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Additional documentation 3

3 Project Planning of Bucket Elevator Gear Units

3.1 Additional documentation
In addition to the information provided in this catalog, SEW-EURODRIVE offers
extensive documentation on the complete subject area of electrical drive technology.
This is primarily documentation from the "Drive Engineering – Practical Implementation"
series. The current SEW documentation can be ordered or downloaded from the SEW-
EURODRIVE homepage (http://www.sew-eurodrive.com).

Drive The publication "Drive Engineering – Practical Implementation – Drive Arrangements

Engineering – with SEW Gearmotors" features extensive information on characteristics, differentiating
Practical features and application areas of SEW drives. A comprehensive collection and
Implementation assignment of the most important formulas for drive calculation and detailed examples
for the most frequently used applications make this documentation an important tool for
the project planner and an essential addition to the SEW product catalogs.

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 17
3 Data for drive dimensioning

3.2 Data for drive dimensioning

Certain data are required for a definite specification of your drive. These are:
Data for drive dimensioning Your entry
n2 Output speed [1/min]
PK2 Output power [kW]
MK2 Output torque [Nm]
MK2max Maximum output torque [Nm]
Output torque for driving power from auxiliary
MK3 [Nm]
Frequency of maximum output torque [1/h]
FR2 Overhung load at gear unit output [N]
FA2 Axial load at gear unit output [N]
Jload Mass moment of inertia to be driven [10-4 kgm2]
n1 Input speed [1/min]
Pm at n1 Motor power at input speed [kW]
PK1 at n1 Operating power at input speed [kW]
PK1max Maximum operating power [kW]
FR1 Overhung load at gear unit input [N]
FA1 Axial load at gear unit input [N]
Type of driving motor e.g. electric motor -
Operating mode and cyclic duration factor CDF or
S.., ..%ED -
exact load cycle can be entered
ϑamb Ambient temperature [°C]
[m above
H Altitude
sea level]
Installation site
Standard, dusty, abra-
sive, chemically Ambient conditions -
Required gear unit version:
S → Output shaft as solid shaft
S, H -
H → Output shaft as hollow shaft
(→ selection tables and dimension drawings)
VA, fA Operating voltage and frequency of auxiliary drive [V], [Hz]
IP.. Required enclosure of auxiliary drive -
Vspeed monitor Operating voltage of speed monitor [V]

18 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Project planning process 3

3.3 Project planning process

The following flow chart schematically shows the procedure for project planning of a
bucket elevator gear unit.
Required informationen on the driven machine
– Technical data and ambient conditions

Calculation of effective application data
– Gear unit reduction ratio i = n1/n2
– Operating power PK1 = MK2 x n2 / (9550 x η)

Gear unit selection
– Specify gear unit size, gear unit reduction ratio i and gear unit
design with FS = 1.5...1.8
– Calculate permitted operating power:
PK1perm = 2 x PN1 / FF
– Check maximum operating power:
PK1max ≤ PK1perm
– Calculate permitted output torque:
MK2perm = 2 x MN2 / FF
– Check maximum output torque:
MK2max ≤ MK2perm
– Calculate thermal power:
PT = PTH x f1 x fn1 x fV
– Check thermal power:
PK1 ≤ PT
– Check the occurring external radial and axial shaft loads
– → please contact SEW-EURODRIVE

Selecting components on the input side
– Specify component type and design
– Specify component size
– Check component load

Selecting accessories
– Monitoring functions (units, systems)
– NEMA adapter for auxiliary drives
– Swing base, optionally with torque arm

Check whether all defined requirements are being met.

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 19
3 Calculation factors

3.4 Calculation factors

The following calculation factors are important for project planning of bucket elevator
gear units:

Service factor FS The service factor FS = 1.5...1.8 takes into account the load impacts generated by the
driving motor and the driven machine.

Factor FF The factor FF takes into account how often the maximum output torque occurs per hour.
Frequency of maximum load per hour
Gear unit type
1...5 6...20 21...40 41...80 81...160 > 160
1.00 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.75 2.00

Altitude factor f1
Altitude H [m above sea level]
Gear unit type
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
1.0 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.83
1) Intermediate values must be interpolated.

