Guide To The Dark Woods v2
Guide To The Dark Woods v2
Guide To The Dark Woods v2
Dark Woods is a fictional campaign setting for the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game. Taking place on the forested
world of Kyshar, a campaign set in Dark Woods engages the players on the themes of exploration and survival with
characters of unusual origins.
Dark Woods characters must be created out of the five unusual races provided in this document instead of those
featured in the Player’s Handbook. Also, due to a magical isolation from other planes of existence, spells pertaining to
planar travel do not function in this campaign setting. Otherwise, the rules and materials provided in the 5th edition of
the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game apply normally and are used as a reference for playing a campaign in the
Dark Woods setting.
Part 1:
The Dark Woods are a place of wonder and
magic. It is a wild land from which civilization
struggles to emerge, but where progress shines
brightly against the darkness of its primeval
tapestry. This chapter offers an overview of the
world of Kyshar and of the themes introduced
While all
in this setting.
agree that this
undead might
The Lay of the Land pose a serious threat
to the Free People, no one is
If it could be viewed from far above, Kyshar
willing to dispute her claim to her own
would look like a downward claw with three
“fingers” protruding into the sea. Forests and
jungles occupy every inch of land with the The middle peninsula is home to the nagas,
exception of a few bare mountain tops in the a race of intelligent serpents with human-like
Thunderous South and on the icy plains of the heads. The tip of this peninsula dissolves in a
Eternal Glaciers in the Far North. Climates myriad of tall islands where storms and
range from tropical to subarctic but wherever hurricanes are said to breed. These hurricanes
one goes, the land is covered by dense, dark, then travel west and crash against the Storm
and ominous forests. Mountains in the Thunderous South where the
winged-serpents known as couatls live. Their
Three great arms of land reach far into the
homes are considered sacred grounds where
sea in the south of the continent, forming two
none of the Free People are permitted to go.
long and narrow gulfs. Storms provoke
The Storm Mountains are among the tallest on
frequent floods, creating a wide network of
the whole continent but even there, only the
salty bogs and wetlands around the
highest peaks are devoid of trees.
westernmost and largest of these gulfs. Some
clans of sprites reside there, living in the Far to the North, incredibly tall evergreens
canopies of large, drowning trees. Bullywugs, suddenly give in to impenetrable glaciers.
goblins and lizardmen inhabit the less salty These forests are the home of the harpies, a
swamps, avoiding the marsh-dragons and bog- race of cruel bird-maidens whose enthralling
trolls as much as they can. But as inhospitable songs lead travelers to their doom. More than
as they are, these wetlands have recently been anywhere else in the Dark Woods, these
claimed by the self-proclaimed Lich-Queen of
northern forests are filled with an essence of With every root a barrier and every brook a
evil and a dark sense of purpose. chasm, walking the Dark Woods is practically
impossible. One can easily get disoriented and
The eastern coast and the heartlands
lost, or worse, led into a dragon's lair or a nest
remain the tamest parts of the Dark Woods.
of hungry axebeaks. Long ago, aasimar and
Most tribes of sprites and vegepygmies live
automatons built elevated roads and arching
there, as do the aasimar and their automaton
bridges over brooks and rivers, but most of
servants. The latter two live among the ruins of
these constructions lie now in ruin. All that
their ancient empire in the only city that
remains are used as landmarks to travel from
withstood the tides of time: the mechanical
one settlement to another.
city of Excelsior. Shining as a beacon of light in
a dark sea of trees, Excelsior is home to more The Dark Woods do not seem to be
than half the aasimar population of the Dark regulated by seasons as on other worlds. On
Woods. The mysterious Sphinx established his the contrary, the forests of Kyshar seem to be
temple along the cliffs of the Eastern Coast, not in a perpetual state of bloom, growth and
far from the Hidden Kingdom of the Girtablilu. death, as if spring, summer and fall were
Wishing to remain unseen, the exact location constantly competing against each other. Snow
of the girtablilu city is a jealously guarded and cold are only present in the North were
secret. winter is eternal. And just as the northern
forests suddenly give way to a land of ice and
Everywhere around the Dark Woods, angry
snow, the mountains of the Forbidden South
oceans await those who dare take to the sea.
seem to be washed by everlasting storms. The
No culture ever mastered sea travel, for the
Dark Woods, or so it seems, are just as hostile
oceans possess an awareness and an ill temper
to the four winds as they are to its inhabitants.
similar to that of the forests of Kyshar. Five
large islands emerge out of the Eastern Sea
where aasimars and sprites once lived, but A Brief History
they are deserted today.
Eons ago, an army of demons invaded Kyshar
and nearly pulled the world into the Abyss. The
The Forests of the Dark Woods Powers Above intervened, sending a host of
The Dark Woods are justifiably called “dark”. celestial warriors to cleanse the demonic
presence. The demons were vanquished and
Under the multi-layered canopy of its giant
the angels returned to their heavens, but many
trees, perpetual shade and gloom hide both
of the aasimari soldiers stayed behind, claiming
predators and deadly traps. More than the
the world as theirs and establishing a
mere absence of light, the darkness can be felt
civilization. For an age, the aasimar of Kyshar
like an ominous and oppressing presence that
grew prosperous. They created a race of
snuffs out hope and invokes fear. In the forests
and jungles of the Dark Woods, an air of sentient constructs called automatons to fight
by their side. Their kingdoms rose into a mighty
wakefulness and malice emanates from every
empire but in time, the aasimar grew
tree, every bush, and every blade of grass. For
complacent and their civilization degenerated
the inhabitants of Kyshar, there's no doubt that
into decadence, chaos and war.
the Dark Woods are alive.
This later era is better known as the
Almost as if Kyshar was made for titans,
Woodland Wars, during which many aasimar
trees here grow to gargantuan heights and
abandoned their former gods for the more
girths, dwarfing all but the forests of Arborea.
sinister powers of the Dark Woods. What Several reports tell of great rivers of fog
began as a civil war between two aasimari slithering from the north like gigantic snakes.
nations escalated into a continental-scale war Frost and snow are left in their wake, and it is
involving virtually every people of the Dark said that strange cries can be heard from
Woods. The so-called dark aasimar were within. Entire sprite populations have vanished
ultimately defeated, but peace came at a heavy where the fog flowed, leaving their villages
cost. As the dust of war settled down, the deserted and yet occupied by a strange,
aasimar discovered that the planar pathways unseen presence. Scouts sent to investigate
linking their world to the Upper Planes were attest of a feeling of dread and evil unlike
severed and that the gates to the heavens were anything known.
closed. All around the Dark Woods, vegepygmies
Today, the aasimar of the Dark Woods are a report tales of cruelty going beyond the typical
melancholic people living in exile from their woodland malevolence. Cabals of mad and
planar homes. The overgrown ruins of their frenzied sprites spread terror among their kind,
former empire and the rusting carcasses of and undead creatures arise before the Dark
their clockwork soldiers litter the Dark Woods, Woods can claim their corpses. These events
serving as home to clans of sprites and lonely are still sporadic and isolated, but their
beasts. Also harkening to this dark era, the frequency seems to increase, if one is to
malediction known as the girtablilu curse still believe the rumors. The Girtablilu foresee dark
affects many aasimar newborns to this day, times ahead, predicting the forthcoming of
causing infants to be born with the lower body ancient prophecies. Doom awaits, and the fate
of a scorpion. It seems that everywhere they of Kyshar will soon be at stake…
look, the aasimar are constantly reminded of
the errors of their past.
The other denizens of the Dark Woods live
now as they did before the arrival of the
aasimar, remembering the Woodland Wars as
vague mythological events passed down orally
from one generation to another. For them, the
conflict opposing the couatls against the nagas
is much fresher in their mind. This eon-long
conflict reached its apex during the Woodland
Wars but has erupted at least twice in recent
times. The last episode saw many casualties
among tribes of sprites, goblins, and bullywugs.
Sprite A diminutive race of wild, winged +2 Dexterity Tiny size; 10 ft. speed, fly 40 ft.
humanoids. Their nation is divided Your Strength Invisibility
in four great tribes each worshiping score is 3. Diminutive
one of their four nature gods.
Sprout Singer Subrace +1 Charisma Heart Sight (Sprout Singer)
Painter of Life Subrace +1 Wisdom Camouflage (Painter of Life)
Eater of Flesh Subrace +1 Constitution Darkvision (Eater of Flesh)
River of Worms Subrace +1 Intelligence Worm’s Resistance (River of
Vegepygmy A race of small mold-men born out +1 Dexterity Small size; 30 ft. speed
of the corpse of humanoids killed in +2 Wisdom Darkvision
the Dark Woods. They are the mute Plant Creature
interprets of the Dark Woods’ voice. Mold Resistance
Natural Armor
A typical aasimar stands from 5 ½ feet to a
little over 6 feet tall, weighing between 125
and 200 pounds. Male and female aasimars
show little difference in height, but men tend
to be a bit heavier and more muscular.
Compared to their human ancestors, aasimars
are blessed with a remarkably long life and can
expect to live up to 150 years old without
succumbing to disease or senility.
A People in Exile
The first aasimars of Kyshar arrived as soldiers
in a host of celestial warriors who received the
world of Kyshar as spoils of war and wergild for
their fallen. For a whole age, they traded freely
with their brethren of the celestial realms and
established a great empire. In time however,
they grew too proud and their civilization fell
into civil war.
