IGL Gas Tender
IGL Gas Tender
IGL Gas Tender
Please note that in accordance with the general conditions of tender, IGL may amend these dates
of the tender process at its sole discretion. In case any of the specified dates are declared a
public holiday, the deadline shall be the next working date.
Tender Document can be purchased from the office of VP (C&P), Indraprastha Gas Limited on
any working day (Monday to Friday) from 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours against a written request
and payment of requisite document fee as specified in in the tender document by crossed bank
draft / Banker’s cheque from a first class international bank or an Indian nationalized / scheduled
bank in favour of Indraprastha Gas Limited, payable at Delhi, India.
Bid submitted by bidders, who have not purchased the Bidding Document either directly or
through their authorized representative, will be rejected.
PSUs and firms registered as Micro / Small Enterprise with MSME or NSIC are exempted from
furnishing Tender Fee (subject to their enclosing a copy of latest and valid registration certificate)
with their bid. Traders / Dealers / Distributors / Stockiest / Wholesalers registered with District
Industries Centre are not entitled for exemption of Tender Fee.
1. The bidder must be a manufacturer of Emergency Response Vehicles and must have
successfully executed order of supply of emergency response vehicles of minimum value of
Rs.2.79 crores in the past 05 years from the date of floating of tender.
1. Bidder should have achieved the minimum turnover of Rs. 5.58 Crores during any of the
preceding 3 financial years.
2. The net worth of the company must be positive for the preceding year.
3. The working capital of the company should be minimum Rs. 55.80 Lacs during preceding
financial year.
If the bidder's working capital is inadequate, the bidder should supplement this with a letter
from bidder's bank (bank having net worth not less than Rs 100 Crore), confirming the
availability of the line of credit to cover the inadequacy of working capital required as above.
Note: Bidder shall submit necessary documents to establish their credentials to meet the above
criteria. IGL may at its discretion make additional checks for the same.
Bidding will be conducted through Open Domestic Tendering. Single Stage Two Bid system is
adopted for this tender.
The submission and opening of bids will be through e-tendering mode. Tender document can be
downloaded from the website https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/igl or from e-tender
link given on official IGL website http://www.iglonline.net. For bidding procedure and guide, refer
to Section “Bidder’s Guide” of this tender document.
To participate in the e-tendering, it is mandatory for the bidders to have user ID & password. For
this purpose, the bidder has to register itself with IGL through MSTC website
https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/igl. Please also note that the bidder has to obtain
digital signature token for applying in the tender and in general, activation of registration may
takes 24 hours subject to the submission of all requisite documents required in the process.
Note: IGL in no way shall be responsible if the bidder fails to apply due to non-possession of
Digital Signature & non registration.
The tender document is available for downloading from MSTC’s e-tendering website
https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/igl or from e-tender link given on official IGL
website http://www.iglonline.net for viewing / participation of the eligible bidders. Bidders meeting
the bid evaluation criteria who intend to submit their bid may download the tender for submission
by the bid due date and time. Bidder shall give an undertaking on his letter-head that the contents
of the bidding document have not been altered or modified. Bid evaluation criteria shall be
applicable for all the bidders.
The bidders who have downloaded the tender document from website shall make payment of
tender document fee through crossed bank draft in physical form at the time of pre-bid meeting.
The bid of any such bidder shall be considered only if the prescribed tender document fee has
been submitted in the form of demand draft before the due date and time of the bid submission.
Bids submitted by bidders, who have not purchased / not submitted the bid document fee
physically to the purchaser before due date and time of bid submission, will be liable for rejection.
Disclaimer clause: Bidders are advised to visit MSTC’s e-tendering website and IGL website
regularly for any updates on the tender. The ignorance to visit the website will not be accepted as
a reason for any gap / missing information like corrigenda, amendments, clarifications etc.
The bidder(s) or their designated representatives, who have downloaded the bid document, or to
whom tender document has been issued and who intend to bid are invited to attend the pre-bid
meeting. Bidder(s) queries if any, must reach Purchaser office at least one day prior to pre-bid
meeting date. The venue of pre bid meeting is IGL office at Plot No. 4, Sector-9, R. K. Puram,
New Delhi-110022.
Non-attendance of the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a bidder.
Corrigendum / addendum, if any, to the tender document, shall be hosted on the website
subsequent to the pre-bid meeting.
Bidder to note that if they have not deposited the Tender Fee / not deposited NSIC or Micro
/ Small enterprises certificate to IGL till the start of pre-bid meeting, they will not be
allowed to attend the pre bid meeting.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security amount of Rs. 11,20,000/- (Rupees Eleven Lakhs
and Twenty Thousand Only). Bid security shall be either in the form of banker’s demand draft in
favor of Indraprastha Gas Ltd, payable at Delhi or bank guarantee from any Nationalized /
Scheduled Indian Bank or an International bank of repute as per pro forma attached in the Tender
document. Bid security in the form of Bank Guarantee shall be valid for sixty (60) days beyond
the validity of the bid (of 75 days).
The bid security (in form of DD or BG), along with tender fee as applicable, shall be
submitted to VP (C&P), C&P Department, Indraprastha Gas Limited, IGL Bhawan, 4,
Community Centre, Sector-9, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110022 strictly before the due date
and time of bid submission. A scanned copy of the bid security shall be uploaded with the
bidding documents on the e-tendering portal during bid submission.
Non-submission of EMD in physical form to purchaser’s office address as mentioned above
before the due date and time of bid submission may render the bid liable for rejection.
PSUs and firms registered as Micro / Small Enterprise with MSME or NSIC are exempted from
furnishing Tender Fee and Bid Security/EMD, (subject to their enclosing a copy of latest and valid
registration certificate) with their bid. Traders / Dealers / Distributors / Stockiest / Wholesalers
registered with District Industries Centre are not entitled for exemption of EMD.
11.1 IGL reserves the right to split the total scope of work among more than one bidder.
11.2 Tender documents are non-transferable and the bidder and to whom the documents is issued,
should submit the bid in his / her own name.
11.3 The bids received after bid due time / date shall be rejected.
11.4 Bids through Fax / E-mail are not acceptable.
11.5 Purchaser will not be responsible for cost incurred in preparation and delivery of bids.
11.6 IGL reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received at its discretion without assigning any
reason whatsoever.
1.1 The Purchaser invites sealed bids for the entire work as specified in the Bid documents
(hereafter referred to as the Work).
1.2 The Bidding Document specifies the services required as per details mentioned in this
1.3 All terms, conditions and specifications of the Bid document shall be construed as applicable in
general, unless specifically indicated to the contrary.
1.4 Bidders shall quote in the manner as specified in the Bid document. In case, any contrary
provisions expressly stated or implied anywhere else in the Bid document, purchaser reserves
the right to evaluate and accept bids at their sole discretion.
2.1 Bidders shall as part of their bid, submit a written Power of Attorney authorizing the signatory of
the bid to bind the bidder.
2.2 Bidders should not be associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly,
with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Purchaser to provide
consultancy services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to
be used for carrying out similar works under this Invitation for Bids.
2.3 The Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices
issued by the Purchaser in accordance with ITB.
2.4 The Bidder should not be on holiday list/ blacklisted by any government (national, state or local
governments), PSU, PSU-JV, government ministry and/or other government entities from
3.1 Each bidder shall submit only one bid. A Bidder who submits or participates in more than one
bid will be disqualified. If bid of companies which is managed & controlled by same group of
individual (common owners / proprietor, common partner / common directors). The participation
in a particular tender by more than one such bidder will not be allowed and bids will be
3.2 Also, if this fact is known at a later stage during bid evaluation or even after finalization of
contract, the award will be made null and void and appropriate action including forfeiting of
security deposit in any form and putting the firms on holiday list will be taken.
3.3 Alternative bids are not acceptable.
The bidder shall bear all costs incurred & associated with the preparation and submission of
the bid, and Purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for this cost, regardless of the
conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
Bid Documents are non-transferable. The party to whom the Bid documents are issued may
only furnish the bid. The bid received from any party other than to whom the Bid documents are
issued shall be rejected immaterial of fact of any relationship between party to whom Bid
documents are issued and party, who furnished the bid.
6.1 The bidder may visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain for himself
on his own responsibility, all information that may be necessary for preparation of the bid and
entering into contract. The cost of visiting the site shall be at bidder’s own expenses.
6.2 The bidder or any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Purchaser to
enter upon its premises and land for the purpose of such visits, but only upon the express
condition that the bidder, its personnel, and agents will release and indemnify the Purchaser
and its personnel and agents from and against all liabilities in respect thereof, and will be
responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property, and any loss, damage,
costs, and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.
8.8 Unsuccessful bidders’ bid security shall be discharged or returned as promptly as possible, but
not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of validity of the bank guarantee
and any extension if required by the Purchaser.
8.9 The successful Bidder’s bid security will be discharged upon such Bidder accepting the award,
and furnishing the performance security / guarantee.
8.10 The bid security may be forfeited:
(a) If a Bidder:
(i) Withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder including
extensions if any granted, or
(ii) Does not accept the correction of errors; or
(b) In the case of a successful Bidder, if such Bidder fails
(i) to accept the award
(ii) to furnish Contract cum Equipment Performance Bank Guarantee in accordance
with tender.
A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the Bid Documents may notify the Owner and
/ or the Consultant as the case may be, in writing or by email at the address indicated in the
tender/RFQ. The Owner will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the bid
documents which it receives after issue of the bid documents but prior to at least one (01)
working day prior to the pre-bid meeting date. Written copies of the Owner’s response
(including an explanation of the query but not necessarily identifying the source of inquiry) will
be hosted on MSTC’s e-tendering website https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/igl
and official IGL website http://www.iglonline.net along with the corrigendum before the bid due
date. All such clarifications issued shall deem to form a part and parcel of the Bid documents.
10.1 At any time prior to the bid due date, Purchaser may, for any reason, whether at its own
initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the tender
document, by issuing corrigendum.
10.2 Any addendum / corrigendum / clarifications to bidders query thus issued shall be part of the
bidding documents and shall be hosted on the IGL’s official website and MSTC’s e-tendering
website before bid due date. All the prospective bidders who have attended the Pre-Bid
meeting till date shall be informed by email / post about the addendum / corrigendum /
clarifications to bidders query for their reference. Bidders desirous to submit its bid have to take
into consideration of all the addenda / corrigenda / clarifications to bidders query hosted on the
above websites before submitting the bid.
10.3 Bidders are advised to visit IGL’s websites and MSTC’s e-tendering website from time to time
to get updated information / documents.
10.4 In case of any inconsistency between an addendum and this tender document, the addendum
shall prevail and in similar case between two or more addenda, the last issued addendum shall
10.5 The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the bid due date in order to allow prospective
bidders, a reasonable time to furnish their most competitive bid taking into account the
addenda / corrigenda issued.
The bid prepared by the bidder as well as all correspondence / drawings and documents
relating to the bid exchanged by bidder shall be written in English language, provided that any
printed literature furnished by the bidder may be written in another language so long as
accompanied by an English translation, in which case, for the purpose of interpretation of the
bid, the English translation shall govern.
12.1 The Bidder must provide individual and factual replies to specific questions asked in the forms.
In addition to technical data, bidder must supply background information about the company's
organization, size and financials for last financial year or as required over and above as per the
appended forms. This information is to be submitted by every bidder, including sub-contractors,
if any.
12.2 The bid prepared by the bidder shall comprise of the following components that are required to
be provided on the e-tendering portal:
12.1.1 Part I: Scanned documents (duly signed by the authorized signatory) to be uploaded by
the bidder on the portal (serial-wise list):
i) Scanned copy of Tender Document Fee (please note that Tender Document
Fee in physical form of DD has to be submitted to the purchaser’s office before
the due date and time of bid submission, failing which the bid may be liable for
rejection. Further, if the bidder wishes to attend the pre-bid meeting, the Tender
Fee must be submitted in the form of DD at or before the scheduled time of the
pre-bid meeting)
ii) Scanned copy of EMD / Bid Security (please note that bid security in physical
form of DD or BG has to be submitted to the purchaser’s office before the due
date and time of bid submission, failing which the bid may be liable for rejection)
iii) Power of attorney of the signatory to the bid offer on non-judicial stamp paper /
Board resolution of company for authorized signatory.
iv) Form-1: Bidder’s General Information as per appended format along with PAN
card copy, GST registration certificate and cancelled cheque copy in support.
v) Form-2: Deviation Form as per appended format.
vi) Form-3 and Form-4: Certificate from statutory auditor for details of similar goods
/ work / services supplied / done during past 5 years as per appended format.
vii) Relevant Contract / Order copies clearly stating the Scope of Work in support of
Form-3 & 4 along with completion certificates clearly stating the executed value
under the contract / order.
viii) Form-5: Certificate for financial capability of the bidder as per appended format.
ix) Bidder’s Audited Annual Financial Statements such as Audited balance sheets
and profit & loss statements for the preceding 3 financial years in support of
x) Form-6: Declaration as per appended format.
xi) Form-7: Declaration of tender document purchased / downloaded as per
appended format.
xii) Form-8: Letter from Statutory Auditor / CA as per appended format.
xiii) Form-9: Letter of authority in favour of any one or two of bidder’s executives
having authority to attend the techno-commercial and price bid opening as per
appended format.
xiv) Copy of all addenda / corrigenda, if any, along with required documents as
stated therein, duly signed and stamped. (In case no addendum / corrigendum
has been issued against this tender document, then the bidder may upload a
letter stating that “No addendum / corrigendum has been issued against this
tender document”).
