Steel Plant
Steel Plant
Steel Plant
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 161
Ironmaking Volume
(1–5%) without loss of their important structural characteristics. Subsequent discussion will show,
however, that the use of many such materials is limited by factors such as cost or instability in cer-
tain atmospheres. Also, fluxes present in the initial impure refractory and/or encountered in ser-
vice can seriously reduce these melting points.
Refractories are expensive, and any failure in the refractories results in a great loss of production
time, equipment, and sometimes the product itself. The type of refractories also will influence
energy consumption and product quality. Therefore, the problem of obtaining refractories best
suited to each application is of supreme importance. Economics greatly influence these problems,
and the refractory best suited for an application is not necessarily the one that lasts the longest, but
rather the one which provides the best balance between initial installed cost and service perfor-
mance. This balance is never fixed, but is constantly shifting as a result of the introduction of new
processes or new types of refractories. History reveals that refractory developments have occurred
largely as the result of the pressure for improvement caused by the persistent search for superior
metallurgical processes. The rapidity with which these ever recurring refractory problems have
been solved has been a large factor in the rate of advancement of the iron and steel industry. To dis-
cuss the many factors involved in these problems and to provide information helpful to their solu-
tion are the objectives of this chapter.
Refractories are also vital in the safe operation of the processes and must not expose personnel to haz-
ardous conditions during their manufacture, installation, use or during disposal following their use.
Refractories may be classified in a number of ways. From the chemical standpoint, refractory sub-
stances, in common with matter in general, are of three classes; namely, acid, basic, and neutral.
Theoretically, acid refractories should not be used in contact with basic slags, gases or fumes
whereas basic refractories can be best used in contact with a basic chemical environment. Actually,
for various reasons, these rules are often violated. Hence, the time honored chemical classification
is largely academic, and of little value as a guide to actual application. Also, the existence of a truly
neutral refractory may be doubted. Classifications by use, such as blast furnace refractories or
refractories for oxygen steelmaking, are generally too broad and are constantly subject to revision.
For our purposes, refractories will be classified with reference to the raw materials used in their
preparation and to the minerals predominating after processing for use. This classification is
believed to offer the best possibility for a clear understanding of the origin and nature of steel plant
refractories. Magnesia
Modern high-purity magnesias are produced in well controlled processes. The principal sources of
magnesias are brines (often deep well type) and seawater. Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, is pre-
cipitated from these sources by reaction with calcined dolomite or limestone; one source uses a novel
reactor process. The resultant magnesium hydroxide slurry is filtered to increase its solids content.
The filter cake can then be fed directly to a rotary kiln to produce refractory grade magnesia, but
more commonly now the filter cake is calcined at about 900–1000°C (1650 –1830°F), usually in mul-
tiple-hearth furnaces, to convert the magnesium hydroxide to active magnesia. This calcined magne-
sia is then briquetted or pelletized for firing into dense refractory-grade magnesia, usually in shaft
kilns which reach temperatures around 2000°C (3630°F). The end product is sintered magnesia.
Fused magnesia is produced by melting a refractory grade magnesia or other magnesia precursor
in an electric arc furnace. The molten mass is then removed from the furnace, cooled, and broken
up to begin its path for use in refractories.
162 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
The impurities in magnesia are controlled by the composition of the original source of the magne-
sia (brine or seawater), the composition of the calcined dolomite or limestone, and the processing
techniques. In particular the amounts and ratio of CaO and SiO2 are rigorously controlled, and the
B2O3 is held to very low levels. The end results are high-grade refractory magnesias which are
ready for processing into refractory products. Tables 3.1 through 3.4 show the compositions of dif-
ferent grades of magnesia.
Average Crystallite
Size (mm) , 80 , 90 , 100
From Ref. 2.
Table 3.2 Selected Sintered Magnesias Produced in Europe and the Middle East
(high CaO/SiO2 ratio)
Reference Code SM-4 SM-5 SM-6
Average Crystallite
Size (mm) 150–160 , 100 70-90
From Ref. 2.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 163
Ironmaking Volume
Average Crystallite
Size (mm) , 780 , 800
From Ref. 2.
Average Crystallite
Size (mm) 50-60 , 60 , 40
From Ref. 2.
High purity is quite important because MgO has high refractoriness and good resistance to basic
slags. Minimizing the total impurities content in magnesias is quite important because impurities
affect refractoriness and performance. A high CaO/SiO2 ratio, preferably 2:1 or slightly higher, is
optimum for maintaining high refractoriness in magnesias. As the total impurities are reduced to
about 1% or less, the CaO/SiO2 ratio has less and less significance. High density reduces infiltra-
tion and dissociation of magnesia grain by slag. Large crystallite size (best achieved in fused mag-
nesias) provides less surface area for slag attack. Low B2O3 content ensures high strength at elevated
temperatures for burned brick. Low lime to SiO2 ratios are required in certain products where MgO
is used with other raw materials (such as Cr2O3) or for maximum resistance to hydration. Dolomite
The natural double carbonate dolomite (CaCO3•MgCO3) can be converted to refractory dolomite
(CaO•MgO) by high temperature firing. A limited number of dolomite deposits exists in the world
with satisfactory uniformity, purity, and calcining behavior to be processed into high purity, refrac-
tory dolomite at a reasonable cost. High purity dolomite is greater than 97% CaO + MgO and
164 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
0.5–3% impurities. Most high purity dolomite deposits are difficult to calcine and sinter to high
density and usually require special methods to yield acceptable refractory grade dolomite. Silica,
iron oxide and alumina are the most common impurities in high purity dolomite. See Table 3.5.
Table 3.5 Chemical and Physical Properties of High Purity, Dead-Burned Dolomite
Dolomite has excellent refractoriness and is thermodynamically very stable in contact with steel or
steelmaking slags. Note in Table 3.6 that CaO is the most stable of the common refractory oxides
at steelmaking temperatures.
The free lime portion of the dead burned
Table 3.6 The Free Energies of dolomite can react with atmospheric moisture
Formation for Various which causes the material to powder and
Refractory Oxides crumble. The degree of hydration under set
conditions of time, temperature, and relative
DG @ 1600°C
humidity is dependent upon the proportion of
1 2
}} lime and impurities contained in the material
mole O2
2 Ca + O2 = CaO –205 and upon the density of the grain achieved
⁄3 Al + O2 = ⁄3 Al2O3
–175 during the dead burning process.
2 Mg + O2 = 2 MgO –170 In practice, with modern packaging materials
Si + O2 = SiO2 –140 and techniques together with other means of
⁄3 Cr + O2 = 2⁄3 Cr2O3 –110 protecting the products, the storage of dolo-
From Ref. 2. mite products can be extended.
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166 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories Zircon/Zirconia
Zircon, or zirconium silicate (ZrO2•SiO2), is a naturally occurring raw material having excellent
refractoriness. Specific gravity (4.5–4.6 g/cm3) is unusually high compared to most refractory
Major zircon sources include the natural sands of western Australia, eastern Florida, South Africa’s
northern Natal east coast, the European Economic Community countries and the Peoples Repub-
lic of China. Zircon usually is found with other heavy mineral sands, most notably titania miner-
als. Table 3.11 shows properties of zircon.
Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) is produced commercially as the naturally occurring mineral baddeleyite.
The refractory industry has been a major growth area for zirconia. The relatively high melting point
of baddeleyite, along with superior resistance to corrosion and erosion, make zirconia an ideal
component for several refractory systems. Zirconia in the natural state occurs in the monoclinic
crystal phase. When heated, zirconia undergoes a phase change (to tetragonal) and a volume
shrinkage of about 5%; with additional increases in temperature, the cubic form is stable at 2350°C
(4260°F). To counteract these deleterious phase changes, zirconia may be stabilized to the cubic
phase with small amounts of calcia, magnesia, or yttria, with the result that stability, thermal shock
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 167
Ironmaking Volume
Screen Analysis
+200 Mesh — 2 0
+325 Mesh — 11 1
+400 Mesh — 7 5
–400 Mesh — 79 95
From Ref. 3.
Clays may be used as binders, plasticizers, or as aggregates for producing refractories. The prop-
erties of some domestic clays are shown in Table 3.13.
168 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
From Ref. 3. Sillimanite
Andalusite, sillimanite and kyanite comprise the water-free, natural aluminum silicate varieties of
minerals known as the sillimanite group. Andalusite and kyanite are the more common commer-
cial materials. These minerals are normally about 60% alumina, with the balance composed pri-
marily of silica with minor iron and titania impurities, Table 3.15. Andalusite and sillimanite have
several important characteristics; when heated at high temperatures, the refractory mineral mullite
(3AL2O3•2SiO2) is formed. Complete mullite occurs at 1300–1400°C (2372–2552°F). This min-
eral is a key component of many high-alumina materials. Bauxite
Bauxite in the crude state is a naturally occurring group of minerals composed primarily of either
gibbsite (Al2O3•3H2O), diaspore, or boehmite [AlO(OH)], and various types of accessory clays.
