Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 17
3 Data for drive dimensioning
18 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Project planning process 3
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 19
3 Calculation factors
Service factor FS The service factor FS = 1.5...1.8 takes into account the load impacts generated by the
driving motor and the driven machine.
Factor FF The factor FF takes into account how often the maximum output torque occurs per hour.
Frequency of maximum load per hour
Gear unit type
1...5 6...20 21...40 41...80 81...160 > 160
1.00 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.75 2.00
Altitude factor f1
Altitude H [m above sea level]
Gear unit type
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
1.0 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.83
1) Intermediate values must be interpolated.
Input speed
factor fn1
Factor fn1
speed n1
Gear unit
ϑamb = 20 °C ϑamb = 30 °C ϑamb = 40 °C ϑamb = 50 °C
w/o with w/o with w/o with w/o with
fan fan fan fan fan fan fan fan
1500 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1800 0.98 1.08 0.97 1.08 0.96 1.08 0.94 1.08
1500 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M3R..70..90 1800 0.97 1.08 0.96 1.08 0.95 1.08 0.91 1.09
1200 1.04 0.91 1.05 0.91 1.07 0.91 1.12 0.91
20 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Additional project planning notes 3
Factor fV for The thermal limit rating PTH was established based on an installation in large rooms or
installation site halls.
The following values can be used without fan operation if there are air velocities > 4 ms-1
at the installation site:
• fV = 1.29 for MC3R..02..09
• fV = 1.0 for M3R..70..90
With fan operation, the air velocity is determined by means of the fan speed and is
already taken account in the PTH values in sections 3.7 and 3.8 "Thermal limit rating."
In this case, fv = 1.0.
Peak loads The bucket elevator gear units may only be overloaded for a short period of time.
Individual peak loads must not last for more than ten seconds.
External radial Please consult SEW-EURODRIVE in case of external radial or axial shaft loads.
and axial shaft
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 21
3 Project planning example
22 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Project planning example 3
Step 1: Calculate the gear unit reduction ratio i using the following formula:
Calculating gear
ratio i = -----1-
1500 1/min
35 1/min
i = 42.86 1/min
This value is used to specify the rated gear ratio iN = 45 (→ section 4).
Step 2: The operating power PK1 of the drive is cacluated as follows using the output torque MK2
Calculating or output power PK2 as well as output speed n2 and efficiency η:
operating power
P K2
P K1 = ---------
M K2 × n 2
- (where η = 0.955 for three-stage gear units)
P K1 = -----------------------
9550 × η
PK1 = 34.54 kW
Step 3: The required rated power of the gear unit PN1 is calculated using operating power PK1
Specifying gear and service factor FS = 1.5...1.8 by means of the following formula:
unit size and gear
unit reduction P N1 ≥ P K1 × F S
PN1 ≥ 34.54 x 1.5..1.8
PN1 ≥ 51.8...62.2 kW
This value is used to select the gear unit size MC3RLHF04 from the selection tables (→
section 4).
The selection of the gear unit provides the following technical data:
• Rated power PN1 = 55.8 kW
• Rated gear ratio iN = 45 → exact gear ratio iex = 44.302
• Rated torque of the gear unit MN2 = 15 kNm
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 23
3 Project planning example
Step 4: The permitted operating power PK1perm calculated using rated power PN1 and factor FF
Calculating (→ table factor FF):
permitted power
2 × P N1
P K1perm = -------------------
P 2 x 55.8 kW
K1 perm
1.0 N
PK1perm = 111.6 kW
Step 5: The maximum operating power PK1max must not exceed the permitted operating power
Checking PK1perm !
maximum P K1max ≤ P K1perm
operating power
61.4 kW ≤ 111.6 kW
This means you can use the selected gear unit size.
Step 6: The permitted output torque MK2perm is calculated using the rated torque MN2 of the gear
Calculating unit determined in step 3 and factor FF (→ table factor FF).
permitted output
2 × M N2
torque M K2perm = --------------------
M K2perm = 2 x 15 MN2
1.0 N
MK2perm = 30 kNm
Step 7: The maximum output torque MK2max must not exceed the permitted output torque
Checking MK2perm !
maximum output
torque M K2max ≤ M K2perm
16 kNm ≤ 30 kNm
This means you can use the selected gear unit size.
24 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Project planning example 3
Step 8: The thermal power PT of a gear unit is the power that can be transferred with the gear
Calculating unit without the oil temperature exceeding the calculated maximum value depending on
thermal power the lubricant used. To determine the thermal power PT of the gear unit, it is necessary
to determine the thermal limit rating PTH of the gear unit while taking the ambient
temperature into account (→ section "Thermal limit rating"). In addition, the altitude
factor f1 (→ table altitude factor f1), the factor for the input speed fn1 (→ table factor fn1)
and the factor for the installation site fV (→ table factor fV) are required.
P T = P TH × f 1 × f n1 × f V
PT = 43.32 kW
Higher thermal powers are possible if synthetic lubricants and special oil seals are used.
Please contact SEW-EURODRIVE in such cases.
Step 9: The operating power PK1 must not exceed the thermal power PT (PK1 ≤ PT). If PK1 > PT,
Checking thermal additional cooling (fan) is required.
34.54 kW ≤ 43.32 kW
No additional cooling is required in this case.
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 25
3 Thermal limit rating MC3R..02..09
26 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Thermal limit rating M3R..70..90 3
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 27
3 Auxiliary drives
The customer must equip the drive combination with speed monitoring to prevent
overspeed at the auxiliary drive in case of a malfunction of the overrunning clutch.
28 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Auxiliary drives for empty buckets MC3R..02..09 3
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 29
3 Auxiliary drives for filled buckets M3R..70..90
30 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Auxiliary drives for filled buckets MC3R..02..09 3
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 31
3 Auxiliary drives for filled buckets M3R..70..90
32 Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series
Lubrication fill quantities 3
Empty buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
MC3RL..02 14 KF37 1.5
MC3RL..03 18
KF47 2.2
MC3RL..04 24
MC3RL..05 31
KF67 3.6
MC3RL..06 39
MC3RL..07 45
MC3RL..08 69 KF77 6.0
MC3RL..09 93
Empty buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
M3R..70 158
M3R..80 201 KF87 11.9
M3R..90 249
Filled buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
MC3RL..02 14.5 SF67 3.2
MC3RL..03 18.5
MC3RL..04 24.5 SF77 6.5
MC3RL..05 32
MC3RL..06 39
SF87 12
MC3RL..07 46.5
MC3RL..08 71
SF97 23.6
MC3RL..09 95
Filled buckets
Filling quantity in
Main gear unit Filling quantity in liters Auxiliary drive
M3R..70 160
M3R..80 203 KF107 35
M3R..90 252
Industrial Gear Units: Bucket Elevator Drives of the MC... / M... Series 33