Input speed
factor fn1
Factor fn1
speed n1
Gear unit
ϑamb = 20 °C ϑamb = 30 °C ϑamb = 40 °C ϑamb = 50 °C
w/o with w/o with w/o with w/o with
fan fan fan fan fan fan fan fan
1500 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1800 0.98 1.08 0.97 1.08 0.96 1.08 0.94 1.08
1500 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M3R..70..90 1800 0.97 1.08 0.96 1.08 0.95 1.08 0.91 1.09
1200 1.04 0.91 1.05 0.91 1.07 0.91 1.12 0.91

20 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Additional project planning notes 3

Factor fV for The thermal limit rating PTH was established based on an installation in large rooms or
installation site halls.
The following values can be used without fan operation if there are air velocities > 4 ms-1
at the installation site:
• fV = 1.29 for MC3R..02..09
• fV = 1.0 for M3R..70..90

With fan operation, the air velocity is determined by means of the fan speed and is
already taken account in the PTH values in sections 3.7 and 3.8 "Thermal limit rating."
In this case, fv = 1.0.

Please consult SEW-EURODRIVE in case of deviating conditions.

3.5 Additional project planning notes

Efficiency The efficiency η is 0.955.

Peak loads The bucket elevator gear units may only be overloaded for a short period of time.
Individual peak loads must not last for more than ten seconds.

External radial Please consult SEW-EURODRIVE in case of external radial or axial shaft loads.
and axial shaft

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 21
3 Project planning example

3.6 Project planning example

Bulk material must be transported from one level to a higher level using a bucket


Technical data • Foot-mounted gear unit with hollow shaft

and application • Output speed n2 = 35 1/min
conditions of • Output torque MK2 = 9000 Nm
bucket elevator
• Maximum output torque MK2max = 16 kNm
gear units
• Maximum operating power PK1max = 61.4 kW
• Running time: 16 hours per day
• The gear unit is started up once per hour (frequency of maximum output torque)
• The gear unit is to be used without a fan in a large hall under very dusty conditions
and an ambient temperature range ϑamb = 0...30 °C.
• Installation altitude: 1000 m

Technical data of • Input speed n1 = 1500 1/min

AC motors • Motor power Pm = 45 kW

22 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Project planning example 3

Step 1: Calculate the gear unit reduction ratio i using the following formula:
Calculating gear
ratio i = -----1-

1500 1/min
35 1/min

i = 42.86 1/min
This value is used to specify the rated gear ratio iN = 45 (→ section 4).

Step 2: The operating power PK1 of the drive is cacluated as follows using the output torque MK2
Calculating or output power PK2 as well as output speed n2 and efficiency η:
operating power
P K2
P K1 = ---------

PK1 = 9000 Nm x 35 1/min

9550 x 0.955

M K2 × n 2
- (where η = 0.955 for three-stage gear units)
P K1 = -----------------------
9550 × η
PK1 = 34.54 kW

Step 3: The required rated power of the gear unit PN1 is calculated using operating power PK1
Specifying gear and service factor FS = 1.5...1.8 by means of the following formula:
unit size and gear
unit reduction P N1 ≥ P K1 × F S
PN1 ≥ 34.54 x 1.5..1.8

PN1 ≥ 51.8...62.2 kW
This value is used to select the gear unit size MC3RLHF04 from the selection tables (→
section 4).
The selection of the gear unit provides the following technical data:
• Rated power PN1 = 55.8 kW
• Rated gear ratio iN = 45 → exact gear ratio iex = 44.302
• Rated torque of the gear unit MN2 = 15 kNm

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 23
3 Project planning example

Step 4: The permitted operating power PK1perm calculated using rated power PN1 and factor FF
Calculating (→ table factor FF):
permitted power
2 × P N1
P K1perm = -------------------

P 2 x 55.8 kW
K1 perm
1.0 N

PK1perm = 111.6 kW

Step 5: The maximum operating power PK1max must not exceed the permitted operating power
Checking PK1perm !
maximum P K1max ≤ P K1perm
operating power
61.4 kW ≤ 111.6 kW
This means you can use the selected gear unit size.

Step 6: The permitted output torque MK2perm is calculated using the rated torque MN2 of the gear
Calculating unit determined in step 3 and factor FF (→ table factor FF).
permitted output
2 × M N2
torque M K2perm = --------------------

M K2perm = 2 x 15 MN2
1.0 N

MK2perm = 30 kNm

Step 7: The maximum output torque MK2max must not exceed the permitted output torque
Checking MK2perm !
maximum output
torque M K2max ≤ M K2perm

16 kNm ≤ 30 kNm
This means you can use the selected gear unit size.

