44 ACS880-M04-044A-2 R3
11 44 66 11 46 11 50 ACS880-M04-050A-2 R3
11 52 78 15 57 15 61 ACS880-M04-061A-2 R4
15 66 100 18.5 74 18.5 78 ACS880-M04-078A-2 R4
U N = 500 V (range 380 to 500 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V (0.75 to 45 kW)
Heavy-duty use Maximum Light-overload use Nominal ratings Type designation Frame size
current No-overload use
P Hd I Hd I max PLd I Ld PN IN
kW A A kW A kW A
0.75 2.5 4.4 1.1 2.8 1.1 3 ACS880-M04-03A0-5 R1
1.1 3 5.3 1.5 3.4 1.5 3.6 ACS880-M04-03A6-5 R1
1.5 4 7.0 1.5 4.5 2.2 4.8 ACS880-M04-04A8-5 R1
2.2 5 8.8 2.2 5.5 2.2 6 ACS880-M04-06A0-5 R1
2,2 6 10,5 3 7,6 3 8 ACS880-M04-08A0-5 R1
4 9 13.5 4 9.7 4 10.5 ACS880-M04-010A-5 R2
5.5 11 16.5 5.5 13 5.5 14 ACS880-M04-014A-5 R2
7.5 14 21 7.5 16.8 7.5 18 ACS880-M04-018A-5 R2
7.5 19 33 11 23 11 25 ACS880-M04-025A-5 R3
11 24 36 15 28 15 30 ACS880-M04-030A-5 R3
15 29 44 15 32 18.5 35 ACS880-M04-035A-5 R3
18.5 35 53 22 41 22 44 ACS880-M04-044A-5 R3
22 44 66 22 46 22 50 ACS880-M04-050A-5 R3
22 52 78 30 57 30 61 ACS880-M04-061A-5 R4
37 66 100 37 74 37 78 ACS880-M04-078A-5 R4
37 75 124 45 90 45 94 ACS880-M04-094A-5 R4
Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start, then as long as allowed by drive temperature.
Heavy-duty use
I Hd Continuous current allowing 150% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Hd Typical motor power in heavy-duty use.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-overload use.
The ratings apply at 40 ° C ambient temperatures: The ratings apply for the frames R1 to R4 up to 40 ° C.
For derating at higher altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the user's HW manual.
Certified solution
ABB machinery drives form with other automation devices a
reliable and certified alliance that saves time and costs for the
machine builder. Still, as everything is compatible, there must
be flexibility to optimize the functionality of the machine. ABB
also offers support and maintenance services for throughout
the life cycle of the drives in the machine.
Automation Builder, ABB’s software suite for automation Automation Builder lets you extend the standard functionality
engineering, makes programming of industry devices of parameter functions for the ACS880 machinery drive. This
such as drives, PLC’s, robots and HMI's easy using one makes the drive very flexible to meet exact requirements
Integrated engineering suite. The Automation Builder is set for end user applications. The library management
used both for engineering individual industry devices and functionality in Automation Builder shortens engineering
for putting together entire automation solutions. It is based time as reuse of existing program code is possible.
on a widely used software environment that fulfills many Additional features include the ability to select and use one
different requirements of industrial automation projects, of five different programming languages, effective program
according to the IEC standard 61131-3. As a single tool, the debugging and user password protection.
Automation Builder reduces time typically needed for system
configuration and programming. It also reduces the need for Integrated engineering suite for operating several industry
installing and maintaining separate programs simultaneously. components together
Automation Builder enables the possibility to do online Using the Drive manager tool embedded in Automation
diagnostic checking of multiple tasks performed by different Builder together with ABB’s AC500 PLC product family gives
industrial devices such as ACS880 machinery drives. the user online connection to all drives in a fieldbus network.
This speeds up commissioning and makes diagnostic of the
Drive application programming entire automation system easy. Automation Builder saves all
Automation Builder makes it possible for system integrators the configuration data of industry devices, including drive
and machine builders to integrate their desired functionality parameter settings, and program code to the same project
and know-how directly into the ACS880 machinery drive. This archive. This makes engineering work more consistent and
is possible as the drive comes with programming capability manageable.
embedded inside the drive. Designing an application program
in the drive makes the end user application run more efficiently, The drive application programming license is ordered together
even without a separate programmable controller. It also with the drive.
brings higher end-product quality and requires less need for Drive application programmability for ACS880
installation space and wiring. Option Option code
License key +N8010
Automation Builder Standard Single,
Automation Builder Premium Single,
The Automation Builder tools must be ordered separately.
For further information please contact your local ABB.
Single user license - bound to PC or DM-KEY (USB Key)
Automation Builder
Our application control programs have been developed for The ACS880 machinery drive application control programs
the ACS880 machinery drives by working closely with our come with adaptive programming features. This makes
customers over many years. This has resulted in application fine tuning of the ready-made application control program
programs that include the lessons learned from many functionalities easy. Additionally, we understand that you may
customers, and that are designed to give you the flexibility to need to use different configurations in your process. That’s
adapt the programs to your specific needs. These programs why each of our control programs comes with the ability to
enhance application usability and lower energy consumption. configure up to four different configurations. The ACS880
They increase safe operation of the applications and reduce the offers integrated safety with safe torque off (STO) functionality
need for a PLC. Other benefits include protection of machinery as standard. The optional safety functions module comes with
and optimization of application productivity. The programs also several safety functions including safe brake control (SBC).
optimize time usage and lower operational costs.
