The Turning Point - World of Ohr
The Turning Point - World of Ohr
The Turning Point - World of Ohr
espite its innocuous name, The Forest's Edge is
the name given to a part of one of Ohr's forests The Turning Point (Zone
that always seems to pop up at the most 2)
unexpected of times. Those who happen to
stumble upon it are rarely heard from again, and The 2nd zone to the forest, this section gains its name from
those who are never seem to be able to find it being the point where one cannot simply turn and leave. If
again. one attempts to, they find themselves walking through a
seemingly infinite amount of trees, and makes no progress in
How The Edge Became to Be leaving. Occasionally, one might stumble across the remains
of some unfortunte soul on the forest floor, with possesions
Spawned from a tear in the veil, The Forest's Edge was still in hand. The fauna and flora are still relativly normal,
exposed to the other worldly energies from the other side. though closer inspection (no check required) of them reveals
Such energy began to warp and alter the area until it started oddities such as an abnormal size or discoloration. These
fluxing in and out of existance entirely. Rumored to be the oddities grow in effect, appearence, and frequency the further
birth place of Gloom Dogs and Veil Wolves, the exact cause one goes into the zone, such as a tree's bark being made
of the tear is unknown. (Explained Later) seemingly out of bone, or a carnivorus deer. Gloom Dogs
frequent this zone, guarding and making sure the horrors of
Constants Throughout The Forest's
The Forest's Edge do not escape into the real world, and is
the home to a few Gloom Dog Dens. Veil Wolves can be
seen, though very rarely, on this zone.
These factors are constant throughout the
dungeon unless otherwise stated:
There is a sense of pressure throughout each
zone, barely noticable in 1 to heavy and
suffocating in the 3.
It is impossible to leave The Edge or return to a
previous zone without the aid of a Gloom Dog,
Veil Wolf, or Salus Hilotza
Add a -3 penalty to veil checks. Disadvantage in
Zone 3, no check required in 4.
Areas to Note and Encounter Tables
Gloom Dog and Veil Wolf Dens
Scattered throughout the 2nd and 4th zones respectivly,
these dens are the home for Gloom Dogs and Veil Wolves
respectivly. They can vary in size, but are generally large and
cave like as they tend to house multiple creatues (The Gloom
Dogs and Veil Wolves) and their young. The remains of poor
lost souls can be found in the Gloom Dog Dens, having been
mistaken as a form of shelter. Their bones and belongs can
be found scattered about in and outside their den, half
burried sometimes. For Veil Wolf Dens, it is mainly the
remains of animals. Bones large and small, some chewed but
relatively untouched hides, claws and teeth of all shapes and
sizes. A simple DC 10 Investigation or Perception check is
all that is needed to find these remains.
The Giant Tree
The giant tree located in the middle of the mountains is
known(to no living mortal) as a Veil Tree. Created through
the accidential mix of Prismere and a glowing metal known
as Rudium(also not known to any living mortal), their contact
created an explosion of unparalleled magnitude. Obliterating
everything within miles around, this tree grew due to just the
Credit: ES Wiki pure energy released. The area around the tree feels almost
charged, and one isn't required to make veil checks while
The Abandoned Town near the tree. The inside of the tree has been hallowed out
and is the home of the lich Salus Hilotza. Despite being a
Little more than foundations, these ruins of a town lay lich, he's actually quite peaceful as long as he isn't provoked.
trapped in The Edge for eternity. Dust coats what remains, He mainly resides near the top of his tree, his study being a
with no signs of life amongst the rubble. A cursory search libary of books he has managed to collect over centuries. He's
reveals nothing of any real value, fragments of barrels or quite pleased to have company (he doesn't get alot fo visitors),
sacks are all they find. They also do happen to notice odd though is awakward at conversation and unintentionally does
dark marks in vaguely human shapes around the entire town, threatening things. He helps any adventures who manages to
black like scorch marks. If one decides to look a little closer, a reach him back to outside The Edge, though wipes their
successful DC 15 Perception check allows one to realize memories of him and the 4th zone as he escorts or teleports
there's cellar doors beneath the rubble. While the rubble is them out (GM's choice.) His phylactery is the tree itself.
heavy but doesn't require any check to move, just time. The
cellar door itself is rusted shut from years of disuse however,
and requires a successful DC 17 Athletics check to pry open.