12.1.2 Part II: Techno-commercial proposal / information by the bidder (reference checklist of
Techno-commercial proposal appended to this tender document)
12.1.3 Part III: Price bid as per prescribed format on the e-tender portal (for reference purpose,
format is provided at Section-VI “Schedule of Rates”)
12.3 All the documents submitted shall be duly signed and stamped on each page by the bidder or
an authorized signatory of the bidder.
12.4 Bidders are advised to submit quotations based strictly on the terms and conditions and
specifications contained in the bid document and not stipulate any deviations. Should it,
however, become unavoidable, deviations should be stipulated only in the prescribed Pro
forma. Owner reserves the right to evaluate quotations containing deviations having financial
implications after adding the cost for such deviations as determined by Owner.
12.5 Original schedule of rates duly filled in shall not contain any condition whatsoever. Any
condition given in this part shall not be considered and shall render the offer liable for rejection.
12.6 All signatures in bids shall be dated, as well as all pages of bids shall be initialed at lower right
hand corner by the Bidder or by a person holding power of attorney authorizing him to sign on
behalf of the bidder before the submission of bids.
12.7 The Bidder’s bid is central to the evaluation and selection process. Therefore, it is important
that the Bidder carefully prepares the bid and answers all questions completely. Missing
information and vague answers may delay the evaluation of a bid and may impair the Bidder’s
chances of success.
12.8 Information received by Purchaser from the Bidder will be disclosed to Purchaser’s employees
and/or advisers or external consultants for the purpose of evaluating the bid response.
13.1 The Prices should be quoted in INR only.
13.2 The Bidder shall indicate in the appropriate Price Schedule, the unit prices (where applicable)
and total price of the services / works it proposes to execute under the contract. If quoted in
separate sheets and any variation in item description, unit or quantity is noticed, the bid is liable
to be rejected.
13.3 Bid quoted for part scope is liable to be rejected.
13.4 Prices quoted by the bidder, shall remain firm, fixed and valid until completion of the contract
and will not be subjected to any variation, except statutory variation (as specified in tender
document) or provision for price variation in the tender document.
13.5 All corrections and alterations in the entries shall be signed in full by the bidder with date. No
erasures or over-writings are permissible in the submitted documents.
13.6 Bidder shall quote the all-inclusive prices as per scope of work and SOR, taking into
consideration applicable GST, overheads and if applicable, all provision of safety gadgets to
their personnel, cost of material as per scope of work, transportation, conveyance, trainings,
recruitments, communication charges, cost for providing tools & tackles, equipment,
machineries, minimum spares, etc. and nothing extra shall be payable by the Purchaser.
13.7 Bid prices must be arrived at without agreement with any other Bidder of this tender for the
purpose of restricting competition. Prices quoted by the Bidder must not be disclosed to any
other Bidder of this tender. Bidder must not attempt to induce any other Bidder to submit or not
submit a bid for restricting competition.
14.1 The bid shall remain valid for 75 days from the bid due date. Purchaser may reject a bid which
is valid for a shorter period for being non-responsive.
14.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may request the Bidder for an extension of the
period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. The bid
security provided under ITB shall also be suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse the request
without forfeiting its bid security. A Bidder granting the request for extension of its bid validity
will not be required nor permitted to modify its bid.
15.1 All copies of the bid submitted shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by
the person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder. The name and position
held by each person signing must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages of the bid
except any catalogues / literatures shall be signed and sealed by the person or persons signing
the bid.
15.2 The bid shall contain no alterations, interlineations, omissions or additions, unless such
corrections are signed & sealed by the person or persons signing the bid.
16.1 Purchaser will appreciate submission of offer based on the terms and conditions in the
enclosed IFB, ITB, GCC, SCC, Scope of Work, Technical Specification etc. including all the
appended forms to avoid delay seeking clarifications on technical / commercial aspect of the
16.2 Deviation, if any has to be listed only in the Form-2 of the bid submitted by the bidder.
Deviations listed anywhere else will not be considered and in case of award of the job to the
bidder, the job has to be completed in accordance with the tender terms and conditions without
any commercial implications to the Purchaser.
16.3 Notwithstanding to the above, bids with the deviation(s) to the bid conditions shall be
summarily rejected without any post bid reference to the bidder. However Purchaser reserves
the right to take the final decision in this regard, without assigning any reason.
17.1 The bid must be submitted on the specified e-tendering portal as specified in IFB not later than
the time and date as specified in IFB. The online e-tendering portal will not allow any bid or part
thereof whatsoever to be submitted after the due time on the due date.
17.2 The Purchaser may, in exceptional circumstances and at its discretion, on giving reasonable
notice by email or any written communication to all prospective bidders who have been issued
the bid document to extend the deadline for the submission of bids in which case all rights and
obligations of the Purchaser and bidders, previously subject to the original deadline will
thereafter be subject to deadline as extended.
Any Bid Security / EMD and Tender Fee received by the Purchaser after the deadline for
submission of bid may render the bid to be declared “Late” and such bid is liable for rejection;
such EMD and Tender Fee may be returned unopened to the bidder at the sole discretion of
the Purchaser.
19.1 The bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid submission, but, before the due date of
submission as per provisions provided on the e-tendering portal. After the bid due date & time
however, no modifications whatsoever are allowed in the bid.
19.2 No bid shall be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the
expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form. In case of
request in written by the authorized signatory for withdrawal of a bid during this interval, the
Bidder’s bid security shall be forfeited.
20.1 The Purchaser will open all bids on the e-tendering portal in the presence of Bidders’
representatives who choose to attend, at the time, on the date and place (as specified in IFB).
The Bidders’ representatives, who are present, shall sign an attendance sheet evidencing their
attendance, if so required by the Purchaser.
20.2 The Bidder’s names and the presence or absence of requisite Bid Security (EMD) / Tender Fee
and such other details as the Purchaser, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, will be
announced at the opening. No bid shall be rejected at bid opening, except for bids without
EMD/Tender Fee.
20.3 Bids that are not opened and read out at bid opening shall not be considered further for
evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances. Bidder’s specific attention is drawn to this
stipulation to enable the representative of the Bidder at the bid opening time to bring out to the
attention for the Purchaser any documents pertaining to its bid is not being acknowledged and
relevant portions read out.
20.4 The Purchaser will prepare a bid opening statement to be signed by all representatives present
during bid opening.
During evaluation of the bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a
clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no
change in the prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted.
22.1 From the time of the bid opening to the time of the award, if any bidder wishes to contact the
Purchaser for any matter relating to the bid it should do so in writing.
22.2 Any effort by a bidder to influence the Purchaser in any manner in respect of bid evaluation or
award will result in the rejection of that bid.
22.3 Each Bidder should notify Purchaser of any error, fault, omission, or discrepancy found in this
tender document in the pre-bid meeting process itself detailed out in this document earlier.
23.1 The Purchaser will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether required
sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether
the bids are generally in order.
23.2 The Purchaser may waive any minor informality, nonconformity, or irregularity in a bid which
does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the
relative ranking of any Bidder.
23.3 Purchaser reserves the right to not to open the bids of those bidders with whom purchaser
experience with regard to performance of any earlier contract/equipment has been found to be
23.4 Purchaser has included an indicative list of evaluation criteria. The issuance of tender
document is merely an invitation to offer and must not be construed as any agreement or
contract or arrangement nor would it be construed as any investigation or review carried out by
a recipient.
23.5 Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to ITB, the Purchaser will determine the substantial
responsiveness of each bid to the tender document. For purposes of these Clauses, a
substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the Bid
Documents without deviations.
23.6 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Purchaser and shall not
subsequently be made responsive by correction of the nonconformity by the Bidder.
24.1 Minor unconformities may be neglected and/or bidders may be required to rectify such minor
24.2 The provisions of the following clauses of the Bid document must be adhered to, failing which
the bid shall be considered as non-responsive and shall be summarily rejected:
i) Bid Security (EMD) i.e. non-submission, shorter Value (EMD) or Bid Security (EMD)
not complying with the specified requirements.
ii) Submission of Contract Performance Bank Guarantee as per tender.
iii) Period of validity of bid.
iv) Firm & fixed Prices throughout execution of contract
v) Offer for complete scope of work
vi) Resolution of Dispute/ Arbitration clause.
vii) Payment terms.
viii) Prices as per Schedule of Rates.
ix) Price reduction schedule provisions / Penalty provisions
x) Price change on account of technical / commercial clarification and/or validity
xi) For the bidders who have downloaded tender document from website, an undertaking
on his letterhead that contents of the bidding document have not been altered or
25.1 In case of two-part bidding, the Bidders whose bids are found substantially responsive shall be
invited to attend the opening of price bid. Such bidders may be required to attend the price bid
opening at a short notice. The place, date and time of price bid opening will be informed to all
such Bidders. The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing
their attendance.
25.2 The bid prices stated in the price schedules will be announced during price bid opening.
26.1 The bids will be checked for any arithmetical errors as follows if any, will be rectified on the
following basis:
a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by
multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall
be corrected;
b) In cases where a different summary price schedule and separate individual price
schedules are provided to be filled in and if there is a discrepancy between the amount in
the summary schedule and the summation arrived at by adding the individual schedules
the higher of the two will be taken for the purposes of bid evaluation, while the lower of the
two will be taken for the award if selected.
26.2 If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its bid will be rejected and the bid security
will be forfeited.
27.1 The Owner will evaluate and compare the bids previously determined to be substantially
responsive. In evaluating bids, the Owner will determine for each bid the evaluated bid Price by
adjusting the bid Price as follows:
a) Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is discrepancy between
the unit rate and the total cost that is obtained by multiplying the unit rate and quantity, the
unit rate shall prevail and the total cost will be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between
the total bid amount and the sum of total costs, the sum of the total costs shall prevail and
the total bid amount will be corrected.
b) OWNER's evaluation and comparison of prices of previously determined substantially
responsive bids shall take following in account. The evaluation shall be made on total
quoted price basis. The evaluated price shall include the following:-
i) Unit price inclusive of all overheads and all taxes and duties including GST or any
other applicable tax.
32.3 Purchaser (IGL) shall have full right to divide the total scope of work among two or more
bidders as per the requirement. It will be ensured that share of business is awarded in line with
the ranking of bidders in terms of their evaluated value.
Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and
reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected bidder or bidders or any obligations to inform the affected bidder or bidders the reason
for the Purchaser’s action.
34.1 Purchaser will enter into negotiations with the preferred Bidder to identify any needed revisions
to the proposal, both technical and commercial. The final contract must stipulate that the Bidder
will deliver the services and other requirements as stated in the tender. The Bidder should also
be aware that the following documents may be included as attachments to the final contract:
• Response to this tender i.e. Techno-Commercial Un-priced Bid and Price Bid, including
any supporting documents and correspondence between the two parties pertaining to the
• Any modifications to the bid.
• An implementation plan identifying the tasks to be completed, the assigned
responsibilities, and the scheduled completion dates.
34.2 Purchaser reserves the right to stipulate, at the time of finalization, any other document(s) to be
enclosed as part of the final contract. Should a contractual agreement not be reached with the
preferred Bidder for any reason, Purchaser reserves the right to enter into negotiations with
any other Bidder(s).
35.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Purchaser will notify the successful
Bidder in writing by Fax of Intent (FOI) or registered letter or by email, to be confirmed in writing
by registered letter, that its bid has been accepted.
35.2 The date of fax of intent for notification of award will constitute effective date.
35.3 The bidder shall promptly, but not later than Seven (7) days of notification of award shall
furnish its acceptance of award.
35.4 Upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of the Contract Performance Bank guarantee pursuant
to ITB Clause, the Purchaser will promptly notify each unsuccessful Bidder and will discharge
the bid security of such Bidders.
35.5 Fax of intent read in conjunction with bid documents shall be binding Contract.
Purchaser will issue the Purchase Order to the successful bidder on receipt of acceptance of
FOI, within 15 days of award of work bidder shall sign all pages and return the acceptance
copy of the Work Order to the Purchaser.
37.1 The Purchaser requires that Bidders observe the highest standard of ethics during the
execution of Contract. In pursuance of this policy, the Purchaser defines, for the purposes of
this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
i) “Corrupt Practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value
to influence the action of public official in contract execution; and
ii) “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence the
execution of a Contract to the detriment of the Purchaser, and includes collusive practise
amongst bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at
artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Purchaser of the benefits of free and
open competition;
37.2 Purchaser will reject a proposal for award, if it determines that the bidder recommended for
award is engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the award in question;
37.3 Purchaser will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, if at any
time the Purchaser determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for or in executing a contract.
37.4 The Bidder and their officers, employees, agents and advisers must not engage in any
collusion, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct with any other Bidder or any
other person in relation to the preparation or lodging of responses.
37.5 Also the Bidder and their representatives must not directly or indirectly attempt to unduly
influence the outcome of the tender process.
The bidder shall bear all Income Tax liability, both corporate as well as for his personnel.
39.1 Any failure on the part of the Purchaser at any time to enforce the strict observances of the
performance of any of the term(s) and condition(s) or rights, shall not effect or deprive the
Purchaser to exercise the same at any later date.
39.2 The work will be supervised by Purchaser’s Engineer-In-Charge or his representative and the
Contractor has to strictly adhere to his instructions.
