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PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system

Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system ................................................................................ 3
Information in troubleshooting table ................................................................................................................ 6
E-1 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing.................................................... 8
E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) ......................................................................................... 10
E-3 Preheater does not operate.................................................................................................................... 14
E-4 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season).............................................................. 16
E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or cannot be locked ........................... 18
E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running .......................................................................................... 20
E-7 Emergency stop item lights up while engine is running.......................................................................... 23
E-8 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally ............................................................. 24
E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally.................................................................. 26
E-10 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally ........................................................................................ 29
E-11 Contents of display by machine monitor are different from applicable machine................................... 31
E-12 Machine monitor does not display some items .................................................................................... 31
E-13 Function switch does not work ............................................................................................................. 31
E-14 Auto-decelerator does not operate normally ........................................................................................ 32
E-15 Working mode does not change........................................................................................................... 33
E-16 Travel speed does not change ............................................................................................................. 34
E-17 Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped.......................................................................................................... 35
E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate .........................................................................36
E-19 Swing holding brake does not operate normally .................................................................................. 40

PC78US-8 40-400 1

E-20 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding...................................................................... 42
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) .................... 43
E-22 While starting switch is in OFF position, service meter is not displayed .............................................. 56
E-23 Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode .................................................................................. 57
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally....................................................... 58
E-25 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally..................................................................................... 74

40-400 2 PC78US-8

Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system 1

Connection table of fuse box

This connection table shows the devices to which each power supply of the fuse box supplies power (A
switch power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the ON position and
a constant power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the OFF and ON
When carrying out troubleshooting related to the electrical system, you should check the fuses and fus-
ible links to see if the power is supplied normally.

<North America specification>

Type of power supply Fusible link Fuse No. Destination of power
1 10 A Resistor
2 30 A Solenoid valve
Switch power supply 3 15 A Cigarette lighter
(45 A)
4 10 A Windshield washer
5 10 A Horn
6 5A Working lamp relay
7 10 A Beacon (if equipped)
Switch power supply 8 20 A Working lamp
(45 A)
9 10 A Radio, speaker
10 5A Air conditioner
11 20 A Air conditioner unit
F02 12 10 A Optional power supply (1)
Switch power supply
(45 A) 13 10 A Optional power supply (2), power supply of 12 volt
14 10 A Spare
15 5A Air conditioner
F03 16 10 A Radio backup, room lamp
(45 A) 17 20 A Machine monitor, pump controller, starting switch
18 30 A Engine controller
Starting switch 19 5A Engine controller
Switch power supply
ACC 20 5A PPC oil pressure lock solenoid

PC78US-8 40-400 3

<EU specification>
Type of power supply Fusible link Fuse No. Destination of power
1 10 A Resistor
2 30 A Solenoid valve
Switch power supply 3 15 A Cigarette lighter
(45 A)
4 10 A Windshield washer
5 10 A Horn
6 5A Working lamp relay
7 10 A Beacon (if equipped)
Switch power supply 8 25 A Working lamp
(45 A)
9 10 A Spare
10 5A Air conditioner
11 20 A Air conditioner unit
F02 12 10 A Optional power supply (1)
Switch power supply
(45 A) 13 10 A Optional power supply (2), radio
14 10 A Spare
15 5A Air conditioner
F03 16 10 A Room lamp
(45 A) 17 20 A Machine monitor, pump controller, starting switch
18 30 A Engine controller
Starting switch 19 5A Engine controller
Switch power supply
ACC 20 5A PPC oil pressure lock solenoid

40-400 4 PC78US-8

Locations of fusible links

Location of fuse box and fuse Nos.

PC78US-8 40-400 5

Information in troubleshooting table 1

The following information is summarized in the troubleshooting table and the related electrical circuit
diagram. Before carrying out troubleshooting, understand that information fully.
Trouble Trouble which occurred in the machine
Information related to detected trouble or troubleshooting

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

<Contents of description>
• Standard value in normal state to judge possible causes
• Remarks on judgment
<Troubles in wiring harness>
• Disconnection
Connector is connected imperfectly or wiring harness is
• Ground fault
Wiring harness which is not connected to chassis ground
circuit is in contact with chassis ground circuit.
• Hot short
Wiring harness which is not connected to power source (24
2 V) circuit is in contact with power source (24 V) circuit.
• Short circuit
Independent wiring harnesses are in contact with each other
Possible causes
Possible causes of trouble abnormally.
and standard
value in normal (Given numbers are refer- <Precautions for troubleshooting>
state ence numbers, which do 1) Method of indicating connector No. and handling of T-
not indicate priority) adapter
Insert or connect T-adapter as explained below for trouble-
shooting, unless otherwise specified.
3 • If connector No. has no marks of “male” and “female”,
disconnect connector and insert T-adapters in both male
side and female side.
• If connector No. has marks of “male” and “female”, dis-
connect connector and connect T-adapter to only male
side or female side.
2) Entry order of pin Nos. and handling of tester leads
Connect positive (+) lead and negative (–) lead of tester as
explained below for troubleshooting, unless otherwise
• Connect positive (+) lead to pin No. or wiring harness
entered on front side.
• Connect negative (–) lead to pin No. or harness entered
on rear side.

Related circuit diagram

This drawing is a part of the circuit diagram related to troubleshooting.

• Connector No.: Indicates (Model – Number of pins) and (Color).
• “Connector No. and pin No.” from each branching/merging point:
Shows the ends of branch or source of merging within the parts of the
same wiring harness.
• Arrow ( ): Roughly shows the location on the machine.

