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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC: European Standard Norme Européenne Europäische Norm

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Avril 2010

ICS 91.010.30

English version
Version Française
Deutsche Fassung

Eurocode - Basis of structural design

Eurocodes structuraux - Eurocodes: Bases Eurocode: Grundlagen der

de calcul des structures Tragwerksplanung

This corrigendum becomes effective on 21 April 2010 for incorporation in the three official language
versions of the EN.

Ce corrigendum prendra effet le 21 avril 2010 pour incorporation dans les trois versions linguistiques
officielles de la EN.

Die Berichtigung tritt am 21.April 2010 zur Einarbeitung in die drei offiziellen Sprachfassungen der EN
in Kraft.



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von CEN vorbehalten.
Ref. No.:EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 D/E/F

Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)


The present corrigendum contains the modifications from the former corrigendum
EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2008.

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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

1) Modification to the very beginning of the amendment

Very beginning of EN 1990:2002/A1:2005, just after the Foreword and before Annex A2, add the
following pages containing the new modifications going from Modifications 1) [for Modifications to
"Background of the Eurocode programme"] until Modifications 17) [for Modifications to A1.4.1]:

Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

1) Modifications to "Background of the Eurocode programme"

2nd paragraph, 3rd line, replace "national rules" with "national provisions".

4th paragraph, 7th and 8th lines, replace “Council Directives 93/37/EEC, 92/50/EEC and
89/440/EEC” with “Council Directives 2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC”.

2) Modifications to "Status and field of application of Eurocodes"

2nd paragraph, 5th and 6th lines, after “product standards”, add “and ETAGs”.

3rd paragraph, 2nd line, replace “component” with “parts of works and structural construction”.

3) Modifications to "Links between Eurocodes and harmonised technical

specifications (ENs and ETAs) for products"
2nd line, replace “technical rules” with “technical provisions”.

3rd line, replace “refer to” with “use the”.

4) Modifications to "National annex for EN 1990"

2nd paragraph, replace:

"National choice is allowed in EN 1990 through :"


“National choice is allowed in EN 1990 Annex A1 through;”.

After A.1.4.2(2), add:

“National choice is allowed in EN 1990 Annex A2 through:

General clauses

Clause Item
A2.1 (1) NOTE 3 Use of Table 2.1 : Design working life
A2.2.1(2) NOTE 1 Combinations involving actions which are outside the scope of
EN 1991
A2.2.6(1) NOTE 1 Values of ψ factors
A2.3.1(1) Alteration of design values of actions for ultimate limit states
A2.3.1(5) Choice of Approach 1, 2 or 3
A2.3.1(7) Definition of forces due to ice pressure
A2.3.1(8) Values of γP factors for prestressing actions where not specified
in the relevant design Eurocodes
A2.3.1 Table Values of γ factors
A2.4(A) NOTES 1
and 2
A2.3.1 Table - NOTE 1 : choice between 6.10 and 6.10a/b
A2.4(B) - NOTE 2 : Values of γ and ξ factors
- NOTE 4 : Values of γSd

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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

A2.3.1 Table Values of γ factors

A2.3.2(1) Design values in Table A2.5 for accidental designs situations,
design values of accompanying variable actions and seismic
design situations

A2.3.2 Table A2.5 Design values of actions

NOTE 1 (Table Alternative γ values for traffic actions for the serviceability
A2.6) limit state
NOTE 2 Infrequent combination of actions
A2.4.1(2) Serviceability requirements and criteria for the calculation of

Clauses specific for road bridges

Clause Item
A2.2.2 (1) Reference to the infrequent combination of actions
A2.2.2(3) Combination rules for special vehicles
A2.2.2(4) Combination rules for snow loads and traffic loads
A2.2.2(6) Combination rules for wind and thermal actions
A2.2.6(1) NOTE 2 Values of ψ1,infq factors
A2.2.6(1) NOTE 3 Values of water forces

Clauses specific for footbridges

Clause Item
A2.2.3(2) Combination rules for wind and thermal actions
A2.2.3(3) Combination rules for snow loads and traffic loads
A2.2.3(4) Combination rules for footbridges protected from bad weather
A2.4.3.2(1) Comfort criteria for footbridges

Clauses specific for railway bridges

Clause Item
A2.2.4(1) Combination rules for snow loading on railway bridges
A2.2.4(4) Maximum wind speed compatible with rail traffic
A2.4.4.1(1) NOTE 3
Deformation and vibration requirements for temporary
railway bridges
A2. Peak values of deck acceleration for railway bridges and
associated frequency range
A2. – Table Limiting values of deck twist for railway bridges

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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

A2. Limiting values of the total deck twist for railway bridges
A2. Vertical deformation of ballasted and non ballasted railway
A2. Limitations on the rotations of non-ballasted bridge deck ends
for railway bridges
A2. Additional limits of angular rotations at the end of decks
A2. – Values of αi and ri factors
Table A2.8 NOTE 3
A2. Minimum lateral frequency for railway bridges
A2. Requirements for passenger comfort for temporary bridges

5) Modification to 1.3
Article (2), 3rd dash, replace this list entry with the following one:


− adequate supervision and quality control is provided during design and during
execution of the work, i.e., factories, plants, and on site;


6) Modification to
Add the following NOTE:

“NOTE For the frequent value of multi-component traffic actions see load groups in EN 1991-2.”.