Refractory grade calcined bauxites are a specific form as found in Table 3.16. These are produced
from low iron, low silica materials in rotary kiln calcining operations or down-draft kilns. Calcin-
ing temperatures are in the 1400–1800°C (2550–3275°F) range. Crude bauxite is converted to the
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 169
Ironmaking Volume
Andalusite Kyanite
Source S. Africa A S. Africa B French A United States
Typical Chemistry
Silica (SiO2) 38.00% 38.10% 43.80% 39.90%
Alumina (Al2O3) 60.30 61.90 53.00 56.00
Titania (TiO2) 0.17 0.16 0.25 1.80
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 0.72 0.59 1.20 1.60
Lime (CaO) 0.11 0.06 0.20 0.04
Magnesia (MgO) 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.04
Soda (Na2O) 0.06 0.06 0.20
Potash (K2O) 0.22 0.13 0.20 0.16 total
Lithia (Li2O) 0.02 0.01 —
L.O.I. (dry Basis) 0.44 0.28 0.08 0.90
Screen Analysis
+6 Mesh 17% 77% 35 mesh or
–6 +10 Mesh 34 14 100 mesh 3
–10 +16 Mesh 44 9 down
–16 Mesh 5 —
From Ref. 3.
Typical Chemistry
(Calcined Basis)
Silica (SiO2) 6.50% 5.60% 9.0–10.0% 16.8%
Alumina (Al2O3) 88.00 87.50 85.0–87.0 75.7
Titania (TiO2) 3.25 3.64 1.9–2.3 3.8
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 2.00 1.56 1.6–2.1 0.9
Lime (CaO) 0.02 0.06 <0.2 0.3
Magnesia (MgO) 0.02 0.17 <0.2 0.5
Alkalies (total) 0.01 0.62 <0.1 2.3
Loss in Ignition 0.25 trace <0.1 trace
From Ref. 3.
minerals corundum (Al2O3) and mullite (3Al2O3•2SiO2) — both very refractory components.
Important features of bauxites are maximum alumina values (85% or more desired), maximum
bulk specific gravity, and minimum impurities such as iron oxide, titania, alkalies (Na2O,K2O and
Li2O) and alkaline earths (CaO and MgO). Major sources for calcined, refractory grade bauxite are
Guyana, South America, and the Peoples Republic of China.
170 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Size reduction
Concentration Precipitation
by of
evaporation crystalline Al(OH)3
Weak Product
liquor and washing
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 171
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Translucent ceramic
High-purity Cutting tools
Sintering aluminas Biomedical ceramic
Synthetic gems
Calcined Lens polishing
Catalyst bed support
(Spheres) Industrial chemicals Filter media
Heat exchange media
Refractories Kiln furniture
Catalyst bed support
Industrial chemicals
172 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
From Ref. 3.
From Ref. 3.
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Ironmaking Volume
Generally, graphites are used in refractories in order to reduce the wetting characteristics of the
refractory material with respect to slag corrosion and to increase the thermal conductivity which
will result in better thermal shock resistance. In oxide-carbon refractories, the carbon content may
range anywhere from as low as 4–5% up to as high as 30–35%. Note that as the graphitic content
increases, the thermal conductivity of the refractory increases, but the density of the refractory
decreases. This result is primarily due to the fact that the density of graphite is much less than the
density of the other refractory materials being used. There are other contrasting differences in the
morphology of the graphite as compared to the other refractory materials. The graphite materials,
which are used in refractories, are commonly of a flaky structure; therefore, these flakes do not
lend themselves to the same particle packing phenomena as do granular particles.
Table 3.20 shows the properties of several types of graphite. Flake graphite is commonly purified to
extremely high carbon contents of 99 wt% carbon or higher. This purification utilizes both a chemi-
cal process and a thermal process; these steps have a significant effect on the price of the materials.
174 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Al2O3-C or
Slagline ZrO2-C or
sleeve MgO-C
A. B.
Fig. 3.4 A. Bricks and shapes; B. more complex tubes and rods.
Castables, or refractory concretes, are predominately dry, granular refractory mixes designed to be
mixed on site with water and capable of curing to a stable dimensional form through hydraulic or
chemical setting. Castables are particularly suited to the molding of special shapes and parts at the
installation site. They can be used for forming complete furnace linings, and other unique shapes.
They can be applied by pouring, pumping, troweling, gunning, and shotcreting. They have the
advantage of being readily usable at the operating temperature of the equipment after hydraulic or
chemical setting and removal of all moisture has taken place.
Spray mixes are made from a variety of refractory compositions. The common feature of these mate-
rials is that they contain sufficient water for transport via pumps and for spray application onto a fur-
nace wall or ceiling. A set accelerator is added in sufficient quantity such that the mix sets rapidly.
Gunning mixes comprise a variety of specialty refractory compositions that develop a solid shape
by air drying, hydraulic setting, or heat curing. The principal requirements are that they can be
blown into position by air pressure through a lance or nozzle, but must adhere on impact and build
up to the desired lining thickness. They are used for patch-type repairs, especially inside empty, hot
Fig. 3.5 is a greatly simplified flowsheet illustrating the various methods of refractory manufac-
ture and the resultant products, and classifies raw materials as either calcined, uncalcined (raw), or
binders. Calcined materials have been fired to remove moisture and volatiles and to densify the
material to minimize subsequent in-service shrinkage and reaction. The calcining temperature will
range from 1093–3315°C (2000–6000°F). Raw or uncalcined materials are cheaper to use than cal-
cined materials and are used to impart desirable characteristics such as plasticity or volume expan-
sion to certain refractories. Binders are used to impart strength to the refractory during
manufacture or in service.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 175
Raw Raw Binders
materials, materials, (solid or liquid-
unfired fired hot or cold)
Crushing Crushing
Ironmaking Volume
and and
screening screening
Mixing - blending
(hot or cold - wet or dry)
Impregnation Steel cladding
Blowing, spinn-
ing, drawing
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Resin Pitch Impreg- Steel- Plastic Taphole Anhydrous Fused Fiber Mortars Castables
Burned Temp- plastic or Rebonded and Granular
bonded ered brick bonded nated clad or plastic trough taphole cast insulating sealing and gunn-
brick brick materials
brick brick brick brick block materials material brick materials materials ing mixes
Steel Plant Refractories
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Ironmaking Volume
Phenolic resins, the most important synthetic binders for refractory materials, are condensation
products of phenol and formaldehyde. These resins are differentiated according to whether they
represent novolacs or self curing resoles. The versatility of phenolic resins is derived from the var-
ious bonding functions that they can provide. Among other things phenolic resins can provide an
intermediate bonding function associated with a thermosetting range of properties during produc-
tion of refractory bricks and, at a later stage, are capable of forming (polymeric) carbon by
pyrolytic decomposition. In the form of bonding carbon, these results contribute to the quality of
the products.
3.2.3 Processing
A knowledge of the various steps in refractory processing is very important in understanding the
behavior of steelplant refractories. As shown in Figure 3.5, all refractories use crushing, sizing and
mixing or blending as the first steps in their manufacture. These steps produce the proper particle
sizings necessary for the desired product density and strength. In sizing a mix to produce dense
brick, for example, the raw materials are crushed and screened to produce some desired particle
size range as illustrated below:
178 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
be broken and crushed into a refractory raw material for use in conventional powder pressed brick
or for use in monoliths. In still another process, molten refractory may be blown, drawn, or spun
into fibers for subsequent use in forming mats, blankets, or boards.
Many refractory materials are used in bulk form. Sized, granular refractories may be used in dry
form or mixed with water at the plant site before installation by casting or gunning. Wet extruded
material may be packaged to avoid drying and shipped to the plant site ready for application by
ramming into place as a large monolithic structure. Wet bonding mortars may be shipped in sealed
containers ready for use.
As shown in Fig. 3.5 many products are prefired before shipment. The purpose of firing is to pro-
duce dimensionally stable products having specific properties. Firing in modern refractory plants
is accomplished in continuous or tunnel kilns.
In tunnel kiln firing, which is usually preceded by tunnel drying, the unfired brick loaded on small
cars are passed slowly through a long tunnel shaped refractory lined structure, divided successively
into preheating, firing and cooling zones, generally taking three to five days for the trip. This time
will vary widely, however, with the product being fired. Products of combustion from the fuel
burned in the firing zone pass into the preheating zone (countercurrent to the direction of travel of
the cars onto which the brick are stacked) and give up their heat to the oncoming loads of brick.
Some refractories are also fired in batch or periodic kilns where two to four week cycles are used
for heating, cooling, and loading and unloading kilns.
