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Monolithic IC MM1089: Sensor Amplifier

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MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

Sensor Amplifier
Monolithic IC MM1089

This IC is an amplifier with a high-impedance differential input, which can be used in high-CMR instrumentation.
Particularly when amplifying signals from a high-impedance or high-bias signal source, often signals are buried
in noise, making amplification difficult. This IC amplifies only the signal, and the noise is suppressed rather than
amplified, making it effective for use where noise is prominent or with high-impedance signal sources.

1. Battery charge/discharge current detection
(for laptops, word processors, etc) 80dB min., 100dB typ.
2. Signal amplifiers for magnetic sensors, pressure sensors, strain gauges Except 10MΩ
3. Instrumentation amps 3~ 100
4. Broad input range -0.3V~VCC+0.3V
5. Two internal channels

SOP-18A (MM1089XF)

1 Detection of battery charge/discharge current (for notebook computers, word processors etc)
2 Amplification of magnetic sensor, pressure sensor, strain gauge, other signals
3 Instrumentation amp
MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

Pin Assignment
Input range
switching 1 1 18 VCC
Input range
+IN1 2 17
switching 2
+ 3 16 +IN2
- 4 15 +
A1 Rg2
-IN1 5 A2 14 -
6 13 -IN2
OUT1 7 12
O.COM1 8 11 OUT2
GND 9 10 O.COM2

Pin no. Pin name Function

Input range switching 1 AMP1 Input voltage range switching

INCHG1 Hi : 1.8V~VCC+0.3V LO : -0.3V~VCC-1.8V

2 IN1+ AMP1 +Input

3 Rg1+ AMP1 Resistance to set the Rg gain

4 Rg1- AMP1 Resistance to set the Rg gain

5 IN1- AMP1 -Input

6 Rs1 AMP1 Resistance to set the Rs gain

7 OUT1 AMP1 Resistance to set the Rs gain, output 1

8 O.COM1 AMP1 Common output

9 GND Ground

10 O.COM2 AMP2 Common output

11 OUT2 AMP2 Resistance to set the Rs gain, output 2

12 Rs2 AMP2 Resistance to set the Rs gain

13 IN2- AMP2 -Input

14 Rg2- AMP2 Resistance to set the Rg gain

15 Rg2+ AMP2 Resistance to set the Rg gain

16 IN2+ AMP2 +Input

Input range switching 2 AMP2 Input voltage range switching

INCHG2 Hi : 1.8V~VCC+0.3V Lo : -0.3V~VCC-1.8V

18 VCC Power supply input

MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

Equivalent Circuit Diagram

Absolute Maximun Ratings (Ta=25°C)

Item Symbol Ratings Units

Operating temperature TOPR -20~+70 °C
Storage temperature TSTG -40~+125 °C
Power supply voltage VCC -0.3~+25 V
Allowable loss Pd 350 mW

Electrical Characteristics (Except where noted otherwise, Ta=25°C, VCC=15V, Rg=10kΩ, Rs=1000kΩ)

Item Symbol Measurement conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units

Consumption current ICC 0.45 0.6 mA
Gain GV GV=K Rs/Rg See Fig. 1
Gain error GV Error of above formula -5 0 +5 %
Input bias current 1 IB1 When input range switching pin is high 50 250 nA
Input bias current 2 IB2 When input range switching pin is low -100 -500 nA
Input offset current IIO 5 50 nA
Input offset voltage VIO -2 0 +2 mV
O.COM pin setting Output takes O.COM pin
VOC 1.0 VCC-1.5 V
voltage range voltage as reference
O.COM pin MM1089 -50
input bias current MM1131 -100
Output offset voltage VOO VOC as reference (GV=40dB) -0.25 0 +0.25 V
Output offset current IOO VOC as reference (GV=40dB) -0.25 0 +0.25 µA
Common-mode input range 1 VICM1 When input range switching pin is high 1.8 VCC+0.3 V
Common-mode input range 2 VICM2 When input range switching pin is low -0.3 VCC-1.8 V
Input voltage high level
VHSW 2.4 V
for input range switching pin
Input voltage low level
VLSW 0.8 V
for input range switching pin
Input current (Hi) for
IHSW VINSW=15V -1 1 µA
input range switching pin
Input current (Lo) for
ILSW VINSW=0V -5 -0.5 µA
input range switching pin
VIN(+)-VIN(-)=+1V, VO=VCC-1.5V
Output outflow current ISOURC 1.0 4.0 mA
VIN(+)-VIN(-)=-1V, VO=0.3V
Output inflow current ISINK 0.3 1.0 mA
Slew rate SR 0.16 V/µS
Common-mode signal rejection ratio CMR DC 80 100 dB
Power supply fluctuation
SVR DC 80 100 dB
rejection ratio
Input equivalent noise voltage VNI RIN=1kΩ, BPF=20Hz~20kHz 6 µV
MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089


