2geocell Reinorced Subballast - Cyclic Loading2 - Budhima
2geocell Reinorced Subballast - Cyclic Loading2 - Budhima
2geocell Reinorced Subballast - Cyclic Loading2 - Budhima
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents the experimental and numerical studies of geocell-reinforced subballast subjected to
Received 18 September 2015 cyclic loading. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted using a large-scale prismoidal triaxial
Received in revised form apparatus that was subjected to relatively low confining pressures of s0 3 ¼ 10e30 kPa and a frequency of
18 January 2016
f ¼ 10 Hz. Numerical simulations were performed using the commercial finite element package ABAQUS
Accepted 14 February 2016
Available online 10 March 2016
in three dimensions to realistically model cellular confinement, and to study the effectiveness of geocell
reinforcement on subballast. A cyclic loading with a periodic and positive full-sine waveform was
adopted to model the geocell-reinforced subballast, which is similar to the load carried out in the lab-
oratory. The results of numerical modelling agreed well with the experimental data, and showed that
Geocell reinforcement geocell could effectively decrease the lateral and axial deformations of the reinforced subballast. The
Subballast numerical model was also validated by the field data, and the results were found to be in good agree-
Cyclic loading ment, indicating that the proposed model was able to capture the load-deformation behaviour of geocell-
Plane strain reinforced subballast under cyclic loading. A parametric study was also carried out to evaluate the effect
Numerical modelling of the subballast strength and geocell stiffness on the mobilized tensile strength in the geocell mattress.
It was found that the maximum mobilized tensile stress occurs on the subballast with the lowest degree
of stiffness. Also the results revealed that lateral displacement decreased further by increasing geocell
stiffness, and geocell with a relatively low stiffness performs very well compared to the geocell with a
higher stiffness.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0266-1144/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
490 M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503
2011; Han et al., 2011). The performance of geocell mattress in the performance of geocell reinforcement under cyclic loading is
stabilizing different types of infill soils subjected to monotonic the key requirement, which is needed for its design and application
loading has been investigated in several studies (Biabani and in ballasted rail tracks.
Indraratna, 2015; Wang et al., 2013; Tafreshi and Dawson, 2012; The development of a numerical model is inevitable in order to
Yang et al., 2010; Pokharel et al., 2010; Saride et al., 2009). A establish proper design guidelines based on safety and economic
summary of research outcomes of selected past studies is given in considerations. Considering the computational effects involved, a
Table 1. In addition, there are a few studies available, which have two-dimensional (2D) model often become more popular than a
investigated the performance of granular material in plane-strain three-dimensional (3D) model for plane strain conditions (Hegde
condition (Radampola et al., 2008; Wanatowski et al., 2008; and Sitharam, 2013; Mehdipour et al., 2013; Yu and Sloan, 1997).
Radampola, 2006; Peters et al., 1988). However, understanding An equivalent composite approach has often been used to model
Table 1
Summary of research outcomes of previous studies.
Material Reinforcement Test specimen scale Research methodology Salient research outcomes Limitations Reference
type type
Sand and Geocell 900 900 600 Numerical simulation 1) The geometry of the geocell has a significant Monotonic loading only, Saride et al.
clay L W H (mm) (FLAC3D). impact on the load carrying capacity and hence cannot interpret (2009)
reducing the settlement of the soil bed. cyclic loading behaviour.
2) The results revealed that having three layers
of planar geogrids can be led to provide
optimum performance improvement.
Clayey Geocell 50,000 25,000 Experimental and 1) Locally available material can be used as (1) Monotonic loading Latha and
sand W H (mm) numerical investigation of infill material in the absence of granular (2) Equivalent composite Rajagopal
and soft 1000 and 2000 mm geocell supported material. model (i.e. soil and geocell (2007)
clay Geocell height embankment (GEOFEM) 2) Performance of the reinforced embankment are integrated as one
was significantly improved by increasing the material)
aspect ratios (optimum aspect ratio of 1.0)
Sand Geocell and 900 900 600 Experimental results and 1) Geocell reinforcement was found to be more 1) Monotonic loading Latha and
planar geogrid L W H (mm) numerical investigation on effective than other types of reinforcement. 2) The mobilised stress Somwanshi
the bearing capacity of 2) Numerical results confirmed that by over the geocell was not (2009)
square footings. transferring the footing load to deeper depth, investigated.
stress and strain underneath of the footing will
be markedly reduced.
