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Popularity of Radio Advertising On Food Supplement Among Senior Citizen

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Popularity of Radio Advertising on

Food Supplement among

Senior citizen

An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Business Administration Education
University of Mindanao Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

John Patrick T. Navarro
Prince Lloyd M. Tacder
Jonathan Ongcoy



Background of the study

Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade

the listeners, sometimes a specific group of people, to continue or take some

new action. The purpose of advertising may also be to measure attitudes that a

company is viable or successful. Although there is no consensus in literature

when it comes to a unique definition of integrated marketing communications, this

concept includes combining promotional tools, planned, as well as unplanned

messages in order to achieve their maximum influence (Mudzanani, 2015).

According to (Holm, 2006).Due to the increase in competition in almost all

industries, the importance of marketing communication for organizations keeps

rising, for both corporate, non-profit and public sectors, especially for an

integrated approach in planning and realizing activities. Radio stations generally

run their advertising in sets, scattered throughout the broadcasting hour. Radio

commercials hold a marginal share among the main media categories, for

example newspaper and television. However, it is still regarded as an important

and useful medium in marketing and advertising in large cities and metropolitans.

The broadcast of commercials on radio needs real feel orientation and voice is

the single major determinant that draws the attention of listeners. Programs on
sales and market news are the principal preferences of urban commuters for

large metro radio stations (Parker, 1993).

Local advertisers love radio especially among senior citizen, a product or

service is advertised to create awareness in the minds of potential buyers and to

create a consciousness among the product. An ideal advertising message should

command and draw attention, hold the interest, arouse desire for possession of

the product, and elicit action (Gupta,2012).

Radio advertising is basically a type of advertisement that appears on

radio and that are paid to promote products, The concept is like television, but

with words, music, and sounds without the use of visual images and convenient

from any transit advertisement . The most common types of transit advertising

are- car cards, exterior displays, delivery vans, bus panels, trams and station

posters. They are fairly sighted by the commuters and can be easily read

(Sharma and Singh, 2009).

Local advertisers love radio. It reaches the right people, in the right

numbers at the right time. Popularity of advertisement is to informing as well as

influencing the general public to buy a product or services through visual or oral

messages. A product or service is advertised to create awareness in the minds of

potential buyers. The increased audience`s interest allows advertisers to provide

a lot of copy detalis in their Advertisement (Sharma and Singh,2009).

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the study on Popularity of radio advertising on food

supplement among senior citizen Specifically, this study answered the following

1. What Form of food supplement in terms of:

1.1 Tablet;

1.2 liquid;


2. What is the Level of Popularity of a radio advertising terms of:

1.1Providing information



3. Is there significant difference on Popularity of Radio Advertising on food

supplement among senior citizen when analyzed for their profile?


There is no significant difference in the Popularity of Radio Advertising on

food supplement among senior citizen when grouped according to profile.

Main Variable

Popularity of Radio advertising

 Advertisement providing


 Entertaining Advertising

 Promotional Advertising

Form of Food Supplement

 Tablet;
 Liquid;
 Capsule;

Moderating Variable

Figure1. Conceptual Framework of the study

Significance of the study

The outcome of study would beneficially of the following:

Popularity of advertising. Create a personal and efficient method of reaching a

particular audience. It also allows a business to establish and maintain a unique

personality, as well as strengthen their reputation which encourages customers

to support the business. Customer loyalty is also a major factor in maintaining the

success of a business. Advertising reminds customers of benefits from the

business’s products and services.

Future Researchers. This study can provide information as their references on

their study. It also will give a clear understanding of the Popularity by of using


Marketing Student. This study can supply knowledge, information in terms of

strategy and at the same awareness for strategy to use. It also will serve as

guide for the researchers to undertake more study of any aspect.

Definition of Terms

in this section were defined operationally to give the reader better understanding.

Radio. sound communication by radio waves, usually through the transmission

of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to

multitudes of individual listeners equipped with radio receivers.

Advertising. To call the public attention for promoting to your business, usually

for the purpose of selling products or services, through the use of various forms

of media, such as print or broadcast notices.

Review of Related Literature

Presented in this section are the related literatures taken from internet

websites, journals, books and other resources conduct by researchers with

related this study of Popularity of radio advertising on Food Supplement among

Senior citizen.

