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Ejerciocios de Ingles

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Fill in the blanks with the right subject / personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we,


1. Angelina Joli is American. _______ isn't French. 2. Brad Pitt is American, too.
________ isn't German. 3. Brad and Angelina aren't French. _______ are American. 4.
My friend and I are high school students. _______ aren't primary school students. 5.
The Statue of Liberty is in New York. ______ isn't in Washington.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of to be (am, are or is):

1. _____ you the new student? 2. Yes,

I _____. 3. Leila and Nancy _____
students. 4. Nancy _____ Australian .
5. My sister and I ______ students. 6.
The girls ______ tired. 7. These
women _____beautiful. 8. The tea
______ delicious. 9. Nadia and Leila
_____ friends. 10. The newspaper
______ cheap.

Choose the correct answer (negative or affirmative form of to be):

1. Is Julia Robert French? No, she ______ French. 2. What about Robert de Nero? Is he
an American actor? Yes, he _____ . 3. Are New York and Los Angeles Spanish Cities?
No, they _______Spanish cities. 4. Is Big Ben in Paris? No, it _______ in Paris. 5. Is
Mount Everest in Africa? No, it _______ in Africa. It is in Asia.

Choose the correct form of the follwing verbs: wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) -

do(es) - cause(s) - live(s) - play(s) - close(s) -

live(s) - drink(s)

1. Ann _______ handball very well.

2. I never _______ coffee.

3. The swimming pool ______ at 7:00 in the morning.

4. It ________ at 9:00 in the evening.

5. Bad driving ________ many accidents.

6. My parents _______ in a very small flat.

7. The Olympic Games ________ place every four years.

8. They are good students. They always ______ their homework.

9. My students ________ a little English.

10. I always _________ early in the morning.

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form:

1. Jane (not/drink) __________________________ tea very often.

2. What time (the banks/open) _____________________ in Britain?

3. Where (John/come) __________________ from?

4. It (take) __________ me an hour to get to work.

5. She (not/wake) ______________________________ up early on Sundays.

Choose the right verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the

write - turn - eat - tell - rise

1. The earth ________ around the sun.

2. The sun ________ in the east.

3. Vegetarians ______________ meat.

4. A liar is someone who ___________________________ the truth.

5. A novelist __________ novels.

Put the verbs into the present


1. Listen to the birds. They (sing) _____________________

2. Look at that one. It (fly) _____________________high in the sky.

3. The other one (play) ____________________ with a worm.

4. I feel happy because I (have) __________________ a good time here in these


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present

1. Look! Sara (go) _________________ to the movies.

2. On her right hand, Sara (carry) _________________ her handbag.

3. The handbag (be) ________ very beautiful.

4. Sara usually (put) ____________ on black shoes but now she (wear)

white trainers.

5. And look, she (take) _________________ an umbrella.

Choose the correct answer (simple present or present


1. It _____________ cats and dogs. We'd better stay at home.

2. I ___________ TV every day in the


3. _____________ to the party tonight?

4. The children are at the stadium. They _____________ a football match.

5. I ____________ to the cinema often.

6. She usually ___________ late to


7. He ___________ regularly.

8. John is busy. He ____________ at the moment.

9. Be quiet! The baby _____________

10. She ___________ to New York next weekend.

Put the verbs into the correct form (past


1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) ___________ monopoly.

2. Yesterday at six I (prepare) _____________ dinner.

3. The kids (play) ______________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.

4. I (practise) _____________ the guitar when he came home.

5. We (not / cycle) _____________________ all day.

6. While Alan (work) _____________ in his room, his friends (swim)


in the pool. 7. I tried to tell them the truth but they ( not/listen)
8. What (you / do) _______________ yesterday?

9. Most of the time we (sit) _______________ in the park.

10. I (listen) _______________ to the radio while my sister (watch) _____________


11. When I arrived, They (play) _______________ cards.

12. We (study) ______________ English yesterday at 4:00 pm.

Write correct

Yesterday at 6 pm your family were doing different things. Write positive sentences in
past progressive.

