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Dynamic Characterization of Meandering Channels Planform: River Flow 2018

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E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018)

River Flow 2018

Dynamic characterization of meandering

channels planform
Lucas Dominguez1, Ronald Gutierrez2, Yoch Ponte3, Jorge D. Abad3,*, and Oscar Carrera3
National University of the Littoral, Santa Fe, Argentina
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru
Water Research Center at University of Engineering and Technology, Lima, Peru

Abstract. Meandering channels develop different geometry patterns along

the floodplain during its evolution. These natural processes lead to
developing lateral and longitudinal migration, describing a sort of swept
that affect the human activities. As the equilibrium geometry of natural
channels depends on: the flow and sediment discharge, geological
conditions of valley, soil properties, and vegetation among others, the
preliminary characterization is not easy. Due to this, several engineering
and scientific problems require an appropriate description of
morphological processes. The dynamic characterization like the
quantification of wavelength, amplitude, sinuosity, and curvature using
Medium Temporal Scheme (MTS) is using widely. Unlike the traditional
scheme that only uses short or long-term schemes, MTS includes relevant
morphological events (e.g., cutoff). In addition this, the satellite images has
increased and achieves a high spatial resolution, even more when studying
large basins. This paper presents and validates a MATLAB®-based
toolbox called Meander Statistics Toolbox (MStaT) to perform the
dynamic characterization of several meandering channels using the MTS.
To run MStaT only need the centerline (CL), and the average width of
channel as input parameters. To maximize the toolbox, MStaT incorporates
the Wavelet Analysis (WA) to decompose the signal (CL) and obtains the
power spectrum. Finally, two studies cases (synthetic and natural channels)
will be presented to validate MStaT.

1. Introduction
One of the structures commonly found in large alluvial basins are the meandering
channels, characterized by presenting a high migration rate. This natural channel
continuously modifies the fluvial environment, eroding the margin and affecting human
activities [1]. Factors such as increases in sediment-laden flows, restoration of natural
rivers, and construction or removal of water control structures, can affect the channels
conditions. In the past, severe effects have been generated by the channelization, such as
the increase on bed slope, change of flow velocity [2], or the sediment transport capacity,
modifying the erosion or deposition process [3,4]. The principal ecology problems associate
are the damage to habitat fish [5], and the reduction of the capacity of the stream on flood

* Corresponding author: jabadc@utec.edu.pe

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002043
River Flow 2018

events [6]. All these effects must be understood and previously studied when designing an
engineering project. It is ruled out that the resulting geometric condition for a given
temporal state is the product of the hydrodynamic, and sediment transport. Due this, a
preliminary description and quantification of the geometry parameters of a meandering
channel are necessary to do.
The first criterion of meanders classification involving only the meander geometry is
introduced by [7]. Then, [8] focus in a new description, which includes as the medium term
coherent wave being present in the meander planform for a period that is strongly governed
by the occurrence of cutoff events (medium-term frame). This new focus raised has a
different position that the past research [7, 10], which used the centerline (short-term frame)
to describe the morphodynamics.
On the other hand, the Wavelet Transform (WT) analysis has a high performance in
different fields of application, since the bedforms description [9], and especially for the
morphodynamics in meandering channels [8] with a quickly spectral analysis of signal.
Doesn't exist yet a toolbox that uses a MTS [8] and generates a complete quantification of
the geometry on meandering channels, even more, when talking about large channels.
This paper describes and validates the computation code called Meander Statistics
Toolbox (MStaT) developed on MATLAB®. MStaT estimates geometry variables of the
meanders like arc-wavelet, sinuosity, curvature, amplitude, inflection point, among others,
and in turn perform a WT type analysis. This code represents a more effective performance
of multi-disciplinary projects, such as restoring channelized streams to more natural, stable
conditions or reducing the urbanization effect in waterways engineering. Different areas
can use this code for each one. For example, the scientific utilities are: i) analyzing the
interrelationship between meanders and planform, ii) the influence of sinuosity on the
surface and groundwater interrelationship, or iii) impact of channelized in the meandering
river. The engineering purposes are: i) the design of civil infrastructure protection, ii) river
restoration, or iii) the design of waterways. Finally, a theoretical test and a natural channel
to validate the code will be presented.