39.3 During the tenancy of this contract, Purchaser can increase and/or decrease the quantity of the
work/ service(s) required. The quantity of work / service(s) shown in the Schedule of rates is
39.4 The contract period shall be reckoned from the date of Fax of Intent (FOI).
39.5 The agreed rates shall remain firm & fixed till the expiry of contract and the contractor shall not
be entitled to any inflation, escalation or revision (except statutory variation in the rate of
service tax) or any right to claim, whatsoever by way of representation, explanation, statement
or alleged representation or an outstanding or promise given or alleged to have been given by
any employee of the Purchaser or due to contractor’s own ignorance or on account of the
difficulties or hardships faced by him. The rates quoted shall be all-inclusive of applicable
taxes/ duties and shall remain firm till expiry/entire tenancy of this contract. It is agreed that the
bidder has inspected the sites and assessed the nature and the extent of the work including the
conditions prevalent under which the work is to be carried out.
40.1 The bidder shall submit bid on single point sole / prime bidder responsibility basis. No
consortium / joint bid shall be accepted.
40.2 The status of all the other vendor(s) / collaborator(s), if any, referred / identified by the bidder in
their offer shall be that of bidder's sub-vendor / Contractor / sub-service provider.
2.2 Where any portion of the General Condition of Contract is repugnant to or at variance with any
provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract then, unless a different intention appears the
provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract shall be deemed to override the provisions of the
General Conditions of Contract and shall to the extent of such repugnancy, or variations, prevail.
The Services provided under this Agreement shall conform to the standards mentioned in the
scope of work and technical specifications and when no applicable standard is mentioned, to the
authoritative standards appropriate to the services in country of origin. Such standards shall be
the latest issued by the concerned institution.
4.1 The Contractor cannot, without agreement of the Purchaser, disclose nor enable third parties to
benefit from the documents drawn up in the course of his obligations under the Agreement or
information received from the Purchaser / Consultant / Engineer / Inspector.
4.2 Further, Contractor is not allowed to publish copy or transmit to third parties the documents that
are transmitted to him by Purchaser or Consultant or Engineer or Inspector. The Purchaser or
Consultant retains the right to claim damages from the contractor in the case where these
documents have been used without such written consent.
4.3 However, these obligations do not apply to documents for which it can be demonstrated that
Such documents were already public before these were communicated to the other party, or
have become public since without any fault or negligence of the party concerned, or
Such documents were already in its possession without having obtained them directly or
indirectly from the other party, or
Such documents were obtained from an independent source that had neither direct nor
indirect secrecy commitment to the other party.
4.4 Regarding the application of this clause, the experts appointed by the Purchaser / Engineer are
not considered as third parties, and for this reason they have to respect, towards the Contractor,
the same obligations as the Purchaser in these matters.
4.5 Any document, other than the Agreement itself, shall remain the property of the Purchaser and
shall be returned (all copies) to the Purchaser on completion of the Contractor’s obligations under
the Agreement, if so required by the Purchaser.
4.6 Except as specifically authorized in writing by the other party, neither Client nor Contractor shall
publicly disclose (in any press release, prospectus, offering memorandum, or otherwise) that
Contractor is performing the Services, the nature of the Services, or the Deliverables.
5.1 In case the Contractor's performance is delayed due to any act or omission directly attributable to
Owner or his authorized agents, then the Contractor shall be given due extension of time for the
completion of the Work, to the extent such omission on the part of the Owner has caused delay in
the Contractor's performance of his Work against written request by contractor and after Owner’s
5.2 No adjustment in Contract Price shall be allowed for reasons of such delays and extensions
granted, except when contractor is requested by Owner to maintain the agreed time schedule of
completion by engaging additional Contractor's personnel for additional time beyond stipulated
working hours as also on Sundays and Holidays and achieve the completion date/interim targets.
6.1 The Contractor shall alone bear the liability and costs of any prejudicial consequence of any
infringement of all or part of the patents, industrial trademarks, designs and models relating to the
Services/Goods. Therefore, the Contractor shall make the arrangements at his own expense with
the holders and pay the royalties, obtain the necessary licenses and authorizations, failing which
he agrees to modify the Services/Goods to the extent needed to avoid any such infringement.
6.2 In case of legal action or proceedings for infringement against the Owner the Contractor
undertakes to:
Stand up for the Owner in the defence of his rights and interests;
Save Purchaser harmless of any legal, financial and other consequences as may result to
him from the legal action or proceedings;
Bear all the damages and interests as may be due to the holders of the patents, industrial
trademarks, designs and models, in principal, costs and interests;
Reimburse to the Purchaser, at the Purchaser’s first request, the costs of any nature
whatsoever, including the fees of lawyers, experts and technical advisers, etc. incurred due
to or on the occasion of the legal action or proceedings;
To modify if need to be and without delay, the incriminated Goods / equipment, or have it
replaced, free of charge, by equivalent Goods / equipment free of any infringement. Supplier
alone shall bear all the costs, risks and liability that result thereof including the costs of
dismantling, erecting, adapting or modifying such Goods/ equipment and starting up, etc.
6.3 In case of legal action or proceedings for infringement brought against the Purchaser, the
Contractor has the right to participate in the Owner’s defence. Any transaction with the third party
in such cases shall be discussed and jointly agreed by the parties, wherever feasible.
6.4 The modifications to be brought to the Services/Goods must have the prior consent of the
Purchaser. This consent cannot in any way lessen the obligations of the Contractor that result
from the present article, also in cases when new legal action or proceedings are initiated following
the modifications that were made.
7.1 The successful bidder shall submit CPBG as per the pro forma enclosed on a non-judicial stamp
paper of appropriate value in the form of DD or BG from Nationalized/Scheduled bank within 21
days of award of contract, valid for 90 days beyond the expiry of contract period. The claim period
of CPBG shall be 01 month beyond the expiry date of BG validity. In case of DD, the same shall
be in the favour of “Indraprastha Gas Limited” payable at Delhi. The CPBG shall be refunded
after successful completion of the contract and after adjustment of any and all dues of the IGL
which may arise during the execution of the contract and a confirmation that contractor has
cleared all its dues pertaining to the contract and all liabilities etc., in addition indemnifying IGL
against any future claims, if any.
7.2 The Company shall have the right to forfeit the security deposit in case of non-satisfactory
performance of the contract.
8.1 The Supplier will submit to Purchaser the quality assurance plan (QAP) regarding design,
manufacture and testing of all the items required under the Agreement within 15 days of
Notification of Award. Purchaser will then review the QAP and inform the Seller, the stages when
the Purchaser / Inspector / Engineer would witness the tests and/or inspect the Goods under
manufacturing, beyond which the progress of the specified activity / manufacturing will not
proceed, without written approval. Such points during the progress of work under the Agreement
shall be called as Customer Hold Points (CHP’s)
8.2 The Seller will inform Purchaser fifteen (15) Days in advance for readiness of material for all such
identified CHPs.
8.3 The Purchaser or its representative shall have the right to inspect and / or to test the Goods to
confirm their conformity to the requirements of the Agreement at no extra cost to the Purchaser.
SCC and / or the Technical Specifications shall specify what inspections and tests the Purchaser
requires and to the extent feasible, where they are to be conducted. All costs for such inspections
and tests except the cost of travel, board and lodge of the Purchaser’s representative / Inspector
shall be to the account of the Supplier. The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier in writing, in a
timely manner, of the identity of any such representatives, (if outside of Purchaser’s organisation)
retained by it for these purposes.
8.4 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises of the manufacturer or Supplier or
its sub-supplier(s), at point of delivery, and / or at the Goods’ final destination. If conducted on the
premises of the manufacturer or Supplier or its sub-supplier(s), all reasonable facilities and
assistance, including access to drawings and production data, shall be provided by the Supplier
to the inspectors at no charge to the Owner.
8.5 Should any inspected or tested Goods fail to conform to the Specifications, the Owner may reject
the Goods, and the Supplier shall either replace the rejected Goods meeting the Specification
requirements or make alterations necessary to meet Specification requirements free of cost to the
8.6 Nothing stated in this clause shall in any way release the Supplier from any warranty or other
obligations under the Agreement.
9.1 The Purchaser can also request for additional tests which were not identified and specified in the
QAP, but considers necessary to ensure the quality of the raw materials or of the manufacture.
9.2 In any case, additional tests shall be designed so as to require a minimum of time. Provided
further before starting these additional tests, the Supplier defines and justifies, to the Purchaser’s
satisfaction, the possible effects of the duration of these tests on the contractual time-limits /
9.3 The Supplier places at the disposal of the Purchaser , or of the chosen official or approved
organization, the tools and/or items of general use, which belong to him as well as the staff
necessary for the additional tests decided by the Purchaser.
9.4 Should these additional tests reveal unacceptable faults, taking into account the features asked
for and the Specifications that entail the repair or rejection of the relevant item or components, the
Supplier will be responsible of the ensuing delays, inasmuch as these tests have been made in
the shortest possible time. He shall bear, in such case, any costs he has had to incur for the
carrying out of the tests.
9.5 If, on the other hand, the additional tests do not reveal, in the opinion of the Purchaser,
unacceptable faults as indicated above, the cost borne by the supplier for the carrying out of
these tests will be invoiced to the Owner, after prior justification, and the Supplier may be entitled
to reasonable extension of the time limit.
10.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or
deterioration during transit to their final destination, as indicated in the Agreement. The packing
shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling during transit and tropical humid
conditions as exposure to extreme temperatures, salinity and precipitation during transit, and
open storage. Further the size and weights of the packing cases shall take into consideration,
where appropriate, the remoteness of the Goods’ final destination and the absence of heavy
handling facilities at all points in transit.
10.2 The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly
with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Agreement, including
additional requirements, if any, specified in the SCC, and in any subsequent instructions of the
At least fifteen (15) Days before the expected dispatch date, the Supplier shall obtain
authorization from the Purchaser / Consultant to go ahead with the dispatching, after ensuring
compliance to other requirements of the Agreement.
Delivery of the Goods shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the Delivery Schedule
specified in the Agreement. The details of shipping and/or other documents to be furnished by the
13.1 Where the Supplier is required under the Scope of the Contract to transport the Goods to a
specified place of destination or to Site, the Supplier shall transport to such place of destination or
site, as the case may be, including insurance and storage, if required. The Contract Price will
include costs of all such transportation.
13.2 The Supplier shall select such carrier which could deliver the Goods in requisite time. In such
case, Supplier shall be required to check (i) Age of the carrier; (ii) schedule and actual
maintenance; (iii) payment of relevant fees; (iv) pending claims, if any; (v) past accident records
etc., so as to ensure safe and timely transportation of the Goods.
13.3 In case delay occurs for reasons not attributable to Purchaser alone, the Supplier shall, if directed
by Purchaser, adapt a specific way of delivery of Goods (air freight or likewise) at destination, the
additional cost which will be borne by the Supplier. If such specific way of delivery is required by
Purchaser to pre-pone the deliveries, nevertheless, Supplier will arrange the same and difference
of justified transportation charges will also be borne by the Purchaser.
13.4 Supplier has to make necessary arrangement to deliver and load/unload the DCP system to IGL
designated sites at his own arrangement after intimation of erection, testing and commissioning
by Engineer-In-charge.
14.1 The Supplier warrants that the Goods supplied under the Agreement are new, unused, of the
most recent or current models and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and
materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract Documents. The Supplier further warrants
that all Goods supplied under this Agreement shall have no defect, arising from design, materials,
or workmanship (except when the design and / or material is required by the Purchaser’s
specifications and the Supplier has given his disclaimer of warranty obligations with respect to
such requirement) or from any act or omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal
use of the supplied Goods in the conditions prevailing in the place of use / destination.
14.2 This warranty shall remain valid for twelve (12) months from the date of successful
commissioning of individual equipment or Eighteen (18) Months after the date of last shipment
whichever is earlier. However, if these 18 months period exceeds due to any defect observed in
the equipment at site and the time taken in rectification and commissioning, the warranty will
stand extended for another 12 months from the date of completion of rectification free of cost.
14.3 Bidder will assume responsibility the obtaining manufacturer’s warranty for all bought out items
and maintain sufficient stock of spares at each site to meet urgent requirements.
14.4 After the successful completion of Test run, Warranty phase will start and system taking over
certificate shall be issued by the Owner.
14.5 The Owner shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims arising under this warranty.
14.6 Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, within a reasonable period, repair or replace the
defective Goods or parts thereof, free of cost to the Purchaser, deliver at the appropriate
destination. The Supplier may take over the replaced parts / Goods at the time of their
replacement. No claim whatsoever shall lie on the Purchaser for the replaced parts / goods
thereafter. In the event of any correction of defects or replacement of defective material during
the warranty period, the warranty for the corrected / replaced Goods or item or material shall be
extended to a further period of twelve (12) Months from the date of such repair/replacement if put
to use immediately or eighteen (18) Months.
14.7 If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within a reasonable period, the
Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk
and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the
Supplier under the Agreement.
If any latent defect (a defect which could not have manifested itself in the normal course of
inspection and testing as per relevant codes, test procedures and contract specifications and
normal usage as per industry practice will be referred to as latent defect) surfaces within five
years of putting the Goods or parts thereof into operation, the Supplier shall repair or replace
such Goods or parts, as the case may be, within technically reasonable period to the satisfaction
of the Purchaser and without any additional liability on the Purchaser, whatsoever.
Payment shall be released upon submission of invoices along with requisite documents as
mentioned in the tender document and subject to certification by Engineer-in-Charge.
Prices charged by the Contractor for Services performed under the Agreement shall be on firm
price basis and not vary from the prices quoted by the Contractor in its bid, with the exception of
any price adjustments authorized in the tender document. All prices shall remain firm, fixed and
valid for the entire contractual period from project initiation date.
Any change in obligations with respect to the Agreement of either party shall be governed by a
change order. The procedure of change order to be detailed in project coordination procedure to
be developed pursuant to Notification of Award and agreed by the parties.
