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BeyondZero® Excellence Award Application

Pillar House

5th Dec 2017

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BeyondZero® Excellence Award Application

Summary Statement
Following the successes of 2016 and the successful integration of 3 offices of differing cultures into 1,
Pillar House targeted a number of improvements it wanted to make throughout 2017. Whilst safety
remains a constant and can always be improved, the safety performance and BeyondZero® culture to
date at Pillar House office is very strong and self-governing. This culture provides a strong platform to
expand the team’s efforts out with the office and extend the culture of caring ethos into the local
communities, building relationships, improving the Jacobs brand and spreading the powerful messages
of BeyondZero.

From the drive of the Pillar House Office Management (including the security team) to the enthusiasm,
innovative ideas and energy of Networks, the BeyondZero efforts of the office throughout 2017 are
epitomised and clearly demonstrable in the attached video link.


Further explanation to support the video and highlight Pillar House’s BeyondZero efforts and culture is
included in Actions Taken Section 2 - Caring beyond the office.

Office Team application? Pillar House

Line of Business:
Aerospace & Technology UK
Business Unit:
Nuclear Clean Up
Whitehaven, Cumbria
Key contributions from Andrew
Name(s) of individual(s) to be recognised:
Holburt, Debbie Robinson.
Author (Name and Job Role):
Peter Murphy (Safety Adviser)
Pete Lutwyche
HSE lead:
Mike Cameron

I Endorsement this BeyondZero® Excellence Award Submission

Pete Lutwyche

Senior Vice President and General Manager

Jacobs Aerospace and Technology


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BeyondZero® Excellence Award Application

Actions Taken
A number of BeyondZero® initiatives have been undertaken by Pillar House and below is a list and of
what they entailed and their positive impact both within the office and beyond.

1. Safety Week 2017

In May, Pillar House hosted its biggest Safety week to date. A great deal of effort and planning was
undertaken to ensure the week compiled an action packed schedule that incorporated the daily themes
into engaging sessions which included its first safety gameshow.

Pillar House Safety Week also included guest speakers such as Dr Brian Campbell from the mental
health charity Mind to help raise awareness and further support the Jacobs Positive Mental Health
Campaign. But it wasn’t all serious and a take on a popular TV quiz show was organised with teams
taking on the “Question of Safety” challenge.

Money was raised throughout the week to encourage involvement whilst supporting local charities
through cake sales, a raffle and a number of games.

2. Caring beyond the office

As part of Pillar House’s targeted efforts to support the development of its local communities in 2017,
over 70 work experience pupils from local schools have undertaken in-house developed training
which culminates with each successful student receiving a Silver Industrial Cadet’s Certificate. This
ensures their time with Jacobs is of value to the individuals and that they have recognition of it.

The work experience programme gives pupils an insight in to each discipline within Pillar House,
which then allows the pupils to choose a discipline or career path that enjoy and are fully invested in.

The work experience programmes are predominantly run by apprentices and graduates with the
guidance of experienced staff. Safety underpins the programme with each student given the essence
and explanation of the BeyondZero culture both locally within Pillar House and corporately. Pupils are
also encouraged to challenged Jacobs employees in line with our philosophy of empowerment and
raise any positive or negative finding via the SOR system.

The programme has been highly successfully and feedback from the participants evaluating their time
and experiences with Pillar House has been really positive reporting 100% likely to recommend
Jacobs to their peers and also 100% feeling they had developed their knowledge and skills.

Review of the programme and its local impact has also demonstrated its strength and our support to
local communities. A recent survey indicated 100% of students that have found employment since
attending the Pillar House work experience programme and feedback from each individual rated the
programme as ‘very beneficial’ in helping them secure their employment. Overall, 85% of students
rated the work experience as ‘very influential’ in helping them decide a career path.

Below are testimonies and evidence to support the targeted initiative:

"I didn’t know about some jobs before I came to Jacobs, including project controls and now this is the
job I would like. It has helped me to decide what I want to do."

St Benedict's Catholic High School Student

Feedback and testimonies from individuals has also allowed opportunity to improve the programme
and tailor the support for each student and school. For example, the survey results indicated that
Keswick school students wanted more help with interview techniques. Therefore, we have provided
interview classes to Keswick school students.

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BeyondZero® Excellence Award Application

“May I also thank you very much for the incredible experience Jasmin and Nathan had. The
programme was informative, educational, in-depth and relevant. As the Work Experience coordinator
in school I will definitely be promoting the “Jacobs’ Experience” for our new Year 10’s in September.
(How many students can you take at a time?) As the incoming Head of Careers in September, I
would like to forge concrete links between Jacobs and Keswick School. I am sure that our students
will benefit hugely”

Mel Avery – Work Experience Coordinator Keswick School

Our work experiences program highlighted a number of distressed students who didn’t know what to
do once they left school or didn’t have the desired results to follow the career path they had hope for.