Temperatures of firing are important regardless of the type of kiln used, because both the quality and
properties of the brick may be affected. The final properties and behavior of most brick can be mod-
ified by firing them in an oxidizing or a reducing atmosphere. By controlling the rate of heating and
the maximum soaking temperature and soaking time, change in the crystalline structure can be
effected, which in turn can also affect the service performance of the brick. In general, the objectives
in firing are to (a) drive off hygroscopic, combined water, and CO2; (b) bring about desired chemi-
cal changes such as oxidizing iron and sulfur compounds, and organic matter, etc; (c) effect trans-
formations of the mineral constituents and convert them to the most stable forms; and (d) effect
necessary combinations and vitrification of bonding agents. Firing temperatures vary from as low as
1093°C (2000°F) for certain fireclay materials to over 1770°C (3200°F) for some basic products.
Certain refractories with carbon binders or containing oxidizable constituents may be indirectly fired
inside muffles to prevent oxidation or may be packed in coke or graphite during firing for the same
purpose. One grade of carbon refractory is hot pressed by electrically heating it during pressing. This
accomplishes the forming and thermal treatment of the refractory in a single step. Nitrogen or other
special atmospheres may be used to impart special binding phases such as silicon nitride.
Manufacturing processes for making lightweight or insulating brick aim for high porosity, prefer-
ably with a fine pore structure. This is accomplished by mixing a bulky combustible substance, like
sawdust or ground cork, or volatile solid, such as napthalene, with the wet batch, by forcing air into
the wet plastic mass, or by mixing into the batch reagents which will react chemically to form a
gas and a product not injurious to the brick. In firing such brick, the combustible or volatile mate-
rial is eliminated and the remaining refractory structure is rigidized. Low density, pre-expanded
aggregate may also be used to make products by conventional brickmaking methods.
Some processing after the fired brick are produced may also be performed. For example the brick may
be steelcased for use in applications where oxidization of the steel case between brick serves to weld
or hold the brick together. Many brick types are also impregnated by placing the fired brick into vac-
uum tanks and introducing liquid pitch or resins into the brick pore structure. This treatment results
in formation of a carbon phase in service which has highly beneficial effects in some applications.
3.2.4 Products
With the large number of raw material types, refractory forms, and manufacturing techniques a
multitude of refractory products are produced. A significant number of them are currently used in
the iron and steel industry. This chapter and the one that follows will present considerable more
detail regarding the specific uses of refractories.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 179
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180 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
The importance of composition will be described in Section 3.4 where phase diagrams will be used
to indicate the reactions in refractories and their environment at elevated temperatures.
Closed pore
Open pore Solid material
(a) Open pores versus (b) True porosity: the total (c) Apparent porosity:
closed pores volume of open and closed pores the volume of open pores
Fig. 3.6 Schematic representation of: (a) open pore, and closed pore, and sample volume for (b) true poros-
ity, and (c) apparent porosity. From Ref. 2.
The size and quantity of pores in solid materials are found by measuring the quantity of mercury
that can be forced into the pores of the material under study at various pressures. Since mercury
does not usually wet the materials, the mercury will not penetrate the openings among the cluster
of particles unless force is applied. Thus, the mercury will penetrate into pores in strict relation-
ship with pressure.
Pore size not only defines the size distribution of the pores of a refractory material, but also
defines the size of the bonds formed in the porous matrix and between the porous matrix and dense
coarse particles. The size of each bonding area has an important effect on the critical tradeoff in
refractories properties. A large number of smaller bond areas can blunt crack propagation and
increase crack propagation resistance, thereby improving thermal-shock resistance. However, a
smaller number of bonds with a larger cross-sectional area are slower to dissolve and can enhance
resistance to slag corrosion.
Fig. 3.8 shows typical pore size distribution results for several refractories. Note the small pore
sizes and differences between these products.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 181
Ironmaking Volume
Step No. 7
1,128.70 Step No. 1 Remove samples from
Obtain dry weights tank and submerse
in liquid
Step No. 2
Load samples into 790.60
Fig. 3.7 Vacuum pressure technique for measuring porosity in ten steps. From Ref. 2.
Pressure (psia)
10 102 103 104
Penetration volume (cm3/g)
0.4 2
10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01
Void or pore radius (mµ)
182 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
3.3.3 Refractoriness
The use of the classic PCE, pyrometric cone equivalent test, has little usefulness for today’s refrac-
tories. (This test measures a relative softening point.) The relative refractoriness of modern refrac-
tories is more meaningfully measured using tests for deformation under load and /or creep. Table
3.24 shows comparable results in a short time load test.
Table 3.24 Typical Results of Load Test as Indicated by 24 lb/in2 Load Testing
Type of brick Results of load testing
Superduty 1.0–3.0% subsidence after heating at 2640°F
High-duty Withstands load to <2640°F
Low-duty Withstands load to <2640°F
60% class 0.1–0.5% subsidence after heating at 2640°F
70% class 0.4–1.0% subsidence after heating at 2640°F
85% class 0.2–0.8% subsidence after heating at 2640°F
90% class 0.0–0.4% subsidence after heating at 3200°F
Corundum class 0.1–1.0% subsidence after heating at 2900°F
Silica (superduty) Withstands load to 3060°F
Magnesite, fired Withstands load to >3200°F
Manesite-chrome, fired Withstands load to 2700°F
Magnesite-chrome, unburned Withstands load to 2950°F
Chrome, fired Withstands load to 2800°F
Chrome-magnesite, fired Withstands load to 3020°F
Chrome-magnesite, unburned Withstands load to 3020°F
Silicon carbide Withstands load to 2800°F
Zircon 0.1–0.8% subsidence after heating at 2900°F
From Ref. 2.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 183
Ironmaking Volume
Linear subsidence ( %)
0 60% Alumina-low alkali
1300 0
1200 50
Temperature 100
Temperature (°C)
1100 150
3.3.4 Strength
The cold strength(s) of refractories are
commonly measured in either compres-
sion, Fig. 3.12 or transversely in a modu- Spherical
lus of rupture test, Fig. 3.13. seat Spherical
bearing block
These cold strength values give some Center of Test specimen
measure of the consistency of the refrac- spherical surface Bedding material
tory product and its ability to function
during shipment and installation.
Hot strength values are also determined
by similar procedures with the refractory Load
specimen contained in a furnace which C.C.S. (psi) = load(lbs)/area(in2)*
may also provide for a protective atmos- * Area is cross section area (average) of sample
phere surrounding the specimen. Fig.
3.14 shows the simplest hot modulus of Fig. 3.12 Cold crushing strength test apparatus.
rupture apparatus. From Ref. 2.
184 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Fig. 3.13 Cold modulus of rupture test
Pivoted W apparatus. From Ref. 2.
L Pivot
From Ref. 3.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 185
Ironmaking Volume
Table 3.25 shows some typical cold properties for several types of refractories and the range of
properties between and within these groups are obvious. As previously stated, these cold proper-
ties are most useful in rating the consistency of quality of particular refractory products.
The hot strengths of refractories will vary significantly with temperature and with other parame-
ters such as furnace atmosphere. Fig. 3.15 and 3.16 illustrate the complex nature of refractory hot
strength for two types of refractories. Fig. 3.15 shows the strength of periclase-chrome refractories
as it varies with temperature and is affected by both composition and initial firing temperature dur-
ing manufacture. Fig. 3.16 shows the strength at a single test temperature as it is influenced by
small changes in the impurity (SiO2) level and the ratio of CaO to SiO2 in the refractory.
Composition % 1540°C 1705°C
60-40 Periclase - chrome
10,000 80-20 Periclase - chrome
60-40 Periclase - chrome with
9000 finer chrome
Temperature (kPa)
Fig. 3.15 Strength-tem-
perature relationship for 6000
refractories of the indicated 5000
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750
Temperature (°C)
Al2O3 0.2%
100 Fe2O3 0.15%
B2O3 < 0.01%
High purity Magnesia (99.85% MgO)
Modulus of rupture strength (MN/m2)
80 0.85 wt%
Fig. 3.16 Effects of lime/silica ratio on the hot modulus
of rupture at 1500°C (2732°F) of burned magnesia bricks 50
containing a different silica level. From Ref. 2.
0.5 wt%
40 SiO2
0.7 wt%
20 SiO2
186 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
7 Maximum
stress Crack forms
Stress x 10–3 (psi)
6 Magnesite
Yield point
Elastic Plastic
range range
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Strain x 103
Fig. 3.17 Example of stress-strain curve for magnesite-spinel brick. From Ref. 3.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 187
Ironmaking Volume
Table 3.26 Static Modulus of Elasticity Fig. 3.17 illustrates a typical stress-strain
(approximate values) curve. The initial portion of the curve is
usually linear and is called the elastic range.
Modulus of Elasticity The slope of the curve over this range gives
Type of brick at 2000°F (psi)
the modulus of elasticity. The point at
Silica 9.0 x 105 which the stress-strain curve becomes non-
50% alumina 6.9 x 105 linear is called the yield point. Straining the
60% alumina 17.0 x 105 material beyond this point results in perma-
Magnesite-alumina-spinel 14.0 x 105 nent deformation; this portion of the curve
Magnesite-chrome 12.0 x 105
is known as the plastic range. Further
Magnesite 9.3 x 105
straining of the material brings failure.
