Pressure Relief Devices
Pressure Relief Devices
Pressure Relief Devices
Determining the correct interval for pressure relief valve inspections or shop inspection and overhaul. How often
inspection, testing, and maintenance remains a major chal- should these inspections take place?
lenge for facilities covered by the U.S. Occupational Safety Determining the correct interval for a pressure relief valve
and Health Administration Process Safety Management Stan- (PRV, which is a type of PRD) inspection and testing, as well
dard. To this end, guidance is provided by API Standard as any indicated maintenance, remains a major challenge for
510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, facilities covered by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Rating, Repair, and Alteration, by API Recommended Prac- Administration (OSHA) Process Safety Management (PSM)
tice 576, Inspection of Pressure-relieving Devices, by API Standard [2] or by similar regulatory requirements. To this
Standard 520, Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure- end, guidance is provided by API Standards 510 and 520 Part
Relieving Devices, Part II-Installation, and by NB-23, Nation- II, as well as API RP 576 and the National Board Inspection
al Board Inspection Code—Part 2 Inspection. Furthermore, Code—Part 2 [3]–[6]. Furthermore, ASME BPVC, Sections VIII
ASME BPVC, Sections I and VIII, provide general guidelines and I, provide general guidelines for the repair of pressure
for the repair of pressure relief valves. relief valves [7,8]. Note that a definite time interval between
However, the testing and inspection interval listed, up to inspections or tests should be established for every PRV on
ten years, is the maximum time span between shop inspec- operating equipment.
tions and overhaul. Further direction is often requested for Guidance is often requested for determining the proper
determining the proper interval for valves in typical process interval for valves in typical process services, especially in
services, especially in cases of PRV chattering. Recent API cases of pressure relief valve instability. This paper first
STD 520 Part II guidance on performing engineering analy- describes the instabilities which may affect PRV performance
ses for PRV installations, based on service and specific instal- and their causes, then describes how the inspection interval
lation, is included here. may be determined based on risk-based inspections as well
In this paper, a decision-making approach to determining as additional engineering analysis.
these intervals based on a combined understanding of
risk-based inspection, quality assurance, engineering analyses, INSTABILITY PHENOMENA AND CAUSES
and facility experience is presented. The approach provides pro- The principal reason for inspecting and maintaining PRVs
cess operators and managers with additional assistance in is to ensure that they can provide overpressure protection
making this determination. V C 2017 American Institute of Chem-
when needed. Inspections determine the condition of the
ical Engineers Process Saf Prog 37: 37–41, 2018 valve and look for signs of damage or other concerns. In
Keywords: PRV inspection interval; PRV maintenance; addition to corrosion, deposits, and plugging, there are insta-
PRV risk-based inspection bility phenomena which can cause damage to the seating
surface of a PRV and prevent it from performing properly.
INTRODUCTION These are described in the following sections.
Pressure-relieving devices (PRD) are installed on pressure
vessels and boilers in order to relieve excess pressure which Cycling, Fluttering, and Chattering
may result from the overpressure causes described in the The total non-recoverable pressure loss between the pro-
American Petroleum Institute Standard 521 (API STD 521) [1]. tected equipment and the PRV should not exceed 3% of the
These include process upsets, operator error, external fires, PRV set pressure, to prevent valve instability; with the fol-
and other scenarios. Failure to function properly on demand lowing exceptions to the aforementioned criteria [9]:
could result in vessel overpressure, and possibly loss of con-
tainment with subsequent explosions, fires, or toxicity Thermal relief valves: PRVs designed solely to protect
impacts. There are also consequences associated with leakage against the overpressure caused by liquid hydraulic
of PRDs. To ensure personnel safety as well as protection of expansion, due to ambient or process heating. They are
equipment, facilities and the environment, it is essential that largely oversized for the relief requirement, which could
the PRD be properly designed, installed, inspected regularly, lead to cycling. Moreover, it may result in exceeding the
and maintained in good operating condition. 3% criteria. However, this would only be a concern for
Inspections are used to determine the general physical isolatable equipment; should it happen, the amount of
and operating conditions of the PRD, and assess whether it trapped liquid would be limited. In that case, as the relief
meets the requirements for a given installation and service. device opens and discharges a volume of liquid, it subse-
These inspections are of two types: visual on-stream quently recloses due to loss of built-up pressure on the
inlet of the valve. It would not immediately reopen
because it takes some time for the pressure to build up
C 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V again. Chattering is not expected for this case.
Retrograde Condensation
Fluttering If the fluid during the relief scenario is supercritical (e.g.,
Flutter occurs while the device is open. Moving parts of pressure relief valves protecting high pressure system on
the valve are rapidly reciprocating, however, the disk does hydrocracker units), the drop in pressure as the valve opens
not contact the seat; instead, it reciprocates around a point, may lead to partial condensation of the fluid. When this con-
creating pressure pulsations. Over time this may lead to the densation occurs, there will be an increased pressure drop
valve becoming stuck open. This phenomenon wears out effect due to the contraction of the fluid from supercritical to
the components of the valve. liquid [16].
38 March 2018 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.37, No.1)
any one parameter due to the highly nonlinear nature of the The resulting risk, recommended inspection interval, and
system. next inspection date can then be determined.
Process Safety Progress (Vol.37, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2018 39
Probability of Failure (POF) based on the operating company’s risk-ranking acceptance
Probability (Likelihood) is set up as 1 – 5 (Y-axis of the criteria.
