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Impact Assesment of Brewery Effluent On Water Quality in Majawe, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria

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Researcher 2010;2(5)


ALAO Olajumoke*,1,2AROJOJOYE Oluwatosin , 1OGUNLAJA Olumuyiwa.,1FAMUYIWA Abimbola.

1 Department of Biochemistry, Lead City University, Ibadan

2 Department of Biochemistry, University of Ibadan.
olajualao @yahoo.co.uk.

ABSTRACT: Impact of brewery effluent on water quality in Majawe was investigated. Water quality assessment
was carried out on samples collected at 4 different sampling points; effluent discharge point, 500 meters away and
two other discharge points downstream. The physicochemical parameters analysed were pH, temperature, alkalinity,
electrical conductivity, TSS (total soluble solids),TDS (total dissolved solids), BOD (biological oxygen
demand),COD(chemical oxygen demand),DO (dissolved oxygen), and concentration of chloride, iron, magnesium,
calcium, cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury. The pH of samples ranged from 6.56 to 7.17 ,temperature ranged
from 24.5oC to 27oC , alkalinity ranged from 95.10mgl-1 to 407.21mgl-1, electrical conductivity ranged from
23.3μScm-1 to 686 μScm-1, total hardness ranged from 58mgl-1 to 210.56mgl-1,TDS (total dissolved solids) ranged
from 119.7mgl-1 to 331mgl-1, TSS (total suspended solids) from ND to 554mgl-1 BOD (biological oxygen demand)
ranged from 0.92mgl-1 to 785.7mgl-1, COD (chemical oxygen demand) ranged from 2.2mgl-1 to 896.3mgl-1, DO
(dissolved oxygen) ranged from 2 mgl-1 to 6.8mgl-1, calcium ranged from 28.24 mgl-1 to 90.47 mgl-1, magnesium
ranged from 54.39mgl-1 to 75.31mgl-1, phosphate ranged from ND to 0.21mgl-1 and nitrate ranged from 11.2mgl-1 to
47.3mgl-1. The heavy metals: cadmium, arsenic and mercury were not detected in most of the samples; lead was
detected in surface water and brewery effluent, 0.01mgl-1 to 0.7mgl-1 respectively. The physicochemical parameters
studies shows that surface water and brewery effluent deviated from the WHO and FMENV standards but ground
water sample was in line with the standards. Taken together these findings show that there is contamination of
surface water by brewery effluent, however groundwater was non-toxic and therefore safe for drinking purposes.
[Researcher. 2010;2(5):21-28]. (ISSN: 1553-9865).

Key words: Pollution, water, effluent, assessment, brewery and Majawe

1. Introduction environment including human health risks (Rahman et

al. 1997).Thus there is need to control the pollution of
The problems facing the environment are vast and surface and ground water since the public health and
diverse .Environmentalists have expressed concerns wellbeing of the people have a direct link with the
about issues such as global warming, depletion of the availability of adequate quantity of good quality water.
Ozone layer, population growth, destruction of rain Pollution of the aquatic environment has been defined
forests, air pollution, water pollution groundwater by UNESCO /WHO/UNEP as the introduction by man
depletion and contamination. Water pollution is serious directly or indirectly of substances or energy into the
problem globally involving the discharge of dissolved marine environment which results in such deleterious
or suspended substances into groundwater, streams, effects as harm to the living resources, hazards to
rivers and oceans. A major source of pollution in human health, hindrance of marine activities including
developing countries is industrial activities and this has fishing and impairment of quality for use of sea water.
gradually increased the problem of waste disposal. Industrial activities and urbanization in developing
Increased industrial activities have led to pollutional countries including Nigeria has gradually led to
stress on surface water both from industrial, increased problem of waste disposal. Increase in crude
agricultural and domestic sources (Ajayi and Osibanjo oil exploration, refining and activities of other
1981). Untreated wastes from processing factories industrial establishments in the Niger Delta has
located cities are discharged into inland water bodies resulted in the wide-scale contamination of most of its
resulting to stench, discoloration and a greasy oily creeks, swamps and rivers with hydrocarbon and
nature of such water bodies (Mombeshora,1981). dispersant products (Kobayashi and Rittman, 1982.
These wastes pose serious threat to associated