Gravel Geocell 1524 610 546 Numerical modelling of 1) Providing geocell reinforcement 1) Confining pressure Leshchinsky
L W H (mm) behaviour of railway significantly reduced vertical deformation, assumed constant during and Ling
ballasted structure with particularly for material with lower quality. the entire simulation. (2013a,b)
geocell 2) Geocell reinforcement successfully arrested 2) Diamond shaped
confinement lateral spreading along the slope of the railroad geocell pockets, which are
substructure. different to actual geocell
Aggregate Geocell 1000 840 1000 Numerical modelling for 1) A three-dimensional mechanisticeempirical 1) Confining pressure Yang et al.
and L W H (mm) geocell-reinforced unpaved (MeE) model for geocell-reinforced unpaved remains constant during (2013)
sand Geocellthickness ¼ 100, roads (FLAC3D). roads was developed. the entire simulation.
150 mm 2) A compaction-induced residual stress in the 2) Diamond shaped
base layer was determined using the hysteretic geocell pockets for
k0-loading model. simplicity
Sand and Geocell and 450 450 600 Numerical modelling of 1) Tensile strength had a significant impact on Monotonic loading only. Hegde and
clay geogrid L W H (mm) geocell-reinforced sand footing strength, compared to other Sitharam
(FLAC3D). reinforcement properties. (2014);
2) Performance of the foundation was (2015)
improved further by proving additional planar
Gravel Geogrid 300 200 400 Numerical modelling of 1) It was found that pullout force to be greater Geocells not used. Ferellec and
D W H (mm) ballast and geogrid for the clumps than for the spheres. McDowell
interaction in pullout 2) Much more localised deformation of the (2012)
testing (DEM). geogrid
observed as result of stronger grid-particle
Gravel Geogrid 700 300 450 Numerical modelling of 1) settlement of ballast decreased significantly 1) Geocells were not used. Chen et al.
L W H (mm) geogrid-reinforced ballast due to geogrid. 2) Limited number of (2012)
under cyclic loading (DEM). 2) The optimum location for the geogrid was cycles.
found to be at 100 mm above the base
(confined test) and 50 mm from the subballast
(unconfined test).
Sand Geocell 480 380 100 Numerical modelling of 1) Bearing capacity of the foundation increased 1) Study is limited to a Han et al.
L W H (mm) geocell-reinforced sand significantly due to geocell reinforcement. single geocell pocket. (2008)
(FLAC ). 2) Maximum displacement and tension were 2) Monotonic loading.
found to be close to the bottom of the geocell
Sand Geocell 2000 2000 700 Experimental results of 1) The optimum embedded depth of first layer 1) Limited number of Moghaddas
L W H (mm) rubberesoil mixture and of geocell and vertical spacing of geocell layers cycles. Tafreshi
geocell under repeated were about 0.2 times of loading plate diameter. et al. (2014)
loading. 2) The maximum and plastic deformation
increased by increasing number of load cycles.
