Ni Hms 490811
Ni Hms 490811
Ni Hms 490811
Author Manuscript
Semin Hematol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 July 01.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Worcester, MA
bDepartment of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle WA
Neutropenia, defined as an absolute neutrophil count below 1.5 × 109/L, encompasses a wide
range of diagnoses, from normal variants to life-threatening acquired and congenital disorders.
This review addresses the diagnosis and management of isolated neutropenia, not multiple
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Neutropenia, usually defined as an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) below 1.5 × 109/L
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These oft-quoted criteria were derived from clinical experience with neutropenia secondary
to cancer chemotherapy, so patients with isolated neutropenia and otherwise normal immune
systems would be expected to have lower risks of infection at any ANC.
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Healthy Caucasian and Asian populations generally have ANCs of 1.5 to 7.0 × 109/L.
Persons of African descent, however, often have lower normal neutrophil counts, with ANC
<1.5 × 109/L occurring in about 4.5% of black participants in one U.S. survey,1 and
associated with the Duffy negative blood group.2 It was once thought that neutrophil levels
fluctuate cyclically in the normal person, but best evidence now indicates that levels
fluctuate considerably but do not normally cycle in a mathematically regular fashion.3
This review will address the diagnosis and management of isolated neutropenia, not multiple
cytopenias due to splenomegaly, bone marrow replacement, or myelosuppression by
chemotherapy or radiation. Other reviews summarize these disorders and their
Classification of Neutropenia
Neutropenia can be described as transient (or “acute”) or chronic (or “persistent”); extrinsic
or intrinsic; by descriptive names (e.g., neonatal isoimmune neutropenia of infancy, cyclic
neutropenia, severe congenital neutropenia) and as syndromes (e.g., Kostmann,
Shwachman-Diamond, and Barth syndromes). The discovery of the diverse causes for the
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Chemotherapy agents and a wide variety of other medications cause transient isolated
neutropenia; the drugs listed in Table 1 are the most common agents associated with
isolated, idiosyncratic, drug-induced neutropenia.
Chronic neutropenia is usually defined as an ANC less than 1.5 × 109/L lasting for more
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than 3 months.11 It is quite common for healthy individuals to have an occasional ANC
value in the range of 1.5–2.0 × 109/L, especially with the counts performed early in the day.
Some individuals in good health can have isolated counts even lower, i.e., 1.0–1.5 ×109/L.
In these individuals, periodic complete blood cell counts are usually all that is needed for
their initial evaluation. The primary purpose of serial counts and follow-up is to see if the
ANC is chronically reduced and if, over time, other hematological abnormalities or evidence
of an underlying infectious, inflammatory or malignant disease will appear. Discovery of
lower neutrophils for any reason, i.e. ANC 0.5–1.0 × 109/L, is cause for an in-depth
evaluation. In both children and adults, the most common diagnosis for counts in this range
is autoimmune or idiopathic neutropenia. However, there are a number of other acquired and
inherited causes (Table 2). Severe chronic neutropenia is a term for a category of diseases in
which the ANC is consistently or regularly reduced to less than 0.5 × 10 9/L. The major sub-
types are congenital, cyclic, idiopathic and autoimmune.11 Patients with severe chronic
It is important to note that blood neutrophil counts are not as stable as other blood cell
counts or many other physiological measurements. Counts may vary considerably over short
periods of time, associated with activity, exercise, eating or just the time of day. Counts vary
even more with serious infections, inflammatory disorders, corticosteroid therapy or extreme
anxiety. It is always important in the evaluation of blood neutrophil counts to consider the
conditions when the blood sample was obtained and to have several measurements when
defining the severity of acute or chronic neutropenia.11
up, the neutropenia persists after resolution of the illness that led to testing. Systematic
studies indicate that many, but not all, of these children have autoantibodies directed against
surface antigens of neutrophils.14 From a clinical perspective the value of testing for
autoantibodies in patients with moderate to severe neutropenia without evidence of recurrent
fevers or infections is debatable. Testing is not widely available and, if done, it is best
performed by a reference laboratory performing these assays frequently. Serial testing may
give inconsistent results and patients with genetic as well as acquired neutropenia may have
false positive test results.
Neutropenia also occurs as an integral part of systemic autoimmune diseases such as lupus
erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases are diagnosed based on systemic
symptoms and a constellation of disease-associated physical findings and specific
immunological tests, e.g., antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor, other autoantibodies.