Today, the aasimars of the Dark Woods
remember the plains of Arcadia and the slopes
of Mount Celestia in songs only. In the wake of
their civil war some 900 years ago, the
Aasimars aasimars discovered that Kyshar was sealed
In a time before memory, humans settled in from any type of planar travel, isolating them
the Upper Planes where generations upon from the land of their ancestors. As a people in
generations of coexistence and intermarriage exile, aasimars cling ferociously to their
with celestial beings forever changed their traditions and ideals.
nature. They became the aasimars; a noble and
gracious race distinct from their human
Those Who Walked Among the Gods
cousins. Under the guidance of their celestial
hosts, the aasimars became invested with the Although they are stranded in the Dark Woods,
everlasting light of the heavens. aasimars remember the time when they
walked the lands of gods. They know much
about the afterlife and are well-versed on the
Celestial Heritage subject of the multiverse. As such, they are not
At first sight, aasimars could be mistaken for a superstitious or a zealously religious people.
slender and regal humans but upon closer They tend to venerate the powers of Good
inspection, their celestial heritage cannot be rather than specific deities, paying homage to
mistaken. Their hair has a metallic shine and their ancestors, heroes of legends, angels of
their eyes gleam with the iridescence of opal renown, minor gods, greater deities and entire
from which a sense of calm and benevolence pantheons in equal measures.
Of Marble and Clockworks Darkvision. Your celestial heritage gives you
Aasimars appreciate well-sculpted stone, flying superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
arches, lacquered wood furniture and can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
elaborate fountains. They also enjoy fine were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
metalworking, especially decorative items of dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness,
silver and bronze. But more than anything, only shades of grey.
aasimars love to combine these elements in Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to
clever works of engineering and clockwork necrotic damage and radiant damage.
contraptions. This passion culminates in the
Celestial Legacy. You know the light cantrip.
creation of the automatons, a race of sentient
Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast lesser
constructs that aasimars fabricate and bring to
restoration once with this trait, and you regain
life through powerful divine rituals.
the ability to do so after a long rest. Once you
Aasimars consider their automaton reach 5th level, you can also cast the daylight
creations as children and friends, but also as spell once as a 3rd level spell and you regain
laborers and foot-soldiers. This duality the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
sometimes leads to mixed feelings about an Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
automaton’s role and fate. spells.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Aasimar Traits Celestial and Draconic.
There are two types of aasimars. True aasimars
are bestowed powers of light and healing
thanks to their celestial blood, as described The Mayura; Steeds of the Aasimars
below. For other aasimars however, the human With its lack of open plains and grazing areas,
part of their lineage prevails. If you want to the Dark Woods cannot support a population
play this variant aasimar, use the human race of horses or other usual mounts. Instead, the
as described in the Player’s Handbook as a aasimars of Kyshar have domesticated and
template for your character’s racial traits trained a race of large flightless birds that they
instead of using those provided below. call mayuras.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score An adult mayura stands 9 feet tall, weighs as
increases by 1, and your Charisma score much as 500 pounds and is strong enough to
increases by 2. take on a fully armed and armored aasimar
Age. Aasimars reach adulthood in their rider with ease. Its plumage varies from gray to
early twenties and live up to 150 years old. brown to golden, with males taking on exotic
shades of orange, red and blue with tails of
Alignment. Due to their celestial heritage similar vibrant hues. Mayuras can live up to 50
and rigid society, aasimars of Dark Woods tend years. Wild mayuras are called poukai and are
to be lawful and good but individuals of all dangerous and aggressive creatures.
alignment exist.
Mayuras and poukais use the Axe Beak’s stat
Size. Aasimars range from 5 to over 6 feet bloc from the appendix A of the Monstrous
tall and have a slender built. Your size is Manual.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Automatons are sentient clockwork constructs
created and animated by aasimars. They are
humanoid in appearance, often crafted to
resemble the industrious gnomes of far-away
Bytopia. Under their skin of beaten brass and
their flesh of carved wood, thousands of gears
and springs turn and churn as they move.
Age. Girtablilu reach adulthood in their Languages. You can speak, read, and write
early twenties and live up to 150 years old. Celestial and Ophidian.
Girtablilu do not reproduce; they are born of
aasimar parents as a result of an ancient curse.
Alignment. Girtablilu can be of any Girtablilu and Nagas
alignment, but their unwelcome origin and The nagas of the Dark Woods come in two
resentful nature cultivate the darker side of distinct factions; the benevolent guardian
their soul. nagas and the more sinister spirit nagas.
Size. Girtablilu average around 5 feet tall Together, the race achieves equilibrium but
with an equally long scorpion body. Your size is individually, the two appear contradictive
Medium. from outsider eyes. For the girtablilu, the
nagas represent the dual nature of their
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. psyche; the brighter and benevolent
Darkvision. Thanks to your aasimar blood, aasimar part of their soul and the darker
you have superior vision in dark and dim and more bestial part that lies within.
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 When the nagas met the girtablilu for the
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in first time, they perceived this duality and
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t took them as their disciples.
discern color in darkness, only shades of grey. The girtablilu no longer consider the
Claw. You are proficient with your claws nagas as their masters, but the affinity
which are unarmed strikes that deal 1d6 between the two races remain strong to
bludgeoning damage on a hit. When you hit a this day.
small, medium or large-sized creature with a
claw, you can use a bonus action to attempt to
grapple the target. You have two claws, each of
which can grapple only one target.
Stinger. You are proficient with your stinger
which is an unarmed strike that deals 1d8
piercing damage on a hit, and the target must
make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 +
your proficiency bonus + you Strength
modifier), taking 1d10 points of poison damage
on a failed save, or half as much on a successful
one. The damage increases to 2d10 at 6th
level, 3d10 at 11th level and 4d10 at 16th level.
representing the cycle of birth, growth, death,
and decay. While these tribes don’t always see
eye-to-eye, all see each other as a necessary
part of the balance of the Dark Woods.
Sprites live in clans ranging from a few
dozen to thousands of individuals of the same
tribe. Most still live the feral, primitive lifestyle
of their ancestors, but some clans have
become civilized under the influence of
aasimars and automatons. Clans of sprites
living close to aasimari settlements often
mimic the lifestyle of their celestial neighbors
with well-intentioned but at times clumsy
Four Gods, Four tribes Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2. As a Tiny creature, you have a
The sprite race is split into four major subraces Strength score of 3. Your Strength score cannot
that called “tribes”. Each tribe has its own be augmented with ability score increase or
distinct appearance, set of customs, and patron
deity. Spritish mythology features four gods
magical items made for small or medium represents. These four aspects are known as
creatures. The Eater of Flesh; The Great River of Worms;
The Painter of Life, and The Sprout Singer.
Age. Sprites reach adulthood after three
Choose one of these subraces.
years and can live up to a century.
Alignment. As a free and unpredictable
race, Sprites tend toward a chaotic alignment. The Sprout Signer
Depending on their clan, they can be very This tribe of sprites venerates the Sprout
benevolent or wickedly cruel. Singer, the spritish goddess of all beginnings.
Size. Sprites measure less than a foot in Spritish mythology depicts her as an ethereal
height and rarely weight more than 5 pounds. spirit whose songs provoke seedlings to sprout,
Your size is Tiny. cause flowers to bloom, urge beasts to mate,
and make people fall in love. But every
Speed. Your base walking speed is 10 feet.
beginning means the end of something else
You can also fly with a speed of 40 feet. As long
and so the Sprout Singer relies on the Great
as you have the ability to move, you can hover
River of Worms to fertilize the soil and produce
and fly backward effortlessly.
nutriments that make the spark of life possible.
Invisibility. You can fly with a fast, erratic
Sprites of the Sprout Singer tribe could be
movement that is tremendously hard to track.
defined as “merry tricksters”. They love to sing,
If your speed is not reduced and you are not
dance, and play pranks on trespassers. They
wearing medium or heavy armor, you can use
have a natural knack to perceive a person’s
an Action to become invisible until the end of
motives and intentions. Once a person’s heart
your next turn or until you attack, cast a spell
is deemed pure, these sprites become very
or your concentration ends. Once you have
friendly and eager to start new relationships.
used this trait, you must finish a short or long
rest until you can use it again. Upon reaching Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
5th level, you can use this trait twice before increases by 1.
rest. Starting at 11th level, you can become Heart Sight. The Sprout Singer allows you to
invisible three times before you rest. When you read a creature’s soul. If you spend at least 1
reach 16th level, you can use this trait four minute observing and interacting with another
times before you rest. creature outside combat, you learn certain
Diminutive. You can’t manipulate weapons information about its nature. The DM tells you
or tools made for larger creatures. Your one of the creature’s following characteristics
carrying capacity is equal to your Strength of your choice:
score in pounds. Every melee or ranged - The present emotional state of the
weapon manufactured for your size uses the creature.
dagger’s damage die, range and special
properties. - Whether the creature is Good, Neutral,
Evil or Unaligned.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Sylvan, and one other language among the - Whether the creature is polymorphed,
following: Celestial, Pygmish, Goblin, Bullywug, wild shaped or somehow magically
and Harpy. disguised.
Vegepygmy Traits
Your vegepygmy character has a number of
traits that defines your unique metabolism.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1, and your Wisdom score
increases by 2.
Age. Vegepygmies reach adulthood in a few
days only, inheriting the knowledge of their
race as they are born. Vegepygmies can live up
to 50 years old.
Alignment. Vegepygmies tend to be neutral
in alignment. They can be concerned without
being callous or forgiving, and don’t quite
understand the concepts of law and chaos.
Size. Vegepygmies grow up to 2 feet tall in a
matter of days after their birth. From then on,
they grow steadily but slowly as they age until
they reach just above 4 feet tall. Your size is
Speed. Vegepygmies are fleet of foot
despite their size. Your base walking speed is
30 feet.
Plant Creature. Vegepygmies are creatures
Pigmish Trade
of the plant type rather than humanoids. As
such, you are immune to spells and effects Vegepygmies form a collectivist society
specifically targeting humanoid creatures, but sharing all their resources and possessions.
you are vulnerable to spells and effects When resources grow scarce, the
affecting plant creatures. community also shares the burden of
finding, trading or producing new ones.
