CB77027-Forest of Doom v1-1
CB77027-Forest of Doom v1-1
CB77027-Forest of Doom v1-1
Adapted by
Brett Schofield
The Forest of Doom
For Jessika and Vera – you both rolled double-6’s when calculating your PATIENCE scores!
Advanced Fighting Fantasy is © Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone all rights reserved
Cover illustration by Martin McKenna (c) Ian Livingstone and is used with permission
Internal illustrations by Malcom Barter (c) Ian Livingstone and used with permission
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
Some artwork copyright Mustafa Bekir, used with permission.
Some artwork copyright Dinkerdoo, used with permission.
Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone hereby assert their moral right to be identified as the authors of Advanced Fighting Fantasy in
accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
No part of this book may be copied or reproduced without express wri�en permission from the copyright holders.
Introduction Page 5
The Forest of Doom
First published in 1983, The Forest of Doom was the This book is built on the foundations of those that
third title in the original series of Fighting Fantasy came before me. Many thanks are given to Ian
gamebooks. Penned by Ian Livingstone, the book Livingstone for writing The Forest of Doom gamebook,
transported the reader to the dim, claustrophobic but also to Graham Bo�ley (for the Advanced
paths of Darkwood Forest in search of the famed Fighting Fantasy 2E system), Jamie Wallis (for the
Hammer of Gillibran, the only thing that can rally the D20 adaption), David N. Smith and Violet Addison
Dwarfs of Stonebridge against an impending assault (for the Lost in Darkwood audio drama). Thanks also
by their most-hated enemies, the Hill Trolls. to Andrew Wright for his invaluable help and
As well as being the first book wri�en solely by
Livingstone, The Forest of Doom was the first Fighting This adventure has been adapted for use with the
Fantasy title to take place wholly above ground in a Advanced Fighting Fantasy role-playing game by
wilderness se�ing. Instead of trudging down endless Arion Games. A copy of the Advanced Fighting
subterranean passages, methodically ransacking Fantasy rulebook is required in order to use the
room after room, the reader could traverse the length adventure. The titles Out of the Pit (and its excellent
and breadth of Darkwood Forest, from Yaztromo’s sequels), Titan and The Titan Herbal are also useful,
tower in the south, through tangled forest paths to its but not required. Heroes Companion by Graham
expansive central grasslands, across boulder-strewn Bo�ley is required for those wanting to play the mass
valleys and the predator-infested waters of the ba�le scenario.
Catfish River, and finally to the sleepy village of
Stonebridge, just beyond the forest’s northern Darkwood Forest is no place for the unwary, for
boundary. danger lurks around every corner. Watch your step,
and may your STAMINA never fail!
As well as introducing the iconic locations of
Darkwood Forest and Stonebridge, The Forest of
Doom is also notable for the first appearances of dwarf
King Gillibran Ironhelm, the legendary wizard
Yaztromo, and one of Livingstone’s most cunning
creations - the dreaded Shapechanger!
The Forest of Doom
This adventure is designed with four players in mind EXPLORING DARKWOOD
– three Heroes and a Director – but the encounters
can be adjusted to suit other sized groups by The following rules and information are provided to
adjusting the number and/or statistics of the help flesh out the journey through Darkwood Forest.
opponents and traps encountered. PDF copies of These rules are optional and the Director can pick
sample Hero character sheets are available on the and choose from them as they see fit.
Arion Games website (www.arion-games.com). The
title Heroes of Titan provides dozens of ready-made Forest Density
Heroes for players who do not want to create their The depths of Darkwood Forest contain a surprising
own. variety of terrain, from grassy plains to lightly f
orested hills to dense, claustrophobic woods. Each
The adventure is divided into a Prologue, several section of the forest is graded by how thickly the trees
Acts, and an Epilogue. Each Act covers a distinct grow there and by how far the Heroes are able to see
section of Darkwood Forest, whereas the other two while travelling through it. The five grades are:
sections detail the beginning and conclusion of the
adventure respectively. Each Act is further divided
into Scenes that detail individual encounters within
the forest. The Director should read through the
adventure in its entirety at least once to familiarize
themselves with its contents.
Plains. Open plains where the grass rises no higher
Using the provided maps as a guide, turn to the than waist-height. Visibility is unaffected.
relevant Scene as the Heroes encounter them. It is
normal for the Heroes to move back and forth Light Forest. Light undergrowth and sca�ered trees,
between the Acts as they explore Darkwood Forest. sometimes clumped together in copses. Maximum
visibility is 12-18 metres.
Any sections wri�en in italics should be read aloud to
the other players. All other text is for the Director’s Medium Forest. Trees are gathered much closer
eyes only. Other players should avoid reading any together, but the canopy remains open enough to let
further or risk spoiling the adventure for themselves. in shafts of light from above. Travelling off the path is
possible in areas, but arduous (-2 to Movement
Special Skills). Maximum visibility is 6-12 metres.
The Forest of Doom
Impenetrable. The trees are packed so tightly together Table P.1 – Hunting Table
that they form an impassable wall of trunks and Roll Animal Caught Animal Caught
branches - leaving the path is all but impossible. 1d6 (forest/plains) (river)
Branches, loose rocks and kno�ed roots obstruct the 1 Squirrel (1 meal) Grayling (1 meal)
path, making travel very tiring (-2 to Movement 2 Weasel (1 meal) Moon Perch (1 meal)
Special Skills). The canopy is so dense that almost no 3 Fox (2 meals) Mud Carp (1 meal)
light gets through, creating an environment of 4 Duck (2 meals) Eel (2 meals)
perpetual twilight (-2 to sight-based tests; characters 5 Rabbit (2 meals) River Trout (2 meals)
with Dark Seeing are unaffected). The trail is so 6 Wild Boar (6 meals) Spo�ed Pike (3 meals)
narrow that travellers must walk in single file.
Fresh water is trickier to find, as outside of the Catfish
Riding a mount is impossible and leading a mount is River there are few large bodies of water in the forest.
very difficult. Maximum visibility is 1-3 metres. A successful Forest Lore test made to find food also
locates a source of fresh water. If a Hero does not
Off the beaten track: In some areas it is possible for have a supply of drinkable water they lose 1
the Heroes to leave the path and hack their own trail STAMINA point per day until they find one.
through the undergrowth, but it does make for slow
and exhausting work. Even when travelling along If a Hero does not have a supply of drinkable water
less well-trodden paths some bushwhacking may be they must lose 1 STAMINA point per day until they
required when the trail peters out or is blocked. find one.
Travel time is increased by one and-a-quarter when
moving through sections of Plains or Light Forest, Herbs and Plants
and by one and-a-half when moving through A Hero with Forest Lore or Herb Lore can test their
Medium Forest. Forging a path through Dense Forest Special Skill once per day to search for edible or
doubles travel time and moving through useful plant life. Refer to The Titan Herbal by
Impenetrable Forest is, quite obviously, impossible. Andrew Wright for further information. When
Penalties to Movement Special Skills also apply (-2 rolling on the Distribution Tables, use the PLAINS
for Medium Forest and -4 for Dense Forest). (Northern Allansia) and FORESTS (Allansia) tables as
Food and Water
Darkwood Forest is so plentiful with game that a Weather Table
capable hunter will have few issues finding food. A As an extra layer of immersion you can use the
Hero with Forest Lore or Hunting (and the relevant following tables to determine the weather of each day
equipment) can test their Special Skill once per day to and its effect on the Heroes. At the start of the
see if they catch any game. If successful they can roll adventure roll 1D6 to determine the season:
1D6 on the table below to determine what kind of
animal is caught and how many meals it provides. A Table P.2 – Seasons
critical success doubles the number of meals 1d6 Season Modifier
provided, whereas failure indicates they have come 1 Summer (Warming-Watching) +3
up empty-handed. A Hero must consume at least one 2-3 Spring (Unlocking-Sowing) +1
meal per day or lose 3 STAMINA points to hunger. 4-5 Autumn (Reaping-Close) -1
6 Winter (Locking-Dark) -3
Then, at the start of each day, roll 3D6 and add the a single roll and use all the results on that row.
relevant Season Modifier to the result to determine Additional rolls can be made throughout the day to
what sort of weather is experienced that day. You can reflect changing weather conditions.
make a separate roll for each column or you can make
Temperature – describes the general feeling of cool or sunlight but also more direct exposure to the sun (see
warmth during the day. At Very Cold and Freezing above).
temperatures protective clothing should be worn to
prevent frostbite and hypothermia. At Very Hot or Wind – describes general wind strength throughout
Extremely Hot temperatures caution should be taken the day. A Light Breeze causes a candle to flicker,
to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, which can whereas a Breeze blows it out. A Medium Wind
cause sunburn and heat stroke. Strenuous activities forces most flying creatures to land and seek shelter
require more effort to carry out during hot days. You and a Strong Wind is enough to knock a human over
can roll 1D6 one or more times throughout a day to (not to mention heavy branches and ro�en trees!).
reflect changing temperatures: 1 – weather turns 2 During a Gale it is almost impossible to do anything
results cooler; 2 – weather turns 1 result cooler; 3-4 – except find cover and wait until it passes. Stronger
weather unchanged; 5 – weather turns 1 result winds apply a penalty to missile a�acks: -2 for
warmer; 6 – weather turns 2 results warmer. Medium Wind, -4 for Strong Wind and -8 for Gale.
Cloud Cover – determines how many clouds are in the Rain/Snowfall – determines how much rain or snow
sky. Heavy cloud cover makes the already murky falls during the day. During winter there is an equal
depths of Darkwood Forest even darker and may chance of the precipitation being rain or snow; only
apply penalties to sight-based tests in areas of Dense rain falls during the other seasons. Heavy rain makes
or Impenetrable forest. Fewer clouds mean more travel very unpleasant, drenching the Heroes to the
The Forest of Doom
bone and making their clothing heavy and sodden. Floating encounters can occur in more than one place,
Ge�ing caught in a downpour also carries the risk of such as in certain types of terrain, during certain
ruining perishable belongings such as maps and times of the day or in specific areas of the forest. It is
provisions. up to you as Director to determine when and where
you deploy a floating encounter, but suggested
Special – an unusual event that can take place during locations have been marked on the maps. Floating
extreme weather conditions. A Blizzard buries the encounters are numbered so that they can be chosen
forest under several feet of snow, making travel all with a random dice roll if desired. Heroes usually
but impossible. Heroes may have to dig their way out cannot return to a floating encounter, but they may
of their shelter once the blizzard passes. A Storm face the same encounter more than once.
involves very strong winds and heavy precipitation,
plus the risk of lightning strikes. A Heatwave is a Random Encounter Tables
period of extreme heat, where even minor exertions Random encounter tables are included at the start of
are enough to exhaust a Hero; the risk of heat stroke each Act and can be used in place of a floating
is very high. A Wildfire is a blaze that has been blown encounter. If players are familiar with The Forest of
out of control by strong winds. Large areas of the Doom gamebook you can also substitute a fixed
forest may go up in flames, sending animals into encounter with the result of a random encounter roll.
panicked stampedes and blocking paths with walls of Any time the action dies down or the players start to
flame (see Scene 22 for an idea on how to run this grow bored are also ideal times to introduce a
event). random encounter. Refer to the Advanced Fighting
Fantasy rulebook, the ‘Pit’ monster books and this
book as appropriate for statistics and further
Fixed and Floating Encounters information on the creatures and traps listed.
Finding the Hammer NIGHT IN DARKWOOD
The goal of the adventure is to recover two halves of
a stolen war-hammer – a handle and a head. The The following optional encounters are set at night
handle is located in Scene 1E Ogre Cave and the head and are ideal to spring on the Heroes once they have
is found in Scene 4A The Flax Crypt. If players are se�led down for the evening. If they forget to leave
familiar with The Forest of Doom gamebook they may someone on watch it is likely the approaching
remember exactly where to go, which can take the creature/s will get in a free a�ack. Roll 1d6 on the
fun out of the adventure. The following table can be table below to determine what they are faced with.
used to provide alternate locations for the hammer
halves, although the handle is always found in the You have been asleep for about an hour when a strange
southern half of Darkwood Forest and the head is noise wakes you up. There is something out there watching
always found in the northern half. You will need to you…
adjust the text of the relevant scenes to reflect the
absence or appearance of the hammer halves. Table P.6 – Night Encounters
1d6 Encounter
Table P.4 – Alternative Hammer Handle Locations 1 WEREWOLF
1d6 Handle Location 2-3 VAMPIRE BATS
1 1C Evelina of Dree 4 WOLF PACK
2 1G Woodcu�er’s Hut 5 GIANT SPIDERS
3 1I Jaggle House 6 DARK ELVES
4 1J Troll Idol
5 2A The Mighty Quin
6 2D Waterfall Werewolf
There is a full moon in the sky and the light casts eerie
Table P.5 – Alternative Hammer Head Locations shadows all around. You hear soft footsteps and sniffing
1d6 Handle Location followed by a low growl. Then a shape which looks like a
1 3A The House of Eggs man steps out of the shadows to your right; as he gets closer
2 3B Retar-Ku you see that his chest, arms and face are covered with thick
3 3H The Clone Farm brown hair and long teeth protruding from his mouth. He
4 4B Crypt of the Witch-King is a WEREWOLF and you must fight him.
5 4C Ruins of Caëranos
6 4D Wyvern Nest Werewolf
A�acks: 2
Weapon: Small Claws or Small Bite +1
Armour: None
Special: Anyone injured by the Werewolf must
Test for LUCK; if Unlucky they are
afflicted with the Curse of Minor
Lycanthropy (Heroes Comp. p.73)
The Forest of Doom
Vampire Bats Giant Spiders
In the light of a full moon you see several large shapes A terrifying howl comes from some distance away. You
flying towards you. They look like large bats, but as they look up to see a full moon in the night sky. Its cold light
swoop in close you see the unmistakeable fangs of illuminates a large rounded shape moving slowly towards
VAMPIRE BATS. you on black spiny legs. Two more GIANT SPIDERS
follow closely behind it.
Vampire Bats (8)
SKILL 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 6 Giant Spiders (3)
STAMINA 5 5 7 6 5 6 5 6 SKILL 7 7 7
A�acks: 1 STAMINA 8 8 7
Weapon: Small Bite A�acks: 1
Armour: None Weapon: Medium Bite
Special: A Vampire Bat that is not in combat Armour: Light
lands on a random opponent and Special: None
begins feeding on their blood,
automatically inflicting 1 STAMINA
damage per Round until a�acked.
The presence of garlic keeps a Dark Elves
Vampire Bat at bay until it loses leaves A band of DARK ELF marauders a�ack the Heroes in
in search of easier prey. the dead of night. If one or more of the Heroes are on
Wolf Pack watch they are allowed an Awareness test to spot the
Under the light of a full moon you see six pairs of eyes Dark Elves as they approach. If the Elves are not
ahead of you. A terrifying howl pierces the night air, detected they creep up on the group and toss a
followed by deep growls. Slowly the eyes advance towards weighted net over a randomly chosen Hero.
you. From out of the shadows step six WOLVES ready to
leap on you. You suddenly awake to find several hooded figures darting
through the shadows around the campsite. They appear to
Grey Wolves (6) be humanoid in shape and are armed with curved daggers
Normal Leader that gleam in the moonlight.
SKILL 6 7 8 7 8 9
STAMINA 6 6 7 7 6 8 Dark Elves (4)
A�acks: 1 SKILL 8 7 8 7
Weapon: Small Bite STAMINA 9 10 8 8
Armour: Light A�acks: 1
Special: The sixth wolf is the pack leader; if it is Weapon: Dagger, Weighted Net
killed the rest of pack flees. Armour: Leather Cuirass
Special: None
A gold-studded leather collar (worth 15gp) hangs
around the neck of the pack leader. These are no mere A Hero trapped under the net is unable to do
wild animals, but trained hunters that have recently anything until they are freed by a companion. If a
escaped into Darkwood Forest and now roam the Dark Elf is not engaged in combat it a�empts to drag
forest in search of prey. the captured Hero to a hidden bolt-hole in the
undergrowth some 10 metres away. Roll 1D3 each
A�ack Round (adding 1 to the result for each Weighted Net
additional unengaged Dark Elf) – this is the distance Equipment - Value: 4gp
in metres that the ne�ed Hero is dragged. If the Hero The net is a circular la�ice of tightly woven
is dragged 10 or more metres they are taken below rope, fringed with heavy iron weights that
ground to be sacrificed to one of the vile Demon makes escape all but impossible.
Princes at a later date. The weighted net can be thrown at a target
with a successful Thrown test. The net wraps
around the target and the weights pin them
to the ground, immobilising them as per the
Web spell (AFF p.80), with the exception that
a victim without the Strength Special Skill can
escape from the net in four A�ack Rounds.
The adventure begins as the Heroes are wandering the depths of Darkwood Forest. If using this
the wilderness just south of Darkwood Forest. No option you will need to substantially change the
particular reason has been given for their current introduction as wri�en. The adventure should also
situation beyond a general searching for fortune and start at the village of Stonebridge instead of to the
glory. Provided here are some alternative purposes south of Darkwood Forest.
that the players may prefer (but note that the
When you are ready to begin the adventure, read out
introductory text below may need to be adjusted to
the following to the players:
For the last ten days you have been roaming the northern
� A�acks by Hill Trolls, Wild Hill Men and bandits
borderlands of Chalice in search of wealth and danger.
have become ever more frequent in recent months.
Despite the long walks and rough outdoor life you are all
King Pindar of Chalice has charged the Heroes
content with your unknown destinies. These are strange
with securing the northern border of his kingdom
lands, inhabited by weird and loathsome beasts – Goblins,
against these myriad threats.
Trolls and even Dragons.
� Some of the rarest herbs in Allansia are known to
grow along the fringes of Darkwood Forest, and so It is evening, and having eaten, you all se�le down to sleep.
it is to the foreboding forest that the Heroes have There’s an almost-full moon, and the light sparkles on the
ventured in search of herbs like Entwarm, weapons by your sides. As the flame of your camp fire
Hogweed and Funnelwort. gently dies down, you suddenly hear the loud crack of a
twig breaking under a clumsy foot. Then you hear a groan,
� The Heroes are a team of hunters roaming the
followed by the dull thud of a body falling to the ground. Is
scrub-covered wilds in search of game such as
it a trap? What will YOU do?
Hippohogs and wild boar.
The Forest of Doom
Ask the players how their Heroes react to the sudden ‘Ambushed by the li�le people… others killed… the map in
disturbance. It is hoped they are not too aggressive in my pouch will take you to the home of Yaztromo, the master
their reactions; otherwise the adventure may come to mage of these parts… he has great magics for sale to protect
an abrupt end! When they investigate further… you against the creatures of Darkwood… take my gold… I
beg you to find the hammer and take it to Gillibran, my
Slowly you walk over to the bush where the noise is coming Lord of Stonebridge… you will be well rewarded…’
from and carefully pull back the branches. You look down
to see a DWARF with a great bushy beard, his face Bigleg opens his mouth to start another sentence, but
contorted with pain. He wears an iron helmet on his head nothing comes out except a long, drawn-out breath. The he
and two crossbow bolts protrude from the stomach of his is silent.
plump, chainmail-clad torso.
You ponder Bigleg’s words. Who is Gillibran? Who is
The Dwarf coughs and moans. He sits up rigid, eyes Yaztromo? What is all the fuss about the Dwarfish
staring fixedly ahead and starts to shout. hammer?
