300 SS Bolting Failure
300 SS Bolting Failure
300 SS Bolting Failure
Please include the month and year of publication and contact Mrs. Erica Riethorst at e.riethorst@kci-world.com
opened assembly
Figure 4: Failed valve with six fractured stud bolts in the upper part – after disassembly.
out in order to reduce the risk of A high tensile stress level in a material if the other parameters necessary are
catastrophic leaks occurring during normal is e.g. present as the result of the present too.
service. manufacturing process (rolling, cold- In the actual cases from Norway and
New valves and repaired valves are forming, welding, tightening of bolts etc.), Denmark, the temperature of the medium
equipped with super duplex stainless steel which results in a high static stress level in inside the valves during normal service
bolts. the stainless steel material. is reported to be sufficiently above the
In the actual cases, primarily the tightening “lower level”, at which this cracking
Chloride-induced stress of the bolts has resulted in a high tensile mechanism may occur.
corrosion cracking (SCC) stress level in the bolt material. The conditions, under which SCC (stress
Chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking A high temperature (in practice approx. corrosion cracking) may take place due to
is a type of environmental cracking caused 50-60°C may be sufficient for standard chlorides, are shown in Figure 6 below.
by the simultaneous action of a corrosive austenitic stainless steel) most often Chlorides may be present in various
agent (aqueous chlorides) and sustained originates from a medium present inside types of mediums transported in process
tensile stress in the material. pipes and vessels etc. – however, plants – however, common to the valve
This actual type of cracking primarily especially at locations, where a warm failures described above is that chlorides
occurs in austenitic stainless steels, if the climate is present (sub-tropical or necessary for the actual failure type have
following criteria are fulfilled: tropical), the temperature of external been added from the surroundings – thus
• High tensile stress level surfaces may reach heights, in which resulting in the chlorides coming into
• High temperature austenitic stainless steel suffers from contact with external surfaces of valves
• High chloride concentration chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking, and piping.
Figure5: Fractured stud bolt and micro-photo of cross-section through fractured surface. Note the comprehensive cracking of the bolt material up to the fracture
surface. The crack image to the right (trans-granular cracks) suggests the cracking mechanism to be chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking. Red-colouring of
the bolt threads due to corrosion is seen.
Especially in marine environments, this may been reported. The cracking has been temperatures above 50˚C on their
be a problem, which must be taken into caused by evaporation of water containing installations and replace such valves or at
consideration, when selecting materials. only small – and often insignificant - least the bolts. For stainless steel valves,
Also at indoor installations, chlorides amounts of chlorides on heated surfaces. super duplex stainless steel bolts are often
may be added to stainless steel external Thus evaporation of such water added a good alternative.
surfaces – e.g. during deluge tests carried continuously to warm surfaces may over It is also recommended to change
out using seawater or from dripping water time lead to the accumulation of chlorides - piping and valve specifications to avoid
from leaking pipe systems etc. finally resulting in a chloride level, which purchasing valves with austenitic stainless
Adding water to heated surfaces will result makes stress corrosion cracking possible – steel bolts in the future.
in evaporation of the water - to a certain even despite a “harmless environment”. It may even be required to introduce
extent – resulting in increased risk of high checks of received new valves into stock
chloride concentration on the surfaces in Recommendations to ensure that the specified bolting
question. It is strongly recommended that operators material has been implemented. Some
During the years, several failures in of offshore oil/gas installations investigate, of the cases above are cases, in which
stainless steel items caused by chloride- if they have valves with austenitic stainless austenitic bolting had not been specified
induced stress corrosion cracking have steel bolts in service conditions with in the purchase specifications.
Per Grumsen is Senior Chief Consultant at Ramboll Oil & Gas in Esbjerg, Denmark. Mr. Grumsen was
educated as marine engineer in Esbjerg, Denmark in 1980. He has been with Ramboll Oil & Gas as material
expert since 2012 and had formerly a long career (approx. 30 years) at the material department of FORCE
Technology in Esbjerg. Fields of activities have among other things been: Failure investigation and analysis
(corrosion problems, cracks and fractures, breakdown of engines, turbines, valves etc.), metallurgical
examinations, material selection, NDE-methods, corrosion prevention e.g. including specification and
inspection of surface treatments (coatings, paint systems, hot-dip galvanizing etc.).