ESEx 1
ESEx 1
ESEx 1
Lab Assignment-1
1.Introduction to Embedded Systems:
i) Architecture
The 8051 microcontroller has 4K bytes of on-chip ROM, 128 bytes of RAM and 2 Timers for memory
storage and instruction scheduling and execution. It has 32 input/output pins that are distributed among
four ports, each of which is 8 bytes wide. It has one serial port for connecting to other microcontrollers
and 6 interrupt sources, thus it can handle a maximum of 6 interrupts at the same time. It is a model in
the MCS-51 Family which also includes other versions such as 8052 having 256 bytes of RAM, 2 timers
and 8 interrupt sources, and the 8031 that is the ROM-less variant of 8051.
P3.6 and P3.7 – read and write signals for external memory
4. 18-19 (XTL1-XTL2)- external crystal, ceramic resonator or oscillator module for clock source to
the chip
5. 20 (VSS)- Ground VSS=0V
6. 21-28 Port 2 (P2.0-P2.7)- Bidirectional input port
Dual role of individual pins – to store MSB address byte of 16b address to external memory
The 8051 microcontroller has a price less than $1.00, therefore it is very cheap. It has a performance of
1 Machine Instructions per second and 256 bytes of on-chip RAM, which makes it suitable for execution
of small, dedicated tasks. Its low cost, huge range and easy availability and widespread use makes it a
great platform for developing as well as learning about embedded systems.