‘I’ll get them! I’ll get them! Don’t you fear, Gillibran, A pouch hangs from a leather belt around Bigleg’s
Bigleg is coming to bring you the hammer. Oh yes, indeed waist. Inside are 30 Gold Pieces and a map of
I am. Oh yes…’ Darkwood Forest (see below). The Dwarf’s chainmail
cuirass has been ruined by the crossbow bolts, but his
The Dwarf, whose name you presume to be Bigleg, is iron helmet remains useable, although it is sized to fit
obviously delirious from his wounds. You watch as he the smaller head of a Dwarf.
slumps down again to the ground. His eyes stare
unblinkingly at you, as he again starts to shout. You all think of the possible rewards which may await you
just for returning a hammer to a village of Dwarfs. You
‘Ambush! Look out! Ambush! Aagh! The hammer! Take the examine the map, look up to the stars, and find your
hammer to Gillibran! Save the Dwarfs!’ bearings. This so-called Yaztromo dwells not too far south-
west of here, along the fringes of the forest.
If no aid is given to Bigleg the poor fellow promptly
slumps over and dies. If the Heroes act quickly and The promise of a reward should be enough to entice
administer some healing to the Dwarf he manages to the Heroes into taking on the quest. If they are foolish
remain conscious a li�le longer: enough to set off in the middle of the night, roll on the
Night in Darkwood Encounter Table (see p.12) to see
His eyes half close and the pain seems to ease a li�le, and as what lies in wait for them. Otherwise they se�le
the delirium subsides, he speaks to you again in a low down for the night and set off at first light.
The starting position of the Heroes is marked on the
‘Help us, friends… take the hammer to Gillibran… only map, just north-east of Yaztromo’s Tower.
the hammer will united our people against the Trolls… We
were on our way to Darkwood in search of the hammer…
Dealing with Bigleg li�er is carried into Darkwood Forest it is impossible
If the Heroes act fast there is a chance, albeit a slim to take it through areas of Dense or Impenetrable
one, they can save Bigleg’s life. A Hero must succeed Forest.
at two consecutive Healing tests, each made with a -4
penalty due to the Dwarf’s grievous injuries. A Hero If the Heroes kill Bigleg, or he dies before he can get
who thinks to investigate the crossbow bolts and out his full story, it makes it difficult, but not
succeeds at a relevant Special Skill test (Healing, Herb impossible, for the Heroes to assume his quest. The
Lore or Trap Knowledge), discovers and identifies a Dwarf’s map hopefully leads them to Yaztromo’s
debilitating poison that coats the bolt tips; this Tower, where the wizard can fill them in on the
knowledge halves the Healing test penalty to -2. particulars.
The Forest of Doom
Act One - South Darkwood
OOTP – Out of the Pit BTP – Beyond the Pit RTTP – Return to the Pit
Gauntlet of Ruin – the Heroes find a well-worn that the gauntlet is worn, that Hero is drained of
studded leather gauntlet nestling in the undergrowth another SKILL point.
to the side of the path. It is damp and covered with
mildew. A Hero that tries on the gauntlet is afflicted Razor Plant – a Hero unwi�ingly brushes against the
with a sharp pain up their arm and must lost 2 SKILL blade-like fronds of a razor plant and suffers a wound
points and 2 LUCK points. The cursed gauntlet equivalent to a blow from a dagger.
cannot be pulled off and must be carefully cut away
with a dagger or similar tool. For every 15 minutes
The Forest of Doom
Act One Fixed Encounters Greeting Yaztromo
You wait anxiously at the door and hear slow footsteps
descending stairs from the tower above. A small wooden
slot in the door slides open, and two eyes appear and
examine you. ‘Well, who are you?’ demands a grumpy
voice through the hole.
1A Yaztromo’s Tower The Hammer ‘Hammer? What are you on about? No,
You arrive at a white stone tower set back on the edges of is missing never mind. I can see by your faces that
you believe it to be important. Come
Darkwood some fifty metres away from the path you have
inside and I will decide if it is worth my
been following. You walk up to the huge oak door. A brass
time. Yes, I am Yaztromo.’ He then
bell and gong hang from the stone archway. A small, turns and slowly climbs the stone stairs.
leather-headed striker hangs from the side of the door. As
you contemplate your approach you notice there are no Death Wish?
sounds of birds or animals to be heard. It would be most unwise for the Heroes to a�ack or
otherwise upset Yaztromo, for his magic is great and
It is up to the Heroes how they choose to announce he warns them of such if they act foolishly. If they do
their arrival. Those who know Yaztromo well simply not back down, the wizard casually lifts his right arm
knock on the door, whereas strangers typically ring and mumbles a few words. There is a bright flash as
the bell or strike the gong. The bell and gong both the offending Hero (or Heroes) is transformed into a
make a loud noise that invades the deep silence that frog!
surrounds the tower.
Fortunately for the newly-amphibian Hero the
The entire tower is protected by powerful magical transformation is easily undone with a Counterspell;
defences and the oaken door is secured with a master otherwise the effects wear off in 2D6 hours.
lock, meaning there is no way the Heroes can enter
without the wizard’s permission.
Act One - South Darkwood
The Study If the Heroes have not behaved politely in their
Yaztromo’s tower is divided into several cramped dealings with Yaztromo, the cost of each item
levels connected by a spiral staircase. His study is the increases by 1D3 Gold Pieces. There is only one of
fourth floor up from the ground level, and it is here each item available for sale, but if a Hero succeeds at
that the wizard will lead them in most situations. a Test for LUCK the wizard digs around in his study
Should the Heroes a�empt to explore other floors or and uncovers one more item of that Hero’s choice.
try to steal any of the wizard’s belongings, Yaztromo This test can only be made once per Hero.
nonchalantly asks them to reconsider their choice. If
they fail to do so, refer to the section above! Instructions for use are wri�en clearly on labels
a�ached to the items, together with their suggested
You ascend the spiral staircase to a large room near the top application; Yaztromo can also explain suitable uses
of the tower. Shelves, cupboards and cabinets line the walls, for each item. Refer to the Additional Resources
all filled with bo�les, jars, weapons, armour and all chapter for full details on what each item does.
manner of strange artefacts. Yaztromo shuffles past the
general clu�er and slumps down in an old oak chair. He Under no circumstances will Yaztromo teach a Hero
reaches into his top pocket and pulls out a fragile pair of any spells.
gold-rimmed spectacles. Placing these on his nose, he turns
to face you and says, ‘Now, what was it you wanted?’ Quest for the Hammer
If the Heroes brought Bigleg with him, or mention the
Magic Items missing hammer, Yaztromo asks them to relay
Should the Heroes enquire about purchasing magical everything the Dwarf told them.
items, the wizard picks up a piece of slate and chalk
from a table next to his chair and begins to write ‘Ah yes,’ Yaztromo says slowly, rubbing his chin, ‘I heard
frantically. He then hands the slate to the nearest that the good Dwarfs of Stonebridge had lost their fabled
Hero. On it are listed the items he has for sale, along war-hammer. Without it, their king is unable to arouse his
with their prices. people, despite the fact that Hill Trolls threaten their town.
Rumour has it that an envious king of another village of
Table 1.2 – Yaztromo’s Items for Sale dwarfs sent an eagle to Stonebridge to steal the hammer,
Item Cost (gp)
which it managed to do.
Armband of Strength 20gp
Boots of Leaping 7gp
Fire Capsule (pouch of 5) 3gp But as it flew back over Darkwood, it was a�acked by
Garlic Buds (3) 2gp Death Hawks and the hammer dropped into the forest and
Glove of Missile Dexterity 7gp was lost. Apparently, two Forest Goblins found the
Headband of Concentration 8gp
hammer and could not decide who was to keep it. They
Holy Water 8gp
wrestled for hours but gave up. Then they discovered that
Net of Entanglement 8gp
Nose Filters 8gp the handle unscrewed from the head, and the argument was
Potion of Anti-Poison 7gp se�led. One kept the head, the other kept the handle. Then
Potion of Healing 8gp they parted, each happy with his new treasure. Who knows
Potion of Insect Control 7gp if they still have them. So I’m afraid your problems are
Potion of Plant Control 7gp doubled.’
Potion of Stillness 3gp
Ring of Light 10gp
Rod of Water-finding 7gp
Rope of Climbing 3gp
The Forest of Doom
Here are Yaztromo’s responses to possible questions Once the Heroes have concluded their business with
the Heroes may ask him: Yaztromo, he shows them to the front door and
wishes them luck. If they ask for directions, the
What does the hammer look like? wizard points to a narrow path that leads northwards
‘I can tell you that the head is made of bronze and the from the tall grass surrounding his tower into the
handle is made of polished ebony. Both head and handle dense undergrowth of Darkwood.
have the le�er G inscribed on them.’
Return Visits
Where is Stonebridge? The wizard won’t appreciate too many return visits.
‘The village of Stonebridge lies just beyond the northern They are welcome to purchase any magic items that
edge of Darkwood Forest. Their king is Lord Gillibran, a they didn’t buy previously, but his stock won’t be
fine example of the Dwarfish people and an ally of all replenished for some time. Yaztromo can divine the
servants of Good. properties of any magical items they show him, and
85% of the time he is correct in his appraisal! On the
Who is the envious king? third visit Yaztromo suggests the Heroes get on with
‘Tharri Ugenther is lord of Mirewater, a village to the west their quest before the hammer is lost for good. After
of Darkwood. Like most of his people he has long viewed the this he doesn’t bother to answer the door at all.
Dwarfs of Stonebridge through jealous eyes. He has no
doubt dispatched his agents to recover the hammer.’
1C Evelina of Dree
Evelina of Dree
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Unarmed -2
Armour: None
Special: Evelina can use the
following Priestly
Powers once per day:
Curse, Ill-Luck, and
Equipment: Bag of Elven Dust
Act One - South Darkwood
Elven Dust Evelina the Ally
Magical Sundry - Value: 18gp If the Heroes act respectfully and heap fla�ery upon
The bag contains a small amount of fine, Evelina her mood improves and she grows more
gli�ering dust. receptive to any requests. She can be persuaded to
Elven Dust can be used to dispel an identify any herbs the Heroes find within Darkwood,
enchantment by sprinkling a handful over especially if they offer a portion to her as payment for
the affected target. Any spell currently her expertise.
affecting that target is cancelled. The bag
contains 1D3 handfuls of dust. Evelina’s Quest: If the Heroes manage to get on the
witch’s good side, she approaches them with a
The shelves, cupboards and drawers in the hut are request of her own. In the process of moving into her
crammed full of dusty books, charts and scrolls. They current abode she ended up misplacing four items of
cover a diverse range of subjects, from a catalogue of sentimental value: a tall blue vase, a brass flute, a gold
esoteric symbols to one hundred ways to cook ring set with an emerald, and a golden crown. She
mushrooms, but there is li�le of real use to the does not know what happened to the items, but she is
Heroes. An exhaustive search of the hut uncovers a certain they can all be found within Darkwood
Scroll of Opening (reading it casts the Open spell; one Forest. For each item that is returned to her, Evelina
time use) and a Scroll of Arcane Armour (reading it rewards the Heroes with one magical item in her
covers the user in glowing magical armour – as per possession (Elven Dust, Scroll of Opening, Scroll of
Plate Armour – for the next fifteen minutes; one time Arcane Armour, Eye of Amber; see above for details).
use). One book is being used as a support for a broken
table leg. The pages have been hollowed out inside Of course these objects are not really an old woman’s
and lying in the cavity is a small jewel on a silver treasured keepsakes, but are in fact incredibly
chain – the Eye of Amber – and a parchment with powerful artefacts that once belonged to Aerenith
instructions for use. Award 1 LUCK point to whoever Iridil, the infamous witch-king who ruled Darkwood
finds the jewel. Forest over a century ago. Evelina almost succeeded
in claiming all four items not that long ago, but her
Eye of Amber plan was foiled by the wizard Yaztromo, who
Curiosity - Value: 20gp magically disguised the true nature of the artefacts
‘Place the necklace around your neck and question those and sca�ered them across the forest so that they
you fear; no ma�er what they try to say, it’s only the could not be used again. The blue vase can be found
truth you’ll hear.’ at Scene 3G, the brass flute at Scene 3, the emerald
Anyone questioned by the wearer of the ring at Scene 3A and the golden crown at Scene 3H.
amber jewel is compelled to speak only What Evelina plans to do once she reunites all four
the truth, but they are allowed a Test for SKILL artefacts is unclear, but it certainly won’t be good…
to resist it. The jewel also glows faintly when
an untruth is spoken within five metres of it, Return Visits
although the lie must be spoken in a language What the Heroes encounter upon their return to the
the wearer understands. The enchantment is hut depends on how their first visit played out. If
exhausted after 1D6 questions have been asked, they caused her trouble the hut is deserted. If not, she
after which the jewel’s worth is reduced to 10gp. can be found still reading by the fireplace. In either
case the door and window are now magically locked.
The Forest of Doom
1D. Hidden Helmet Inside the cave a huge Ogre walks slowly over to a wicker
cage with a bowl of water. He is dressed in animal furs and
Have each Hero make an Awareness test to see if they carries a stone club in his belt. A GOBLIN jumps around
spot this encounter. inside the cage. He has a black shiny rod hanging on a
leather cord around his neck.
Walking along the path you notice a big old tree with an
unusually large hole in its trunk just above head height. The Goblin, who goes by the name of Neegol, fell
victim to one of the Ogre’s snares and was brought
The hole is just above head height of the tallest Hero. back to the cave and imprisoned for later
A Hero that climbs the tree or otherwise ascends to a consumption. The black rod hanging from his neck is
suitable height can spot the glint of something none other than one half of the war-hammer!
metallic in the gloom of the hole. The object can be
lifted out of the hole easily enough, but if a Hero uses As soon as the Heroes are detected the Ogre gives a
their hand to do so they suffer the painful bite of sharp whistle that summons a pair of WOLF DOGS
some small creature in the process (-1 STAMINA that were sleeping in the rear of the cave. They a�ack
point). The object is a metal helmet. immediately.
1E Ogre Cave SKILL 8
You see a large cave entrance set into a rocky outcrop a few A�acks: 1
metres off the path. Weapon: Large Club +1
Armour: None
The cave is the home of an enormous OGRE. If the Special: Key to Cage
Heroes approach the entrance with stealth they
witness the following:
Act One - South Darkwood
Neegol’s constant whining and pleading caused the 1F Chair of Life Draining
Ogre to tear out his tongue, so he is unable to verbally
communicate with the Heroes. In any case, his recent The trees aren’t so dense here and light filters down
experiences have driven the Goblin mad and he through gaps in the canopy. On the side of the path you see
jumps around frantically in his cage. If the cage door a wooden chair covered with moss. It appears to have been
is opened he picks up a wooden stool and a�acks. carved from the trunk of an old oak tree.
There is a trapdoor hidden beneath a dirty rug on the The symbol, a pentacle, appears to have been seared
floor, but it is unlikely to be discovered unless the hut into the ground. A Hero with the Magic Lore or
is given a thorough search. The trapdoor is not Second Sight Special Skills recognises the symbol as
locked. Beneath the door wooden steps lead down to being demonic in origin.
the Labyrinth of the Dragon – a sprawling dungeon
filled with fearsome creatures and priceless treasures. The clearing is used by Dark Elves, who gather here
The labyrinth is not detailed in this adventure but and carry out their profane rituals whenever there is
may appear in a future publication. a full moon. The pentacle is used to summon and
commune with the vile denizens of the Demonic
Plane; it is hoped the Heroes have no use for it!
1H Cursed Glade
If even a single drop of blood – perhaps from a
You arrive at the edge of a glade where li�le grows except wound sustained in a recent ba�le – is spilled on the
for sca�ered patches of limp, brown grass. A large five- symbol, a grisly DEMON is conjured up from the Pit
pointed star surrounded by a circle has been marked out on and a�acks immediately.
the ground in the middle of the clearing. As you gaze at the
unusual symbol a dull ache starts in your temples.
Act One - South Darkwood
1I. Jaggle House The chest is unlocked and contains eight of Jaggle’s
signature puzzle boxes, all with the same ornately
You reach a section of the forest where the trees are closely carved lid featuring a beetle motif. Each box has its
packed together, making it difficult to see very far ahead. own unique method for opening it; figuring out the
You walk on and almost stumble into a rope ladder which solution requires a successful Trap Knowledge test
is suspended from an old oak tree. You look up to see that made with a -2 penalty. The boxes are all empty but
the rope ladder is hanging down from an open hatch of a each one is a handcrafted work of art in its own right
large tree house. and can fetch up to 50gp in the right market.
This is the home of Gurnard Jaggle, a luckless A drawer is affixed to the underside of the tabletop,
treasure hunter whose repeated failures to strike it inside of which can be found a jar of Cure-all, a
rich have left him bi�er and vengeful. He is infamous bandage and a small wooden box containing two
for leaving booby-trapped boxes where other, more large dragon’s teeth.
successful adventurers might find them. Gurnard is
not currently at home and does not return while the
Heroes are around. The rope ladder is secure and Cure-all
easy to climb. Value: 15gp
The words ‘Cure-all – do not eat’ are scribbled on
You climb up the rope ladder and through the open door. the label of the jar. The jar contains a small amount
You find yourself in a square room which serves as an all- of yellow paste which smells like ro�en eggs.
in-one living room, bedroom and kitchen. There is a Rubbing the paste on a wound causes it to
wooden bed covered with animal furs in the corner of the completely heal within five minutes until not
far wall. In front of the bed stands a large wooden chest even a scar remains. The paste does not restore
with a beetle carving on the lid. In the centre of the room STAMINA loss caused by injury and it is only
there are two chairs tucked under a table, atop which sits a effective on surface wounds – broken bones,
candle affixed to a skull with melted wax. Shelves fixed to poisoning and the like cannot be healed with the
the right-hand wall are lined with old leather-bound books Cure-all. There is enough paste left in the jar
kept upright by more animal skulls used as bookends. for 1D3 applications.
The Forest of Doom
1J Troll Idol Act One Floating Encounters
The undergrowth thins out a li�le, allowing you to make Table 1.4 – Act One Floating Encounters
be�er progress. You reach a clearing where you see an d6 d6 Scene
enormous Troll’s head some five metres high carved out of 1-2 1-2 Random Monster – roll on table 1.1
the face of a rocky outcrop. The idol is partly concealed by 3 1. Poison Pear Tree
moss and vegetation, and has stone steps leading up to its 4 2. Trapped Thief
open mouth, which is nearly two metres in diameter. 5 3. Squabblin’ Goblins
6 4. Arguing Orcs
The carving was made by a tribe of Forest Goblins 3-4 1 5. Shapechanger
who once called the clearing home. It is meant to 2 6. Sting Worm
resemble Old Zungar, a Troll of titanic proportions 3 7. Angry Mother
that terrorised this part of Darkwood in ages past. 4 8. Tree Men
Zungar was worshipped as a demigod by the 5 9. Tree Snare
Goblins, who periodically left unlucky members of 6 10. Tree House
their tribe inside the cave as offerings to sate the 5-6 1 11. Throne of Wishes
Troll’s prodigious appetite. 2 12. Spore Balls
3 13. Lost in the Woods
You climb up the steps and enter the giant mouth, which is 4 14. Black-Eyed Bandits
damp and has a musty smell. A small wooden box lies on 5 15. Bignose
the floor of the otherwise empty cave. 6 Random Monster – roll on table 1.1
The wooden box is made of polished mahogany and 1. Poison Pear Tree
has an ornately carved lid with a beetle motif in its
centre that identifies it as one of Gurnard Jaggle’s The path continues to cut its way through the dense
notorious puzzle boxes (see Scene 1I for more undergrowth and you feel a li�le claustrophobic with the
information). The lid is sealed tight and cannot be trees overhanging you on either side. You come upon a tree
opened without first activating a series of sliding bearing strange fruit.
panels and hidden catches in the correct order; this
requires a successful Trap Knowledge test made with The tree is tall with long, glossy leaves and large
a -2 penalty. white flowers. Its fruit is purple and pear-shaped. A
successful Forest Lore or Herb Lore test identifies it as
Inside the puzzle box is a small lead ball and a glass a POISON PEAR TREE (aka Fatalberry Tree). There
vial filled with green gas. Shaking the box too are 1D6+2 fruits on the tree. The fruit is bi�er-tasting
vigorously or forcing it open causes the vial to break, and, as the name suggests, toxic. Anyone who eats
releasing the cloud of gas into the air. The gas is one is overcome with painful stomach cramps. The
extremely toxic and causes the loss of 3D6+6 pain increases as the victim starts to foam at the
STAMINA points if inhaled. If the vial is recovered mouth. Unless suitable healing (such as a Potion of
intact it can be used as a thrown weapon. Care should Anti-Poison) is administered immediately the victim
be taken as to where it is deployed, as the poisonous loses 3 STAMINA. The pain eventually subsides but
gas quickly fills any enclosed area. the victim is left feeling drained by the ordeal (-2
penalty to physical tests for the next hour).