24 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Project planning example 3

Step 8: The thermal power PT of a gear unit is the power that can be transferred with the gear
Calculating unit without the oil temperature exceeding the calculated maximum value depending on
thermal power the lubricant used. To determine the thermal power PT of the gear unit, it is necessary
to determine the thermal limit rating PTH of the gear unit while taking the ambient
temperature into account (→ section "Thermal limit rating"). In addition, the altitude
factor f1 (→ table altitude factor f1), the factor for the input speed fn1 (→ table factor fn1)
and the factor for the installation site fV (→ table factor fV) are required.

P T = P TH × f 1 × f n1 × f V

PT = 45.6 kW x 0.95 x 1.0 x 1.29

PT = 43.32 kW

Higher thermal powers are possible if synthetic lubricants and special oil seals are used.
Please contact SEW-EURODRIVE in such cases.

Step 9: The operating power PK1 must not exceed the thermal power PT (PK1 ≤ PT). If PK1 > PT,
Checking thermal additional cooling (fan) is required.
34.54 kW ≤ 43.32 kW
No additional cooling is required in this case.

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 25
3 Thermal limit rating MC3R..02..09

3.7 Thermal limit rating MC3R..02..09

The thermal limit rating PTH is based on installation in large rooms or halls.
Thermal limit rating PTH [kW]
Gear unit
iex ϑamb = 20 °C ϑamb = 30 °C ϑamb = 40 °C ϑamb = 50 °C
type w/ fan with w/o fan with w/o fan with w/o fan with
fan fan fan fan
29.430 37.2 65.0 29.4 52.9 21.6 40.8 13.8 28.7
33.028 37.8 65.6 30.0 53.5 22.2 41.5 14.4 29.4
37.384 37.2 64.0 29.6 52.3 22.1 40.7 14.6 29.0
40.296 37.5 64.3 30.0 52.7 22.5 41.0 14.9 29.4
45.224 38.1 64.9 30.5 53.2 23.0 41.6 15.5 29.9
50.488 38.5 65.4 31.0 53.7 23.5 42.1 16.0 30,.
56.661 37.7 63.7 30.5 52.4 23.2 41.1 15.9 29.9
64.135 38.2 64.1 30.9 52.9 23.7 41.6 16.4 30.3
29.602 45.3 79.2 35.8 64.5 26.3 49.8 16.8 35.0
33.397 46.1 80.0 36.6 65.3 27.1 50.6 17.6 35.9
35.077 44.9 77.5 35.7 63.3 26.5 49.1 17.3 34.9
39.666 45.6 78.3 36.4 64.1 27.3 49.9 18.1 35.7
44.751 46.3 79.0 37.1 64.8 27.9 50.6 18.8 36.4
50.966 47.0 79.7 37.8 65.5 28.7 51.3 19.5 37.1
57.295 46.0 77.6 37.2 63.9 28.3 50.1 19.4 36.4
65.252 46.6 78.2 37.8 64.5 28.9 50.8 20.0 37.0
29.646 55.8 97.5 44.1 79.4 32.4 61.3 20.7 43.2
33.139 56.8 98.4 45.1 80.3 33.4 62.2 21.7 44.1
34.627 55.2 95.4 43.9 77.9 32.6 60.4 21.3 42.9
39.632 56.2 96.4 44.9 78.9 33.6 61.4 22.3 43.9
44.302 56.9 97.2 45.6 79.7 34.4 62.2 23.1 44.7
49.827 57.7 98.0 46.4 80.5 35.1 63.0 23.8 45.5
55.993 56.5 95.4 45.6 78.5 34.7 61.6 23.8 44.7
62.976 57.2 96.1 46.3 79.2 35.4 62.3 24.5 45.4
29.130 62.8 109.8 49.6 89.4 36.4 69.0 23.2 48.5
32.315 63.8 110.8 50.6 90.4 37.4 70.0 24.2 49.5
33.829 62.0 107.4 49.3 87.7 36.5 67.9 23.8 48.2
39.033 63.2 108.6 50.5 88.9 37.7 69.2 25.0 49.4
43.301 64.1 109.4 51.3 89.7 38.6 70.0 25.8 50.3
48.739 65.0 110.4 52.2 90.6 39.5 70.9 26.7 51.2
55.438 63.7 107.6 51.4 88.5 39.1 69.4 26.8 50.4