1. My mother / read / a novel. ________________________

2. My father / watch / TV_________________________

3. My elder sister / writing / in her diary. _________________________________

4. My two brothers / listen / to the radio. ___________________________________

5. My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie.


6. We / talk / about school.


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present

1. Look! Sara (go) ___________ to the movies.

2. On her right hand, Sara (carry) _______________ her

3. The handbag (be) ____________ very


4. Sara usually (put) _____________ on black shoes but now she (wear)
_________________ white trainers.

5. And look, she (take) ____________ an umbrella because it (rain)


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect)

1. When he (wake up) ___________ , his mother (already /prepare)

_______________________ breakfast

2. We (go)____________ to London because our friends (invite) ____________ us

3. He (hear) __________ the news, (go) _________ to the telephone and

(call) ___________ a friend.

4. When she (start) ___________ learning English she (already /learn)

____________________ French.

5. Jane (already / type) _____________________ three pages when her computer


6. By the time the doctor (arrive) ___________ at the house the patient ( die)

7. Before that day we (never / think) _________________ of traveling to Japan.

8. I (know) _____________ him a long time before I (meet) ___________ his

9. They (not / know) ______________ where to meet because nobody (tell)
___________ them.

10. It (be) ______________ cloudy for days before it (begin) __________ to rain.

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect).

1. I (just / finish) ___________________ my homework.

2. Mary (already / write) ___________________ five letters.

3. Tom (move) ______________ to his home town in


4. My friend (be) _________ in Canada two years


5. I (not / be) ______________ to Canada so far.

6. But I (already / travel) ___________________ to London a couple of times.

7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) ___________ to the


8. I can't take any pictures because I (not /buy) __________________ a new film yet.

9. (they / spend) __________________ their holidays in Paris last summer?

10. (you / ever / see ) _____________________ a whale?

Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past

1. The receptionist (welcome)___________ the guests and (ask) __________ them to

fill in the form

2. The car (break) _________ down and we (have) __________ to walk


3. The boys (swim) ___________________ while the girls (sunbath)


4. My father (come) __________ in, (look) __________ and (tell) ________ me to tidy up
my room.

5. While one group (prepare) _________________ dinner the others (collect)

________________________ wood for the campfire.

6. While the parents (have) ________________ breakfast the children (run)

________________________ about.

7. Martha (turn) ____________ off the light and (go) ________ to bed.

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple future or future perfect)

1. Tomorrow I think I (start) _____________ my new project.

2. I (finish) ___________________ it by the end of this month.

3. The teacher (probably/assign) _________________ a test to his students next


4. He (correct) _______________________ it by the end of next week.

5. My friend (certainly/get) _____________________ a good mark.

6. By 9 o'clock, we (finish) ____________________ our homework.

7. They (leave) __________________ the classroom by the end of the


8. I think I (start) ______________ my trip tomorrow

Choose the correct answer: who, whom, which or

1. He bought all the tools __________ are required to fix his old car.

2. This is the doctor _________ helped Sara recover from her illness.

3. This is the girl __________ he fell in love with in Madrid

4. She managed to pass the exam in spite of all the difficulties, _________ didn't surprise
people who knew her.

5. These are the kids __________ parents were arrested.

6. Give me the plate __________ is on the table.

7. I don't know _________ did it.

8. The criminals, two of __________ managed to escape, broke into a bank downtown.

9. The police identified the murderer ___________ fingerprints were on the knife.

10. I know the candidate __________ I am going to support in the next elections.

Choose the correct answer (who or


1. To _________ have you offered the flowers?

2. _________ wrote that beautiful love poem?

3. I just want to know _________ made this delicious dish.

4. Do you know the man ________ is standing there?

5. My parents will accept ___________ I choose as my husband.

6. For _________ are you buying this present?

7. He is the kind of person for __________ family is very important.

8. Tell me, _________ told you this wonderful news?

9. The electrician __________ I asked for assistance was helpful.

10. __________ gave you permission to get into this


Give the correct gerund form of these verbs (do not use 'to' and do not capitalize the

Verbs Gerund
Are you good
She likes (paint) 6.

I can't bear (listen) to

She is crazy about (read)
loud(music) 7.