Act One - South Darkwood
2. Trapped Thief Valdimar
The narrow, overgrown path continues to weave its way STAMINA 8
through the crowded forest. Suddenly off the path to your A�acks: 1
left you hear cries for help. Weapon: Rapier or Throwing Dagger
Armour: Leather Cuirass
The voice belongs to that of a man and appears to be Equipment: 10gp
coming from some distance away. If the Heroes
venture off the path in search of him:
3. Squabblin’ Goblins
After a few minutes you see a man dressed in long dark
robes with his foot caught in a rusted rabbit snare. His face You hear footsteps and harsh arguing voices ahead.
is masked by the robes and only his dark brown eyes are
visible. ‘Strangers, please me. I am in terrible pain and A successful Awareness test identifies a handful of
cannot open the trap by myself.’ human-sized creatures stomping along the path
towards the Heroes. They are speaking in the gu�ural
Freeing the man from the snare requires a wedge of Goblin tongue and a Hero that understands the
some kind (such as a sword) and a successful language is able to grasp the gist of the argument,
Strength test. You may also require a Test for LUCK to namely that some of the creatures are unhappy with
avoid damaging the implement used. Once freed the what they received from their latest ‘catch’.
man thanks the Heroes profusely and introduces
himself as Valdimar. If Valdimar is asked what he is After a few moments a gang of HOBGOBLIN thugs
doing so far from the path, he explains that he is appear on the path ahead. Each is clad in a chainmail
looking for his long-lost brother, who he believes is jacket and armed with a sword. They are so
living the life of a hermit somewhere in its depths. consumed with their bickering that the Heroes gain a
This is a lie; in actual fact he is a notorious local thief. +2 bonus to their Sneaking tests if they hide in the
surrounding undergrowth. If the Heroes are spo�ed
He asks for help in limping back to the path, and if the Hobgoblins draw their weapons and a�ack. If
the Heroes aid him he a�empts to steal something more than half their gang is slain the remainder
from one of them – either 1D6 Gold Pieces from their a�empt to flee back the way they came.
coin purse or a randomly chosen item from their
backpack. A Hero who has stated that they keeping a Hobgoblins (6)
close eye on the thief is allowed an Awareness test to SKILL 6 7 7 6 7 8
catch him in the act. If challenged Valdimar a�empts STAMINA 7 7 7 8 6 8
to flee, his injured foot miraculously healed. A�acks: 1
Weapon: Short Sword
Once back on the path Valdimar thanks the Heroes Armour: Chainmail Cuirass
once more, then quickly hobbles away in the opposite Special: None
direction to the one the Heroes are headed in. Once Equipment: One wears a necklace of mouse skulls,
out of sight the thief leaves the path and heads out of one has two maggoty biscuits and the
the forest in the direction of Largo, where his actual sixth carries a Flute of Dragonsleep in
brother will fence anything he has managed to steal. his armour.
The Forest of Doom
Orcs (4)
Flute of Dragonsleep SKILL 6 6 6 6
Enchanted STAMINA 6 5 6 5
Value: 230gp (only if magic power is known) A�acks: 1
This tiny brass flute appears plain and Weapon: Club or Short Sword
unremarkable, but when played for the right Armour: Leather Cuirass
audience its true value becomes known. Special: None
Playing the flute in the presence of a Dragon Equipment: One has a small wooden whistle,
or related beast (Drake, Wyvern, etc.) creates another has 4gp.
a soft and gentle tune that causes them to fall
fast asleep. The affected Dragon remains The scrawny roast rabbit is only enough for one meal.
asleep for 1D6x10 minutes, but wakes
immediately if a�acked. The flute’s song
only works on a particular Dragon the first
time it is heard.
4. Arguing Orcs
Act One - South Darkwood
5. Shapechanger Shapechanger
Walking along the path you see a creature si�ing on a STAMINA 10
mushroom-covered log to the side of the path. He has a A�acks: 2
sullen expression on his face as he slowly tosses a black Weapon: Small Claws +1
shiny rod on a leather cord back and forth between his Armour: Light
hands. Special: Can shapechange
Equipment: None
The creature is a SHAPECHANGER, a cunning
predator that can magically disguise itself as a The black rod was part of the magical disguise and is
harmless creature in order to fool its prey. Roll 1D6 to no more. The log that the Shapechanger is si�ing on
determine what disguise it is using (1-2: Dwarf, 3-4: is do�ed with violet Mix-Up Mushrooms which swap
Goblin, 5: human, 6: Wood Elf). The creature does not a creature’s SKILL score and LUCK score when eaten
move from the log and appears to be ignoring the (see The Titan Herbal for more information).
On Using Shapechangers
Hard Mode: as an added challenge for experienced The Shapechanger is the apex predator of Darkwood
players you can choose to have a second Forest - a ferocious and cunning monster armed not
Shapechanger hiding in the bushes nearby. After the only with razor-sharp teeth and claws, but the ability
first A�ack Round has been resolved the monster to magically disguise itself as another creature! The
launches a Surprise A�ack (AFF p.64) on a randomly only weakness to this deadly combination is the
chosen Hero. Shapechanger's insatiable hunger, which always
betrays its true identity sooner or later.
If the Heroes approach or try to pass by the
Shapechanger, the creature’s appetite gets the be�er The Shapechanger is wri�en into the adventure as a
of it and it reverts to its true form: floating encounter, a "wandering monster" if you
will, which reflects how it was encountered in the
The creature starts to metamorphose before your very eyes. original gamebook. But long-time fans of the Fighting
He becomes taller and turns green. A large spiny tail Fantasy series won't be the least bit surprised when
extends from his back, his arms thicken and his hands grow the hooded figure si�ing on a log starts to
sharp claws. His face distorts and becomes reptilian with metamorphose into a slavering murder-lizard. This
red eyes and a wide mouth housing dozens of razor-sharp seems almost a waste of such an iconic opponent - it
teeth. has graced the cover of every edition of Forest of Doom
to date, after all.
The monster then a�acks the closest Hero. It fights to
the death. The Shapechanger's power of illusion allows it to
assume the identity of any similarly-sized humanoid
that it has previously encountered (and likely eaten),
which means any such creature the Heroes encounter
in Darkwood could actually be a Shapechanger in
The Forest of Doom
Jaded fans will be quite surprised when the usually Sting Worm
timid Arragon the "Arch-Mage" suddenly leaps over SKILL 8
his desk at their Heroes, baring newly-sprouted STAMINA 17
fangs! Or perhaps the Gnome taking a nap on a A�acks: 2
toadstool is actually a Shapechanger waiting until the Weapon: Sting (as Large Bite) +1
Heroes pass by before launching a deadly surprise Crushing Body (as Lg Unarmoured)
a�ack? Armour: Light
Special: A Hero that rolls a double for their
When used in this way the Shapechanger becomes an A�ack Strength slips on a puddle of
even more terrifying foe that will have even slime and suffers a -4 penalty to their
experienced players thinking everyone they meet is A�ack Strength in the next round as
really a bloodthirsty monster in disguise! At the same they get back to their feet.
time, be careful not to overdo it - one or two surprise
Shapechangers will be more than enough for one The skeletal remains of past meals li�er the lair; lying
adventure. And remember, a Shapechangers beside one corpse is a leather backpack containing 4
unceasing need to eat means that it cannot maintain gold pieces and a Potion of Weapon Skill. A
its disguise for long once a suitable meal has prolonged search of the cave also turns up a
appeared. chainmail hauberk, two small shields and a great
sword – all of which are coated with thick slime.
Act One - South Darkwood
7. Angry Mother 8. Tree Men
Further along the path you hear a deep growl to your left in Note: this encounter can only take place in sections of
the trees. Dense or Impenetrable Forest.
A huge BROWN BEAR lurks in the undergrowth a The trees here seem to crowd in on the path even more than
short distance from the path. Approaching the animal usual. They are old and gnarled, their thick bark lined with
causes it to rear up on its hind legs in a fearsome deep cracks that in the gloom almost look like li�le eyes and
display. A successful Awareness test spots a small ragged mouths. Suddenly a branch whips out at you!
silver dart protruding from its chest.
The Heroes have inadvertently trespassed into a
Behind the bear, hidden by a fallen tree, is a den grove of ancient TREE MEN. As they pass by the tree
containing three bear cubs. If the Heroes move in that men launch Surprise A�acks; any Hero who loses
direction the mother bear a�acks and fights to the that A�ack Round (regardless of whether damage
death. was inflicted) is knocked to the ground and suffers a
-4 penalty to their A�ack Strength for the next A�ack
Brown Bear Round as they pick themselves up. The Tree Men
SKILL 7 then lumber on to the path, blocking any escape with
STAMINA 8 their thick, trunk-like bodies.
A�acks: 2
Weapon: Medium Bite and Claws +1 Tree Men (3)
Armour: Light SKILL 8 8 8
Special: None STAMINA 17 18 18
A�acks: 2
Weapon: Branches (as Large Claw)
The silver dart is worth 5gp. Gift a Hero 3 LUCK Armour: Medium
points if they find a way to remove the dart without Special: Each Tree Man a�acks with its two
harming the mother or its cubs (perhaps through the largest branches. Reducing the
use of the Animalfriend Talent). STAMINA score of a Tree Man to half
or less destroys one branch and
reduces its ATTACKS score to 1. Once
a Tree Man’s STAMINA is reduced to
0 it is not killed, but has instead
suffered so much damage that it must
retreat back into the forest.
The Forest of Doom
9. Tree Snare 10. Tree House
A large rope net is hidden beneath some fallen leaves You notice a kno�ed vine hanging down to the ground
on the path ahead. Unless a Hero is specifically from a tree on your left. It leads up to a roughly made tree
keeping an eye out for such danger, they must house amid the branches.
succeed at an Awareness test made with a -4 penalty
in order to spot the trap. If no one spots the trap the The tree house is home to a pair of primitive APE
lead Hero triggers it, causing the net to scoop the MEN. If the Heroes make too much noise in planning
Hero (and anyone within two metres of them) up and their approach the grunting humanoids come out to
hoist them several metres into the air. Each Hero investigate and start dropping large rocks down on
captured by the net must succeed at a Test for LUCK them (damage as large club).
or drop anything they were holding at the time.
A successful Climb test is required to climb up or
A trapped Hero who still has access to a blade can cut down the vine (made with a -6 penalty if the ape men
open the net, and anyone who did not fall foul of the are a�acking); failure results in a 5-metre fall. At the
trap can cut the rope that suspends the net in the air top of the vine is a narrow wooden platform upon
– in either case the ne�ed Heroes drop to the ground which the tree house is perched. There is only enough
with a painful thud (equivalent to a 5-metre fall). room for three people to stand on the platform at a
If the entire group is captured and cannot find a way
to get free they are left dangling helplessly over the A sheet of leaves and ferns covers the entrance to the
path. They must Test for LUCK and keeping testing house. If the Ape Men were not previously alerted
until someone is Lucky, after which time the they throw back the sheet and a�ack as the entrance
following occurs: is approached. Unless the leading Hero is prepared
for ba�le this ambush counts as a Surprise A�ack.
After ten minutes a small boy dressed in green leather Any Hero who suffers damage from this a�ack must
shorts and green shirt appears. He is chewing on what succeed at a Test for LUCK or fall off the platform.
looks like a chicken bone. ‘Ha, ha, somebody’s caught in the
Ogre’s tree trap,’ he says. ‘Le�ing you out will cost you 5 Ape Man Ape Woman
gold pieces each – or perhaps you have a nice magical item SKILL 8 8
for me?’ You are in no position to argue. STAMINA 7 6
A�acks: 1 1
Once the boy receives his payment he tosses up a Weapon: Club
dagger and then runs off down the path. In the Armour: None
unlikely event that they can’t (or won’t) pay the boy, Special: The Ape Woman wears a Bracelet of
the Ogre eventually comes to check his trap and Skill that grants a +1 bonus to her
brings the adventure to a premature end! A�ack Strength.
Act One - South Darkwood
If the Heroes do not fall for their scam the
Bracelet of Skill mischievous li�le thieves hurl acorns and insults at
Enchanted Value: 50gp them until they leave. Seeking retribution against the
The plain copper bracelet is still covered in Chumpies is futile as they tiny size means they can
the wiry hairs of its former owner. escape through the tree canopy long before the
The wearer feels a powerful surge of strength Heroes can reach them.
run through their arm when they first put
on the bracelet. They gain a +1 bonus to
their A�ack Strength while it is worn. 12. Sporeballs
11. Throne of Wishes The fungi are SPOREBALLS, giant parasites that
contaminate the air with clouds of toxic dust
You come to a tree stump which has been carved into the containing millions of poisonous micro-spores. They
shape of an ancient throne, above which there is a dented are fairly slow-moving and can be easily outrun. A
pewter mug hanging in mid-air on a piece of string tied to Test for Skill is required to see if each Hero manages to
a high branch of a nearby tree. A piece of paper sticks out hold their breath long enough to cross the clearing;
above the lip of the mug. failure means they accidentally breathe in some
spores (see below).
A note is wri�en on the paper which reads: Welcome
to the Throne of Wishes. You may make one wish at a cost A�acking a Sporeball with a conventional weapon is
of 5 gold pieces. Drop the coins into the mug, sit down on unwise, as their thin, membranous bodies split apart
the throne and make your wish. at the lightest blow and burst into clouds of spore-
filled dust. Anyone in the immediate vicinity who
Anyone foolish enough to put their gold inside the does not have suitable protection (a cloth tied across
mug causes it to be suddenly pulled up on the string the mouth, for example) can’t help but breathe some
and disappear into the leaves. A high-pitched giggle in. Inhaling the spores causes violent and crippling
can be heard high up in the branches from the coughing fits; a victim soon suffocates unless they are
CHUMPIES who have just cheated the Hero out of removed from the clearing and magical healing is
their money. As a further insult, the gullible Hero administered immediately.
must also lose 1 LUCK point.
The Forest of Doom
Using fire or a hot liquid against a Sporeball is very If the total equals 10 or more, the Heroes succeed in
effective and causes the holes covering the fungi to making it through the difficult stretch of forest and
close up and prevent the release of further spores. can move on to another encounter. If the total is 9 or
The Heroes can then move across the clearing less, the Heroes get turned around and end up
unharmed, provided they are swift in doing so. walking in a big circle back to where they started!
Each Hero must lose another STAMINA point to
exertion and another two encounters worth of time
13. Lost in the Woods pass by.
Note: it is recommended that this encounter only Roll another 1d6 and add it to the previous total – if
takes place in areas of Dense or Impenetrable forest. the new total is now 10 or more the Heroes get back
on track. If not, they lose yet more STAMINA and
The thick vegetation seems to close in on you as you head time as described above. Roll again and continue in
down the path, although it is li�le more than a faint trail this fashion until the Heroes either get their bearings
now. Long vines hang down from ancient trees and the or die of exhaustion!
blanket of leaves above blots out most of the light. You are
forced to scramble over gnarled roots and moss-covered
rocks, hacking your way through the dense undergrowth. 14. Black-Eyed Bandits
It is tiring work and makes for slow progress…say, haven’t
you already passed by this bush? As you walk along the path it dawns on you that all the
birds and creatures have gone quiet. You listen out for any
The effort of cu�ing a path through the undergrowth noises and hear faint rustling sounds coming from the left
saps each Hero of 1 STAMINA point. In addition, and then the right. ‘Put down your weapons. Put down
progress is so slow that this encounter counts as two your backpacks and walk back the way you came. There are
for time-keeping purposes. eight arrows pointed at you. You have ten seconds to make
up your minds,’ a man’s deep voice commands coldly.
Roll 1d6 and apply the following modifiers to the
result: The Heroes are surrounded by a group of BLACK-
EYED BANDITS who prey on travellers passing
Table 1.5 – Lost in the Woods Modifiers through this part of the forest. Unlike the Greencloak
Condition Modifier Bandits of northern Darkwood (see Scene 34) these
One or more Heroes possess +1 brigands have no sense of honour and fire their
the Forest Lore or Navigation arrows at the Heroes regardless of the choice they
Special Skills. make; assign targets randomly with damage inflicted
One or more Heroes are using +1 as per Arrow – Shortbow. After the initial volley the
a compass or similar bandits spread out through the surrounding forest
navigational tool. and prepare their next shots.
Hero chooses to Test for LUCK +1
and is Lucky. The Black-Eyed Bandits are so-called for the charcoal
No Hero has the Forest Lore -2 dust they use to blacken their eye sockets. The colour
or Navigation Special Skills. of their clothes is light and dark brown so as to blend
in with the forest. The bandits only recently moved
Act One - South Darkwood
into Darkwood Forest, claiming the south-west
corner as their territory. Few travellers journey Tyche Ring
through the area, however, so they are forced to be Enchanted - Value: 25gp
ruthless when one does come along. Some say the The silver signet ring is engraved with the
bandits are all related, for they all have similar image of a horseshoe. It is one of the fabled rings
features and long black hair. Others claim they are of fortune which are said to be made in the lost
former city guards, expelled from Kaad for abusing city of Vatos.
their positions of power. Whatever the truth, they are The wearer of the ring adds 2 points to their
cold-hearted rogues who leave no witnesses to their LUCK score. This can take their LUCK
crimes – those they do not kill are taken captive and above its Initial level, but once lost these
sold to Shazaarian slavers. extra points cannot be regained. This
power only works once.
The path ahead is booby-trapped and if the Heroes
try to flee this way they trigger a weighted net that
falls over the leading Heroes. Trapped Heroes are
unable to free themselves and must wait to be 15. Bignose
rescued. Sheltering behind a tree provides hard cover
against the bandit’s arrows. You hear somebody in the distance call out, ‘Bigleg! Bigleg!
Where are you?’
Unengaged bandits each fire an arrow at the closest
Hero every third A�ack Round. If engaged in close If the Heroes want to avoid the owner of the voice
combat a bandit abandons their bow and draws a they can lay low in the undergrowth until he passes.
sword to defend himself. If two thirds of the bandits If they choose to investigate, however, read out the
are slain, the remainder a�empt to flee deeper into following:
the forest.
You walk towards where the sound of the voice is coming
Black-eyed Bandits from and enter a small clearing where you see a DWARF
SKILL 6 7 7 8 7 6 6 7 with balding hair and a long bushy beard si�ing on a log,
STAMINA 7 7 6 6 7 8 6 7 sharpening his ba�leaxe.
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Shortbow and Shortsword He is wearing a chainmail shirt over his tunic, a cloak and
Armour: None big brown boots. By his side are a crossbow and an iron-
Special: None rimmed wooden shield. He doesn’t seem concerned by your
sudden appearance. ‘Friend or foe?’ he asks in a booming
The bandits’ meagre belongings amount to two voice.
apples and a chunk of cheese (equivalent to 2
Provisions), a leather purse containing 2 Gold Pieces, If the Heroes reply ‘foe’, the Dwarf grabs his shield
a Tyche Ring and a small stoppered glass bo�le and charges them, yelling a war cry at the top of his
containing a Potion of Strength (see Scene 31). voice. He fights to the end.
The Forest of Doom
Bignose Bigleg Lives!