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Manmade pollution of water is divided into two health risks. Pesticide residues on vegetable crops,
kinds: point source is caused by discharge of pollutants mercury in fish and many industrially produced
from specific location for example discharge from chemicals may cause cancer, birth defects genetic
factories sewage treatment plants and oil tankers into mutations or death. Discharge of metals and some non-
rivers, and non-point source occurs from rainfall or metals into water bodies have serious environmental
melting of snow and the run-off washes away effects. Lead a prime environmental pollutant, is a
pollutants into lakes, rivers and coastal waters. multiorgan poison which in addition to well known
Industries vary in size, nature of products, toxic effects depresses immune status(Anetor and
characteristics of waste discharged and the receiving Adedeji, 1998), causes damage to the central nervous
environment. The major industrial categories in system, kidney and reproductive system.(
Nigeria are metals and mining, food, beverages and Ademoroti,1998).Ingestion leads to a disease known as
tobacco; breweries, distilleries, textile, leather plumbism. It is also known to produce developmental
products, wood processing and manufacture, furniture, neurotoxicity in particular infants and children are
pulp and paper industries and chemical and allied differentially sensitive to environmental lead exposure
industries. Industrial effluents contain toxic and (Johnson, 1997). Lead is toxic to plants although a few
hazardous materials from the wastes that settle in river are tolerant. In non-ferrous metal industries, and
water as bottom sediments and constitute health industries that produce batteries, pigments, stabilisers
hazards to the urban population that depend on the and plastics the primary heavy metals discharged are
water as source of supply for domestic uses (Akaniwor lead, zinc, and cadmium, also cement manufacture
et al, 2007). Groundwater quality is defined based on a results in high emission of mercury as well as these
set of health and safety regulations for domestic use. heavy metals except zinc. Arsenic and Zinc gain
Ground water used for public domestic supply must access to the water environment through mining
adhere to a set of regulatory objectives for health and operations. Nickel and Cobalt are used in the
safety than ground water used strictly for irrigation electroplating industry. Effluents contain these heavy
needs. Groundwater contamination occurs when man- metals which are harmful to human health either
made products such as gasoline, oil, fertilisers, through direct ingestion or from fish and other animals
pesticides and other chemicals get into groundwater or plants. Heavy metals particularly arsenic, mercury
and cause it to be unsafe and unfit for human use. and lead are environmental pollutants threatening the
Septic systems, hazardous waste sites and landfills are health of human population and natural ecosystem
major targets of pollution because rainfall and (Mercier et al ,1998) .
groundwater leach these highly contaminated
substances into rivers, stream and waterways (surface Brewery plants have been known to cause pollution
water) which are inadvertently used by people in that by discharging effluent into receiving stream, ground
area. (Asonye et al, 2007). water and soil. Water consumption for breweries
generally ranges 4-8 cubic meters per cubic meter of
Contamination of drinking water supplies from beer produced. Production steps include malt
industrial waste is as a result of various types of production, wort production and beer production.
industrial processes and disposal practices. Industries Untreated effluent typically contains suspended solids
that use large amounts of water for processing have the in range 10-60mg/l per litre, BOD in range 1000-
potential to pollute waterways through the discharge of 1500mg/l, COD in range 1800-3000mg/l and nitrogen
their waste into streams and rivers, or by run-off and in range 30-100mg/l.Effluents from individual process
seepage of stored wastes into nearby water sources. steps are variable. For example bottle washing
Other disposal practices which cause water produces large volume of effluent that, however,
contamination include deep well injection and contains only a minor part of total organics discharged
improper disposal of waste in surface impoundments. from brewery. Effluents from fermentation and
Industrial waste consists of both organic and inorganic filtering are high in organics and BOD and low in
substances. Organic wastes include pesticide residues, volume, accounting for about 3% of total waste volume
solvents and cleaning fluids, dissolved residue from but 97% of BOD .Brewery effluent contains organic
fruits and vegetables, and lignin from pulp and paper. material such as spent grains, waste yeast, spent hops
This impacts high organic pollutants on receiving and grit. Effluent pH averages about 7 for combined
waters consequently creating high competition for effluent but can fluctuate from 3-12 depending on the
oxygen within the ecosystem . (Osibanjo and Adie, use of acid or alkaline cleaning agent. (World Bank,
2007).Effluents can also contain inorganic wastes such 1997).Drinking water should be odorless, tasteless,
as brine salts and metals. A number of toxic substances colorless and devoid of particulate matter (Emile et al.,
human beings encounter regularly may pose serious 1999). Chemical investigation of the water quality of