No variation in or modification of the terms of the Agreement shall be made except by written
amendment signed by the parties.
The Contractor shall not assign, in whole or in part, any of its obligations to be performed under
this Agreement to any third party, except with the Owner’s prior written consent.
21.1 The Bidder must ensure that all critical deliverables are executed by the Bidder and not sub-
contracted. The Bidder will be contractually responsible for the conduct of all and any sub-
contractors, as well as for all services performed in accordance with the requirements of
Purchaser. The Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing of all subcontracts awarded under this
Agreement if not already notified in the Contractor’s bid and incorporated in the Agreement. Such
notification and incorporation shall not relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under
the Agreement.
21.2 Such purchases and subcontracted items shall have to be necessarily in full compliance with the
terms and conditions of the Agreement and do not relieve the Contractor of any of his contractual
obligations. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any action, deficiency or negligence of
his sub-contractors.
21.3 For any subcontract, the Purchaser is entitled to demand from the Contractor, for approval of the
list sub-contractors the Contractor intends to involve and of the orders he may entrust to them.
The Purchaser may further demand that proposals of competitors be produced for him to
examine. Approval by the Owner cannot give rise to any legal bond between the Purchaser and
the sub-contractors and leaves full responsibility only to the Contractor.
21.4 In the event where the warranty agreed between the Supplier and his sub-Suppliers exceeds in
scope or in period those required under the Agreement, the Supplier undertakes to make the
Purchaser the full and direct beneficiary of such warranty.
22.1 Performance of Services shall be made by the Contractor in accordance with the time schedule
prescribed by the Purchaser in the Delivery Schedule.
22.2 If at any time during performance of the Agreement, the Contractor or its subcontractor(s)
encounters conditions impeding timely delivery of the Goods and performance of Services, the
Contractor shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of the fact of the delay, its likely duration
and its cause(s). As soon as practicable after receipt of the Contractor’s notice, the Purchaser
shall evaluate the situation and may at its discretion extend the Contractor’s time for
performance, with or without levy of Price Reduction Schedule / Penalty, in which case the
extension shall be ratified by the parties by amendment of Agreement.
22.3 Except for the reasons solely attributable to the Purchaser or due to Force Majeure, a delay by
the Contractor in the performance of its delivery obligations shall render the Contractor liable to
the imposition of Price Reduction Schedule (PRS) / Penalty, unless an extension of time is
agreed upon pursuant to without the application of PRS.
22.4 In case of time scheduled including levy of price reduction for late delivery of systems / services
as specified above not being adhered to, Owner has the right to cancel the order wholly or in part
thereof without any liability to cancellation charges and procure the systems / services elsewhere
in which case the successful Bidder shall make good the difference in the cost of services /
systems procured elsewhere and price set forth in the order with the successful Bidder.
23.1 Time is the essence of the Contract. In case the Contractor fails to complete the Work within the
scheduled completion period, then, unless such failure is due to Force Majeure as defined here
above or due to Owner's defaults, the Contractor shall pay to the Owner, by way of compensation
for delay and not as penalty, a sum @ ½% per complete week of delay (Half Per Cent) of the
value of “the work portion” or “the supply portion” that is delayed per complete week for delay
subject to maximum of 5% (Five Per Cent) of the total contract value. The parties agree that this
is a genuine pre-estimate of the loss/damage which will be suffered on account of delay/breach
on the part of the Contractor and the said amount will be payable on demand without there being
any proof of the actual loss or damages caused by such delay/breach. The decision of Owner in
regard to the actual delay shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
23.2 All sums payable by way of compensation shall be considered as reasonable compensation
without reference to the actual loss or damage which shall have been sustained.
24.1 Except for the cases of Force Majeure, if the Contractor fails to execute the work or any part
thereof with such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time specified in the contract or
extension thereof or fails to perform any of his obligation under the contract or in any manner
commits a breach of any of the provisions of the contract it shall be open to the owner at its
option by written notice to the Contractor
24.2 TO DETERMINE THE CONTRACT in which event the Contract shall stand terminated and shall
cease to be in force and effect on and from the date appointed by the Owner on that behalf,
where upon the Contractor shall stop forthwith any of the Contractor's work then in progress,
except such Work as the Owner may, in writing, require to be done to safeguard any property or
Work, or installations from damage, and the Owner, for its part, may take over the work remaining
unfinished by the Contractor and complete the same through a fresh Contractor or by other
means, at the risk and cost of the Contractor, and any of his sureties if any, shall be liable to the
Owner for any excess cost occasioned by such work having to be so taken over and completed
by the Owner over and above the cost as worked out in terms of the contract.
24.3 WITHOUT DETERMINING THE CONTRACT to take over the work of the Contractor or any part
thereof and complete the same through a fresh Contractor or by other means at the risk and cost
of the Contractor and any of his sureties are liable to the Owner for any excess cost over and
above the cost as worked out in terms of the contract, occasioned by such works having been
taken over and completed by Owner.
24.4 Before determining the Contract, provided in the judgment of the Owner, the default or defaults
committed by the Contractor is/are curable and can be cured by the Contractor if an opportunity is
given to him, then the Owner may issue notice in writing calling the Contractor to cure the default
within such time specified in the notice.
24.5 The Owner shall also have the right to proceed or take action as per above, in the event that the
Contractor becomes bankrupt, insolvent, compounds with his creditors, assigns the Contract in
favour of his creditors or any other person or persons, or being a company or a corporation goes
into voluntary liquidation, provided that in the said events it shall not be necessary for the
OWNER to give any prior notice to the Contractor.
24.6 Termination of the Contract as provided for above shall not prejudice or affect the rights of the
Owner which may have accrued up to the date of such termination.
25.1 For purposes of this clause, ‘Force Majeure’ means an event beyond the control of the Contractor
or Purchaser and not involving the Contractor’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable, all having
impact on the performance of the respective obligations as detailed hereinafter. Such events may
include, but are not restricted to:
War, whether declared or not, civil war, unrest and revolution, piracy, terrorism,
Natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, floods, destruction by
lightning, etc.
Explosions, fires, destruction of machinery, plant and installations of any nature
Arbitrary action, if any of the Government of India or a relevant State;
Refusal by government authority of Government of India to grant the necessary permits
needed to carry out the Agreement, provided such refusal is not the result of the doing of the
Boycotts, strikes and lock-outs of any nature, disruptive, occupation of plant and premises,
work stoppages occurring at the premises of the party requesting to be relieved of its liability,
so long such cause is not effected by such party’s controlled administration or employees.
25.2 Should any one or more of the events referred to in this clause occur, affecting the performance
of the obligations of either of the parties, under the Agreement, such party shall notify to the other
party the existence of a cause for force majeure as soon as it has knowledge of such event but
not later than fifteen (15) Days from such date the event has arisen. The notification shall contain
the details regarding the nature, starting date, presumed end date, as well as the estimated
effects of the case of force majeure or other cause of force majeure on the obligations of the party
which has incurred the event.
25.3 As soon as the cause for exoneration has ended, the party, the performance of which has been
affected shall notify, in writing, to the other party the precise date of the end of the cause of force
majeure and the extent, with justification, to which it has actually been affected in the
performance of its obligations. It adds to this statement the necessary certificates issued by an
Authorized entity.
25.4 Any case of force majeure suspends the carrying out of the obligations affected. However, the
party which claims force majeure shall show every diligence towards reducing as much as
feasible the effects thereof. It is exonerated only for the minimum period, which may (in no event
exceed the period of existence of the force majeure itself) have actually occurred as a result of
the force majeure.
25.5 The parties may request that the Agreement be deemed cancelled if it’s carrying out has become
totally impossible.
26.1 Owner shall, at any time, be entitled to determine and terminate the Contract for any cause
whatsoever. A notice in writing from the Owner to the Contractor shall be issued giving 30
(Thirty) days' time for such determination including the reason thereof.
26.2 The Contractor upon receipt of such notice shall discontinue the Work on the date and to the
extent specified in the notice, make all reasonable efforts to obtain cancellation of all orders and
contracts to the extent they are related to works terminated and upon terms satisfactory to
Owner, stop all further sub-contracting or purchasing activity related to the works terminated and
assist the Owner in maintenance, protection and disposition of the works acquired under the
Contract by the Owner.
27.1 The rules of procedure for arbitration proceedings shall be as per Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act 1996 or as amended.
27.2 If any dispute or difference arising between the Parties in respect of or concerning or connected
with the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement or otherwise arising out of this
Agreement, the parties hereto shall promptly and in good faith negotiate with a view to bring out
and amicable resolution and settlement.
27.3 If, after thirty (30) days, the parties have failed to resolve their dispute or difference by such
mutual consultation, then either the Owner or the Contractor may give notice to the other party of
its intention to commence arbitration, as hereinafter provided, as to the matter in dispute, and no
arbitration in respect of this matter may be commenced unless such notice is given.
27.4 In the event, no amicable resolution or settlement is reached within a period of 30 days from the
date on which dispute difference arose (in writing), such dispute or difference shall be settled by
referring the same to Sole Arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of The Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996, or any other statutory modification/amendment thereof.
27.5 Indraprastha Gas Limited will nominate three independent persons who can be the Sole Arbitrator
and intimate the same to Vendor. The Vendor needs to choose one person from the said
nominees as Sole Arbitrator. If Vendor fails to choose the arbitrator within thirty days from receipt
of a nomination by Indraprastha Gas Limited, Indraprastha Gas Limited will have right to choose
the Sole Arbitrator.
27.6 The arbitration proceedings shall be held in Delhi and shall be conducted in the English language.
The decision of such arbitration shall be binding and conclusive upon the Parties. The Parties to
the arbitration shall equally share the costs and expenses of any such arbitration.
27.7 It is hereby clarified that the Courts at Delhi alone shall have jurisdiction to try and entertain any
and all suits or other proceedings in respect of, relating to or otherwise arising out of this
Except in cases of wilful negligence or wilful misconduct, and in the case of infringement, the
Contractor shall not be liable to the Purchaser, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any
indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production, or loss of profits
provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Contractor to pay Price
Reduction to the Purchaser and the aggregate liability of the Contractor to the Purchaser,
whether under the Contract, in tort or otherwise, shall not exceed the total Contract Price,
provided that this limitation shall not apply to the cost of repairing or replacing defective
The Agreement shall be written in English language unless specified otherwise in the SCC. All
correspondence and other documents pertaining to the Agreement which are exchanged by the
parties shall be written in the same language. In case, any document/brochure etc. is written in
any other language then its English translation shall govern.
The Contract shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with laws of India and Courts at
Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
31.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to the other
party in writing by registered mail and confirmed in writing to the other party’s address specified in
the Agreement.
31.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice’s effective date, whichever is later.
32.1 The Contractor agrees to and does hereby accept full and exclusive liability for the payment of
any and all Taxes, Duties now in force and hereafter increased, imposed or modified from time to
time in respect of Works and materials and all contributions and taxes for unemployment
compensation, insurance and old age pensions or annuities now or hereafter imposed by any
Central or State Government authorities which are imposed with respect to or covered by the
wages, salaries, or other compensations paid to the persons employed by the Contractor. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance with all obligations and restrictions imposed
by the Labour Law or any other law affecting employer-employee relationship The Contractor
further agrees to comply and to secure the compliance of all sub-contractors with all applicable
Central, State, Municipal and local law and regulation, and requirement of any central, State or
Local Government agency or authority. Contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold
Owner harmless from any liability or penalty which may be imposed by the Central, State or Local
authorities by reason of any violation by Contractor or Sub-contractor of such laws, regulations or
requirements and also from all claims, suits or proceedings that may be brought against the
Owner arising under, growing out of, or by reason of the work provided for by this Contract, by
third parties, or by Central or State Government authority or any administrative sub-division
32.2 Owner shall make from contractor’s bills such tax deductions as are required as per rules and
regulations in force from time to time.
32.3 The Contractor/Bidder shall be entirely responsible for scope of work, all taxes, GST, license
fees, any other duty on services or any other tax payable and/or other levies etc. imposed by
Central, state, municipal and local law and regulatory agency or authority. The rate in SOR is
inclusive of all the above referred taxes/duties.
32.4 Any statutory variation in GST within the contractual period for the SOR items shall be to IGL's
account. However, in case the contractual completion period gets extended for reasons solely
attributable to contractor, the statutory variation shall be limited to contractual completion period
only and any variation in taxes beyond such period shall be borne by the Contractor.
32.5 Any new taxes & duties, if imposed by the State / Central Govt. of India after due date of bid
submission but before the Contractual Delivery Date, shall be paid / reimbursed to the contractor
on submission of copy of notification(s) issued from State / Central Govt. Authorities along with
submission of documentary evidence for proof of payment of such taxes / duties to State / Central
Govt. Authorities and after ascertaining it’s applicability with respect to the contract.
32.6 Service Provider / Supplier of Goods providing taxable service / goods shall issue an Invoice /
Bill, as the case may be as per rules / regulation of GST. GST, if applicable, shall be paid after
verifying GST Registration number. Each item’s cost and GST as applicable shall be provided in
all the invoices along with GST registration no. & HSN/SAC codes for the services provided /
goods delivered.
33.1 The effective date of Contract shall be the date of Notification of Award (Fax of Intent). The
completion period specified in the Bid Document shall be reckoned from the date of Fax of Intent.
33.2 Contractor shall furnish bar charts specifying intermediate Milestones, if any, to achieve the final
completion period as per contract. The bar chart agreed shall be for reference purpose only &
shall in no way release the contractor’s responsibility to complete the work within the completion
34.1 The title of Ownership in respect of equipment, materials etc. supplied by CONTRACTOR for
incorporation in permanent works for execution of contract shall pass on to Owner on the date of
issue of completion certificate.