M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503 491
geocell-reinforced soil in a 2D environment by modelling the and it was used to investigate the stressestrain behaviour of the
reinforced soil as a new layer with improved strength and stiffness unreinforced and geocell-reinforced subballast subjected to cyclic
(Hegde and Sitharam, 2013; Latha and Somwanshi, 2009; Bathurst loading (Indraratna et al., 2015). The area of the test specimen in the
and Knight, 1998). However, a 2D model cannot accurately capture prismoidal triaxial chamber was selected based on Australian stan-
the additional confinement developed through circumferential dard gauge for heavy haul track. Therefore, in the direction perpen-
strains due to the complex shape of the geocell mattress (with its dicular to sleepers (tie), 400 mm symmetrically on each side of one
honeycomb like structure). Very limited number of studies have rail (i.e. 800 mm) was taken, and this is equal to 1/3 of the total
been investigated the performance of geocell-reinforced soil in a 3- sleeper length (l) of 2400 mm (also termed as effective sleeper length
dimensional framework under monotonic loading (Hegde and by Jeffs and Tew, 1991); and (ii) in the direction parallel to sleeper
Sitharam, 2014). Also, to the authors knowledge, there has only (tie), a distance equalling the sleeper spacing of 600 mm was
been limited research carried out on the effect of geocell mattress considered (Fig. 2(a)). This explains the plan area of
on railway substructure, where the benefits of geocell subjected to 800 mm 600 mm of the test specimen. The subballast material had
cyclic loading has not been studied in details either in laboratory or a total depth of 450 mm, of which the upper 150 mm was stabilised
numerical modelling (Leshchinsky and Ling, 2013a; Wang et al., by geocell. The material for subballast used in this study was a locally
2013; Mehdipour et al., 2013; Tavakoli Mehrjardi et al., 2012; available crushed basalt, collected from a quarry near Wollongong
Choudhury, 2009). The development of a numerical model that (NSW, Australia). The particle size distribution adopted for the sub-
has been calibrated accurately by laboratory and field measure- ballast was within the rail industry specified range (D50 ¼ 3.3 mm,
ments is thereby inevitable to understand the performance of Dmax ¼ 19 mm, Dmin ¼ 0.075 mm, Cu ¼ 16.3, Cc ¼ 1.3, gd ¼ 19 kN/m3).
geocell-reinforced subballast and to propose a proper design A predetermined mass of subballast was placed inside the cubical
guideline for ballasted rail track, while considering the confine- box in several layers and compacted in dry conditions using a
ment effect of the geocell. An attempt was made in this study to vibratory hammer to achieve a relative density (DR) of about 77%,
carry out large-scale cubical tests of geocell-reinforced subballast which is representative of the density of subballast in the field
and to develop a 3D numerical model to simulate the composite (gbulk ¼ 20.5 kN/m3). A geocell mattress was placed onto the surface
system, and capture the actual geometry of geocell pockets and its of the subballast. All the specimens were prepared until the layer of
additional confinement to the subballast. subballast reached a final height of 450 mm. A geocell mattress made
from polyethylene materials, that was connected at the joints to
2. Experimental study create a three-dimensional cellular form (i.e. depth ¼ 150 mm, ul-
timate tensile strength ¼ 9.5 kN/m (ASTM D4885),
In order to obtain a more realistic understanding of subballast thickness ¼ 1.3 mm, density ¼ 950 kg/m3) was used.
under cyclic loading, experimental work was conducted to mimic the The experiments were conducted under plane strain condition,
true field conditions, where the intermediate stress differs from the where any lateral movement in the longitudinal direction (parallel
minor principal stress (s0 2 s s0 3 ). As a result, the large-scale pris- to the track) was restricted (ε2 ¼ 0). The walls were allowed to
moidal triaxial apparatus (800 mm long, 600 mm wide and 600 mm move laterally in the direction parallel to the sleeper (or tie)
high) was designed and built at the University of Wollongong (Fig. 1), (ε3 s 0), to simulate a long straight section of track. The
Table 2
Finite element properties of subballast and geocell used in current study.
Subballast& subgrade
Density (kg/m3) Poisson's ratio, n Elastic modulus (MPa) Cohesion yield stress (kPa) Angle of dilation, j (degree) Friction angle, f (degree)
Density (kg/m3) Poisson's ratio, n Secant modulus (3% strain), Egeocell (GPa)
0.005 2/34
cyclic loading (frequency of f ¼ 10 Hz; confining pressure of
s0 3 ¼ 10 kPa) at a load cycle of N ¼ 10,000. The numerical results
indicate that the subballast experiences the highest vertical
deformation of about SV ¼ 8.45 mm under the footing surface
(Fig. 5(a)), and this gradually decreases with the depth, where
settlement at a depth of h ¼ 200e250 mm is about
SV ¼ 5.28 mm.