62.400 64.5 108.4 52.2 89.3 39.9 70.2 27.6 51.2
28.782 75.1 131.3 59.3 106.9 43.5 82.4 27.7 58.0
32.302 76.4 132.6 60.6 108.2 44.8 83.7 29.0 59.3
35.533 74.7 129.1 59.5 105.4 44.2 81.8 29.0 58.2
38.796 75.6 129.9 60.4 106.3 45.1 82.7 29.9 59.1
43.540 76.7 131.1 61.5 107.4 46.2 83.8 31.0 60.2
49.283 77.9 132.2 62.6 108.6 47.4 85.0 32.1 61.4
55.306 76.2 128.8 61.5 105.9 46.8 83.1 32.0 60.3
62.600 77.2 129.7 62.5 106.9 47.7 84.1 33.0 61.3
28.377 91.0 159.4 71.8 129.7 52.6 100.0 33.4 70.2
31.876 92.6 161.0 73.4 131.3 54.2 101.6 35.0 71.8
33.791 90.2 156.2 71.7 127.5 53.1 98.8 34.6 70.1
38.024 91.7 157.7 73.1 129.0 54.6 100.3 36.0 71.6
42.712 93.0 159.0 74.5 130.3 56.0 101.7 37.4 73.0
48.963 94.6 160.6 76.0 131.9 57.5 103.2 38.9 74.5
53.983 92.4 156.2 74.5 128.5 56.6 100.7 38.7 73.0
61.883 93.8 157.6 75.8 129.8 57.9 102.1 40.0 74.4
29.063 112.3 196.3 88.7 159.8 65.1 123.3 41.5 86.8
33.002 114.4 198.5 90.8 161.9 67.2 125.4 43.6 88.9
34.901 111.4 192.5 88.6 157.2 65.8 122.0 43.0 86.7
39.175 113.1 194.2 90.3 159.0 67.5 123.7 44.7 88.4
44.485 114.9 196.1 92.1 160.8 69.3 125.5 46.6 90.2
49.823 116.5 197.6 93.7 162.3 70.9 127.1 48.1 91.8
56.617 114.2 192.6 92.2 158.5 70.1 124.4 48.1 90.3
63.411 115.5 194.0 93.5 159.9 71.5 125.8 49.4 91.7
28.121 128.8 225.6 101.6 183.5 74.4 141.4 47.2 99.3
31.559 131.0 227.9 103.8 185.8 76.6 143.7 49.4 101.6
34.467 128.1 221.6 101.9 181.0 75.6 140.3 49.3 99.7
37.904 129.8 223.3 103.5 182.7 77.3 142.0 51.0 101.4
42.539 131.7 225.2 105.5 184.6 79.2 143.9 52.9 103.3
48.150 133.7 227.2 107.4 186.6 81.2 145.9 54.9 105.3
54.720 131.1 221.5 105.7 182.2 80.3 142.9 55.0 103.6
61.937 132.8 223.2 107.4 183.9 82.1 144.6 56.7 105.3

26 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Thermal limit rating M3R..70..90 3

3.8 Thermal limit rating M3R..70..90

The thermal limit rating PTH is based on installation in large rooms or halls.
Thermal limit rating PTH [kW]
Gear unit
iex ϑamb = 20 °C ϑamb = 30 °C ϑamb = 40 °C ϑamb = 50 °C
type w/o fan with w/o fan with w/o fan with w/o fan with
fan fan fan fan
28.149 192 356 146 284 100 213 54 142
31.047 195 359 149 288 103 217 57 146
35.342 200 364 154 293 108 221 62 150
39.381 204 367 158 296 112 225 66 154
44.586 208 371 162 300 116 229 70 158
50.311 211 375 165 304 119 233 73 162
55.102 214 378 168 307 122 236 76 164
61.944 218 381 172 310 126 239 80 168
29.691 227 420 173 336 119 253 65 169
32.741 232 424 178 340 124 257 70 173
36.111 236 428 182 344 128 261 74 177
40.806 240 433 186 349 132 266 78 182
45.469 245 437 191 353 137 270 83 186
50.298 248 440 194 357 140 273 86 190
56.945 253 445 199 361 145 278 91 194
62.149 256 448 202 364 148 281 94 197
29.354 269 497 205 398 141 299 77 200
33.065 275 503 211 404 147 305 83 206
35.957 279 507 215 408 151 309 87 210
40.360 284 512 220 413 156 314 92 215
45.741 290 518 226 419 162 320 98 221
49.653 294 522 230 422 166 323 102 224
56.945 299 527 235 428 171 329 107 230
63.953 304 532 240 433 176 334 112 235