34.2 However, OWNER shall have the lien on all such equipment, materials, etc. at any time during
the performance of the contract after the date on which Owner releases any advance payment
towards the said equipment, materials, etc. and contractor shall thereafter be bound to use the
same only for the purpose intended under the contract.
35.1 In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Owner by the clause entitled
"Termination for Default" hereof shall have become exercisable and the same had not been
exercised, the non-exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof
and such powers shall notwithstanding be exercisable in the event of any further case of default
by the Contractor for which by any clause or clauses hereof he is declared liable to pay
compensation amounting to the whole of his Performance guarantee and the liability of the
Contractor for past and future Compensation shall remain unaffected.
35.2 In the event of the Owner putting in force the power vested in him under the preceding clause he
may, if he so desires, take possession of all or any tools, and plants, materials and stores in or
upon the works or the site thereof belonging to the Contractor or procured by him and intended
to be used for the execution of the Work or any part thereof paying or allowing for the same in
account at the Contract prices or in case of these not being applicable at current market prices
to be certified by the Engineer-In-Charge may give notice in writing to the Contractor or his
Authorized agent, requiring him to remove such tools, plant, materials or stores from the premises
(within a time to be specified in such notice), and in the event of the Contractor failing to comply
with any such requisition, the Engineer-In-Charge may remove them at the Contractor's expense
or sell them by auction or private sale on account of the Contractor and at his risk in all respects
without any further notice as to the date , time or place of the expenses of any such removal and
the amount of the proceeds and expenses of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against
the Contractor.
The prior approval, in writing, of the Owner shall be obtained before any change is made in the
constitution of the contractor.
No Director, or Official or employee of the Owner shall in any way be personally bound or liable
for the acts or obligations of the Owner under the Contract or answerable for any default or
omission in the observance or performance of any of the acts, matters or things which are herein
the Engineer-In-Charge with regard to the amount to be recovered from the Contractor will be
final and binding on the Contractor. As soon as the Work has been completed in accordance with
the Contract (except in minor respects that do not affect their use for the purpose for which they
are intended and except for maintenance thereof and have passed the tests on completion, the
Engineer-In-Charge shall issue a certificate (hereinafter called Completion Certificate) in which he
shall certify the date on which the Work have been so completed and have passed the said tests
and the Owner shall be deemed to have taken over the Work on the date so certified. If the Work
has been divided into various groups in the Contract, the Owner shall be entitled to take over any
group or groups before the other or others and there upon the Engineer-In-Charge shall issue a
Completion Certificate which will, however, be for such group or groups so taken over only. In
such an event if the group/section/part so taken over is related to the integrated system of the
work, no withstanding date of grant of Completion Certificate for group/section/part, the period of
liability in respect of such group/section/part shall extend 12 (twelve) months from the date of
completion of Work.
In order that the Contractor could obtain a Completion Certificate he shall make good, with all
possible speed, any defect arising from the defective materials supplied by the Contractor or
workmanship or any act or omission of the Contractor that may have been noticed or developed,
after the works or groups of the works has been taken over, the period allowed for carrying out
such Work will be normally one month. If any defect be not remedied within a reasonable time,
the Owner may proceed to do the Work at Contractor’s risk and expense and deduct from the
final bill such amount as may be decided by the Owner.
If by reason of any default on the part of the Contractor a Completion Certificate has not been
issued in respect of any portion of the Work within one month after the date fixed by the Contract
for the completion of the Work, the Owner shall be at liberty to use the Work or any portion
thereof in respect of which a completion certificate has not been issued, provided that the Work or
the portion thereof so used as aforesaid shall be afforded reasonable opportunity for completing
these works for the issue of Completion Certificate.
43.1 If during the progress of the Work, Owner shall decide and inform in writing to the Contractor, that
the Contractor has manufactured any plant or part of the plant unsound or imperfect or has
furnished plant inferior to the quality specified, the Contractor on receiving details of such defects
or deficiencies shall at his own expenses within 7 (seven) days of his receiving the notice, or
otherwise within such time as may be reasonably necessary for making it good, proceed to alter,
re-construct or remove such work and furnish fresh equipments upto the standards of the
specifications. In case the Contractor fails to do so, Owner may on giving the Contractor 7
(seven) days’ notice in writing of his intentions to do so, proceed to remove the portion of the
Work so complained of and at the cost of Contractor perform all such works or furnish all such
equipment’s provided that nothing in the clause shall be deemed to deprive the Owner of or affect
any rights under the Contract, the Owner may otherwise have in respect of such defects and
43.2 The Contractor’s full and extreme liability under this clause shall be satisfied by the payments to
the Owner of the extra cost, of such replacements procured including erection/installation as
provided for in the Contract; such extra cost being the ascertained difference between the price
paid by the Owner for such replacements and the Contract Price portion for such defective plants
and repayments of any sum paid by the Owner to the Contractor in respect of such defective
plant. Should the Owner not so replace the defective plant the Contractor’s extreme liability under
this clause shall be limited to the repayment of all such sums paid by the Owner under the
Contract for such defective plant.
If any action in court is brought against the Owner or an officer or agent of the Owner, for the
failure, omission or neglect on the part of the Contractor to perform any acts, matters, covenants
or things under the Contract, or damage or injury caused by the alleged omission or negligence
on the part of the Contractor, his agents, representatives or his Sub-Contractor’s, or in connection
with any claim based on lawful demands of Sub-Contractor’s workmen, suppliers or employees,
the Contractor, shall in such cases indemnify and keep the Owner and/or their representatives
harmless from all losses, damages, expenses or decrees arising out of such action.
The Contractor, wherever applicable, shall, after proper painting, pack and crate all items in such
a manner as to protect them from deterioration and damage during rail and road transportation to
the Site and storage at the Site till the time of erection. The Contractor shall be held responsible
for all damages due to improper packing.
45.1 The Contractor shall notify Owner of the date of each shipment from his works and expected date
of arrival at the Site for the information of Owner.
45.2 The Contractor shall also give all shipping information concerning the weight, size and content of
each packing including any other information Owner may require.
45.3 Fragile articles shall be packed with special precaution and shall bear the marking like ‘Fragile
Handle with Care and/or ‘this side up’ etc. Items shipped in bundle must be securely tied with
steel wire or straps at suitable intervals.
45.4 All delicate surfaces on equipment/materials shall be carefully protected and painted with
protective paint/compound and wrapped to prevent rusting and damage.
45.5 Attachments and parts of equipments and small pieces shall be packed in wooden cases with
adequate protection inside the case and wherever possible should be sent along with the major
equipment. Each item shall be tagged so as to identify it with the main equipment and part
number and reference number shall be indicated.
45.6 All protrusions shall be suitably protected and openings shall be blocked by wooden covers.
45.7 Wherever required, equipment/material shall be packed in polythene bags and silica gel or similar
dehydrating compound shall be put inside the bags for protecting them.
All costs, damages or expenses which Owner may have paid or incurred for which under the
provisions of the Contract, the Contractor is liable / will be liable, will be deducted from
contractors bills or from any moneys due or becoming due to the Contractor.
47.1 When the Contractor fulfils his obligation under the contract he shall be eligible to apply for
Completion Certificate in respect of the Work by submitting the completion documents along with
such application for Completion Certificate.
47.2 The Engineer-In-Charge shall normally issue to the Contractor the Completion Certificate within
one month after receiving an application thereof from the Contractor after verifying from the
completion documents and satisfying himself that the Work has been completed in accordance
with and as set out under the specifications of Agreement and the Contract Documents.
47.3 The Contractor, after obtaining the Completion Certificate, is eligible to present the final bill for the
WORK executed by him under the terms of Contract.
47.4 Within one month of the completion of the Work in all respects, the Contractor shall be furnished
with a certificate by the Engineer-In-Charge of such completion, but neither Completion
Certificate shall be given nor shall the Work be deemed to have been executed until all
scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish is cleared off the Site completely. The Work will not be
considered as complete and taken over by the Engineer-In-Charge, until all the Temporary Work,
labour and staff colonies etc., if any, Constructed are removed and worksite cleared to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
47.5 If the Contractor shall fail to comply with the requirements of this clause on or before the date
fixed for the completion of the Work, the Engineer-In-Charge may at the expense of the
Contractor remove such scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and dispose of the same as
he thinks fit and clean off such dirt as aforesaid, and the Contractor shall forthwith pay the
amount of all expenses so incurred and shall have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or
surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum actually realized by the sale thereof.
Upon the expiration of the Defect Liability Period and subject to the Engineer-In-Charge being
satisfied that the Work has been duly completed by the Contractor and performed all his
obligations under the Contract, the Engineer-In-Charge shall (without prejudice to the rights of
Owner to retain the provisions of relevant clause thereof) otherwise give a certificate herein
referred to as the Final Certificate to that effect and the Contractor shall be not considered to
have fulfilled the whole of his obligations under the Contract until Final Acceptance Certificate
shall have been given by the Engineer-In-Charge notwithstanding any previous entry upon the
Work and taking possession, working or using of the same or any part thereof by the Owner.
Except the Final Certificate no other certificates or payment against a certificate or on general
account shall be taken to be an admission by Owner of the due performance of the Contract or
any part thereof or of occupancy or validity of any claim by the Contractor.
50.1 Contractor shall at his own expense arrange secure and maintain insurance with reputable
insurance companies to the satisfaction of the Owner as follows:
50.2 Contractor at his cost shall arrange, secure and maintain insurance as may be necessary and to
its full value for all such amounts to protect the works in progress from time to time and the
interest of Owner against all risks as detailed herein. The form and the limit of such insurance, as
defined herein together with the under writer works thereof in each case should be as acceptable
to the Owner. However, irrespective of work acceptance, the responsibility to maintain adequate
insurance coverage at all times during the period of Contract shall be that of Contractor alone.
Contractor’s failure in this regard shall not relieve him of any of his responsibilities and obligations
under Contract.
50.3 Any loss or damage to the equipment, during ocean transportation, port/custom clearance, inland
and port handling, inland transportation, storage, erection, testing and commissioning till such
time the work is taken over by Owner, shall be to the account of Contractor. Contractor shall be
responsible for preferring of all claims and make good for the damage or loss by way of repairs
and/or replacement of the parts of the work damaged or lost. Contractor shall provide the Owner
with a copy of all insurance policies and documents taken out by him in pursuance of the
Contract. Such copies of documents shall be submitted to the Owner immediately upon the
Contractor having taken such insurance coverage. Contractor shall also inform the Owner at
least 60 (Sixty) days in advance regarding the expiry cancellation and/or changes in any of such
documents and ensure revalidation/renewal etc., as may be necessary well in time.
50.4 Statutory clearance, if any, in respect of foreign supply required for the purpose of replacement of
equipment lost in transit and/or during Testing & Commissioning, shall be made available by the
Owner. Contractor shall, however be responsible for obtaining requisite licenses, port clearances
and other formalities relating to such import. The risks that are to be covered under the insurance
shall include, but not be limited to the loss or damage in handling, transit, theft, pilferage, riot, civil
commotion, weather conditions, accidents of all kinds, fire, war risk (during ocean transportation
only) etc. The scope of such insurance shall cover the entire value of supplies of equipments,
plants and materials to be imported from time to time.
50.5 All costs on account of insurance liabilities covered under Contract will be to Contractor's account
and will be included in Value of Contract. However, the Owner may from time, during the currency
of the Contract, ask the Contractor in writing to limit the insurance coverage risk and in such a
case, the parties to the Contract will agree for a mutual settlement, for reduction in Value of
Contract to the extent of reduced premium amounts.
50.6 Contractor as far as possible shall cover insurance with Indian Insurance Companies, including
marine Insurance during ocean transportation.
51.1 The Owner, by written notice sent to the Contractor, may terminate the Agreement, in whole or in
part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for
the Owner’s convenience, the extent to which performance of the Contractor under the
Agreement is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective.
51.2 The services that are complete as on the date of Contractor’s receipt of notice of termination shall
be accepted by the Owner on the terms and prices mutually agreed at that time.
51.3 For the remaining services, the Owner may elect:
a) To have any portion completed and delivered at the Agreement terms and prices and/or
b) To cancel the remainder and pay to the Contractor an agreed amount for partially
completed Services; and/or
c) To pay any reasonable and demonstrable otherwise non recoverable expenses incurred by
the Contractor.
51.4 IGL reserves the right to award the contract for a shorter duration than the specified or foreclose it
with adequate advance notice not less than 30 days due to change in its business requirement.
52.1 The contractor deploying contract labour, if any, shall obtain license from appropriate licensing
authority as per prevailing rules & regulation and as modified from time to time during contract
52.2 The contractor (which shall include the contracting firm / company) shall be solely liable to obtain
and to abide by all necessary licenses from the concerned authorities as provided under the
various Labour Laws / legislations including labour license from the competent authority under the
Contract Labour (“Regulation & Abolition”) Act 1970 and Acts made thereafter.
52.3 The Contractor shall also be bound to discharge obligations as provided under various statutory
enactments including the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952, ESI
Act 1948, Contract Labour (“Regulation & Abolition”) Act 1970, Minimum Wages Act 1948,
payment of wages Act 1936, Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 and other relevant Acts, Rules
& Regulations in force from time to time.