SKILL 7 If the Heroes managed to save Bigleg’s life, an
STAMINA 7 overjoyed Bignose gives everyone a congratulatory
A�acks: 1 slap on the back and a vigorous handshake. He
Weapon: Ba�leaxe and Crossbow rewards them with an item of their choice: his ba�le
Armour: Chainmail Cuirass and Small Shield axe or a dragonfly pendant (see below). Once they
Equipment: 4 Provisions, Potion of STAMINA, have chosen the Dwarf eagerly skips away in the
Dragonfly Pendant direction of Yaztromo’s Tower.
Act One
Act- Two
- Grasslands
Yellowback Snake – a Hero stumbles across a Weedleweed – the Heroes unwi�ingly walk into a
YELLOWBACK SNAKE sunning itself on a rock. patch of WEEDLEWEED, a tall grass that is home to
They must successfully Test for LUCK or be bi�en by TICK-TICKS, tiny parasitic mites which infect their
the highly venomous reptile. A bi�en Hero must hosts with a virus that makes them very sleepy. Each
receive suitable aid immediately (Potion of Hero must Test for LUCK; if Unlucky, the Hero is
STAMINA, Potion of Anti-Poison, etc.), otherwise bi�en by a Tick-Tick and falls into a deep sleep for
they die a quick but agonizing death as their central 1D3 hours. If the entire group happens to fall asleep
nervous system is paralysed. A healed Hero is left they are left at the mercy of any creatures that may
feeling light-headed and drained by the experience come across their slumbering bodies…
and loses 1 SKILL point and 2 STAMINA points.
The Forest of Doom
Act Two - Grasslands
Hippohog – a large, hungry HIPPOHOG has sniffed 2A The Mighty Quin
out the Heroes for its next meal. It immediately
releases a burst of intestinal gas so rancid that it The path ends at the door of a large hut made of dried mud.
makes the Heroes retch and feel light-headed (-3 It has a domed roof and a single window. Inside you see a
penalty to all rolls for the duration of combat). If the large man with dark skin and dark slanted eyes, si�ing at
Hippohog rolls a double for its A�ack Strength and a table in the middle of the hut. He is bare-chested and is
wins that A�ack Round, it charges into its opponent, flexing the muscles of his arm.
knocking them over and trampling them underfoot
(victim suffers damage as per Unarmed (Large size) Provided the Heroes do not act aggressively, the man
and spends the next round ge�ing to their feet). invites them inside.
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Unarmed +1
Armour: None
Special: None
The Forest of Doom
If a�acked, Quin defends himself using his great The marshland is do�ed with quicksand that are
strength, but flees at the first opportunity. The hut is almost indistinguishable from the firmer ground. The
sparsely decorated, with a plain straw ma�ress, a pile leading Hero must make a Test for LUCK; if Unlucky
of animal pelts (worth 25gp if sold as a lot) and an they stumble into quicksand and become trapped.
assortment of clay vessels and utensils. The wooden
chest holds thepotion aforementioned Dust of Trapped Heroes must make a successful Swim test
Levitation, a leather pouch containing 2D6 Gold each round or sink below the surface of the quicksand
Pieces, a primitive leather cuirass and a hand axe. and start to drown (AFF p.50). The other Heroes must
figure out a way to haul a trapped companion to
safety, such as using a staff, rope, branch or similar
Dust of Levitation tool. A Strength test or Test for Skill is required to
Potion - Value: 20gp successfully pull a Hero out of the quagmire (add a +2
A small glass phial of gli�ering bonus for each additional Hero lending their strength
crystalline dust. to the effort), but if a double-6 is rolled the would-be
If the dust is sprinkled over an inanimate rescuer ends up in the quicksand as well!
object it causes the object to rise a metre into
the air. The levitating object can be pushed,
pulled or affected by strong winds. The object 2C Mbaka the Strangler
must be no larger than two metres by two
metres and can weigh no more than half a The reeds eventually part way to reveal a wide, sluggish
tonne. The effect lasts for one hour. There is river that cuts across the marshland. A goat stands in front
only enough dust in the phial for a single use. of you, chewing contentedly on the soft grass that grows
along the river bank. A length of rope secures the goat to a
wooden stake that has been driven into the ground
The Hunters
2B Quicksand The goat is being used by PYGMY hunters to a�ract
the a�ention of an enormous GIANT SNAKE that
The ground grows softer underfoot as the path descends stalks this section of the river, known by the Pygmies
into a reed-choked marshland. The trail becomes harder as Mbaka the Strangler. The five hunters are hiding in
and harder to follow as it weaves between clumps of tall the reeds near the river bank. They keep hidden and
reeds and pools of stagnant water. It is not long before the wait to see what the Heroes do.
path peters out entirely and the way forward becomes
unclear. If the Heroes cut the goat free the hunters emerge
from hiding, short bows pointed in their direction.
The reeds in the marsh grow above head height, The Pygmy leader complains in his strange native
making it difficult for the Heroes to keep their tongue that the Heroes have ruined their hunt and
bearings. A Navigation or Marsh Lore test is required demands recompense in the form of gold. The
to keep moving in the right direction; if this test is hunters do not a�ack the Heroes but try to prevent
failed the group wanders off-course and wastes an them from leaving without first offering payment. If
hour ge�ing back on track. a�acked the pygmies defend themselves but flee into
the marsh if the ba�le goes against them.
Act Two - Grasslands
Pygmy Hunters (5) Crossing the River
SKILL 8 7 6 7 6 The wide river is slow-moving but very deep in parts
STAMINA 6 6 6 5 6 – two successful Swim tests are required to safely
A�acks: 1 make it to the other side. If the Heroes helped the
Weapon: Short Bow / Dagger hunters kill Mbaka, they offer to ferry them across the
Armour: None river in a pair of primitive log canoes that are
concealed in the reeds.
Mbaka Strikes!
1d6 rounds after the Heroes first reach the river an
enormous serpent suddenly launches itself out of the 2D Waterfall
river in an explosion of water. It swiftly coils itself
around the closest target – the goat if it is still tied up, The ground starts to rise gently and soon you reach the
otherwise one of the Heroes or hunters. If a Hero, bank of a wide river split on two levels. To the east the
they must Test for LUCK to see if they manage to keep water is calm and slow-moving, but in front of you it
their arms free; if not they are helpless. If the hunters tumbles down a great waterfall to a gorge below where the
have not yet made their presence known they leap river narrows and runs quickly west over rocks and
out of the reeds and a�ack the snake. boulders. Steps lead down the side of the waterfall to the
bo�om of the gorge, although it is difficult to see where they
Mbaka the Strangler end because of the spray thrown up. A small wooden boat
SKILL 10 is tied to a post on the southern bank where the river is
STAMINA 25 calm.
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Very Large Bite +1
Armour: Light
Special: A target wrapped in the coils of
Mbaka automatically takes 1D3
damage each round as the snake
squeezes the life out of them. If Mbaka
is reduced to 6 STAMINA or less it
releases its prey.
The Forest of Doom
The Boat Four FISH MEN are lurking in the pool, concealed by
The boat appears sturdy enough at first glance, but its the murky water. They wait until the Heroes are
bo�om is heavily ro�ed (as a successful Sea Lore test walking round the edge of the pool, then reach out
will confirm). If the Heroes a�empt to cross the river with scaly claws and grab them by the ankles. A
using the boat it starts to take on water once they are grabbed Hero must fight a single round of combat
halfway across. The Heroes must succeed at a Swim against their assailant with a -2 penalty to their A�ack
test to swim the rest of the way. If this test is failed the Strength. No damage is inflicted, but if the Hero wins
Hero is pulled downstream towards the waterfall. A they manage to pull their legs free. If the Fish Man
second Swim test must be made to fight against the wins it pulls its victim into the pool. Combat can then
current, and if this is failed the Hero has one last proceed as normal.
chance with a Test for LUCK – if Lucky the Hero
manages to grab hold of rock, although they still Fish Men (4)
require rescuing from their predicament; if Unlucky SKILL 7 8 7 7
they are swept over the waterfall to a certain death. STAMINA 6 6 5 6
A�acks: 1
The Steps Weapon: Trident (as Polearm)
The stone steps are steep and slippery, requiring a Armour: Light
successful Acrobatics test to negotiate safely. Failure Special: A Fish Man gains a +1 bonus to their
leads to a painful fall to the bo�om of the gorge (-1D3 A�ack Strength when fighting in
STAMINA points), and if a double is rolled for the water.
failed test the Hero tumbles into the river and is
swept away over the rapids. The pool is only four feet deep. Two precious gems
(worth 25gp each) are hidden amongst the stones at
At the bo�om of the gorge the steps continue through the bo�om of the pool. There is nothing else of use or
the waterfall. Due to the gloom and spray it is value to be found.
impossible to see what lies beyond without walking
through the wall of water. On the far side of the cavern the steps lead back
through the waterfall and up the other side of the
gorge to the opposite river bank.
2E Stepping Stones
Ahead you can hear the sound of flowing water and soon
reach the bank of a slow-moving river. The river is very
shallow and stepping stones cross it to the far bank where
Through the Waterfall the path continues.
You enter a large cavern where there is a pool of still water.
The steps run round the side of the pool and there is a stone The river is only waist-deep here, but the murky
table and chair standing on a small outcrop on one side. water hides a family of BLOOD EELS that a�ack as
There are fish scraps lying on the table. soon as a Hero enters.
Act Two - Grasslands
Blood Eel (4) 2G Harrek the Centaur
SKILL 5 5 5 4
STAMINA 4 5 3 4 You soon reach the banks of a gently flowing river. There is
A�acks: 1 no bridge but you see that the path continues on the other
Weapon: Small Bite side of the river. Standing proudly before you is a
Armour: None magnificent white CENTAUR. A bow and a quiver of
Special: If the Blood Eel’s target is not aware of arrows are slung behind his back.
its presence, the eel automatically
wins the first A�ack Round and gains If greeted politely the Centaur responds in kind. He
a +1 bonus to its damage roll for that introduces himself as Harrek and offers to carry the
a�ack. After this the eel can be fought Heroes across the river for 3gp per person. If his offer
normally. is accepted he invites the first Hero to climb on to his
back. He wades safely across the river and collects his
The stepping stones are slippery but can be traversed payment before returning to collect the next Hero. If
with a successful Acrobatics test; failure means the his offer is rejected he gallops away without another
Hero tumbles into the water and is a�acked by the word.
Harrek does not wander far in his old age and cannot
offer any useful information. He only wants to own a
2F Rickety Bridge li�le gold to live the remainder of his years in modest
comfort. If offered a reasonable sum (at least 10gp) he
You soon reach the bank of a gently flowing river. The path can be persuaded to carry up to two Heroes on his
continues over the river via a rickety old wooden bridge. back to any one location within the grasslands region.
He does not aid or accompany them on their quest
An inspection of the bridges reveals it to be in a under any circumstances.
terrible state of repair, but if the Heroes cautiously
cross it one at a time they reach the other side without If threatened the Centaur reaches for his bow and
issue. a�empts to let off an arrow at the nearest aggressor.
He then gallops forward at full speed, crashing
If more than one Hero a�empts to cross the bridge at through anyone foolish enough to stand in his way
a time, or if a Hero is carrying a particularly heavy (-2D6+3 STAMINA points), before disappearing
load, they must each make a Test for LUCK. If down the path. He is not encountered again.
Unlucky, a ro�en plank gives way beneath their feet
and they drop into the river below. Harrek
The water here is too deep to wade across and a Swim STAMINA 8
test is required to reach either bank. A group of A�acks: 1
BLOOD EELS stalks this stretch of the river and Weapon: Shortbow
a�ack anyone who lingers in the water for too long Armour: None
(see Scene 2E for their statistics). Equipment: 3gp
The Forest of Doom
Act Two Floating Encounters Hunting Dogs (6)
SKILL 7 6 5 6 7 6
Table 2.2 – Act Two Floating Encounters STAMINA 6 6 6 5 5 5
2d6 Scene A�acks: 1
2 Random Monster – roll on table 2.1 Weapon: Small Bite
3 16. The Hunter Armour: None
4 17. The Hunted Special: None
5 18. The Li�le Folk
6 19. Tangleweed If engaged in conversation the man nods his head in
7 Random Monster – roll on table 2.1 reply but says nothing until he is sure the Heroes can
8 Random Monster – roll on table 2.1 be trusted. Two ways to reassure him are to mention
9 20. Barbarian their quest to help the dwarfs of Stonebridge, or that
10 21. A�ack of the Killer Bees they are friends of Yaztromo. At this he jumps down
11 22. Wildfire! from his mount, throws back his cape and firmly
12 Random Monster – roll on table 2.1 shakes the hand of each Hero. An observant Hero
can’t help but notice each finger on his right hand is
adorned by a large gold ring.
16. The Hunter
The man smiles and takes off his mask. ‘Well met, friends,’
From not too far ahead comes the sharp noise of barking he says. ‘Have no fear; I only wear this mask to protect
dogs drawing near. A brown fox suddenly dashes across myself against the dust. I am a hunter, you see, and the best
your path. The frantic yelping of the dogs grows louder. game in all the northern borderlands can be found right
here within Darkwood Forest. My hounds were chasing a
The Heroes must decide quickly what they are going wild boar but I fear they picked up the scent of some other
to do. If they hide in the tall grass off the path they see creature instead.’
the legs of six hounds and one horse race past in a
cloud of dust. If they stand their ground they are soon Masked Rider
faced with a pack of HUNTING DOGS racing SKILL 8
towards them. STAMINA 7
A�acks: 1
Galloping behind the dogs is a masked rider wearing a long Weapon: Scimitar
flowing cloak and riding a white stallion. He blows a horn Armour: Leather Cuirass
and the six hunting dogs come to a sudden halt. The man Equipment: Riding mask, hunting horn, water f
looks at you without speaking. flask, hunting knife, 5 gold rings
(worth 20gp each), 2 Provisions, 6gp
Acting aggressively incites the dogs to growl fiercely
and a�ack. The man takes the opportunity to escape If the Heroes have already encountered the boar
on horseback. (Scene 17) they can point the hunter in the right
direction; he hands over 2 Gold Pieces as thanks. The
man can give directions to any fixed location within
the grasslands region, but knows li�le about the
surrounding forest.
Act Two - Grasslands
‘Beware of the li�le folk that live on the plain; they may not The WILD BOAR gains a +2 bonus to its A�ack
seem like much of a threat, but the poison darts they use are Strength for the first A�ack Round as it charges the
deadly. And if you are going to spend the night in closest target. It a�empts to flee if its STAMINA is
Darkwood, you might need some of this.’ He hands one of reduced to 2 or less.
you a sprig of herb and jumps back on his stallion. Then
with a sudden blow of his horn, the dogs set off. He turns Wild Boar
and waves before galloping off in pursuit of them. SKILL 6
The sprig is of belladonna, a mildly poisonous plant A�acks: 1
but also a known cure for lycanthropy (refer to The Weapon: Tusks (as Med Bite)
Titan Herbal for more information). Armour: None
The silence is suddenly broken by the sound of squealing If the entire group are struck down they eventually
and grunting to the right of the trail. You can see a path awaken to find all of their gold (including anything
being made through the grass by an unseen beast moving made of gold, e.g. rings, jewellery) has been taken.
quickly towards you. They still have their weapons and any other
The Heroes have 1D3 rounds to prepare before the
creature is upon them. If any Heroes remain standing the Pygmies quickly
turn and run off into the grass. Unless a Hero has the
A few yards away a large brown pig-like creature bursts Hunting Special Skill, the Fleet Footed Talent or a
out on to the path and halts there. It has two long tusks similar ability, their a�ackers vanish without a trace.
protruding from a short stubby snout. Steam rises into the If pursued successfully the Pygmies draw their
air from its sweating body. Its small eyes look at you before daggers and defend themselves.
it puts its head down to charge at you.
The Forest of Doom
Pygmies (3) 20. Barbarian
SKILL 5 5 5
STAMINA 5 6 5 In the distance to the right of the path you see vultures
A�acks: 1 circling in the sky.
Weapon: Dagger
Armour: None If the Heroes step off the path to investigate they
Equipment: Blowpipe, 3gp each discover the following:
If the Heroes bear fangs taken from Mbaka the You soon come across a huge man with muscles like kno�ed
Strangler (Scene 2C) the Pygmies recognise them for iron staked out on the ground. The man is naked except for
their heroic feat; they put away their blowpipes and a small loincloth and his skin is badly blistered from the
instead hand over 1 Gold Piece each in thanks. sun. His face and chest show the bloodied signs of cruel
Act Two - Grasslands
The barbarian does not engage in conversation with Outrunning the Killer Bees requires a successful Test
the Heroes, except to sneer dismissively and spit at for SKILL (a Hero with the Fleet Footed Talent
their feet. The stakes can be pulled out of the ground automatically succeeds). A Hero who fails their test
with a successful Strength test and the ropes can be must keep testing until they succeed, but for each
easily cut. Although the individual pieces are not failure the bees inflict one free a�ack on them. The
much use they can be kno�ed together to make a swarm abandons its pursuit once the Heroes leave
single rope of normal length. their territory.
If Brok is freed he picks up one of the wooden stakes Killer Bees (1 swarm per Hero)
and a�acks! SKILL 8
Barbarian A�acks: 1
SKILL 9 Weapon: Sting (as Dagger)
STAMINA 7 Armour: Heavy *
A�acks: 1 Special:i The sting of a Killer Bee is so painful
Weapon: Improvised +1 that anyone injured by one incurs a -1
Armour: None penalty to their A�ack Strength until
the end of combat (this penalty is
21. A�ack of the Killer Bees * - the armour type represents the
difficulty of striking many small,
This encounter is set close to the Catfish River. If you flying targets – not that the Bees are
decide to relocate it the following text should be covered in armour!
The Heroes may think to run towards the sound of
Nearby you can hear the sound of flowing water. However, flowing water. A Test for SKILL is required (as
much more ominous, you also hear another sound, above described above) to reach the river’s edge. They must
you in the sky – a loud buzzing noise. Suddenly a swarm then plunge their entire bodies into the river and stay
of bees, each bee some ten centimetres long, is hovering underwater for at least 30 seconds.
directly above you!
When they emerge the Killer Bees are gone. In their
The surrounding area is home to a colony of KILLER haste to escape the swarm it is unlikely the Heroes
BEES that are determined to drive the Heroes out of took the time to waterproof their belongings; when
their territory. If the Heroes stand their ground the they return to dry land each Hero finds 1D6
swarm splits into droves, one for each Hero, and Provisions have been ruined, along with any other
a�acks. perishable items that were not sufficiently protected.
The Forest of Doom
22. Wildfire! If you roll a 1 for the fire total the wind decreases in
strength and the wildfire’s advance is slowed; apply
As you walk along the path the wind begins to pick up until a -3 penalty to the next fire total roll. If you roll
it is blowing fiercely. As you brace yourself against the another 1 for the fire total the wildfire burns itself out
gusts the distinctive smell of burning grass enters your and the danger is passed.
nostrils. You pause to scan the horizon and spot a thick
plume of smoke starting to rise nearby. Judging by the Crossing the Catfish River imparts a -3 penalty to the
amount pouring into the sky this is no mere campfire, but next fire total roll. Although the river slows the fire,
an out of control wildfire – and it is burning in your cinders carried by the strong winds soon ignite the
direction! grasses on the other side.
Something has caused a patch of bone-dry grass to If the fire total becomes equal to or exceeds the
ignite, sparking a deadly wildfire. The fire is Heroes total the wildfire catches up to the Heroes.
advancing quickly towards the Heroes, who must try Each Hero must lose 3d6 STAMINA points as they
to outrun it before they care caught in the are severely burned by the flames.
Apart from the fire burning itself out (as described
First, roll 1d6 to determine from which direction the above), there are two other ways to escape it. The first
fire is burning: 1-3: in front of the Heroes; 4-6: behind is by leaving the grasslands region and re-entering
the Heroes. the forest. The second is if the Hero total is ever 10 or
more higher than the fire total – in this case the
Next, roll 1d6+3 to calculate how far away the fire is. Heroes have outdistanced the wildfire or the wind
This is the Hero total. Now roll 1d6 to determine how has changed direction.
fast the fire advances; this is the fire total.
