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Design of Fall at RD 29.250 of RB Upper/Dy

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The document discusses the design of a fall structure including its hydraulic particulars, design considerations, dimensions of elements like the crest, cistern, floor, and protections provided upstream and downstream.

The design considers the crest length, crest level, shape of crest, approach, downstream wings, upstream protection based on the hydraulic particulars of the upstream and downstream discharge and water levels.

The dimensions defined include the crest width, thickness at base, cistern depth, cistern length, floor length, sheet pile depths and elevations.


1. Full supply diascharge u/s 0.871 CUMEC
2. Full supply diascharge d/s 0.670 CUMEC
3. Drop HL 0.339 m
4. Full supply level u/s 168.192 m
5. Full supply level d/s 167.853 m
6. Full supply depth u/s D 0.863 m
7. Full supply depth d/s D 0.579 m
8. Bed level u/s CBL 167.329 m
9. Bed level d/s CBL 167.274 m
10. Bed width u/s U/S 0.229 m
11. Bed width d/s D/S 1.798 m
12. Assume Bligh coefficient BLC 7
13. Side slope 1.25 :1
14. Safe exit gradient 0.17
1. Length of crest
In case of vertical drop falls, the length of crest should be the same as the .
bed width of the channel

Crest length (L) = 0.23 m

2. Crest Level
In case of falls if discharge is less than 15 cumecs, Rectangular crest is provided.
The discharge is given by
Q = 1.835*L*D(3/2)*(D/Bt)(1/6)
Assuming crest width (Bt) = 0.65 m
0.871 = 1.835 x 0.229 x D3/2 x (D / 0.65 )1/6
D = 1.48327
Velocity of approach with slope 1.25 : 1
Va = 0.871 / 0.229 + 1.07875 x 0.863
Va = 0.772 m/sec
Velocity Head ha = Va2/2g
= 0.0304
u/s TEL = u/s FSL + velocity head
= 168.192 + 0.03
= 168.22 m
RL of crest = u/sTEL - D
= 168.22 - 1.483
= 166.739 m
Adopt crest level = 166.74 m
3. Shape of Crest
(a). Width of crest
Width of crest (Bt) = 0.55 * ÖD1
where D1 = height of crest above d.s. bed
= 166.74 - 167.274
= -0.53 m
Bt = 0.55 X Ö -0.53
= ### m
Keep width of crest = 0.65 m
(b). Width at base
Thickness at base = 0.5 x D1
= 0.5 X -0.53
= -0.267 m
Provide thickness at base = 0.80 m
Its top shall be capped with 20 cm thick cement conc.(M15)& both edges rounded.
The side wall may be splayed straight at an angle of 45 0 from the us edge of the
crest and extending by 1.0 m in the earthen bank from the line of FSL.
5. Downstream wings
Side walls shall be straight and parallel up to the end of floor and shall be
kept vertical.
6. Upstream Protection
Brick pitching in length 0.863 m
should be laid on the u/s bed slopping down towards the crest 1:10 ; and provide three
drain pipes of 15 cm diameter at the bed during the closure of the channel.
7. Cistern Elements
Depth of cistern = dc / 3
dc = (q2 / g ) 1/3
q = 0.372636 cumec/m
dc = 0.24 m
Thus Depth of cistern = 0.08 m
RL of cistern = d/s bed level - Depth of cistern
= 167.274 - 0.08
= 167.19 m
Provide RL of cistern = 167.1 m
Length of cistern = 5.2*dc+1.067+HL
= 5.2 X 0.242 + 1.067 + 0.34
= 2.664 m
Provide 3.0 m long cistern at RL 167.1 m.
8. Length of Impervious floor
Bligh's coefficient = 7
Maximum static head = Crest level - d/s bed level
= -0.53 m
Total floor length required = 7 X -0.53
= -3.738
Total floor lengthprovided = -3.8 m
Minimum d.s. floor length reqd. = 6.77*dc+5.182+HL
= 6.77 X 0.24 + 5.182 + 1 0.34
= 7.158655 m
Provide d.s. floor length = 6.5 m
Provide d.s. floor 6.5 m long and
2 m under and upstream of the crest.

Depth of sheet piles from scour considerations :
Discharge intensity 'q' = 0.37
Depth of scour 'R' = 1.36{q2/f}1/3 = 0.70
Anticipated scour = 1.25 R = 0.88
R.L. of the bottom of scour hole = #NAME?
- 0.88
= #NAME?
(where yd is water depth
Minimum depth of u/s cutoff below bed level = yd/3+0.60
im m at u/s )
= #NAME? + 0.60
= #NAME? m
RL of the bottom of sheet pile = #NAME? m
Provide sheet pile bottom elevation at = #NAME? m
If U/S sheet bottom El. is above Cistern level then provide El.= ### m
D/S sheet pile :
Discharge intensity 'q' = 0.37 cumec/m
Depth of scour 'R' = 1.36{q2/f}1/3 = 0.70 m
Anticipated scour = 1.5 R = 1.06 m

R.L. of the bottom of scour hole = 167.85 - 1.06

= 166.80 m
Minimum depth of d/s cutoff (where yd is water depth
yd/2 + 0.60
below bed level = in m at d/s )
0.29 + 0.60
= 0.89 m
RL of bottom of sheet pile = 166.38 m
Sheet pile bottom elevation = 166.30 m
Provide sheet pile bottom elevation = 57.15 m
Total floor length and exit gradient
The exit gradient should be checked for the condition whe57.15
when canal is running at FSL; this provides the worst static condition.