Magnesite-tar impregnated 21.0 x 105
Some materials do not show plastic behav-
Magnesite-tar bonded 14.0 x 105
Magnesite-carbon (20%) 4.4 x 105
ior at certain temperatures, but instead fail
Magnesite-carbonn (15%) 4.0 x 105
after elastic straining. Modulus of elasticity
values of a number of refractories are
From Ref. 3. shown in Table 3.26.
An understanding of the stress-strain behavior of refractories at elevated temperatures is important
in nearly all applications. The shell or superstructure of a vessel usually acts to restrain the thermal
expansion of the lining. Proper lining design may require gaps in the lining (thermal expansion
allowance) during installation to prevent catastrophic stress buildup in the lining during heating.
However, the expansion allowance must also be designed to prevent instability of the lining. The
engineer, too, must be concerned with the stresses which the expanding refractories induce in the
vessel shell or superstructure. Section 3.5 on the selection of refractories will further describe
analysis techniques for refractory behavior under stress.
188 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
The specific heat values for refractory materials are important in many applications because the
amount of heat stored in the lining during heating is often significant. In furnaces which are cycled,
large amounts of heat are alternately stored during heating stages and lost to the surroundings dur-
ing cooling stages. Applications for which high specific heat is desirable include blast furnace
stoves. Stoves are specifically designed to absorb and store heat from hot waste gases. The stored
heat is subsequently used to preheat combustion air.
3.3.7 Emissivity
Emissivity is the relative power of a surface to emit heat by radiation. It is expressed as a fraction
of the emissivity of an ideal black body. Such black body radiation is the maximum possible, but
it is never achieved by actual materials. A good radiator is an equally good absorber of heat. A
good reflector, obviously, is a poor absorber, and consequently a poor radiator. A perfect reflec-
tor, which also does not exist, would have an emissivity of zero. Materials do not radiate equally
well at all wavelengths. The ability to radiate at a particular wavelength is referred to as the mono-
chromatic emissivity. Total emissivity refers to heat radiation over the entire spectrum of wave-
lengths. The total emissivity of most refractories decreases somewhat with an increase in
Emissivities dictate the amount of heat which is radiated across a gap in a refractory structure. The
equation used to calculate this quantity is
1 2
2 T24
Qr 5 s l 1 (3.3.4)
}} 1 }}
ε1 ε2 2 1
Qr 5 heat radiated across gap, Wm–2 (BTU hr–1 ft–2),
σ 5 Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W/m–2 K–4 (BTU hr–1 ft–2 °R–4),
T1 5 temperature of hotter surface of gap, K (°R),
T2 5 temperature of cooler surface of gap, K (°R),
ε1 5 emissivity of hotter surface of gap, dimensionless,
ε2 5 emissivity of cooler surface of gap, dimensionless.
In the above equation, the temperatures must be expressed using an absolute temperature scale. The
temperature in Kelvins is K = °C + 273; the temperature in degrees Rankin is °R = °F + 460. The
Stefan-Boltzmann constant is 5.670 × 10–9 Wm–2 K–4 (1.714 × 10 –9 BTU hr –1 ft –2 R–4)
The emissivity of the outermost component of a vessel determines, to a large extent, the amount
of heat radiated to the surroundings. The loss to the environment by unobstructed radiation is
given by:
Qr 5 εs (T14 2 T24) (3.3.5)
Qr 5 heat radiated to surroundings, Wm–2 (BTU hr–1 ft–2),
σ 5 Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W/m–2 K–4 (BTU hr–1 ft–2 °R–4),
ε 5 emissivity of outer surface, dimensionless,
T1 5 temperature of outer surface, K (°R),
T2 5 temperature of surroundings, K (°R).
In most applications, the outer surface is a metallic shell such as carbon steel plate. the emissivity
of the shell, in this case, is affected by the degree of oxidation. The emissivity tends to increase as
the amount of oxidation increases.
Emissivity values for a number of refractories and materials commonly used for shells are listed in
Table 3.28
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 189
Ironmaking Volume
Temperature °F
Material 200 400 800 1600 2000 2400 2800
Fireclay Brick .90 (.90) (.90) .81 .76 .72 .68
Silica Brick (.90) — — .82–.65 .78–.60 .74–.57 .67–.52
Chrome-Magnesite Brick — — — .87 .82 .75 .67
Chrome Brick (.90) — — .97 .975 — —
High-Alumina Brick .90 .85 .79 (.50) (.44) — —
Mullite Brick — — — .53 .53 .62 .63
Silicon Carbide Brick — — — .92 .89 .87 .86
Carbon Steel .80 — — — — — —
Aluminum .20 — — — — — —
From Ref. 3.
Linear expansion (%)
Chrome and chrome-magnesite
1.20 Conventional silica
100% Alumina
1.00 60% to 70% Alumina
0.80 Semi-silica
High-duty and
0.40 super-duty fireclay
Fused silica
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 3.18 Typical curves of linear expansion of various types of refractories.
190 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
0.80 90%
Fireclay Alumina
0.60 castable castable 1/16
Linear expansion percent (%)
-0.40 1/16
Low cement
-0.80 fireclay 1/8
-1.00 castable
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200
Temperature (°F)
Thermal expansion curves for a number of magnesite-carbon brick are shown in Fig. 3.21. Through
the temperature range 370–540°C (700–1000°F), the formation of a glassy carbon bond tends to
densify the structure and shrinkage results. In materials which contain metals, expansive reactions
take place at higher temperatures. Brick which contain magnesium show a dramatic thermal expan-
sion over the range 540–705°C (1000–1300°F). Materials containing aluminum show gradual
acceleration of expansion above about 760°C (1400°F). Thermal expansion at high temperatures
increases significantly with increases in metals content. After heating to 1430°C (2600°F), mag-
nesite-carbon brick show permanent expansion of 0.1 to 1.0%.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 191
Ironmaking Volume
Magnesite-carbon brick
Fig. 3.21 Thermal expansion (aluminum & magnesium metals)
of magnesite-carbon brick.
From Ref. 3.
Magnesite-carbon brick
Carbon brick
(aluminum metal)
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750
Temperature (°F)
192 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Such calculations are now rapidly made using computer simulations where calculated heat trans-
fer rates can be balanced with loss from the outer refractory surface by radiation and natural or
forced convection. Moreover, where once it was a slow mathematical process to determine even the
steady-state heat times, the advent of computers has made the rapid determination of the heat trans-
fer data for even transient conditions routine. Although it might seem that every construction
should be designed for minimum heat losses, this is not always the case, and care must be taken in
some situations including the following:
(1) The hot face refractories in a particular application must be able to withstand the
higher temperatures that will result when layers of highly insulating backup
materials are added.
(2) Other refractory properties must be suitable for the environment. For example,
most insulating materials will not stand direct exposure to metal or slag, and
backup materials may be subject to attack by vaporized process components
(alkali, sulfur compounds, acids) or their condensates. Gas channeling through
permeable materials must also be considered to prevent hot spots on shells.
(3) Insulation increases the depth of penetration and chemical attack on the hot-face
A wide variety of very insulating fiber based refractories are available in bulk, blanket, board, or
shaped forms. In such products, thermal conductivity is highly dependent on product density as
shown in Fig. 3.23.
Apparant thermal conductivity
0.3 6 PCF
(Wm-1 K-1)
0.2 Graphite
6 PCF Semi-
(NO SHOT) graphite
250 500 750 1000
Main temperature (°C)
Fig. 3.23 Thermal conductivity as a function of Fig. 3.24 Use of ultra-conductivity materials in a typ-
temperature for various fiber materials. ical bosh construction.
In certain applications, very high conductivity refractories are used to cool the refractory lining and
stabilize it against further refractory wear. Fig. 3.24 for example shows a blast furnace bosh using
graphite and semi-graphite materials with conductivities of 70–80 and 30–35 Wm–1K–1, respec-
tively, at 1000°C. (Note these values in comparison to the more conventional refractories shown in
Fig. 3.22). In such designs, heat extracted through the copper coolers enables the refractories to last
many times longer than uncooled linings. Similarly, a composite construction with silicon carbide
in a blast furnace stack as shown in Fig. 3.25 controls shell temperatures and allows the formation
of a stable lining. In this case the cooling plate density is desirable as varying from none to very
close or dense.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 193
Ironmaking Volume
27 8 1
131/2 131/2 SiC
FC Steel
(PPK) 1 in. SPC
Temp. (°F)
Temp. (°F)
Temp. (°F)
1500 1500 1500
(O) (D)
1000 (O)
1000 1000
(M) (S)
500 (S) 500 (M) 500
(D) (D)
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15
Inches Inches Inches
Heat Max Heat Max Heat Max
Flux Shell Flux Shell Flux Shell
Cooling BTU/Hr-ft2 Temp. (°F) Cooling STU/Hr-ft2 Temp. (°F) Cooling BTU/Hr-ft2 Temp. (°F)
Non (O) 1104 303 Non (O) 1481 376 Non (O) 3027 600
Sparse (S) 6202 160 Sparse (S) 13641 218 Sparse (S) 28476 541
Medium (M) 8993 124 Medium (M) 46232 496
Medium (M) 21771 165
Dense (D) 15090 89 Dense (D) 97693 360
Dense (D) 44591 104
Ladle on Ladle w/ cover
Vertical w/o cover
Preheater upright
Either operation w/o cover
Clean ladle Empty
w/o cover
Well repair on side
194 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time (hrs.)
