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Postal Manual Vol VIII

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1. Fortnightly dairy of Superintendents is prepared in

a) Gen 2 b) Gen 1
c) Gen 4 d) None of these Ans:b

2. Punishment register maintained in form

a) APP 32(a) b) APP 31

c) APP 28 d) None of these Ans:a

3. Mark the correct option

a) Preservation period of DG order is three years after the close of the year in
which they were issued
b) Preservation period of fortnightly reports of superintendent one year after the
month to which there relate
c) Both the A & B
d) None of these Ans:c

4. During the second week of the months of February and August of each year, an
enumeration Is made daily of the number of

a) Ordinary UR article of letter mail given out for deliver y by all post offices .
b) Regdr article and UR parcel mail given out for deliver y by all post offices .
c) Regd article and register parcel mail given out for deliver y by all post offices
d) Ordinary un registered articles of the letter mail, and unregistered parcel given
out for deliver y by all post offices . Ans:d

5. _________ is authorized to transfer a branch office from one account office to

another account office under the same HO

a) Head of the Circle b) DG Post

c) Postmaster General d) Superintendent Ans:d

6. The Supdt may prescribe the use, in any Head or Sub office of a beat instruction
register ______ for the purpose of communication addressees instructions to the

a) M 32 b) M 34
c) M 28 d) None of these Ans:a

7. The_______ of an office will ordinarily be a sum equal to the average

_________multiplied by the number of days in which funds can be obtained, plus a
percentage of the average ___________(if necessary), as a margin – the amount of
which will depend upon the extent of the difference between the receipts and
payments, and other

a) Minimum cash balance , daily payments, daily payments

a) Maximum cash balance , daily payments, daily payments
a) Minimum cash balance , daily payments, daily receipts
a) None of these Ans:a(138)
7. When fixing the minimum and maximum cash balances of an office, the
Superintendent must have before him information on the following points :-

(a) The average monthly receipts and disbursements.

(b) The methods prescribed for making and receiving remittances for the purpose
of disposing of surplus cash or replenishing funds.
(c) The period between two ordinary remittances according to the method fixed for
the office.
(d) The time within which the office can, if necessary, communicate with the office
which supplies it with funds and obtain a special remittance.
(e) All the above Ans:e(140)

8. Who will fix the minimum and maximum cash balance of the first class Head

a) Superintendent of post office b) Head of the circle

c) Senior Superintendent of Post Offices d) None of these Ans:c(141)

9. Consolidated memo auth bal(Pa 15) is fixed by _____ and to________

a) Head of the circle, Head office b) Head of the circle, HO & SO

c) Supdt of post office to all post office d) None of these Ans:c

10. Each Inspector will be supplied with a similar memo. showing the authorized
balances etc. for

a) All the sub and branch offices in his sub-division

b) All sub offices
c) All branch offices
d) None of these Ans:a

11. Cash office is a

a) Head office b) Sub office

c) Branch office d) All the above Ans:b

12. Diagram of sorting case are prepared by

a) Sub divisional inspector b) Postmaster concerned

c) Divisional supdt d) Head of the circle Ans:c(156)

13. From the due bag statement, the ____should prepare the due bag lists showing
the number of bags of each description due to be received and depatched by each
mail office or section (a) with mails or (b) as surplus for guidance of the ________

a) Superintendent , Record office b) Inspector , Post office

c) Head of the circle, Head office d) None of these Ans:a(159)

14. The office of the every Inspector should be thoroughly inspected at least once
in every by the ________ in accordance with the standard questions

a) Quarterly , Supdt b) Half yearly, Supdt

c) Twelve month, Supdt d) None of these Ans:c(167)
15. ________are employed in each division for the supervision of the runner’s lines,
the work of village postmen or postmen serving in villages, and when prescribed by
the_______, for the conveyance or escort of_______, from one office to another

a) Head postman , head of the Circle, cash remittances

b) Overseers , Supdt of post office, cash remittances
c) Overseers , head of the Circle, cash remittances
d) None of these Ans:c(168)

16. Who will prepare the route statement in their division.

a) Sub divisional inspector, b) Supdt of post office

c) SSP d) Head of the Circle Ans:b(169)

17. Who responsible that proper arrangements are made for the transmission of
mails of division

a) Sub divisional inspector, b) Supdt of post office

c) SSP d) Head Postmaster Ans:b(171)

18. Mark the correct option

a) Branch lines which radiate from head offices and large sub-offices connecting
them with less important sub and branch offices in the interior of districts, or
lines which diverge from through main lines.
b) Cross mails, i.e. mails from branch lines which converge to one point
on a through main line, should be timed to reach the junction of the cross lines
before the arrival of the main line mails
c) The Superintendent should pay careful attention to the arrangements made for
conveying mails across unbridged streams and rivers, and for carrying them
over difficult roads.
d) All the above Ans:d