However they avoid the wildfire, if the Heroes return
It is assumed the Heroes head in the opposite to the grasslands they find the fire has burned out.
direction of the fire. For each new scene the Heroes Any areas the fire passed through have been razed to
pass through roll 1D6 and add it to the Hero total, the ground, leaving behind only blackened
then roll a second 1D6 and add it to the fire total. Do devastation.
not worry about running the actual encounter at each
scene – whoever or whatever is usually met there is
likely running for their lives too!
Two -- Grasslands
The Valley
OOTP – Out of the Pit BTP – Beyond the Pit RTTP – Return to the Pit
The Forest of Doom
Act Three - The Valley
Inside the chest is a large, light blue egg nearly a metre
Act Three Fixed Encounters round. It is cold and hard, and feels like marble. Suddenly
a crack appears…
3A The House of Eggs
The Heroes have exactly one round to act before the
Halfway up the hill you notice a small wooden hut to the Razor Egg (AFF p.146) explodes, sending fragments
east of the path with its door slightly open. of razor-sharp shell flying through the air and
inflicting 1D6 STAMINA points of damage on anyone
There are no signs of life in or around the hut. inside the hut. Beneath the egg is a small bag
containing 15 Gold Pieces and a Scroll of Fire Bolt
The hut consists of one room containing a fireplace, a (reading it casts the Fire Bolt spell; one use only).
wooden bed, a wooden table with two chairs, a washing
bowl, a wooden chest and shelves crammed end to end with A focused search of the fireplace uncovers a fire-
birds’ eggs. There is a lot of dust on the floor; the room does blackened copper ke�le buried in the ashes. Inside it
not appear to have been lived in for months. is a gold ring with a large emerald set into it (worth
200gp); award 2 LUCK points to whoever finds it.
The hut was once the home of an aged sorcerer who
held an intense fascination with bird-life. He spent The Egg Quest
his later years collecting the eggs of the different birds An ornate wooden display stand sits on the
that live in Darkwood and cataloguing them in his mantelpiece above the fireplace. There are five half-
diary. He died several months ago when he fell from spherical hollows of various sizes carved out of the
a tree trying to take a Giant Owl egg from its nest. The top. Beneath each hollow is a brass nameplate
hut has remained abandoned ever since. engraved with the name of a species of winged
animal. A brown-speckled egg rests in the first
Each egg on display has been painstakingly hollowed hollow above the name Speckled Wood Duck. The
out and coated in a protective lacquer. There are eggs other four hollows - labelled Giant Forest Owl, Death
of every size, pa�ern and colour imaginable – even Hawk, Pterodactyl and Superb Golden Eagle - are
one covered in fine brown hair! They may be of use to empty.
another collector, but finding such a niche market
and transporting the eggs safely while doing so is If the Heroes manage to gather an egg from each type
nigh-impossible. of bird and place them in correct hollows, a hidden
drawer in the base of the stand slides out, revealing
The chest is made of heavy wood and its iron lock is the Egg Amulet.
old and rusted and cannot be picked. Lifting or
dragging the chest requires a successful Strength test; A Hero can Test for LUCK once only to see if they can
failure indicates the Hero has pulled a muscle from find a certain type of egg inside the hut. The eggs can
the effort (-1 STAMINA point). Dropping the chest also be found in the nests of the various bird species,
from a height or smashing it with a blunt weapon is which are all native to Darkwood Forest.
enough to break it open.
For more information on animal eggs, refer to pp.92-
95 of Encyclopedia Arcana Volume I – Treasures.
The Forest of Doom
A further Sneaking test is required to lift the bag from
Egg Amulet the chair without waking the Troll. Retar-ku awakens
Enchanted - Value: 400gp 1D6+2 rounds after the Heroes enter the cave,
The silver amulet is shaped like an egg and hangs regardless of how cautious they are being. He is
from a simple leather cord. enraged to find intruders in his lair and a�acks
A creature that the wearer of the amulet immediately.
raises from an egg will grow up completely
devoted to them. The wearer must be present Ratar-Ku
at the moment the creature hatches from its SKILL 8
egg and they must tend to its every need STAMINA 11
until it is fully grown. The creature will A�acks: 1
not a�ack the wearer under any circumstances Weapon: Large Club x2
and can be commanded by the wearer to do Armour: Light
anything short of an action that would result Special: If Retar-ku wins an A�ack Round he
in their immediate death. If the amulet automatically a�acks the Hero closest
is removed the creature still regards the to his original opponent using the
former wearer as their parent, but can same A�ack Strength total. If that
no longer be commanded freely. a�ack is also successful he then a�acks
the next closest Hero, and so on until
he loses an A�ack Round or runs out
of opponents. A Hero must be
3B Retar-Ku engaged in close combat with Retar-
ku to be a valid target.
The narrow, hardly trodden path leads to a large cave
entrance and does not appear to go any further east. The bag contains the spoils of last night’s raid: 11
Animal bones li�er the ground around the cave mouth. Gold Pieces, a gemstone worth 20gp and a small
brass bell (which belongs to the friar in Scene 29).
The cave is the lair of Retar-ku, a particularly large
and surly CAVE TROLL who is currently sleeping
after a successful night of raiding nearby farmsteads.
His long, rumbling snores can be heard outside the
cave with a successful Awareness test. A Hero who
succeeds at a Sneaking test can enter the Troll’s lair
without disturbing its slumber.
Inside the dark cavern the air is cold and moist. More bones
cover the floor. You see the large bulk of a Cave Troll asleep
in a large stone chair. His skin is brown and wrinkled, and
he is wearing animal hides. A wooden club lies across his
lap and a large leather bag hangs from the back of the chair.
Act Three - The Valley
3C Bear Snare 3D Sword in the Stone
The path runs through a narrow gorge between two hills. The land here is quite rocky. Tall trees grow on either side
As you approach a loose pebble bounces down the slope and of the path. Continuing along the gorge you can just see
lands on the leaf-carpeted path ahead. through the trees the handle of a sword sticking out from a
large rock by the side of the path.
The Heroes may be concerned about a possible
ambush (and you should play up this fear), but the Many years ago a holy crusader of Telak was passing
real danger is in the path ahead. Hidden beneath a through the forest when he was set upon by a mighty
thin covering of leaves and branches is a rocky pit. Demon. After a terrible struggle he banished the evil
creature back to the Demonic Plane, but the injuries
The leading Hero must make an Awareness test with he sustained during the ba�le left him on the verge of
a -3 penalty to see if they spot the trap (no penalty if death. He crawled into the Demon’s lair and
they possess Hunting or Trap Knowledge). Failure discovered a treasure hoard collected from all the
means they step into the trap and plunge 5 metres victims the Demon had killed over the years. Si�ing
onto a sharpened wooden stake at the bo�om of the atop the pile was a magnificent longsword that had
pit (refer to AFF p.49 for falling rules). been forged by Dwarfs centuries earlier as a gift for
an Elven prince. The peace offering never reached its
Any Heroes following immediately behind the leader intended recipient, for the Demon ambushed and
also risk falling into the pit and must succeed at a Test destroyed the Dwarfs on their way to the palace.
for SKILL to avoid doing so. If by some chance all the
Heroes fall into the pit and have no way of escaping Not wishing for the sword to fall into the clutches of
it, a stocky fur trapper arrives an hour later to check Evil again, the blessed knight used the last of his
his trap. He is so annoyed that his trap has been strength to plunge the blade into the very rock, where
ruined that he refuses to throw down a rope until he it has remained ever since.
is paid 5 Gold Pieces per Hero (or items of equivalent
value). A holy charm lies upon the sword, placed there by
the dying knight, so that only a person of the purest
On a return visit the trap has been carefully remade – heart can loosen it from the stone. Evil creatures take
hopefully the Heroes remember where it is! 1D6 points of damage if they touch the sword. A
Hero who examines the area notices mouldering
bones sca�ered amongst the undergrowth – the
remains of Ogres, Dark Elves and other evil creatures
who perished trying to pull the blade free.
The Forest of Doom
Inside the Well:
Sword of Kinship The tunnels in the well complex are only 1 metre in
Enchanted - Value: 450gp diameter and must be negotiated in single file. The
The magnificent longsword was obviously made caves are not much larger and can fit no more than
by a master craftsman; it feels powerful in your two Heroes at a time. Normal-sized creatures are
hands. Etched on one side of the blade are the forced to stoop or crawl and suffer a -3 penalty to
Elvish symbols for peace and power; the message their A�ack Strength and any physical tests while in
is repeated on the other side in Dwarfish runes. the well complex. Regularly-spaced torches fixed to
The wielder of this sword gains a +2 bonus to the walls provide sufficient light to see by.
their Swords Special Skill. In addition, the
wielder gains a +1 bonus to social interaction
tests when dealing with an Elf or a Dwarf.
3E Gremlin Well
To the side of the path you see a stone well with a bucket
and turning handle.
Any Hero wearing heavy armour should also Test for On pulling back the curtain you see a tiny green-skinned
LUCK to see if a rung gives way under their weight. creature with a large head. He has a long nose and pointed
The noise caused by a fall alerts the GREMLINS who ears and wears brown canvas clothing. A large medallion
live in the well (see below). hangs from his neck on a silver chain. The creature is
si�ing at a small table examining a red clay figure of a
human hand. On seeing you enter the cave he takes a stone
hammer and smashes the clay hand.
Act Three - The Valley
The GREMLIN CHIEF fights to the death to defend
his home.
Gremlin Chief
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Hammer (as club)
Armour: None
Equipment: Gold medallion on silver chain
(worth 25gp)
B. Gremlin Surprise
The tunnel ends at a cave entrance. The roof is no higher
than the tunnel and you are unable to stand up. The cave
contains small pieces of furniture and there is a wooden
box, just over a metre in length, at the back of the cave.
The Forest of Doom
The roof of the cave is no higher than the tunnel and you servitude, Thagral finally had enough. When the
are unable to stand up. The cave is very small and filled wizard’s back was turned, Thagral seized his
with tiny bits of furniture and all manner of objects and master’s magic staff and used the dark magic inside it
curios. There are many hand-made clay figures of human to blast the wizard into a cinder. The claw that
hands in different positions covering every available grasped the staff turned a bright red, forever marking
surface area. They are all painted with bright red glaze. Thragral with evidence of his betrayal. For this reason
Thagralites often dye one hand red in his honour.
There is li�le of value in the cave, but a prolonged
search turns up the following curio: Worship of Thagral is most popular among the
smaller Chaotic races, such as Gremlins and Kobolds,
Table 3.2 – Gremlin Cave Treasure who can most closely relate to his story, often
2d6 Item Found enduring lives of servitude themselves. His triumph
2 Scroll of Filash’s Protection (AFF p.143) over his master gives each Thagralite hope that they
3 Carved copper bracelet (worth 1gp) too will one day turn the tables on their oppressors.
4 Finely carved harp (worth 30gp but counts as
2 items) D. Exiting the Well
5 Small shield As the Heroes return to the well mouth they hear
6 Potion of LUCK footsteps from above. Three more Gremlins are
7 Copper vase containing 1d6 Gold Pieces returning to their lair. If the Heroes keep quiet they
8 Hand axe can ambush the creatures as they descend the ladder
9 Pewter goblet (worth 2gp) (remember the -3 penalty for fighting in cramped
10 Vial of Glue conditions). If they make too much noise the
11 1d6 candles Gremlins remain at the top of the well and load their
12 Crystal Orb crossbows. As soon as a target appears they take
turns firing their weapons at them. Each Gremlin has
The clay hands, although perplexing, are of no use or 3 crossbow bolts and once they are all used up they
value. flee into the surrounding hills and lie low until the
coast is clear.
Mystery of the Red Hand:
The red clay hands are religious icons crafted by Gremlin Hunters (3)
Thagralites, worshippers of the li�le-known demigod SKILL 4 4 5
known as Thagral the Red. Thagral is a character STAMINA 4 3 4
from ancient folklore that is usually described as a A�acks: 1
Gremlin, though most Thagralites choose to believe Weapon: Dagger or Crossbow
he belonged to the same race as them. Regardless, he Armour: None
was a small, ugly creature who lived in the service of Special: The crossbow bolts are coated with
an evil wizard. Spider Venom (AFF p53)
The cruel wizard treated Thagral worse than a slave, One Gremlin carries a leather backpack that contains
forcing him to cook his food, launder his clothes, feed a single portion of Elven Bread stolen from an
his monstrous pets and generally answer his every incautious Wood Elf (restores 4 STAMINA points
beck and call. One day, after many years of thankless when eaten).
Act Three - The Valley
3F Pterodactyl Nest 3G Bo�le of Bother
Eventually you reach the crest of the hill, affording you an To the west of the path you see a large pond with a small
expansive view of the surrounding forest. As you pause for wooden hut with a thatched roof by its edge. At the front of
a brief rest you notice a strange formation of stones and the hut is a large blue vase standing on a small porch. There
boulders some distance from the path. They have been piled is nobody about.
up high into a rough pillar shape, some eight metres tall. At
the top of the pillar is what appears to be a large nest made The inside of the hut is devoid of furniture and
of dry grass and branches. The nest does not appear to be contains nothing but a pair of large wicker cages,
presently occupied. both open and empty apart from a few big black
The rock formation can be climbed with a successful
Climb test, but the test must be made with a -1 The vase is 1 metre tall and made of clay coated in
penalty due to the risk of a stone coming loose during blue glaze. It is not too heavy and can be lifted with
the climb. two hands. If the vase is shaken a ra�ling sound can
be heard from within, but if it is turned upside-down
The nest is li�ered with the bloody bones of previous nothing falls out. Looking inside the vase reveals
meals. It also contains a single egg, some twenty nothing but an eerie blackness just below the rim.
centimetres high and fifteen centimetres wide. The
egg is green and covered with purple speckles. The first Hero to reach into the vase is struck by an
intense pain – first it feels as if their hand is being
The PTERODACTYL egg is worth at least 250gp to crushed in a vice, and then as if it is being dipped in
the right buyer, but ge�ing it down in one piece is a molten lava. Two consecutive Tests for SKILL are
challenging exercise. The Climb test to descend the required to keep their hand inside the vase; if both are
pillar must be made with a -4 penalty and the climber successful the Hero’s hand comes into contact with
must also Test for LUCK; if either test is failed the egg an object which they can quickly grasp and pull out
is accidentally dropped and smashes on the hard before the pain becomes unbearable.
ground below.
Table 3.3 – Blue Vase Find
The egg can be carried in a backpack and counts as 1d6 Item Found
three items for encumbrance purposes. Unless 1 Potion of Mind Control (AFF p.145)
suitable precautions are taken to protect the egg, at 2 Pickled Shapechanger Brain (AFF p.143)
the conclusion of the adventure there is a 2-in-6 3 Dragon’s tooth
chance that it has broken somewhere along the way. 4 Pouch containing 5gp
While the Heroes are inspecting the nest there is a 3- 5 Potion of Strength (see Scene 3I)
in-6 chance that the occupants fly back – see Scene 27 6 Pouch containing 40gp
for their statistics. They do not take kindly to
trespassers, especially if they are trying to steal their On removing their hand the Hero finds no mark or
young! sign of injury. Further a�empts to put a hand or
object into the vase are blocked by an invisible
The Forest of Doom
A�empts to smash the vase automatically fail and 3H The Clone Farm
instead cause cracks to appear all over its surface. The
Heroes feel a vibration as the cracks spread onto the As you walk along the path you notice a yellow arrow
porch and across the walls of the hut. The vibration painted on the grass beside the path, pointing west.
grows in intensity until their bodies are trembling
and their heads are filled with intense pressure – any If the Heroes set off in the direction indicated they
Hero standing near the vase loses 2 STAMINA points find five more arrows leading to the trunk of an old
(drinking a Potion of Stillness negates this loss). dead tree some 90 metres from the path. The trunk is
hollow and the hole continues through the base of the
The vibrations feel like shock waves. Your legs feel like lead tree into the ground. It is dark inside the trunk, but if
and you cannot move them. Suddenly the hut collapses and the Heroes use a light source they spot a gold
crashes to the ground. The sky darkens are a wind starts to medallion (worth 50gp) on a silk ribbon hanging
howl all about you. The wind blows harder and becomes as from a wooden peg on the inside of the trunk.
strong as a gale, its force knocking you to the ground. You
cling to the porch and shield your face from the dirt and The hole is 5 metres deep and ends at a low tunnel
debris thrown up by the gale. Above the deafening noise of only 1 metre tall. The Heroes are forced to crawl
the wind you hear laughter followed by a deep voice along it in single file and any physical actions taken
rejoicing, ‘I’m free! I’m free!’ inside the tunnel suffer a -3 penalty.
Act Three - The Valley
The tunnel goes deep underground, heading west some The Green-topped Fungus tastes delicious and
sixty metres before opening out into a vast cavern with restores 4 STAMINA points if eaten by a human or Elf
slimy green walls. Light streams through a hole in the roof, (other races are unaffected). This beneficial effect only
sparkling on the water of a stream that trickles through the works once every 24 hours, so consuming further
cavern. Small, pale-skinned humanoids are sca�ered about fungus straight away confers no additional healing.
and they appear to be tending crops of different-coloured The Red-topped Fungus also tastes good, but is
fungi. They are hairless and their eyes are blank. Stone poisonous to all humanoids (except for Gremlins,
steps rise past a series of alcoves on the far wall to the hole who find it irresistible) and inflicts terrible stomach
in the roof. cramps if eaten (-4 STAMINA points).
The Forest of Doom
The huge dark beast is shaped like a man, but has
wings and carries a flaming sword in one hand and
a whip in the other. Flames and thick black smoke
streams constantly from its skin, wreathing its
form in darkness. A golden crown sits on its head.
Sudden it cracks its whip and raises its sword. If
you want to leave the cavern you must first face the
master of the clones!
Second Alcove – the second alcove contains eight Lesser Fire Demon
CLONE WARRIORS wearing leather armour and SKILL 10
carrying long spears. They are under instructions to STAMINA 15
a�ack any strangers on sight. A�acks: 3
Weapon: Sword +2, Whip +2 and Fire Breath
Clone Warriors (8) Armour: Light
SKILL 5 Special: The whip is a strange, insubstantial
STAMINA 6 weapon that causes intense pain in
A�acks: 1 living creatures. Non-magical armour
Weapon: Spear provides no protection against it (the
Armour: Light Swashbuckler Talent does, however).
The Demon’s fire breath inflicts 2
As each Clone Warrior dies it dissolves into a STAMINA points of damage on a
harmless pool of coloured liquid. successful hit and has a 50% chance of
se�ing the opponent alight.
Third Alcove – the third and final alcove serves as a
lair for the overseer of the farm, a FIRE DEMON. If As the Demon dies it is engulfed by a fireball that
the Heroes have encountered any Clone Warriors turns its body and weapons into smouldering ash.
then the Demon has been telepathically alerted to Anyone standing within close range of the blast loses
their presence; as soon as they approach the entrance 1D6 STAMINA points.
it breathes a jet of flame onto the stairs, causing the
loss of 4 STAMINA points to anyone caught in the
blast. Otherwise the Demon is found si�ing silently
on a great throne, flanked by six more Clone Warriors
(same statistics as above).
Act Three - The Valley
The crown fits perfectly on your head. You hear talking in
your mind and realize that the Clones are trying to
communicate telepathically with you. They tell you that
you are their new master and they ask what should be done
with the new crop of red-topped fungi.
