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Author Original Text Paraphrase: Argumentative Essay/ Academic Essay

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Name: John Patrick T.

Navarro Date: Septerber 23

Subject: Eng201 swadasdas Code: 04911

Author Original text Paraphrase

Argumentative essay/ Academic An academic essay is a document that A scholarly exposition is a report that has
essay has a defined structure – an introduction, a characterized structure – a
Bryne a body and a conclusion. It is a specific presentation, a body and an end. It is a
writing genre that functions within a set of particular composition classification that
norms, rules, and conventions. capacities inside a lot of standards,
Moreover, Bryne identified a writing style principles, and shows. In addition, Bryne
of an academic essay. There are a recognized a composition style of a
number of academic stylistic conventions scholastic exposition. There are various
to be followed when writing. It uses scholarly expressive shows to be
Standard English avoiding American pursued when composing. It utilizes
spellings. It makes use of the third Standard English staying away from
person unless otherwise directed. It American spellings. It utilizes the third
avoids slang terms, clichés and colloquial individual except if generally coordinated.
expressions. It avoids gender bias and It keeps away from slang terms,
sexist language. It does not make use of banalities and casual articulations. It
emotive language. It is direct – use the maintains a strategic distance from
active rather than the passive voice. sexual orientation predisposition and
Most importantly, it must be concise. misogynist language. It doesn't utilize
emotive language. It is immediate –
utilize the dynamic instead of the aloof
voice. In particular, it must be brief.
Cohen (1994) regards content, Cohen (1994) respects content,
Cohen (1994) organization, register (appropriateness of association, register (propriety of level of
level of formality), style (sense of control custom), style (feeling of control and
and grace), economy, accuracy (correct elegance), economy, precision (right
selection and use of vocabulary), choice and utilization of jargon),
appropriateness of language conventions suitability of language shows (right
(correct grammar, spelling and sentence structure, spelling and
punctuation), reader's acceptance accentuation), peruser's
(soliciting reader's agreement), and acknowledgment (requesting peruser's
finally, reader's understanding understanding), lastly, peruser's
(intelligibility of the text) as the major understanding (comprehensibility of the
dimensions of the writing construct. content) as the significant elements of
the composition build.

In another study, Attali and Powers In another examination, Attali and

Attali and Power (2008) (2008) focus on the same features, but Powers (2008) center around similar
substitute organization and development highlights, yet substitute association and
with essay length, which is easier to advancement with paper length, which is
measure using computers. They found a simpler to quantify utilizing PCs. They
very high correlation between the two found a high connection between's the
features and essay length (around .95) two highlights and article length (around
and reported essay length as “the most .95) and detailed exposition length as
important objective predictor of human "the most significant target indicator of
holistic essay scores” (Attali & Powers, human all encompassing paper scores"
2008:6). That is to say, the longer the (Attali and Powers, 2008:6). In other
words, the more extended the
Based on the recent study entilted, In view of the ongoing examination
Writing Challenges “Writing Difficulties and Quality of entilted, "Composing Difficulties and
Pablo and Lasaten (2018) Academic essays of Senior High School Quality of Academic articles of Senior
students” by Pablo and Lasaten (2018) High School understudies" by Pablo and
the study concludes that the Grade 11 Lasaten (2018) the investigation infers
SHS students in the Schools Division of that the Grade 11 SHS understudies in
Laoag City have difficulties in all areas in the Schools Division of Laoag City
writing academic essays. The prevalent experience issues in all territories
difficulty of the students in terms of recorded as a hard copy scholarly
content and ideas is the absence of papers. The pervasive trouble of the
variety of ideas, while for organization is understudies regarding substance and
the absence of connectives. For thoughts is the nonappearance of
vocabulary and word choice, the assortment of thoughts, while for
students’ most prevalent difficulty is the association is the nonattendance of
use of incorrect word and word usage, connectives. For jargon and word
while for language use is the poor decision, the understudies' most
sentence structure. Meanwhile, the predominant trouble is the utilization of
prevalent difficulty of the students along inaccurate word and word use, while for
formality and objectivity is the evident language use is the poor sentence
use of first and second person pronouns, structure. In the interim, the common
while for referencing is the lack of trouble of the understudies along custom
citations. and objectivity is the obvious utilization of
first and second individual pronouns,
while for referencing is the absence of
Alinsunod (2014) Alinsunod (2014) conducted a study on Alinsunod (2014) directed an
common writing errors which investigation on basic composition
primarilyfocused in identifying the writing blunders which primarilyfocused in
errors of the Engineering students. She recognizing the composition mistakes of
found out that thedifficulties experienced the Engineering understudies. She
by the ESL students are hard to escape. discovered that thedifficulties
The sampled actual writing problemsand experienced by the ESL understudies are
self-reported writing difficulties only prove difficult to get away. The inspected real
the existence of language learning composing problemsand self-detailed
problem. There ismuch to be regarded composition troubles just demonstrate
with the writing skills of ESL learners. the presence of language learning issue.
The difficulties reported by the There ismuch to be respected with the
studentssimply shows how this skill at composition aptitudes of ESL students.
times maybe disregarded by others. The challenges detailed by the
studentssimply indicates how this
aptitude now and again perhaps
dismissed by others.
Error Analysis Error analysis is given by Brown (1980, Mistake examination is given by Brown
Brown (1980) cited by Haysim, 2002:43 cited by Hasyim, 2002:43), when he (1980, refered to by Hasyim, 2002:43),
defines error analysis as the process of when he characterizes blunder
observing, analysing, and classifying the investigation as the way toward
deviations of the rules of the second watching, breaking down, and grouping
language and then to reveal the systems the deviations of the standards of the
operated by a learner. Similarly, Crystal subsequent language and after that to
(as cited by Hasyim, 2002:43) proposes uncover the frameworks worked by a
that error analysis is a technique for student. Additionally, Crystal (as refered
identifying, classifying and systematically to by Hasyim, 2002:43) recommends that
interpreting the unacceptable forms mistake investigation is a strategy for
produced by someone learning a foreign recognizing, characterizing and efficiently
language. translating the unsatisfactory structures
created by somebody learning an
unknown dialect.