Advertising means informing as well as influencing the general public to

buy a product or services and to recognize what are the selling through listening

or messages. A product or service is advertised to create awareness in the

minds of potential buyers through various advertising medium such as any

advertisement. It is a promotional activity for marketing a commodity. In the

present day world of mass production and distribution, advertising serves as a

powerful tool in the marketing process. Advertising is used for communicating

business information to the present and prospective customers. It usually

provides information about the advertising firm, its product qualities, place of

availability etc. (Ryder,2006) elaborates the concept and cases of making

advertising work.

(Bojanna and Murthy, 2007) examines the importance of effective aspects

of advertising and communication. The help of any radio advertised with various

advertising tools as well as how they could be effectively for optimum result.

Radio advertising is basically a type of advertisement that appears on radio and

that are paid placements to promote products, services, or events. The concept
is like television, but with words, music, and sounds without the use of visual


Providing Information

Promotions and offers work well because radio drives response. In fact,

many listeners are also online and radio can be a great way to get people to go

to your website. Production of radio ads is relatively low-cost and fast. The script

should be catchy and memorable; there should be a clear call to action and a

good tag line or jingle. Air time can usually be bought in cost-effective packages

and most radio stations offer all-in deals, which include .is to inform potential

consumers about the products of the advertiser and to provide necessary

information so that they should be able to compare them with products of the

competition, to later create awareness in potential consumers that these

products are adequate for purchasing and to finally lead to a purchase in

favour of the product which is being

advertised (Vlastelica, 2007).

(Shimp 2007). Media strategy must be coordinated with marketing

strategy and with others aspects of advertising strategy. A media strategy to

inform customers about promo and sales through Radio, Selection of advertising

media and vehicles is one of the most important and complicated of all marketing

communications decisions, Advertising is the means of informing as well as

influencing the general public to buy a product or services through visual or oral


It's simply the uses of entertainment to convey or to convince a brand

message, and naturally, it's used more often in business-to-consumer marketing

than in business-to-business sales Advertising and Publicity. One of the core

aspects of entertainment marketing is advertising. Advertising is a way of

communication to encourage an audience for making purchase decision about a

product or service and conveying information to viewers. It is considered as a

vital and essential element for the economic growth of the marketers and

businesses (Ryans, 1996).

(Ahmed & Ashfaq, 2013). Advertising is usually a paid form of exposure or

promotion by some sponsor that reaches through various traditional media such

as television, newspaper, commercial radio advertisement, magazine mail,

outdoor advertising or modern media such as blogs, websites and text messages

.When it comes to entertainment, however, consumers feel enjoyment. Unlike

other marketers who prioritize aspects like market originality or brand identity,

entertainment show runners, writers and creators are focused more on the

creative element of entertainment value alone, and that makes all the difference

in crafting a short storytelling.

(Mandan, Hossein and Furuzandeh, 2013).Entertainment has been one of

the primary criteria for creating an advertisement. Entertainment is used as a tool

to gain attention of customers. An interesting and entertaining ad is more likely to

be remembered by consumers rather than a boring one. Therefore, it can be said

that entertainment increases the effectiveness of advertising. That is why many

companies are investing a lot of money to make advertisements that are

humorous .


It`s effectiveness, An ideal advertising message should command and

draw attention, hold the interest, arouse desire for possession of the product, and

elicit action (Gupta,2012).

Supermarkets and large shopping malls spend about fifteen percent of

their operating budget on promotional activities. With regard to specific

advertising options like developing appropriate communication-mix and creating

messages, the most widely used promotional elements were found to be radio

advertising. As retailing firms face a more intensely competitive environment, the

need for effective marketing and promotion is increasingly felt to stimulate

consumers of all segments (Warnaby et al, 2005).

(Sauls and Greer, 2007) The localized commercials on radio keep

consumers also aware about the market movements. The effects of localism in

radio broadcasting have attributed to the consumers view that usage of radio in

metropolitans is beyond just seeking the traffic information on streets and

weather updates.

(Beattie and Shovelton, 2005) Radio advertisements which have more

than one voice induce higher emotions as message is split between voice and

language which drives significant differences in communicative effectiveness.