40-400 6 PC78US-8

PC78US-8 40-400 7

E-1 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing1
Trouble • When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing.
• When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays KOMATSU logo, screen to input pass-
word (if set), screen to check breaker mode (if set), screen of check before starting, screen to check
working mode and travel speed, and ordinary screen in order.
• When the engine is started, the battery voltage may lower suddenly, depending on the ambient tem-
perature and the condition of the battery.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 Low charge level of battery Electrolyte specific gravity
Battery voltage (2 pieces)
(1 piece)
Min. 24 V Min. 1.26
Defective fusible link F03 or If fusible link or fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault.
fuse No. 17 (See Cause 5.)
Wrong connection of connec- Machine monitor connector may be connected wrongly. Check it
tor directly. (Check mounting bracket plate with connector.)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between battery (–) – chas- Resis-
Max. 1
sis ground tance
Wiring harness between battery (+) – RB – Resis-
Max. 1
F03 (male) (1) tance
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between F03 (male) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1
ness (Disconnection in wiring F01-15D tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between F01-17 – J07 – Resis-
nector) Max. 1
CM01 (female) (1), (2) tance
Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (3), Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
(4) – chassis ground (T09) tance
and standard
value in normal Wiring harness between F01-17 – H15 Resis-
Max. 1
state (female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (5) – Resis-
Max. 1
J05 – CM01 (female) (14) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between battery (+) – RB – Resis-
Min. 1 M
F03 (male) (1) tance
Wiring harness between F03 (male) (2) – Resis-
Ground fault in wiring har- Min. 1 M
F01-15D tance
5 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between F01-17 – J07 – Resis-
Min. 1 M
CM01 (female) (1), (2) tance
Wiring harness between F01-17 – H15 Resis-
Min. 1 M
(female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (5) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
J05 – CM01 (female) (14) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then hold starting switch OFF
and ON and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
CM01 Starting switch Voltage
6 Defective machine monitor Between
OFF 20 – 30 V
(1), (2) – (3), (4)
ON 20 – 30 V
(14) – (3), (4)

40-400 8 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 9

E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) 1

Trouble • Engine does not start (Engine does not turn).

• Engine starting circuit has following 2 start lock mechanisms.
1) Start lock with password of machine monitor
2) Start lock with lock lever

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 Low charge level of battery Electrolyte specific gravity
Battery voltage (2 pieces)
(1 piece)
Min. 24 V Min. 1.26
2 Defective fuse No. 20 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 10.)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then keep starting switch
OFF and turn it to START and carry out troubleshooting in each
Defective starting switch
3 H15 (male) Starting switch Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
OFF Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (4)
START Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective lock lever switch S14 (female) Lock lever Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
Free Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (3)
Lock Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective starting motor cut-
out relay R06 or R07 (Inter- R06 (male), R07 (male) Resistance
Possible causes 5
nal disconnection or short Between (1) – (2) 300 – 600
and standard circuit) Between (3) – (4) Max. 1
value in normal
state Between (3) – (5) Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF (with only terminal C discon-
nected), then turn starting switch to START and carry out trou-
Safety relay terminal Voltage
Between B – E Power supply 20 – 30 V
Between R
Defective starting motor Generation input Max. 1 V
6 (R17-2) – E
safety relay (Internal defect)
Between S
Starting input 20 – 30 V
(R17-1) – E
Between C (R18) – E Starting output 20 – 30 V
If power supply, generation input, and starting input are normal but
starting output is not normal, starting motor safety relay is defec-
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch to
START and carry out troubleshooting.
Starting motor terminals Voltage
Between B – chassis
Defective starting motor Power supply 20 – 30 V
7 ground
(Internal defect)
Between C (E10) –
Starting input 20 – 30 V
chassis ground
If power supply and starting input are normal but starting motor
does not turn, starting motor is defective.

40-400 10 PC78US-8

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective alternator (Internal
8 Alternator Voltage
short circuit)
Between AR (female) (1) –
Generation output Max. 1 V
chassis ground
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (4) – Resis-
Max. 1
R06 (female) (5) tance
Wiring harness between R06 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1
R07 (female) (4) tance
Wiring harness between R07 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1
R17 (female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between starting motor
Disconnection in wiring har- safety relay B – heater relay – battery relay Resis-
Max. 1
ness (Disconnection in wiring B tance
or defective contact in con-
nector) Wiring harness between starting motor Resis-
Max. 1
safety relay E – chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between starting motor Resis-
Max. 1
safety relay C – starting motor C (E10) tance
Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
Max. 1
(male) (1) tance
Possible causes
and standard Wiring harness between S14 (male) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1
value in normal R06 (female) (1) tance
state Wiring harness between R06 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1
J02 – chassis ground (T08) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (4) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
R06 (female) (5), – circuit branch end tance
Wiring harness between R06 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
R07 (female) (4) tance
Wiring harness between R07 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
Ground fault in wiring har- R17 (female) (1) tance
10 ness (Short circuit with GND Wiring harness between starting motor
circuit) Resis-
safety relay B – heater relay – battery relay Min. 1 M
Wiring harness between starting motor Resis-
Min. 1 M
safety relay C – starting motor C (E10) tance
Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
Min. 1 M
(male) (1) tance
Wiring harness between S14 (male) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
R06 (female) (1) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
11 24 V circuit) in wiring har- Wiring harness between R17 (female) (2) –
ness alternator AR (female) (1), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V

PC78US-8 40-400 11

Related circuit diagram

40-400 12 PC78US-8

PC78US-8 40-400 13

E-3 Preheater does not operate 1

Trouble (1) When starting switch is turned to HEAT position, preheating monitor does not light up or flash.
• Preheater monitor lights up when starting switch is turned to HEAT and starts flashing about 30 sec-
onds after to notify completion of preheating (It stops flashing about 10 seconds after).
Related • If engine coolant temperature is below 20°C, automatic warm-up system operates and preheating
information monitor lights up for up to 30 seconds.
• Condition of starting switch (preheating) signal can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 04500 Monitor input 1)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then keep starting switch OFF
and turn it to HEAT and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
Defective starting switch H15 (female) Starting switch Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
OFF Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (3)
HEAT Max. 1
Possible causes
Disconnection in wiring har- Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard
ness (Disconnection in wiring without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 2
state or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between CM01 (female) Resis-
nector) Max. 1
(16) – J04 – H15 (female) (3) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then keep starting switch OFF
and turn it to HEAT and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
3 Defective machine monitor CM01 Starting switch Voltage
Between (16) – OFF Max. 1 V
chassis ground HEAT 20 – 30 V

(2) When starting switch is turned to HEAT position, intake air heater mounting part does not become
Related • Check that engine can be turned with starting motor (If engine cannot be turned, carry out trouble-
information shooting for E-1 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn)).