Fig. 5. FEM predicted vertical settlements: (a) unreinforced; and (b) geocell-reinforced Fig. 6. Vertical deformation of (a) unreinforced and (b) geocell-reinforced subballast
subballast. against number of cycles (N): laboratory measurements vs. model predictions.
M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503 495
Fig. 9. Lateral displacement of (a) unreinforced and (b) reinforced subballast again
number of cycles (N): laboratory measurements vs. model predictions.
Table 3
A summary of RL and RS obtained from the numerical results.
5 10 15 20 30
of applied cyclic loading and less stress was transferred to the and lateral spreading (SL) in a reinforced specimen with subballast
lower layer of soil, which again confirms the effectiveness of a of different compressive strengths (4 MPa Esubballast 40 MPa)
geocell mattress, when it is placed beneath the footing. during the loading stage. It is observed that the maximum mobi-
One of the benefits of numerical modelling is investigating the lized tensile stress occurs on the subballast with the lowest degree
effect of intermediate stress (s0 2 ). The numerical results show that of stiffness (Esubballast ¼ 4 MPa). This is because the infill soil be-
the magnitude of stress that developed in the direction of s0 2 [side comes stiffer by transferring the cyclic load as hoop stress (mobi-
EFGH in Fig. 10(b)] is much higher than s0 3 (about lizes tensile stress) to the geocell, where lowering the stiffness of
s0 2 ¼ 60e80 kPa). This can be justified because of the boundary the infill materials enables a greater hoop stress in the geocell. As
condition which has led to the accumulation of stress in this di- expected, lateral spreading decreases significantly as the stiffness of
rection. With conventional design criteria, the degree of inter- the subballast is increased.
mediate stress is usually assumed to be equal to the minor The effect of the subballast strength and stiffness of geocell can
principal stress (s0 2 ¼ s0 3 ), but this simulation shows there is a also be evaluated by comparing the reduction factor (RL) of lateral
remarkable dissimilarity between s0 3 and s0 2 when the experi- spreading in reinforced subballast. Fig. 13(b) shows the magnitude
ment is carried out in plane strain condition, which is similar to of RL for geocell with different stiffness and subballast strength
field conditions. under s0 3 ¼ 30 kPa and at N ¼ 10,000 cycles. As shown by Fig. 13(b),
for different subballast stiffness (Esubballast), the value of RL was
4.4. Distribution of stress in the geocell mattress varied between 32 RL 20%. The maximum value of RL >30%
occurred at Esubballast 10 MPa. In addition, for the soil with rela-
The tensile strength of geocell is an important parameter, tively higher strength, RL ¼ 20% could still be achieved.
affecting the performance of geocell-reinforced subballast, where The reinforced specimen exhibited a wider range of RL that
it is usually assumed to be constant in conventional design corresponded to variations in the stiffness of geocell (Egeocell), where
practices (Indraratna et al., 2015; Leshchinsky and Ling, 2013b). the value of RL varied from 30% up to about 75%, depending on the
However, the results obtained from numerical modelling indicate stiffness of geocell used. These results indicate the effectiveness of
that during cyclic loading, the mobilized tensile stress of geocell cellular confinement, where a larger RL occurs in the geocell with a
changes considerably at the loading and unloading stages, where higher stiffness. One practical implication of this study is that the
there are maximum and minimum tensile stresses at the loading rail industry can continue to use subballast of relatively low
and unloading stages respectively [Fig. 11(a) and (b)]. Fig. 11(a) compressive strength that can be improved by geocell, while still
shows that during the loading stage, maximum tensile stress is ensuring an acceptable performance at a lower manufacturing cost.
