Certcdavao: Instruction: Select The Correct Answer For Each of The Following
Certcdavao: Instruction: Select The Correct Answer For Each of The Following
Certcdavao: Instruction: Select The Correct Answer For Each of The Following
Electronic Engineering
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following a. Av=gmRd c. Av=(g_m R_s)/(1+g_m R_s )*
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box b. Av=gmRs d. Av=(g_m R_d)/(1+g_m R_d )
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
12. The capacitor that produces an ac ground is called a(n)
Strictly no erasures allowed. Use pencil no. 1 only.
a. coupling capacitor c. bypass capacitor*
NOTE: Whenever you come across a caret (^) sign, it means
b. dc open d. ac open
1. Consider the following statements for a metal oxide semiconductor 13. In a class B push-pull amplifier, the transistors are biased slightly
field effect transistor above cutoff to avoid
(MOSFET): a. crossover distortion* c. negative feedback
P: As channel length reduces, OFF-state current increases. b. unusually high efficiency d. a low input impedance
Q: As channel length reduces, output resistance increases.
R: As channel length reduces, threshold voltage remains constant. 14. Three different points are shown on a dc load line. The upper point
S: As channel length reduces, ON current increases. represents the
Which of the above statements are INCORRECT? a. minimum current gain c. saturation point*
(A) P and Q (C) Q and R* b. quiescent point d. cutoff point
(B) P and S (D) R and S
15. Which of the following conditions are needed to properly bias an
2. The Ebers-Moll model of a BJT is valid npn transistor amplifier?
(A) only in active mode a. forward bias the base/emitter junction and reverse bias the
(B) only in active and saturation modes base/collector junction.
(C) only in active and cut-off modes b. forward bias the collector/base junction and reverse bias the
(D) in active, saturation and cut-off modes* emitter/base junction.
c. apply a positive voltage on the n-type material and a negative
3. A long-channel NMOS transistor is biased in the linear region with voltage on the p-type material.
𝑉𝐷𝑆=50 mV and is used as a resistance. Which one of the following d. apply a large voltage on the base.
statements is NOT correct?
(A) If the device width 𝑊 is increased, the resistance decreases. 16. Determine the gm of a source-follower network given IDSS=16mA,
(B) If the threshold voltage is reduced, the resistance decreases. Vp=4V, VGSQ=2.86V and IDQ=4.56mA.
(C) If the device length 𝑊 is increased, the resistance increases. a. 32.31ms b. 2.22ms c. 2.28ms* d. 3.22ms
(D) If 𝑊𝑊𝑊 is increased, the resistance increases.*
17. Determine the dynamic resistance of a voltage-divider Depletion
4. Which one of the following statements is correct about an ac- Type MOSFET with IDSS=6mA, Vp=-3. gos=10uS.
coupled common-emitter amplifieroperating in the mid-band region? a. 32.31ms b. 2.22ms c. 100k Ω* d. 231k Ω
(A) The device parasitic capacitances behave like open circuits,
whereas coupling and bypasscapacitances behave like short 18. If the value of resistor Rf in an averaging amplifier circuit is equal to
circuits.* the value of one input resistor divided by the number of inputs, the
(B) The device parasitic capacitances, coupling capacitances and output will be equal to
bypass capacitances behave likeopen circuits. a. the average of the individual inputs
(C) The device parasitic capacitances, coupling capacitances and b. the inverted sum of the individual inputs
bypass capacitances behave likeshort circuits. c. the sum of the individual inputs
(D) The device parasitic capacitances behave like short circuits, d. the inverted average of the individual inputs*
whereas coupling and bypasscapacitances behave like open
circuits. 19. If the input to a comparator is a sine wave, the output is a
a .ramp voltage c. rectangular wave*
5. A differential amplifier has an open-loop voltage gain of 120. The
b. sine wave d. sawtooth wave
input signals are 2.45V and 2.35V. Calculate the output voltage of
the amplifier. 20. To get a negative gate-source voltage in a self-biased JFET circuit,
A. 12 V * B. 14 V C. 16 V D. 10 V you must use a
a. voltage divider c. ground
6. A differential amplifier has an open-loop voltage gain of 150 and a b. source resistor* d. negative gate supply voltage
common input signal of 4.0 V to both terminals. An output signal of
15 mV results. Determine the common-mode gain and the CMRR. 21. In the constant-current region, how will the IDS change in an n-