He enjoys (play)
I can't help (laugh) when I watch
Leila dreams of (set) up

her own I can't imagine (be) anywhere else


business_____________ but

He is interested in (emigrate) You should give up

5. 10.
to (smoke)___________________
Choose the correct form of the verbs (infinitive or gerund)

1. I am keen on ____________ in the computer industry.

2. Amy decided ___________ a doctor.

3. Leila enjoys ____________ love stories.

4. Do you intend ___________ Italian or English?

5. Do you mind ____________ me wash the dishes?

6. Alan askezd __________ to the boss

7. I can't help ____________ when I watch Mr Been.

8. If Sara keeps ____________ to work late, she'll have problems with the boss.

9. Liza hates ____________ Maths.

10. Are you interested in ____________ in Africa ?

Choose the correct form of the verbs (infinitive or gerund)

1. I am keen on (to work, working) _____________ in the computer industry.

2. Amy decided (to see, seeing) __________ a doctor.

3. Leila enjoys (to read, reading) ____________ love stories.

4. Do you intend (to learn, learning) ___________ Italian or English?

5. Do you mind (to help, helping) ___________ me wash the dishes?

6. Alan askezd (to talk, talking) ___________ to the boss

7. I can't help (to laugh, laughing) __________ when I watch Mr Been.

8. If Sara keeps (to come, coming) __________ to work late, she'll have problems with
the boss.

9. Liza hates (to study, studying) ___________ Maths.

10. Are you interested in (to live, living) __________ in Africa ?

Choose the correct answer (can or can't) 1. I ________ speak French. I picked it up while I

was in France.

2. I ________ come to the party. I am really busy.

3. We ________ hear you. The music is so loud.

4. Where are my keys? I _________ find them.

5. I ________ believe it. We won two million dollars.

6. We ________ meet tomorrow if you want.

7. _______ you make me a cup of tea, please?

8. He ________ jump. His leg hurt so much.

9. Illiterate people ________ read and write.

10. Fish ______ swim.

Decide which parts of speech are the underlined words

1. You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at

Something. ________________

2. We left for the mountain just before six in the morning. ______________

3. We first went to the store to buy a few things. ______________

4. We had a breakfast at a café near the rail station. ______________

5. My friend wasn't strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack. _______________

6. I helped him carry it. ______________

7. The weather was very cold. _____________

8. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!" ___________________

9. We didn't spend the night there. _____________

10. We got back home late at night but we didn't go to sleep immediately. We were very

hungry. ________________

Choose the right answer

1. They _________________ to music in the evening.

2. We are ________________ on time.

3. _________________ out late.

4. I _______________ such a beautiful bunch of flowers.

5. We ____________________ the food.

6. She ____________________ at home on Sundays.

7. He _______________________ to the tennis

8. They __________________ in that restaurant.

9. She ___________________ her homework.

10. THey ________________ late at night.

Choose the correct auxiliary

1. Tell me, ________ you coming to the party?

2. They _________ finished the job.

3. What ______ you do every Sunday?

4. I _________ like to watch TV. There is a good film on.

5. She __________ not want to stay at home. She wants to go out with her friends.

6. He _________ called me twice this morning.

7. What ___________ she do in her free time?

8. Where _________ they go yesterday?

9. She ________ always wanted to meet him.

10. What _________ they doing when you came in?

Choose the correct auxiliary verb 1. What _________ you


2. Why _________ come to the party yesterday?

3. I __________ like his jokes. They made me sick.

4. Mercedes cars __________ made in Germany.

5. I am mad about fish but I ________ like roast chicken.

6. America ________ discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

7. They __________ met her in Paris.

8. Where ________ going when I met you?

9. Is it true that you ________ making a trip to Africa next week?

10. She __________ come yet; we're still waiting for her.

Choose the correct answer: fewer or less? 1. Water has __________ calories

than milk has.

2. The doctor advised the kid to eat _______ sweets and dink ________ soda to lose

3. There are ________ cars on the roads in this small town.

4. He did _________ exercises than he should have than.

5. She has much ________ patience than her husband.

6. I have _________ money to spend on buying clothes than my sister has.

7. He wants to make _______ business trips as he has become seriously ill.

8. She has _________ time to finish the job.

9. The students have _________ days to finish the project.

Choose the correct answer: fewer or less? 1. Water has _________ calories

than milk has.