Mold Resilience. Your plant metabolism
Vegepymies also consider skills, knowledge
makes you less vulnerable to disease and
and information as commodities and do
poisons. You have advantage on saving throws
not keep secrets among themselves.
against disease and poison, and you have
resistance against poison damage. Thus, pygmish tribes are constantly
trading with one another, exchanging food,
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark
goods, services, news, and knowledge on a
and dim conditions. You can see in dim light
regular basis. Vegepygmies seem happy to
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
trade with other races too, but non-
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
vegepygmies often find their barter system
discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
almost impossible to comprehend. Unlike
Natural Armor. Mossy tendrils give you other goods however, items worn by
some basic protection. When you are not someone are considered sacred and part
wearing any armor, your AC is 13 + your of that person’s identity and soul. A
Dexterity modifier. vegepygmy will never willingly accept
Languages. Vegepygmies do not speak. clothing, ornaments or weapons clearly
Their language called Pygmish consists of belonging to another creature as payment.
rhythmic clicks and taps. Pygmish has no
written form but vegepygmies paint and carve
basic hieroglyphic symbols that they use as
warnings and for navigation. You also
understand Celestial and Sylvan, although you
cannot speak those languages.
Character Classes and compensates for the sprite’s small size.
The twelve character classes, as they are While the girtablilu typically choose the path of
presented in the Player’s Handbook, is the berserker, sprites usually emulate animals
sufficient to cover the vast majority of the roles in their fighting techniques. Automatons rarely
and concepts for a Dark Woods campaign. This take levels in this class however as they lack
is especially true if multiclassing is allowed. The the recklessness and the inspiration that drives
following section describes the relationship the barbarian.
that different people of the Dark Woods have Aasimar barbarians do exist but are
with the various character classes and somewhat different. Far from the unwashed
archetypes offered in the Player’s Handbook. berserker type, aasimar barbarians are inspired
This section also offers new racial archetypes warriors feeding off their Asgardian heritage,
for every character class presented in the letting the spirits of their einherjar ancestors
Player’s Handbook. invest their body and soul.
In a feral world such as this one, barbarians are Primal Path
a natural fit. Surviving the Dark Woods Aasimar barbarians in Dark Woods have the
demands more than the ability to wield a following Primal Path option, in addition to
weapon; it requires an intuitive sense of those in the Player’s Handbook.
danger, a feral instinct and a bit of
recklessness; virtues that the barbarian class
provides better than any other. Path of the Einherjar
Among the Free People of the Dark Woods, Some aasimar can trace their celestial ancestry
sprites and girtablilu are the races most likely back to the Heroic Domains of Ysgard where
to take levels as barbarians. This class the einherjar – worthy warriors carried away by
complements the girtablilu’s monstrous nature the Valkyries – feast and fight until the end of
times. While they are not permitted to speak
to mortals, the gods sometimes allow the Ghost Sight
einherjars to guide and inspire the scions of
their lineage. When The Seal came into effect Upon reaching 10th level, your sight extends to
at the end of the Woodland Wars, many the realm of ghosts and spirits. While you are
einherjar spirits were trapped on Kyshar with raging, you can see invisible and ethereal
their aasimar hosts. Following their creatures as if you had cast the see invisibility
descendants from generation to generation, spell on yourself.
the einherjars continue to guide and protect
their lineage. As you enter the fray of combat,
Spectral Allies
you can feel the presence of your einherjar
ancestors burning in your veins. At 14th level, your can call on your einherjar
ancestors to manifest and fight along your side.
When you enter a rage, you can choose to
Restriction: Aasimars Only become the target of a spirit guardians spell, as
Only aasimars can choose the einherjar primal if cast by you as a 3rd level spell. In this case,
path. In the world of Dark Woods, only the spirits’ spectral form is that of Asgardian
aasimars have a strong enough tie to the warriors. The spirits fight along your side until
Heroic Domains of Ysgard to summon the your rage ends or you fall unconscious.
spirits of the einherjar.
Guiding Spirits Among the wild and illiterate denizens of the
Starting at 3rd level, your einherjar ancestors Dark Woods, bards are the true keepers of
guide you and strengthen your resolve in knowledge and traditions. For the denizens of
combat. You know the guidance cantrip. Also, the Dark Woods, culture is passed down orally
whenever you make a saving throw while you from one generation to another by bards who
rage, you can roll a d4 and add the number are often revered as much as shamans.
rolled to the saving throw. In addition, you Unlike the denizens of the Dark Woods,
cannot be charmed, frightened or possessed both aasimar and girtablilu form highly
while you rage. If you were charmed or educated and literate societies. Aasimari bards
frightened or possessed prior to your rage, the are typically scholars of the college of lore
effect is suspended for the duration of the while their girtablilu counterparts seem to
rage. favor the college of valor, preferring ancient
ruins to old libraries. While they are also well-
educated, automatons rarely become bards;
Signs and Omens
they prefer a more rational and focused
Beginning at 6th level, you can call upon your approach to magic and are more likely to
einherjar ancestors for advice and counsel. become wizards instead.
While they are not permitted to speak to you,
the einherjar can show you the likely outcome Despite their lack of a spoken language,
of your actions. You can cast the augury spell, vegepygmies have a very rich “oral” tradition.
but only as a ritual, as described in Chapter 10 Their bards are called “keepers of lore” and
in the Player’s Handbook. constitute the vast majority of arcane
spellcasters among pygmish tribes. Vegepygmy
bards are very much like shamans and most Starting at 3rd level, you can tap into the
outsiders would not differentiate them at first communal knowledge of your tribe. When you
sight. make an ability check, you can expend one use
of Bardic Inspiration. Roll the Bardic Inspiration
die and add the number rolled to the ability
Bardic Colleges check. You can choose to do so after you roll
Vegepygmy bards of the Dark Woods have the the die for the ability check, but before the DM
following Bardic College option, in addition to tells you whether you succeed or fail.
those in the Player’s Handbook.
Ancestral Secrets
College of the Keepers Upon reaching 6th level, you can tap deeper in
Whereas the role of the shaman is to interpret the communal knowledge of your tribe. While
the Will of the Woods, your task is to remind you still cannot voice spoken languages, you
the vegepygmies of their traditions and history. can make yourself magically understandable by
As the guardian of your culture, you enjoy a others. Add the tongue, speak with animals
mystical connection with the communal and speak with plants spells to your list of
memories of your tribe, allowing you to tap known spells, as well as one other spell or
into a font of knowledge that your kind have cantrip of your choice from the bard, druid or
accumulated for centuries. This makes you the ranger class. The spell you choose must be
most knowledgeable individual of your tribe from a level you can cast, and counts a bard
and your aptitude with languages often bring spell for you. These spells don’t count against
you to travel to other territories. the number of bard spells you know.
Relentless Leadership
Starting at 15th level, when you roll initiative
and have no superiority dice remaining, you
regain 1 superiority die.
Rallying Cry
At 18th level, your superiority dice turn into
d10s and you can expend a superiority die to
gain the following benefit:
Inspire. When you hit a creature with a
weapon attack, you can expend one superiority
die to bolster and inspire your companions
with a rallying cry. You add the superiority die
to the attack’s damage roll, and you choose up
to three friendly creatures that can see or hear
you. Those creatures gain inspiration.
The Dark Woods aren’t known for their
monasteries and among the classes described
in the Player’s Handbook, the monk is perhaps
the rarest on Kyshar. The Temple of the Oracle
is one of the most contemplative places in the
Dark Woods and while the Sphinx can be a
patient teacher, his acropolis is not a school for
ascetics or martial artists. A few self-taught
aasimars practice the way of the open hand
but none has ever founded a proper and lasting
school or monastery.
Only the girtablilu possess an established
monk tradition. Rather than rejecting their
monstrous body, these girtablilu accept their
physiognomy and fully embrace their scorpion Closed Claw Technique
form. Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd
level, you can use your claws to destabilize
your enemy. Whenever you hit a creature with
Monastic Order
one of your claws as an unarmed strike, you
Girtablilu monks of Dark Woods have the can spend 1 ki point to impose one of the
following Monastic Order option, in addition to following effects on the target:
those in the Player’s Handbook.
- It must succeed on a Strength saving
throw. If it fails it is grappled in one of
Way of the Closed Claw your claws.
Some say that you are cursed and forsaken by - It must make a Strength saving throw. If
the gods, but you do not think so. Your body is it fails, it is pushed 15 feet away from
a gift, a weapon fit for the harshness of the you.
Dark Woods. There is balance in everything - It must make a Strength saving throw. If
and this balance starts with you. Your it fails, it loses one weapon or one
monstrous body is not incompatible with your shield (your choice). The weapon or the
celestial soul. Like the nagas of the Dark shield falls in the target’s space.
Woods, your brighter and darker sides
complete each other in one harmonious entity.
Do not ignore the beast that lies within. Immobilize Foe
Tame it. Ride it. Embrace it. Starting at 6th level, when your claw attack hits
a creature you are grappling with your other
claw, you can spend 2 ki to attempt to
Restriction; Girtablilu Only immobilize it. The creature must make a
Only Girtablilu can choose the Way of the Strength saving throw. If it fails, the creature
Closed Claw Monastic Order. The Way of the becomes restrained instead.
Closed Claw is a martial art based on the Restraining a creature in such a way requires
particular physique of the Girtablilu. both claws. As such, you cannot make an
unarmed strike using your claws while
restraining a creature.