The Forest of Doom
‘I am Arragon and you are all insignificant mortals. You 3J Spider Lair
have the nerve to walk into my household uninvited, no
doubt to rob me of my wealth and treasure. You are wrong, A dense tangle of bushes grows along either side of the path
strangers, for I will relieve you of your wealth. Unless you ahead. The bushes rise high above head height and are
each give me 10 Gold Pieces and two objects to add to my covered in cruelly hooked thorns.
exquisite collection, I will turn you all to stone.’ He grabs
an ornate staff from his desk and points it in your direction. Each patch of thorn bushes is roughly 40 metres long
and 20 metres wide. Cu�ing path through the bushes
This is a bluff; Arragon only pretends to be a wizard imparts a -2 penalty to all actions and the loss of 1D3
of supreme power in order to keep away unwanted STAMINA points for every 5 metres of travel. If the
visitors. The slightest resistance from the Heroes Heroes continue along the path:
causes his façade to crumble and admit the truth,
whereas aggression cause him to cower under his The path bends sharply and as you turn the corner you are
desk in abject terror! He apologises for his behaviour confronted by a chilling sight: both the path and
and offers 5 Gold Pieces to each Hero if they leave surrounding bushes ahead are covered in thick sheets of
him in peace and promise to not reveal his secret. webbing.
If the Heroes fall for his bluff, Arragon takes their The Heroes must struggle through the webs or turn
items and gold, and then orders them out of his house back. Touching the webs causes a MONSTROUS
– penalise each Hero 1 LUCK point for their SPIDER to scu�le out of its lair and a�ack.
gullibility! As soon as the last Hero has left the ‘arch-
mage’ hastily shoves their belonging into a sack and Monstrous Spider
flees the hut via a secret exit. SKILL 7
Potion of Strength A�acks: 1
Potion - Value: 10gp Weapon: Very Large Bite
The glass vial is filled with a colourless liquid. It Armour: Light
appears almost identical to a Potion of Stamina, Special: If an opponent rolls a double for their
except that it has a far more potent smell. A�ack roll they get tangled up in the
The efficacy of a Potion of Strength can vary webs, allowing the Spider an
greatly. Roll on the following table to Unopposed Strike. The tangled
determine its effect: opponent must succeed at a Strength
1d6 Potion Effect test in order to free themselves.
1-3 Restore STAMINA to its Initial level
4-6 Restore 5 STAMINA points Se�ing fire to the webs causes the whole area to burst
into an inferno. The blaze takes 1D3 hours to burn
Most of the items in his “exquisite collection” are itself out. A Search of the surrounding area reveals
merely for show: the staff is a carved walking stick the monster’s nest – a web-covered hollow hidden
and most of the books on the shelves are full of blank beneath a rocky outcrop. Inside is the desiccated
pages. Under his desk is a sack containing items corpse of a long-dead warrior clad in a suit of
taken from his last victim: a steel dagger (worth 5gp), tarnished plate armour. Inside his mouldering
a Potion of STAMINA, a Potion of Strength and 15gp. backpack are two Potions of STAMINA.
Act Three - The Valley
Act Three Floating Encounters 24. Boulder Beast
Table 3.4 – Act Three Floating Encounters You notice many large boulders lying around on either side
2d6 Scene of the path. You are amazed to see one of the larger ones
2 Random Monster – roll on table 3.1 gently rocking from side to side like a leaf in the breeze.
3 23. Hill Man Ambush
4 24. Boulder Beast This is no mere boulder but an evil elemental spirit
5 25. Gnome known as a BOULDER BEAST. If approached the
6 26. Mud Pool boulder suddenly rises up on two stumpy legs. Two
7 Random Monster – roll on table 3.1 stone arms with huge club-shaped fists spring out of
8 Random Monster – roll on table 3.1 its sides as the beast lumbers forward to a�ack.
9 27. Pterodactyls
10 28. Bad Weather Boulder Beast
11 29. Fre�ing Friar SKILL 8
12 Random Monster – roll on table 3.1 STAMINA 16
A�acks: 1
23. Hill Man Ambush Weapon: Large Fists +1
Armour: Heavy
The path runs through a small ravine which passes Special: Roll 1d6 at the start of each A�ack
between a hill and a large rock mass. You have an uneasy Round: on a result of 1 or 2, another
feeling that you are being watched. Then, from behind one Boulder Beast is awoken by the
of the larger boulders to the left of the path, spring two commotion and joins the fray!
sinewy men with long hairs and beards. They are wearing Although immensely strong, Boulder
animal furs and look menacing. Beasts are slow-moving and can be
outrun easily.
The two WILD HILL MEN fire their bows as soon as
the first Hero approaches within shooting range (60 25. Gnome
metres). If either arrow hits its target the two men
leap up and down in fits of glee, waving their arms in To the side of the path you see a small man with a long grey
the air and laughing uncontrollably. If both miss they beard si�ing cross-legged on top of a huge mushroom. He
still jump up and down, but this time in anger, and in is wearing a bright red jacket and cap, and his trousers are
their fury they start to argue and shove each other. In black and end at his knees. He is asleep and snoring loudly.
either case the Heroes are free to act as they please
while the Wild Hill Men are preoccupied. The ‘man’ is in fact a GNOME, a diminutive race
thought to be related to dwarfs. If disturbed he wakes
Wild Hill Men (2) up with a start, loses his balance and falls off the
SKILL 7 6 mushroom. He curses as he hits the ground,
STAMINA 5 4 shouting, ‘Who did that? Who did that?’
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Hand Axe or Shortbow
Armour: None
Special: Small Silver key (for scene 4A)
The Forest of Doom
26. Mud Pool
Act Three - The Valley
28. Bad Weather If questioned, Friar Adam explains that several
farmsteads near his chapel were also raided, and that
A tiny grey cloud appears in the sky. It is very low and one victim saw a huge Troll heading in the direction
appears to be moving towards you. As it approaches you see of Darkwood Forest. He theorises that the culprit
that it is moving very quickly. Finally it hovers above you must live somewhere in the forest, but he has no idea
some five metres off the ground. where. If the Heroes offer to find the bell, the friar
thanks them and waits by the path for their return.
The rogue cloud is a nasty by-product left over from
the casting of particularly powerful elemental spell. It The bell was stolen by the Cave Troll Retar-ku and it
shoots a bolt of lightning at each Hero, which inflicts can be found inside his lair (Scene 3B). If the bell is
damage as per a ZAP spell. A Hero who shelters returned to him the friar literally jumps for joy and
beneath a tree gets a painful surprise as the bolt praises Sindla for her mercy and fortune. He hands
travels along the tree and into their body. The cloud over a Potion of LUCK as promised and also offers to
then shoots off into the distance at high speed. bless the Hero’s weapons; this makes them holy for
the next three combats (i.e. they can harm undead
and demonic creatures as if they were magical
29. Fre�ing Friar weapons).
In the distance you see the portly shape of a balding man If the Heroes choose not to help him, the
dressed in long brown robes heading in your direction. As disappointed friar asks if anyone would like to
he gets closer you see that he is a friar. donate 1 Gold Piece to his chapel. Any Hero that
makes a donation is blessed by the friar and can
The man is known as Adam of the Vale. Venturing so restore 2 LUCK points.
deep into Darkwood Forest has made him very ji�ery
and he keeps glancing over his shoulder and jumping
at every sound and shadow. If spoken to he explains
that a sacred brass bell was stolen from his small
chapel last night. Although the bell is worthless, it has
been passed down through many generations of
friars and is of great sentimental value to Adam. He
offers a magical potion as payment for its return.
Friar Adam
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Unarmed
Armour: None
Special: As a priest of Sindla, Friar Adam can
use the following Priestly Powers once
per day: Bless, Ill-Luck, Heal.
Equipment: Potion of LUCK
The Forest of Doom
Act Four - North Darkwood
OOTP – Out of the Pit BTP – Beyond the Pit RTTP – Return to the Pit
The Forest of Doom
Act Four - North Darkwood
Act Four Fixed Encounters was slain. Despite his awful deeds, tradition of the
time demanded that a noble be entombed instead of
buried, so this plain structure was erected in a
4A The Flax Crypt seldom-visited corner of the forest and his body was
sealed inside. Over time the name of Cornelius Flax
Amidst the trees to the side of the path you see a small stone was lost to history, but his final resting place still
building covered with ivy and moss. The building stands.
measures only three metres by three metres and has no
windows. The door is made of stone and looks very solid. The crypt door can be unlocked with the silver key
There is no handle and there does not appear that there is carried by one of the Wild Hill Men in Scene 23. The
another way to enter the building. Then you notice a tiny lock can also be picked or unlocked with a spell of
keyhole in the stone door. opening. The application of brute force (a Strength
test made with a -2 penalty) can also be used to barge
The building is a crypt that was built many years ago the door open. On the other side of the door stone
to house the remains of Duke Cornelius Flax. A steps lead down into darkness, at the bo�om of which
nobleman of high standing, Flax was secretly the high lies a small chamber.
priest of a cult devoted to worshipping the evil god
Death. When the foul cult was uncovered Flax’s You are standing in a small, square room with a low
mansion was stormed by vengeful townsfolk and he ceiling. The floor is thick with dust and there are cobwebs
everywhere. In the middle of the room there is what appears
to be a large stone box, measuring approximately two
metres by one metre. The top of the box is a great stone slab
into which the face of an old man has been carved. In the far
corner of the room you notice a small skeleton with sharp,
protruding teeth.
The Forest of Doom
The stone box serves as Flax’s sarcophagus. The lid is Inside the sarcophagus are 25 Gold Pieces, four
extremely heavy and requires at least two Heroes precious gemstones (worth 30gp each), an enchanted
working together to shift it. Both Heroes must scale mail hauberk (+1 to armour rolls), a blessed
succeed at a Strength test made with a -4 penalty; mace (can harm demons, undead, etc; damage as per
each additional Hero that contributes their strength mace) and, most importantly, a bronze hammer head
to the effort reduces the penalty by 2. If the Heroes that the Ghoul was using as a head rest. The head is
fail to move the slab its occupant then slides it open inscribed with the le�er G, marking it as half of
effortlessly from the inside. Gillibran’s missing war-hammer! Award each Hero 1
LUCK point for their success.
You peer into the box and are horrified to see a ro�ing
corpse lying there. Ragged clothes cover a skeletal body
with loose flesh hanging from it. You are looking into a
coffin containing some cursed undead creature and jump
back in horror as you see its eyes flick open.
Act Four - North Darkwood
The stone door swings open silently to reveal stone steps
descending into the darkness. The steps lead down to a pool Stone Mask
of dark, stagnant water that fills an underground chamber. Enchanted - Value: 250gp
An ornate stone coffin sits on a plinth above the water in A death mask hand-carved from stone.
the centre of the chamber. The wearer gains a +1 bonus on an Armour
Rolls of 5+.
The water is only shin-deep and can be crossed Iron Skin - once every 24 hours the wearer
without issue. The stone coffin is sealed with the can spend 6 Magic Points to magically harden
same protective magic that was cast upon the crypt their skin so that it is tough as iron, effectively
door. Opening the coffin reveals a tall, slender covering them in plate armour. This power
skeleton clad in the mouldy remnants of a once-fine lasts for 1 hour or 3 combats, whichever
burial garment. Fortunately for the Heroes the witch- comes first.
king’s spirit no longer haunts the tomb and they can Note: The wearer of the mask must have a
help themselves to his treasures: MAGIC score of 3 or higher in order to
benefit from Iron Skin.
Elemental Staff
Enchanted - Value: 600gp
This ancient staff pulses with the 4C Ruins of Caëranos
fury of the elements.
Note: The bearer of the staff must have a A shroud of silence seems to fall over the forest as the path
MAGIC score of 8 or higher in order to widens into a large clearing. The ground is li�ered with the
benefit from its magical abilities. blackened remains of trees and once-ornate wooden
The bearer gains a +3 bonus to the casting structures. Here and there you can see charred bones
of any Wizardry spell that relates to the poking out of piles of smoking ashes. The fire that tore
elements of air, fire, earth or water (Fire Bolt, through here must have been incredibly intense, but
Weather Control, etc.). somehow it did not spread into the surrounding forest.
Elemental Fury - once every 24 hours the
bearer can double any one effect of an
elemental spell (e.g. double the spell duration,
double the damage inflicted, etc.).
The Director has final say on what
spells the staff can affect.
The Forest of Doom
The tormented spirits of Elves who were killed in the 4D Wyvern Nest
fire still haunt the ruins. A Hero with the Second
Sight Special Skill can sense their presence, but not The path opens out into a small clearing. To the north you
strongly enough to identify who or what they are. see a pile of branches, grass and pieces of rag - the lair of
There is nothing of value to be found in the ruins, and some large creature. Amongst the debris and old bones
the longer the Heroes spend poking around the sca�ered about you catch a glimpse of something gli�ering.
angrier the spirits become. They exert their
supernatural abilities to bring misfortune on the The nest belongs to a WYVERN and is some 4½
Heroes – tripping them up, breaking or stealing their metres in diameter. An inspection of the bones
belongings, whispering threats in their ears, and so reveals that most are animal but some are humanoid.
on. A Hero that bears an oak-leaf amulet is left alone. If the Heroes stop to explore the clearing they have
1D6 round before the Wyvern returns…
If the Heroes happen to visit the ruins of Caëranos at
night, the spirits take on visible forms – that of
spectral Elves with agonised expressions on their
faces – and a�ack until the Heroes are killed or
chased out of the ruins.
Elf Spectre
A�acks: 1
Weapon: Small Claws
Armour: None
Special: An Elf Spectre can only be harmed by
magic (including magical weapons
and items) or holy powers.
Each time an Elf Spectre wounds an
opponent there is a 2-in-6 chance that
it inflicts the loss of 1 SKILL point in
addition to normal STAMINA
Act Four - North Darkwood
The Wyvern shoots a jet of fire at the Heroes,
inflicting 4 STAMINA points of damage on each Ring of Slowness
exposed target (non-magical armour provides no Enchanted - Value: 15gp
protection), before landing in the nest. It does not Slipping the gold ring on to your finger you are
pursue the Heroes beyond the border of the clearing. suddenly gripped by an agonizing pain.
Eventually the pain subsides but you are unable
Wyvern to take off the ring.
SKILL 10 The cursed ring imparts a -2 penalty to all
STAMINA 18 Movement Special Skills of its wearer.
A�acks: 2 In addition the wearer suffers a -2 penalty
Weapon: Large Claws +1 to their A�ack Strength and may never a�ack
Armour: Light first in combat. The ring can only be removed
Special: The Wyvern is immune to fire. with magic or a suitable Priestly Power.
Every third A�ack Round the Wyvern
shoots a burst of fire from its mouth
instead of using its bite. The fire
inflicts 4 STAMINA points of damage
and non-magical armour provides no 4E Stonebridge
protection against it.
The path leads through a field to a stone bridge over a slow-
Sca�ered about the clearing are 60 Gold Pieces, a moving river. Beyond the bridge are the small co�ages and
throwing dagger, a Gauntlet of Weapon Skill and a wooden huts of a village, and behind them a stone wall
Ring of Slowness. encircles some larger buildings. A sign on the bridge reads
‘Stonebridge’. You cross the bridge and see two old
DWARFS with long white beards standing by a co�age
Gauntlet of Weapon Skill looking at you. They eye you suspiciously, commenting on
Enchanted - Value: 75gp your wounds and torn clothing. ‘You got those in
The plate iron gauntlet is plain in appearance, Darkwood Forest, I presume,’ says one of the Dwarfs,
but one who wears it feels unusually skillful pointing with his long clay pipe. ‘Some people never learn.
with a weapon in its grip. Adventurers are all the same. I can't see the sense in it
The gauntlet grants a +1 bonus to the myself.’
relevant Combat Special Skill of the weapon
wielded in that hand. The bonus does not The old Dwarfs can lead the Heroes to the gates of
apply to missile weapons. Stoneharrow Keep or direct them to any vendor or
personality they may be seeking in the outer village.
Refer to the Additional Resources chapter for more
details about this famous Dwarf se�lement.
The Forest of Doom
general goods are still available for purchase in the Catwomen (3)
surrounding village. If lodging is required one of the SKILL 8 8 7
old Dwarfs offers to let them sleep in his stable for STAMINA 5 6 6
1gp each. A�acks: 1
Weapon: Small Claws
No hammer? No problem! If the players feel that Armour: None
they have thoroughly explored Darkwood Forest and Special: The Catwomen gain a +2 bonus to
still haven’t found both pieces of the hammer, the their A�ack Strength for the first
prospect of re-entering the forest may be less than round of combat
appealing. In this circumstance there is still a way for
the Heroes to save the day – see Act Five – the Ba�le The ears of the first Catwoman are pierced by two
of Stonebridge. gold studs worth 5gp each.
Table 4.1 – Act Four Floating Encounters Walking along the path you see a group of DWARFS with
1d6 Scene long beards. They are wearing iron helmets and chainmail
1 Random Monster – roll on table 4.1 coats, and carry sharp-looking axes. They do not look very
2 30. Cat People pleased to see you.
3 31. The Trouble With Trumble
4 32. Forest Giant The DWARFS do not hail from Stonebridge, but
5 33. Death Hawks instead come from Mirewater, a town to the west of
6 34. Greencloak Bandits Darkwood Forest. Mirewater Dwarfs consider their
Stonebridge cousins to be enemies and a�ack them
on sight.
30. Cat People
The leader of the Dwarfs is a miserable character
You hear growling above and look up to see three creatures named Trumble, and he gruffly asks if the Heroes
lying on branches over the path. They appear to be half-cat have seen an injured Golden Eagle in their travels. If
and half-girl, with short black shiny fur like a panther and questioned, Trumble explains that his pet eagle,
paws at the ends of their arms and legs. Their faces have Brithdar, disappeared while flying over the forest.
human features with slanted eyes and long teeth. They look What he won’t reveal is that it was Brithdar who stole
like they are about to pounce. the war-hammer from Stonebridge, and that she was
winging her way back to Mirewater with the hammer
The trio of CATWOMEN watch the Heroes closely when she was a�acked by Death Hawks. Observant
and leap from their perches and a�ack if they sense Heroes may work this out for themselves if they paid
an easy kill. If two Catwomen are slain the third a�ention at Yaztromo’s Tower.
a�empts to clamber up a tree and escape.
Act Four - North Darkwood
If Stonebridge or its folk are mentioned Trumble The thumping and crashing gets louder and suddenly a
angrily spits on the ground, declaring that as a huge man appears in front of you, some five metres tall. He
Mirewater Dwarf he hates anyone who comes from is wearing brown canvas clothing and fur boots. He
Stonebridge. If there are Dwarf Heroes in the group appears to be in a hurry and is crashing through the
Trumble marches up to them and demands to know undergrowth as though it isn’t there. On seeing you his
where their allegiance lies: with Mirewater or eyes widen and he raises his great wooden club.
Stonebridge? If Trumble discovers or suspects a
Dwarf Hero has ties to Stonebridge, he uses poorly- The FOREST GIANT is on his way to the Wyvern
veiled insults to try and goad them into drawing their Nest (scene 4D) to see if there is an egg he can steal for
weapon. his daily meal. Although impatient to eat, he doesn’t
pass up an opportunity to rob someone and demands
If the war-hammer is brought up, Trumble pretends the Heroes each hand over 10 Gold Pieces or items of
not to have heard of it, but slyly enquires as to equivalent value. If the Giant is refused he lumbers in
whether the Heroes have had any success in to a�ack, but tries to flee if reduced to half STAMINA
recovering it. If he discovers that they possess one or or less.
both parts of the hammer he and his soldiers fight to
the death to a�ain them. Forest Giant
Mirewater Dwarfs (5+Trumble) STAMINA 15
Dwarfs Trumble A�acks: 2
SKILL 7 6 7 6 5 8 Weapon: Large Club x2
STAMINA 7 6 6 5 7 10 Armour: None
A�acks: 1 Equipment: Brass lantern
Weapon: Hand Axe Ba�le Axe
Armour: Chainmail Hauberk The huge club is made from the branch of a tree and
Equipment: 15m of Rope, a Potion of SKILL and 4 is of no use to normal-sized Heroes.