52.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for necessary contributions towards PF, Family Pension,
ESIC or any other statutory payments to Government Agencies as applicable under the laws in
respect of the contract and of personnel deployed by the contractor for rendering services to
Owner and shall deposit the required amount with the concerned statutory authorities on or
before due dates. The contractor shall obtain a separate PF number from the concerned Regional
Provident Fund Commissioner and submit necessary proof of having deposited the employees as
well as the Owner’s contribution to the Provident Fund. The contractor shall also be responsible
for payment of any administration / inspection charges thereof, wherever applicable, in respect of
personnel deployed by him relating to the work of Owner.
52.5 The Contractor shall not engage / deploy any person of less than 18 years under this contract,
and the person(s) to be deployed should be physically and mentally fit.
52.6 The Contractor shall arrange for life insurance for all his personnel deployed on the job as per the
relevant Acts, rules and regulations, etc. In case by virtue of provisions of Workers Compensation
Act, 1923 or any other law in force, Owner has to pay compensation for a workman employed by
the Contractor due to any cause whatsoever, the amount so paid shall be recovered from the
dues payable to the Contractor and/or security deposit with Owner. General third party insurance
for CNG Station, if required, shall be arranged by Owner.
53.1 Issue the contractor from time to time during the running of the Contract such further instructions
as shall be necessary for the purpose of proper and adequate execution of the Contract and the
Contractor shall carry out and bound by the same.
53.2 During the currency of this Contract, Owner can increase and/or decrease the number of the
services required & quantity of work/services shown in from the Schedule of Rates.
53.3 Order the Contractor to remove or replace any workmen whom the Owner considers incompetent
or unsuitable and opinion of the Owner representative as to the competence of any workman
engaged by the contractor shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Key personnel can be
deployed at site only after getting approval from the Owner.
Contractor shall exclusively be liable for non-compliance of the provisions of any act, laws rules
and regulations having bearing over engagement of workers directly or indirectly for execution of
Contract and the Contractor hereby undertake to indemnify the Owner against all actions, suits,
proceedings, claims, damages demands, losses, etc. which may arise under Minimum Wages Act
1948, payment of wages Act 1936, Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, Personnel Injury
(Compensation Insurance) Act, ESI Act, Fatal accident Act, Industrial Dispute Act, Shops and
Establishment Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, Family Pension and deposit Linked
Insurance schemes or any other act or statutes not herein specifically mentioned but having
direct or indirect application for the persons engaged under this contract.
Under no circumstances whatsoever, shall the contractor be entitled to any compensation from
owner on any account unless the contractor shall have submitted claim pertaining to the contract
in writing to the Engineer in Charge within 60 days of cause of such claim occurring. Contractor
shall be deemed to have waived off his rights to claim the same, if the claim is not raised within
this period.
Performance against the contract awarded (if any) shall be evaluated on half yearly basis or
earlier on need basis as per approved IGL policy which is also available at IGL website.
The contractor / vendor needs to ensure all the safety conditions as mentioned in the Contractor
Safety manual which can be downloaded from IGL website.
Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) has implemented whistle-blower policy as part of the vigil
mechanism to comply with the regulatory requirements laid down by the Companies Act 2013
and Clause 49 of the SEBI’s Listing Agreement. With the implementation of vigil mechanism, the
company provides a platform to its vendors and Contractors to come forward and raise their
genuine concerns without any fear of retaliation and victimization.
The policy is designed to deal with concerns raised in relation to the specific issues which are not
in the interest of the company. The company has appointed an independent third party service
provider to manage the operations of whistle-blower hotline.
Detailed Policy is available on IGL website, www.iglonline.net.
recipient’s possession at the time of disclosure by the disclosing party. Upon completion of the
works or in the event of termination pursuant to the provisions of the Contract, Contractor shall
immediately return to the Owner all drawings, plans, specifications and other documents supplied
to the contractor by or on behalf of the Owner or prepared by the Contractor solely for the
purpose of the performance of the works, including all copies made thereof by the Contractor.
The successful bidder shall submit CPBG as per the pro forma enclosed on a non-judicial stamp
paper of appropriate value for an amount equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of total contract value in
the form of DD or BG from Nationalized/Scheduled bank within 21 days of award of contract, valid
for 90 days beyond the expiry of contract period. The claim period of CPBG shall be 01 month
beyond the expiry date of BG validity. The CPBG shall be refunded after successful completion of
the contract and after adjustment of any and all dues of the IGL which may arise during the
execution of the contract and a confirmation that contractor has cleared all its dues pertaining to
the contract and all liabilities etc., in addition indemnifying IGL against any future claims, if any.
The Company shall have the right to forfeit the security deposit in case of non-satisfactory
performance of the contract.
7.1 Payment for Chassis: Part Payment upto maximum equal to 100% of chassis cost shall be
released against invoice from chassis manufacturer duly certified by Engineer-in-Charge.
7.2 Payment for Fabrication: Balance payment including cost of vehicle registration, insurance etc.
shall be released within 30 days after final inspection, receipt and acceptance of built vehicle at
IGL site and duly certified by Engineer-In-charge.
The delivery of material shall be done in a 2 lots of 02 Nos. Emergency Response Vehicles each.
1st Lot shall be delivered within 4 months from the date of first notification of award / Fax of Intent
/ Purchase Order.
2nd Lot shall be delivered within 4 months from the date of intimation given by Engineer-in-
Bidder shall be entirely responsible for scope of work, all taxes, GST, license fees, any other duty
on services or any other tax payable and/ or other levies etc. imposed by Central, state, municipal
and local law and regulatory agency or authority. The rate in SOR is inclusive of all the above
referred taxes/duties.
Any statutory variation in GST within the contractual period for the SOR items shall be to IGL’s
account. However, in case the contractual completion period gets extended for reasons solely
attributable to contractor, the statutory variation shall be limited to contractual completion period
VP (C&P),
Indraprastha Gas Limited,
IGL Bhawan, 4, Community Centre, Sector – IX, R. K. Puram, New Delhi 110 022
Telephone: +91 (11) 4607 4654
Email: navnit.mangla@igl.co.in / prashant.agarwal@igl.co.in/ nisha.bhinge@igl.co.in
Indraprastha Gas Limited – one of the largest CGD Company in the country serving more than 20 Lakh
customers with uninterrupted gas supply round the clock with pipeline network of more than 13000 kms
and around 500 nos. CNG Stations in the various regions of the country. To cater any kind of
emergency in such a vast spread network, IGL intends to procure four Emergency Response Vehicles
cum Water Tenders immediately for geographical regions of Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Kaithal & Ajmer
and another Emergency Response Vehicles cum Water Tenders for new GA if required may be
procured next year.
The Emergency Response Vehicles cum Water Tenders for Pipeline will be fabricated on light
commercial 10 tons Cabin Chassis of Bharat Benz 1014 (Diesel), wheel base minimum 3760mm with
required (Euro IV/ Euro VI as applicable at the time of registration) approvals for registering the vehicle.
The chassis shall be purchased by the vendor on behalf of IGL & will be registered in the respective
geographical areas (Registration & transit insurance of Vehicle will be in Vendor Scope).
The entire structure of the appliance will be welded structure made from MS pressed sections & square
tubes of 2mm thickness. Angles & channels used for the structure will be min 3mm thick. Proper
anticorrosive treatment will be done to the complete structure material by zinc plating & epoxy coating.
The outer paneling will be done from 1.60mm thick aluminium sheet & internal paneling will be done
from 1.22mm thick aluminium sheets or chequered plates. The complete floor and top of the lockers
compartment will be covered with 1.60mm aluminum chequered plate.
The lockers will be covered with push pull type aluminium roller shutters of FIRECO / ANGUS /
ZIEGLER / ROSENBAUER make for fast & smooth rescue operation during emergency. The shutters
would be made of extruded aluminium sections & will be roller type only. These shutters would be rolled
inwards under the roof giving unobstructed access to the equipment lockers and the stored tools,
equipments and gears. The shutters shall be completely torsion free & have a sturdy lock, preventing
accidental opening during movement of vehicle. The shutters shall be water tight when closed, durable,
maintenance free, weather & corrosion resistant and easily repairable due to the interchangeable links.
*The bidder should be an experienced authorized dealer/ distributor of the captioned make from last
atleast 01 year with service engineers in Delhi/ NCR to attend any call within 24 hrs. of complaint and
should have successfully executed/ commissioned this system in any of last 05 years. The
authorization for the same need to be submitted along with the technical bid. The bidder shall provide
the letter from the OEM’S dealer in India to assure supply and one year onsite warrantee and later two
years’ service at our end. Verification of documents will be done during the inspection.
Accessories & Electrical Fittings:
The following accessories, fittings to be supplied & installed by the vendor on the appliance at suitable
1. Electrically operated siren 1km range. 2 Nos.
2. Fog lamps. 2 Nos.
3. Flashing Beacon Light bar - Grand make with strobes (Model Traffic Master Strobe) 1 No.
4. A trickle type battery charger 1 No.
5. Flameproof Distribution Board with Cable: Electrical panel board with 5 & 15 AMP 1 No.
output - 03 each.
6. Public Addressable System with electronic hooter 1 No.
Excavation Tools:
1. Shovel 2 Nos.
2. Crow Bar 2 Nos.
3. Spade 2 Nos.
4. Pick Axe 2 Nos.
5. Sledge Hammer 2 Nos.
6. Buggi (Sabbal) 2 Nos.
7. PARATECH make hand held forcible entry tool – PRT kit 2 nos
Miscellaneous Items:
1. Storage Arrangement for petrol & diesel. (Metal Jerry Cane – 10 Ltr. capacity) 2 Nos.
2. Folding chairs-4 nos 1 Set
3. Measuring Tape Roll (50 meter) 2 Nos.
4. Air Speed Meters 1 Nos.
Generator Unit
A 12.5 KVA capacity, (PTO Driven Alternator) diesel/petrol engine driven generator unit will be
mounted at suitable location with all necessary connections to the control panel with extendable
cable 30 mtr long mounted on a cable reel alongwith a suitable distribution box.
(RAMSEY/ SEPSON/ ROTZLER MAKE) – An electrically operated cable winch of not less than
6.5 tons pulling capacity (single layer) would be provided and mounted in the front of the vehicle.
The winch unit should be complete with minimum 5.5 hp, 12v DC series with electric reversible
motor for increased pulling power. The motor and solenoids shall be grounded to the battery. It
shall have an automatic load holding brake system for more strength. For free spooling the clutch
design shall be easy to use type with spring loaded pull and rotate system. The gear system
should be 3 stage planetary type for faster line speed and the gear reduction ratio shall not be
more than 300:1, the rope drum shall not be of more than 8 inches long having 3.5 inches dia and
shall be supplied with minimum 90 ft heavy duty galvanized EIPS wire rope with replaceable self-
locking clevis hook and would be mounted on the front bumper of the vehicle with suitable strong
supports and a 4 way roller fairlead. The Weight of the winch shall not be more than 55 kgs. A
wireless remote shall also be supplied with the unit.
*The bidder should be an experienced authorized dealer/ distributor of the captioned make from
last atleast 01 year with service engineers in Delhi/ NCR to attend any call within 24 hrs. of
complaint and should have successfully executed/ commissioned this system in any of last 05
years. The authorization for the same need to be submitted along with the technical bid. The
renderer shall provide the letter from the OEM’S dealer in India to assure supply and one year
onsite warrantee and later two years’ service at our end. Verification of documents will be done
during the inspection.
*The bidder should be an experienced authorized dealer/ distributor of the captioned make from
last atleast 01 year with service engineers in Delhi/ NCR to attend any call within 24 hrs. of
complaint and should have successfully executed/ commissioned this system in any of last 05
years. The authorization for the same need to be submitted along with the technical bid. The
renderer shall provide the letter from the OEM’S dealer in India to assure supply and one year
onsite warrantee and later two years’ service at our end. Verification of documents will be done
during the inspection.
(a) Mud Pump - 1 nos.
(b) Tullu Pump - 1 nos.
(c) Submersible Pump for Dewatering - 1 nos.
Water Tank:
The water tank shall be of minimum 2000 Ltrs The tank shall be made of SS 316 sheets of min. 4mm
thickness all over including the baffles. A 450mm dia manhole shall be provided on the top. A male
coupling shall be provided near the pump for water replenishment from an outside source. The tank
should have a drain pipe of 50mm dia. A 50mm line will also be provided for over flow.
The high pressure water mist/ fog system pump shall be of min. 75 LPM at 100bar pressure. It shall be
a min. three plunger positive displacement type pump, working to its capacity at not more than
1000RPM. A by-pass for letting the water back to the tank shall be provided to release excess pressure
generated due to shutting of the hand line. The pump shall have double seal on each plunger with low
pressure intermediate chamber to keep the water seals cool & lubricated. This system will also permit
the recirculation of any leakage from the high pressure back to the pump inlet. The pump shall have
synthesized pistons of super-hard ceramic. The connecting rods will be of special alloys with low
attrition coefficient, high wear resistance & high anti-seize properties. The pump suction line shall have
inline mesh filters.
The complete pump hose reel discharge water mist/ foam gun should be of FIRECO make. The 60 mtr.
Long hose reel should be electrically operated and auto rewind type hose reel. Hose shall be R2 rated,
16mm ID for providing sufficient flow to the high pressure gun. A high-pressure gun capable of
discharging 75 LPM@100 bar, in jet/fog patterns shall be provided. The jet range will not be less than
25 Mtrs & mist/ fog range shall be minimum 15 Mtrs.
The hose reel shall be compact in size to accommodate in the lockers of appliance.
Dimensions of hose reel shall be as per below:
Length - not more than 600 mm
Width - not more than 450 mm
Height - not more than 470 mm
Weight - not more than 28 kg (except hose pipe)
Bidders should enclose the complete details of the offered product along with the catalogue and
authorization letter with technical bid otherwise the bid will not be evaluated.