A. 91.16 dB B. 89.76 dB C. 90.40 dB D. 92.04 dB * channel JFET?
a. as vgs decreases id decreases*
7. A good transimpedance amplifier has b. as vgs increases id increases
(a) Low input impedance and high output impedance c. as vgs decreases id remains constant
(b) High input impedance and high output impedance. d. as vgs increases id remains constant
(c) High input impedance and low output impedance
(d) Low input impedance and low output impedance* 22. IDSS can be defined as:
a. the minimum possible drain current
b. the maximum possible current with vgs held at –4 v
8. How many op-amps are required to implement this equation
c. the maximum possible current with vgs held at 0 v*
d. the maximum drain current with the source shorted
9. In a CE germanium transistor amplifier, self-bias is used. The 24. With the E-MOSFET, when gate input voltage is zero, drain current
various parameters are: Vcc=16V, Rc=3k Ω, RE=2k Ω, R1=56k Ω, is:
R2=20k Ω and α=0.985. Determine the operating point. a. at saturation c. idss
b. zero* d. widening the channel
a.7.33V,1.88mA c. 3.22V, 1.55mA
b. 6.225V, 1.955mA* d. 7.87V, 1.623mA
25. With a 30-volt VDD, and an 8-kilohm drain resistor, what is the E-
10. 1The primary function of the bias circuit is to MOSFET Q point voltage, with ID = 3 mA?
a. hold the circuit stable at VCC a. 6 V* c. 24 V
b. hold the circuit stable at vin b. 10 V d. 30 V
d. hold the circuit stable at the designed Q-point*
26. When an input signal reduces the channel size, the process is
11. A source follower has a voltage gain (Av) of called:
30. A field effect transistor operates with a drain current of 100 mA and 45. All of the following are basic op-amp input modes of operation
a gate source bias of −1 V. The device has agfs value of 0.25. If the EXCEPT
bias voltage decreases to−1.1 V, determine the change in drain a. inverting mode* c. double-ended
current b. common-mode d. single-ended
a.-7.8mA c. -25mA*
46. A circuit whose output is proportional to the difference between the
b. 25mA d. 7.8mA
input signals is considered to be which type of amplifier?
31. If the per unit value of electrons which leave the emitter and pass to a. common-mode c. differential*
the collector is 0.9 in an n-p-n transistor and the emitter current is 4 b. darlington d. operational
mA, then
47. If ground is applied to the (+) terminal of an inverting op-amp, the (–
a. the base current is approximately 4.4 mA
) terminal will:
b. the collector current is approximately 3.6 mA*
c the collector current is approximately 4.4 mA a. not need an input resistor c. have high reverse current
d. the base current is approximately 3.6 mA b. be virtual ground* d. not invert the signal
32. An ideal operational amplifier has 48. A noninverting closed-loop op-amp circuit generally has a gain
a. infinite output impedance c. infinite bandwidth* factor:
b. zero input impedance d. all of the above a. less than one c. of zero
b. greater than one* d. equal to one
33. Another name for a unity gain amplifier is:
a. difference amplifier c. single ended 49. If the Op – Amp in the figure has an input offset voltage of 5 mV and
b. comparator d. voltage follower* an open-loop voltage gain of 10,000 then V0 will be
39. If an op-amp has one input grounded and the other input has a
signal feed to it, then it is operating as what?
a. common-mode c. double-ended
b. single-ended* d. noninverting mode A. 0 V B. 6.6 V*
40. When a capacitor is used in place of a resistor in an op-amp C. –4 V D. 2 V
network, its placement determines:
a. open- or closed-loop gain c. saturation or cutoff
64. Which transistor bias circuit arrangement provides good Q-point 78. Referring to this transfer curve shown in figure 5, determine I D at VGS = 2
stability, but requires both positive and negative supply voltages? V.