Typically, with the exception of Felty syndrome, neutropenia associated with the systemic
autoimmune diseases is mild and best managed as part of treatment of the underlying
disease. Transient (<24 hr) neutropenia often accompanies transfusion-related acute lung
injury (“TRALI”) due to pulmonary trapping of recipient neutrophils opsonized by
transfused alloantibodies or activated by soluble mediators.18
Intrinsic neutropenias
The intrinsic neutropenias are due to genetic or acquired abnormalities in hematopoietic
progenitor cells resulting in the failure of the bone marrow to produce mature neutrophils.
They are either acquired or congenital (Table 2). Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and
acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are acquired disorders and rarely present as isolated
neutropenia. However, patients with severe congenital neutropenia, as well as patients with
other inherited marrow failure disorders, may develop MDS and AML; these cases are
classified as secondary MDS/AML.
Congenital neutropenia has many causes and may occur either as an isolated manifestation
of a single lineage disorder or in the setting of a multi-system syndrome. The congenital
neutropenias are categorized by clinical/classical names or based on the name of the mutated
gene known to cause the disease (Table 2).5;21;22
Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) and cyclic neutropenia (CyN) are examples of well
understood causes of severe chronic neutropenia that are usually still called by their original/
classic names. Both diseases derive from excessive apoptosis of myeloid precursors early in
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Autosomal recessive SCN can be caused by defects in several genes, including HAX1, an
anti-apoptotic gene that is responsible for the classic “Kostmann syndrome,” and G6PC3,
which encodes a neutrophil-specific catalytic subunit of glucose-6-phosphatase.28;29 By
contrast with ELANE, which is expressed selectively in myeloid cells, these genes are
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broadly expressed in many tissues and organs. As a result, some patients with HAX1 protein
defects have associated neurological deficits, and G6PC3 defects were originally described
in a cohort of patients with cardiac anomalies, urogenital abnormalities, and venous
angiectasias. Both HAX1 and G6PC3 mutations can also be responsible for isolated
neutropenia without an extended phenotype.30;31 Very rare forms of SCN result from
mutations in GFI1 (autosomal dominant) and WAS (X-linked, gain of function
mutations).21;32;33 Approximately 60% of patients with a diagnosis of severe congenital
neutropenia can now be given a precise genetic diagnosis.
Clinical Evaluation
Careful medical history and family history are the initial steps in evaluating patients with
neutropenia or recurrent infections suggesting isolated neutropenia. It is important to know
the frequency of illness, the severity of fever and other constitutional symptoms, the
presence or absence of oral inflammation (mouth ulcers, gingivitis, periodontitis, tooth loss
and replacement), and the presence or absence of other common infectious problems of
patients with neutropenia (cellulitis, sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, gastrointestinal
symptoms, perirectal infections and sepsis or evidence of deep tissue infections). It is also
important to know how these problems have been previously managed and the patient’s
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Because many defects in host defenses including neutropenia are heritable, family history is
also important beginning with an understanding of the medical history of the patient’s
immediate family, and extending as far as possible, especially if there are clues that other
family members may have similar symptoms, laboratory findings or may have died from
infections or hematological malignancies. It is important to note that the severity of illness
may vary within families with the same genetic cause for neutropenia. Relatives of patients
with very severe neutropenia may have ANC levels of 0.5–1.5 × 109/L and relative few
symptoms and still have the same underlying genetic disease. Unexplained infant deaths
may also indicate an inherited form of neutropenia.
The physical examination may reveal mouth ulcers, abnormal teeth and gums, and evidence
of acute or chronic sinusitis, pharyngitis, or otitis. Careful examination of the chest and
abdomen is very important. Acute abdominal pain and fever in neutropenic patients should
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raise concerns about neutropenic colitis and sepsis from an abdominal source. The perirectal
and anal area should also be examined carefully because patients with severe neutropenia
often develop cellulitis, including necrotizing cellulitis due to infection with Clostridial
species and other anaerobic organisms, in this area. Because neutropenia is associated with a
reduced inflammatory response with less than typical pain and redness, it is important to
examine and reexamine the patient carefully.
Laboratory Evaluation
CBC—Neutropenia is usually discovered with a complete blood cell count (CBC) and
leukocyte differential count (Diff), done either as a part of evaluation of a patient for acute
or recurrent fever and infection, or as part of a general health examination. In a patient with
mild neutropenia and no other health or hematological problems, a follow-up CBC and Diff
may be all that is necessary. The medical history and the severity of neutropenia with the
initial counts generally direct further evaluation. Every opportunity should be made to
capture information from previous CBCs and Diffs, generally by asking the patient to
request this information from all previous providers. It is particularly important to retrieve
counts from very early in life, if possible.