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF (with wiring harness con-
nected), then keep starting switch OFF and turn it to HEAT and
carry out troubleshooting in each case.
Defective heater relay (Inter- Continuity/Resis-
1 Heater relay Starting switch
nal disconnection) tance
Between R15 –
OFF There is continuity
chassis ground
Between R14 – R16 HEAT Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF (with wiring harness con-
nected), then turn starting switch to HEAT and carry out trou-
bleshooting in each case.
Possible causes E01 Starting switch Voltage
Defective intake air heater
and standard 2
(Internal disconnection) Between terminal –
value in normal HEAT 20 – 30 V
state chassis ground
If voltage is normal but heater mounting part does not become
warm, intake air heater is defective.
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1
Disconnection in wiring har- J04 – heater relay R15 tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between battery relay RM – Resis-
3 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- fuse FL (terminal F04) tance
nector) Wiring harness between fuse FL (terminal Resis-
Max. 1
F04) – heater relay R14 tance
Wiring harness between heater relay R16 – Resis-
Max. 1
intake air heater E01 tance

40-400 14 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 15

E-4 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season) 1

Trouble • Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season).
• When engine coolant temperature is below 30°C, automatic warm-up system raises engine speed
to 1,300 rpm.
• If fuel control dial is opened more than 70% for 3 seconds when starting switch is turned ON or after
engine is started, automatic warm-up system is turned OFF. (Automatic warm-up system stops
automatically after operating for 10 minutes.)
• If engine coolant temperature is below 10°C, turbocharger protection function operates to keep the
engine speed at low idle.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Engine coolant Coolant temperature
Monitoring code
temperature level
105°C 6 (a: Red)

Possible causes 102°C 5 (a: Red)

Defective engine coolant 04107
and standard 1 100°C 4 (a: Blue)
temperature signal system Engine coolant
value in normal 85°C 3 (a: Blue)
state temperature
60°C 2 (a: Blue)
30°C 1 (a: White)
If level of coolant temperature gauge is different from actual cool-
ant temperature, carry out troubleshooting for “E-8 Engine coolant
temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.
If cause 1 is not detected, engine controller may be defective.
2 Defective engine controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Engine coolant temperature gauge and engine

coolant temperature monitor

40-400 16 PC78US-8

PC78US-8 40-400 17

E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or
cannot be locked 1

Trouble (1) All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective fuse No. 20 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 6.)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective lock lever switch S14 (female) Lock lever Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
Lock Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
Free Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective PPC lock solenoid
3 (Internal disconnection or V01 (male) Resistance
short circuit) Between (1) – (2) 20 – 60
Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes Defective assembled-type ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard 4 diode D01 (Internal short cir-
D01 (male) Resistance (Continuity)
value in normal cuit)
state Between (4) – (8) Min. 1 M (No continuity)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
Max. 1
ness (Disconnection in wiring (male) (1) tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between S14 (male) (2) – Resis-
nector) Max. 1
V01 (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between V01 (female) (1) – Resis-
Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
6 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 M
(male) (1), – circuit branch end tance
Wiring harness between S14 (male) (2) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
V01 (female) (2), – D01 (female) (4) tance

40-400 18 PC78US-8

Trouble (2) All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism cannot be locked.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective lock lever switch S14 (female) Lock lever Resistance
Possible causes 1
(Internal short circuit)
and standard Lock Min. 1 M
value in normal Between (1) – (2)
Free Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
2 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between S14 (male) (2) –
Voltage Max. 1 V
V01 (female) (2), – D01 (female) (4)

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 19

E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running 1

Trouble (1) Charge level monitor lights up red.

Related • Signal voltage of alternator can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04300 Charge voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
Defective generation by out troubleshooting.
1 alternator (when system is AR (male) Engine speed Voltage
normal) Between (1) – chas-
Middle or higher 27.5 – 29.5 V
sis ground
Disconnection in wiring har- Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ness (Disconnection in wiring ing without turning starting switch ON.
Possible causes or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between CM01 (female) Resis-
nector) Max. 1
and standard (11) – J06 – AR (female) (1) tance
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Wiring harness between CM01 (female)
circuit) Resis-
(11) – J06 – AR (female) (1), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
4 Defective machine monitor CM02 Engine Voltage
Between (11) –
Running Min. 7.8 V
chassis ground

40-400 20 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 21

Trouble (2) Fuel level monitor lights up red.

Related • Signal voltage of fuel sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04200 Fuel sensor voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Low fuel level (when system Fuel level may be low (below about 41 ). Check it and add fuel if
and standard is normal) necessary.
value in normal If cause 1 is not detected, fuel level gauge system may be defec-
state Defective fuel level gauge
2 tive. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-10 Fuel level gauge does not
indicate normally”.

Trouble (3) Engine coolant temperature monitor lights up white.

• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up white, engine coolant temperature may be low
Insufficient warm-up of
Possible causes (below about 30°C). Warm up engine.
1 machine (when system is
and standard • Lighting up white: Engine coolant temperature is low.
value in normal • Lighting up blue: Engine coolant temperature is proper.
state If cause 1 is not detected, engine coolant temperature gauge sys-
Defective engine coolant
2 tem may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-8 Engine
temperature gauge system
coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

Trouble (4) Hydraulic oil temperature monitor lights up white.

• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up white, hydraulic oil temperature may be low
Insufficient warm-up of
Possible causes (below about 20°C). Warm up engine.
1 machine (when system is
and standard • Lighting up white: Hydraulic oil temperature is low.
value in normal • Lighting up blue: Hydraulic oil temperature is proper.
state If cause 1 is not detected, hydraulic oil temperature gauge system
Defective hydraulic oil tem-
2 may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-9 Hydraulic oil
perature gauge system
temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

40-400 22 PC78US-8

E-7 Emergency stop item lights up while engine is running 1

Trouble (1) Engine coolant temperature monitor lights up red.

• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up red, engine coolant temperature may be high
(above about 102°C). Cool down engine coolant (Run engine at
low idle).
Possible causes Overheating of engine cool- • Lighting up red: Engine coolant temperature is high
1 (overheating).
and standard ant (when system is normal)
value in normal • Lighting up blue: Engine coolant temperature is proper.
state Carry out troubleshooting for “S-14 Coolant temperature becomes
too high (overheating)”.
If cause 1 is not detected, engine coolant temperature gauge sys-
Defective engine coolant
2 tem may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-8 Engine
temperature gauge system
coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

Trouble (2) Hydraulic oil temperature monitor lights up red.

• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up red, hydraulic oil temperature may be high
(above about 102°C). Cool down hydraulic oil (Run engine at low
Possible causes Overheating of hydraulic oil
1 idle).
and standard (when system is normal)
• Lighting up red: Hydraulic oil temperature is high (overheating).
value in normal
• Lighting up blue: Hydraulic oil temperature is proper.
If cause 1 is not detected, hydraulic oil temperature gauge system
Defective hydraulic oil tem-
2 may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-9 Hydraulic oil
perature gauge system
temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

Trouble (3) Engine oil pressure monitor lights up red.

Related • Signals of engine oil pressure switch are input to engine controller and then transmitted to machine
information monitor through communication system.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Lowering of engine oil pres-
Engine oil pressure may be low. If it is low, carry out troubleshoot-
and standard 1 sure (when system is nor-
ing for “S-12 Oil pressure drops”.
value in normal mal)
state Defective engine oil pressure If cause 1 is not detected, engine oil pressure gauge system may
switch system be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA435].

PC78US-8 40-400 23

E-8 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally 1

(1) While engine coolant temperature is rising normally, temperature gauge does not rise from white
Trouble range (C).
(2) While engine coolant temperature is stabilized normally, temperature gauge rises to red range (H).
• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes If cause 1 is not detected, engine coolant temperature sensor sys-
Defective engine coolant
and standard 1 tem may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for failure codes
temperature sensor system
value in normal [CA144] and [CA145].
state If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

(3) Display of coolant temperature gauge is different from actual engine coolant temperature.
Trouble (4) Display of engine coolant temperature gauge is different from display of engine coolant tempera-
ture monitor.
• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Engine coolant Coolant temperature Color of monitor light
Possible causes temperature level (a)
and standard 105°C 6
value in normal 1 Defective machine monitor Red
102°C 5
100°C 4
85°C 3 Blue
60°C 2
30°C 1 White

Engine coolant temperature gauge and engine

coolant temperature monitor

40-400 24 PC78US-8

PC78US-8 40-400 25

E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally 1

(1) While hydraulic oil temperature is rising normally, temperature gauge does not rise from white
Trouble range (C).
(2) While hydraulic oil temperature is stabilized normally, temperature gauge rises to red range (H).
• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
Hydraulic oil
P22 (male) Resistance
Defective hydraulic oil tem-
1 perature sensor (Internal dis- 25°C 38.18 – 47.77 k
connection or short circuit) 85°C 5.39 – 5.98 k
Between (1) – (2)
100°C 3.60 – 3.90 k
105°C 3.16 – 3.43 k
Between (2) – chassis ground Resistance Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
Disconnection in wiring har- without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (29) – Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- P22 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (46) – Resis-
Max. 1
P22 (female) (1) tance
Possible causes Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (29) – Resis- Min. 1
state P22 (female) (2) tance M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (29) –
Voltage Max. 1 V
P22 (female) (2)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
Hydraulic oil
C01 (female) Resistance
5 Defective pump controller 25°C 38.18 – 47.77 k
85°C 5.39 – 5.98 k
Between (29) – (46)
100°C 3.60 – 3.90 k
105°C 3.16 – 3.43 k
Between (29) – chassis ground Resistance Min. 1 M
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, machine monitor may be defec-
6 Defective machine monitor tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-400 26 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 27

(3) Display of hydraulic oil temperature gauge is different from actual hydraulic oil temperature.
Trouble (4) Display of hydraulic oil temperature gauge is different from display of hydraulic oil temperature
• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil temper- Color of monitor light
Possible causes temperature ature level (a)
and standard 105°C 6
value in normal 1 Defective machine monitor Red
102°C 5
100°C 4
85°C 3 Blue
40°C 2
20°C 1 White

Hydraulic oil temperature gauge and hydraulic

oil temperature monitor

40-400 28 PC78US-8

E-10 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally 1

(1) While fuel is added, fuel level gauge does not rise from red range (E).
(2) While fuel level is low, fuel level gauge does not lower from green range top (F).
Related • Signal voltage of fuel level sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04200 Fuel level sensor voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective fuel level sensor
1 (Internal disconnection or P21 (male) Fuel level Resistance
short circuit) Between (1) – FULL 7 – 11
chassis ground EMPTY 85 – 95
Disconnection in wiring har- Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ness (Disconnection in wiring ing without turning starting switch ON.
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (9) Resis-
nector) Max. 1
– P21 (female) (1) tance
Possible causes
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
state circuit) Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (9) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P21 (female) (1) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (9)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P21 (female) (1)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
5 Defective machine monitor CM01 (female) Fuel level Resistance
Between (9) – FULL 7 – 11
chassis ground EMPTY 85 – 95