Corder (1981) Corder (1981) stresses that the function Corder (1981) stresses that the capacity
of error analysis is useful in its relevance of mistake investigation is helpful in its
to language teaching and the study of the pertinence to language educating and
language acquisition process. He further the investigation of the language
emphasizes that a good understanding of obtaining process. He further
the nature of error is necessary before a underscores that a decent
systematic means of eradicating them comprehension of the idea of blunder is
could be found, and the theoretical important before a deliberate methods for
justification, which claims that a study of destroying them could be found, and the
learners' errors is part of the systematic hypothetical defense, which claims that
study of the learners' language which is an investigation of students' mistakes is a
itself necessary to an understanding piece of the methodical investigation of
of the process of second language the students' language which is itself
acquisition. important to a comprehension of the
procedure of second language obtaining.
Gorbet (1979) The term 'Error Analysis' implies that the The term 'Error Analysis' infers that the
focus of the students' errors. But this is focal point of the understudies' mistakes.
misleading. Althoughanalyzing errors is Be that as it may, this is deluding.
certainly involved in an Error
Althoughanalyzing mistakes is
Analysis,much more is
unquestionably engaged with an Error
implied.Essentially it is a theory Analysis,much more is
developed toexplain the learning
implied.Essentially it is a hypothesis
processes involved in acquiring a second created toexplain the learning
language and in this sense it is first and procedures associated with gaining a
foremost a language learning
subsequent language and in this sense it
theory.1The assumption underlying the is above all else a language learning
theory is that errors are evidence of a theory.1The supposition basic the
learner's language system, which is not hypothesis is that blunders are proof of a
the system of the target language, but a student's language framework, which
system of some ‘other' language. And the isn't the arrangement of the objective
theoretical objective of Error Analysis is language, however an arrangement of
to describe the 'other' language.2. some 'other' language. What's more, the
hypothetical target of Error Analysis is to
portray the 'other' language.2.
Some errors can be attributed to A few mistakes can be credited to
weaknesses or failure of memory shortcomings or disappointment of
(Gorbet, 1979).He added that the theory memory (Gorbet, 1979).He included that
of error the hypothesis of blunder
analysis proposes that in order to learn a
language, a person creates a system of investigation suggests that so as to
„rules‟ from the language data to which become familiar with a language, an
he is exposed; and this system enable individual makes an arrangement of
him to use it. „rules‟ from the language information to
he is uncovered; and this framework
empower him to utilize it.

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