mobilized in the geocell due to preventing the infill subballast Moreover in the absence of high-strength granular materials, the
from excessive lateral spreading. The middle of the geocell strip numerical simulations presented in this study can be used in the
(e.g. point A) in the direction parallel to the minor principal stress preliminary design of track substructure where a wide range of
(s0 3 ) has experienced the highest degree of mobilized tensile granular materials and geocell mattresses with different strengths
stress. Fig. 11(a) also shows that minimum tensile stress occurs in and stiffness can be considered.
the direction parallel to the intermediate principal stress s0 2 (e.g.
point C), where the geocell mattress is not allowed to move in this 6. Parametric study
direction (i.e. parallel to the sleepers). This study verifies that
stress over the geocell strip is distributed non-uniformly across 6.1. Strength of the subballast
the geocell where the mobilized tensile stresses in the middle
pocket (Point B) are considerably less than those in the sur- Since the supply of aggregates with high strength is limited,
rounding pockets. Compared to the loading stage, the mobilized the use of granular materials with low strength in combination
tensile stress in the geocell during the unloading stage is also non- with the geosynthetic reinforcement is inevitable. Perhaps the
uniform, although the observed magnitude is much lower, as greatest advantage of numerical analysing is that it provides an
shown in Fig. 11(b). This study shows that the improved perfor- insight into the behaviour of specimens with different properties.
mance of geocell-reinforced subballast is controlled mostly by the By taking advantage of this, a model of geocell-reinforced sub-
mobilized tensile stress of the reinforcement where the ballast with a wide range of stiffnesses
maximum mobilized tensile stress is much less than the ultimate (4 MPa Esubballast 40 MPa) was simulated to evaluate the
tensile strength of the geocell. performance of geocell on the subballast having varying stiff-
The influence of confining pressure on the mobilized tensile nesses. A range of stiffnesses (4 MPa Esubballast 40 MPa) was
stress in the geocell was also investigated by comparing the selected to represent soft soils to the very stiff aggregates
mobilized tensile stress at a corresponding confining pressure of commonly used as subballast materials. The results showed that
s0 3 ¼ 5e30 kPa. Fig. 12 shows that the mobilized tensile stress an improvement in the behaviour of reinforced subballast
reaches its highest magnitude at the lowest confining pressure decreased as the stiffness of subballast increased, which is in
(s0 3 ¼ 5 kPa) and decreases significantly as s0 3 increases (i.e. geocell agreement with the previous study (Biswas et al., 2013). Fig. 14(a)
mobilized a tensile stress of around 2.5 MPa and 0.5 MPa under a shows that the lateral displacement of unreinforced subballast
confining pressure of s0 3 ¼ 5 kPa and 30 kPa, respectively). This decreases as the subballast stiffness increases, while a specimen
observation confirms the fact that the beneficial effect of geocell is with very low strength experiences significant lateral displace-
mobilized under the low confining pressure often seen in actual ment (i.e. SL ¼ 7.50 mm for Esubballast ¼ 4 MPa compared to
track conditions. SL ¼ 1.50 mm for Esubballast ¼ 40 MPa). This figure also shows that
regardless of the strength of the subballast, maximum lateral
5. Practical implications spreading occurs at the depth of h ¼ 250e300 mm. Nevertheless,
in the reinforced specimen, the inclusion of geocell decreased
The influence of subballast stiffness on the behaviour of geocell- lateral spreading markedly when the subballast had relatively low
reinforced subballast was investigated by comparing the lateral stiffness (i.e. Esubballast 10 MPa) [Fig. 14(b)]. The presence of the
spreading and mobilized tensile strength of geocell. Fig. 13(a) geocell mattress makes compaction to high levels of Relative
shows the tensile stress mobilized in the geocell (Egeocell ¼ 0.3 GPa) Density (>95%) quite difficult, and therefore the current material
498 M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503
Fig. 11. Tensile stress mobilized in geocell mattress (a) loading and (b) unloading stage subjected to cyclic loading.
