Installation and Wire Connection Manual: Warning Caution Caution
Installation and Wire Connection Manual: Warning Caution Caution
Installation and Wire Connection Manual: Warning Caution Caution
CONNECTION MANUAL WARNING • Do not install the system in the • Use only the supplied parts.
locations described below. This may If unspecified parts are used, they
• Confirm the battery voltage of the
1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS vehicle to be installed. This unit is
cause a fire, accident or electrical may cause damage.
shock: • Any holes made in the body of the
designed only for vehicles with DC
❏❏Symbol Identification 12V power supply.
A location exposed to rain or dust. vehicle should be sealed with a
This manual uses symbols and icons to An unstable location, or where the silicon adhesive.
• Disconnect the negative terminal of
indicate safety precautions and concerns system may fall. If exhaust fumes or water penetrates
the battery before connecting wires,
during the installation procedure. Be sure • Do not install this unit in a place into the vehicle, this may cause an
otherwise an electric shock, injury
to carefully read and understand each exposed to direct sunlight, heat or a accident.
by short circuit may occur.
precaution prior to beginning the installation. place where the vent holes or heat • Fasten the bolts securely when
radiation holes are covered. installing the unit. If the bolts are
WARNING • When you install the antenna, mount loose an accident or malfunction
• This symbol is intended to alert the it in a place where the elements of could occur.
user to the presence of important the antenna do not protrude beyond
operating instructions. Failure to the edge of the front, back, left and ❏❏Connection Notes
heed the instructions may result in right of the vehicle.
severe injury or death. If it comes in contact with WARNING
Car battery
pedestrians, it may cause an
• Loom all cables according to the
CAUTION accident.
instruction manual, so as not to
❏❏Installation Precautions hinder operation.
• This symbol is intended to alert the
❏❏Installation Notes • Wire the connecting cords/cables
user to the presence of important WARNING
operating instructions. Failure to WARNING away from high temperature areas.
heed the instructions can result in • When installing the unit to a vehicle If the coatings of the cables melt,
injury or material damage. with an airbag system, never install • Please note the position of pipes, it could cause an accident/fire by a
it in a place where it may affect the tanks and electrical wirings before short circuit.
operation of the airbag. installing the unit into the vehicle; Take care when wiring in the engine
• Do not install this unit in the failure in avoiding these may cause compartment.
following locations: a fire or malfunction. • When wiring the connecting cables
A location interfering with the in a vehicle with an airbag system,
driver’s visual range or operation. never feed the cables through
A location where the gear shift or a place where it may affect the
brake pedal are hindered. operation of the airbag.
A location where passengers are at An airbag not operating correctly in
risk. an emergency may cause increased
An unstable location, or where the injury.
system may fall.
NX604/FX503 57
• Verify wires with a digital multi-meter Main unit ●● Do not open the case. There are no user- This unit is designed for fixed installation in
prior to making any connections. Quick Start Guide & Installation serviceable parts inside. If you drop the dashboard.
Many new vehicles use multiplexed Manual anything into the unit during installation, ●● When installing the main unit in NISSAN
and/or low voltage circuits that can consult your dealer or an authorized vehicles, use the parts attached to the
be damaged if a test light or logic Clarion service center. unit and follow the instructions in Figure
• Owner’s manual
probe is used. 3.
• Owner’s manual - Navigation (NX604 4. CAUTIONS ON INSTALLATION When installing the main unit in TOYOTA
• Connect cables appropriately. If a only)
vehicles, use the parts attached to the
wrong connection is made, this may ●● Prepare all articles necessary for
Power supply cable vehicle and follow the instructions in
cause a fire or accident. installing the main unit before starting.
RCA pin cable (6ch) Figure 4.
