Chemistry Laboratory Report Magno
Chemistry Laboratory Report Magno
Chemistry Laboratory Report Magno
Submitted by:
Bessy Jewel M. Magno
Submitted to:
Engr. Crijamaica L. Ocena
August 5, 2019
A lattice is a regular structure made of many small units known as unit cells. A
unit cell is the smallest representative unit of a lattice comprising of all the
components that can be found repeating all over the lattice structure.
The key difference between lattice and unit cell is that a lattice is a regular
other crystalline solid whereas a unit cell is a simple arrangement of spheres (atoms,
Utility Knife
First, using toothpicks and gum balls, students will create 3D model of the
Hexagonal Closed-Packed
have a useable model. This model will last and can be used in the observation process.
We also have to consider using Styrofoam balls rather than a clay in order for the
Discussion of Results:
With the use of ball and stick we can create a 3D model of Cubic Crystals
which are: Simple cubic, Face centered and Body centered. According to Journal of
substance which is to display both the three-dimensional position of the atoms and
the bonds between them. The atoms are typically represented by spheres, connected
by rods which represent the bonds. Double and triple bonds are usually represented by
two or three curved rods, respectively, or alternately by correctly positioned sticks for
In a good model, the angles between the rods should be the same as the angles
between the bonds, and the distances between the centers of the spheres should be
proportional to the distances between the corresponding atomic nuclei. The chemical
With the use of Styrofoam balls and stick we can create a 3d model of Cubic
Crystals. Therefore, in a simple cubic, there is 1 atom and has a coordination number
of 6 and in a body centered there are 2 atoms and has a coordination number of 8 ,
while in the face centered there are 4 atoms and has a coordination number of 12. In
hexagonal closed-packed it has 6 atoms per unit cell and has a coordination number of
Turner M (1971). "Ball and stick models for organic chemistry". Journal of
Chemical Education.
International Tables for Crystallography (2006).Volume A. Space-group
1. Is the number of the ball required for the first model the same as the number of
No. The numbers of balls are not totally the same because each crystal
structure has a different number of atoms and in this scenario; each model requires
There are different types of unit cells, Therefore, the number of molecules
the simultaneous presence of moisture and oxygen. Essentially, the iron in the steel is
oxidized to produce rust, which occupies approximately six times the volume of the
original material.
A metal is a material that, when freshly prepared, polished, or fractured, shows
a lustrous appearance, and conducts electricity and heat relatively well. Metals are
The students will observe the physical properties of the metals. First, they will
examine each for its state, color, luster and hardness. They will try to dissolve each in
5 test tubes containing 10ml of water, the record the solubility and reactions observed.
ZnSO4, FeSO4, and H2SO4 to 3 test tubes for each solution. Then, they will drop a
piece of metal on each solution. Lastly, they will need to check if there are reactions
in each test tube and record the reaction in the table provided.
l s
Liquid Change Change Change There’s a reaction in solution and
State s s
Stay in No No No
change change changes
Fe Solid s s No Reaction
Stay in No No No
change change changes
Cu Solid s s No Reaction
Cu Zn Mg
No Reaction Color the same but metal change Color of
ZnSo4 No Reaction Metal changed Metal
and reacts
on solution.
FeSO4 No Reaction Metal reacts slightly Metal
H2SO4 No Reaction Metal has slightly dissolved Metal
e became
Based on the data above, when metal was submerged in water, it has no visible
reactions. But when we submerged it in CuSo4, ZnSO4, FeSO4, and H2SO4, there
are visible reactions that can be observed acting on the metal. Some metals may have
no reactions on the chemical liquid but there are still visible changes in the other
Discussion of Results:
In the article that I have read, it says that the corrosiveness of a liquid on
and pH - value.
There are different types of metals therefore; each metal reacts on the water in
a different way. Its physical state changes accordingly when it submerged in the water.
When Cu was submerged in different solutions there was no reaction. But, when Zn
BS EN ISO 12944-2: 2017, Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of
environments, BSI
D.Deacon & R.Hudson.(2012). Steel Designer’s Manual (7th Edition),
Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity but non-metals are poor
conductors of heat and electricity. Metals are ductile in nature i.e. it can be drawn into
thin wires. But non-metals are not ductile. Metals are malleable but non-metals are
not malleable.