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 27
3 Auxiliary drives

3.9 Auxiliary drives

Bucket elevator gear units are generally equipped with an auxiliary drive. Auxiliary
drives are used in maintenance cases to lower the bucket elevator speed. These drives
consist of a helical bevel gearmotor that is mounted to the main gear unit via an
intermediate flange.
An overrunning clutch placed in the intermediate flange is supplied with oil from the main
gear unit. The helical bevel gearmotor has its own oil filling.

The customer must equip the drive combination with speed monitoring to prevent
overspeed at the auxiliary drive in case of a malfunction of the overrunning clutch.

3.10 Auxiliary drives for empty buckets MC3R..02..09

The assignment of auxiliary drive to main gear unit listed in the following table was
selected in such a way that a bucket elevator with empty buckets can be operated at low
speed in the same direction of rotation.
Main gear unit Auxiliary drive

Gear unit iex Gearmotor type n31) MK3 Pm IN IN i

type 400V 460V
50Hz 60Hz
[1/min] [Nm] [kW] [A] [A]
29.430 3.36 2050
33.028 3.00 2300
37.384 2.65 2600
40.296 4.21 1630
MC3RL..02 KF37 DT80N4 0.75 2.1 1.85 28.83
45.224 3.75 1830
50.488 3.36 2050
56.661 3.00 2300
64.135 2.65 2600
29.602 2.47 4090
33.397 2.19 4610
35.077 2.79 3610
39.666 2.47 4090
MC3RL..03 KF47 DT90S4 1.1 2.8 2.6 39.61
44.751 2.19 4610
50.966 1.92 5250
57.295 2.19 4610
65.252 1.92 5250
29.646 2.42 4170
33.139 2.16 4660
34.627 2.83 3570
39.632 2.47 4080
MC3RL..04 KF47 DT90S4 1.1 2.8 2.6 39.61
44.302 2.21 4560
49.827 1.96 5130
55.993 2.21 4560
62.976 1.96 5130
29.130 2.61 7740
32.315 2.35 8590
33.829 3.01 6710
39.033 2.61 7740
MC3RL..05 KF67 DV100M4 2.2 4.7 4.1 38.39
43.301 2.35 8590
48.739 2.09 9670
55.438 2.35 8590
62.400 2.09 9670
28.782 2.64 7650
32.302 2.35 8580
35.533 2.88 7000
38.796 2.64 7650
MC3RL..06 KF67 DV100M4 2.2 4.7 4.3 38.39
43.540 2.35 8580
49.283 2.08 9720
55.306 2.35 8580
62.600 2.08 9720

28 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Auxiliary drives for empty buckets MC3R..02..09 3

Main gear unit Auxiliary drive

Gear unit iex Gearmotor type n31) MK3 Pm IN IN i

type 400V 460V
50Hz 60Hz
[1/min] [Nm] [kW] [A] [A]
28.377 2.55 10800
31.876 2.27 12130
33.791 2.87 9600
38.024 2.55 10800
MC3RL..07 KF77 DV100L4 3.0 6.3 5.4 40.04
42.712 2.27 12130
48.963 1.98 13910
53.983 2.27 12130
61.883 1.98 13910
29.063 2.52 14540
33.002 2.22 16510
34.901 2.83 12960
39.175 2.52 14540
MC3RL..08 KF77 DV112M4 4.0 8.7 5.6 40.04
44.485 2.22 16510
49.823 1.98 18490
56.617 2.22 16510
63.411 1.98 18490
28.121 2.61 14070
31.559 2.32 15790
34.467 2.87 12790
37.904 2.61 14070
MC3RL..09 KF77 DV112M4 4.0 8.7 5.6 40.04
42.539 2.32 15790
48.150 2.05 17870
54.720 2.32 15790
61.937 2.05 17870
1) at the output shaft of the main gear unit if driven via auxiliary drive (50 Hz, n1 = 1,500 1/min; at
60 Hz n3 increases by approx. 20 %)