Brass Lantern: Stuffed inside the Giant’s smelly
clothing is a brass lantern with a green wick. It does
32. Forest Giant not appear to contain any oil.
Ahead you hear the thumping of heavy footsteps and the If someone tries to light the wick, instead of it igniting
noise of branches breaking. It sounds as though some huge a bright flash comes from the lantern, blinding
creature is coming down the path towards you! anyone who was looking directly at it for 2D6
minutes. The lantern turns a dull black colour and
If the Heroes leave the path and hide in the becomes worthless.
undergrowth they soon see a pair of massive legs
stomp past them. If they stand their ground they soon If the lantern is rubbed instead, green smoke pours
get to meet who those legs belong to. out of the wick.
The Forest of Doom
The smoke slowly forms the outline of a fat old man with a The Heroes are allowed to plead their case to Gilfane.
bald head si�ing on a cushion. His mouth slowly opens and Mentioning Yaztromo and their quest gives the Elf
in a deep voice he says, ‘Well, what do you want?’ pause, but his response depends greatly on how they
have behaved in the forest thus far.
The GENIE cannot grant wishes for wealth or
material gain, nor can it offer any wisdom regarding If they have treated the natural denizens of the forest
their quest. It can only offer personal well-being in with respect and deference, Gilfane allows them to
the form of restoring the SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK continue along the path, with a warning to keep away
score of the Hero who rubbed the lamp to its Initial from the ruins of Caëranos (Scene 4C). If they have
value. Once the choice is made the Genie disappears behaved extremely kindly to the forest creatures (e.g.
and the lantern turns black as described above. slaying Dark Elves, removing the dart from the bear
in Scene 7, etc.), Gilfane gifts one of the Heroes with
an Oak-leaf Amulet (Titan Herbal p.10) that identifies
them as an ally of the Wood Elves.
33. Elf Warning
However, if the Heroes have brought harm to the
The trees are unusually large and densely packed together creatures of the forest (such as fighting other Wood
in this part of the forest. Their heavy branches loom over Elves or Tree Men), Gilfane gives them one last
your heads and their tangled roots threaten to trip you up opportunity to leave before giving the signal for his
at every step. A voice suddenly calls out from somewhere hidden compatriots to release their arrows.
in the trees ahead, ‘Take one more step and it will be your
last. You have no purpose being in this part of Darkwood.
Turn back now or face the consequences.’ 33. Death Hawks
A small band of WOOD ELVES are hiding in the trees You are suddenly aware of a harsh squawking noise coming
a short distance down the path. If the Heroes ignore from the trees around you. You hear the flapping of wings
their warning and continue forwards they are and look up to see a flock of large black-feathered birds
peppered with a hail of arrows that almost certainly swooping down on you. Their beaks and talons look razor-
prove fatal. If they turn back the way they came they sharp.
are allowed to leave unharmed.
The DEATH HAWKS are defending their nesting
Should the Heroes stand their ground, one of the ground and do not pursue the Heroes beyond the
Elves, Gilfane, steps onto the path and approaches immediate area.
Death Hawks (6)
The Elf is tall and slim, like most of his kind, with silvered SKILL 4 4 5 4 4 5
hair and pointed ears. He wears a green cloak and carries a STAMINA 4 3 4 5 4 3
huge bow slung over one shoulder. A silver longsword A�acks: 1
hangs from his side. ‘You must be exceptional allies of the Weapon: Small Claws
Elf folk to ignore one of their warnings,’ he says. ‘Or Armour: None
perhaps you all have a death wish? Well, which is it?’ Equipment: Each death hawk gains a +1 bonus to
A�ack Strength for the first round.
Act Four - North Darkwood
One of the Hawks has a silver band (worth 10gp) The Greencloaks carry li�le of worth on them, but a
around one of its legs. An inscription on the band successful Hunting or Forest Lore test enables a Hero
reads ‘Death awaits you’. to follow their tracks to a hideout in the trees. Here
they find Tom, the woman’s seven year old son (who
The surrounding trees support several large nests they may have previously met in Scene 9). The boy
that can be reached with a successful Climb test. tries to escape into the undergrowth, jabbing a knife
Some nests contain eggs which can be sold to an at anyone who gets in his way. He carries a small box
animal trainer if kept intact. holding the bandit’s spoils: a gold necklace (worth
30gp), a Dragon’s tooth and 12 Gold Pieces.
The Forest of Doom
The Trolls seek to kill all the Heroes, but if their Gillibran opens a drawer in the base of the throne and
opponents choose to flee they are not able to keep up pulls out a small silver box and a golden Winged
with the more nimble Heroes for long. Helmet (AFF, p.148) and hands them to the Heroes.
The box is filled with dozens of jewels and gems,
Logless. If all four Trolls are killed, Nurm’s invasion some 500gp worth! In addition, the Dwarf king grants
force has to a�ack Stonebridge without the aid of a them the freedom of the town, which entitles them to
ba�ering ram. If you play Act Five – The Ba�le of a 15% discount off the price of any goods or services
Stonebridge, the Ogre Demolishers unit is no longer purchased there.
armed with a ba�ering ram.
Gillibran invites the Heroes to dine with him at a
lavish feast that evening, where they can finally relax
EPILOGUE and enjoy the completion of another quest!
Once the Heroes have recovered both pieces of the Your adventure ends here.
war-hammer they should head straight to the village
of Stonebridge (Scene 4E). If presented with evidence
of their success, the town guards quickly open the
gate and usher them straight to their king.
You walk through the village behind the guards and are
aware of many Dwarfish folk watching you. They begin to
follow you and a procession builds up behind. There are lots
of mu�erings and whispers amongst the crowd of Dwarfs
and expectant looks show on their faces. Soon you arrive at
the foot of stone steps leading up to a large stone building.
Outside the building on an ornate wooden throne sits an
old DWARF with a long beard. He is wearing a crown but
looks miserable and holds his head in his hands.
Act Four - North Darkwood
The Forest of Doom
Act FiveAct
- The
- North
of Stonebridge
The Forest of Doom
Fighting the Ba�le of Stonebridge considered to be forming a deeper line of de fence
The Ba�le of Stonebridge takes place over a series of should the defenders be overrun and do not take
ba�les that represent the two forces struggling for part in this ba�le.
territory and dominance. The results of one ba�le will
have a direct effect on the next ba�le to be fought. If � Each Hero should also be assigned to a
the Dwarf defenders fight bravely they can repel the ba�leground. Any number of Heroes can be
invaders and put an end to the Troll menace once and assigned to a single ba�leground. A Hero can
for all. If the Hill Trolls gain the upper hand they will a�ach themselves to a unit or they can fight on
storm their way into the heart of Stonebridge, where their own (this does not count towards a
one final, climactic ba�le will decide the fate of the ba�leground’s unit restriction).
� A Hero automatically becomes the leader of the
Stonebridge has been divided into 11 ba�legrounds forces at a ba�leground; if there is more than one
that represent locations in and around the village. Hero present the players must decide who
The ba�legrounds are divided into three levels: six assumes leadership.
outer ba�legrounds, four inner ba�legrounds and
one final stand ba�leground. Outer ba�legrounds are � Once the units of the defending army have been
fought at Skirmish size, whereas inner ba�legrounds assigned, the Director rolls 1D6 on the relevant
and the final stand ba�leground are fought at table to determine which ba�leground the
Engagement size. invaders choose to assault:
Act Five - The Ba�le of Stonebridge
Table 5.3 – Outer Ba�leground A�acking Units � A map has been provided for each ba�leground,
(roll 3 times) but this can be adjusted to be�er suit the scenery
2d6 Ba�leground you have on hand. Some ba�legrounds have
2 Hill Troll Smashers special rules assigned to them, but again, these can
3 Trumble’s Traitors* be changed or ignored to suit your needs.
4 Hill Troll Scouts
5 Orc Bandits Post-Ba�le
6 Goblin Warriors Once the ba�le has been fought and a victor has been
7 Goblin Archers decided it is time to do a li�le housekeeping:
8 Goblin Wolfriders
9 Hill Troll Scouts � Any units reduced to less than half their BATTLE
10 Orc Bandits STAMINA (rounding down) are considered to be
11 Hill Troll Warriors wiped out or so depleted that they can no longer
12 Doragar Mercenaries form a unit of sufficient size or strength. These
destroyed units cannot be chosen to take part in
Table 5.4 – Inner Ba�leground A�acking Units any future ba�les.
(roll 6 times)
2d6 Ba�leground � All other units are considered to remain intact
2 Manticore* enough to fight again and may be chosen for
3 Ogre Demolishers future ba�les.
4 Trumble’s Traitors*
5 Hill Troll Warriors � If the Defenders of Stonebridge are the victors,
6 Hill Troll Warriors they succeed in repelling King Nurm’s assault.
7 Orc Bandits The troll warlord chooses another location to
8 Goblin Archers a�ack and tries again – fight another ba�le at a
9 Hill Troll Smashers randomly chosen ba�leground on the same level.
10 Hill Giant
11 Muckbreath, Troll Shaman* � If Nurm’s Invaders are the victors the hill trolls
12 King Nurm & Bodyguard* succeed in smashing through the defenders and
advance deeper into Stonebridge. If the last ba�le
was played at an outer ba�leground, the next
� A unit can be selected more than once, except for ba�le takes place at an inner ba�leground. If the
those with an asterisk (*) next to its name, which trolls were victors at an inner ba�leground, the
can only be chosen once per ba�le (re-roll if you final ba�le takes place at Stoneharrow Keep.
get the same result again). If that unit is destroyed
it cannot be chosen for future ba�les.
The Forest of Doom
Outer Ba�leground 1 – Anvil Road
Special Rules:
- Hills are Difficult Terrain
and Higher Ground
Act Five - The Ba�le of Stonebridge
Outer Ba�leground 3 – Eastern Fields
The simple stone bridge that gives the dwarf village its
name spans the mighty Red River. A path leads from the
southern bank of the river to the
foreboding fringes of Darkwood
Act Five - The Ba�le of Stonebridge
Inner Ba�leground 1 – The
Smithies Forge
The Forest of Doom
Inner Ba�leground 3 – Borri’s Stables Inner Ba�leground 4 – Silverheart
The village stables are run by Borri, a cheerful and
talkative Dwarf who spends more time working on his The Silverheart Ironworks was once run by Morri
strange mechanical contraptions than on his mounts. Silverheart, a venerable and respected Dwarf who was
recently killed in a skirmish with Hill Trolls. His widow
Maximum Units per Side: 6 Mariola, an equally capable ironsmith, has assumed
Special Rules: None leadership of the forge and has kept the fires burning day
and night as the smithy churns out weapons and armour
Post-Ba�le: if the Defenders of Stonebridge win, they for the impending war.
can add Borri’s Balloon to their army.
If Nurm’s Invaders win, they can choose one of their Maximum Units per Side: 6
units to be mounted on horses for the rest of the Special Rules:
conflict (unit now counts as cavalry). - The ironworks has a BATTLE STAMINA of 5
and is constructed of Brick.
- Only 1 unit can be inside the ironworks at a time.
- Units inside the ironworks count as being in a
Fortified Position to any units outside the
Act Five - The Ba�le of Stonebridge
The Final Stand Ba�leground – Maximum Units per Side: 10
Stoneharrow Keep Special Rules:
- The keep has a BATTLE STAMINA of 10 and is
At the heart of Stonebridge stands Stoneharrow Keep, constructed of Masonry.
home to King Gillibran and the seat of his power. During - Only 4 units can be inside the keep at a time.
the day he sits in his ornate throne overlooking the village - Units inside the keep count as being in a Highly
square, his magical war-hammer by his side. This is the Fortified Position to any units outside the
village’s last line of defence – if the keep falls, so too does building.
Stonebridge. - The two upper levels surrounding the keep
count as Higher Ground.
The Forest of Doom
Ending the War The Defenders of Stonebridge
Nurm’s Invaders are considered to have won if one or The Defenders of Stonebridge are made up of the
more of the following conditions are met: Dwarfs and humans that call the village home. They
are led by their king, Gillibran Ironhelm.
- All Heroes are killed.
- Nurm’s Invaders win the final ba�le at There are multiple units available of some unit types;
Stoneharrow Keep. in this case the number of units is listed next to its
- King Gillibran’s Royal Guard is destroyed. name. You should keep careful track of how many
units are left of each type.
The Hill Trolls have succeeded in sacking the village. The
Doom of Stonebridge has been fulfilled. The few survivors Remember that units marked with an asterisk (*) are
flee the destruction of their home and must begin anew unique units that can only be selected once per ba�le.
elsewhere. King Nurm, emboldened by his victory, marches
his army west towards Kaad. You may get another chance
to defeat the Trolls, but Stonebridge is lost.
Act Five - The Ba�le of Stonebridge
The Forest of Doom
Nurm’s Invaders
Act Five - The Ba�le of Stonebridge
The Forest of Doom
Optional Rules Vermithrax
If a Hero earned the Crow-friend or The Generous
Retreat title (see table E.1), Vermithrax the crow watches the
A leader can voluntarily withdraw his forces from a ba�le from high above the village. He relays
ba�le. As well as losing the ba�le, the leader must information on the movements of the hill troll army
randomly choose one unit from their force to be to the Heroes, allowing them to be�er prepare for
destroyed in the retreat. each assault.
Act Five - The Ba�le of Stonebridge
The Forest of Doom
Spells: Burn, Cool, Extinguish, Mend, RUILL COLDSTREAM
Noise, Pied Piper, Ripen, Slip, Weather Protection
Equipment: Sword, Backpack, Lantern and Human Trapper, 21 years old, Male
Oil, Potion of LUCK, Waterskin (full) SKILL: 7
Money: 2d6 gp STAMINA: 14
Provisions: 2 LUCK: 11
Born under the light of a full moon in Darkwood Magic Points: 0
Forest, Ophelia Lapwing appears to have inherited Social Class: 1
some of the mysterious power of the celestial body. Talents: Light Sleeper
Her milky white skin and pale eyes make her seem Special Skills: Animal Lore (1), Armour (1),
more spirit than Elf; some locals whisper that she is Bows (1), Climb (2), Fishing (1), Hunting (2),
really the child of Fairies, while others claim that Language – Common Speech (4), Mountain Lore (2),
Lunara himself blessed her at birth. Polearms (2), Religion Lore (1), Trap Knowledge (2),
World Lore (1)
Behind the ethereal beauty is a nimble and skilled Equipment: Spear, Backpack, Lantern and
swordswoman. Many a larger foe has fallen to her Oil, Leather Cuirass, Potion of STAMINA, Waterskin
dancing blade, while unable to land a blow (full)
themselves. On the rare occasions her skill with a Money: 2d6 gp
blade cannot solve a problem, she can rely on a handy Provisions: 2
repertoire of cantrips to get the job done.
The Forest of Doom
Unwilling to undertake the long and dangerous
journey back to his village alone, Ruill instead
decided to head south onto the plains in search of
adventure. Ruill is resourceful and hardy, as one
must be to survive in the harsh Icefingers, and an
expert tracker, able to follow a Snow Fox through a
blizzard in the middle of winter! After every kill he
offers a prayer of thanks to the relevant Animal God.
One frosty morning in Analand squalling cries were Like the goddess she serves, Emelni is wholly
heard echoing across the waters of Lake Libra. concerned with correcting injustices wherever she
Rushing out of their monastery, priests of Hamaskis sees them. She has quickly discovered that doing the
discovered a baby Half-Elf lying amongst the reeds right thing is not necessarily the most popular option.
on the shoreline. There were no clues as to her origin, She always speaks the truth, a compulsion that has
except for a mysterious golden birthmark landed her and her adventuring companions in hot
emblazoned on her skull. Sensing something water on more than one occasion.
otherworldly about the child, the priests took her in
and raised her as their own, naming her Emelni after Emelni keeps her head shaved in case someone
the near-forgo�en deity of honesty. recognises her birthmark and can reveal something of
her mysterious heritage.
Emelni was a rambunctious child and soon become
several handfuls more than the bookish priests could
handle. They took her to the Temple of Libra, the
goddess of justice and patron deity of Analand, to be
trained as a Shield Maiden. It was here that she
excelled, picking up fighting skills and holy abilities
at a rate previously unheard of.
The Forest of Doom
Yaztromo’s Magic Items Armband of Strength (Magical Sundry)
This crudely-fashioned band of bronze grants its
In Scene 1A the Heroes have an opportunity to wearer a +1 bonus their SKILL, a +1 bonus to the
purchase magic items from Yaztromo the wizard. Full damage rolls of all melee weapons, and a +2 bonus to
rules and details for each item are listed below. Most their Strength Special Skill. The effect lasts for 30
items are single-use only and are offered at a heavy minutes or until the armband is removed, at which
discount; he keeps his prices low to aid the many point it loses its enchantment.
adventurers that come seeking his aid, and the items
will almost certainly cost more if purchased Boots of Leaping (Magical Sundry)
elsewhere. Yaztromo is an avid craftsman, but he is These brown leather boots make their wearer feel
mostly self-taught and therefore the items he makes extremely light on their feet. For one single leap, the
are rough and unrefined. The magic he cases into wearer can gain a +2 bonus to their Jump Special Skill
them, however, is flawless and always works as and can jump double the normal distance. Once used,
intended. the boots lose their enchantment and become normal
In addition to containing the magic items listed here,
Encyclopedia Arcana Volume I – Treasures is an Fire Capsule (Magical Sundry)
invaluable resource for items both magical and Each capsule is a shiny cherry-coloured oval around
mundane. 2 inches in length. Breaking a capsule causes it to
explode in a jet of flame that causes 1D3 STAMINA
Item Cost (Gold Pieces) damage to anyone in the immediate area, as well as
Armband of Strength 20gp igniting any flammable material. Unlike normal fire
Boots of Leaping 7gp capsules, these ones can be broken by throwing one
Fire Capsule (pouch of 5) 3gp with sufficient force.
Garlic Buds (3) 2gp
Glove of Missile Dexterity 7gp Garlic Buds (Herb)
Headband of Concentration 8gp These whitish cloves are commonly used in cooking,
Holy Water 8gp however their presence is enough to keep lesser
Net of Entanglement 8gp Vampires and other related creatures at bay for a
Nose Filters 8gp short time. They are enough to drive Vampire Bats
Potion of Anti-Poison 7gp away from a would-be victim, but against a true
Potion of Healing 8gp Vampire they will buy only a moment or two.
Potion of Insect Control 7gp
Potion of Plant Control 7gp Glove of Missile Dexterity (Magical Sundry)
Potion of Stillness 3gp This glove is made of purple silk and fits snugly on its
Ring of Light 10gp wearer’s hand. Any object thrown with the gloved
Rod of Water-finding 7gp hand flies unerringly towards its intended target and
Rope of Climbing 3gp strikes it with perfect accuracy (as per a Special Skill
roll of double-1). The item has one use, after which it
becomes a mundane glove.
Headband of Concentration (Trinket) Potion of Healing (Potion)
This headband is a simple metal chain connected to a This small vial of colourless liquid restores lost
small metal plate engraved with Yaztromo’s sigil. STAMINA points when drunk. To determine the
When worn, the headband protects its wearer against efficacy of a particular Potion of Healing, roll 1D6 and
mind-altering effects such as illusions or mind consult the following table:
control spells. The wearer cannot be forced to do
anything against their will, nor can their feelings or 1d6 Potion Potency
emotions be altered. The headband does not prevent 1 Restores 1-2 STAMINA points
any a�empt to read its wearer’s mind, however. The 2 Restores 1-3 STAMINA points
headband loses its power 1D3 hours after it is first 3-4 Restores 1-6 STAMINA points
worn. 5 Restores 2-7 STAMINA points
6 Restores 2-12 STAMINA points
Holy Water (Magical Sundry)
This small vial of plain water has been blessed by a Potion of Insect Control (Potion)
local friar, who imbued it with the powerful essence This extremely bi�er concoction allows its drinker to
of his faith. If thrown at a demonic or undead control and command all insects in the immediate
creature, the water burns them like acid, inflicting area, for up to 10 minutes. The power extends to giant
1D6 points of STAMINA damage. insects as well as normal-sized ones. An insect can no
longer be controlled if it leaves the immediate area.