Many steelplant refractory applications also never reach thermal equilibrium, and dynamic heat
transfer calculations must be employed in the analysis of such applications. For example, a typical
steel ladle will cycle several times daily as shown in Fig. 3.26. During such cycles, the tempera-
ture at the hot face and to a lesser extent the entire lining, will show cyclic behavior, as displayed
in Fig. 3.27.
Importantly, remember that while heat flow at steady state is governed by thermal conductivity k
(first Fourier’s law), the material property required in the transient case is thermal diffusivity λ
(second Fourier’s law).
Thermal diffusivity λ is the equivalent of a diffusion coefficient in the Fourier equation for heat
flow and is a measure of how fast a heat pulse is transmitted through a solid. Thermal diffusivity
is related to both thermal conductivity and heat capacity through the relationship:
l 5 }} (3.3.7)
ρC p
k 5 thermal conductivity,
ρ 5 density
Cp 5 heat capacity,
λ 5 m2s–1.
Thermal diffusivity is most commonly determined by the heat-pulse method where a heat pulse is
applied to one side of a disc or short cylinder and the time period for the temperature of the oppo-
site face to reach one-half its final value is recorded. The heat pulse is commonly provided by a
power laser flash.
Table 3.29 shows some diffusivity values for selected products. The relationship among density,
heat capacity, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity should be borne in mind, so if one prop-
erty is unkown, the others can be reqadily calculated.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 195
Ironmaking Volume
From Ref. 2
196 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Liquid developed in the system is
1590°C (2894°F), while those
1723°C compositions more alumi-
1700 Mullite + Liquid nous than mullite (3Al2O3•
Corundum 2SiO2) or above 71.8% Al2O3
Mullite - SS
+ develop liquids at quite high
1590°C Mullite temperatures. It is obvious
that useful refractories can be
Mullite + Cristobalite made of the pure oxides Al2O3
1500 or SiO2. The pronounced effect
0 10 20 30 40 90 100 of the impurities present in
SiO2 3Al2O3.2SiO2 Al2O3 most commercial refractories
in this system can be appreci-
Weight %
ated by comparing the tem-
peratures at which they de-
Fig. 3.28 Phase diagram of the Al2O3–SiO2 system. form initially under load,
1150–1200°C (2100–2200°F),
SiO2 with the initial liquid temper-
atures of 1540 or 1840°C
(2874 or 3344°F) indicated
on the diagram. The oxide
Fig. 3.29 The FeO–Al2O3–SiO2 10 90
impurities largely responsi-
ble for lowering the refrac-
20 80 toriness of fireclay refracto-
30 70
ously described, mining and
80 20
90 10
Weight %
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 197
Ironmaking Volume
Fig. 3.29 shows the FeO–Al2O3–SiO2 system. Here it is seen that the formation of some liquid can
be expected even below about 1095°C (2000°F) with Al2O3–SiO2 refractories and that very dam-
aging amounts will be formed at the higher temperatures common to iron and steel processes. This
is particularly true as iron oxide bearing liquids are characteristically very fluid.
Fig. 3.30 is the diagram of the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system, which is most applicable to reactions of
fireclay refractories with blast furnace slags and indicates superior resistance for higher Al2O3
products in such environments. This system has also been useful in predicting behavior of silica
brick, which will be discussed later.
The ternary phase equilibrium diagrams for K2O or Na2O reactions with Al2O3 and SiO2 are repro-
duced in Fig. 3.31 and Fig. 3.32. It is evident that the refractoriness of alumina-silica refractories
will be seriously affected by very small amounts of Na2O, less than 1% being sufficient to lower
the temperature of initial liquid formation to less than about 1095°C (2000°F), while approxi-
mately 10% is sufficient to completely liquefy the more siliceous alumina-silica compositions at
about 1205°C (2200°F). Potassium oxide (K2O) has a similar effect in amounts up to 10%.
10 90
Two liquids
Cristo- 1470°
20 balite 80
150000° °
1713° °
16 00° 00
30 70
Mullite 60
1548° Pseudo-
50 50
Anorthite 1515°
3CaO.2SiO 2 1832°
1310° 1265°
60 1336° 1557° 40
2CaO.SiO2 1400°
2066° 1382°
2066° °
70 2 30
° Gehlenite
3C 19 ° 1480°
80 00 20
aO 18 1595°
Lime S. i 17
2 00 1505°
90 ° 10
. 5A
18 °
17 0°
l 2O
16 °
00 05
CaO 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Al2O3
2571° 1539° 1397° 1402° 1596° 1715° 2038°
3CaO.Al2O3 CaO.Al2O3
5 CaO.3Al2O3
Fig. 3.30 The CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system.
198 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Cristobalite 1600
90 10
1470° 1400
Quartz 80 1000
867° 800
Sodium 789°
Albite F = Albite (Na2O.Al2O3.6SiO2)
disilicate 70
F 30
Na2O.2SiO2 W = Carnegieite, Nephelite
874° (Na2O.Al2O3.2SiO2)
60 80
0 40
Na O.SiO
2 2 Nephelite 50
1022° 1810°
40 120
0 60
2Na2O.SiO2 Sodium 0
orthosilicate 70
Carnegieite 3Al2O3.2SiO2
20 80
10 90
Low levels of impurities are far more critical in silica brick than fireclay brick, and alkalies are the
worst offenders. The amounts of Na2O, K2O, and Al2O3 required to lower the melting point of pure
silica from about 1725°C to about 1675°C (about 3140°F to about 3050°F) are, respectively 1.4,
1.9, and 3.1%.
Another very deleterious fluxing agent for fireclay refractories is MnO, as can ben seen in the dia-
gram of the MnO–Al2O3–SiO2 system in Fig. 3.33. Note that this system is quite similar to the
FeO–Al2O3–SiO2 system.
Because the raw materials for silica brick lack both a natural bond and a high melting point, care
must be taken that the required bonding addition has the minimum effect on refractoriness. Fig.
3.34 shows the CaO–SiO2 system and explains why lime is universally used for this purpose. With
additions of CaO to SiO2, the melting temperature remains unchanged between 1 and 27.5% CaO,
due to the formation of two immiscible liquids. No such phenomenon occurs in the Al2O3–SiO2
system, and by referring again to the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system, it is found that only a small amount
of Al2O3 is required to destroy the CaO–SiO2 immiscibility. In fact the effect of minor increments
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 199
Ironmaking Volume
Cristobalite 1600
90 10
1470° 1400
Quartz 80 1000
867° 800
Sodium 789°
Albite F = Albite (Na2O.Al2O3.6SiO2)
disilicate 70
F 30
Na2O.2SiO2 W = Carnegieite, Nephelite
874° (Na2O.Al2O3.2SiO2)
60 80
0 40
Na O.SiO
2 2 Nephelite 50
1022° 1810°
40 120
0 60
2Na2O.SiO2 Sodium 0
orthosilicate 70
Carnegieite 3Al2O3.2SiO2
20 80
10 90
of Al2O3 on the liquid development of silica brick is such that the temperature of failure under a
load of 172 kPa (25 psi) will decrease approximately 5°C (10°F) for each 0.1% increase in Al2O3
in the 0.3 to 1.2% range of Al2O3 between super duty and conventional silica brick. Fig. 3.35 of
the FeO–SiO2 system shows that FeO, like CaO, also forms two immiscible liquids when added to
SiO2, thus greatly increasing the tolerance of silica brick for FeO. Furthermore, as with CaO, a
small amount of Al2O3 can eliminate this immiscibility.
As atmospheric conditions in steelplant furnaces may range from highly reducing to highly oxi-
dizing, the form of iron oxides present may vary from FeO to Fe2O3. Accordingly, Fig. 3.36 shows
the system FeO–Fe2O3–SiO2 and is of considerable importance in understanding the behavior of
silica brick in service. Thus, it is seen that the lowest-melting liquids occur from reaction of FeO
and SiO2, and that at temperatures in the range of 1455–1665°C (2650–3030°F) less liquid, and a
less siliceous liquid, will be produced with either FeO•Fe2O3, or Fe2O3 than with FeO, due to the
greater extent of the two liquid region under oxidizing conditions.
The two principal refractory oxides considered to be basic are magnesia (MgO) and calcia (CaO).