*The bidder should be an experienced authorized dealer/ distributor of the captioned make from last
atleast 01 year with service engineers in Delhi/ NCR to attend any call within 24 hrs. of complaint and
should have successfully executed/ commissioned this system in any of last 05 years. The
authorization for the same need to be submitted along with the technical bid. The renderer shall provide
the letter from the OEM’S dealer in India to assure supply and one year onsite warrantee and later two
years’ service at our end. Verification of documents will be done during the inspection.
PTO Unit:
A full torque drive line PTO shall be installed for operating the pump if required. This PTO should be of
a proper gear ratio to drive the pump at required RPM without loss of power & prevent the engine from
overheating. Cooling system will be provided (if required) to maintain operating temp. of the PTO.
Suitable cooling system for the PTO shall be provided.
The lockers will be provided with drawers as per the latest international standards. All the tools, gears
and accessories shall be stowed in ROLL-IN – ROLL-OUT trays, shelves or stored on HEAVY DUTY
SWING IN –SWING OUT TYPE DOORS with three point locking arrangement. All cutting and breaking
tools are to be stowed on these panels with secured locking using PAC (USA) tool mounts with
confirmed space for each equipment. Wherever necessary roll in roll out trays are to be provided. PVC
trays and containers with belting and slings to be provided as per the equipments sizes.
Each equipment shall be grouped and placed in lockers as per the group of utility of the equipment,
Bidder shall provide detailed plan of equipments and locker during bid submission. At least 3 lockers
shall be provided to the left side and 03 on the right side of the vehicle and one at rear side Vehicle.
The trays & lockers should be of sufficient strength and good quality with state of art engineering
practice to store the following equipment as per the following list:
List of safety equipments to be stowed in the trays & lockers of the Emergency Response
Sr. No. Equipments Unit Quantity
A Personal Protective Equipments
Breathing Apparatus set - Pl Refer Technical Specifications attached
1 set 4
as Annexure I
Nomex Fire Suit single layer – EN approved – Pl Refer Technical
2 nos. 4
Specifications attached as Annexure I
3 Rain Coats – Duckback make pairs 4
4 Traffic Cones – Pl Refer Technical Specifications attached as nos. 12
Annexure I
The high power hand held torch shall be ATEX-approved for Category
3 (Zones 2 and 22) locations. It shall be suitable for use in
places with an explosive atmosphere (other than mines susceptible to
firedamp) that is not likely to occur in normal operation, but if it does,
only occurs for short periods. It shall have a maximum surface
temperature of <120°C Gas, 65°C Dust. It shall have 50,000 hr
lifetime and two ultra-bright blue taillight LEDs.
Make & Model authorization letter with complete specification of all the quoted items to be
submitted with Technical Bid.
Provision will be made for adjusting all the above listed equipments in the Emergency Response
Vehicles cum Water Tenders inside the lockers.
The dimension of the available items will be collected from IGL for proper placement.
Training of all the equipments will be provided to IGL’s nominated members for operation of
equipments by vendor’s representative at IGL Site in Delhi at the time of supply/ handing over.
The Emergency Response Vehicles cum Water Tenders will be delivered at IGL Stores of
respective states.
There shall be no deviation of any nature in the tender specifications and make of the tools &
Inspection & Acceptance:
The Technical Bid should be supported with complete details of drawings, make & model of
Chassis, make & model of equipments along with their complete detailed specification and
authorization letter from OEM’s Dealer/ Distributor as per tender specifications.
The technical bid should be supported with complete design, details, drawings & load distribution
Stage wise Inspection will be carried out at vendor’s works by IGL representative (First inspection
will be at the time of bare Chassis without any paneling work, Second will be after completion of
Paneling and Lockers, Third and Final will be at the time of Delivery of Vehicle.
All O&M Manuals, Test Certificates, Fitness, Registration Certificates etc. will be provided with the
The copy of design of the vehicle will be submitted to IGL for approval prior to starting the job.
The SCBA should be a self-contained open circuit positive pressure compressed air breathing
apparatus complete with 6 lit / 300 bar steel cylinder having safe working duration of 45 minutes (total
capacity of 1800 liters breathable air) with the latest and most advanced Single Line technology (new
technology reducing the number of hoses to only one), which shall deliver medium and high pressure
using just one hose. The complete set should comply with International Standard EN 137 and should
be CE marked. The complete set with cylinder should not weigh more than 15 Kgs. The SCBA Set
should have facility / provision for upgradation to Electronic and Telemetric monitoring and
communication System.
1. Carrying Assembly:
The carrying plate should be ergonomically designed, light weight having intrinsically flame
retardant padded straps which should provide reliable carrying strength. There should be
comfortable shoulder and hip pads to distribute weight between shoulders and hips. The hoses
should be closely fitted to ensure that the hose do not get entangled when the sets are being used
in emergency situations. The hip belt and harness should have sandwiched padding to ensure the
comfort of user and ensure longer use life. The back plate without cylinder and face mask should
not weigh more than 3 kgs.
4. Face Piece:
The Full Face Mask should be a positive pressure full face mask with quick action plug connector
to demand valve. The material of the face piece to a great extent should be age resistant, the lens
(made of impact resistant polycarbonate) with large field of vision, the wide sealing frame, the deep
chin strap, the comfortably fitting nose cup, the easily adjustable head harness and the speech
diaphragm for voice communication, two ducts in the face blank to the inside of the lens should be
there to keep the lens free from fogging.
Fireman Helmet
M-PACT Shell with SmartRidge design
High-heat thermoplastic outer shell
Comfortable Sure-Lock ratchet headband
Heavy base fabricated from LDPE & EVA UV stabilized (CE APPROVED) for non-fading Red colour.
High flexibility to avoid crushing. Attached reflective highly visibility. Space for message or logo.
Provision for fixing of plastic chains, light bar, reflector, message plate, plastic rope, road lamp & cone
bar. Reflective Sleeve 9", Weight: 4 Kg approx., Dimensions: 760 x 390 x390 mm
A unique multi-purpose system that provides functions including rescue and self-rescue, ascending and
descending and positioning at height so that person always descends in control speed. It should have
simple operation allowing just one person to control the rate of ascent or descent speed effortlessly by
holding rope with just two fingers. For positioning, the unit should be able to locked-off with the
Ascender handle. Reliable, simple and 2:1 hauling ratio provides a system with multi-purpose
Material of Construction: The entire components of the Set should be CE certified & manufactured as
per EN / ANSI norms and the Parapet Wall Anchoring System should be ANSI/ OSHA certified. Copy of
the certificates to be submitted along with the technical bid.
Items Specifications:
(a) The Evacuation and Rescue System of 100 M Range – Qty. – 1 Pc.
Portable, Easy to handle & Easy to install (Speedy implementation) to carry out rescue operation.
Breaking of descending load is by the friction of the rope on the drum, while a ratchet gear
facilitates ascension.
During Descent or Ascent System can be stop effortlessly by simply holding control rope with
Two Fingers.
Maximum Permissible Load - 250 Kg
Net Wt. of the Device not more than – 2 Kg (Without Rope)
Pulley reduction Ratio - 2 : 1
Range – 100 mts
Rope made from Polyamide Material – 9 mm diameter Braided Rope, Breaking Strength of
Rope more than 1200 daN (Kgf)
Rope should have Resistance to the Aging effect – long life of the product.
Twist Lock Carabineer Hook with 18 mm opening minimum, made from High strength Steel
with electro zinc plated. Breaking strength more than 2500 daN.
Should be CE EN 341 class A and EN 1496 class B marked.
(b) Ascension Handle - for easy Ascending – Qty. – 1 Pc.
Clamp handle operating on Braided rope Diameter 8 to 13 mm.
Abseiling on fixed rope
Progression on oblic rope
Body green anodized aluminium cut fold
Should be CE EN 567 marked.
(c) Full Body Safety Sit Harness with front and Back Anchoring– Qty. – 1 Pc.
One dorsal D-ring of forged alloy steel, One sternal D-ring for fall arrest, One ventral D-ring for
rope access, Two lateral D-rings for work positioning
Adjustable shoulder, thigh & chest straps
Waist belt with 2 holder loops & rings at back
Dual colour scheme
Soft padding on shoulder, waist & led straps
Universal size
Should be CE EN 361, 358 & 813 marked
(d) The second line of protection - Rope Grab with 100 mts. Rope and Hooks. – Qty. – 1 Set
Advanced blend of rope grab fall arrestors and anchorage line to operate as a second line of
Gravity locking & double security opening.
100 mts. long 12 mm Braided polyamide rope with more than 2000 Kgf Strength with karabiner
– Test certificates to be provided.
Should be EN 353-2:2002 marked
(e) Second line of protection for Parapet Wall anchoring - 12mm Braided Rope Adjustable Lanyards
with Hooks for anchoring – 10 Meters Length Strength more than 2000 Kgf. – Qty. – 1 Set
(f) Parapet Wall Anchor – Qty. – 1 Set
Non penetrating design does not penetrate the working surface reducing the possibility of
Adjustment range to fit from 1' to 14.5' wide parapet wall. Fall arrest rated for one user.
No tools required for installation.
Breaking Strength more than 5,000 lbs. (2200 Kgf) and workable load more than 310 Lbs. (140
Safety Locking Pins with locking Arrangement
Parapet Wall Strengthening System should be provided.
Device Weight not more than 13 Kg
Should be ANSI Z359.1 and OSHA marked
A unique multi-purpose system that provides functions including rescue and self-rescue, ascending and
descending and positioning at height. Its simple operation allows one person to control the rate of
descent or ascent with the Ascender handle. For positioning, the unit can be locked-off with the
Ascender handle providing a brake on the line. Need Secondary line of Protection.
Material of Construction: The entire components of the Set should be CE 0120 certified and
manufactured as per EN norms.
(a) Steel Screw Locking Karabiner – Qty. – 4 Pcs.:
The MOC of Karabiner should be Steel of 10 mm dia round bar with opening of minimum 17 mm
with weight not less than 160 gms, oval shaped and should be steel screw locking type confirming
to EN 362: 2004 (Class B) and EN marked.
(b) Work Positioning Lanyard – Qty. – 1 Pc.:
The rope should be of 12mm Braided Rope, ends should be stitched and covered with
polyethylene protective sleeve, abrasion resistant with Karabiners provided at both ends for
attachment, length should be 2 meters with breaking strength minimum 22 KN. The product should
be EN 358 marked.
(c) Grip Descender with 100 mtr. long rope – Qty. – 1 Set:
The grip descender made of high strength aluminium alloy with system strength more than 12 KN
should be equipped with steel Karabiner for attachment with the harness of user. It should move
along with the user climbing down and locks whenever the lever is set free or pressed towards the
user's body. It should have double safety locking system. It should be capable of using on 10.5 mm
dia and 11 mm dia Kernmantle rope of 100 mts. length. The weight should be not less than 350
gms. The product should be EN 341 marked.
(d) Anchorage Web Sling – Qty. – 2 Pcs. :
Made of polyester (High tenesity polyamide) should be EN 795 marked with 1.2 meter length, 44
mm wide polyester having D-Ring at one end and textile loop on another end.
(e) The second line of protection - Guided Type Fall Arrestor – Qty – 1 Pc. :
Advanced blend of rope grab fall arrestors and anchorage line
Gravity locking & double security opening.
100 mts. long 12 mm Braided polyamide rope with more than 2000 Kgf Strength with karabiner
Should be EN 353-2:2002 marked.
(f) Full Body Sit Harness – Qty – 1 Pc. :
One dorsal D-ring of forged alloy steel , One sternal D-ring for fall arrest , One ventral D-ring
for rope access , Two lateral D-rings for work positioning
Adjustable shoulder, thigh & chest straps
Waist belt with 2 holder loops & rings at back
Dual color scheme
Soft padding on shoulder, waist & led straps
Universal size
Should be CE EN 361, 358 & 813 marked
(g) Ascender – Qty. – 1 Pc. :
Clamp handle operating on Braided rope Diameter 8 to 13 mm.
Abseiling on fixed rope
Progression on oblique rope
Body green anodized aluminium cut fold
Should be marked with CE & EN 567 Standard.
(h) Parapet Wall Anchor – Qty. – 1 Set :
Non penetrating design does not penetrate the working surface reducing the possibility of
Adjustment range to fit from 1' to 14.5' wide parapet wall. Fall arrest rated for one user.
No tools required for installation.
Breaking Strength more than 5,000 lbs. (2200 Kgf) and workable load more than 310 Lbs. (140
Safety Locking Pins with locking Arrangement
Parapet Wall Strengthening System should be provided.
Device Weight not more than 13 Kg
Should be ANSI Z359.1 and OSHA marked
Portable Multi Gas Detector with In-built Sampling Pump to measure LEL and O2
concentration simultaneously.
S.No. Particulars Specification
01. Range O2 : 0 -25 % Vol. with 0.1 % vol. resolution
LEL : 0 – 100 % LEL with 0.1 % upto 2% resolution
02. Weight Less than 600 gms. with battery
03. Battery Rechargeable Alkaline/ Li-ion W/charger for 220 VAC
04. Alarms (i) 95 dB Multitone type, flashing LED’s & on Screen indication.
(ii) Pump stall alarm.
05. Data Continuous data logging with complete software and hardware kit to download
Logging the data.