2. Wavelet Analysis
Previous research has represented the dynamics of the meandering rivers using
different temporal schemes such as: 1) river centerline, short time scheme, or 2) the valley
centerline, long time (geological scale). Both schemes offer different results depending on
the dynamics of the channel [10, 11]. [8] presented an intermediate temporal scheme, in
which the centerline is defined between the loops of the meander, from here Mean Center
(MC) line.
Wavelet Transforms (WT) play the main role for the MC determination, and have been
successfully applied to other quasiperiodic geophysical signals such as bedform profiles
[9]. The unidimensional WT of a signal (e.g., meander curvature, dependent on the
longitudinal coordinate s) obtained by the convolution of the signal and the Wavelet
Function (WF) or Mother Wavelet (MW) ψ(s) as expressed by Eq. 1,

( ) ∫ ( )̅̅̅̅̅̅( ) (1)

where a is the scale parameter, b is the location parameter, and ̅̅̅̅̅̅ is the complex
conjugate of as mathematically represented by Eq. 2:

( ) ( ) (2)

E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002043
River Flow 2018

According to the Parseval’s theorem [12] the same WT (Eq. 2) can be expressed by Eq.

( ) ∫ ̂( ) ̅̅̅̅̅̅
̂ ( ) (3)

where ̂ and ̂ ( ) are the Fourier transforms of x(f) and , respectively. The wavelet
power spectrum is defined as | ( )| and in terms of computational cost, it is less
expensive to quantify it from Eq. 3 [13]. The continuous wavelet analysis is performed by
Morlet wavelet function and modified version of the wavelet software provided by [13].
The Wavelet Principal Component Analysis (WPCA) plays a main role in the
decomposition of the signal. WPCA uses two input parameters the discrete depth and the
level J at which the signal is filtered (with J = 1 being the original signal). So, WPCA
analyses of the signal at different frequencies with different resolutions to decompose the
signal through a robust approximation and detailed coefficients. Daubechies algorithm is
used to obtain the wavelet coefficient. Thus the composite of the larger scale is debunked
through the filter [12]. For more details on the WPCA methodology, please refer to [14].

3. MStaT Model Description

MStaT was developed on MATLAB® to estimate the planar geometry, wavelet filter,
and inflection point filter of meandering channels. MStaT was integrated into a Graphical
User Interface (GUI) that allows seeing easily, interact with it, and interpret the data
analyzed. The source codes are available for download at
https://github.com/ldominguezruben/mstat. Also, an executable version is available at
https://meanderstatistics.blogspot.com.ar/ with a quick start manual for its installation and
execution with some study cases. Figure 1 shows a flowchart of MStaT model processes.
Then will be detailed each step one.

Figure 1. - Flowchart of MStaT computation code.

E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002043
River Flow 2018

Two input parameters are necessary to run MStaT. First the CL file, i.e., the x and y
georeferencing points in a Coordinate System. Notice that x and y points are treated as
imaginary numbers such as, the real part is the Easting, and the imaginary is the Northing.
CL file must be prepared carefully in two-column x and y (without header). The formats
accepted are .txt, .xlsx, .dat, or .kml (from Google Earth®). To obtain these files it is
possible to realize two digitalized methodologies details below.
The first method of digitization is through the use of ArcMap [15] (Figure 2). Herein
will propose a methodology that uses the satellite images available from the United States
Geological Survey (USGS) on its download website (https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/). This
website allows download of satellite images of different qualities and dates around the
world. It is recommended to use the correct resolution depending on the scales of the
channel. It is recommended to download satellite image with cloudiness of less than 20%.
So for this method will propose the next steps:
- Download the satellite image.
- Convert the Landsat image to water (black) and not water (white) using the
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).
- Create a raster using ArcMap's Conversion Tools Toolbox, convert Raster to
Polygon to create a shapefile of meandering channel.
- Using ArcMap's data Managment Tools Toolbox, convert Polygon to Line to
create dual polylines of meandering channel. Use the Measure tool to calculate the
average channel width (i.e. take minimum 30 samples).
- Using ArcMap's Cartography Tools Toolbox, Collapse Dual Lines to centerline to
create meandering river centerline.
- Ensure the data points follow the downstream direction. Export the coordinates to
a .txt file to be used in MStaT.

Figure 2.- Digitalized method of study reach. Method 1.