3. Positive Mental Health (PMH)

The Positive Mental Health Campaign has been fully supported and engaged. Within Pillar House there
are and 10 PMH Champions who have volunteered to support colleagues should the need arise.
A number of efforts have been initiated to raise the awareness of PMH. Again the attached video link
illustrates some of the efforts.
4. T2 Careers Fair

A team from Pillar House organised and ran a local careers fare to support students who didn’t receive
the A-level exam results they were hoping for. They organised 8 different workshops supported by local
employers and experts in employment. The Positive Mental Health team were also engaged there to
offer support and build encouragement.

The exit poll showed:

 How helpful was this event in helping you plan your future? – 91%
 Do you feel you know more about the opportunities companies have for local students? - 77%
 Do you feel you know more about the range of jobs available to you? - 79%

This helped to empower the local students and improve the Jacobs brand in the local area.

5. Project Controls Day

As an extension of the successful work experience programme, upon review of the feedback from the
pupils / participants it highlighted that many students weren’t aware of the different types of roles within
the industry. Many presumed it was only engineering. Therefore, Pillar House organised a number of
activity days where local students could learn about other roles e.g. project controls whilst completing
a fun activity.

The feedback from the day was extremely positive.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the team for putting together the presentation and
activities for the WLA students. I have genuinely never experienced such a response to an activity with
so many enquiring about work experience and future career opportunities following the sessions. I feel
they all have gained so much from the experience and opportunities that were presented to them.”

Di Brown – Westlakes Academy

6. Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Open Day

Pillar House organised an open day event for the IET. The aim of the event was to encourage local
students to have a career in engineering and provide career advice.

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Our data shows 100% of attendees were encouraged to have a career in engineering and join the IET.
72% stated they were greatly encouraged to have a career in engineering and 65% stated they were
greatly encouraged to join the IET. Parents rated the careers advice section of the day as 90%. Students
rated the activities as 91%.

Just some highlights from the surveys:

 “I’m probably going to try and get a career in electrical or nuclear engineering”
 “I want to be a mechanical engineering and today has encouraged that”
 “My son is definitely showing more of an interest into what is available to him”
 “I am more eager to follow my path of being a civil engineer. It gave me a better understanding
of what the IET do. It fits all of my expectations of what I want to become.”
 “Yes, he is extremely interested (in joining the IET)”

7. Born Survivor

A team of 14 completed the Lake District Born Survivor obstacle course and raised £850 for Mind.

In addition to this a number of local charities have also been supported by Pillar House throughout 2017
from Mission Christmas which donates Christmas presents to the local hospital for sick and
underprivileged children and young adults to Calderwood House support which is a shelter for homeless
ex-service people Pillar House has made every effort to go ‘beyond’ the office and reach out to support
the local communities.

I think the initiatives described and the video link show how special Pillar House is and how it’s culture
of caring and BeyondZero ethos is clearly demonstrable.

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BeyondZero® Excellence Award Application

Statements of Support / Endorsements

 Endorsements from clients, colleagues, partners, Senior Leadership etc. are extremely
valuable and can influence the decision making process.

 Note that an endorsement or signature from SVP is mandatory.

“The BZ team and people within Pillar House are at the centre of our day-to-day
operations and our Culture of Caring. We are very fortunate to have a team of
people based in Cumbria who embrace all that BZ stands for both within Jacobs
and our external communities. I am particularly proud of the work the Pillar House
Office does supporting disadvantaged children, school leavers and a wide range of
other charitable causes. They are a credit to Cumbria and Jacobs.”
Col Rhodes
Operations Lead, Pillar House

Pillar House is one of our most inclusive and diverse offices and it confirms my
belief that inclusiveness and diversity leads to great things. The video used to
support this submission that was produced by the team clearly demonstrates this.
Pete Lutwyche
Senior Vice President and General Manager, Jacobs Aerospace and Technology

I am extremely proud of the work the Pillar House team do year on year to support
BeyondZero® and our local communities. This year has reached an all-time high
and as ever our challenge is to improve on it next year. I’m totally confident we can
do it.
Andy Leigh
Vice President, Nuclear Clean-Up Aerospace & Technology UK.

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BeyondZero® Excellence Award Application

Supporting Information


The Pillar House team enjoy a BeyondZero® take on the popular “Question of Sport” TV game
show renamed as “Question of Safety”

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