In these cellars there appear to be varity of supplies such as
rope, paper, food, candles, and etc. Unfortuently, time has
taken its toll on these supplies as well and picking one up or
attempting to use one has it crumble to dust. With a
successful DC 15 Investigation check however, one is able
to find a strongbox containing either a trinket, coins, or
jewelery. (Of DM's choosing.) They do not find the strongbox
on a fail, though they might find the crumbling remains of a
skeleton lying amongst old sacks or barrels.
Credit: Kyounghwan Kim
Zone 1
Encounter Table
1d100 Encounter
1 A Ghoul from Zone 3
2-89 A common animal such as a deer or fox
90-99 A rare/foriegn animal for the region (DM
100 A Gloom Dog Wandering Around
Credit: WoTC
Zone 3
Encounter Table
1d100 Encounter
1 A Corrupted Veil Wolf and 2d4 Bone Dryads
corrupting it
2-10 2d4 Skeletons and 2d2 Ghouls that catch the party
off-guard from pretending to be dead corpses
11-49 1d4 Skeletons that reanimate infront of the party
and 1d4 Ghouls nearby
50-89 A Bone Dryad reanimating 2d4 Zombies and 1d2
Ghouls. Killing the Bone Dryad causes any
remaining reanimated undead to collaspe back
90-97 Someone trips and falls into some Swamp Ooze
98-99 A pack of 2d4 Gloom Dogs hurrying through the
100 A pack of 2d2 Veil Wolves hurrying through the
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 30(5d8)
Speed 30ft.
Multiattack. The wolf makes two attacks. One with
it's bite, and one with it's claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit 10 (1d6 + 6) piercing + 4 (1d6)
force damage. On hit, attacked creature makes a
DC 17 strength saving throw. On fail, creature is
thrown to the ground, prone.
Credit: Orig00
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit 10 (1d6 + 6) slashing + 2 (1d4)
force damage.
Leap. As an action, the wolf moves 5ft before
leaping forward, to a point within 25ft of range. Any
creature within the wolf's space, or 5ft of the
space, must make a DC 17 Strength or Dexterity
saving throw, their choice. Creatures that fail their
save throw take 10 (1d8+6) bludgeoning and 4
(2d4) force damage, and be pushed/knocked back
5ft, stunned until the end of their next where they
stand back up, and knocked prone. Creatures that
succeed take half damage, and suffer no more
effects from this action.
Veil Shaking Howl. As an action, the wolf lets out an
unearthly chilling howl. It can be heard from miles
away, but any creatures within 60ft must make a
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened.
Repeat at end of creature's round to become
TLDR Notes
oing to list things here that I ran out of time to The pockets of these areas that fade in and out of the real
type things out. Sorry Xl world are all homes to a Veil Tree. These trees are what form
and keep the veil stable, allowing for the use of magic. These
pockets serve as a way of protecting the trees, keeping them
just out of The Yellow King's hands. Without them, the veil
would be far more unstable.
The Ruined Town
The ruined town used to be a mining town. It had recently
found a brand new metal, which they named Rudium, and
were excited at the new find. Unfortuently, the town was
wiped out by a massive explosion. The mine it was found in
was beneath a tree covered mounatin.
The Lich
The lich, Salus Hilotza, was actually partially responsible for
the explosion that wiped out the town in his life. Before
lichdom, he was a simple human wizard in hiding, using his
magic to survive in life. His most valuable possession was a
crystal that allowed him to channel his magic in a way to
avoid breaking the veil. This crystal was a shard of prismere,
far before The Ascendancy discovered its use. Unfortuently,
his was a charlatan by trade, and tried to profit from The
Ruined Town's new discovery. While in their mines however,
he ran into trouble and by chance his shard of Prismere
made contact with the town's new discovery. The result was
an explosion of unprecedented proportions, with him caught
in the center. Instead of killing him however, it radiated him
with so much energy that he became a lich. He is also a cat
Credit: Blogspot
The Explosion
The sheer power of the explosion tore the very fabric of space
and time hitting the areas miles around in its blast. The
entirety became so bathed in energy, throwing it to the edge
of space and time, touching upon the very edges of the veil
itself. Thus, The Forest's Edge was formed.
The Purpose of The Edge