Charcoal briquettes
Aluminum Foil
Zip locks
Paper plates
Mortar and Pestle
Ice Cubes
9-V Batteries
10-cm Copper Wire
1.5-V Bulb
Electrical Tape
First, the students will put the charcoal briquettes on the mortar. Pound the
briquettes moderation. Second, they transfer the moderately-sized charcoal pieces into
a paper plate then set aside. Meanwhile, they cover another paper plate with
aluminum foil. Third, the students put an ice cube a top the charcoal briquettes. At the
same time, they put an ice cube on the foil-wrapped plate. After that, they will use
their batteries to check the thermal conductivities of charcoal and aluminum. On this
note, students need to make sure that the batteries are laid with their terminals
touching on the dry surfaces of the charcoal pieces on one plate, and on the aluminum
foil of the other and they let these stand for twenty minutes. Lastly, they take note of
Firstly, the students will make a long ribbon wire out of the foil by cutting a
piece. Then, they fold the foil so that they can form a ribbon. Students will need to
hold or tape one end of this wire to the flat end of (negative terminal) of the battery
and wrap the other end tightly around the “threaded” (screw) sides of the light bulb.
Secondly, the students test the magnesium wire, copper wire, and aluminum
foil to see if they can conduct electricity. Students do this by pressing the positive
terminal of the battery (the end with a bump) to one side of the object, and the metal
end of the light bulb to the other side. If the bulb lights up, a series of circuit was
formed: electric current can pass unobstructed through the wires from the battery to
the light to the battery again. Then, they record their observation.
Data and Observation:
Malleability Yes No
Ductility Yes No
Metal has the best electrical and thermal conductivity compared to non-metals.
Discussion of Results:
time, you can tell an element is a metal simply by looking at its metallic luster, but
this isn't the only distinction between these two general groups of elements.
Both metals and nonmetals take different forms (allotropes), which have
malleable. On the other hand, non-metals are very brittle. When comparing their
density, metals have a high to moderate density, whereas non-metals have low to
moderate density. While metals are good conductors of electricity and heat, non-
metals are poor conductors. Unlike non-metals, metals are ductile, which means they
Helmenstine.(2018). Metals Versus Non-metals. Retrieved from
1. Ice melts faster in the paper wrapped in aluminum foil as compared to that
plate covered with nothing. Explain the reason/s why this phenomenon
As an electrical conductor, when Aluminum foil was being applied by
the battery, electricity flows in it and because it is flowing in the foil, it creates
heat that enable the surface of the foil heat up and when there is heat, the solid
It is obviously a non-metal, because metals are known as good
is a non-metal.
3. What happens when a circuit is open? Why does this happen?
The current can’t flow in an open circuit, because the electric current
flows in a wire, so when the path is open, the current cannot flow.
A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the
thermal infrared range. Greenhouse gases cause the greenhouse effect. The primary
greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide and ozone. Without greenhouse gases, the average temperature of
Earth's surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F), rather than the present average of 15 °C
(59 °F). The atmospheres of Venus, Mars and Titan also contain greenhouse gases.
The students will label the containers with “Control” and “CO2” respectively.
Then, for the “Control” container, they fill with 1 liter of water. For the “CO2”
container, they will pour the sodium bicarbonate in the container then afterwards fill it
in with the Acetic Acid. Then they will cover it immediately with a rubber stopper so
that the CO2 won’t escape. Install the thermometers so that it can record the
temperatures inside the containers. After that, students will turn on the heat source.
They will place the containers near the heat source. Next, students will start the timer
and record the temperatures of each container in the table provided. Also, remember
Bottle Bottle
0 (Initial) 30 30
5 32 32
10 32 33
15 33 35
20 33 35
25 33 35
30 34 36
35 35 37
40 35 37
Based on the data above, we observed that, as the time increasing, the
Discussion of Results:
The temperature from both bottles risen every 5 five minutes, until it reached
proportional to time. Aside from that we observed that the bottle with CO2 has risen
its temperature faster than that the control bottle and as time increases.
when added with heat, the environment becomes hotter. CO2 contributes heat to the
environment helping any source of heat to create heat faster and higher in
temperature. Therefore, we must, at all times, stop or lessen the activities which can
Coal Geology.
The greenhouse effect is a usual process that warms the Earth's surface.
When the Sun's energy reaches the Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected
back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases.