Beginning at 11th level, you gain the ability to
hear and sense the movement of your
opponents by feeling the air and ground’s
vibrations with your legs. As a bonus action,
you can spend 2 ki points to gain blindsight in a
radius of 60 feet until the end of your next
Signature Move Valiant sprites sometimes follow the tenets of
At 17th level, you gain a signature move, the the ancients but very few others can commit to
culmination of your personal combat style. the cause of righteousness that drives the
When you reach this level, you gain one of the paladin.
following features of your choice. Despite their natural predispositions,
Tear Asunder. You can attempt to cut in half aasimars rarely become paladins nowadays.
a creature you have restrained with your With no demons to banish and no devil
Immobilize Foe ability. As an action, you can worshippers to stop, with few undead to
spend 3 ki to violently release the creature. As destroy and few truly evil foes to slay, the role
the creature is released, it must make a of paladin has, so to speak, fallen out of
Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it drops to fashion. While its ideals are still regarded as
0 hit points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 the quintessence of the righteous aasimari
slashing damage. A creature with resistance to hero, the paladin has almost entirely become a
slashing damage has advantage on its saving character of legends.
throw. A creature dropped to 0 hit points this Among the automatons however, a new
way is cut in half at the waist. kind of hero is rising. Dedicated to the
Tail Sweep. As an action, you can spend 3 ki protection of their ward, these paladins put
to spin your tail around you. Every creature in a their own life at risk to keep others safe and
10 feet radius must make a Dexterity saving unharmed.
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
3d10 bludgeoning damage and is stunned until
Sacred Oath
the end of your next turn. On a successful save,
the creature takes half as much damage and is Automaton paladins of Dark Woods have the
not stunned. following Sacred Oath option, in addition to
those in the Player’s Handbook.
Sudden Stinger strike. As an action, you can
spend 3 ki to make a rapid succession of stinger
attacks on a single target. Make three stinger Oath of the Guardians
attacks. For each successful hit, the target takes
Traditionally, the Oath of the Guardians is a
unarmed strike damage and must make a
devoted commitment to the protection and
Constitution saving throw, taking 4d10 poison
safeguarding of a person; the ward. Since the
damage on a failed save and half as much on a
beginning of the Aasimari Empire, the
successful one.
Guardians were known as impartial and
Delivering your signature move is a dependable bodyguards escorting aasimars
strenuous task. Once you have used it, you dignitaries across the planes. In recent times
can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. however, the tenets of the Guardians have
been rediscovered by automatons guards and
sentinels. As with religion, automatons follow
Paladin these tenets more loosely, applying the
Even more so than on any other world, the concept of ward to loved ones and companions
paladin occupies a very specific niche in the alike.
Dark Woods. Paladins of devotion are almost
exclusively aasimari and the oath of vengeance
is the only vow that the girtablilu ever take.
Restriction: Automaton Only Oath Spells
Only automatons can choose the Oath of the You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Guardian Sacred Oath. In the past, this oath
was taken by aasimars and automatons alike
but nowadays, only automatons live by its Oath of Protection spells
tenets. Paladin Level Spell
3rd: purify food and drinks, protection from
Prerequisite: Protection Fighting evil and good
Style 5th: prayer of healing, warding bond
You must know the Protection Fighting Style to 9th: glyph of warding, protection from energy
select the Oath of the Guardians. If you did not
choose this Fighting Style at 2nd level, you may 13: death ward, otiluke’s resilient sphere
exchange your current Fighting Style for the 17th: dispel evil and good, hallow
Protection Fighting Style as you select this
Sacred Oath.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
Tenets of the Guardians
the following two Channel Divinity options.
The tenets of the Guardians date back to the
Divine Confrontation. As a bonus action,
birth of the Empire but the scrolls on which
you can compel a creature to attack you
they were inscribed were lost long ago. While
instead of your comrades. Choose a hostile
the exact wording of these tenets is not
creature within 60 feet. For one minute, the
remembered, their five central principles are
compelled creature has disadvantage on attack
valued and esteemed by many dutiful
rolls against any creature other than you.
Protective Ward. As an action, you can
Commitment. Complete the task you were
shield a strained ally with a protective ward.
given, do not fail to your obligations.
Choose a creature other than yourself within
Devotion. Protect your ward’s life with your 60 feet that is below its hit points maximum.
own. For 1 minute, the warded creature gains a
Loyalty. Be faithful to your comrades and number of temporary hit points equal to your
obey those who have just authority over you. Charisma modifier + your paladin level. Also,
hostile creatures have disadvantage on attack
Sincerity. Speak and act truly about your rolls made against the warded creature as long
own thoughts, feelings and desires. as it has at least one of these temporary hit
Stalwartness. Never succumb to fear, doubt points remaining.
or despair but act with caution and care.
Bodyguard’s Step reflexes. For 1 minute, you gain the following
At 7th level, you can intercept attacks targeted benefits:
at your allies. You gain the following option: - You gain resistance to all damage
When you use your reaction to give except psychic.
disadvantage to an enemy creature with your - You gain the ability to see in nonmagical
Protection Fighting Style, you can choose to darkness and see invisible creatures in a
become the target of the attack if the attack range of 60 feet.
hits. You take all damage and related effect
- You gain an extra reaction on each of
dealt by this attack, regardless whether the
you turns.
attack hit your AC or not. The original target
takes no damage. - Once you use this feature, you can’t use
it again until you finish a long rest.
When a friendly creature within 5 feet of
you is subjected to a spell that allows a
Dexterity saving throw to take only half Ranger
damage, you can use you reaction to intercept
the spell. The friendly creature takes no Like the barbarian, the ranger perfectly fits the
damage if it succeeds its saving throw and only themes of the Dark Woods. Whereas the
half damage if it fails. By doing so, you are barbarian class brings out the feral instinct of a
automatically affected by the same spell, even character, the ranger provides affinity with the
if the spell normally affects a single target (but wilderness and a natural awareness that has no
you are still allowed a Dexterity saving throw to equal among the character classes presented in
take half damage). the Player’s Handbook.
Most vegepygmy warrior characters are
rangers; this class perfectly mirrors the
Battle Wise
intimate relation that vegepygmies have with
Upon reaching 15th level, you can react nature and their ability to draw on the powers
instantaneously to gain tactical advantage of of the Will of the Woods. Sprites and girtablilu
the battleground. are also likely candidates to take levels as
As you roll initiative, you can immediately ranger. Sprites favor the hunter archetype,
move up to your speed before the first round selecting abilities that help them take on
of combat. This does not affect your place in opponents that are much bigger than they are,
the initiative order or impede the distance you but a few among the Eater of Flesh and Painter
can move during your first turn of combat. If of Life tribes also train beasts for hunting and
you were unarmed when you rolled initiative, defense.
you immediately draw one weapon and equip Among the girtablilu, most prefer to
a shield before combat starts. emulate the amazon huntress. Like the warrior-
You cannot use this ability if you are surprised. maiden of Arborea, these girtablilu rangers
combine skills and nature magic to protect
their sisters against the malevolent spirits of
Eternal Sentinel the Dark woods.
At 20th level, as an action, you can overclock
your mechanical heart to gain exceptional
resistance, heightened senses and increased
Ranger Archetype and spells. To gain this benefit, you can’t be
Girtablilu rangers of Dark Woods have the blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
following Ranger Archetype option, in addition
to those in the Player’s Handbook.
Mental Fortitude
Starting at 7th level, you can’t be charmed or
Amazon frightened by your favored enemies.
For many people across the multiverse, the
Amazons represent the quintessential female
Bestial Attack
society. As an all-female warrior nation, the
girtablilu relate to them in a poetic way, and At 11th level, whenever you take the Attack
the Amazon huntress is a favored archetype action, you can make an unarmed strike with a
among their society. claw or stinger as a bonus action.
As you emulate the Amazon archetype, you
are a warrior first and foremost. Skilled with Improved Mental Fortitude
the bow and the broad-bladed spear (treat as a
Starting at 15th level, when you are reduced to
glaive), you are a dangerous opponent both at
0 hit points by one of your favored enemies
range and in melee.
and are not killed outright, you can choose to
drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this
Restriction: Girtablilu Only feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
long rest.
Only girtablilu can choose the Amazon Ranger
Archetype. The amazon has a particular Additionally, you gain advantage on
meaning in girtablilu society and culture. Intelligence saving throws made to discern the
illusions and phantasms of the Dark Woods and
its spirits.
Spirited Assault
When you take the Dash action, you can make
a melee weapon attack as a bonus action. If
the attack hits, the creature takes an extra 1d8 As a virtuous people, few aasimars become
damage of the same type as the weapon used. true assassins of thieves, but many aasimari
This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, swordsmen take levels in the rogue class to
and to 3d8 at 11th level. broaden their fighting techniques and improve
their mobility. This trend is especially popular
You cannot use this feature to assault a
among the aasimari youth where agile fighters
creature currently within your reach.
multiclass as rogues.
With their patience and their craftsmanship,
Sixth Sense automatons also make good rogues. Such
When you reach 7th level, you gain a sixth rogues rely more on their tool proficiency and
sense that warns you of imminent danger. their intelligence, and usually make great
investigators. However, vegepygmies and
You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws
girtablilu, like the denizens of the Dark Woods,
against effects that you can see, such as traps
rarely take levels in this class.
Sprites on the other hand embrace the Assassinate
rogue for what it is. Those living among Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest
aasimars or the most populous clans make when you get the drop on your enemies. You
excellent thieves and frightfully efficient have advantage on attack rolls against any
assassins, but the more feral hunter clans have creature that hasn’t taken a turn in the combat
their own version of the latter archetype. yet. In addition, any hit you score against a
Called marauders, these rogues trade their creature that is surprised is a critical hit.
ability to infiltrate and personify others for a
greater mastery of the wilderness.