19. In the case of contracts for mail cart lines, penalties and forfeitures for delays
and other breaches of agreement, will be imposed by

a) Superintendent of post office b) Sub divisional inspector

c) Head of the circle d) None of these Ans:a(181)

20. Haulage and weighment statement. will be submit on or before the ______in
each year, the ______should submit a statement [MS.60(a)] to the ______showing the
regular accommodation provided on each railway in his division on the_______,

a) 1st February and 1st August, Postmaster, Head of the Circle, 21st Jan and 21st
b) 1st February and 1st August, Postmaster Supdt of post office, 21st Jan and 21st
c) 1st February and 1st August, Superintendent, Head of the Circle, 21 st Jan and
21st Jul
d) None of these Ans:c(184)
21. Which of the following point is noticed in Supdt dairy Gen 1

a) Each days’ work and enter particular of his journey when on tour, showing
clearly the name of every office, section or mail line visited or inspected, the
time spent in each office or section
b) Details of inspections and important matters regarding which the
Superintendent submits separate reports to the Head of the Circle should not
be recorded in the diary
c) Action taken by him in connection with irregularities and other matters

d) All the above Ans:d

22. Mark the correct option

a) Circulars issued by the Head of a Circle will be filed in a single guard-book

b) These Circulars should be destroyed after 3 years counting from the month of
following the close of the official year in which they were issued
c) A register of lines and stages in form M.-40 should be maintained by the
Superintendent for his division
d) All the above Ans:d

23. A statement (Sk-82) showing particulars of the articles of stock supplied during
each month to offices by local purchase, or by transfer either from other offices or
from the reserve stock kept by the ______or, in postal divisions, by an Inspector,
should be prepared in the office of the Superintendent and sent to the _____within the
first week of the following month “under the signatures of the______”.

a) Superintendent, stock depot , Divisional head

b) Postmaster, Head office , Divisional head
c) Superintendent, Circle office , Divisional head
d) None of these Ans:a (211)

24. The Superintendent should frequently test the punctual clearance of letter-
boxes by

a) Watching the letter boxes twice in a month

b) Counting the letter posted in letter boxes
c) Posting the test letter
d) None of these Ans:C

25. Which of the following test will often be found use full when t he Superintendent
should frequently apply tests to the delivery work of the postmen

a) Letters bearing fictitious address should be posted and measures adopted to

secure their reaching, in the ordinary course, the hands of a postman whom it
is intended to test. If these letters are not brought back as undeliverable, there
will be a strong presumption that the postman has made away with them.
b) The Superintendent may arrange that letters addressed to actual residents are
specially noted before they are handed to the postman, and subsequent
enquiries made of the addressees will show whether the letters are duly
delivered or not.
c) Both the above
d) None of these Ans:c
26. The Superintendent should examine the ________ to see that all
_____concerning the set are neatly and correctly copied in the book, that the book
contains no. B. order which does not concern the set, that B. orders which have
become obsolete or void, have been cancelled under the _______signature, and that
every order has been initialed by all the ______of the set

a) Order book, B. orders, record clerk’s, sorters

b) Postmaster dairy , B. orders, record clerk’s, sorters
c) guidance book, B. orders, record clerk’s, sorters
d) None of these Ans:c(255)

27. The Assistant Superintendent will remain at the headquarters when the
Superintendent is on tour and will look to the entire supervision of the office and
control all the staff of the Divisional Office

a) He will dispose of all the routine cases not requiring the sanction or orders of
the superintendent and sign routine drafts and fair copies
b) He may also sign important papers relating to leave and transfers except
orders of punishment or appointment when it is really necessary to avoid
serious delay
c) Assistant Superintendent will himself proceed on enquiries on the receipt of a
report of loss, fraud, highway robbery etc., till the superintendent arrives.
d) All the above Ans:d(260)

28. The duties which can be delegated to the Assistant Superintendents

a) Opening and distribution of dak, except the dak from the Head of the Circle.
b) Issue of reminders, the weekly check of the work of the assistants and disposal
of personal cases of staff except those where policy of the department is
c) To pass TA bills of assistants, postmen and lower grade staff on the basis of the
orders of the competent authority.
d) Grant of casual leave to the staff when the Superintendent is on tour.
e) All the above

29. The complaint Inspector will perform the following duties.

a) He will be In-charge of the complaint branch of the Divisional Office and be

responsible for proper and prompt disposal of complaints, prompt submission
of statements relating to thereto etc.
b) He will take up such enquiries or investigations as may be assigned to him by
the Head of the Office.
c) He will carry out such second inspections of Branch offices as may be assigned
to him by the Supdt.
d) He will carry out the Inspection of the complaints branch once a fortnight.
e) All the above Ans:e(260c)
30. Mark the incorrect option

a) An Inspector must posses a practical knowledge of post office work, and with
all departmental forms so as to be qualified to instruct his subordinates in their
duties, especially when any new class of business is undertaken by the
b) He must also be qualified to take charge of a head office or important sub-office
in any sudden emergency
c) An inspector must be having knowledge of Technology and management.
d) None of these Ans:c