Maximum static head head = 166.74 - 167.27

= -0.53 m
Depth of d.s. cut off,d = 167.27 - 57.15
= 110.12 m
H 1
GE = ---- '----
d pÖl
1 GE*d
------------- = -------------- = -34.37
pÖl H
From Khosla's exit gradient curve, a = Err:502

Hence requirement of total floor length b = a d

= Err:502 m
Adopt total floor length = Err:502 m
The floor length shall be provided as below:-

d.s floor length including cistern = 6.50 m

Width of the crest at base = 0.80 m
Upstream floor = 1.25 m
Total = 8.60 m
Pressure calculations
Let the floor thickness in the u/s be 0.30 m and near the d/s cutoff
be 0.35 m.
(i) Upstream sheet pile
d = 167.33 - #NAME?
= #NAME? m
b = 8.60 m
d/b = #NAME? = I/ a
From Khosla's Pressure curves
l = #NAME?
fC1 = #NAME? %
fD1 = #NAME? % fD1 - fC1 = ### %

Correction for floor thickness = #NAME? (+ ve)

Correction for interference due to d/s sheet pile line, C = 19ÖD/b'.(d+D)/b

D = 166.60 - 57.15 = 109.45 m
d = 166.60 - #NAME? = ### m
b' = 8.20 m
b = 8.60 m
C= #NAME? (+ ve)

fC1 corrected = #NAME? + ### + ###

= #NAME? %

(ii) Downstream sheet pile

d = 167.27 - 57.15
= 110.12 m
b = 8.60 m

d/b= = 12.81 = I/ a

From Khosla's Pressure curves

l= 1.00
fE1 = 97.52 %
fD1 = 49.95 % fE1 - fD1 = = 47.57 %

Correction for floor thickness = 0.15 (- ve)

Correction for interference due to u/s sheet pile line, C = 19ÖD/b'.(d+D)/b

d = 166.72 - 57.15 = 109.57 m
D = 166.72 - #NAME? = ### m
b' = 8.20 m
b = 8.60 m
C= #NAME? (- ve)

fE1 corrected = 97.52 - 0.15 - ###

= #NAME? %

1.63 3.25 4.88

1.60 3.20 4.80

Downstream Floor thickness

(i) Upto 1.60 m from d/s of stilling basin

% pressure = #NAME? + 1.20 X ### -

= #NAME?

Unbalanced head = #NAME? m

Floor thickness requir = #NAME? /1.24 ### m
Provide floor thickness = 0.35 m

(ii) At 3.20 m from d/s end and upt 1.60 m

% pressure = #NAME? + 2.80 X ### -

= #NAME?
Unbalanced head = #NAME? m
Floor thickness requir = #NAME? /1.24 ### m
Provide floor thickness = 0.45 m

(iii) At 4.80 m from d/s end and upt 3.20 m

% pressure = #NAME? + 4.40 X ### -

= #NAME?
Unbalanced head = #NAME? m
Floor thickness requir = #NAME? /1.24 ### m
Provide floor thickness = 0.55 m

(iii) At 6.50 m from d/s end and upt 4.80 m

% pressure = #NAME? + 6.10 X ### -

= #NAME?
Unbalanced head = #NAME? m
Floor thickness requir = #NAME? /1.24 ### m
Provide floor thickness = 0.65 m

The downstream floor concrete shall overlaid by 0.2 m thick brick pitching
Depth of up stream cut off ###
Downstream Protection
(a). Bed Protection
Length of bed protection = 3*d/s water depth

= 1.74 m

This shall consist of brick on edge dry pitching

This shall be protected by a toe wall 1.5 brick thick and of depth equal to. ###
(b). Side protection
Length of bed protection = 3*d/s water depth
= 1.74 m
Provide dry brick pitching 0.2 m thick on sides, resting on wall 1.5 brick thick and of the
same depth as other toe walls.


U.S.FSL #NAME? U/S Wing Wall Crest level
0.65 166.74 D/S Wing Wall Top of pitching
167.33 D/S FSL 167.85 1.74
166.90 167.10 3.00 m long cistern

0.30 0.80 0.55 0.45 0.35 #NAME?


#NAME? 57.15
1.70 1.60 1.60 1.60
2.10 6.50

1) Drawing is not to the scale. 5) Top of the crest shall be capped with 1:2:4 cement conc. 0.20 m thick.
2) All dimensions are in metre. 6) Brick pitching equal to US FSD ,laid sloping down 1 in 10 towards the crest in US.
3) In impervious floor, the grade of cement concrete is 1:3:6 (M10) with 7) U/S wing walls may be splayed straight at 45 0from the US edge &
0.15m top c. conc. 1:2:4 (M15), over laid with 0.20m brick pitching. D/S wings shall be straight,parallel & vertical.
4) Curtain walls 0.40m thick in CM 1:4 with 0.30m th CC 1:3:6 foundation. 8) D/S bed shall be protected by 20 cm dry brick pitching(one brick on
edge &one flat) on 10 cm ballast,it is not required in lined canals.

Assistant Engineer Deputy Director Director (Canals) Chief Engineer

Canal Structures Canal Structures ID&R, Irrigation Unit, ID&R, Irrigation Unit,
Jaipur Jaipur
20 m thick.

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