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 29
3 Auxiliary drives for filled buckets M3R..70..90

3.11 Auxiliary drives for filled buckets M3R..70..90

The assignment of auxiliary drive to main gear unit listed in the following table was
selected in such a way that a bucket elevator with filled buckets can be operated at low
speed in the same direction of rotation..
Main gear unit Auxiliary drive

Gear unit iex Gearmotor type n31) MK3 Pm IN IN i

type 400V 460V
50Hz 60Hz
[1/min] [Nm] [kW] [A] [A]
28.149 2.33 15770 49.16
31.047 2.33 15770 49.16
35.342 2.04 17950 49.16
39.381 2.04 17950 49.16
M3R.. 70 KF 87 DV112M4 4.0 8.7 7.0
44.586 2.04 17950 49.16
50.311 2.44 15040 36.52
55.102 2.23 16480 36.52
61.944 2.23 16480 36.52
29.691 1.74 21130 56.64
32.741 1.74 21130 56.64
36.111 1.74 21130 56.64
40.806 1.77 20720 49.16
M3R.. 80 KF 87 DV112M4 4.0 8.7 7.0
45.469 1.77 20720 49.16
50.298 1.79 20530 44.02
56.945 1.79 20530 44.02
62.149 1.97 18590 36.52
29.354 2.20 16670 49.16
33.065 1.95 18780 49.16
35.957 1.80 20420 49.16
40.360 1.79 20530 44.02
M3R.. 90 KF 87 DV112M4 4.0 8.7 7.0
45.741 1.79 20530 44.02
49.653 1.79 20530 44.02
56.945 1.79 20530 44.02
63.953 1.92 19130 36.52
1) at the output shaft of the main gear unit if driven via auxiliary drive (50 Hz, n1 = 1.500 1/min; at
60 Hz n3 increases by approx. 20 %)

30 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Auxiliary drives for filled buckets MC3R..02..09 3

3.12 Auxiliary drives for filled buckets MC3R..02..09

The assignment of auxiliary drive to main gear unit listed in the following table was
selected in such a way that a bucket elevator with filled buckets can be operated at low
speed in the same direction of rotation.
Main gear unit Auxiliary drive

Gear unit iex Gearmotor type n31) MK3 Pm IN IN i

type 400V 460V
50Hz 60Hz
[1/min] [Nm] [kW] [A] [A]
29.430 2.85 4230 34.8
33.028 2.98 4040 29.63
37.384 SF 67 DT90L4 2.63 4570 29.63
1.5 3.55 3.1
40.296 2.96 4010 41.89
MC3RL..02 45.224 3.00 3960 36.85
50.488 2.69 4420 36.85
56.661 SF 67 DT90S4 2.09 4170 1.1 41.89
2.8 2.6
64.135 2.10 4150 36.85
29.602 3.04 6080 32.38
33.397 2.69 6860 32.38
35.077 3.10 5970 35.94
39.666 3.04 6080 32.38
MC3RL..03 SF77 DV100M4 2.2 4.7 4.1
44.751 2.69 6860 32.38
50.966 2.70 6860 28.41
57.295 2.69 6860 32.38
65.252 2.70 6860 28.41
29.646 2.35 7780
33.139 2.10 8700
34.627 2.60 7020
39.632 2.40 7620
MC3RL..04 SF77 DV100M4 2.2 4.7 4.1 41.07
44.302 2.15 8520
49.827 1.91 9580
55.993 2.15 8520
62.976 1.91 9580
29.130 2.29 10870 43.33
32.315 2.18 11430 41.07
33.829 2.64 9420 43.33
39.033 2.29 10870 43.33
MC3RL..05 SF77 DV100L4 3.0 6.3 6.8
43.301 2.18 11430 41.07
48.739 1.94 12870 41.07
55.438 2.18 11430 41.07
62.400 1.94 12870 41.07
28.782 2.32 14680 44.03
32.302 2.32 14630 39.1
35.533 2.53 13450 44.03
38.796 2.32 14680 44.03
MC3RL..06 SF87 DV112M4 4.0 11.0 9.4
43.540 2.32 14630 39.1
49.283 2.05 16560 39.1
55.306 2.32 14630 39.1
62.600 2.05 16560 39.1
28.377 2.98 15870
31.876 2.65 17830
33.791 3.35 14100
38.024 2.98 15870
MC3RL..07 SF87 DV132S4 5.5 11.0 9.4 34.96
42.712 2.65 17830
48.963 2.31 20430
53.983 2.65 17830
61.883 2.31 20430
29.063 2.27 21100 44.89
33.002 1.99 23960 44.89
34.901 2.54 18800 44.89
39.175 2.27 21100 44.89
MC3RL..08 SF97 DV132S4 5.5 11.0 9.4
44.485 2.20 21700 40.65
49.823 1.97 24300 40.65
56.617 2.20 21700 40.65
63.411 1.97 24300 40.65