Natural Explorer
Sorcerous Origin
Death Strike
Aasimar sorcerers of Dark Woods have the
Starting at 17th level, you become a master of following Sorcerous Origin option, in addition
instant death. When you attack and hit a to those in the Player’s Handbook.
creature that is surprised, it must make a
Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your
Dexterity modifier + you proficiency bonus). On Celestial Bloodline
a failed save, double the damage of your attack As your human ancestors settled in the Upper
against the creature. Planes, their blood mingled with that of angels
and other celestial beings, giving birth to the
aasimar race. This celestial blood flows strong
Sorcerer in your veins, allowing you to manifest much
Divine magic occupies a much larger place than more than the light and restorative powers of
arcane magic in the Dark Woods; even bards your people. Regardless whether they are self-
rarely become more prominent than their taught or trained from the sorcerers of Arcane
tribe’s shaman. With the exception of sprites Lane in Excelsior, your powers transcend the
who demonstrate an innate aptitude with limits of arcane and divine magic.
magic, most sorcerers hail from the aasimars or
the girtablilu.
Restriction: Aasimars Only
Thanks to their celestial blood, it is not
uncommon for young aasimars to display Only aasimars can choose the Celestial
innate magical powers. Many use this gift to Bloodline Sorcerous Origin. Only they can trace
learn wizardly magic but some become apt their lineage to the angels of the Upper Planes
sorcerers instead. Girtablilu also have a rich
sorcerous tradition that they inherited from
the nagas. Automatons however, perhaps due
to their artificial nature, appear to be unable to
Bonus Cantrip Starting at 6th level when you cast a spell that
When you choose this sorcerous origin at 1st deals radiant damage, add your Charisma
level, you gain the sacred flame cantrip if you modifier to that damage.
don’t already know it. In addition, when you cast a spell that
restores hit points to a creature, the creature
regains additional hit points equal to your
Expanded Spell List Charisma modifier.
Your celestial origins let you choose from an
expanded list of spells when you learn a
sorcerer spell. The following spells are added Wings of the Deva
to the sorcerer spell list for you. At 14th level, you gain the ability to sprout a
pair of feathery wings from your back, gaining
a flying speed of equal to your current speed.
Celestial Bloodline Expended You can create these wings as a bonus action
on your turn. They last until you dismiss them
Spell level Spell as a bonus action on your turn.
1st healing word, shield of faith
2nd branding smite, prayer of healing Poise of the Solar
3rd beacon of hope, crusader’s mantle Beginning at 18th level, you can channel the
power and authority of your celestial
4th death ward, guardian of faith
ancestors, causing your allies to regain hope
5th destructing wave, flame strike and your enemies to become awestruck. As an
action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to draw
on this power and exude an aura of awe to a
Essence of Purity distance of 60 feet. For 1 minute or until you
You are invested with the purity of the angels. lose concentration (as if you were casting a
At 1st level, your hit point maximum increases concentration spell), each hostile creature that
by 1, and increases by one again every time starts its turn in this aura must succeed on a
you gain a level in this class. Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the
Additionally, your skin shines with a thin aura ends. A creature that succeeds on this
aura of protective light. When you aren’t saving throw is immune to your aura for 24
wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your hours. Friendly creatures inside the aura
Dexterity modifier. cannot become frightened while you are
conscious. If a friendly creature was already
frightened when it entered the aura, it has
Radiance of the Heavens advantage on any new saving throw against the
At 6th level when you cast a spell dealing fire
damage, you can spend 2 sorcery points to deal
radiant damage instead.
Celestial Affinity
Warlock the target in a field of shimmering light. The
In the Dark Woods setting, warlocks are creature is frozen in time and is protected from any
individuals who learn magic under the tutelage sort of attacks while in the prison.
of either the harpies – these half-bird half- At the end of your next turn, the creature is
woman sirens singing their charming songs – freed. If the target is not a naga, it takes take 10d10
the nagas – these human-faced serpents psychic damage as the fire ravages its mind.
wielding fire magic – or the couatls – these
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
feathered snakes holding great powers of
until you finish a long rest.
divination. These ancient races rarely make
such a pact with any of the people of the Dark
Woods and even when they do, warlocks are
seen with curiosity and great suspicion Otherworldly Patron
regardless of their culture or ethnicity. Sprite warlocks in the Dark Woods have the
In recent times however, a new kind of following Otherworldly Patron option, in
warlock has arisen. Coming from the North, an addition to those in the Player’s Handbook.
entity only known as The Shadow has begun its
invasion of the Dark Woods. The entity seems The Shadow
related to the sprites somehow, for they have
been targeted by its attacks more directly than You only have a faint understanding of your
any other denizen of Kyshar. Some entire clans patron, but you know that the only way you
have disappeared or gone mad. For some could avoid the darkness was to join it. And
sprites, the only escape from this madness was while you are not compelled to do The
to make a pact with The Shadow… Shadow’s bidding, you know that ultimately,
your actions will only further its mysterious
Otherworldly Patrons in the Dark Woods An unshakable sense of doom inhabits you
but for the moment, you are free to choose
Again due to the specific nature of the Dark Woods,
your fate; to withstand the tides with the Free
the warlock’s otherworldy patrons presented in the
People of Kyshar or the welcome The Shadow
Player’s Handbook are not available as a source of
with open arms.
the warlock’s powers. In this setting, warlocks are
individuals who learned magic under one of the
three most influential races of the Dark Woods. The Restriction: Sprites Only
Archfey is represented by the harpies, the Fiend is
represented by the nagas and the Great Old One is Only sprites can choose The Shadow as their
Otherworldly Patron. The Shadow seems to be
represented by the couatls.
related to the sprites somehow and they alone
Patrons’ abilities should easily be renamed while are affected by its madness.
leaving their effects intact, with one exception.
Replace the 14th level ability of the Fiend patron
Hurl Through Hell with the following ability: Expanded Spell List
Mind Fire Prison The Shadow lets you choose from an expanded
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell.
Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature with
The following spells are added to the warlock
an attack, you can use this feature to instantly trap
spell list for you
Life Drinker
Shadow Expanded Spells At 14th level when you score a critical hit or
reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain a
Spell level Spell
number of temporary hit points to the
1st chromatic orb (cold only), fog cloud creature’s hit dice (minimum 1) and the
2nd gust of wind, see invisibility creature must make a Constitution save against
your warlock spell DC. If it fails, the creature is
3rd sleet storm, slow slain instantaneously and cannot be brought
4th evard’s black tentacle, ice storm back to life short of a wish spell.
5th cone of cold, conjure elemental (air only) Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a long rest.
Touch of Shadow
Cold and darkness do not bother you anymore. Wizard
You gain the ability to see in nonmagical Wizardry is perhaps the rarest magical tradition
darkness up to 120 feet. In addition, you gain on Kyshar and one that is almost exclusive to
resistance to cold and necrotic damage, and aasimars and automatons. Thanks to the
never gain a level of exhaustion from arcane college of Excelsior, any aasimar or
exposition to frigid water or extreme cold automaton with enough intelligence and
weather. determination can learn magic and take levels
as a wizard. Among the aasimari nobility, most
family elders learn wizardly magic to various
Minion of the Shadow degrees, but some make it their lifetime
As an action, you can rebuke your patron’s dedication. As for automatons, wizards
agents. Each shadow or wraith that can see you constitute the quasi-totality of arcane
within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving spellcasters among their kind.
throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is Girtablilu and sprites also count a few
charmed for 1 minute or until it takes damage. wizards among their ranks; an art that they
Charmed shadows and wraiths will not attack have learned from the aasimars. While it is
you or companions, and will not pursue you if rumored that the Lich-Queen is teaching
you leave the vicinity. wizardry to some of her favorite subjects, this
class is virtually non-existent among the
Strengthened Mind denizen of the Dark Woods.
When you reach 10th level, your mind has In rare cases, a vegepygmy born out of the
been hardened by the constant nightmares and remains of an aasimar wizard inherits part of
harassment of your patron. You cannot be its spellcasting abilities. These vegepygmy
charmed or frightened. In addition, you gain hedge wizards soon abandon their spellbook
resistance to psychic damage. Each time you for a method of recording spells better adapted
take psychic damage, the attacker takes the to their culture.
same amount.
Arcane School new list of wizard spells require time spent
Vegepygmy wizards of Dark Woods have the gathering ingredients and organizing them in
following Arcane School option, in addition to your gri-gri; at least 1 minute per spell level for
those in the Player’s Handbook. each spell on your list.
You can copy wizard spells of level 1 or
higher in your gri-gri from a scroll or a
Hedge Wizard spellbook as indicated in the “Your Spellbook”
You were born out of the corpse of an aasimar sidebar on page 114 of the Player’s Handbook.
who used to be talented in wizardry magic. Like Since most ingredients can be gathered in
some of your folk, you have inherited part of nature, the gold you must spend to copy a new
your birth corpse’s memories and skills. In your spell in your gri-gri is halved but the time
case, it was the ability to prepare and cast required to do so is doubled as you forage for
wizard spells, a rare gift among your race. your spell’s material components.
While you could not thoroughly understand
the intricacies of recording magic in a
spellbook, you managed to make it thus far and Twigs and Bones
adopt a method with which you are much Starting a 2nd level, you gain the ability to cast
more comfortable. augury but only as a ritual, as described in
chapter 10.
Upon reaching 14th level, you can use nature
to cure fatigue and flush detrimental
enchantments. You gain the ability to cast
greater restoration without expending a spell
You must spend one day to gather rare
ingredients to substitute the 100gp worth of
diamond dust that the spell requires. Make an
Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC of 20. If
the check is successful, you can substitute the
spell’s material component with your
ingredients for one casting of the spell.
Regardless whether the check is successful or
failed, you cannot try again until you finishing a
long rest.
relation that
disciples enjoy with
Backgrounds the priestess-mothers.