A. base bias C. collector bias
B. voltage-divider bias D. emitter bias*
65. Which FET amplifier(s) has (have) a phase inversion between input
and output signals?
A. common-gate C. common-drain
B. common-source* D. all of the above
66. A class A amplifier with RC = 3.3 kΩ and RE = 1.2 kΩ has a VCC = 20
V. Find IC(sat)
A. 0.444 mA* C. 1.333 mA
A. 4.4 mA* C. 6.1 mA
B. 0.111 mA D. 4.444 mA
93. The ______ stage provides a moderate voltage gain, a moderate input
impedance, and a moderate output impedance.
A. 100 B. 50 C. 116 D. 110* A. common-drain C. common-base
B. common-collector D. common-emmiter*
80. Introducing a resistor in the emitter of a common amplifier stabilizes the
dc operating point against variations in 94. For an n channel enhancement MOSFET with threshold voltage of 2.5
A. only the temperature C. only the β of the transistor V, determine the current at gate source voltage of 6 V.
B. both temperature and β* D. none of the above A. 0.675 mA C. 1.675 mA
B. 3.675 mA* D. 2.675 mA
81. Compared to a CE stage, a swamped amplifier has an input impedance
that is 95. Calculate the stability factor due to the variation of ICBO from 1 nA to 21
nA when the temperature changes from room temperature to 100 ˚C.
A. smaller B. equal C. larger* D. zero The change in collector-current due to the change of ICBO was found to
be 0.5 µA.
82. If βDC is increased by 10%, the collector-to-emitter voltage drop A. 5 C. 25*
A. increases by less than or equal to 10% B. 15 D. 35
B. decreases by less than or equal to 10%*
C. increase by more than 10% 96. If the capacitor from emitter to ground in a common emitter amplifier is
D. decreases by more than 10% removed, the voltage gain
A. increases C. decreases *
83. In a transistor amplifier, the reverse saturation current ICO
B. becomes erratic D. remains the same
A. double for every 10° rise in temperature*
B. doubles for every 1° rise in temperature
C. increase linearly with the temperature 97. What is true about the of a BJT?
D. doubles for every 5° rise in temperature A. lesser than 1* C. greater than 1
B. unity D. infinity
84. When the gate-to-source voltage (VGS) of a MOSFET with threshold
voltage of 400 mV, working in saturation is 900 mV, the drain current is 98. Why is the common – emitter amplifier the most widely used transistor
observed to be 1 mA. Neglecting the channel width modulation effect amplification configuration?
and assuming that the MOSFET is operating at saturation, what is the A. it provides voltage gain C. it provides high power gain
drain current for an applied VGS of 1400 mV? B. it provides current gain D. all of the above *
A. 0.5 mA B. 3.5 mA C. 2.0 mA D. 4.0 mA*
99. A JFET might work better than a bipolar transistor in
85. In the amplifier circuit shown in the figure, the values of R1 and R2 are
such that the transistor is operating at VCE = 3V and IC = 1.5 mA when
A. a high-voltage rectifier C. a weak-signal RF amplifier *
its â is 150. What is the operating point (VCE, IC) for a transistor with â B. a power-supply filter D. a power transformer
of 200.
100. An op-amp can be considered as an ideal
A. Voltage controlled current source
B. Current controlled current source
C. Voltage controlled voltage source *
D. Current controlled voltage source
86. For normal operation of a pnp BJT, the base must be ___ with respect
to the emitter and ___ with respect to the collector.
A. positive, negative C. positive, positive
B. negative, positive* D. negative, negative