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 31
3 Auxiliary drives for filled buckets M3R..70..90

Main gear unit Auxiliary drive

Gear unit iex Gearmotor type n31) MK3 Pm IN IN i

type 400V 460V
50Hz 60Hz
[1/min] [Nm] [kW] [A] [A]
28.121 2.60 30710
31.559 2.32 34470
34.467 2.86 27930
37.904 2.60 30710
MC3RL..09 SF97 DV132ML4 9.2 18.1 9.4 40.65
42.539 2.32 34470
48.150 2.05 39010
54.720 2.32 34470
61.937 2.05 39010
1) at the output shaft of the main gear unit if driven via auxiliary drive (50 Hz, n1 = 1.500 1/min; at
60 Hz n3 increases by approx. 20 %)

3.13 Auxiliary drives for filled buckets M3R..70..90

The assignment of auxiliary drive to main gear unit listed in the following table was
selected in such a way that a bucket elevator with filled buckets can be operated at low
speed in the same direction of rotation.
Main gear unit Auxiliary drive

Gear unit iex Gearmotor type n31) MK3 Pm IN IN i

type 400V 460V
50Hz 60Hz
[1/min] [Nm] [kW] [A] [A]
28.149 2.78 49520 42.33
31.047 2.78 49520 42.33
35.342 2.44 56370 42.33
39.381 2.44 56370 42.33
M3R ..70 KF 107 DV160L4 15.00 29.5 27
44.586 2.44 56370 42.33
50.311 2.47 55590 37.00
55.102 2.56 53800 32.69
61.944 2.56 53800 32.69
29.691 2.03 67890 49.90
32.741 2.03 67890 49.90
36.111 2.03 67890 49.90
40.806 2.11 65080 42.33
M3R..80 KF 107 DV160L4 15.00 29.5 27
45.469 2.11 65080 42.33
50.298 1.91 71990 42.33
56.945 1.91 71990 42.33
62.149 2.00 68680 37.00
29.354 3.02 66890 37.00
33.065 2.68 75350 37.00
35.957 2.79 72400 32.69
40.360 2.59 77760 31.28
M3R ..90 KF 107 DV180L4 22.00 42.5 40
45.741 2.59 77760 31.28
49.653 2.59 77760 31.28
56.945 2.59 77760 31.28
63.953 2.49 80960 29.00
1) at the output shaft of the main gear unit if driven via auxiliary drive (50 Hz, n1 = 1,500 1/min; at
60 Hz n3 increases by approx. 20 %)

32 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Lubrication fill quantities 3

3.14 Lubrication fill quantities

Refer to the operating instructions for information on lubricants.
The indicated filling quantities are recommended values. The exact values vary
depending on the gear ratio.

The main gear unit is usually supplied without lubricant.

The auxiliary drives are supplied from the factory with a lubricant fill in
accordance with their mounting position.

Empty buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
MC3RL..02 14 KF37 1.5
MC3RL..03 18
KF47 2.2
MC3RL..04 24
MC3RL..05 31
KF67 3.6
MC3RL..06 39
MC3RL..07 45
MC3RL..08 69 KF77 6.0
MC3RL..09 93

Empty buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
M3R..70 158
M3R..80 201 KF87 11.9
M3R..90 249

Filled buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
MC3RL..02 14.5 SF67 3.2
MC3RL..03 18.5
MC3RL..04 24.5 SF77 6.5
MC3RL..05 32
MC3RL..06 39
SF87 12
MC3RL..07 46.5
MC3RL..08 71
SF97 23.6
MC3RL..09 95

Filled buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
M3R..70 160
M3R..80 203 KF107 35
M3R..90 252

Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 33

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