Before they gain fame and
glory from their adventures,
heroes are shaped by their Variant Acolyte: Girtablilu
upbringing. Dark Woods uses the
backgrounds and personality traits presented You are a girtablilu and have been trained as a
in the Player’s Handbook to describe the cleric of the Triad. Instead of serving in a
character’s demeanor, origin, and past temple, your religious education was provided
experiences. by your priestess-mother: one of the senior
clerics who acted both as a religious mentor
As with the class description, some
and a parental figure in your upbringing.
backgrounds can take on different meanings in
According to the laws of the sisterhood, a cleric
the Dark Woods. For instance, sea travel does
may only train one disciple in her lifetime and
not exist in these days and thus the sailor
therefore you are her only heir.
background is redefined as a guide or caravan
driver navigating the Dark Woods. Who was your priestess-mother? What kind
of relationship did you have with her? Now
The following section describes how
that your training is complete, you are no
backgrounds are perceived by the Free People
longer required to serve by her side, but you
of the Dark Woods.
are not considered a senior cleric yet. Like a
mother to her child, she remains responsible
Acolyte for your actions in the eyes of the high
priestess -queen.
Religion occupies a central role in aasimari and
girtablilu cultures and, not surprisingly, the
acolyte background is a favorite among both Variant Feature: Priestess-
races. Sprites and vegepigmies also enjoy rich
Whether she is proud of your accomplishments
religious traditions, but acolytes are rarer
or simply concerned about her own reputation,
among these people as their animist approach
your priestess-mother is always there to assist
to religion does not involve temples and
you. You can seek your priestess-mother for
segregated religious denominations.
tips and counsels, and can always expect to
Almost every girtablilu cleric hails from this receive free healing from her.
background. For them, the acolyte represents
This background is common amongst the fun- Variant Feature: Junk Dealer
loving and sometimes mischievous sprites, but You have a way to sell old things at a good
much rarer among other races. Since they live price. You can sell used equipment for 75% of
in an honest and honorable society, very few the market price instead of the usual 50%.
aasimar and automatons become charlatans.
Vegepygmies don’t become charlatans either,
their lack of dishonesty and their desire to Criminal
exchange openly makes them honest
Crime is relatively low in Excelsior and thus its
underworld is small, but proximity with the
girtablilu’s enclave and the vegepygmy market
Variant Charlatan: Spritish Trader allows for small criminal organizations to exist.
The criminal background is more common
You are a sprite living in the vegepygmy market
amongst sprites however; some spritish clans
outside Excelsior where you purchase trinkets
are even ruled by criminals behind a facade
and curios from vegepygmies and sell them to lord or government.
aasimars, at a higher price, of course. Your
business is not completely dishonest, but
sometimes a good story can go a long way to Variant Criminal: Treasure Hunter
transform a worthless bauble into a valuable
You are a professional ruins explorer and
purveyor of artifacts from the Aasimari Empire
era. As such, you are an expert in appraising masterpiece. These divine inspirations
the value of objects and have developed a sometimes give you access to a unique and
network of collectors and aficionados that may powerful discovery. The exact nature of this
be interested in acquiring your merchandise. revelation depends on the nature of your new
poem. It might be a great truth about the
cosmos, the deities, the powerful being of the
Variant Feature: Connoisseur Upper Planes, or the force of nature. It could
You know the monetary value of art objects be a site that no one else has ever seen. You
and other treasures that you recover from might have uncovered a fact that has long been
aasimari ruins. In addition, you can always find forgotten, or unearthed some relic of the past
a buyer for your merchandise in Excelsior or that could rewrite history.
any aasimari settlements. Work with your DM to determine the details
of your discovery and its impact on the
Aasimar, girtablilu, sprites, vegepygmies; even
the dour automatons and the chaotic goblins Folk Hero
need some entertainment. In the harsh world Not everyone can become a hero, but a hero
of Dark Woods, the entertainer is perhaps the can come from anywhere. Characters of all
most universal background on Kyshar. races can have modest origins, but those
coming from clannish social structures, such as
sprites and vegepygmies, are more likely to be
Variant Entertainer: Poet
issued from this background.
Aasimar are fond of sad ballads and poetry
reciting their planar past and their exile on
Kyshar. Many see it as a duty to be reminded of Variant Folk Hero: Messenger
their past, least they forget their roots and Villages and settlements on Kyshar are few and
worship the dark spirts of the Dark Woods far between, and communication can only be
once more. ensured by bold couriers willing to brave the
Aasimari poets like you are more than Dark Woods of Kyshar. You may not be a
artists; they are scholars in planology and considered a hero, but folks admire your
master in the genealogy of angels and their courage nonetheless.
aasimar descendants.
Since the aasimars’ history is so related with Guild Artisan
their faith, you might be proficient with History
Only the aasimars and automatons have proper
or Religion rather than proficiency with the
merchant guilds, but artisans can be issued
Acrobatics skill. Instead of proficiency with the
from every society found in the Dark Woods.
disguise kit, you are proficient with
Whether they are rustic or sophisticated, this
calligrapher’s supplies.
background is available to every race of Kyshar.
Variant Hermit: Shaman When you are in your village, you and your
companions enjoy a lifestyle considered as
You come from a relatively small community in “wealthy” for the standards of the Dark
the Dark Woods where you act as the clan’s Woods. Thanks to your social status, you are
shaman, witch-doctor, wisdom-man or wise- always well received (but not necessarily
woman, or one of its apprentices. You live your welcomed) when visiting other clans and
life as a diviner and a mediator between your tribes.
mortal brethren and the spirits of the Dark
Woods. While your life is not one of complete
seclusion, your special status forbids you from
casually interacting with the other members of
your clan.
Sprite Villages
A sprite’s village is strongly influenced by its tribe. Sprites of the Sprout
Singer tribe typically make their homes in heights, among the branches
of mighty trees. Sprites of the Painter of Life tribe often make villages
on or near the forest’s floor, typically under the exposed roots of huge
trees, counting on traps and camouflage to detract predators. Sprites of
the Eater of Flesh tribe usually have their homes hidden inside hollow
trunks and other such places suitable for ambushing trespassers, while
sprites of the Great River of Worms favor dead trees to establish their
Spritish villages range from a few dozens to hundreds of individuals.
Some villages in the South even reach thousands. But regardless of their
size, spritish villages are independent of each other and their rulers do not
have any dominion on their neighbors. Type of government tends to vary
from village to village; some are ruled by a hereditary monarch, others by an
elected chieftain or by another type of meritocracy, gerontocracy or geniocracy.
Vegepygmy Colonies
Vegepygmy colonies are built under large trees, in shallow caves, inside the vaults of
ancient ruins, and other similar dark and humid places. As a very communal people,
vegepygmies share most of the tribe’s belongings and each room is built to
accommodate the whole tribe. Weapons, armor, and jewelry are among the only things
that are truly personal to vegeypgmies; such items are considered sacred and part of its
wearer’s identity.
Pygmish communities are relatively small, ranging from a handful individuals to tribes of fifty
vegepygmies. Smaller tribes don’t always take permanent residence, preferring a nomadic life and
trading among their kind. Of all the people of the Dark Woods, vegepygmies are among the most
hospitable. Few remain with them for long however. Who knows when one will wake-up to see more
vegepymies busting out of their own chest…
Vegepygmy colonies are governed by the strongest warrior who becomes chieftain, counseled by
the tribe’s shaman. While the chieftain leads the hunting parties and speaks for the tribe, the shaman
is the law maker and speaks for the Will of the Woods, the vegepygmies’ deity.
Aasimari Settlements town leaders and head of families. To ensure
Long ago, Kyshar was home to a mighty that aasimari culture remains cohesive and
aasimari empire ruling over dozens of great that their people never fall into civil war again,
cities and hundreds of smaller towns. Little every son and daughter of each noble house
remain of this empire today and only one of must spend seven years in tutelage at the royal
these cities survived its fall; the bright city of palace in Excelsior. There, aasimar youths learn
Excelsior. Most other cities and towns have about law, history and religion, and are
completely vanished, engulfed by the Dark expected to establish contacts with other
Woods or taken as monsters’ lair, but several nobles. While it undoubtedly brings a certain
aasimari settlements still subsist as small, harmony between the settlements, some
independent vassal states. perceive this as a form of propaganda and
intimidation where nobles’ children are
A typical aasimari settlement is built upon effectively kept as hostages by the crown of
the ruins of an ancient site and houses some Excelsior.
two thousand aasimars and automatons in
more or less equal proportion. These
settlements subsist to the majority of their
needs but each produces a number of specialty The Food of Gods
items that it trades with Excelsior and other Aasimars’ main source of nourishment
settlements. In exchange for a symbolic tribute takes the form of a wholesome and
to Excelsior, each settlement is left to rule its nutritious beverage called ambrosia.
own affairs in accordance to aasimari Law. Ambrosia is a golden cordial brewed with
Together with Excelsior, these settlements honey, mushrooms and several other
cover a vast territory, one that the aasimars ingredients. More than just food, ambrosia
would be hard pressed to defend should it ever can be brewed with restorative properties
be contested. curing disease, healing injuries and
Aasimari settlements are ruled by dispelling fatigue.
hereditary rulers leading a council of influential Ambrosia comes in many varieties. Some
are fermented as alcoholic beverage, some
distilled into clear and fragrant nectars.
Some resemble hydromel, some are made
to be mixed with fresh juice. In short,
there are as many types of ambrosia as
there are meals on other worlds.
Aasimars complement their alimentation
with fruits, vegetables, venison meat and
pastries but since they do not rely on
these foods, they tend to reserve those for
festivals and other special occasions.
Aasimars also enjoy wines of many kinds.
While it isn’t as nourishing as ambrosia,
wine is highly valued and appreciated in
aasimari culture.