Magnesia is noted for its tolerance to iron oxides. As shown in Fig. 3.37, MgO and FeO form a
200 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
10 90
20 80
30 70
Cristobalite 60
Tridymite 300
1140° 1
1140° 1120° 1200° Mullite
50 1175° 50
Rhodonite ° 2MnO.2Al2O35SiO2
MnO.SiO2 11
nite Spes 1162°
Rhodo 1175°
60 3MnO.Al2O3 40
13 00°
1160° 1190°
70 Tephroite Galaxite 30
Tephroite Mullite
2 MnO.SiO2 3 Al2 O3.2SiO2
80 20
90 10
MnO 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Al2O3
Weight % Galaxite MnO.Al2O3
continuous series of solid solutions which have high refractoriness even with very high FeO con-
tents. Under oxidizing conditions, magnesia is even more tolerant to iron oxide. Magnesia and iron
oxide form the refractory compound magnesioferrite (MgO·Fe2O3) which contains 80 wt% Fe2O3.
Magnesioferrite forms solid solutions with magnetite (FeO·Fe2O3) at higher iron oxide contents
and with magnesia at lower iron oxide contents. On the other hand, calcia is more reactive with iron
oxide, forming low melting calcium ferrites such as dicalcium ferrite (2CaO·Fe2O3) that melts
incongruently at ~1440°C (~2620°F). Also, calcia is subject to hydration and disruptive disinte-
gration on exposure to atmospheric conditions and cannot be used in refractory shapes made by
conventional procedures. It is evident, therefore, that magnesia is the more useful basic refractory
oxide and forms the base for all types of basic refractories including those made from magnesite,
olivine, dead burned dolomite, and magnesite and chrome ore.
Magnesia-bearing refractories, regardless of type, contain accessory refractory oxides and
encounter other refractory oxides in service which exert an important influence on their perfor-
mance. Fig. 3.38 shows the reactions and phase assemblages in the MgO–CaO–SiO2 system. In the
high MgO portion of this system, the principal mineral is of course always periclase. The accessory
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 201
Ironmaking Volume
2CaO.SiO2 + 3CaO.SiO2
2300 Lime
2200 2CaO.SiO2 + Liquid +
2100 α−CaO.SiO2
3CaO.SiO2 Lime
2000 +
2 CaO.SiO2
Temperature (C°)
1900 Liquid "A"
1800 Two
Fig. 3.34 The CaO–SiO2 system. Liquid "B"
1600 +
Liquid "B" Lime
1400 3CaO.SiO2
1300 +
Tridymite + Liquid "B" Pseudo-
1200 Wollastonite
(α−CaO.SiO ) 2
1100 Tridymite + Wolla-
stonite (β−CaO.SiO2)
SiO2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
CaO.SiO2 2CaO.SiO2
3CaO.2SiO 3CaO.SiO2 2
CaO (%)
Liquid A Two liquids
1700 Liquid B
Cristobalite and liquid
Temperature (°C)
202 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
10 90
20 80
30 70
40 60
50 50
60 1 40
30 1
117 0° 400°
8°1 120
14 0°
Fayalite 30
2FeO.SiO2 1666°
80 12001°147°
90 Wüstite Hematite 10
FeO 1580° 20 30 40 50 60 FeO.Fe2O3 80 90 Fe2O3
Weight %
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 203
Ironmaking Volume
1713° 1709°
10 90
Two Liquids
20 80
30 70
Cristobalite 1709°
1471° 1471° 1547°
1438° Tridymite 1562°
1336° 1320° Pyroxenes
βCaO.SiO2 40 CaO.MgO.2SiO2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 60
Solid solutions ++++++
++ + MgO.SiO2
αCaO .SiO2 1391°
CaO.SiO2 + + + + 1360° 1350°
1544° 50 50
1357° Forsterite
1463° . .
1467° 1378° 2CaO MgO 2SiO2 1438°
1402° 1454°
3CaO.2SiO2 1382° 1438° 1505° 2MgO.SiO2
60 40 1910°
1580° ++
2CaO.SiO2 CaO.MgO.SiO2
1501° 1871°
70 30
80 20
90 Lime Periclase 10
CaO 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 MgO
2577° 2799°
Fig. 3.38 The MgO–CaO–SiO2 system.
be obtained at CaO/SiO2 ratios above 1.86 where refractory dicalcium or tricalcium silicates are
present. In recent years, in addition to the control of CaO/SiO2 ratio, increased emphasis has been
placed on decreasing the amounts of lime and silica present to obtain the maximum advantage of
the properties of nearly pure magnesia. This has been accomplished largely through the use of the
improved synthetic magnesites.
The high temperature reactions of refractories made from magnesia and chrome ore are under con-
stant study. The properties of refractories made from these two raw materials are excellent because
of the tendency of each to minimize the major weaknesses of the other constituent. Chrome ore
consists of a solid solution of chrome spinels (Mg,Fe)O·(Cr,Al,Fe)O3 with appreciable amounts of
gangue silicates. At high temperatures, the gangue silicate in chrome ores is responsible for poor
resistance to deformation under load and the iron oxides, when alternately oxidized and reduced,
cause expansion and contraction, often causing disintegration. Also, chrome spinel shows consid-
erable growth or bursting when reacted with iron oxide at high temperatures as a result of the for-
mation of solid solutions of magnetite (FeO·Fe2O3) and other spinels. With additions of magnesia
204 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
to chrome ore, however, the gangue silicates are converted on firing during manufacture or in ser-
vice to the more refractory phases such as forsterite or dicalcium silicate, and the iron oxide to the
spinel MgO·Fe2O3 by co-diffusion of Fe2O3 and MgO between the magnesia and chrome spinel.
MgO·Fe2O3 is more resistant to deterioration in cyclic oxidizing and reducing conditions than the
iron oxides in the original chrome ore. The addition of still greater amounts of magnesia to chrome
ore improves significantly the resistance of the refractory to iron oxide bursting because of the
greater affinity of magnesia for iron oxide as compared with Cr2O3. The addition of chrome ore to
magnesia on the other hand improves the resistance of magnesia to thermal spalling through an
apparent stress relief in an otherwise rigid structure.
As in magnesia refractories, the CaO/SiO2 ratio exerts an important influence on the phases pre-
sent in composite refractories of magnesia and chrome ore. At CaO/SiO2 ratios less than 1.86, the
primary phases between MgO, CaO, and SiO2 are the same as that previously discussed with the
sesquioxides Cr2O3, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 combined with MgO and FeO to form spinel solid solutions.
At higher CaO/SiO2 ratios, the sesquioxides form low melting compounds with CaO.
As in magnesia refractories, efforts have been made to replace the silicate bond in refractories
made from magnesia and chrome ore. The most noteworthy of these efforts to date is the use of fir-
ing temperatures above those normally employed to produce a low silica burned basic refractory
with so-called direct bonding of the magnesia. Fig. 3.39 shows photomicrographs of the conven-
tional silicate and these direct bonds, respectively. Direct-bonded brick have usually high hot
strengths, several times that of conventional brick of similar composition.
Although the phase assemblages previously discussed indicate the general combinations of iron
oxides in basic refractories, it is equally important to consider the influence of furnace temperature
and atmosphere on the oxidation state of the iron present in various compositions including the
oxides MgO, Cr2O3, Al2O3, FeO, and Fe2O3. It has been shown, for example, that in mixtures con-
sisting originally of Fe2O3 and MgO·Fe2O3, dissociation of the Fe2O3 is accompanied by solution
of the dissociation product magnetite (FeO·Fe2O3) in MgO·Fe2O3 until a single spinel phase is
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 205
Ironmaking Volume
Fig. 3.39 Photomicrographs showing the structure of basic brick with different bonds. Photomicrograph A is
a magnesite-chrome ore composition in which the bond between the large white chrome spinel grains and
rounded magnesia crystals is principally the dark silicate. Photomicrograph B shows a magnesite-chrome
composition having less silicate and a direct bond between white chrome spinel and periclase (MgO) con-
taining multiple white magnesioferrite inclusions. Reflected light, 200X.
formed. In this same region, it has been shown that the spinel to sesquioxide transition tempera-
ture decreases as the magnesia content increases, but at the same time magnesia stabilizes Fe2O3
at higher temperatures. Chrome oxide (Cr2O3), on the other hand, has an opposite effect to mag-
nesia in that it increases the sesquioxide to spinel transition temperature and lowers the degree of
dissociation of Fe2O3 at higher temperatures. In mixtures consisting initially of MgO·Fe2O3 and
MgO, dissociation of Fe2O3 proceeds with a decrease in the amount of spinel and solution of iron
oxide in periclase.
With the advent of carbon bonded refractories and oxide carbon refractories, the study of oxide
reducing, gas-solid reactions has become an important concern for refractory technologists. Three
main subjects are important: the straight or the direct oxidation of carbon (and graphite) by air; the
reduction of magnesia (and other oxides) by carbon (graphite); and the role of antioxidants.
The rate of the magnesia-carbon reaction below is mainly affected, in addition to temperature, by
the purity and the crystal size of the magnesia grain.