7. Model validation
with a bulk unit weight of 20.5 kN/m3 (approx. dry unit weight of
18.5 kN/m3, optimum moisture content ¼ 11%) cannot be By using the proposed analytical model (Indraratna et al.,
considered as a highly dense subballast, but its dilation angle of 9 2015), the model results compared well with different sets of
(Table 2) still provides sufficient dilation to induce geocell hoop experimental data reported elsewhere (Leshchinsky and Ling,
M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503 499
(b) Fig. 14. Lateral spreading of (a) unreinforced and (b) geocell-reinforced subballast at
different strengths.
Fig. 13. (a) Mobilized tensile stress at the geocell in reinforced subballast with
different stiffness and (b) reduction factor of lateral spreading for geocell-reinforced
subballast. long 356 mm width 25 mm thick) under N ¼ 50,000 cycles. A
FE model with 12,661 elements (C3D8R) and 21,038 nodes was
used for the analysis. An elasto-plastic material with non-
2013a). The model was validated numerically (Fig. 16) to associative behaviour was used to model the subballast, where
demonstrate that the current FE model is a reasonable repre- the internal friction angle and dilatancy angle of granular material
sentation of an actual specimen of subballast reinforced with were chosen as 45 and 15 , respectively. The base of the model
geocell, where the settlements and lateral displacements ob- was restricted from any displacement in order to model a concrete
tained from the model were compared with those measured foundation as conducted in the laboratory; but each side was free
experimentally. A model test with a truncated square pyramid to move to simulate field conditions. The model was then vali-
with dimensions of 1524 mm 1524 mm 546 mm was simu- dated by the experimental and numerical data presented by
lated. For the purpose of validation purpose, a hexagonal shaped Leshchinsky and Ling (2013a).
geocell mattress with a single layer 200 mm thick was developed. Fig. 17(a)e(c) present comparisons of the predicted and
Cyclic loading amplitudes of 35 kPa q 175 kPa and measured vertical and lateral displacements of unreinforced and
70 kPa q 350 kPa were used for the unreinforced and rein- geocell-reinforced granular material, where a reasonably good
forced models, respectively. The cyclic load was applied on the top agreement is found between the FEM predictions and the experi-
surface of the model via a rigid plate (plate size: 356 mm mental results. The unreinforced model shows a vertical
500 M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503
ε 8. Conclusion
Fig. 16. Typical FEM mesh of geometry of model and geocell mattress used for validation.
M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503 501
(b) (c)
Fig. 17. Model prediction compared with experiment and numerical results of (a) vertical and lateral deformation at (b) the top and (c) bottom of the embankment.
friction angles often exceeding 50 ). This implies that marginal well with a geocell inclusion. Furthermore, an increase in the
materials can be used as subballast when improved by the use of geocell stiffness reduced the deformation in the subballast,
geocells, and this is clearly beneficial in railway practice where while a stiffer geocell exhibited less lateral displacement. This
high quality aggregates may not be available locally. study would encourage practising engineers to use a subballast
4) A parametric study was carried out to evaluate the effect of of relatively low compressive strength improved with geocell,
subballast and geocell stiffness on performance of a composite while still ensuring an acceptable performance at a lower
system. It was found that in reinforced specimen lateral manufacturing cost.