Girtablilu Enclaves
Automaton Communities The girtablilu do not welcome outsiders in their
Hidden Kingdom nor will they enter aasimari
Most automatons live within the confines of
towns. Instead, the girtablilu have established
Excelsior or amid aasimari settlements, but
dozens of small enclaves near aasimari
some live in communities almost exclusively
settlements and automaton communities.
composed of their own kind. These
communities mainly consist of loggers, miners There, the girtablilu act as merchants and
ambassadors for their high priestess-queen,
and soldiers, rarely housing more than a few
trading both goods and information with
hundred automatons.
whomever passes their door.
Automatons elect a representative that will
Girtablilu enclaves are small villages in their
speak and vouch for the community. This
own right, housing from a dozen to a hundred
automaton does not necessarily rule the
individuals in comfortable homes. Generally,
community, rather acting as a guide and
half of this population is composed of
spiritual leader to the workers. Military
permanent residents while the other half travel
encampments are often ruled by an automaton
commanding officer but even in these from enclave to enclave, never staying more
than a few weeks in one place.
communities, an elected representative speaks
and commits for the soldiers. All enclaves follow the same architectural
style featuring low houses with round doors
and windows. A tall wall surrounds the whole brought from the plains of Elysium have been
enclave but unlike most aasimari settlements, dead for centuries, left standing out of fear of
these walls are not crowned with battlements losing one’s roots.
or other forms of fortification. These enclaves Excelsior is fed by strong natural springs
are generally highly decorated, embellished emerging at multiples points within the city.
with tended gardens and includes a central Their waters are distributed to many courts via
pool where girtablilu can bathe. an intricate network of aqueducts and
Each girtablilu enclave is directed by a high- fountains. The inhabitants take great pride in
priestess and her circle of novices. Rarely will their “up-rivers”, a series of mechanical
outsiders deal directly with the high-priestess, cascades carrying water atop the seven hills of
but every traveler is welcomed and escorted by the Excelsior. Other famous clockwork
a novice priestess. mechanisms include the Great Gate which
opens according to the size and need of
travelers, the central clock and its thirteen bells
Excelsior, The Mechanical City of of bronze counting the hours of the Dark
the Aasimar Woods and those of various towns in the
Excelsior is a tall aasimari city built atop a Upper Planes, and the Royal Gardens that
series of hills in the heartlands of the Dark rotate and unfold in relation to the sun and
Woods. Home to fifty-thousand aasimars and weather. Aasimars are very fond of such
as many automatons, Excelsior is by far the mechanical contraptions and their houses are
most populous community of the Dark Woods. filled with smaller clockwork mechanisms for
There was a time where many cities such as opening doors, ringing bells, and entertaining
this one flourished on Kyshar, but Excelsior is children.
the last of her kind, all the others being ruined The Vegepygmy Market: Located outside
by war, abandoned by its population, and the walls of Excelsior, the so-called “vegepygmy
reclaimed by the wilderness. Like a lonely gem market” plays an important part in the city’s
belonging to another era, Excelsior stands both economics and political arena. Hundreds of
as a symbol of hope and a refuge against the vegepygmies can be found there at any given
encroaching shadows of the Dark Woods. For time, although none live there on a permanent
the aasimars, Excelsior is a beacon of light basis. There, aasimars can purchase all kinds of
against the perils of the wilderness, the last exotic goods in exchange for… well, it isn’t clear
that remains of their civilization. what the vegepygmies want. Some accept
The city is reminiscent of the towns of money, others prefer to trade goods. Some
Mount-Celestia with its tall and slender towers, content themselves with trinkets while others
its walls of white marble, its roofs of polished seem happy to give their wares away for free.
copper, and its windows of tinted glass and But more importantly, the vegepygmgies come
polished crystal. With its tended gardens and here to trade and exchange information among
flower boxes, its streets and avenues paved each other. An important sprite population
with multi-hued cobblestones, its statues and lives here as well, and many other powers of
fountains of the most exquisite marble, the the Dark Woods send their minions to this
aasimars could not hope for a better home. cosmopolitan meeting place.
Despite its idyllic appearance, Excelsior has few Excelsior’s Girtablilu Enclave: Forbidden
children, hears little laughter, and sees few from entering the city of Excelsior, the girtablilu
cheerful expressions. Even the great trees have established their embassy in the shadows
of the forecastle, just outside the Great Gate. lost naga city. After years of searching and
Unlike the informal vegepygmy market nearby, many adventures, Nagapura was found and
this enclave is an ancient and well established awarded to them as a refuge for their
town surrounded by a low stone wall. The sisterhood.
girtablilu living there are particularly courteous Today, Nagapura houses some five
and welcoming, but a dark sense of purpose thousands girtablilu, but the city could hold the
emanates from the whole enclave. Hundreds of whole sisterhood should they all need to
aasimars come there every day to trade with gather. A few nagas reside there as well,
the Hidden Kingdom but very few are willing to including the nagaraja Shesha, the guardian
stay overnight. Yet, their guesthouses always naga prince of Nagapura. It was he who
seem occupied, for the girtablilu trade with welcomed the girtablilu in his city and their
other guests as well. kingdom remains hidden under his blessing.
Only the nagaraja and the girtablilu priestesses
know the secret pathways leading to Nagapura;
The Lights of Excelsior not even other girtablilu or recurrent guests
At dusk when the sun shines low over the can find their way without being guided.
horizon, the crystal windows that adorn Outside their kingdom, the girtablilu erect
the many towers of Excelsior begin to temporary encampments from which
gleam like thousands of bright jewels. priestesses lead parties to and from the hidden
The royal tower is specifically designed to
catch and reflect the sun’s light in such a It is said that Nagapura is a city shaped like a
way that it can be seen in all direction for a large and shallow bowl, as if it had been
hundred miles. Once the sun has set, the sculpted from the bedrock rather than build
aasimars cast their light in large globes of from the ground up. Doors, windows and
glass so that the tower keeps shining into passageways are typically round and highly
the night. Like a lighthouse guiding decorated with sculptures and bas-reliefs, and
travelers on a sea of dark trees, Excelsior an intricate network of channels evacuates
shines as a beacon with which the pluvial waters to a small lake at the heart of the
aasimars navigate the night. city where the girtablilu wash and bathe.
The Eater of Flesh, the spritish god of hunting CN Tempest Wolf head
The Grand Pantheon, the aasimari religion of (any)G Any except Death Varies
Good deities
The Will of the Woods, the vegepygmy unaligned Nature, Tempest Stick or staff
omniscient god of the Dark Woods
The Painter of Life is the goddess of birth, Just as there are four tribes of Sprites, so
growth and nurturing. Portrayed as a female too are four types of clerics. As a sprite
sprite, she is also responsible for bringing cleric, you must follow the god or goddess
colors into the world, from the vivid colors of of your tribe. If your tribe is the Sprout
birds and flowers to the mimicry of insects and Singer, your must select the Trickery
the camouflage animals. Her followers are the domain. If your tribe is the Painter of Life,
shiest but also the friendliest of all four tribes. your domain is Nature. If your tribe is the
Eater of Flesh, you must select the
The Eater of Flesh is the god of predators Tempest Domain. If your tribe is the Great
and bestial instincts. Represented as a large River of Worms, your domain is
wolf-like creature, he embodies the thrill of the Knowledge.
hunter and the blood-frenzy of the warrior. He
also represents the urge to survive and the will
to fight back when endangered. His followers
The Natural Reverence of the
are the most aggressive of the four tribes, Vegepygmies
some are even cannibal savages.
According to the vegepygmies, the Dark Woods
The Great River of Worms is the deity of are one vast sentient being that they worship
rotting and decay. Not perceived as a god so as an entity called The Will of the Woods. The
much as the manifestation of entropy, the Will does not manifest itself physically or even
Great River of Worm is an unforgiving but appear in one’s dreams; it only acts through
impartial force that will ultimately devour forest spirits, beasts, plants and other wild
everything. But the Worms leave behind the creatures. Vegepygmies see themselves as yet
promise of new beginnings and thus allow the another manifestation of The Will of the
cycle to be renewed. Its followers are the most Woods, a race appointed with the task of
contemplative and philosophical of the four observing the Dark Woods, interpret its
tribes. intentions and transmit this information to the
other intelligent races of Kyshar.
Vegepygmies don’t think in terms of Good The Evil Clutch of the Dark Woods
and Evil and despite the Dark Woods’ unnatural With the exception of the Free People, every
cruelty, they do not see The Will of the Woods denizen of the Dark Woods reveres the wild
as an evil entity. They rather believe that their spirits of the forests. These spirits are not
deity is ill and that its nature has somehow friendly toward the living and must be obeyed
been poisoned into the brooding and ominous if one wishes to avoid their anger. The most
presence that the Darks Woods are today. Hags powerful of them are even worshipped as
appear like warts on a diseased skin and forest demons or bogeymen, imposing obedience out
blights emerged like pestilence for the trees. of terror rather than inspiration. Among the
Healing The Will of the Woods will be the denizens of the Dark Woods, shamans and
vegepygmies’ greatest task, possibly the witch-doctors learn to communicate with these
purpose for which they have been created. In spirits and to appease them through the
the meantime, the intents of The Will of the performance of sacrifices and rituals.
