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Oil & Gas Filtration and

Separation Solutions
Engineered Systems for Upstream,
Midstream & Downstream Applications
Oil & Gas Filtration and Separation Solutions
When the energy production environment presents Filtration Technologies
complex challenges, filtration and separation systems • Hydraulic and Lube Oil Filtration
• Fuel, Oil, Air and CCV Filtration
from Parker present the solution. • Compressed Air and Gas Treatment
In today’s demanding energy market, keeping the pipelines full is not just an • Nitrogen Generation
objective – it’s an absolute necessity. Parker offers innovative and site-specific • Process/Liquid Filtration
filtration and separation solutions that help ensure integrity and purity all along • Watermakers
the entire production continuum: upstream, midstream and downstream.

Table of Contents
Upstream Midstream Downstream

Land Based Transport

Page 5
Land Based Drilling Oil Refining/Chemical
Pages 4-5 & Petrochemical Plants
Pages 8-9

Offshore Transport
Page 7
Offshore Drilling Natural Gas
Pages 6-7 Pages 10-11

Page 8-9

Partner with Parker
Together, We Can Fuel Progress
In the constantly evolving oil and gas industry, you need a partner with acute technical insight,
proven experience, a customer-first approach and worldwide accessibility. That’s the formula
for success – and the portfolio of advantages you receive when you team with Parker.

Collaborative Engineering
Parker engineers work together with your engineers from
project inception to project completion. At each step along
the way, Parker provides thousands of online product
configurators and 3D CAD drawings along with supporting
technical expertise. Our deep understanding of your system
helps ensure that it will be safer, smarter and more reliable,
bolstering productivity – and championing profits.

Global Availability and Support

Parker understands that the systems you create don’t always
stay local. Work with us and you’ll have access to more than
13,000 sales companies and distributors throughout 65-plus
countries as well as the ParkerStore™ network of over 17,000
retail outlets. So, whether you need a filter replacement,
product service or require one-on-one discussion with a
knowledgeable representative, you’ll find Parker locally,
no matter where you are globally.

Project-Site Service
Not only is Parker ready to respond
when and where you need us, but
Parker is always prepared to diagnose
problems and help resolve your
system’s technical challenges to keep
you at peak production. In addition to
critical on-site services, Parker also
offers lab services and training at our
manufacturing locations worldwide.

Filters for the Life of the Field
From exploration, drilling and formation assessments to Parker brings filtration innovation
well construction and completion, Parker filters enhance
productivity throughout the life of the field. Parker solutions
to equipment used in planning,
are engineered to keep your equipment running optimally, drilling, completion, production
safely and in an environmentally considerate manner. and abandonment of an oil well.

Exploration Drilling Services

• Sample/Analyzer Equipment • Blenders • Pumper Trucks • Vacuum Trucks
• Seismic Exploration Vehicles • Chemical Vans • Sand Kings • Water Haulers
• Flair Off Trucks • Service Rigs • Wireline Trucks
• Frac Pumpers • Shakers • Workover Rigs
• Picker Cranes • Top Drive Systems

Process Filters & Cross Flow Hydraulic Racor Filtration Systems Fuel Filter/Water Separators
Filter Vessels Reservoir System Keep your service vehicles Fuel Filter/Water Separators
Process filters are used in The Cross Flow is an all-aluminum, running with Racor’s fuel, provide clean dry fuel to gen-sets
completion fluid and produced reservoir system that provides oil, air, and CCV filtration and mobile power generators,
water. The single most a high exchange rate with products. increasing up-time to all areas
important aspect of completion reduced fluid volume. It features of production.
fluid maintenance is filtration. an electric or hydraulic motor
with temperature control and an
integrated bar plate cooler.

Feature Applications
Hydraulic Fracturing Oil Well Completion
Effective hydraulic fracturing relies on a combination Fluids used in oil-well completion, typically heavy bromides
of frac trucks, pumper trucks and water haulers. Before and chlorides, contain dirt particles that can affect the
recovered water can be used or returned to the ground, permeability of the reservoir and decrease productivity.
it must be treated. Parker water filters and water Parker’s range of absolute-rated, pleated-filter cartridges
purification equipment assist in that treatment, provides the protection needed to ensure that all down-well
while hydraulic and fuel filters play a key role in the fluids are free of particulate, ultimately protecting the well
performance of the trucks, themselves. permeability and maintaining the continuous flow of oil.