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 29

(3) Display of fuel level gauge is different from actual fuel level.
(4) Display of fuel level gauge is different from display of fuel level monitor.
Related • Signal voltage of fuel level sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04200 Fuel level sensor voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Reading of fuel level Color of monitor light
Quantity of fuel
Possible causes gauge (a)
and standard 96 6
value in normal 1 Defective machine monitor 78 5
60 4 Blue
41 3
32 2
23 1 Red

Fuel level gauge and fuel level monitor

40-400 30 PC78US-8

E-11 Contents of display by machine monitor are different from

applicable machine 1

Trouble Contents of display by machine monitor are different from applicable machine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Turn starting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting (with
Possible causes monitoring function).
and standard 1 Defective model code signal
Monitoring code Normal display
value in normal
state 00200 Controller model code PC78US-8
If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

E-12 Machine monitor does not display some items 1

Trouble • Machine monitor does not display some items.

• The LCD panel sometimes has black points (points which are not lighted) and bright points (points
which do not go off) for the reason of its characteristics. If the number of the bright points and black
points does not exceed 10, those points are not a failure or a defect.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Turn starting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting.
Possible causes
Defective machine monitor When following switches are operated, if all LCD panel is lighted
and standard 1
(LCD panel) up (all surface becomes white), LCD panel is normal.
value in normal
state • Operation of switches: [4] + [F2] (Press simultaneously)
Defective machine monitor If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
(body) (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

E-13 Function switch does not work 1

Trouble • Function switch does not work.

Related • Condition of signal of function switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04503 Monitor function switch)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective.
1 Defective machine monitor
state (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 31

E-14 Auto-decelerator does not operate normally 1

(1) When auto-decelerator switch is operated, auto-decelerator monitor does not light up or does not
go off.
Related • Condition of signal of auto-decelerator switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) Auto-decelerator is not operated or reset with lever.

Related • Set speed of auto-decelerator is 1,400 rpm. If fuel control dial is not set above this speed, auto-
information decelerator is not operated or reset.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Start engine and carry out troubleshooting (with monitoring
Monitoring code Item Normal display
When lever is
01900 Boom RAISE operated: ON
Pressure switch 1 Arm IN When lever is in
neutral: OFF
Bucket CURL When lever is
Defective PPC pressure sig-
1 01901 operated: ON
nal Bucket DUMP
Pressure switch 2 When lever is in
Possible causes Service neutral: OFF
and standard
value in normal Blade UP When lever is
state 01902 operated: ON
Pressure switch 3 When lever is
Blade DOWN non-operated: OFF
If display of monitoring is abnormal, carry out troubleshooting for
“E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal nor-
If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
If causes 1 – 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
3 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
If causes 1 – 3 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
4 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-400 32 PC78US-8

E-15 Working mode does not change 1

Trouble (1) When working mode switch is operated, working mode selection screen is not displayed.
Related • Condition of signal of working mode switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When working mode is changed, setting of engine and hydraulic pump is not changed.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes
Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
and standard 1 Defective machine monitor
troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
value in normal
state Pump controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
2 Defective pump controller
troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 33

E-16 Travel speed does not change 1

Trouble (1) When travel speed switch is operated, travel speed monitor does not change.
Related • Condition of signal of travel speed switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When travel speed is shifted, actual travel speed does not change.
• If cause 1 occurs, actual travel speed does not lower when travel speed is shifted to Lo.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
Possible causes 1 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C02 (female) (87)
and standard Voltage Max. 1 V
– V02 (female) (2)
value in normal
state If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
If causes 1 – 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
3 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Related circuit diagram

40-400 34 PC78US-8

E-17 Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped 1

Trouble • Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped.

Related • Condition of signal of alarm buzzer cancel switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 35

E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate 1

Trouble (1) When wiper switch is operated, wiper monitor does not light up or go off.
Related • Condition of wiper switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When wiper switch is operated, wiper does not operate.
Related • Condition of window rear limit switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 02204 Switch input 5)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
W03 (male) Front window Resistance
Defective window rear limit
1 When installed to
switch (Internal short circuit) Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
When retracted to
Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective wiper motor (Inter- ing without turning starting switch ON.
nal disconnection) M05 (female) Continuity
Between (1) – (3) There is continuity
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C02 (female) (119) Resis-
Possible causes 3 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – M05 (male) (3) tance
and standard nector)
value in normal Wiring harness between C02 (female) (114) Resis-
Max. 1
state – M05 (male) (1) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Resis-
C01 (female) (57) – W03 (female) (1) Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C01 (female) Front window Resistance
Defective pump controller
(Rear limit switch system) When installed to
Min. 1 M
Between (57) – front
5 chassis ground When retracted to
Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective pump controller ing without turning starting switch ON.
(Wiper motor system) C02 (female) Continuity
Between (119) – (114) There is continuity

40-400 36 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 37

Trouble (3) When window washer switch is operated, window washer does not operate.
Related • Condition of window washer switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-400 38 PC78US-8

PC78US-8 40-400 39

E-19 Swing holding brake does not operate normally 1

Trouble When swing holding brake release switch is set to FREE position, machine cannot swing.
Related • Signal state of swing holding brake release switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 02200 Switch input 1)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective swing holding Swing holding brake
1 brake release switch (Inter- S25 (male) Resistance
Possible causes release switch
nal short circuit)
and standard NORMAL Min. 1 M
value in normal Between (13) – (14)
FREE Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
2 24 V circuit) in wiring har- Wiring harness between D01 (female) (3) –
ness J04 – V03 (female) (2), – S25 (female) (14) Voltage Max. 1 V
and chassis ground

40-400 40 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 41

E-20 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding 1

• Alarm does not sound during travel.