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some Nigerian rivers.(Ajayi and Osibanjo, 1981; 2.5 Electrical conductivity (EC):
Adeniji and Mbagu, 1983; Imevbore, 1970; Asuquo,
1989) reveals that water that was once an abundant EC is the measure of the ability of an aqueous solution
natural resource is rapidly becoming scarce in quantity to convey an electric current. This ability depends upon
(high demand) and the quality is deteriorating in many the presence of ions, their total concentration, mobility,
places, owing to population. There is little knowledge valence and temperature. EC was determined by
about the effects of effluent discharge in some areas in conductivity meter following the procedure of Richard
the Country. The aim of this study is to screen ground (1954).
water and surface water in Majawe area of Ibadan, Oyo
state., and to evaluate the toxicological potential of
2.6 Total suspended solids (TSS):
brewery effluent and the pollution factors on water
quality in Majawe, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria.
Total suspended solids are the portion of solids that
usually remains on the filter paper. Suspended solids
2. Materials and methods consist of silt, clay, fine particles of organic and
inorganic matter, which is regarded as a type of
2.1 Sampling: pollution because water high in concentration of
suspended solid may adversely affect growth and
Grab samples of effluents were collected at point of reproduction rates of aquatic fauna and flora. For TSS
discharge and downstream, surface water was collected analysis, known amount of sample was filtered through
from the run-off of effluent and ground water samples the pre weighed filter paper. Filter paper was then dried
were collected from tube wells located near the site of at 103-105oC. TSS was determined by using following
brewery. The physico-chemical characteristics formula (Anon, 1992).
analysed were pH, temperature, alkalinity, electrical
conductivity, total soluble solids, total dissolved solids, TSSmgl-1 = (final – initial weight) (amount of sample)-
biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, 1 × 1000
dissolved oxygen, concentration of chloride, iron,
magnesium, calcium and , ,cadmium , lead, arsenic and
2.7 Total dissolved solids (TDS):
Total dissolved solids (TDS) are the measure of total
2.2 Quality assurance inorganic salts and other substances that are dissolved
in water. TDS was determined following the procedure
Samples of organics such as DO (dissolved oxygen), of Richard (1954) by using Electrical Conductivity
COD(chemical oxygen demand)and oil and grease (EC) meter.
were collected using glassware while heavy metals and
other parameters were collected in plastic containers.
2.8 Biological oxygen demand (BOD):
The plastic and glass containers were soaked in 1M
HNO3 overnight (Onianwa, 2001) and washed with
laboratory detergent, rinsed with tap water and finally Biological oxygen demand (BOD) is expressed as
with deionised water. weight of oxygen consumed per unit volume of water
during a defined period of time at a defined
temperature was calculated following the procedure of
2.3 pH Hamer (1986). For this the sample of waste was
incubated for 5 days at 20 o C in the dark. The
pH of samples was noted using potentiometric method reduction in dissolved oxygen concentration during the
using pH meter already standardised by using buffer incubation period yields a measure of the biochemical
solutions of known value before analyses.(Skoog et oxygen demand.
2.9 Dissolved Oxygen
2.4 Temperature:
Dissolved oxygen was determined by Winker’s
Temperature was noted using thermometric method at titration.
the site of sampling using portable calibrated mercury
thermometer (Jenway 3015 model)(EPA, 1998).
2.10 Chemical oxygen demand

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The COD is determined by titration with (0.25M) 2.12 Heavy metals analysis:
Ferrous sulphate, using 1:10 phenanthroline.(United
Kingdom, Dept of Environ, 1974). For the analysis of heavy metals, Cadmium (Cd),
Arsenic (As), Mercury (Hg) and Lead(Pb). Samples
2.11 Cations and Anions were analyzed on Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer model 2380) for
Cations were analyzed using an atomic absorption concentration by using specific cathode lamp. AAS
spectrophotometer (Perkin - Elemer AAS3110), while was calibrated for each element using standard solution
anions were analyzed using the colorimetric method of known concentration before sample injection
with UV,visible spectrophotometer (WPAS110). (APHA, 19).
Temperature was noted using thermometric method at
the site of sampling using portable calibrated mercury 3. Results
thermometer (EPA, 1998).

Table 1: The physicochemical results of GW1, GW2, SW, BE and standards.

Temperature (oC) 24.70 C 24.50C 270 C 26.00 C < 40
pH (mgl-1 ) 6.56 6.60 7.17 6-9 7-8.5 6.5-8.5
Total Alkalinity 96.44 95.10 357.2 407.21
(mgl-1 )
Conductivity (uScm- 250 23.3 587.5 686 400
Total Hardness(mgl-1 105.67 101.12 210.56 58 100 100
TDS(mgl-1 ) 119.7 121.6 234.67 331 2000 100
TSS(mgl-1 ) ND 2.51 347 554 30
Calcium Hardness 40.40 42.2 90.47 28.24 200 50 75
Magnesium 65.27 75.31 65.5 54.39 200 50 30
Chloride(mgl-1 ) 31.61 22.80 26.6 19.01 200 200
Oil and Grease 0.01 0.03 0.45 0.95
(mgl-1 )
Phosphate(mgl-1 ) ND ND 0.21 0.07
Nitrate(mgl ) 17.95 11.21 47.3 34.5 50
Cadmium(mgl-1 ) ND ND ND ND <1
Arsenic(mgl-1 ) ND ND ND ND 0.1 0.01
Zinc(mgl-1 ) 0.00 0.00 ND ND <1
Lead(mgl-1 ) ND ND 0.7 0.01 <1 0.01
Mecury(mgl-1 ) ND ND ND ND 0.05 0.001
Acidity(mgl-1 ) ND ND ND ND
BOD(mgl-1 ) 0.94 0.92 785.7 632.8 50
COD(mgl-1 ) 2.8 2.2 875.3 896.3 150 10-20
DO(mgl-1 ) 6.8 6.5 3.2 2