• When passing cables through ●● Install the unit within 35° of the horizontal
RCA pin cable (Rear AUX-IN/Rear ●● Wire as shown in Section 9→ P.61.
the body of the vehicle, use non- plane. (Figure 1)
Video Out) ●● Reassemble and secure the unit in the
conductive grommets. dashboard and set the face panel and
Bag for accessories
If the coatings of the cables are center panel.
• Flat head screw (M5 × 8 mm)
worn out by rubbing, this may cause
������������������������������������������������������������8 Mounting Screw Holes (Side View of
an accident, fire or a short circuit.
• Hexagonal bolt (M5 × 8 mm) Max. 35° the Main Unit)
• After wiring cables, fix them with
insulation tape.
• Rubber cap (for RCA pin cable)
• Be sure to switch off the vehicle Figure 1
when connecting or disconnecting
• Cable holder (NX604 only) ●● If you have to do any modification on the
cables to/from the unit, otherwise
���������������� 3 car body, such as drilling holes, consult
an electric shock, injury or accident
• Double-sided tape for fastening GPS your car dealer beforehand.
may occur.
antenna (NX604 only) ●● Use the included screws for installation.
���������������� 1 Using other screws can cause damage. For NISSAN vehicle
• Cable tie������������ 1 (Figure 2)
Finisher Chassis Chassis
Warranty card
GPS antenna (NX604 only)
USB Cable
Microphone (NX604 only)
Max. 3 mm (M4 screw)/
Notice Max. 8 mm (M5 screw) For TOYOTA vehicle
• The provided disc (CD-ROM manual)
Figure 2
cannot be played back on this unit.
58 NX604/FX503
❏❏Installing the Main Unit in a NISSAN Vehicle ❏❏Installing the Main Unit in a TOYOTA Vehicle
Install by using parts attached to the vehicle. (Screws marked are attached to the vehicle.)
Main Unit 6-Spacer (thickness: 1 mm)
Main Unit
8-Hexagonal screw
(M5 x 8)
Finisher ✽1
6-Flat head screw Mounting bracket
Mounting bracket (M5 x 8)
(1 pair for the left and right sides) (1 pair for the left
(attached to the main unit) and right sides)
Figure 3 ✽
Center Panel ✽2
1 Position the face panel with its wide edge at the bottom. Fit the edge into the groove of the main
Figure 4
2 Some panel openings are too small for the unit depending on the vehicle type and model. In
such a case, trim the upper and lower sides of the panel frame by about 0.5 to 1.5 mm so the
unit can be inserted smoothly.
3 If a hook on the installation bracket interferes with the unit, bend and flatten it with a nipper or
similar tool.
NX604/FX503 59
• After connecting the HDMI and USB
In some cases the center panel may require WARNING
Fuse (15A
FUSE) Bottom face of the GPS antenna
Fuse holder
Figure 5
60 NX604/FX503
●● Mount the GPS antenna. 9. WIRE CONNECTION
Stick it surely on a flat plane of the passenger-side dashboard where GPS signal
interruption is minimized. Refer to the following
●● Wire the GPS antenna cable. Radio antenna jack page.
Fasten the cable using the Cable holders.
USB terminal
HDMI/MHL Android
conversion adapter smartphone
GPS antenna Rear Vision
jack (NX604 Camera
HDMI cable HDMI conversion cable
only) terminal
(sold separately)
GPS antenna Android
Vehicle Tuner
terminal (sold
Cable holder
Steering Microphone
wheel remote
terminal (sold
Front Amplifier
Red audio
Gray Right
Left terminal
Red Rear
Right audio
Left output
White terminal
Purple Red Subwoofer Rear Monitor
Right output
Left terminal
White (MONO 2ch)
Gray Yellow video output iPod/iPhone
Connection cable
Yellow video input (CCA-750)
Black audio input
NX604/FX503 61
+12V main power
Connecting the parking brake lead
Connect the lead to parking brake lamp ground in the meter panel.
●● Connecting the parking brake lead to lamp ground allows you to watch video images
62 NX604/FX503