31. The complaint Inspector will perform the following duties.

a) He will be In-charge of the complaint branch of the Divisional Office and be

responsible for proper and prompt disposal of complaints, prompt submission
of statements relating to thereto etc.
b) He will take up such enquiries or investigations as may be assigned to him by
the Head of the Office.
c) He will carry out such second inspections of Branch offices as may be assigned
to him by the Supdt.
d) He will carry out the Inspection of the complaints branch once a fortnight.
e) All the above Ans:e

32. The hours of business for branch offices will be fixed by

a) Divisional Supdt. b) Head post master

c) Sub divisional inspector d) None of these Ans:c(271)

33. The supervision of the village postmen attached to all the offices(head, sub and
branch) situated in his sub-division is one of the most important duties of the

a) Postmaster of SO concerned b) Inspector

c) Divisional Supdt d) Head postmen Ans:b(272)

34. The Inspector should, whenever he meets a village postman out in his beat or at
the office to which he is attached, examine

a) His bag to see whether he carries postage stamps, forms, etc.,

b) His book of receipts are pasted to the counterfoils of receipts for articles
registered by
c) Both the A and B
d) Either A or B Ans:c(272)

35. It will be the _______ duty to prepare and prescribe ____(M-53) indicating the
beats of the ____attached to each head, ____in his sub-division(Including first class
head offices)

a) Supdt, route lists and beat maps, village postmen, sub and branch office
b) Inspector’s, route lists and beat maps, postmaster , sub and branch office
c) Inspector’s, route lists and beat maps, village postmen, sub and branch office
d) None of these Ans:c
36. There are two systems under which village postmen’s beats can be arranged,

a) The fixed beat, & unfixed beat system

b) Normal beat & emergency beat
c) Single beat & double beat
d) None of these Ans:a(273)

37. Mark the correct option

a) The Inspector should supply each head, sub or branch office in his sub-division
including first class head offices, with a village sorting list (M-52)
b) The Village sorting list showing the Nos. of village postmen to whom articles
are made over for delivery
c) The village sorting list should also show in what villages letter-boxes are placed
and which of these letter-boxes are provided with changeable plates
d) All the above Ans:d276)

38. The ______for payments made by ____to road establishments will, when they
are complete, be sent by the overseer to the ______

a) Village return, overseers, Inspector

b) Acquittance rolls, Postmaster, Head office
c) Acquittance rolls, overseers, Inspector
d) None of these Ans:c(283)

39. Mark the correct option

a) The Inspector should maintain a register of lines and stages in respect of his
sub division in form M-40
b) Entries should be made in the register in alphabetical order, and where a line
traverses sub-divisions each Inspector should record it throughout its length
c) It is of special importance that the register should be kept corrected up-todate
in accordance with correction memos issued by the Superinendent from time to
d) All the above Ans:d(291)

40. The Inspector must keep a diary, in form

a) Gen 1 b) Gen 2
c) Gen 3 d) Gen 4 Ans:b(293)

41. Director-General’s circulars. are ordinarily issued by the Director-General once


a) Month b) Quarter
c) Week d) year Ans:c(295)

42. Postmadter General’s circulars are ordinarily issued in once a

a) Month b) Quarter
c) Week d) year Ans:a(296)
43. Duties of Inspectors, R.M.S. are

a) Entrusted mainly with the duties of checking the sorting work done by sections
and mail offices
b) Making investigations into important cases of loss, fraud etc.
c) When attached to the office of Heads of Circles they are designated as Sorting
d) All the above Ans:d(320)

44. Assistant Superintendents attached to the Mail offices to be perform

a) To exercise overall supervision over the work done in the mail office. He will be
responsible for proper maintenance of discipline, and for the efficient
functioning of the mail office.
b) To apply tests to see that letter boxes attached to the mail office are punctually
cleared and ensure by frequent examination of the mails despatched that
correct routing is observed in sorting mails
c) To maintain liaison with the local Officers of the Civil Aviation, IAC, Police,
Custom, Railways etc
d) All the above; Ans:d(322)

45. The ______RMS must inspect every ______at intervals of about ____such
offices and sections in his sub division as are assigned to him by the ______

a) ASP, twelve months six months, Head of the Circle

b) Sub divisional Inspector, three months, three months, Head of the Circle
c) Sub divisional Inspector, twelve months six months, Head of the Circle
d) None of these Ans:c(323)

(Prepared by AB Kantharaja Kodagu Dn, Karnataka, Mobile No 08969822340,


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