Department of Teacher Education: Gpe 1 - Course Syllabus
Department of Teacher Education: Gpe 1 - Course Syllabus
Department of Teacher Education: Gpe 1 - Course Syllabus
1. Course Number : GPE 1
2. Course Name : Movement Enhancement
3. Course Description :This course provides training in different movement patterns and core
Engagement in conjunction with principles of healthy eating and a physically active life.
Students will be able to adapt and transfer the movement competency in different
contexts (i.e use of training equipment).
4. Pre-requisite : None
5. Co-requisite : None
6. Credit : 2.0 units
7. Class schedule : 4 hours per week
8. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of the Department of Teacher Education-BPEd Program:
Five years after graduation, the graduates of the Department of Teacher Education-BPEd Program shall:
1. Demonstrate professional expertise and professionalism in dealing with students with different learning needs
from various socio-cultural and political backgrounds.
2. Show deep knowledge of content, pedagogy, educational technology, curriculum and assessment design,
instructional materials development, and teacher disposition in the practice of teaching.
3. Actively engage in continuing professional development programs through relevant seminars, workshops and
trainings including graduate.
9 Student Outcomes (SO) of the Department of Teacher Education-BPEd Program and their links to PEO
Upon completion of the program, the graduates of the Department of Teacher Education-BPEd PEO
Program will able to: 1 2 3
SO 1 Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
SO 2* Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
SO 3 Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and
political processes.
SO 4 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types
of environment.
SO 5 Develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners.
SO 6* Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development,
instructional delivery and educational assessment.
SO 7 Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and
SO 8 Practice professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands
of the community.
SO 9* Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth
SO 10 Demonstrate analytical, technical, social, decision making, and communication
skills in the various learning areas of the Secondary and Elementary curriculum.
SO 11* Exhibit the core values of excellence, honesty and integrity, teamwork and
innovation in the learning community of the Secondary and Elementary
Legend: I = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have been introduced to the SO.
P = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have practiced themselves to attain the SO.
D = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have demonstrated partly or fully the SO.
Assessment Task
CO Theory-based Practice-based Assessment Coverage
1. Demonstrates First Exam Week 1- 3
competency in motor Multiple Choice
Question (100%)
skills and movement
patterns needed to
perform a variety of
physical activities
First Exam 100 % of the You are expected to demonstrate deep knowledge on the
PART I Exam objective of physical education and establish the physical
Multiple fitness test
Third Exam PART III 100 % of the You are expected to understand the guidelines of healthy
Exam eating habits and demonstrate the movement patterns.
Final Exam A. PART IV Practical Examination
Answering of the
assessment form
Filing up health card Health Card
Name, Height Weight, BMI
Second Exam Week 4-5 Practical Exam Discuss the different movement
(100%) patterns
Execute the following movement
patterns and apply the specific
Effort - 10 pts
Uses proper form
and Techniques - 10 points
Execution - 15 points
Routine - 10 points
Proper Attire - 5 points
50 points
Third Exam Week 6-7 Written Exam Discuss the different movement
(100%) patterns
Execute the following movement
patterns and apply the specific
Relatedness to the
Lesson - 10 pts
Uses proper form
and Techniques - 10 points
Mastery - 10 points
Execution - 20 points
Routine - 10 points
Proper Attire - 10 points
Knowledge of
The steps - 10 points
Group Effort - 10 points
Preparedness - 10 points
100 points
Human seesaw
Pulling each other Performance
Movement Exploration
C. Twist mindanao/docDetail.action?docI
Ball Passing relay (activity) D=5003753
Specific exercise:
Side bend
Static exercise
D. Squat
Duck Walk
Specific exercise:
Knee Squat
Squat thrust
Memory Trail
Body weight squat
E. Bend Lecture-Discussion and
Limbo Rock (activity) Synthesis
Specific exercises:
Side bend
Reverse bend
F. Lunge
Ball passing relay (activity)
Specific exercises:
Chest Exercises
Push Up Hold
Chest Stretches
Elbows Back Repetitions
Week 8 to 9 Part IV: Performance Final Output 1. Hill, A. (2016). The psychology
presentation of perfectionism in sport, dance
Create a routine using the above movement and exercise.
patterns with accompaniment. 2.Powers, S.K, &Howley, E. T.
(2015). Exercise physiology:
PART V. Research/Course Requirement: Theory and application to fitness
and performance. (9th ed.) New
Course Portfolio York: McGraw Hill.
1. Hill, A. (2016). The psychology of perfectionism in sport, dance and exercise.
16. References:
1. Monaghan, Lee F. (2016). Interactionist Currents : Challenging Myths of Masculinity : Understanding
Physical CulturesBamblett, Lawrence (2013). Our Stories Are Our Survival.Aboriginal Studies Press.
2. Pica, Rae (2015). Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning : A Physical Education
Curriculum.Redleaf Press
3. Powers, S.K, &Howley, E. T. (2015). Exercise physiology: Theory and application to fitness
and performance. (9th ed.) New York: McGraw Hill.
4. Capel, Susan. (2013). Issues in Physical Education.Routledge
Assessment Methods
A. Exam 1 – 3 30%
B. Final Exam
- Performance-based 30%
C. Quizzes 10%
D. Research 5%
E. Practical Tests 20%
F. Assignments 5%
Total 100%
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