Common-mode input voltage range Voltage gain vs frequency characteristic

40 40
Voltage gain GV [dB]

SV.A Rg=10kΩ

Voltage gain GV [dB]

20 SV.B SV.B

10 Rg=100kΩ

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
DC input voltage VICM [V]

101 102 103 104 105

Frequency f [Hz]
Consumption voltage vs power supply voltage Maximum output voltage vs Re
Consumption current

Maximum output voltage

ICC [mA]

0.5 12
VOM (Vop-p) [V]


6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Rs=500kΩ
Power supply voltage VCC [V] 4


102 103 104 105

Frequency f [Hz]

Power supply fluctuation rejection ratio vs frequency Common mode component rejection ratio
vs frequency
Power supply fluctuation rejection

Common mode component rejection

ratio SVR [dB]

ratio CMR [dB]


101 102 103 104 105

101 102 103 104 105
Frequency f [Hz]
Frequency f [Hz]
MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

Gain Settings
1. By mounting appropriate external Rs and Rg resistances, a subtractive amp can easily be configured with a
gain Gv=K RS/Rg (where K=1 typ.).
Here the precision of RS and Rg affects the gain, but has no inherent effect on CMR.
However, the practical range for the gain is Gv=3 to 100.
2. To determine RS and Rg, first RS is calculated from the maximum required output voltage; then the
equation for the gain Gv=K RS/Rg is used to compute Rg.
The voltage gain coefficient K varies with the value of Rg. For approximate values of K see Fig.1. The larger
the value of RS, the larger is the output offset voltage.
If RS is made small, an advantageous offset voltage is obtained, but if it is too small, an adequate maximum
output voltage is not obtained.
As a rough estimate, when the maximum output voltage is to be 10VP-P, Rs=1000kΩ; if it is to be 5VP-P,
then Rs=500kΩ.
Recommended values: When Rs=1000 kΩ, Gv=100, Rg=9.1kΩ
When Rs=1000 kΩ, Gv=50, Rg=18kΩ
When Rs=500kΩ, Gv=50, Rg=9.1kΩ
When Rs=500kΩ, Gv=10, Rg=47kΩ
3. The output offset voltage ratings in the table of electrical characteristics are for Rg=10kΩ, Rs=1000kΩ.
When using other constants, use the following formula for the output offset:
Output offset=VIO GV+IOO RS
4. The output voltage is essentially the voltage applied to the O.COM (OUTPUT COMMON) pin, output as the
reference level. In actuality, an offset is added to the reference potential and output.
Because the O.COM pin is independent of both amps 1 and 2, offset adjustment is easily accomplished by
shifting the O.COM pin voltage by the amount of the offset.
5. If the input range switching pin is set high, the input voltage range is covered from the VCC level; by
switching it to low, the range extends from GND level.
However, the offsets are different, so care must be taken in continuous switching.
6. The O.COM pin setting voltage range and common-mode input range should be set to voltages between
the minimum and maximum values.

[Voltage gain coefficient K vs. Rg]

Voltage gain coefficient K

100 101 102 103
Fig. 1 Rg (kΩ) MM1089
MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

Application Circuits
1. Charger for NiCad batteries (charging current, discharge current detection circuit)

Note : For the Rg and Rs resistances, see "Gain Settings"

2. Charger for NiCad batteries (charging current, discharge current detection circuit)

Note : For the Rg and Rs resistances, see "Gain Settings"

3. Sensor signal amplification

Note : For the Rg and Rs resistances, see "Gain Settings"

MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

1. Summary
An instrumentation amp is often used as a sensor
amp to amplify weak signals. Among the
advantages of such an amplifier are
1. Good CMR characteristics
2. High input impedance
3. Means of gain adjustment which does not
affect the CMR characteristic
However, in practice an extremely high resistance
precision is demanded, making it difficult to
implement such an amplifier at low cost. In order to
eliminate these problems, Mitsumi developed the Fig. 1. Ordinary instrumentation amp
MM1089 sensor amp, with a circuit configuration In Fig.1, in a circuit configuration with a gain of
providing the above advantages using ordinary 40dB, a resistance precision of 0.1% is necessary
monolithic IC precision. for a CMR of 100dB; for a gain of 20dB, the
precision must be 0.01%. Hence in this IC a circuit
2. Aim of development configuration based on an entirely different
The I/O environment in which this IC will be used operating principle was employed. The approach is
was expected to include input sources ranging simple: the transistor IC vs. VCE characteristic is a
from GND to VCC, while devices receiving the IC constant-current characteristic not readily
output were anticipated to consist mainly of dependent on the voltage. Hence the input signal
microcomputers with integrated D/A converters. In voltage is converted into a current signal in the
addition to a high CMR characteristic, the offset input unit, and the current component is passed to
voltage must be kept low; here it was judged that the output circuit.
the output voltage with no input signal could be
easily read in advance and used in the
microcomputer to correct measured values, so that
no measures are taken to force down the offset
voltage unnecessarily. Of course even if a
microcomputer is not used, a potentiometer can be
used to shift the reference voltage applied to the
O.COM pin by the amount of the offset. Emphasis
was placed on a high CMR characteristic and the
ability to accommodate a wide range of input

3. Features of the MM1089 Fig.2. Basic circuit illustrating operation

1. CMR characteristic of 100dB and higher Figure 2 shows the basic circuit.
2. Input impedance of 10MΩ and above A simple buffer amp is used to generate a
3. Broad recommended operating power supply difference voltage for the input signal across the
voltage range (4.5V to 20V using a single power resistance Rg, which determines the gain, and the
supply) current I flowing in this resistance is passed
4. Broad input voltage range (-0.3V to VCC+0.3V) through a current mirror circuit before reaching Rs
5. Range can be set freely (between 10 and 40dB) of the output amp, to obtain an output voltage
using two external resistances I Rs.
6. Reference voltage applied to O.COM pin can The overall gain is Rs/Rg. The output from the amp
be set over a broad range (1V to VCC-1.5V) acting as an input buffer depends on two PNP
transistors. The first transistor is connected to one
4. Configuration and summary of operation end of the resistor Rg, a constant-current power
4-1. Means to achieve high CMR characteristic and supply, and a feedback loop; the second PNP
circuit operation transistor has an emitter area only one-half that of
As explained above, the machining precision of the former transistor, and is connected to a current
ordinary monolithic ICs (with a resistance precision mirror circuit and an output circuit.
of 2%) is such that a high CMR characteristic By this means, an output VOUT is obtained
cannot be easily obtained in an instrumentation consisting of the reference voltage VCOM applied to
amplifier. one of the input pins of the output amp, on which
MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

is superposed the input difference voltage Rs/Rg.