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To determine the severity and duration of neutropenia, at least three determinations over
three months are a minimum. If CyN is part of the differential diagnosis – due to family
history, highly variable past neutrophil counts, or regularly recurrent fever or mouth ulcers –
then a CBC and differential count should be obtained at least three times per week for four
to six weeks (i.e. more than one, preferably two, 21 day cycles). In CyN, reciprocal
oscillations of monocytes often occur; reticulocyte, lymphocyte, eosinophil, and platelet
numbers may also show cyclical variation.34
difficulty exiting the marrow and entering the blood. In patients with cyclic neutropenia, the
cellularity of the marrow and the marrow differential count depend on the timing in the
neutrophil cycle when the sample is obtained. In fact, serial sampling shows the proliferative
response and the accumulation of mature neutrophils in the marrow that precedes the
recovery phase for neutrophils in the blood.34 Careful examination of both bone marrow and
peripheral blood smears, plus bone marrow cytogenetics, are essential before a patient is
treated with hematopoietic growth factors, in order to have a patient-specific reference for
subsequent comparisons.
As a part of their long-term care, it is recommended that patients with SCN, but not other
groups, have annual bone marrow examinations with chromosome analysis to recognize
evolution to MDS/AML as early as possible. One established marker of transition is the
development of mutations in the receptor for G-CSF, but time from the first appearance of
such a mutation to clinical signs of MDS/AML can be very long even many years.35
Chromosomal changes such as monosomy 7 are a more specific finding. Ongoing research
suggests that other markers, i.e. RUNX1 mutations, may occur later and be a better predictor
of developing AML.36
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In patients with mild or asymptomatic neutropenia, the bone marrow reserve pool of mature
neutrophils can be assessed less invasively by a glucocorticoid stimulation test.37 After a
baseline CBC with differential count, prednisone 1–2 mg/kg is administered as a single oral
dose and the CBC/differential repeated 4–6 hours later. A more than two-fold rise indicates
the presence of an adequate bone marrow reserve pool that can be mobilized at times of
stress or infection. This condition is sometimes termed, nonspecifically, “chronic benign
congenital neutropenia may help support the diagnosis, indicate a relative risk for late
complications such as MDS/AML or aplasia (e.g. in SCN or dyskeratosis congenita), guide
screening for non-hematological phenotypes (e.g. in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome or
G6PC3 defects), and provide a basis for genetic counseling of the family. However, genetic
testing may be expensive and have unanticipated psychological and social consequences,
and may fail to identify a mutation in many patients.
Other laboratory tests that may aid in the diagnosis of chronic neutropenia include
evaluations for nutritional deficiencies (e.g. vitamin B12, folate, copper), immune
deficiencies (e.g. quantitative immunoglobulins), and rheumatologic disorders (e.g. anti-
nuclear antibody and other tests). Based on clinical findings and family history, testing for
phenotypic or genotypic findings of specific neutropenic syndromes (Table 2) may be
indicated, often in consultation with a geneticist.
Acute infections
Fever in the setting of profound neutropenia is a medical emergency requiring immediate
treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics. Patients with ANC of 0.2 × 109/L or less almost
invariably require hospital admission for IV antibiotics, with the choice of drugs depending
upon local community and/or hospital flora and antibiotic sensitivities. Importantly,
antibiotic therapy should include anaerobic coverage when fever is accompanied by
abdominal pain, as may recur frequently in cyclic neutropenia. Patients with an ANC 0.2 ×
109/L usually require admission, but culturing and out-patient antibiotics may be used for
some with more benign forms of neutropenia, such as chronic autoimmune neutropenia of
infancy, with relatively good delivery of neutrophils to tissues sites of infection.
Chronic Neutropenia
Individuals with the diagnosis of chronic neutropenia who maintain ANC>1.0 × 109/L on G-
CSF therapy may be evaluated and treated as would any non-neutropenic patients. Those in
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the intermediate range of ANC 0.5–1.0 × 109/L need evaluation on a case-by-case basis.