Option code
Option code
The ACS380 machinery drives offer two different standard DI 1 Digital input 1: Stop (0)/Start (1)
interfaces: the standard variant (I/O and Modbus) and the DI 2 Digital input 2: Forward (0)/Reverse (1)
configured variant with different interfaces. In addition the DI 3 Digital input 3: Speed selection
DI 4 Digital input 4: Speed selection
drive has one option slot available that can be used for
DIO 1 Digital input function: Ramp set 1 (0)/Ramp set 2 (1)
speed feedback, relay extension or option which allow
DIO 2 Digital output function: Ready to run (0)/Not ready (1)
external +24 V supply. For further information please see
DIO SRC Signal cable shield (screen)
the ACS380 hardware and firmware manuals.
DIO COM Digital input common for all
Reference voltage and analog I/O
AI 1 Output frequency/Speed reference (0...10 V)
AGND Analog input circuit common
AI 2 Not configured
AGND Analog input circuit common
AO Output frequency (0...20 mA)
AGND Analog output circuit common
SCR Signal cable shield (screen)
+10 V Reference voltage
Safe torque off (STO)
S+ Safe torque-off function. Connected at factory. Drive
SGND starts only when both circuits are closed. Refer to Safe
S1 torque off function in the hardware manual.
Relay output
RA No fault [Fault (-1)]
EIA-485 Modbus RTU
BGND Embedded Modbus RTU (EIA-485)
+L500 Analog extension: 3x AI (mA/V), 1x FIO-11
AO (mA), 2x DIO
+L511 External relay option (4xRO) BREL-01
+L518 2 inputs (SinCos absolute, TTL pulse FEN-11
encoder), 1 output
+L516 2 inputs (Resolver, TTL pulse FEN-21
encoder), 1 output
+L502 1 input (HTL pulse encoder), 1 output FEN-31
+L535 Encoder interface + External 24 V DC BTAC-02
only with ACS880-M04
only with ACS380
FSO-12 +Q973
FSO-21+FSE-31 +Q972+L521
For availability please check with your local ABB
Our machinery drives control virtually any type of AC Machinery drives and permanent magnet motors for
motor including induction, permanent magnet, servo and smooth operation
synchronous reluctance motors. Our adaptable machinery Permanent magnet technology is often used for improved
drives ensure an energy efficient and reliable motor controller motor characteristics such as energy efficiency, compactness
with significant cost savings for the user. and control performance. This technology is suitable eg,
for low speed control industry applications, as in some
Direct torque control (DTC) for optimal control of motors cases they eliminate the need to use gear boxes. Actual
To ensure optimal control of an AC motor, our ACS880 characteristics between different permanent magnet motors
machinery drives offer direct torque control (DTC) as a built-in can vary considerably. Machinery drives can control ABB's
standard feature. In majority of applications, the DTC reduces and most other permanent magnet motors in an efficient way.
the need for an expensive speed feedback encoder. Direct
torque control provides fast reaction to load changes in the Machinery drives and IE4 synchronous reluctance motors
motor shaft as well as reference changes on speed or torque for a package with high efficiency
made by the user. It makes the motor run optimally, lowering Combining the machinery drives control technology with our
energy consumption and wear of the application. synchronous reluctance (SynRM) motors provides an IE4
motor and drive package that gives you great energy savings
Machinery drives and induction motors form a reliable benefits. The key is in the rotor design. The synchronous
combination reluctance rotor replaces the traditional induction rotor and
Induction motors are used throughout the industry in several requires no permanent magnets. ABB has tested the SynRM
types of industry applications which demand robust and high motor and drive packages and produced manufacturer’s
enclosure motor and drive solutions. The ACS880 machinery statements providing verified system (drive and motor
drives fit perfectly together with this type of motor, used in a efficiency).
wide range of industrial environments.
The future of your drives depends on the service Your choice, your business efficiency
you choose. ABB Drive Care agreement lets you focus on your core
Whatever you choose, it should be a well-informed decision. business. A selection of predefined service options matching
No guesswork. We have the expertise and experience to your needs provides optimal, more reliable performance,
help you find and implement the right service for your drive extended drive lifetime and improved cost control. So you can
equipment. You can start by asking yourself these two critical reduce the risk of unplanned downtime and find it easier to
questions: budget for maintenance.
− Why should my drive be serviced? We can help you more by knowing where you are!
Register your drive at for extended
− What would my optimal service options be? warranty options and other benefits.
From here, you have our guidance and full support along the
course you take, throughout the entire lifetime of your drives.
Your service needs depend on your operation, life cycle of your equipment and business priorities. We have identified
our customers’ four most common needs and defined service options to satisfy them. What is your choice to keep your
drives at peak performance?
Operational Performance
efficiency improvement
You are in control of every life cycle phase of your drives. Now it’s easy for you to see the exact service and
At the heart of drive services is a four-phase product life maintenance available for your drives.
cycle management model. This model defines the services
recommended and available throughout the drive's lifespan.
Full range of life cycle Full range of life cycle Limited range of life cycle Replacement and
end-of-life services