06. Sampling Should be equipped with internal sampling pump. The pump should be the
Pump integral part of the detector and should not be detachable type. The pump
should be capable of drawing samples from 80 Feet away. Pump must contain
user replaceable filters to prevent liquids and dust ingress. 10 Feet sampling
line and 1 Foot probe should be supplied with each instrument.
07. Casing Extremely rugged for maximum use in the field.
08. Hazardous Instrument should be intrinsically safe and IECEx/ ATEX and PESO approved
Area for use in Class I, Division 1 with minimum EEx ib IIB T3.
Approval Copy of valid approval from PESO for quoted model to be submitted along
with the technical bid.
09. Temperature -20° to 40°C
Highly Advanced Multi Gas Detector for the detection of LEL and Oxygen concentrations
simultaneously for critical applications.
S.No. Particulars Specification
01. Monitoring For Oxygen –
Features Electro Chemical Sensor for measurement of Oxygen in atmosphere from 0-
25% Vol. with 0.1% vol. resolution.
Following is the format of the SOR for reference only and is not supposed to be filled and submitted physically. The bidders are supposed to fill in the
details of the SOR on the e-tendering portal in the prescribed format on the portal bid floor only.
Unit Rate
Sr. Unit Rate Applicable Total Amount FOT
Item Description UOM Quantity HSN Code incl. GST
No. (Rs.) GST Rate (%) Site (Rs.)
Supply of Emergency
1 Response Vehicles cum No. 4
Water Tenders
Form 1
(Information must be provided on bidder’s letterhead)
(Kindly attach separate sheets giving details for name of directors / proprietors and their stakes)
along with the supporting documents.
a) Turnover threshold
b) Providing exemption goods/services
c) Others ( specify )
Form 2
(On Bidder’s letter head)
1) BIDDER may give here a consolidated list of deviations / clarifications / comments for all
sections of the bid documents which for an appropriate offer are considered unavoidable by
2) Deviations / clarifications mentioned elsewhere in the offer shall not be binding on the IGL and
any such deviations if indicated elsewhere other than this form will render the offer non-
responsive and shall liable to be rejected.
3) BIDDER shall state the reason for the deviations in the remark column.
4) Only the deviations listed herein, in conjunction with the original Tender shall constitute the
contract document for the award of the job to the BIDDER.
5) Any clarification raised by the Purchaser/ Consultant should be resolved within 10 days failing
which the bid is liable for rejection.
No./ Page Requirements as Deviation by
Comments by Remarks
Cls. No. per tender Bidder
The bidder confirms that all clauses of the tender document, which are not listed above are fully
complied by the bidder.
Form 3
(Applicable in all cases where bidder’s accounts are audited by Statutory Auditor)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1. Copies of letter of awards/ order/ work orders and completion certificate (in case of works/services) or IRN/ Proof of delivery (in case of supplies, if
applicable) to be enclosed.
Note: Completion certificate shall clearly mention the LOA/ PO/ WO no. along with the actual total executed value and date.
The contract / order copy must clearly specify the Scope of Work along with Technical Specifications executed (which should be as per
IGL’s current requirement)
2. The supply/ work/ services completed earlier than 5 years shall not be indicated here.
3. The list of supply/ work/ services not of similar nature shall not be indicated here. Failing to comply aforementioned instructions may lead to rejection
of bid.
4. Bidders are expected to provide details in respect of each order in this Annexure. The orders cited must comply with the bid evaluation criteria
specified in Tender Document. Details provided in this section is intended to serve as a backup for information provided in Offer/ Quotation. Bidder
should also refer to the instructions below.
5. A separate sheet should be filled for each LOA/ work order/ purchase order.
6. Certificate from the bidder’s statutory auditors must be furnished in the format below for LOA/ Work Order/ Purchase Order mentioned above
(separately for each orders)
It may be noted that in the absence above certificates, the details would be considered inadequate and could lead to the bid being considered ineligible for further
Form 4
Based on its books of accounts and other published information authenticated by it, {this is to certify that LOA/ PO/ WO no.
…………………………………….dated……………was awarded to ……………………………………….. (Name of the bidder)
by………………………….. (Name of the client) to execute…………………………….....…. (Name of the supply/ work/ service).
The Supply/ works/ services commenced on ………………. (Date) was/ is likely to be completed on …………………………..
(Date, if any). It is certified that the total value of contract/order executed by………………………………………. (Name of
bidder) was ……………………………………………… (Specify currency & amount) and executed value was
………………………………… (Specify currency & amount).
Date: Name:
Membership no.
Form 5
(For supply of Goods/Works/Services)
We have verified the Annual Accounts and other relevant records of M/s. ____________________
(Name of bidder) and certify the following:
1. The financial year would be the same as one normally followed by the bidder for its Annual Report.
2. The bidder shall provide the audited annual financial statements as required for this Tender Document.
Failure to do so would result in the personal being considered as non-responsive.
3. for the purpose of this Tender document (i) Annual Turnover shall be “Sale value/ Operating Inco me”
(ii) Working capital shall be “Current Assets less Current Liabilities” and (iii) Net Worth shall be “Paid up
share capital and Free reserves & Surplus”
4. * Bidders whose accounts are not audited by auditors as per Law/jurisdiction, certification from a Chartered
Accountant to be submitted.
Form 6
(On Bidder’s letter head)
We confirm that we are not under any liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings.
We also confirm that we have not been banned or delisted by any government (national, state or local
governments), PSU, PSU-JV, government ministry and/ or other government entities from quoting.
Form 7
(On Bidder’s letter head)
No. Date:
We hereby confirm that we have read each page of the subject tender document along with
Corrigendum & Reply to bidder’s queries thoroughly and understood the complete Scope of Work
and other terms & conditions. We hereby also confirm that tender terms & conditions are
acceptable to us and any deviation other than mentioned in deviation form is not to be taken into
account. Also, no alterations have been made to the original tender document as provided by IGL.
Yours faithfully,
Name & Designation
For and on behalf of
Form 8
To, Date:
Dear Sir,
Thanking You,
Place: (Signature)
Date: Name of Authorized Signatory
Membership No.
Encl.: As above
Bidder whose accounts are not audited by the auditors as per law / jurisdiction, certification from
Chartered Accountant to be submitted.
Form 9
No. Date:
We confirm that we shall be bound by all and whatsoever our representative(s) shall commit.
Yours faithfully,
Name & Designation
For and on behalf of
Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the bidder and should be signed by a person
competent and having the power of attorney to bind the bidder.
(To be filled serial-wise on the e-tendering portal bid floor)
Sr. Requirement Response
General Information
1 Complete Bidder Organization Name
2 Date of Registration
3 Company Address(es) in India
4 No. of years in business
5 Type of Firm (Proprietary / Partnership / Private Ltd. / Public Ltd.)
6 Details of Directors / Proprietors / Partners
7 Phone no. of contact person
8 Email ID of contact person
Technical BEC
The bidder must be a manufacturer of Emergency Response Vehicles and
must have successfully executed order of supply of emergency response
1 Agreed
vehicles of minimum value of Rs. 2.79 crores in the past 05 years from the
date of floating of tender. Relevant documentary proofs enclosed with the bid.
Financial BEC
Bidder’s turnover for immediate preceding financial year (mention in INR along
with Financial Year)
Bidder’s turnover for second to last preceding financial year (mention in INR
along with Financial Year)
Bidder’s turnover for third to last preceding financial year (mention in INR
along with Financial Year)
Bidder’s net worth for preceding financial year (mention in INR along with
Financial Year)
Bidder’s working capital for preceding financial year (mention in INR along with
Financial Year)
Commercial Terms and Conditions
Bidder accepts to keep the bid valid for a period of 75 days from the date of
1 Agreed
opening of techno-commercial bid
Bidder has physically submitted the EMD / Bid Security and Tender Fee
2 Agreed
required against tender document
Bidder accepts to quote the prices as per SOR enclosed with this tender
3 Agreed
Prices quoted by the bidder shall remain firm, fixed and valid for entire
4 Agreed
contractual period
Prices quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, fees,
5 Agreed
insurance, etc.
Bidder understands and accepts the complete scope of work as defined in the
6 Agreed
tender document
3 Complete pump hose reel discharge water mist/ foam gun (FIRECO) Agree
Make of Pneumatic Lifting Bags with complete kit (HOLMATRO MEDIUM SET
or equivalent)
22 Make of Rescue Pulley Kit (Ascender & Descender - DBI SALA or equivalent)
1. If the Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid
form; or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by IGL during the period of bid
a) Fails or refuses to execute the Contract form, if required: or
b) Fails or refuses to furnish the PERFORMANCE SECURITY in accordance with the
Instructions to the Bidder.
We undertake to pay IGL upto the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without IGL
having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand IGL will note the amount claimed by it is
due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions specifying the occurred condition
or conditions.
The Guarantee will remain in force upto and including 60 days after the period of bid validity and any
demand in respect thereof should reach the BANK not later than the above date.
Dear Sir,
In consideration of the INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED, NEW DELHI (INDIA) (hereinafter referred to as the
OWNER which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors,
administrators and assigns) having awarded the work of ……….. to …………………………..having its Principal
Office at ………………………………… (hereinafter referred to as “VENDOR(SELLER”/”CONTRACTOR)” which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include their respective successors,
administrators, executors and assigns) the supply/execution by issue of OWNER’S Owner order No.
……………….. dated……………. And the same having been accepted by the
VENDOR(SELLER/CONTRACTOR) resulting into CONTRACTS for supplies of materials equipment/execution of
works/services as per above Owner Order having a total value of …………. for the complete supply of
materials/equipment/execution of works/services and the VENDOR(SELLER/CONTRACTOR) having agreed to
provide a Contract performance and Warranty/Guarantee for the faithful performance of the aforementioned
contract and warranty to quality to OWNER.
The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without previous consent of OWNER and
further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the OWNER discharges
the guarantee. OWNER shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the BANK under
this guarantee from time to time to extend the time for performance by VENDOR(SELLER/CONTRACTOR) of the
aforementioned contract. OWNER shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from
time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have against
VENDOR(SELLER/CONTRACTOR) and to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and either to enforce to
forebear to enforce any covenants contained or implied, in the aforementioned Contracts between OWNER and
VENDOR(SELLER/CONTRACTOR) or any other course of or remedy or security available to OWNER. The
BANK shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any exercise by OWNER of its liability with
reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason or any other acts of omission or commission on the
part of OWNER or any other indulgence shown by OWNER or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which
under law would, but for this provisions, have the effect of relieving the BANK.
The BANK also agrees that OWNER at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the BANK
as a Principal Debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against VENDOR(SELLER/CONTRACTOR) and
notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that OWNER may have in relation to the
Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to AND it shall
be remain in force upto and including ……….. and shall be extended from time to time for such period as may
be desired by the VENDOR(SELLER/CONTRACTOR) on whose behalf this Guarantee has been given.
Postal Address
Telephone no / Fax No
Contact person
Email ID
3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Guarantee only and only if
you serve upon written claim or demand on or before -------------.”(1 month beyond expiry date.)
(Signature) (Signature Bank Signatory)
4. Once the registration is done, login with your user name and password:
8. Once login is complete, a bidder can access My Menu through the left side of the page:
9. Here click on Download NIT/Corrigendum button to download the NIT/Corrigenda. Select Event
number and click on download to download the files:
10. To submit the bid a bidder can proceed to Bid Floor through the left side My Menu. In Bid Floor
click on live events to view a list of Live events. In live events select the tender number where you
wish to submit a bid:
11. Tender can be of multiple types with price bid uploading in Excel or Technical-cum-Price type.
The bid floor for each type of event will change automatically. On clicking the tender number one
of the following screens will appear:
For 2 cover with price bid in excel:
12. For each type of event the event details including start time and close time the details will be
given on the top of the page.
13. To submit the tender the bidder has to start from top left and submit the details one by one.
14. For 2 cover with price bid in excel, the bidder has to submit technical bid, by filling the details and
clicking the save button.
a. After the technical bid is saved, a bidder can proceed to uploading documents through the
link upload docs:
b. Please note that under no circumstance the price bid excel has to be uploaded here.
c. After the documents have been uploaded, the bidder can click on download excel to
download the excel format.
d. Fill up the excel sheet as per the details given therein and tender document.
e. To upload the filled up excel click on Upload Price Button, click on browse to select the file
and then click on Upload and Save encrypt file.
f. The bidder can then click on Final Submit to finally submit the bid. In case of any
amendments after final submit, click on delete bid button to delete the techno-commercial
and price bids and resubmit the same. Please note that at the end the bid must be clicked as
Final Submit, otherwise the same will not be considered.
15. For E-Tender Technical Cum Price Bid:
a. In the manner similar to above the bidder has to fill up Common terms, then press save
button to submit.
b. Then the bidder has to upload documents as per the list shown therein.
c. Once the documents are uploaded the bidder has to submit the Technical and Price bids.
d. The bidder can then click on final submit to finally submit the bid. In case of any amendments
after final submit, click on delete bid button to delete the techno-commercial and price bids
and resubmit the same. Please note that at the end the bid must be final submit, otherwise
the same will not be considered.
Bidder’s may note that in each case using the Delete bid button will only delete the bids and then the
bidder can resubmit upload tender closing time.
Using the withdraw button the bid will be withdrawn and the bidder will not be allowed to submit any
further bid in that event.
For any assistance regarding the Tender Document and/or terms and conditions the bidders may
contact IGL as per contact details mentioned in this tender document at Section - IFB.
For any assistance during bid submission, system settings etc. bidders may contact at MSTC:
Phone Number:
03322901004, 01123212357, 01123215163, 01123217850
Please mention “Helpdesk” as subject while sending emails.
10 AM to 5:30 PM on all working days.