Production Transport
• Air Compressors • Mobile Power Generation • Cargo Tank Inerting
• Casing/Cementing • Pipe Handling Equipment • Maintenance Vehicles
• Coil Tubing Equipment • Well Clean-out • Oil Tankers and Trucks
• Fluid Conditioning • Well Control • Pipeline Pigging
• Measurement/Analysis • Well Stimulation • Pipeline Stripping
Equipment and Purging
• Mobile Drill Rigs

Nitrogen Generators Analytical Gas Generators Compressed Air Filters Parker VMT Brackish
Nitrogen Generators produce Analytical gas generators Compressed air filters Watermakers
dry, inert nitrogen from such as hydrogen and zero air provide clean air, which Brackish watermakers
standard compressed air support analytical instruments ensures trouble-free operation produce potable fresh water
which is a safer alternative used to measure quantitative of your equipment. Also from well-water sources.
to natural gas used for and qualitative properties available in carbon steel Fresh water is needed for
pressurizing mechanical during oil and gas exploration, housings, ASME VIII, drilling and fracturing in land-
gas seals. production and refining. Div. 1 design. based oil and gas exploration.

Offshore Drilling
With offshore drilling, key functions include drilling, From jack-up barges to deepwater mobile
preparing water or gas for injection into the reservoir,
processing the oil and gas before sending it ashore and
offshore drilling units – semi-submersibles
cleaning the produced water for disposal at sea. Parker and drillships – Parker filters protect your
filtration products ensure that these important functions equipment, your processes,
are ongoing, even under harsh conditions. Parker also
protects the most important asset – your crew members – by and your crew.
providing a constant supply of clean drinking water when
they are working on offshore platforms for weeks at a time.

Exploration Drilling Services

Seismic Vessels • Blenders • Service Rigs • Watermakers
• Air Compressors • Frac Pumpers • Shakers • Water Haulers
• Hydraulic Power Units • Picker Cranes • Top Drive Systems • Workover Rigs
• Hydraulic Winches • Sand Kings • Sea Water Injection
• Sample/Analysis Equipment
• Seismic System
• Watermakers

Process Filters & Filter Vessels High-Pressure Hydraulic Filters Fuel Handling Products
Filtration products are used in completion Hydraulic Filters These hydraulic filters can Designed to meet the
fluids to prevent premature blockage of High-pressure hydraulic filters be configured for in-line toughest refueling conditions
the formation, in water injection for removal block pump-generated debris or manifold filtration. The the FBO unit filters fuel
of damaging particulate contaminants, in before it can jam a valve or element has an increased upstream, protecting
produced water to promote environmentally score a cylinder. dirt-holding capacity, engines and components
safe removal of trace oil prior to disposal, reducing the need between downstream from damaging
and in the removal of particulate from service intervals. contaminants.
glycols used for dehydration of natural gas.

Feature Applications
Fresh Water – in Challenging Environments Nitrogen Generation
From offshore MODU, FSO, FPSO and drillships to offshore Nitrogen is used on offshore platforms, FPSOs and FLNGs
drilling rigs, reverse-osmosis watermakers from Parker for purging, blanketing, flaring and drilling. Introducing
are always ready to produce fresh water, even when they’re nitrogen into these processes reduces the maximum oxygen
situated in the middle of the ocean, hundreds of feet content, reducing the risk that hydrocarbon vapors will ignite,
away from shore, on an offshore rig. Parker’s PW series burn or explode. Parker has the right technologies to serve
watermakers are engineered for 24/7, continuous-duty use your needs: nitrogen generators based on PSA and membrane
and function via remote control. technology, membrane modules, compressed air filters
and compressed air dryers that are suited specifically for
integration into your system.

Production Transport
• Air Compressors • Mobile Power Generation • Cargo Tank Inerting
• Casing/Cementing • Pipe Handling Equipment • Oil Tankers
• Coil Tubing Equipment • Well Clean-out • Watermakers
• Fluid Conditioning • Well Control
• Measurement/Analysis • Well Stimulation
• Mobile Drill Rigs

Nitrogen Generators Nitrogen Membrane Modules Compressed Air Dryers Watermakers

Nitrogen generators produce Nitrogen membrane modules Compressed air dryers Watermakers are used
dry, inert nitrogen from produce dry nitrogen with a produce clean, dry air and to produce fresh water
standard compressed air, purity of 95 – 99.5 percent. require no electricity, making from seawater for offshore
which is a safer alternative Available in 316L stainless them ideal for use in all applications. Fresh water is
to natural gas used for steel and aluminum housings. Class 1, Div. 2 installations. required for crew use, drilling
pressurizing mechanical muds, fracturing water and
gas seals. turbine washing.

Downstream Processing
After upstream drilling and transport, crude oil must be Whether crude oil is being prepared
processed for use in an oil or petroleum refinery. Efficient
processing of several hundred thousand barrels of crude
for gasoline and diesel fuel or for
oil a day – essentially a non-stop operation – demands olefins and aromatics, Parker filters
filtration solutions that perform reliably, even under are engineered to control, improve
extreme conditions. Parker meets the need with filtering
systems that get the job done, and get finished product to and stabilize your processes.
customers on time.