The emotional content of a retail promotion advertisement is a stronger predictor

of buying behavior reflected in message recall rate among audience.

Nowadays, advertisers often use the appeal in advertising to draw

attention of consumers on the possible danger they are exposed to and to give a

recommendation on how to avoid this danger, and to motivate consumers to

release themselves of the fear by using the advertised product

(Shimp,2008).Depending on the type of the advertised product, there are two

forms of fear appeals that are used in advertising: social disapproval and physical


Theoretical and Conceptual framework

Advertising appeals are part of a creative strategy of advertising and they

could be used as a basis of a certain advertised message in order to attract

attention of potential consumers, to efficiently influence their awareness, beliefs

and attitude towards the advertised product, and consequentially, the purchase


Providing Information, Entertaining, Promotional are the level of

advertising and what the listener preferences about of their perspective products.

(Sharma and Sing 2006) emphasize that the choice of an adequate appeal is one

of the most significant decisions for a creative strategy of advertising.

While defining appeals,(Belch and Belch 2004) maintain that appeals in

advertising refer to the approach used to draw the consumer’s attention or/and to

influence the feelings they have for the product. Stated that appeal in advertising
are applied the three of level in give advertise Providing Information,

Entertaining, Promotional in this of level in advertisement can create an interest

with the recipient of the advertising message and about the advertised object.

The choice and the application of the marketing appeal depends on the

advertising company, the type of the product, the set advertising goals, target

groups and also of the way of advertising of the competitors and media which will

carry out the advertising (Leonidou and Leonidou, 2009).

Chapter 2


Presented in this chapter were the discussions of the research Design,

Research Subject, Research Instruments, Research Procedures, Statistical

treatment of data, of conducting the study.

Research Design

The Research design used in the study method that aims to examine the

Polarity of Radio Advertising. This study was designed to acquire information

about Radio advertising as well as the Polarity among the senior citizens terms in

food supplement advertisement.

Moreover, this research can provide information and ideas in accordance

to the Popularity of using radio as a channel of advertising and obtain

information. This study can also internalize the significance of the quality service

to the respondents.

Research Respondents
The researchers of this study chose a specific respondent among the senior

citizen, really love to listen radio terms of any product induced. By this method, it

can be help to pursue our research about Popularity of radio advertising on Food

Supplement among Senior citizen.

The researchers used a survey to Defined how effective radio advertising

which is capable enough to fulfill the study because of the help to our specific

respondent and for their cooperation.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire that served as an instrument in the operation of this

research was a questionnaire conform form https://www.scribd.com. The

beginning part of the questionnaire was all about the What Form of food

supplement in terms Tablet, Liquid, Capsule; The second part of this operation is

regard the Popularity of radio advertising terms of Providing information,

Entertaining, Promotional.

The questionnaire used respondents to scale a rate each question being

asked to answer:


5 4.21-5.00 Always When the action is the question
is done at all times with
perfect scale of 5 out of 5 times.
4 4.23-3.43 Often When the action in the question
is done repeatedly in short term
intervals with scale of 4 out of 5
3 3.42-2.62 Sometimes When the action in the question is
done occasionally with the scale of
3 out of 5 times.
2 1.81-2.61 Seldom When the action in the question is
Done rarely with the scale of 2 out of
1 1.0-1.800 Never When the action in the question is
Not done at any time with the scale of
1 out of 5 times.

Research Procedures

These were the procedures of gathering information that was conducted

by the researcher.

1. The researcher conducted a survey questionnaire to the respondent of

Popularity of radio advertising on food supplement among senior

citizen to answered some question with regard to promotion strategies


2. The researcher collected the data information from in respondent

Researcher found out the present promotional strategies are used.

These data that gathered from researcher were significantly helpful

and useful to the researcher to be successful in the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The instruments used to determine the information answered by the

respondents were in it employed of treating the problems, were the following:

Mean. This was used to find out the level of Polarity in radio advertising

Providing information, Entertaining, Promotional and offer to Popularity of radio

advertising on Food Supplement among Senior citizen.

F-test. This was used to determine if there was a significance difference

between the demographic profile of respondents to their level of response in the

radio advertising.

Frequency. This was used to determine the distribution of respondent`s


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