Key; TDS: total dissolved solids, TSS: total soluble solids, BOD: biological oxygen demand), COD: chemical oxygen
demand, DO dissolved oxygen, GW1: Groundwater1, GW2: Groundwater2, SW: surface water and BE ; Brewery

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Table 2: Heavy metal concentration.

Varible(mgl-1) Max concentration

Arsenic 0.05
Cadmium 0.01
Chromium 0.05
Lead 0.05
Mercury 0.02
Silver 0.05
Zinc 5.0


Figure 1. Physicochemical parameters of water samples

Table 3: Parameters used in classification of surface water quality.

Parameter Class Class Class Class Class

1 2 3 4 5
pH 6.5 – 6.0 – 5.0 – 3.9 – < 3.9
8.0 8.4 9.0 10.1 >10.1
DO(mgl-1) 7.8 6.2 6 1.8 < 1.8
BOD 1.5 3.0 6.0 12.1 >
NH3(mgl- 0.1 0.3 0.9 2.7 > 2.7
COD(mgl- 10 20 40 80 >80
SS(mgl-1) 20 40 100 278 >278

Value of Classes: Class 1 = Excellent; Class 2 = acceptable; Class 3 = slightly polluted; Class 4 = polluted; Class 5
= heavily polluted. (Source: Prati et al. (1971).

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Figure 2: The Map of Majawe in Egbeda Local Government of Oyo State showing the Brewery and the surrounding

4. Discussion concentration in the samples ranged from 11.2 to 47.3

To evaluate the pollution extent samples were analysed with brewery effluent (BE) having the highest value,
for various physico-chemical parameters. ).Sample pH all the samples were within the FMENV permissible
range for this study was 6.25 to 7.17 as presented in limit. The concentration of chloride and phosphate
Table1, GW1 (groundwater sample) had the lowest pH were within the FMENV limits.(Table 1)
and brewery effluent (BE) had the highest pH. This
result is in line with the FEPA/FMENV (Federal The heavy metals cadmium, arsenic, zinc and mercury
Environmental Protection Agency/ Federal Ministry of were not detected in the samples. The concentration of
Environment, 1991), permissible limit of 6-9. All the lead for surface water was 0.7, this exceeds the WHO
pH values were within the permissible limits for permissible limit of 0.01 and FMENV limit of 0.05
industrial effluents set by FEPA (Table 1). The (Table 2)
temperature range was 24.5oC to 27oC, this is also Brewery effluent contains organic materials like spent
within the FEPA permissible limit of less than 40oC. grains, waste yeast, spent hops and grit. Total
(Table 1 ).Samples of groundwater (GW1 and GW2) suspended solids (TSS) range for samples is ND to 554
showed alkalinity values less than 100mg/l permissible .GW1 and GW2 have TSS values of 0 and 2.51; this is
limit set by WHO .But the surface water(SW) and BE within 30mg/l permissible limit set by FMENV. This
(Brewery effluent) were higher than WHO limit , this can be explained by the fact that as the waste water
is not surprising since the brewery process requires permeates the ground the solid materials will be
basic detergents for the cleaning stage. filtered out. .Whereas SW (surface water) and BE
(brewery effluent) have much higher values (347 and
Drinking water must be free of disease causing 554) (Table 1) than the FMENV permissible limit. If
organism, poisonous substances and excessive amount this waste water is applied directly to agricultural field
of minerals and organic matter, and certain levels of or discharged into rivers and stream, this could make it
minerals and dissolved substances are allowed (WHO, unsuitable for aquatic life. For the total dissolved solids
1983).Hardness is predominantly caused by cations (TDS) all the values were within the permissible limit
such as calcium and magnesium. Total hardness is set by FMENV.
defined as the sum of calcium and magnesium both
expressed as CaCO3 in mg/l. People with kidney and
bladder stones should avoid high content of calcium Polluted water contains low levels of dissolved oxygen
and magnesium in water. Samples of groundwater and (DO) as a result of heavy biological oxygen
effluent were not hard, unlike surface water which demand(BOD) and chemical oxygen demand(COD)
appeared to be hard.105.2, 101.12 and 58 as compared placed by effluents waste materials discharged into
with the FMENV permissible limit of 100. The nitrate

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