Risk Matrix) equating to Highly Unlikely, Unlikely, Possible, With these defined Consequence and Probability Num-
Somewhat likely, and Very Likely (respectively). All PRVs bers and Letters, there are resulting risks of High Risk, Medi-
started with a likelihood category of “3” or “Possible.” um High Risk, Medium Risk and Low Risk.
Observe the number of overpressure scenarios, fluid service Note: The distribution of the number of PRV’s are placed
severity, relief valve type, and if a rupture disk existed in the Risk Matrix proper designations.
upstream of the relief valve, and the inspection history. As a result, the summary of the consequent risk distribu-
tion shall be as follows:
Number of Overpressure Scenarios High Risk 5 (Total numbers of PRV’s assigned in the high
Observe the Estimated Demand Rate (from applicable sce- risk matrix section)
narios in Table 7.2—Default Initiating Event Frequencies) Medium High Risk 5 (Total numbers of PRV’s assigned in
total number of scenarios (Total for all equipment protected). the medium high risk matrix section)
The POF should be adjusted based on the number of over- Medium Risk 5 (Total numbers of PRV’s assigned in the
pressure scenarios. medium risk matrix section)
Low Risk 5 (Total numbers of PRV’s assigned in the low
Fluid Service Severity risk matrix section)
There are two different types of PRV Service Severity as
described in API RP 581 [29]. One is based on “Fail to Open” Based on the resulting risk information, the next inspec-
cases and the other is based on “Leak” only cases. Determine tion intervals should be focusing on high risk PRV’s while
the severity level for each PRV based on the descriptions in the inspection frequency regarding the low risk PRV’s can be
API RP 581 Categories of PRD Service Severity (Fail Open reduced or even greatly reduced compared to the usual
Case) Table 7.4 and (Leak Case) Table 7.11. The probability inspection program. This results in considerable inspection
will be adjusted relative to fluid service based on the deter- and general cost reduction. Therefore, implementing RBI
mined severity level for the fluid service. If the device pro- provides a dependable methodology of determining the best
tected multiple pieces of equipment, note the service for combination of “inspection frequencies and inspection
each piece of equipment and note the severity for each one. scopes.”
Use the worst severity to make the adjustments.
Valve Type Pressure relief analysis (PRA) studies and periodic revali-
Because the Probability of Failure on Demand vs. Time in dations provide a comprehensive database of potential sour-
Service is based on Weibull parameters which were deter- ces of overpressure and can be used to develop a concern
mined using industry failure rate data, using the valve type list summarizing any deviations from industry and operating
as a variable for probability of failure was considered unrea- company standards. During a pressure relief analysis on a
sonable in this case study (See API RP 581 Fail to Open unit, it is possible to identify and quantify:
Table 7.5/Figure 7.2 and Leakage Table 7.12/Figure 7.3).
Non-recoverable pressure losses on the inlet piping to the
relief valves;
Rupture Disk Upstream Built-up backpressures on the outlet piping;
If there was a rupture disk upstream of the PRV then the Undersized overpressure scenarios;
probability should be slightly lowered. Oversized overpressure scenarios;
Acoustic interaction on the piping;
Historical Inspection Data Improper valve selection;
Review the case study inspection data and determined Improperly installed relief valves;
which types of relief device inspections have been per- Liquid static head on piping that could prevent relief
formed. Determine the actual inspection interval for the last valves from opening prior to the protected equipment
two inspections by comparing the date for the last shop exceeding its MAWP plus allowable accumulation;
inspection/overhaul and the second to last shop inspection/
overhaul. If there was no second to last shop inspection/ Obtaining all the above mentioned data, which are out-
overhaul, then the other option is to use the date three years puts of PRA, is beneficial to identify relief valves that could
prior to the last shop inspection/overhaul. present instability (even if they never presented before) and
Check if a visual On-stream inspection had been per- to judge in a more assertive approach which actions can be
formed. Evaluate if the last shop pre-test “Passed” or taken to prevent instability for that devices.
Grade the last inspection data based on API RP 581 Table CONCLUSION
7.7—Inspection and Testing Effectiveness. A 5 Highly Effec- As previously mentioned, the 10-year interval should be
tive to D 5 Ineffective. Record the next inspection due date. considered as a maximum time between inspections. A
Determine if the next inspection was overdue relative to risk-based approach, as illustrated on this paper, is able to
the date of the current analysis. If the next inspection is improve on the inspection management of PRVs by provid-
overdue, then the probability of failure should be increased. ing a dependable methodology of determining the best com-
bination of “inspection frequencies and inspection scopes.”
Resulting Risk
By now the PRV has a defined COF (shown as Conse- DISCLAIMER
quence on API RP 581 5 x 5 Risk Matrix) A – E, Very Low, The information contained in this document represents
Low, Moderate, High and Very High (respectively). It also the current view of the authors at the time of publication.
has a defined POF (shown as Probability on API RP 581 5 x Process safety management is complex and this document
5 Risk Matrix) 1 – 5, Highly Unlikely, Unlikely, Possible, cannot embody all possible scenarios or solutions related to
Somewhat likely, and Very Likely (respectively). These are compliance. This document is for informational purposes
40 March 2018 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.37, No.1)
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Process Safety Progress (Vol.37, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2018 41