MgO(s) 1 C(s) →Mg(g) 1 CO(g) (3.4.1)
This reaction reduces the magnesia to Mg vapor, which migrates to the surface, oxidizes, and forms
a dense MgO zone or is incorporated in the furnace atmosphere. The dense zone may have a pos-
itive effect on the resistance to slag attack and oxidation resistance, but, on the other hand, the loss
of refractory ingredients due to the MgO–C reaction results in a porous matrix behind the hot face
which can be easily penetrated by slag at a later stage.
Antioxidants as metals (Mg, Al, Si) or carbides (SiC, B3C) are often used to improve refractory
properties such as oxidation resistance. Metals are added as antioxidants due to the fact that the
206 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Flexural strength (MPa)
No addition Metal A Metal B Metal C
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 207
Ironmaking Volume
208 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Fig. 3.42 Specimen rating after the carbon monoxide disintegration test.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 209
Ironmaking Volume
separation have further been used to minimize contamination. Examples of other simple simulated
service tests include testing for exposure to alkalis, hydration, sulfidation, or oxidation.
Many more complex simulative tests exist where various failure mechanisms may be simulated at
one time. For example, refractory samples may be exposed to slags in a rotating furnace heated
with an oxygen-gas torch as shown in Fig. 3.43 (a), (b), and (c). In this test refractory wear from
chemical reaction with the molten slag, erosion by slag, thermal cycling, and other effects can be
measured for various times, temperatures, and atmospheres.
Similiar slag tests are conducted using a metal induction furnace with the specimen as part of the
lining. In this case, wear by both metal and slag can be obtained on the same refractory specimens,
as illustrated in Fig. 3.44.
The results from such tests can usually be correlated with the overall composition, with specific
additives to the refractory and with the overall physical characteristics of the refractory. These
effects are illustrated in Fig. 3.45 through Fig. 3.47. The slag resistance of various basic brick are
Air cylinder
High velocity A A
air stream 229 mm
(9 in.)
203 mm (8 in.)
(a) Rotary apparatus for determining relative slag 95.3 mm
erosion 43.9 mm (3.75 in.)
(1.73 in.)
44.5 mm
(1.75 in.)
101.6 mm
(4 in.) Mortar joints 76 mm
Burner (3 in.)
end 127 mm
(5 in.) Standard brick
Fig. 3.43 (a) rotary apparatus for determining relative slag erosion, (b) cross section of rotary slag furnace
lining, (c) positions at which measurements shall be taken on section specimen after slag test.
210 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
5 V2X slag
Relative slag erosion
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
MgO content (%)
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 211
Ironmaking Volume
5 V2X
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Apparent porosity (%)
Fig. 3.46 Effect of porosity on relative slag erosion in rotary test of various basic brick with indicated slag
It should always be remembered Fig. 3.47 Effect of metal(s) addition on corrosion resistance.
that any of the simulated refractory From Ref. 2.
tests fail to some degree to duplicate
service conditions. Fig. 3.49 is an effort to fully characterize the slag-refractory reaction involving
wear by corrosion, penetration and dissolution.
What makes corrosion resistance so difficult to measure is the fact that this characteristic is also a
matter of the composition of the slags and their fluidity or viscosity, surface tension, wettability
and work of adhesion, thermal conductivity, mass conductivity and density.
The extrinsic properties of both the refractory and the slag are also important parameters to define
shape and size of the bricks, lining design, nature of the joints, expansion joints, and method of
refractory installation, on one hand; fluid dynamics, heat and mass transport phenomena at the
212 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Fig. 3.48 One brand of pouring tubes after testing of various speeds for one hour in C 13450 (AISI 1345)
2. Extrinsic properties 2. Extrinsic properties
shape - size fluid dynamics and mode of
lining design heat transfer
joint - nature expansion temperature - pressure
installation cyclic
variations in the process
Fig. 3.49 Parameters influencing the slag-refratory reaction. Case of pure dissolution. From Ref. 2.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 213
Ironmaking Volume
3.5.2 Post-MortemStudies
To improve refractory life, the mechanisms by
which the refractories are consumed must be 25
fully understood. A considerable and continu- Non-pitch-bearing
ing effort has therefore been made to thor-
oughly analyze used refractories and to 20
integrate this information into improved
refractory products. In its simplest form, used
Amount (%)
214 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
B) Silicon character-
A) Photomicrograph istic x-ray image
Fig. 3.51 Photomicrograph of center of cross sectioned sensor button showing predominately large grains
with glassy material at grain boundaries and characteristc x-ray images (600X) showing distribution of elements.
Many more sophisticated techniques can be used as part of post-mortem examinations including
x-ray, scanning electron microscope, or electron probe techniques. Fig. 3.51 illustrated the use of
the electron probe to indicate the distribution of impurities in a zirconia refractory. The concentra-
tion of impurities in the grain boundary area is typical of refractory material and helps to explain
why small quantities of such impurities often produce significant detrimental effects including a
significant loss in refractoriness.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 215
Ironmaking Volume
1 43 2
40 1,2 20°C
6 3,4 800°C
Stress (MPa)
5 5,6 1100°C
30 7,8 1200°C
Fig. 3.53 Static compressive stress-strain behavior of a 70% alumina brick with a 1.6 mm brick mortar joint.
From Ref. 2
Fig. 3.54 shows the radial compressive load of the working lining against the safety lining that
results from the thermal expansion of the ladle refractory brick in an oval shaped ladle. Note that
the force imposed by the working lining on the safety lining is greatest in the radial section of the
ladle. This compressive force diminishes in the flatter section of the trunnion. Cooling of the
refractory between heats causes an inverted thermal gradient through the ladle lining with the brick
hot face at a lower temperature than the intermediate temperatures deeper in the lining, as illus-
trated in Fig. 3.55.
216 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Cross Axis
Trunnnion Axis
Half length
of gap
+ Trunnion axis
Gap width
These mechanisms help explain the problems experienced by oval type ladles in the ladle straight
sections. Varying material expansion under load characteristics can reduce such problems.
3.6.1 Linings
The most common type of installation involves a refractory lining to contain molten metal and slag.
Such linings are made of several types of refractories to resist specific conditions and usually con-
sist of a working or hot face lining and a backup lining of material which may include an insulating
material to reduce shell temperatures. Fig. 3.56 shows a typical lining in a steel ladle used in mod-
ern steelmaking to transport and treat molten steel and slag. Note the use of high alumina castable
(85–95% Al2O3) in the metal portion of the ladle with basic (MgO–chrome or MgO–carbon) brick
in the area which must resist slag. The conditions to which refractories in ladles are subjected are
very severe as the ladle will undergo several process cycles daily and may be used for complex
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 217
Ironmaking Volume
13 ft-4 in.
9 in. 9 in.
70 Brick 12 ft
Fig. 3.56 Typical steel ladle 3 in.
lining. 85 Castable
11/4 in.
shell 95 Castable
12 ft-8 in.
Conventional bloom
Skimmer Degassed slab OBM
Regular slab
Direct slab
Arc heater
Regular slab Trim station
Conventional bloom
Fig. 3.57 Shop process routes. Degassed slab
degassed Degasser Degassed slab Direct
bloom slab
Conventional bloom
ladle refining, arc reheating, degassing, or other treatments. Fig. 3.57 shows the different cycles to
which ladles are exposed in one steelmaking shop which produces various slab and bloom heats.
Life of the working lining will range from as little as 20 heats for some slag lines to over 100 heats
for the barrel or metal containing zone. Increased ladle wear will result from factors such as:
• higher tap temperatures,
• localized tap stream erosion,
• increased overall steel holding time,
• corrosion by superheated artificial slags during arc heating,
• thermomechanical cracking associated with ladle movements,
• more thermal cycling.
218 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 219
Ironmaking Volume
D-1 D-1 F
D D-1
Fig. 3.59 Typical refractory components in the ladle to mold system. A = ladle slide gates, B = ladle to
tundish shrouds, C = Tundish stopper rods, D = tundish to mold shrouds with associated nozzles (D–1), E =
tundish slide gates, F = tundish linings, and G = tundish covers.
properties, such as thermal shock resistance, as they are exposed to instant temperature changes
from ambient to steelmaking conditions. These refractories also must not erode or allow air infil-
tration to prevent deterioration to steel quality.
Tables 3.33 and 3.34 show properties of slide gate refractories.
The materials are designed to function in either ladle and/or tundish gates as generally illustrated
in Fig. 3.60 and Fig. 3.61.
220 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
thruster or
Hinge bolt
Coil spring
Spring compressor
Lower nozzle
seating block
Upper nozzle Upper nozzle
brick seating block
Upper plate
Upper frame
Lower plate
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 221
Ironmaking Volume
Tundish well
Air Tundish
Air cooling
Argon oxy bottom
The sliding ladle gate uses air-cooled stainless steel springs to maintain a constant sealing pressure
on the sliding refractory interfaces. A valve mechanism permits rapid opening or closing to replace
or inspect refractory components. Refractories for ladle gates must have excellent resistance to
thermal shock and metal erosion and maintain a smooth surface during use. Depending upon steel
grade, plate life may be single or multiple heats without replacement or inspection. Consistency is
vital because of the severe danger to personnel and equipment.