2. What happens to the air temperature when there is more carbon dioxide
The air temperature will become warm. As carbon dioxide in the
Humans will plant more trees or plants to decrease carbon dioxide in
given soil. This natural chemical composition of a soil is a function of that soil’s
parent material. In many areas of the world soil is formed in place and derived
Garden Soil
Roadside Soil
Riverside Soil
Sandy Soil
Clay Soil
Filter Paper (5)
Stirring Rod
Test Tube (5)
Test Tube Rack
Beaker (5)
pH Meter
Using the spatula, the students will transfer some riverside soil to the beaker
containing water and dissolve it. Then they will repeat this process for the other soil
and label each beaker. The students use the stirring rod to stir the solution in order to
mix it. Next, they will place folded filter paper into the funnel and place it into the test
tube and take the garden soil solution and filter the solution through the filter paper
and collect the filtrate in the test tube. The students will repeat the procedure 4 and 5
for the other remaining soil solutions then label each test tube. After that, the soil
The students will take the pH paper strip and dip it into the test tube that
contains the soil solutions then set aside the pH paper and wait for some time to dry
the pH paper. After that, they need to note the color and compare with the color chart
given on the brochure and get a rough estimate of the pH of the sample solutions.
Based on the data above, all types of soil that have been tested on PH scale are
Discussion of Results:
Based on the article that I’ve read, Soil pH is a measure of the acidity and
alkalinity in soils. pH levels range from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, below 7 acidic
Therefore, all type of soil that have been studied are all acidic, it is because their pH
Soil is important material in sustaining life on our planet. It is very special mix
an inorganic and organic material in form of colloids, water and different gases, and
decomposed plant and animal material, all in variable but balanced proportions.
Roadside Soil
Riverside Soil
Sandy Soil
Clay Soil
Alcohol Lamp
Evaporating Dish
Weighing Balance
Iron Ring
Iron Stand
Wire Gauze
Students must weigh the empty evaporating dish and record its weight. Then,
put each soil solutions in a different evaporating dish and weigh it using the weighing
scale. After that, they will record the initial weight of the wet soil and write in the
table then take the evaporating dish containing soil sample and place it in the alcohol
lamp. Students also must keep the evaporating dish containing soil sample for 10
minutes in the alcohol lamp and record the final weight of the dry soil and write in the
table. They will repeat procedures 1 to 6 for the other samples. The difference in the
Based on the data above, when the wet soil samples have been exposed to heat
for 10 minutes it became dried. We observe also that, dried soil have a lesser weight
Discussion of Results:
The Journal Articles on the Agricultural Sciences, stated that the heat
temperature during dry down, increases that corresponds to the decreasing of soil
moisture. Therefore, as I’ve stated above, when the soil exposed to heat the soil
became dried.
When the soil is wet, it has a bigger weight compared to the dried soil.
Therefore, the moisture of soil can adds weight in it that made the soil heavier than
the dried ones. When the soil exposed to heat, the weight of the soil became lighter.
Donald. S.(2002). Environmental Soil Chemistry 2nd Edition. Retrieved from
Water interacts differently with charged and polar substances than with
nonpolar substances because of the polarity of its own molecules. Water molecules are
polar, with partial positive charges on the hydrogen, a partial negative charge on the
Students must test each of the substances listed in the data tale for water
solubility. Then, use 10ml of water in a medium test tube and add a very small
quantity of the substance being tested. The amount should be less than the size of a
match head if the substance is solid or one drop if it is liquid. Students will shake the
test tubes gently, and note what happens. If all the substances are dissolved, they add
another small quantity, and shake gently. After that, students will repeat the process
several times if the material is soluble. In the data table, students report each
Formula Water
Sodium Chloride NACI Solid Very Soluble
(Table Salt)
Glycerol C3H8O3 Liquid Slightly Soluble
Glucose C6H12O6 Solid Very Soluble
(Table Sugar)
Iron (II) Sulfate Fe2So4 Solid Insoluble
Calcium CaCo3 Solid Insoluble
Ammonium NH4NO3 Solid Slightly Soluble
Ethanol C2H5OH Liquid Soluble
Oil Liquid Insoluble
Sodium NaHCO3 Solid Soluble
Sodium Chloride and the Glucose are very soluble than the other substance. While the
Sodium Bicarbonate and Ethanol is soluble. The Glycerol and Ammonium Nitrate are
slightly soluble, and then the Iron (II) Sulfate, Ethanol, and Calcium Carbonate are
Discussion of Results:
from positive sodium ions bonded to negative chloride ion. Water can dissolve
salt because the positive part of water molecules attracts the negative chloride ions
and the negative part of water molecules attracts the positive sodium ions. While
Sugar (glucose) dissolves in water faster because energy is given off when the slightly
polar sucrose molecules form intermolecular bonds with the polar water molecules.
Therefore, the NACI, C6H12O6, are very soluble when it is sunken in water than the
other substance.
American Chemical Society.(2019). Middle School Chemistry. Retrieved from