Oil Refinery

Distillation Process Analysis Oil Refineries Storage

• Cooling Water/Treatment • Analytical Systems • Bulk Tanks
• Cracking Unit • Sample Conditioning • Fluid Analysis
• Gasoline Blending • Pipeline Pigging
• Process Controls • Pipeline Stripping and Purging
• Sour Water Stripper • Tank/Reservoir Inertization
• Sulfur Recovery • Terminal

Process Filters & Filter Vessels Analyzer Filters Compressed Air Desiccant Dryers
Filtration products play a vital role in critical downstream Analyzer Filters protect Parker dryers provide dry air with
applications ranging from refining, gas processing and sensitive process analyzers dew points of -40° to -70° C to your
utilities, with total filtration solutions designed to protect from sample impurities by process, instruments and equipment.
processing equipment, maximize production efficiency removing solids and liquids They can be supplied with fully
and reduce maintenance costs. from gases with 99.999% pneumatic controls in compliant with
efficiency at 0.01 micron. directive 94/9/EC Group II, Category
2GD, T6

Feature Applications
Filtration in the Hydrotreating Process Hydrocarbon Storage
Downstream of the refinery distillation process, gas/oil and After processing and refining, fuels and fluids are transferred
hydrogen are combined and fed to the fixed bed catalyst through pipelines and storage systems for delivery to
hydrotreater at high temperatures and pressures. Hydrogen sulfide application. Through this network of fluid storage and
contaminants are generated in the process. The gas/oil stream transfer, water, dirt and other forms of contamination get
entering the hydrotreater contains high contaminant levels which, into the system and need to be removed. High quality
if allowed to enter the hydrotreater, would significantly reduce microfiltration and filter water separators systems help ensure
production and operation efficiency. Filter cartridges at the gas/oil fluids are clean, dry and ready for application. Whether fuels
stream, ahead of the hydrogen feed, protect the hydrotreater while are destined for aviation, industrial or other applications,
increasing productivity, and reducing downtime. Filters also need these filtration solutions will help keep fluids in specification.
to be applied in the recirculated hydrogen stream and the cycle oil
stream for protection.

Chemical & Petrochemical Plants

Processing Process Analysis Chem/Petro Chem Storage

• Cooling Water/Treatment • Analytical Systems • Bulk Tanks
• Reactors • Sample Conditioning • Fluid Analysis
• Scrubbers • Pipeline Pigging
• Solvent Recovery • Pipeline Stripping and Purging
• Tank/Reservoir Inertization
• Terminal

Portable Purification Fuel Handling High-flow Filtration High Quality Filter Elements
System (PVS) Fuel Handling Filtration Vessels These highly efficient High quality filtration elements
PVS can remove 100% of remove water, dirt and other filtration systems remove dirt, prevent contamination from
free water, air and gases, and forms of contamination that contaminants, and water to getting downstream and fouling
90% of dissolved water, air get introduced during fluid provide clean dry fuel. These up equipment. Racor microfilters,
and gases from contaminated storage and transfer. They are filter housings are built to the coalescers, separators and
hydraulic fluid. a low maintenance solution latest standards, are suited for water-absorbing elements are
to fuel delivery and filtration industrial fluids. made with the latest technology
applications. to meet your needs.

Natural Gas
Natural Gas Processing
Throughout the world, homes and businesses rely on Natural gas now accounts for 23% of
natural gas for heat, power, food preparation and more.
Before natural gas can be used for these purposes, however,
the world’s energy consumption and its
it must be extracted from underground wells, moved demand is predicted to grow by 44%
through pipelines, processed and refined. Parker products through 2035.
filter, dry and prepare the gas, removing impurities that
could foul equipment used in the production, treatment,
transport and distribution of this very clean-burning,
efficient fuel. Parker filtration solutions can be found on
the labeled applications in the illustration below.

Producing Wells

Compressor Biogas Landfill

Stations Power Plant



Nitrogen Generators Siloxane Removal Systems Purgas Filters Bioenergy Chillers

for Pigging Siloxane Removal and Adsorbers These products provide chilled
Custom nitrogen generators are Systems eliminate siloxane Parker’s line of Purgas filters water for biogas cooling
used for inerting compressed contamination from landfill gas and dryers are designed to applications. Special protective
natural gas and other oil and biogas to ensure reliable filter and dry compressed treatment on condensers and
and gas pipelines. Nitrogen protection against turbine and natural gas, biogas, and coal copper piping ensures reliable
applications also include reciprocating engine damage bed methane applications. operation on aggressive
pipeline purging and gas and breakdowns. ambients.
compressor dry gas sealing.