The tundish nozzle is a critical link in the continuous-casting system because it must deliver a con-
stant and controlled rate of flow of steel to the mold with minimum stream flare to minimize spatter,
spray and atmospheric oxidation. Because the ferrostatic head remains substantially constant in the
tundish throughout casting of much of each heat, the bore of the nozzle must remain at a constant
diameter throughout the cast.
Tundish rods and ladle or tundish shrouds are made from isostatically pressed oxide-carbon com-
binations as illustrated in Table 3.35. These materials must have the ultimate resistance to thermal
shock and erosion from steel and slag in the case of ladle to tundish shrouds or from steel and mold
powders in the case of tundish to mold shrouds. Ladle to tundish shrouds may have lives of single
or multiple heats whereas the tundish to mold shroud may be changed in mid-heat if clogging
occurs from the buildup of deoxidation products such as Al2O3. Argon gas injection is usually sup-
plied in one or more areas of the tundish to mold control system to minimize Al2O3 formation
and/or buildup as shown in Fig. 3.62. This requires that a specific portion of the refractory be pro-
duced with a sufficient permeability to direct the inert gas flow.
Refractory usage in the tundish proper continues to evolve as the tundish is required to remove and
store undesirable materials in the tundish slag or on baffles or filters in the tundish. The refractory
inner linings are thin consumable layers applied between strings of heats of like composition, as in
Fig. 3.63. After each string of heats, the tundish and skull are dumped and a fresh refractory layer
applied. The fresh layer, such as a gunnable MgO layer ~1–2 in. thick, privides a completely clean
material to avoid any possible steel contamination. A monolythic safety lining and insulation pro-
vide for safety and low shell temperatures. The length of the string of heats is largely independent
of the refractory as it depends on allowable slag buildup in the tundish and the need for a particu-
lar steel order.
222 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Composition (%) Apparent Density
Area Used Al2O3 SiO2 C ZrO2 MgO Other Porosity (g/cm3)
Base Al2O3
Ladle-to-tundish shroud, 50–56 14–18 26–33 0–5 15–18 2.30–2.44
tundish-to-mold shroud, 42–44 18–24 24–31 0–3 0–2 12–18 2.20–2.35
rod for tundish.
Fused silica
ladle-to-tundish shroud, # 0.3 $ 99 12–17 1.82–1.90
tundish-to-mold shroud.
Slag line or nozzle of 1–2 5–7 7–10 75–80 0–2 12–16 3.57–4.18
tundish-to-mold shroud, 20–25 67–74 0–2 15–18 3.20–3.60
head of rod.
Nozzle of tundish to mold 0–2 5–9 85–92 15–18 2.46–2.51
shroud, head of rod 12-16 10-20 58-78 14-17 2.25-2.50
Fig. 3.62 Inert gas bubbling methods used to decrease alumina clogging problems.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 223
Ironmaking Volume
Consumable liner
Well block safety lining
Pour pad
Baffle or
Fig. 3.63 Consumable liner in tundish for clean steel practice and to facilitate skull removal.
Slab travel
224 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Steel Plant Refractories
Straight tine
anchor strap
Wire mesh
in refractory
stud anchor Vee-anchor
Randomly oriented
stainless steel
wires embedded
in refractory
Latching pin
In recent years, increased use has been made of various forms of fiber refractory materials in many
types of reheating furnaces because of their good insulating properties and light weight. Such
materials are not suitable in contact with slag or in areas requiring abrasion resistance, but are suit-
able for many less severe areas. Fig. 3.66 shows a plate mill continuous-annealing furnace lined
with fiber blanket held in place with metallic anchors. Refractory type anchors may be used in such
a system to extend the useful temperature of fibers. Fibers may also be used in stackbonded or
modular form where the fibers are folded or fastened to a steel backup plate attached directly to
the steel super-structure. Veneers of fiber are also being evaluated over existing refractory linings
to reduce energy consumption. In all cases, the economies of fiber materials must be carefully eval-
uated in comparison to other insulating materials including insulating brick, insulating castables
and mineral wool or other insulating blocks.
Fig. 3.66 Plate mill continuous annealing furnace with fiber blanket wallpaper construction.
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved. 225
Ironmaking Volume
Fibers offer added advantages when operating equipment under cyclic conditions because of their
low heat storage characteristics.
226 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Table 3.38 Major Areas of High-Alumina Refractory Usage in the Steel Plant
Type of High Alumina
Process Area Application Product Used Desirable Refractory Features Future U.S. Directions
Blast furnace 1. Furnace lining 90% Al2O3, Al2O3–Cr2O3 brick, Shock and alkali resistance, hot More nonoxide SiC, graphite-type
60–70% Al2O3 brick, strength brick
often tar-impregnated
2. Stove—hot/air system Creep-resistant brick (60–80) Creep resistance, volume stability
3. Cast house (troughs, runners, Al2O3–SiC–C or high-alumina Volume stability, metal and slag Longer life/high quality Al2O3
spouts) castables, plastics, ram mixes erosion resistance types
4. Hot-metal transfer/treatment Burned and impregnated high–Al2O3 Metal and slag erosion resistance Increased Al2O3–SiC–C types as
(torpedo ladles, mixers, lances, products (70–80) metal treatment increases
stirrers) Al2O3–SiC–C brick for metal Cycle resistance
Steelmaking 1. Runners EAF Al2O3–SiC–C monolithics Metal and slag resistance Increased use replacing older material
2. Delta sections, smoke rings–EAF Low-moisture high-alumina castables Shock resistance types
Ladles 1. Linings Brick (70–80) Thermal shock, metal and slag Increased castable use. Higher
Low-moisture castables (70–95) resistance alumina with clean-steel practices.
2. Pads–blocks Low-moisture castables preformed Increased use with clean-steel
3. Lances Low-moisture castables preformed Thermal shock and erosion practices. Increased use over brick
resistance or other materials
4. Permeable plugs Fired shapes Permeability, resistance to erosion
Tundish 1. Safety Linings Low-moisture castable Volume stability Increased use over brick or other
2. Covers Low-moisture castable Volume stability materials
Shrouds 1. Ladle-to-tundish Al2O3–C Shock resistance, metal and flux Increased use with decreased fused-
2. Tundish-to-mold Al2O3–C erosion resistance silica use
Slide gates Ladle and tundish Fired impregnated Al2O3 Shock resistance, metal erosion Increased use of alumina-carbon
Al2O3–Cr2O3 resistance types. Repair of plates
Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.
Reheating Linings High-alumina plastics, castables, Volume stability, insulating effects Continued emphasis on energy
furnaces preformed shapes, fibers savings and ease of installation
Steel Plant Refractories
Ironmaking Volume
the United States. Each of these product types show complex trends in refractory use and some of
these will be obvious by reading other chapters which highlight refractory uses in specific cases.
Table 3.38, for example, shows some of the trends in the use of high Al 2O3 products in the
steelplant. Iron or steel processing changes have driven such trends as increased use of high Al2O3
materials in blast furnace casthouses which now cast on an almost continuous basis, steel ladle
refractories exposed to more severe conditions during ladle treatment of steels, or the increased use
of stream shrouding devices during casting to prevent oxidation.
The consumption of refractories (in terms of lbs of refractories per ton of steel produced) contin-
ues to decrease both from improved life and because modern processes are ever more productive.
At the same time, the cost of refractories per ton is increased as refractories are improved to meet
the new process conditions. Table 3.39 shows the current refractory consumption in two United
States steelplants. As previously stated, these figures vary widely and comparisons between shops
should not be attempted without a full knowledge of process conditions and parameters. The cost
of refractories produced will also vary widely from $0.20 to over $2.50 per lb depending on com-
position and complexity. The cost of refractories per ton of steel produced for an integrated plant
of the type shown in Table 3.39 would range from $9.00 to $12.00 per ton of steel produced.
It should also be noted that refractory costs are often secondary to other parameters including steel
quality, performance predictability and safety, energy considerations, and environmental criteria.
1. W.T. Lankford et al., The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel, 10th ed. (Pittsburgh: Associa-
tion of Iron and Steel Engineers, 1985), 37-96.
2. M.A. Rigaud and R.A. Landy, eds., Pneumatic Steelmaking, Volume Three, Refractories
(Warrendale, PA: Iron and Steel Society, 1996).
3. Modern Refractory Practice, 5th ed., (Pittsburgh: Harbison-Walker Refractories, 1992).
4. C.A. Schacht, “Improved Mechanical Material Property Definition for Predicting the Thermo-
mechanical Behavior of Refractory Limings of Teeming Ladles”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76 (1),
5. J.A. Boggs, et al, “Thermal Mechanical Effects on the Structural Integrity and Service Life of
Ladle Refractory, in Secondary Metallurgical Process”, Iron and Steelmaker, June 1992, 33.
228 Copyright © 1999, The AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. All rights reserved.