displacement was reduced further when the stiffness of sub- 5) Maximum vertical displacement (SV) occurred directly under
ballast had lower stiffness (i.e. Esubballast 10 MPa), indicating the footing where the cyclic loading was at its maximum. The
that subballast with low compressive strength could perform intensity of SV decreased at a lower depth. The numerical results
502 M.M. Biabani et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2016) 489e503
also showed that maximum lateral displacements in the unre- ѱ dilation angle (degrees)
inforced specimen occurred at a depth of about
h ¼ 250e300 mm, and then SL decreases at a lower depth Appendix. Calculation of applied stress on the subballast
(h < 250 mm). As a result, utilizing geocell in the subballast layer
will reduce excessive axial and lateral deformation. For calculating the maximum contact pressure on the top of
subballast surface, a nominal axle load of 294 kN (30 tons) was
Acknowledgements assumed, and this is equivalent to a vertical pressure of 147 kN. The
design wheel load can then be calculated using (Li and Selig, 1998):
The financial support received from the Cooperative Research
Centre (CRC) for Rail Innovation to conduct this research is grate- Pd ¼ f,Ps (1)
fully appreciated. The authors are grateful for Alan Grant, Labora-
tory Manager and Ritchie McLean, Technical Officer at GRE for their where, Ps is the static wheel load (kN), Pd is the design wheel load
assistance during laboratory testing. (kN), and 4 is the impact factor (dimensionless) given as
(Indraratna et al., 2011a,b):
List of symbols
f ¼ 0:0052V=D þ1 (2)
b distance between two adjacent sleepers(mm)
Cc coefficient of curvature By substituting train speed (v) as 73 km/h (corresponding to
Cr apparent cohesion (kPa) f ¼ 10 Hz), and wheel diameter Dw as 0.97 m, the design wheel load
Cu uniformity coefficient Pd was determined to be about 200e208 kN. Considering 50% of
D10 diameter for 10% fine by weight (mm) pressure transmitted to the adjacent sleepers (varies from 50 to 60%
D20 diameter for 20% fine by weight (mm) as shown by Atalar et al., 2001), the rail seat load (qr) can be ob-
D30 diameter for 30% fine by weight (mm) tained about 100e104 kN. Assuming a uniform distribution of
D50 average particle size (mm) stress, the contact pressure at the ballastesleeper interface (Pa) can
D60 diameter for 60% fine by weight (mm) then be computed as (Jeffs and Tew, 1991):
Dmax maximum particle size (mm) qr
Dmin minimum particle size (mm) Pa ¼ F (3)
BL 2
DR relative density (%)
Dr depth of reinforcement (mm) where, F2 is a factor depending on track maintenance and sleeper
E elastic modulus (MPa) type (F2 ¼ 1), B is the width of sleeper (B ¼ 260 mm), l is the total
Esubballast subballast strength (MPa) length of sleeper (l ¼ 2400 mm) and L is the effective length of
Egeocell geocell stiffness (GPa) sleeper. By assuming the effective length of sleeper as one third of
f frequency (Hz) the total sleeper length (Jeffs and Tew, 1991), Eq. (3) becomes:
h specimen height (mm)
d interface coefficient 3qr
Pa ¼ F (4)
ks normalized confinement ratio Bl 2
RL lateral spreading reduction factor (%)
According to Japanese Track Standards, considering L as 2d,
Rs settlement reduction factor (%)
where, d is distance between the rail head center and edge of the
L total length of sleeper (mm)
sleeper (d ¼ 500 mm), following equation can be used to obtain Pa
le effective length of sleeper supporting the load (mm)
(Atalar et al., 2001):
M geocell modulus (kN/m)
Mm mobilized geocell modulus (kN/m) qr
Pa ¼ F (5)
N number of cycles 2dB 2
qmax maximum amplitude (kPa)
Considering Eqns. (3)e(5), a maximum of Pa (i.e. Pa ¼ 492 kPa)
qmean mean load (kN)
was considered. Considering the sleeper area (L ¼ 800 mm,
qmin minimum amplitude (kPa)
B ¼ 260 mm) and a ballast depth of 300 mm, the stress on top of
SL lateral spreading (mm)
subballast can then be calculated of about 160e170 kPa using
SV vertical deformation (mm)
Boussinesq elastic theory. A minimum amplitude ðsmin Þ of 41 kPa
gd dry unit weight of the soil (kN/m3)
was selected to represent in situ unloaded track state.
d interface friction angle of subballast-geosynthetic
ε2 lateral strain parallel to intermediate principal stress (%) References
ε3 lateral strains parallel to minor principal stress (%)
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