Randomized controlled trials established that patients with congenital, cyclic and idiopathic
neutropenia have fewer mouth ulcers, febrile events and infections when treated with daily,
subcutaneous G-CSF.11;41 In the original trials G-CSF was given with careful adjustment of
the daily dose to increase counts to the low-normal range, i.e., to raise counts to
approximately 2 × 109/L. Subsequently, in work overseen by the Severe Chronic
Neutropenia International Registry (SCNIR), it has been learned that a G-CSF dose
sufficient to maintain blood neutrophils greater than approximately 1.0 × 109/L is sufficient
for many patients. G-CSF can be administered every other day or three days per week for
many patients, particularly those with idiopathic, autoimmune, or cyclic neutropenia. In
contrast to patients receiving G-CSF after chemotherapy, is very important to give the
lowest effective dose of G-CSF. Ordinarily it is easier to start with a very low dose, 0.5 to 3
mcg per kilogram per day given on a daily basis, going up gradually to find the lowest
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effective dose and then giving the injections less often. Both children and adults respond
well to G-CSF and adverse events are relatively infrequent. The most common acute adverse
events associated with G-CSF therapy are bone pain and headache. Less frequent
administration of larger doses can intensify bone pain, so weekly or twice weekly injections
are seldom tolerated, and increasing the frequency of administration may ameliorate pain in
some patients. Injection site reactions, fever, chills and other acute inflammatory responses
are quite uncommon. G-CSF has now been administered to many patients with severe
chronic neutropenia on a daily or alternate day basis for more than 10 years. Treatment
responses tend to be quite stable once an effective dose for the individual patient is found.
The dose should be gradually adjusted for body weight in growing children, with monitoring
of the response.
From the beginning of long-term use of G-CSF to treat chronic neutropenia, there have been
concerns that this growth factor might stimulate development of leukemia. Before G-CSF
was available it was known that patients with SCN are at risk of developing AML. For this
reason the SCNIR was established to determine the risk of AML during long-term G-CSF
therapy. This observational study has established that patients with severe congenital
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neutropenia who respond poorly, i.e., requiring more than the median dose of 8 mcg/kg/day,
have a greater risk of AML than patients responding to lower doses.42;43 Patients with
cyclic, idiopathic and autoimmune neutropenia, appeared to have virtually no risk of
evolving to develop MDS or AML on long-term G-CSF treatment.42 Recent studies also
suggest that some ELANE mutations are associated with a higher development of MDS/
AML than others.23;44 Currently most experts believe that the risk of MDS/AML is largely
intrinsic and related to the underlying specific genetic cause of neutropenia, but it is
difficult, if not impossible, to rule out G-CSF as a contributing risk factor for development
of AML in these patients.
It is important to keep in mind that the major objective of G-CSF therapy is to provide a
normal life style, and patients with corrected ANCs on G-CSF therapy do not need to pursue
any precautions beyond those practiced by their normal peers. It is also important to treat
only patients with a clinical history of infections and problems with oral health sufficient to
justify regular and expensive, long-term injection therapy. An individual patient can be
evaluated by a brief clinical trial to determine the response to G-CSF and the benefits of
treatment; ordinarily only about 4 to 6 weeks are sufficient to make this assessment. In
patients with neutropenia responding to G-CSF, discontinuation of this therapy leads to
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Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an alternate therapy which can be used in patients
failing to respond to G-CSF (i.e., requiring > 20 mcg/kg/day, an inconvenient dose to try to
administer on a long term basis) or with high risk of evolving into MDS/AML (e.g.
requirement for high doses of G-CSF or presence of abnormal cytogenetic clones in the
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Supportive care
Chronic periodontal disease is a hallmark of untreated or refractory neutropenia. Good
dental hygiene and regular professional treatment are necessary to forestall or prevent tooth
loss, and far outweigh any theoretical risk of bacteremia from local trauma. Psychosocial
support can help alleviate the psychological and financial burdens of a chronic illness, and
can be provided both by health professionals and by patient/parent groups such as the
National Neutropenia Network in the U.S. ( and the
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Supported in part by NIH grants R01DK054369 and R24AI049393
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Table 1
Causes of transient neutropenia
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Viral Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, influenza, parvovirus B19
Bacterial Brucella, paratyphoid, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid; Anaplasma phagocytophilum and other rickettsia
Neonatal isoimmune
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Table 2
Causes of chronic neutropenia
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Nutritional Vitamin B12, folate, copper, protein-calorie
Immune Autoimmune
Neutropenic syndromes Disorders of granule sorting: Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, Cohen syndrome, Griscelli syndrome type 2,
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 2, and p14 deficiency
Disorders of metabolism: Glycogen storage disease type 1b, Barth syndrome, Pearson syndrome
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