Second method possible is using Google Earth® application. MStaT users must
generate a tools ‘Add path’ and perform the manual digitization of the channel. Once

E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002043
River Flow 2018

obtained it must save in .kml format. This method reduces the processing time with respect
Method 1, due to the availability of high-resolution images offered by Google Earth®.
Once digitalized the CL, the second input parameter is the average width of study reach.
This parameter must be carefully chosen, as it will be of great use hereafter (the deviation
can be less than 50%). MStaT resampled the x and y data to get equally spaced points using
as parameter the average width, and at the same time to convert the points of geographic
data coordinates into local coordinates (e.g., s the longitudinal coordinate and, n the normal
coordinate) using the [16] algorithm. Then, MStaT obtains the Mean Center (MC) line of
the CL using the WPCA (see [14]). Herein the level used to decompose the CL is J=6 [8].
Subsequently, MStaT determinates the inflection points using the crossing between CL
and MC (Mean Center Method, MCM), or the zero crossing points of CL (Inflection Point
Method, IP). See Figure 2. Once identified bends by the method that the MStaT users chose
(i.e., MCM or IP), calculates the planar geometry variables as maximum curvature,
wavelength, sinuosity, amplitude and stream-wise orientation, among others (Figure 3).
Notice that MStaT determinates different classes of bends like upstream, downstream,
symmetrical, and compound depending on the apex orientation. Another utility is the
continuous Wavelet Analysis (WA) using the Morlet wavelet function. WA allows to
obtain the wavelet spectrum of arc-wavelength (λ) at 95% of confidence. This function is
useful since it allows to identify the recurrence of λ throughout the study reach. In the
MStaT toolbar menu, the user can find the WA and obtains the wavelet spectrum and others
parameters like curvature or normalized angle, and global wavelet spectrum for the
normalized curvature of channel.

Figure 3. - Methods for the planar geometry analysis applied by MStaT.

E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002043
River Flow 2018

4. Application and Validation

By way of application and validation, 2 cases will be presented in this paper. The first is
the Kinoshita equation [17] (synthetic meander), with the next parameters: λ= 25m (arc-
wavelength), and θ = 10. See Figure 4: a,b,c,d,e.

Figure 4.- Outputs graph from MStaT of synthetic meander channel (Kinoshita equation).

The second case corresponds to a natural channel, located in the Amazon basin of Peru
(Corrientes River). For the latter, a total of 342km was digitalized using the Google Earth®
application. See Figure 5: a,b,c,d,e . In the case of the synthetic one, a great agreement
between the λ imposed (on the equation) and that obtained by the computational code is
observed (25.2m, differences <0.8%). Besides, a clear monotonic arrangement of curvature
and angle changes is observed for this case.
For the natural channel, its behavior is much less regular than the synthetic one,
distinguishing greater changes in its curvature as λ close to 2000m.

5. Conclusion
The knowledge of morphological variables in a meandering channel is critical when
designing engineering projects. Understanding geometry variables of the channels allow the
environment to be modified as little as possible. MStaT is an user-friendly toolbox
developed on MATLAB®, which can aid designers and engineering with statistical
analysis of meandering channels geometry. The easy-to-use GUI with graphical results
represents a useful teaching tool for instructors of any skill level as well as an overview of

E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002043
River Flow 2018

key statistics for designers and consultants. This information is of great value when natural
channels characteristics are compared to those in stream restoration or structural design. For
example, river disturbances due to increased runoff from urbanization or the removal of
aging dam structures could be quantified by the meander toolbox and mitigated properly
due to an increased understanding of the migration process. Thus, MStaT represents a
practical first step in description and characterization of meandering channels and
understanding the environment impact.

Figure 5.- Outputs graph from MStaT of natural meander channel (Corrientes River).

MStaT offers different capabilities such as:

- Visualize of river morphodynamics and planform migration.
- Calculate the planar statistics for individual river bends (number, sinuosity, orientation,
wavelength, arc-wavelength, amplitude, downstream, and upstream length).
- Perform a wavelet filter analysis on the meander channels and outputs filtered results
(curvature and angular amplitude).
- Classify meander channels for your shape (i.e., upstream, downstream, symmetric and
Two studies cases corresponding to synthetic channels and natural channels were
evaluated through this computation code, obtained a good performance (<0.8%, synthetic
case). It also highlights the reduced time to evaluation of a large study reach like the
Corrientes River.
Plans for MStaT includes an input of centerlines over time and calculation of river
migration rates using curvilinear vectors. This would provide a more powerful estimate,
which could be used in many applications in waterways engineering. In addition this, the
existing code and data sets are in the process of rigorous testing and review as quality

E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02043 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002043
River Flow 2018

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