• Alarm does not stop sounding while machine is stopped.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C02 (female) (107) Resis-
1 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – M14 (female) (1) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (115) Resis-
and standard Max. 1
(117) (120) – M14 (female) (2) tance
value in normal
state Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (107) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– M14 (female) (1) tance
Defective travel alarm (Inter-
3 If causes 1, 2 are not detected, travel alarm is defective.
nal defect)

Related circuit diagram

40-400 42 PC78US-8

E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air

conditioner abnormality record) 1

Trouble (1) When air conditioner switch is operated, air conditioner control screen is not displayed.
Related • Condition of air conditioner switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04505 Monitor 3rd, 4th line switches, 04506 Monitor 5th line switch)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When air conditioner switch is operated, air conditioner does not operate at all.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective fuse No. 15 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 4.)
If fuse in unit is broken, circuit in unit probably has ground fault.
2 Defective fuse in unit
(See cause 4.)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between F01-15 – fuse in Resis-
3 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- unit – ACW (wiring side) (6) tance
nector) Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(16) – chassis ground (T14) tance
Possible causes Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 4 ness (Short circuit with GND Wiring harness between F01-15 – fuse in
state circuit) Resis-
unit – ACW (wiring side) (6), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective air conditioner con- ACW (wiring side) Voltage
troller Between (6) – (16) 20 – 30 V
If above voltage is normal, air conditioner controller may be defec-
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, machine monitor may be defec-
6 Defective machine monitor tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

PC78US-8 40-400 43

Trouble (3) Air does not come out (Air flow is insufficient).

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON (coil side).
R20 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (3) 140 – 340
Defective blower relay (Inter-
1 Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
nal disconnection)
and carry out troubleshooting (contact side).
R20 Air conditioner switch Voltage
Between (4) –
Air blow position 20 – 30 V
chassis ground
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective power transistor
2 Fan switch If air flow changes according to
(Internal defect)
Operate between Low and operation of fan switch, power
Medium and High. transistor is normal.
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective blower motor MB (wiring side) Air conditioner switch Voltage
Possible causes 3
and standard (Internal defect) Between (1) – (2) Air blow position 20 – 30 V
value in normal If above voltage is normal and blower motor does not revolve,
state blower motor is defective.
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between F01-10 – fuse in Resis-
Max. 1
unit – R20 (female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between R20 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1
ACW (wiring side) (36) tance
Wiring harness between F01-11 – R20 Resis-
Max. 1
Disconnection in wiring har- (female) (4) tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between R20 (female) (2) – Resis-
4 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- MB (wiring side) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between M B (wiring side) (2) Resis-
Max. 1
– PTR (wiring side) (3) tance
Wiring harness between P TR (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(1) – chassis ground (T14) tance
Wiring harness between P TR (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(2) – ACW (wiring side) (8) tance
Wiring harness between P TR (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(4) – ACW (wiring side) (7) tance

40-400 44 PC78US-8

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between R20 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
ACW (wiring side) (36) tance
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between R20 (female) (2) – Resis-
5 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 M
MB (wiring side) (1) tance
Possible causes circuit)
and standard Wiring harness between M B (wiring side) (2) Resis-
Min. 1 M
value in normal – PTR (wiring side) (3) tance
state Wiring harness between P TR (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 M
(2) – ACW (wiring side) (8) tance
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
6 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
If causes 1 – 6 are not detected, air conditioner system may be
Defective air conditioner sys-
7 defective. See Machine Component Volume of Shop Manual, Air
conditioner, Troubleshooting.

PC78US-8 40-400 45

Trouble (4) Air is not cooled (Cooling performance is insufficient).


Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON (coil side).
R21 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (3) 140 – 340
Defective compressor relay
1 Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
(Internal disconnection)
and carry out troubleshooting (contact side).
R21 Air conditioner switch Voltage
Between (2) –
Cooling position 20 – 30 V
chassis ground
Internal air sensor may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for
2 Defective internal air sensor
“(7) Abnormality in internal air sensor”.
Defective high and low pres- High and low pressure switches may be defective. Carry out trou-
sure switches bleshooting for “(13) Abnormality in refrigerant”.
Defective compressor clutch
4 Compressor clutch may be defective. Check it directly.
(Internal defect)
Defective compressor (Inter-
5 Compressor may be defective. Check it directly.
nal defect)
Possible causes Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal
state Wiring harness between F01-10 – fuse in Resis-
Max. 1
Disconnection in wiring har- unit – R21 (female) (1) tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between R21 (female) (3) – Resis-
6 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- ACW (wiring side) (35) tance
nector) Wiring harness between F01-11 – R21 Resis-
Max. 1
(female) (4) tance
Wiring harness between R21 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1
AC02 (female) (1) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between R21 (female) (3) – Resis-
7 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 M
ACW (wiring side) (35) tance
Wiring harness between R21 (female) (2) – Resis-
Min. 1 M
AC02 (female) (1) tance
If causes 1 – 7 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
8 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
If causes 1 – 8 are not detected, air conditioner system may be
Defective air conditioner sys-
9 defective. See Machine Component Volume of Shop Manual, Air
conditioner, Troubleshooting.