Woods are getting more and more difficult to
comprehend, and the Vegepygmies are more As the spiritual leaders of their tribes, these
alarmed and confused than they ever had. witch-doctors and shamans impose series of
half-guessed superstitions and taboos for the
worship of the spirits is not a set religion;
denizens of the Dark Woods are kept in fear
Vegepygmy Cleric or Druid Player and ignorance. It is through these shamans and
Character witch-doctors that the Dark Woods exerts its
As a vegepygmy character, you are among evil influence on its inhabitants.
the few of your race born with the innate
potential to progress and gain levels in a
character class. Vegepygmies see little Denizen of the Dark Woods Cleric or Druid
difference between clerics and druids
when it comes to their religion, and you As a cleric or druid of the Dark Woods, you
are free to choose the class of your choice. must perform the sacrifices and enforce
Should you choose to play a cleric, you the taboos to appease the spirits.
must select The Will of the Woods as your Among the tribes of the Dark Woods,
deity, allowing you to choose between the clerics are usually called witch-doctors
Nature and Tempest domain. There was a while druids are known as shamans.
time when vegepygmy clerics could select Although witch-doctors and shamans
the Life domain but connections to that possess different sets of abilities, both
sphere of influence seem to be lost in this practice the same religious doctrines and
age of the world. fill a similar niche amongst their tribes.
Witch-doctors are clerics that must
select the Dark Woods domain, as define
in appendix 2: villainous character options.
Shamans use the druid class.
The Denizens of the Dark Woods monsters and abominable creatures. The
While the Dark Woods campaign setting is northern pine forests are ruled by a nation of
primarily seen through the eyes of the Free harpies blending the traits of a vulture and that
People, many other races of humanoids and of a female humanoid. Harpies are always seen
intelligent creatures inhabit the world of in the company of griffons who, like their
Kyshar; most of them living a primitive lifestyle mistresses, mix the traits of vultures with those
under the yoke of the Dark Woods’ evil of great snow tigers.
influence. Like the Dark Woods that they Dark Woods dragons too have a distinctive
worship, these denizens are harsh, cruel and appearance, owing more to the bestial
truly rotten at the heart. linnorms of Ysgard than the intelligent, talking
Just as the typical Dungeons & Dragons’ wyrms found on other worlds. Unlike dragons
player character races are absent from the described in the Monstrous Manual, the
Dark Woods setting, not all staples of fantasy dragons of Kyshar are land creatures with four
creatures are present on Kyshar. Some like orcs limbs and no wings and while they are
and hobgoblins are simply absent while others particularly cunning creatures, Dark Woods
like dragons and griffons differ from their dragons do not exceed animal-level of
typical appearance. intelligence.
Dragons come in three varieties in the Dark
Woods. The over-excited blue dragons known
Giants and Humanoids as spark drakes never grow larger than a
Kyshar is home to many tribes of goblins, wyrmling, while black marsh dragons do not
bugbears, kobolds, ogres and trolls. Unlike mature past the adult stage. Green dragon, or
their typical D&D counterparts living in caves forest wyrms, are the most cunning and
and raiding the countryside at night, the treacherous type of dragons in the Dark
goblins, bugbears and kobolds of Kyshar are Woods. They are also the largest breed,
forest dwellers and are just as likely to be growing into legendary creatures that denizens
encountered in daytime. Thanks to the of the Dark Woods fear and venerate as gods.
perpetual gloom of the Dark Woods, races with
light sensibility can function perfectly well even
when the sun is at its zenith. All are ferocious The Ageless Ones
hunters making cunning use of traps, diversion, Two ancient races command the reverence of
poisons and overwhelming numbers. Ogres all the peoples of Kyshar; the noble couatls and
and trolls are not as smart but what they lack the mysterious nagas. Together they are known
in intelligence, they make it up in raw strength. as the Ageless Ones, two races of highly
The vast but shallow underworld of Kyshar intelligent beings fighting a war of influence
is made uninhabitable by clans of cannibalistic and domination over the Dark Woods since
troglodytes while the bogs and marches are times immemorial.
home to tribes of bullywugs and lizardmen. Both races have their own agenda but the
more benevolent couatls enjoy good relations
with the aasimars while girtablilu have
Monsters of Kyshar developed stronger ties with the nagas. Both
Other than the beasts that roam the Dark races are said to grant eldritch powers to those
Woods, Kyshar is home to many types of who risk making a pact with them.
passed, the 14-year-old girl is about to be
Nature Spirits crowned as queen in a sumptuous ceremony.
Excelsior never had such young a monarch, and
Kyshar is teaming with hateful woodland dissention is rising among the aasimari nobility.
spirits. Most of these spirits cannot provoke Many believe that the nation should continue
more than an eerie feeling of watchfulness, but to be ruled by the council of ministers until the
some are strong enough to manifest into queen comes of age, and some influential
physical beings. Far from being gentle families who benefited greatly during this year
shepherds and tree-herders, treants of the of regency are reluctant to give their newly
Dark Woods are the incarnations of such acquired power.
powerful nature spirits hungry for blood.
Similarly, dryads are not the peaceful fey that Outside the walls of Excelsior, word of the
inhabit most worlds but ferocious guardian imminent ascension of the young aasimar
spirits who will not hesitate to charm and kill reached the four corners of Kyshar, and the
any intruder. Dark Woods themselves seem aware of the
soon-to-be queen. The vegepygmies affirm
The hags of Kyshar are somewhat of a that the Dark Woods perceive the young queen
curiosity. They seem to be old nature spirits, as a threat, suggesting that Tilea’s fate might
ancient dryads perhaps, who took physical be intimately linked to that of Kyshar.
form so long ago that they now look like old
crones. Of all the nature spirits, hags have the
most developed individual personalities and The Bebilith, the Demon-
Demon-Spider of
have been known to interact peacefully with the Dark woods
members of the Free People. The Dark Woods harbor many lone predators
such as ancient dragons, elder treants and
antiquated aasimari constructs gone rogue.
Character and Creature of
Legend Many such creatures acquire a reputation of
ferocious monster but none evoke as much
Kyshar is a wild world mostly inhabited by fear and terror as the Bebilith, the demon-
forest spirits and insular, primitive people. spider of the Dark Woods.
While some hunters and warriors gain fame
and renown within their tribe, rare are those The Bebilith is a very old creature whose
whose reputation reaches to other clans or history of rot and blood can be traced long
tribes of another race. But like other campaign before the arrival of the aasimars. In the myths
settings, the Dark Woods have their own of the denizen of the Dark Woods, she is
mythical monsters and living legends. Most are portrayed as a black goddess, an agent of
ancient beings known for their wisdom or darkness trapping the light of the sun in her
wickedness, but new players have recently webs. Some even worship her and pay her
entered the chessboard. tribute. The sprites call her the “nightcrawler”
while for the vegepygmies she is known as the
“the rotting webs” in their click-and-tap
Tilea, the Young Queen of the language. Only the aasimars recognize her for
Aasimars what she really is: a fiendish creature of the
Only a year ago, princess Tilea of the aasimars Abyss trapped in this world just as they are.
succeeded to her father and rose to the throne The girtablilu also know her real nature and it
of Excelsior. Now that the year of mourning has is rumored that they even know her true name.
According to their prophecies, the Bebilith they know that she too has become aware of
holds the key to the salvation – or the the rising Shadow in the North. Her spies have
destruction – of the Dark Woods. been sent to the four corners of Dark Woods
and she seems to crave any bit of information
The Bebilith has no permanent lair but she
about this northern menace.
has many regular haunts. All are domains of
dread where her evil can be felt even when she
isn’t there. Her webs can snuff out the light of The Sphinx, Guardian of the Oracle
the day, appearing blacker than black as if no
light could escape their strands. Wherever the Perched upon the eastern cliffs and gazing into
Bebilith spins her web, gloom and the endless sea, the temple of the Sphinx is
hopelessness spread like fog in one’s mind. one of the wonders of the Dark Woods. Its
architecture reminds that of the Olympian
realms but as far as anyone can remember, the
The Lich-
Lich-Queen of the Marches temple predates the arrival of the aasimars.
In the southern lands where the Nadistuti River The Sphinx himself is a riddle, devouring as
flows into the sea, a vast network of marshes is much as he is helping, asking as much as he is
formed as the river fights against the tidal answering, old beyond recognition but always
waves created by the constant storms of the showing interest in the “young” people of the
Dark Woods.
Thunderous South. There, the self-proclaimed
Lich-Queen of the Marshes rules over her For as long as anyone cares to remember,
flooded kingdom. the Sphinx has always been hosting a mortal
Legends claim that the lich-queen was once oracle as the centerpiece of his temple. The
current oracle is an albino girtablilu with bright,
a wicked aasimar noblewoman living at the end
fiery blues eyes named Nanda. Her visions and
of the imperial era. Her estate being both small
prophecies have been particularly gloomy
and distant, she was spared from the battles of
lately. She foresaw the rise of The Shadow but
the Woodland Wars until the very end. It is said
now, the future is less certain than it has ever
that she took her own life and was entombed
by her servants before her enemies could take
her. Eventually, the marshes claimed her land, The small town servicing the temple is a
drowned her tomb and her name was popular pilgrimage site for the sick, the cursed
forgotten. and the doomed. People of every race and of
all status can be met there and so the acropolis
About a hundred years ago, the undead
grew into small but wealthy commercial hub.
rose-up and proclaimed herself the “Lich-
Peace is enforced by an order of girtablilu
Queen of the Nadistuti Marshes”. It is told that
temple guards who tolerate all creatures as
she travels to the far corners of Kyshar in her
long as they remain nonviolent. It is said that
unholy dreams and can manifest the horrors of
the Sphinx fostered the first girtablilu children
her nightmares in flesh. At any case, she now
before the rise of their own kingdom and that
rules over a court of many sprites and other
in turn, the girtablilu serve him as his personal
denizens of the Dark Woods. Her half-sunken
guard. For the girtablilu, pilgrimage to the
kingdom is slowly but steadily rising in power
Sphinx’s temple is considered a holy
but so far, she has not declared war or taken
requirement that all must complete as part of
action upon any neighboring nation. The
their rite of passage to adulthood.
girtablilu are keeping a close watch on her for