The common mode level of the input signal does
not appear in the basic equation, meaning that an
amplifier with an inherently very high CMR
characteristic can be obtained. Of course in the
basic circuit considered here, because of the Early
effect of the transistors the current mirror circuit
operation will not be ideal, and the CMR
characteristic values are as yet insufficient. In the
actual circuit, cascade connections suppress the
Early effect, and a current mirror circuit with an
extremely small voltage dependence was adopted.
Further, a differential amp was not used as the Fig.3. Pinout
input buffer amp; instead, a simple configuration
was used to obtain the required characteristics. To summarize the block diagram of Fig.3 and pin
Through these circuit designs, a CMR functions,
characteristic in excess of 100dB using standard 1. There are two circuits in a SOP-18P package.
values was achieved. 2. Rg and Rs are external resistances. Rg is used
to set the sensitivity, with smaller resistances
(4-2) Means to obtain a broad input voltage range, yielding higher sensitivity. Rs is used to set the
and circuit operation output scale; to obtain a larger output range,
One unavoidable problem is the transistor VBE choose a higher resistance.
voltage, so that an input circuit which can handle Rs/Rg is the total gain. In actuality, there is a
all voltages from GND to VCC is inherently degree of error, and so a coefficient K is
impossible. If a resistance is used to attenuate the included (cf. Fig. 6).
input, a broad range can be achieved; but then the 3. The common voltage of the output circuit is
input impedance cannot be kept high, deviating applied to the O.COM pin; when the differential
from the original development goals. input is zero, the common voltage is output
In actual environments of use there are likely to be without modification (of course the offset
extremely few signal sources with signals varying voltage is added).
continuously from GND to VCC, and so a design When there is a differential input, the output
was adopted in which it is possible to switch voltage VO is
between a mode with an input voltage range of VO=Vd Rs/Rg K+VC+Vof
-0.3V to VCC-1.8 V, and a mode with input where Vd is the differential input voltage, VC is
voltages ranging from 1.8V to VCC+0.3V. A the common voltage applied to the O.COM pin,
switching pin was provided for this purpose. and Vof is the offset voltage. On startup the
Specifically, the NPN emitter follower has an input offset amount is determined automatically, and
circuit to shift the voltage in the negative direction, when adding correction VCOM less the offset
and the PNP emitter follower has an input circuit to voltage is applied.
shift the voltage in the positive direction; these are 4. Input range switching pins
switched during use. Because the input offset When the low potential is applied, the input
voltage is different for the NPN and PNP inputs, in range from -0.3V to VCC-1.8V is covered,
applications requiring switching during operation when high, the input range is +1.8V to
some special measures may be required for offset VCC+0.3V.
correction. Switching at TTL level is possible. However, it
should be noted that the input offset voltages
(4-3) Output circuit and operation are different for the two ranges. Of course if the
A standard op-amp circuit configuration with a B- IC is to be used fixed at one range, the
class output stage is adopted. The potential switching pin can be shorted to GND or to VCC.
applied to the+input (O.COM pin) is output as the
reference potential. 5. Major performance parameters
1. Differential gain vs CMR characteristic
Differential gain vs CMR appears in Fig. 4.
When the gain of an ordinary instrumentation
amp is lowered the CMR generally falls, but in
this IC there is almost no change.
MITSUMI Sensor Amplifier MM1089

2. Input voltage range vs gain [dB]

Shown in Fig. 5. By switching the range using 130
the input range switching pin, input from GND 120
level to VCC level is provided. 110
3. Voltage gain coefficient K vs Rg 100
Rs/Rg nearly coincides with the voltage gain, CMR 90
with a slight difference. This difference is 80
represented by K, but as Rg changes K also
changes. This relationship is indicated in Fig. 6. Instrumentation amp final stage
Rs, Rg error 0.1%
1.0% )
The output from the MM1089 may be passed 24 28 32 36 40 44 [dB]
through an A/D converter and input to a Differential gain
microcomputer for offset correction; an example
appears in Fig.7. Here the inputs IN A and IN B are Fig.4. CMR vs differential gain
signal sources with input voltage ranges extending
to GND level, while IN C and IN D are inputs which [dB]
extend to VCC level. 50

1. An analog switch is used to input IN A to both

Voltage gain GV
input pins, the other switches are turned off. A 40
control output is used to apply the "L" level to
the input range switching pin. Here the output 30 H
is VCOM+VOFA, and this is read by the
microcomputer and stored as VA. L
2. Next, an analog switch is used to input INC to L
L : Input range switching pin low
both input pins; other switches are turned off. H : Input range switching pin high
Here the input range switching pin is set to "H" -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 [V]
by the control output. The output at this time is DC input voltage VICM
VCOM+VOFB, and this is read by the
microcomputer and stored as VB. The above Fig.5. Common mode input voltage range
are preparatory measurements.
3. Analog switches are set so that IN A is at one 1.00
input, and IN B at the other; the other switches 0.98
coefficient K
Voltage gain

are turned off. The control output sets the input 0.94
range switching pin to "L" level. Here the 0.92
GV=K Rs/Rg
measured value VX1 is the output voltage VO1 0.90
less the previously determined VA. 0.86
VX1=VO1-VA=(IN A-IN B) GV 100 101 102 103 [kΩ]
4. Analog switches are set to input IN C to one Rg
input pin and IN D to the other; the other
switches are turned off. The input range Fig.6. Voltage gain coefficient K vs Rg
switching pin is set "H" by the control output.
The measured value VX2 is the output voltage
VO2 less the previous VB.

7. Summary
As explained above, an amplifier which is simple
yet has a high CMR can be configured using the
The MM1089 used together with a CPU equipped
with an internal D/A converter should find a broad
range of applications.

Fig.7. Application example

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