40-400 46 PC78US-8

(5) Air conditioner abnormality record: Communication condition “CAN disconnection”, Communica-
tion condition “Abnormal”
• While abnormality in communication is being detected, “CAN disconnection” is displayed.
• If abnormality in communication has been detected and reset, “Abnormality” is displayed.
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
out normally. Accordingly, condition of other items is not displayed.
• Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between N10 (female) (1) – Resis-
1 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- CM02 (female) (8), (9) tance
nector) Wiring harness between N10 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1
CM02 (female) (10) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between N10 (male) (1) –
CM02 (female) (8), (9), – C01 (female) (45), Resis-
Ground fault in wiring har- Min. 1 M
– CE02 (female) (1), – K02 (female) (A), – tance
2 ness (Short circuit with GND
N08 (male) (3)
Wiring harness between N10 (female) (2) –
CM02 (female) (10), – C01 (female) (64), – Resis-
Min. 1 M
CE02 (female) (21), – K02 (female) (B), – tance
Possible causes N08 (male) (10)
and standard Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
value in normal and carry out troubleshooting.
state N10 (male) (1) – CM02 (female) (8), (9), –
Hot short (Short circuit with C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) (1), – Voltage Max. 5.5 V
3 24 V circuit) in wiring har- K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)
ness Wiring harness between N10 (female) (2) –
CM02 (female) (10), – C01 (female) (64), –
Voltage Max. 5.5 V
CE02 (female) (21), – K02 (female) (B), –
N08 (male) (10)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective CAN terminal ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 resistance (Internal short cir-
K02 (male) Resistance
cuit or disconnection)
Between (A) – (B) 47 – 67
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, machine monitor may be defec-
6 Defective machine monitor tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

PC78US-8 40-400 47

Trouble (6) Air conditioner abnormality record: Setting condition “Abnormality”

• If setting of air conditioner controller model is different from setting of machine monitor model,
“Abnormality” is displayed.
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
• Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes
Defective air conditioner con- Air conditioner controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in
and standard 1
troller system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
value in normal
state Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
2 Defective machine monitor
troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (7) Air conditioner abnormality record: Internal air sensor “Abnormality”
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective internal air sensor ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 (Internal disconnection or
THI (device side) Resistance
short circuit)
Between (1) – (2) 300 – 430 k
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- (11) – THI (wiring side) (2) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
and standard Max. 1
(27) – THI (wiring side) (1) tance
value in normal
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 M
(11) – THI (wiring side) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(11) – THI (wiring side) (2)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 48 PC78US-8

Trouble (8) Air conditioner abnormality record: ambient sensor “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective ambient sensor ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 (Internal disconnection or Tempera- Resistance
P32 (device side)
short circuit) ture (reference value)
Between (1) – (2) 25°C 1,700 ± 85
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- (4) – P32 (wiring side) (1) tance
Possible causes nector)
and standard Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
value in normal (3) – P32 (wiring side) (2) tance
state Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 M
(4) – P32 (wiring side) (1) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(4) – P32 (wiring side) (1)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 49

Trouble (9) Air conditioner abnormality record: Air flow sensor “Abnormality”
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective air flow sensor ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 (Internal disconnection or
THF (device side) Resistance
short circuit)
Between (1) – (2) 100 – 115 k
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- (12) – THF (wiring side) (2) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
and standard Max. 1
(27) – THF (wiring side) (1) tance
value in normal
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 M
(12) – THF (wiring side) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(12) – THF (wiring side) (2)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 50 PC78US-8

Trouble (10) Air conditioner abnormality record: Sunlight sensor “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sunlight sensor
1 Sunlight sensor may be defective.
(Internal defect)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- (3) – P31 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(15) – P31 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
value in normal 3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 M
(3) – P31 (female) (1), – circuit branch end tance
state circuit)
Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 M
(15) – P31 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Hot short (Short circuit with
Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side)
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har- Voltage Max. 1 V
(3) – P31 (female) (1), – circuit branch end
Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(15) – P31 (female) (2)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 51

Trouble (11) Air conditioner abnormality record: Air outlet damper “Abnormality”
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective air outlet servo-
1 Air outlet servomotor may be defective.
motor (Internal defect)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27) tance
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
ness (Disconnection in wiring (3) – ACW (wiring side) (3) tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side) Resis-
nector) Max. 1
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (9) tance
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (23) tance
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (24) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
Possible causes Ground fault in wiring har- Resis-
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (9), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
and standard 3 ness (Short circuit with GND tance
value in normal circuit)
state Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (23), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (24), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
Hot short (Short circuit with
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (9), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (23), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between M V1 (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (24), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 52 PC78US-8

Trouble (12) Air conditioner abnormality record: A/M damper “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective air mix servomotor
1 Air mix servomotor may be defective.
(Internal defect)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27) tance
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
ness (Disconnection in wiring (3) – ACW (wiring side) (3) tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side) Resis-
nector) Max. 1
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (2) tance
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (21) tance
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (22) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
(3) – ACW (wiring side) (3), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
Possible causes Ground fault in wiring har- Resis-
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (2), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
and standard 3 ness (Short circuit with GND tance
value in normal circuit)
state Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (21), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (22), – circuit branch Min. 1 M
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
(3) – ACW (wiring side) (3), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
Hot short (Short circuit with
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (2), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (21), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between M AM (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (22), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 53

Trouble (13) Air conditioner abnormality record: Refrigerant “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Insufficient refrigerant (gas)
1 Refrigerant (gas) may be insufficient. Check it directly.
(when system is normal)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective high and low pres- ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 sure switches (Internal dis-
P17 (male) Resistance
Possible causes Between (1) – (2) Max. 1
and standard Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
value in normal ing without turning starting switch ON.
state Disconnection in wiring har-
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between AC W (wiring side) Resis-
3 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- (4) – P17 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P17 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
If causes 1 – 3 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
4 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 54 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 55

E-22 While starting switch is in OFF position, service meter is not displayed1
Trouble • When starting switch is turned OFF, service meter is not displayed.
• While starting switch is at OFF position, if following switches are operated, service meter is dis-
played at top center of screen.
Operation of switches: [4] + [1] (Press simultaneously)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

When starting switch is turned ON, if machine monitor displays
Possible causes
Defective backup power sup- nothing, backup power supply system may be defective. In this
and standard 1
ply system case, carry out troubleshooting for “E-1 When starting switch is
value in normal
turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing”.
If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-400 56 PC78US-8

E-23 Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode 1

Trouble • Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode.

