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The Kinds and Types of Variables, and Level of Measurement Variable

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The Kinds and Types of Variables, And Level of Measurement


• Any factor that can change in a scientific investigation or Interval scale

- is a numeric scale in which the number are assigned to the objects
• Is a characteristic, number or quantity, that increase over in which a way that numerically equal distance on the scale represents
time, or takes different values in different situation the equal distance between the characteristics of the objects being
Types of variable
Ratio scale
• Continuous variable
- is the highest-level scale that allows the researcher to classify or
- are ones that have an infinite or uncountable number of
identify the objects, rank-order the objects and compare the interval
possible outcomes.
or differences.
- is a variable whose value is obtained by measuring
Kinds of variable
This variable can be categorized into either:
• Independent variable
 internal
- also known as manipulative variable
 ratio
- are those that the researcher has control over. This “control” may
 Discrete variable involve manipulating existing variable or introducing new variable in
the research setting.
- are ones that have a finite or countable number of possible
outcomes. • Dependent variable

- is variable whose value is obtained by counting - also known as responding variable

This variable can be categorized into either: - it shows the effect of manipulating or independent variable.

 nominal • Intervening variable

 Ordinal - refers to abstract processes that are not directly observable but that
link the independent and dependent variable.
Level of measurement
• Moderate variable
Nominal scale
- affect the relationship between the independent and dependent
- is a measurement scale, in which numbers sere as “tags” or “labels”
variables by modifying the effect of the intervening variables.
only, to identify o classify an object
- moderator variables are measured and taken into consideration.
- normally deals only with non-numeric variables or where numbers
have no value.  Control variable

Ordinal scale - also known as constant variable

- is the 2nd level of measurement that reports the ranking and ordering - is one which the researcher holds constant during an experiment.
of the data without actually establishing the degree of variation
 Extraneous variable - are those factors in the research
between them.
environment which may have an effect on the dependent
- is a scale that uses labels to classify cases into ordered classes. variables but which are not controlled
- extraneous variable are dangerous, they may damage a study’s INQUIRY - a term synonymous with ‘investigation’. When we inquire
validity. or investigate, we tend to ask questions to probe or examine
something. This examination is done through our HOTS (Higher-Order
Types of extraneous variables
Thinking Strategies), such as skills on inferential, analytical, critical,
• Demand characteristics creative, and appreciative thinking. The use of our HOTS leads to our
deeper understanding about the area of inquiry (topic).
• Experimenter/investigator effects

• Participant variables Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) described the quantitative research as the
inquiry " that is grounded in the assumption that features of the social
• Situational variable
environment constitute and objective reality that is relatively
- Demand characteristics. Environmental clues which tell the constant across time and settings. The dominant methodology is to
participant how to behave, like features in the surrounding describe and explain features of this reality by collecting numerical
or researcher’s non-verbal behavior. data on observable behaviours of samples and by subjecting these
- Experimenter / investigator effects. Where the researcher data to statistical analysis.
unintentionally affects the outcome by giving clues to the
participants about how they should behave. The major process of conducting a quantitative research is as follows:

- Participant variables. Like prior knowledge, health status or

1. Identify the Research Problem
any other individual characteristic that could affect the
2. Review of Research problem
3. State Research Questions and Hypotheses
- Situational variables. Like noise, lighting or temperature in
4. Plan Research Design - whom to study, i.e. sampling and
the environment.
human subject concerns; how study, i.e. instrumentation,
Nature and Inquiry of Quantitative Research and It’s Characteristics data collection, and data analysis.
Quantitative Research 5. Implementation of Research Study
6. Presentation and Explanation of Results
Quantitative Research is an objective, systematic empirical
investigation of observable phenomena through the use of
Characteristics of Quantitative Research
computational techniques.
According to Huysamen (1997), "descriptions of quantitative research
typically discern a cycle of successive phases of hypothesis formulation,  Seeks accurate measurement and analysis of target

data collection, analysis and interpretation. concepts.

Gay & Airasian (1999) Using a deductive approach, quantitative  It is not based on mere intuitions and guesses.

research seeks to establish facts, make predictions, and test hypotheses CLEARLY DEFINED RESEARCH QUESTIONS
that have already been stated. A large part of the data analysis of
quantitative research is statistical, striving to show that the world can  Researchers must know in advanced what they are looking

be looked at in terms of one reality; this reality, when isolated in for.

context, can be measured and understood, a perspective known as  Research questions are well-defined for which objective
positivism. answers are sought.


Quantitative research is basically a hypothesis testing process. Based  Tools (e.g. questionnaires) are being used to collect

on some theoretical foundations, hypotheses are formulated. measurable characteristics of population like age, socio-
economic status, number of children, etc.
NUMERICAL DATA  Numerical data can be quickly analyzed - By employing
statistically valid random models, finding can be
 Data are usually in the form of numbers. generalized to the population.

