Presentation of Device Rubric
Presentation of Device Rubric
Presentation of Device Rubric
Criteria Value
4 3 2 1
Frames Personal Formulates a clear Formulates a clear Formulates a vague Fails to formulate point
Responses and and precise point of and precise point of and indecisive point of view and fails to
Acknowledges view, acknowledges view, acknowledges of view, and anticipate in the
Others’ raised queries and raised queries but anticipates only in objection and queries
Perspectives provides convincing seriously discuses its minor objections. raised.
replies. strengths and
weaknesses rather
than providing
convincing replies.
Mastery and The scope of the The scope of the The scope of the The scope of the
Preparedness presentation was presentation was presentation was presentation was
excellent, appropriate, limited, considering inappropriate.
considering both considering both both topic and time
topic and time topic and time allowed.
allowed. allowed.
Development There was unity, There was generally The lack of sequential There was no logical
coherence and logical sequence to flow seriously sequence to the flow of
inherent logic in the the presentation. interfered with the ideas.
sequence of ideas. objective of the
The presenter The presenter did not
The presenter showed some show examples or
showed sufficient examples and The presenter counter-examples.
examples and counter-examples. showed a very limited
counter-examples. number of examples
Content The presentation had The presentation The presentation had The presentation had
substantial, specific had sufficient limited illustrative an absence of relevant
and illustrative content. content. content.