Popularity of Radio Advertising On Food Supplement Among Senior Citizen
Popularity of Radio Advertising On Food Supplement Among Senior Citizen
Popularity of Radio Advertising On Food Supplement Among Senior Citizen
John Patrick T. Navarro
Prince Lloyd M. Tacder
new action. The purpose of advertising may also be to measure attitudes that a
rising, for both corporate, non-profit and public sectors, especially for an
run their advertising in sets, scattered throughout the broadcasting hour. Radio
commercials hold a marginal share among the main media categories, for
main areas where tend to get asked for input regarding vitamin supplements and
their Advertisement.
command and draw attention, hold the interest, arouse desire for possession of
radio and that are paid to promote products, The concept is like television, but
with words, music, and sounds without the use of visual images and convenient
from any transit advertisement . The most common types of transit advertising
are- car cards, exterior displays, delivery vans, bus panels, trams and station
posters. They are fairly sighted by the commuters and can be easily read
The radio advertising, It reaches the right people, in the right numbers at
the general public to buy a product or services through visual or oral messages.
supplement among senior citizen Specifically, this study answered the following
1.1 Tablet;
1.2 liquid;
1.1Providing information
3. Is there significant difference on Popularity of Radio Advertising on food
Advertisement providing
Entertaining Advertising
Promotional Advertising
Moderating Variable
to support the business. Customer loyalty is also a major factor in maintaining the
their study. It also will give a clear understanding of the Popularity by of using
strategy and at the same awareness for strategy to use. It also will serve as
Definition of Terms
in this section were defined operationally to give the reader better understanding.
of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to
Advertising. To call the public attention for promoting to your business, usually
for the purpose of selling products or services, through the use of various forms
Review of Related Literature
Presented in this section are the related literatures taken from internet
Senior citizen.
buy a product or services and to recognize what are the selling through listening
provides information about the advertising firm, its product qualities, place of
advertising work.
of advertising and communication. The help of any radio advertised with various
advertising tools as well as how they could be effectively for optimum result.
that are paid placements to promote products, services, or events. The concept
is like television, but with words, music, and sounds without the use of visual
Providing Information
Promotions and offers work well because radio drives response. In fact,
many listeners are also online and radio can be a great way to get people to go
to your website. Production of radio ads is relatively low-cost and fast. The script
should be catchy and memorable; there should be a clear call to action and a
good tag line or jingle. Air time can usually be bought in cost-effective packages
and most radio stations offer all-in deals, which include .is to inform potential
information so that they should be able to compare them with products of the
inform customers about promo and sales through Radio, Selection of advertising
media and vehicles is one of the most important and complicated of all marketing
influencing the general public to buy a product or services through visual or oral
vital and essential element for the economic growth of the marketers and
promotion by some sponsor that reaches through various traditional media such
outdoor advertising or modern media such as blogs, websites and text messages
other marketers who prioritize aspects like market originality or brand identity,
entertainment show runners, writers and creators are focused more on the
creative element of entertainment value alone, and that makes all the difference
humorous .
draw attention, hold the interest, arouse desire for possession of the product, and
messages, the most widely used promotional elements were found to be radio
consumers also aware about the market movements. The effects of localism in
radio broadcasting have attributed to the consumers view that usage of radio in
weather updates.
than one voice induce higher emotions as message is split between voice and
attention of consumers on the possible danger they are exposed to and to give a
forms of fear appeals that are used in advertising: social disapproval and physical
and attitude towards the advertised product, and consequentially, the purchase
advertising and what the listener preferences about of their perspective products.
(Sharma and Sing 2006) emphasize that the choice of an adequate appeal is one
advertising refer to the approach used to draw the consumer’s attention or/and to
influence the feelings they have for the product. Stated that appeal in advertising
are applied the three of level in give Providing Information, Entertaining,
The choice and the application of the marketing appeal depends on the
advertising company, the type of the product, the set advertising goals, target
groups and also of the way of advertising of the competitors and media which will
Research Design
The Research design used in the study method that aims to examine the
about Radio advertising as well as the Polarity among the senior citizens terms in
information. This study can also internalize the significance of the quality service
to the respondents.
Research Respondents
The researchers of this study chose a specific respondent among the senior
citizen, really love to listen radio terms of any product induced. By this method, it
can be help to pursue our research about Popularity of radio advertising on Food
which is capable enough to fulfill the study because of the help to our specific
Research Instrument
beginning part of the questionnaire was all about the What Form of food
supplement in terms Tablet, Liquid, Capsule; The second part of this operation is
Entertaining, Promotional.
asked to answer:
Research Procedures
by the researcher.
Mean. This was used to find out the level of Polarity in radio advertising
radio advertising.