Related • If following switches are operated, machine monitor is set in service mode.
information Operation of switches: [4] + [1] [2] [3] (While pressing [4], press other switches in order)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 57

E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally 1

Trouble (1) Boom RAISE operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective boom RAISE PPC Right work equip-
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P03 (male) Resistance
ment control lever
connection or short circuit)
Neutral Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
Boom RAISE Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (53) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P03 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P03 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (53) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P03 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (53)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P03 (female) (2)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (53) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 M
sis ground Boom RAISE Max. 1

40-400 58 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 59

Trouble (2) Arm DIGGING operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective arm DIGGING
PPC pressure switch (Inter- Left work equipment
1 P05 (male) Resistance
nal disconnection or short control lever
circuit) Neutral Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
Arm DIGGING Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (17) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P05 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P05 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (17) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P05 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (17)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P05 (female) (2)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Left work equipment
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
control lever
Between (17) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 M
sis ground Arm DIGGING Max. 1

40-400 60 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 61

Trouble (3) Bucket DIGGING operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01901 Pressure switch 2

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective bucket DIGGING
PPC pressure switch (Inter- Right work equip-
1 P04 (male) Resistance
nal disconnection or short ment control lever
circuit) Neutral Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
Bucket DIGGING Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (73) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P04 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P04 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (73) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P04 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (73)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P04 (female) (2)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (73) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 M
sis ground Bucket DIGGING Max. 1

40-400 62 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 63

Trouble (4) Bucket DUMP operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01901 Pressure switch 2

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective bucket DUMP PPC Right work equip-
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P01 (male) Resistance
ment control lever
connection or short circuit)
Neutral Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
Bucket DUMP Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (34) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P01 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P01 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (34) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P01 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (34)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P01 (female) (2)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (34) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 M
sis ground Bucket DUMP Max. 1

40-400 64 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 65

Trouble (5) Boom LOWER operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective boom LOWER
PPC pressure switch (Inter- Right work equip-
1 P06 (male) Resistance
nal disconnection or short ment control lever
circuit) Neutral Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
Boom LOWER Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (14) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P06 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P06 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (14) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P06 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (14)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P06 (female) (2)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (14) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 M
sis ground Boom LOWER Max. 1

40-400 66 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 67

Trouble (6) Arm DUMP operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective arm DUMP PPC Left work equipment
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P02 (male) Resistance
control lever
connection or short circuit)
Neutral Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
Arm DUMP Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (15) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P02 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P02 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (15) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P02 (female) (2) tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (15)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P02 (female) (2)
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Left work equipment
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
control lever
Between (15) – Neutral Min. 1 M
chassis ground Arm DUMP Max. 1

40-400 68 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 69

Trouble (7) Swing operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.

Related • Monitoring code: 09001 Swing LEFT PPC pressure
information 09002 Swing RIGHT PPC pressure

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes
Defective swing RIGHT PPC
and standard 1 Carry out troubleshooting of failure code [DHSAMA]
pressure sensor system
value in normal
state Defective swing LEFT PPC
2 Carry out troubleshooting of failure code [DHSBMA]
pressure sensor system

40-400 70 PC78US-8

Trouble (8) Blade UP operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.

• Monitoring code: 01902 Pressure switch 3

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective blade UP PPC
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P28 (male) Blade control lever Resistance
connection or short circuit) Not operated Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
UP Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (71) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P28 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P28 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (71) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P28 (female) (2) – chassis ground tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (71)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P28 (female) (2) – chassis ground
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Blade control lever Resistance
Between (71) – chas- Not operated Min. 1 M
sis ground UP Max. 1

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 71

Trouble (9) Blade DOWN operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01902 Pressure switch 3

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective blade DOWN PPC
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P11 (male) Blade control lever Resistance
connection or short circuit) Not operated Min. 1 M
Between (1) – (2)
DOWN Max. 1
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (33) Resis-
2 Max. 1
or defective contact in con- – P11 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P11 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1
chassis ground tance
and standard
value in normal Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (33) Resis-
Min. 1 M
– P11 (female) (2) – chassis ground tance
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (33)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P11 (female) (2) – chassis ground
Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Blade control lever Resistance
Between (33) – chas- Not operated Min. 1 M
sis ground DOWN Max. 1

40-400 72 PC78US-8

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 73

E-25 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally 1

Trouble • KOMTRAX system does not operate normally.

• If KOMTRAX system administrator makes request for checking system on machine side for trouble,
Related carry out following troubleshooting.
information • Even if KOMTRAX system has trouble, it does not particularly appear on machine.
• Carry out all troubleshooting on service menu screen of machine monitor.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Turn starting switch ON and check “Terminal status” screen.
1 Defective communication 1 Check item Normal display
KOMTRAX communication Open
Turn starting switch ON and check “GPS & Communication
Status” screen.
Check item Normal display
N ###,##,## (Latitude)
2 Defective GPS
Positioning E ###,##,## (Longitude)
In positioning
Possible causes If latitude and longitude are not displayed in 5 minutes on open
and standard ground, notify KOMTRAX service hot line.
value in normal Turn starting switch ON and check “GPS & Communication
state Status” screen.
Check item Normal display

Defective communication Satellite in View –

3 Communication
environment No Satellite in View
If Communication Status does not display “Satellite in View” for 15
minutes when the machine stays outdoor where can view sky,
check if connector of TH300 or antenna on top of the cab are prop-
erly connected.
Turn starting switch ON and check “GPS & Communication
Status” screen.
4 Defective communication 2
Check item Normal display
Number of message not yet sent 0 – 60 (Normally 0)

Select “Terminal Status” from “12 Display of Select “GPS & Communication Status” from
KOMTRAX setting” in the service menu of the “12 Display of KOMTRAX setting” in the ser-
machine monitor. vice menu of the machine monitor.

40-400 74 PC78US-8

PC78US-8 40-400 75

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04813-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

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