 Real and Unbiased - If the research is properly designed it

 These data can be presented using tables, charts, graphs
filters out external factors, and so can be seen as real and
and figures that consolidate large numbers to show trends, unbiased.
relationships or differences among variables.
 Quantitative researches are replicable - Standardized
approaches allow the study to be replicated in different
areas or over time with the formulation of comparable
 To arrive at a more
 Quantitative experiments are useful for testing the result
 reliable data analysis, a normal population distribution
 Less time consuming
curve is preferred.
 Useful in large number of people
 “Random Sampling” is recommended in determining the
Weaknesses of Quantitative Research
sample size to researcher’s bias in interpreting the results.
 It requires large numbers of respondents - Quantitative
REPLICATION researches need large number of respondents because it is
assumed that the larger the sample is, the more
 Reliable studies can be repeated to verify or confirm statistically accurate the finding are.

correctness of results in another setting.  It is costly - Due to the need of having more respondents,
the expenses will be greater in reaching these people and
FUTURE OUTCOMES reproducing the questionnaires.

 Contextual factors are usually ignored - It does not

 If-then scenarios may be formulated thus predicting future.
consider the distinct capacity of the respondents to share
and elaborate further information.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research
 Many information are difficult to gather using structured
Difference of Quantitative to Qualitative research
research instruments/ tools
Quantitative Research
 If not done seriously, data from tools may be incomplete
 Theory testing and inaccurate

 Describing a research problem through description of  The respondents can easily skip the questions
trends or need for an explanation
 Contextual factors are usually ignored
 Collecting numeric data from a large number of people
 The respondents can easily skip the questions
using instruments with preset question and responses

 Using statistical techniques to make sense of the data

The Kinds of Quantitative Research And Its Importance Across
coming from a large number of people
Qualitative Research
What is Quantitative Research?
 Theory building
- Quantitative research is defined as the systematic
 Exploring a problem and developing a detailed investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and
understanding of a central phenomenon performing statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. It
measures the magnitude, size, extent of the phenomenon.
 Collecting the data based on words from a small number
of individuals so that the participants’ views are obtained

 Content analysis NON-EXPERIMENTAL

Strengths of Quantitative Research - this type of research lacks the manipulation of an

independent variable.
 It uses statistical techniques - It facilitates sophisticated
analyses and allows us to comprehend a huge amount of Kinds of NON-EXPERIMENTAL in quantitative research
vital characteristics of data.
DESCRIPTIVE - Descriptive research is defined as a research method EXPERIMENTAL
that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon
that is being studied. - A collection of research design which use manipulation
and controlled testing to understand causal proce.
SURVEY -Survey research is the collection of data attained by asking
individuals questions either in person, on paper, by phone or online. TRUE-EXPERIMENTAL - True-experiment is thought to be the most
Survey can be divided into two broad categories: the questionnaire accurate type of experimental research.
and the interview. QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL - Quasi-experimental research design- in
1. Questionnaires are usually paper-and-pencil instruments which a treatment or stimulus is administered to only one of two
that the respondents completes. groups whose members were randomly assigned.

TYPES OF QUESTIONNAIRES PRE-EXPERIMENTAL -Pre-experimental are the simplest form of

research design. In a pre-experimental either a single group or
Multiple choice multiple groups are observed subsequent to some agent or
treatment presumed to cause change.
Dichotomous questionnaire
There are 3 types of Pre-experimental design:
Semantic differential questionnaire
The One-Shot Case Study Design
2. Interviews are completed by the interviewer based on the
respondents says. The One-Group Pretest- Posttest Design

CORRELATION - research is a type of non- experimental research The Static-Group Comparison

method, in which a researcher measures two-variables, understand
and assess the statistical relationship between them with no IMPORTANCE OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ACROSS FIELD
influence from any extraneous variable. - TESTING HYPOTHESIS AND DEVELOPING A THEORY
Types of Correlational Research - USE STATISTICS TO GENERALISE FINDING
Positive Correlation
Negative Correlation organization to make plans on how to become a successful in its
field. It helps us in decision making.
No Correlation
CAUSI-COMPARATIVE OR EX-FACTO STUDIES - Used to identify terms of MEDICAL EDUCATION, Quantitative Research is particularly
cause and effect relationships or to examine the consequence of important as it gives rise to a new discovery concerning disease and
difference that already exist between two groups health conditions.
Types of causi -comparative research HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES - Researchers in this field aims
Retrospective causal comparative research - The researcher is to provide solution to the social problems directly felt by people
investigating research question after the effect have already such as stress, anxiety and depression. It measures human behavior
occurred and analyzes psychological processes.

Prospective casual comparative research – The Researchers using

this type of method begin by studying the causes and the
investigation the possible effect.

COMPARITIVE - Enable you to identify and explore the similarities

and differences between chosen phenomenon or group

DESCRIPTIVE COMPARSON - Aims at describing and perhaps also

exploring the invariance of the object

NORMATIVE COMPARISON -Special style of research is needed

when the aims is not just to detect and explain but also to improve
the present stare of the object

EVALUATION - Evaluative research provide a means to judge action

and activities in terms of values, criteria and standards.

METHODOLOGICAL - Methodological research aims at improving

research methodology and statistical methods in order to more
precisely answer research questions.

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