Soeit Mat1171 A1 F2023
Soeit Mat1171 A1 F2023
Soeit Mat1171 A1 F2023
Marks 10
Course outcome :
MAT 1171.5 To understand the concept of Vector spaces , Spanning set, Basis, linear
independence, and construction of orthonormal vector space.
2 Define by 03
G-04, Dubai International Academic City, P.O. Box: 345050, Dubai, UAE Page 1 of 3
School of Engineering and Information Technology
4 Determine whether or not the given set is a subspace of the indicated vector 05
space with reason.
5 Write a note on 06
G-04, Dubai International Academic City, P.O. Box: 345050, Dubai, UAE Page 2 of 3
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Assessment Rubrix:
Indicator 8-10 6-7.9 4-5.9 <4
Demonstrating sufficient
a very high ability in showing little
good in the
level in the demonstrating ability to
ability to
ability to the ability to understand and
understand and
understand and understand and analyze and
Problem analyze and
analyze and analyze and applied
solving applied
applied applied appropriate
appropriate appropriate methods in
methods in
methods in methods in solving the
solving the
solving the solving the problems.
problems. problems.
Shows partial Does not seem
understanding to understand
Shows full Shows good of the topic. the topic very
knowledge and
understanding understanding Generally well.No
of the topic. of the topic. competent with analysis or
minimal insight is
content. displayed
Presentation & communicates
Presents with Presents
Communication with some
little clarity without clarity
required clarity
and rarely uses with no use of
definitions and sometimes uses
required required
results & required
definitions and definitions and
properties. definitions and
results & results &
results &
properties properties
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