Feature Applications
Efficient Filtering for an Efficient Fuel Biogas
Natural gas goes through many stages before it can be used Biogas, made mostly of methane, is produced when bacteria
as energy. Typically, the process begins with production – decomposes biological matter in an anaerobic environment
locating and extracting the natural gas from beneath the typical of landfills, waste treatment plants and coal mines,
ground – and then moves to treatment, pipeline transport among other areas. Treatment filters from Parker are designed
and distribution. Along the way, Parker filters are used to to help treat captured biogas so it can be used in the natural
remove impurities in the gas, protecting the integrity and gas grid. In addition, Parker biogas treatment filters also
performance of processing equipment. Specifically, Parker protect costly equipment used in downstream applications.
filters are used in processes such as amine sweetening,
desiccant dehydration and glycol dehydration.

Factories &

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Fuel Station &

Public Transportation n Ma
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Bioenergy Coolers/Separators ASME Vessel High Capacity High Pressure CNG Filters On-Board CNG Filters
Bioenergy Coolers/Separators Natural Gas Filters Natural gas compressors Filtration is the key to
remove free water from landfill Parker’s ASME high flow filter require several stages of guarding against damaging
or digester biogas. These vessels remove contamination filtration. Parker offers contaminants that could ruin
stainless steel products from CNG during the high, medium and low fuel system components.
have been optimized for production, treatment, and pressure filtration options. Protect your CNG vehicle’s
low-pressure operation with pipeline delivery stages. fuel injector and regulator by
minimal pressure losses. installing coalescing filters.

Worldwide Filtration Manufacturing Locations
North America Europe Asia Pacific
Compressed Air Treatment Compressed Air Treatment Australia
Filtration & Separation/Balston domnick hunter Filtration & Separation Castle Hill, Australia
Haverhill, MA Gateshead, England +61 2 9634 7777
978 858 0505 +44 (0) 191 402 9000 www.parker.com/australia
www.parker.com/balston www.parker.com/dhfns
Finite Airtek Filtration Parker Gas Separations Shanghai, China
Airtek/domnick hunter/Zander Etten-Leur, Netherlands +86 21 5031 2525
Lancaster, NY +31 76 508 5300 www.parker.com/china
716 686 6400 www.parker.com/dhfns
www.parker.com/faf India
Hiross Zander Navi Mumbai, India
Finite Airtek Filtration/Finite Padova Business Unit +91 22 651 370 8185
Oxford, MI Padova, Italy www.parker.com/india
248 628 6400 +39 049 9712 111
www.parker.com/finitefilter www.parker.com/hzd Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Hiross Zander +81 45 870 1522
Engine Filtration & www.parker.com/japan
Essen Business Unit
Water Purification Essen, Germany
Racor Korea
+49 2054 9340
Modesto, CA Hwaseon-City
209 521 7860 +82 31 359 0852
www.parker.com/racor www.parker.com/korea
Engine Filtration &
Racor Water Purification Singapore
Holly Springs, MS Racor Jurong Town, Singapore
662 252 2656 Dewsbury, England +65 6887 6300
www.parker.com/racor +44 (0) 1924 487 000 www.parker.com/singapore
Racor Thailand
Beaufort, SC Racor Research & Development Bangkok, Thailand
843 846 3200 Stuttgart, Germany +66 2 186 7000
www.parker.com/racor +49 (0)711 7071 290-10 www.parker.com/thailand
Racor – Village Marine Tec.
Gardena, CA Hydraulic Filtration Latin America
Parker Comercio Ltda.
310 516 9911 Hydraulic Filter
Filtration Division
desalination.parker.com Arnhem, Holland
Sao Paulo, Brazil
+31 26 3760376
+55 12 4009 3500
Hydraulic Filtration www.parker.com/hfde
Hydraulic Filter
Metamora, OH Urjala Operation
Pan American Division
419 644 4311 Urjala, Finland
Miami, FL
www.parker.com/hydraulicfilter +358 20 753 2500
305 470 8800
Laval, QC Canada
450 629 9594 Condition Monitoring Center
www.parkerfarr.com Norfolk, England Africa
+44 1842 763 299 Aeroport Kempton Park, South Africa
www.parker.com/hfde +27 11 9610700
Process Filtration
domnick hunter Process Filtration
Oxnard, CA Process Filtration
805 604 3400 domnick hunter Process Filtration
www.parker.com/processfiltration Birtley, England
+44 (0) 191 410 5121

© 2012 Parker Hannifin Corporation. Product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Bulletin FG-OG 4/12

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Filtration Group Global
6035 Parkland Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44124-4141
phone 216 896 3000
fax 216 896 4021

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