Net of Entanglement (Trinket)
This strong yet fine-meshed net can be used to Potion of Plant Control (Potion)
entangle a target with a successful Thrown test. The This potion has the same effect as a Potion of Insect
net magically wraps itself around the target and Control, except that is affects only plants, and
immobilises them as per the effects of a Web spell particularly plant monsters and carnivorous plants.
(AFF p.80). The net has 1D3 uses before it loses its
power and becomes a normal net. Potion of Stillness (Potion)
Anyone who drinks this pale blue liquid feels a
Nose Filters (Curiosity) sensation of calmness spread throughout their body.
These small objects can be placed into one’s nostrils For the next hour they are immune to the effects of
and allow their wearer to avoid the effects of fear, panic, hypnotism, paralysation or similar
poisonous gas, foul smells, fungal spores and other powers that affect ones will to act.
harmful substances or irritants that are inhaled. They
will work once only, after which time the filters Ring of Light (Magical Sundry)
become blogged and must be discarded. This rough copper ring glows as brightly as a torch
the first time it is worn. The light lasts for 1 hour
Potion of Anti-Poison (Potion) before fading away forever.
Drinking this brackish green potion immediately
neutralises the effect of any poisons currently
afflicting the drinker. It does not reverse or heal any
damage already incurred, but will prevent any
further harm.
The Forest of Doom
Rod of Water-Finding (Magical Sundry) Winter Ale Fair
When this short, Y-shaped stick is held with both A week-long celebration of all things ale, the Winter
hands, it moves to point in the direction of the nearest Ale Fair is an annual beer-tasting event that takes
large body of water, such as a stream, oasis, marsh, place every Freeze. Brewers from all across Allansia,
etc. The water may not be drinkable and it may not be and some from further afield, travel to the fair to
easily accessible (such as an underground spring). present their beverages for judging. A Dwarf-brewed
Once the rod has led its bearer to this body of water it ale almost always takes out the grand prize, leading
breaks and loses its power. some to accuse the fair judges of bias towards their
own kind. Once the celebration is over, however,
Rope of Climbing (Magical Sundry) everyone is too hung over to bother doing anything
This is a coil of kno�ed rope 5 metres in length. When about it.
uncoiled, the rope magically secures itself around the
nearest anchor point and then descends or ascends
along the nearest hole, cliff-face, etc. The rope can
then be climbed safely without the need for a Climb
test. After one use the rope loses its power and
becomes a normal rope.
The symbol of Stronebridge is a stylized le�er S with The Future of Stonebridge
a crown above it. Some villagers wear bu�ons Emboldened by their comprehensive victory over the
engraved with the symbol on their clothing. Among Hill Trolls, the Dwarfs of Stonebridge pursued their
the more notable citizens of Stonebridge are: fleeing enemy across the Pagan Plains, destroying
them as they found them. Eventually they reached
Bigleg the Iron Hills, a place that had long been avoided due
The gregarious Bigleg is the owner of The Smithies to being the home of their hated foe. But with the
Forge inn, the premier drinking establishment in Trolls now wiped out the Dwarfs were free to annex
Stonebridge. He is part of one of the oldest and this new territory.
largest families in the village, whose members are
notable for assuming nicknames that seemingly Exploratory diggings in the hills unearthed rich
mock their own appearance, such as Bignose and seams of iron ore, gold and silver. This new-found
Li�lebig. wealth helped Stonebridge to expand their
operations, and in a few short years they became the
Borri largest exporter of manufactured arms and armour
The village’s stablemaster, Borri is a cheerful and across Allansia. The village likewise expanded at a
talkative Dwarf who spends more time tinkering on rapid pace, and the sleepy li�le village soon grew into
his outlandish inventions than tending to the horses a thriving town.
under his care. His greatest accomplishment is a hot-
air balloon that can carry people great distances, The se�lement of Quarry Path was established west
although he is yet to convince any of his fellow of Stonebridge along the northern shore of the Red
Dwarfs to join him on a flight. River as a place to house miners closer to the Iron
Hills. The Dwarfs of Stonebridge enjoyed many years
Caleb of peace and commercial success, but it all came to an
The hooded monk known as Caleb runs a small end with the coming of the Iron Giants.
temple located near the village square. The temple is
not devoted to any one deity, but serves as a place for The four magical titans were unleashed upon
any followers of the Gods of Good to come and Allansia by a pair of unscrupulous treasure-hunters
practise their faiths. Caleb believes the coming of who had discovered a cursed artefact beneath Firetop
Zagor the Warlock to Firetop Mountain is Mountain. The giants headed straight for
punishment from the gods. Stonebridge, crushing anything that stood in their
path. Despite the best efforts of King Gillibran and his
Fagran Chislehand folk, the giants used their massive iron fists to
The famous Dwarfish carpenter crafts fine wood demolish the village.
products that are sought after across Allansia. His
items are branded with the runes ‘FC’ encircled by Rather than wallow in misery, Gillibran rallied the
three chisels – a mark recognised as a sign of quality Dwarfs and set them to work on rebuilding their
and excellence. home. Stonebridge was reconstructed bigger and
be�er and now stands as a large walled city, capital of
the newly-founded Kingdom of Stonebridge.
The Forest of Doom
King Gillibran Ironhelm Other Locations
The rumbustious Lord of Stonebridge, Gillibran is a
large and powerful Dwarf, boasting a long, thick Darkwood Forest covers a vast area and contains
white beard, plaited and streaked with black and more locations than can be detailed in one adventure.
grey. He wears a golden crown on his head and keeps Brief details have been provided below on further
the enchanted Hammer of Stonebridge by his side at places and landmarks in and around the forest that
all times. can used to expand your adventures in the Forest of
This Dwarf peddler was one of the survivors of the The Crossing at the Crossing
sacking of Firetop Mountain. His father, a former This busy ferry service operates at the point where
High Priest of the Redweed kingdom, still lives inside the Catfish River and Red River meet, just to the
the mountain, hiding from the Warlock’s minions in north-east of Darkwood Forest. For 1gp per leg the
the confounding Maze of Zagor. He considers Dwarf-run ferry take travellers across the river in a
Weaselnose a failure and a disgrace for abandoning strange-looking sailing vessel. The ferry service is
his homeland, a fact that weighs heavily on the reliable and the Dwarfs are competent sailors, but
wandering merchant. they do not operate on Dwarf holy days (which
always seem to take place the day after a night of
Wilkins heavy drinking at The Smithies Forge).
This muscular, bald-headed man is one of the few
humans in Stonebridge in a position of authority. He
commands the village militia and regularly subjects
them to gruelling training sessions in a small
barracks. He also sells a selection of fine weaponry
made by local craftspeople.
Dwarf Humour
Dwarfs think li�le of most humans, who seem to rush
about in a constant hurry, continually making a mess
of things. In Stonebridge, some Dwarfs are fond of
playing tricks on unsuspecting visitors. On such jest
is to offer an outstretched hand a beaming smile to a Labyrinth of the Dragon
newcomer; when the human goes in for a handshake, The underground Labyrinth of the Dragon lies
the Dwarf’s huge, big-knuckled hand crushes theirs, beneath Darkwood Forest, the entrance to which is
usually sending the Dwarf into fits of laughter. hidden beneath a trapdoor in an abandoned hut
(Scene 1G). The passageways are inhabited by
Another common prank is for a Dwarf to assume a violent, evil people and fearsome creatures. It is also
name which sounds normal enough, but is actually a home to a metre-high solid gold dragon with jewelled
clever wordplay, such as “Ofur Goodnessakes” or eyes. This amazing treasure has been the downfall of
“Thelonius Manintown”. A human who recognises many a greedy adventurer, as it is said touching the
the joke will earn the Dwarf’s grudging respect. dragon without its emerald eyes inserted will cause
instant death.
Mirewater Xortan’s Tower
Mirewater is a walled village inhabited by a clan of The evil sorcerer Xortan Throg dwells in a grim-
insular Dwarfs who are in constant conflict with looking tower that sits atop a lone, rocky crag
neighbouring Stonebridge. Much of their history has towering above the trees at the southern edge of
been mired in disputes over the ownership of various Darkwood. The tower is divided into eight levels, the
mines that lie between the two villages. These first six of which are built into the crag and contain an
tensions have erupted into several conflicts over the assortment of deadly traps and monsters. The
last few decades, and they are again on the brink of seventh level is the guard room, and the eighth makes
war, with the lord of Mirewater declaring that a new up Throg’s throne room and personal chambers.
gold mine discovered by Stonebridge Dwarfs lies on
Mirewater territory. The village gates are manned by
armed guards at all times, and strangers are often The sorcerer is served by a horde of Goblins that
ordered to turn back or face the consequences. inhabit a large natural cave at the base of Throg’s
castle, as well as a handful of Orc and Ogre guards.
The ramshackle village of Shuggur sits near the
eastern fringes of the forest, along a seldom-travelled
path known locally as Rhinoman’s Passage. The The Doom of Stonebridge
village is inhabited by Orcs, Trolls and other Chaotic
beings, as well as the dregs of humanity who have The long-simmering conflict between the Dwarfs of
been run out of every other se�lement. It is a filthy Stonebridge and Mirewater goes back to the very
and violent place where only the strongest and founding of their villages. They were originally both
meanest can survive for long. Shuggur’s sole part of the Kingdom of Redweed ,whose ancient seat
a�raction is Uglar’s, a squalid tavern that serves of power was the imposing peak known as Firetop
dishes like Spicy Rump of Bristlebeast, and Peach and Mountain. For centuries the Redweed Dwarfs and
Pixie Pastries. their allied clans had ruled from the crimson-topped
mountain and the inhabitants of the surrounding
Tìranduil Kelthas Pagan Plains enjoyed peace and stability under their
The vast subterranean city of the Dark Elves is built protection. That was until the coming of Zagor.
inside an enormous natural cavern deep below
Darkwood Forest. Also known as Darkside, the city is The warlock had seen Firetop Mountain many times
linked to the outside world by a succession of maze- in his Demon-sent visions and believed it was his
like passages, each blocked by gigantic carved stone destiny to rule Allansia from its underground
doors and guarded by Elves of the sinister Clan fortress. Having gathered an army of Chaotics and
Camcarneyar. The twisted culture of the Dark Elves undead creatures, the wicked warlock laid siege to
is one of demon worship and grisly magic rituals. the mountain. Although the Dwarfs put up a brave
They have an inbuilt hatred of all surface-dwellers – defence, they eventually succumbed to Zagor’s
especially Wood Elves – and small bands of Dark assault and were driven out of their ancestral home.
Elves emerge most nights to raid isolated villages and The Redweed royal family was all but destroyed.
farmsteads for slaves and sacrificial victims.
The Forest of Doom
The few survivors of the various Dwarf clans fled into Tharri’s jealously grew more intense as the fortunes
the Pagan Plains, led by Torek Ironhelm, formerly the of the two villages moved further and further in
King’s personal blacksmith, but now the senior-most opposite directions. He convinced himself that
Dwarf left alive and therefore the new chieftain. Gillibran had tricked him into choosing a poor
Torek led the refugees west until they reached a spot location to se�le, while keeping knowledge of
close to where the village of Anvil stands today. It Stonebridge and its diamond mine to himself.
was here that further tragedy struck, for while
scouting the terrain ahead, Torek was ambushed and He eventually cut off all communication with the
slain by Hill Trolls. Leadership of the clan passed Dwarfs of Stonebridge, and placed a terrible curse
down to the chieftain’s eldest child, but in this case upon their village, vowing that one day it would
there were two heirs, as Torek was father to twin meet its destruction.
sons, Gillibran and Tharri. It could not be decided
which of the two should be crowned chieftain, so
they decided to divide the refugees in two, with each
brother assuming leadership of their own clan:
Gillibran formed the Stoneharrows and Tharri the
Hammer of Gillibran
Hammer of Gillibran
The magical Hammer of Gillibran (also known as the Artefact
Hammer of Stonebridge) has served as a potent The legendary Hammer of Stonebridge
symbol of Dwarfish heritage for centuries. It was protects the peaceful Dwarf village against
crafted centuries ago by the Elven arch-sorcerer its ancient doom.
Yannisara, who gifted it to the Dwarfs of Redweed as The Hammer of Gillibran features the following
thanks for their actions during the terrible War of the enchantments:
Wizards. � The wielder of the Hammer gains a +1 bonus to
their A�ack Strength.
Yannisara and his entourage had stumbled into an � The Hammer can be thrown at an enemy before
ambush by Hill Trolls and would have been killed if combat, with the range of a Medium object.
the Dwarfs had not come to their rescue. Due to their Regardless of whether the Hammer hits or
bravery the arch-sorcerer survived and was able to misses its target, it instantly returns to the
take part in breaking the Siege of Carsepolis and hands of its thrower.
bringing the war to an end. � The Hammer grants a +1 bonus to Damage
Rolls against all types of Trolls (including
The hammer head is made of bronze and the handle Half-Trolls and Troll-Orcs).
of polished ebony; both parts are inscribed with � The MORALE score of any Dwarf Hirelings
Gillibran’s ‘G’ rune and can be unscrewed apart. In or Dwarf units in ba�le is increased by 1 if
an ordinary Dwarf’s hands the war-hammer is they can see the wielder of the Hammer. They
simply a normal, if beautifully crafted, weapon. In are also immune to any kind of fear spell.
the hands of a descendent of the Redweed Dwarfs, � The Hammer can be used to smash other
however, the hammer’s truly awesome powers are Artefacts into pieces. This only applies to
unleashed. Artefacts made of materials weaker than bronze,
such as bone, crystal, wood, stone, and
The Hammer can be hurled at an opponent and, once decorative metals like gold and silver.
it has struck its foe, it will magically return to the
hand of its wielder. In addition, the weapon bears
enchantments that make it particularly deadly to
Trolls, often striking them dead with a single blow.
In the ba�le the Dwarfs of Stonebridge rally around
the Hammer to defend it like a standard; without it
King Gillibran is unable to arouse his people to
action, and many believe the clan is now doomed to
The Forest of Doom
ON PYGMIES No one person leads the Pygmies, but instead
decisions that affect the entire tribe are made by
Very few people are aware of the folk that call the consensus. Food is likewise shared equally amongst
central grasslands of Darkwood Forest home, and of the tribe. Their history and legends are told through
those they do, no one can agree on where they came song, often accompanied by dancers and music
from. Some believe they were refugees who fled the played on drums and hand-carved flutes. Crime is
destruction of Kaad during the War of the Wizards. almost unheard of, but in the rare instances that it
Instead of returning to their city after the war, they does occur, offenders are exiled from the tribe, or in
chose to stay in Darkwood and quickly adapted to extreme cases sold into slavery.
life under the trees. Others claim they have always
been there, and indeed ancient Elven records make The Pygmies have very li�le contact with outsiders or
mention of a diminutive group of people that indeed the other forest residents, sometimes trading
dwelled in that region when Darkwood was just a with the Centaur tribes for iron weapons. The Wood
small part of the One Forest. Elves acknowledge the way the Pygmies treat the
forest with respect and therefore allow them to live in
Whatever the truth, the people – called Pygmies by Darkwood unhindered. The tribespeople are
outsiders due to their short stature – are masters of fascinated with gold, a substance they view as being
stealth and camouflage, traits essential to surviving sacred to their tribal deities. They will often track
among the many bloodthirsty denizens of Darkwood travellers who enter the grasslands, moving silently
Forest. They stand no more than four feet high and in their wake before choosing an opportune moment
often have dark skin and hair. They wear rough skirts to steal any gold they may be carrying.
and tunics made of woven grass and sometimes
a�ach suitably-shaped pieces of wood or reeds to When dealing with armed or dangerous outsiders the
their clothing to serve as primitive armour. Pygmies will use blowpipes to shoot their targets
with poison-tipped darts. The poison sends their
Their society is one of hunter-gatherers, living off the victim into a brief but deep slumber, allowing the
land and only taking what they need to survive. Their Pygmies to relieve them of their gold and melt back
diet consists of fruits, nuts, honey, fish, fungi, insects into the grasses before they wake.
and sometimes larger game such as wild boars,
which they work together to herd into woven nets.
Their knowledge of the properties of the flora and
fauna of Darkwood – both beneficial and harmful –
are unrivalled, as is their skill for not le�ing any part
of what they harvest go to waste. The pygmies lead a
semi-nomadic lifestyle, moving into the caves that
dot the hills during winter but otherwise keeping to
the open grasslands, where they dwell in small
circular huts made from vines and grass.
GERETH YAZTROMO from the border between Chiang Mai and Kaypong to
the southernmost fringes of the Southern Plains, from
The grumpy and eccentric wizard of Darkwood, Oyster Bay and the ruins of Balkash to Trolltooth Pass
Gereth Yaztromo has lived alone in his tower for and the edge of the Flatlands.
nearly forty years. He practices his magic and
converses with the animals and birds that live around While passing the fringes of Darkwood Forest one
his home. He is known for selling magical trinkets to cold evening, Yaztromo stumbled upon a Wood Elf
visiting adventurers, partly to aid them in ridding village that was under a�ack by their hated enemies,
Allansia of the many evils that afflict it, and partly in the Dark Elves. The wizard entered the fray and uses
order to appease his unhealthy appetite for sugared his magic to help drive off the ghoulish raiders. His
cakes. Yaztromo rarely leaves his tower, but his bravery that night won him the admiration and
reputation is well-known and respected for miles respect of the Wood Elves of Darkwood. He stayed
around. with the Elves for six months, during which time he
learned of the myriad evils that plagued the forest
Gereth was thought to have been born in Salamonis and the surrounding region. He eventually decided
around 214AC - although he refuses to reveal his true to stay in Darkwood and become the guardian of its
age to anyone – the only child of a scholar-priest of inhabitants.
Hamaskis. As a child he was said to be exceptionally
quick-wi�ed and studious, but just as likely to Enlisting the help of the Dwarfs of Stonebridge, he
abandon his studies for long excursions throughout had a wonderful white stone tower built near the
the kingdom. As a young man, his potential was southern end of the forest. Here he has lived ever
brought to the a�ention of the temple leaders, who since, with his aviary of sentient birds bringing him
funded a scholarship for Gereth to study at the school news from every corner of Allansia. The good people
of the Grand Wizard of Yore, Vermithrax who dwell nearby respect him for the magic he has
Moonchaser. brought to aid them in times of trouble. The Dark
Elves who dwell beneath the forest seem to consider
Studying alongside the equally talented apprentice him li�le more than an old eccentric, so he remains
wizards, Arakor Nicodemus and Pen Ty Kora, undisturbed by them.
Yaztromo soon became adept at all the magical arts.
The young trio thrived in the atmosphere of light- Yaztromo dresses in long, flowing robes of scarlet and
hearted competition which pushed their abilities far blue that are well-worn and bordering on ragged. He
beyond the normal capabilities of such young wears a skullcap on his head and a fragile pair of
students. The Grand Wizard delighted in having such gold-rimmed spectacles perched on his nose. His
talented apprentices and revealed to them skills that white hair and beard are long and tangled, his face is
had not been taught for centuries. ruddy and wrinkled, but his eyes are a sparkling,
vibrant blue. He may appear to be a grumpy, ill-
Eventually the years of learning came to an end and tempered hermit, but he has a noble heart and will
the trio went their separate ways. After spending always lend aid to those who truly need it.
some time studying in the ancient libraries of
Salamonis, which Yaztromo was able to do by selling
small charms and potions, wanderlust took him. For
many years he travelled throughout se�led Allansia,
The Forest of Doom
The Forest of Doom
The Forest of Doom
The Forest of Doom
The Forest of Doom
The Forest of Doom