2. The doctor advised the kid to eat _________ sweets and dink _______ soda to lose
3. There are ________ cars on the roads in this small town.

4. He did ________ exercises than he should have than.

5. She has much ________ patience than her husband.

6. I have _______ money to spend on buying clothes than my sister has.

7. He wants to make ________ business trips as he has become seriously ill.

8. She has _________ time to finish the job.

9. The students have _______ days to finish the project.

Choose the correct word (some or any). 1. I need a car and The kids ________ in the garden last

Saturday dollars.

2. He would like The kids _________ in the garden last Saturday help.

3. There aren't ________ policemen in the street.

4. Do you know ________ plumber?

5. He needs to make _________ friends.

6. Do you have ________ idea why he is always alone?

7. Charley doesn't have _________ friends, too.

8. My sister has got ________ interesting books about history.

9. My mum doesn't read ________ poetry .

10. I've got _________ news for you.

Decide whether you have to use "a little" or "a few". 1. We had __________

snow last winter.

2. ________ people were interested in the exhibition.

3. I speak ________ French.

4. There are ________ students in the classroom.

5. She has _________ relatives.

6. There is ________ water in the pond.

7. The professor spends ________ time playing tennis on Sundays.

8. We have _________ knowledge of this phenomenon.

9. There are __________ mushrooms in my mushroom soup.

10. _________ animals can survive in the desert.

Transform these sentences into a yes or no question

1. He loves this town. __________________

2. They like soccer.__________


3. She can drive a lorry. __________________

4. They are nice. ______________

5. They went to the swimming pool.

6. She wastes her money on jewelery.


7. He decided to leave his wife.


8. She wakes up early.


9. They should revise their lessons.


10. He was born in this town.


Choose the correct question words.

1. __________ do you live?

2. ________ 's that girl?

3. ________ do you go to school?

4. _________ do banks open?

5. ________ are you wearing that coat?

Write questions about the words in bold. 1. They went to Spain.

- __________________

2. He writes novels. - ___________________

3. Lacy likes soccer. - _______________________

4. The girls watched a serial. _______________________

5. He discovered the truth ______________________

Choose the correct question word 1. _________ are you going


2. ________ are you traveling?

3. _________ would you like to have for dessert?

4. ________ are you crying ?

5. _______ one do you like?

6. ________ do you feel today?

7. ________ time are leaving?

8. ________ book is this?

9. ________ has broken this vase?

10. _______ don't you see a doctor?

Choose the correct answer (there, their, or they're)

1. They sent ________ kids to Paris.

2. _________ still working on the project.

3. Is ________ any hope to win the match?

4. I don't think __________ good enough to beat our team.

5. ___________ are so many people against the new


6. I heard ___________ intending to destroy the park to build a high tower.

7. I like the red car over ___________ . 8. Have you met your

husband ____________ ?

9. I can't remember ________names.

10. I bet ___________ American.

Choose the correct answer (there is and there are or is there and are there)

1. _________ a laptop on the desk.

2. __________ some students in the courtyard.

3. __________ any possibility to meet her tonight?

4. __________ so many issues with the new software.

5. __________ any interesting books in the school's library?

6. ___________ anybody who can help me?

7. The waiter says ___________ a lot of people who are complaining about the food.

8. ___________ any poems in this new textbook?

9. ___________ any reasons I should believe her again.

10. I think ___________ some truth in what you are saying.

Choose the right words:

1. I _______ the shopping every Friday afternoon.

2. Please, can you ________ a reservation for me?

3. She doesn't _________ much money.

4. Nobody helps my mother to ________ the housework..

5. Will you _______ me a favor? Help me carry this table.

6. Let's __________ the appointment for 10:00 in the morning.

7. Try not to ________ any grammar mistakes in your writing.

8. Oh, dear! There is so much laundry to __________ !

9. She always ________ the the dishes late at night.

10. I'll _________ spaghetti for dinner. Do you like it?

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