7) Modification to
Title, delete “(first or second order)”.

8) Modification to 1.6
Replace the content of the entire subclause with:

“For the purposes of this European Standard, the following symbols apply.

NOTE The notation used is based on ISO 3898:1987.

Latin upper case letters

A Accidental action
Ad Design value of an accidental action
AEd Design value of seismic action AEd = γ I AEk
AEk Characteristic value of seismic action
Cd Nominal value, or a function of certain design properties of materials
E Effect of actions
Ed Design value of effect of actions
Ed,dst Design value of effect of destabilising actions

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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

Ed,stb Design value of effect of stabilising actions

F Action
Fd Design value of an action
Fk Characteristic value of an action
Frep Representative value of an action

Fw Wind force (general symbol)

Fwk Characteristic value of the wind force
FW* Wind force compatible with road traffic
FW** Wind force compatible with railway traffic
G Permanent action
Gd Design value of a permanent action
Gd,inf Lower design value of a permanent action
Gd,sup Upper design value of a permanent action
Gk Characteristic value of a permanent action
Gk,j Characteristic value of permanent action j
Gk,j,sup / Upper/lower characteristic value of permanent action j
Gset Permanent action due to uneven settlements
P Relevant representative value of a prestressing action (see EN 1992
to EN 1996 and EN 1998 to EN 1999)
Pd Design value of a prestressing action
Pk Characteristic value of a prestressing action
Pm Mean value of a prestressing action
Q Variable action
Qd Design value of a variable action
Qk Characteristic value of a single variable action
Qk,1 Characteristic value of the leading variable action 1
Qk,i Characteristic value of the accompanying variable action i
QSn Characteristic value of snow load
R Resistance
Rd Design value of the resistance
Rk Characteristic value of the resistance
T Thermal climatic action (general symbol)
Tk Characteristic value of the thermal climatic action
X Material property
Xd Design value of a material property
Xk Characteristic value of a material property

Latin lower case letters

ad Design values of geometrical data

ak Characteristic values of geometrical data
anom Nominal value of geometrical data
d set Difference in settlement of an individual foundation or part of a
foundation compared to a reference level
u Horizontal displacement of a structure or structural member

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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

w Vertical deflection of a structural member

Greek upper case letters

∆a Change made to nominal geometrical data for particular design

purposes, e.g. assessment of effects of imperfections
∆d set Uncertainty attached to the assessment of the settlement of a
foundation or part of a foundation

Greek lower case letters

γ Partial factor (safety or serviceability)

γ bt Maximum peak value of bridge deck acceleration for ballasted track
γ df Maximum peak value of bridge deck acceleration for direct fastened
γ Gset Partial factor for permanent actions due to settlements, also
accounting for model uncertainties
γf Partial factor for actions, which takes account of the possibility of
unfavourable deviations of the action values from the representative
γF Partial factor for actions, also accounting for model uncertainties and
dimensional variations
γg Partial factor for permanent actions, which takes account of the
possibility of unfavourable deviations of the action values from the
representative values
γG Partial factor for permanent actions, also accounting for model
uncertainties and dimensional variations
γG,j Partial factor for permanent action j
γG,j,sup / Partial factor for permanent action j in calculating upper/lower
γG,j,inf design values
γI Importance factor (see EN 1998)
γm Partial factor for a material property
γM Partial factor for a material property, also accounting for model
uncertainties and dimensional variations
γP Partial factor for prestressing actions (see EN 1992 to EN 1996 and
EN 1998 to EN 1999)
γq Partial factor for variable actions, which takes account of the
possibility of unfavourable deviations of the action values from the
representative values
γQ Partial factor for variable actions, also accounting for model
uncertainties and dimensional variations
γQ,i Partial factor for variable action i
γRd Partial factor associated with the uncertainty of the resistance model
γSd Partial factor associated with the uncertainty of the action and/or
action effect model
η Conversion factor
ξ Reduction factor

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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

ψ0 Factor for combination value of a variable action

ψ1 Factor for frequent value of a variable action
ψ2 Factor for quasi-permanent value of a variable action”

9) Modification to 2.1
Article (1)P, 2nd dash, replace:

"- remain fit for the use for which it is required."

with the following bullet point including a new NOTE:

"- meet the specified serviceability requirements for a structure or a structural element.

NOTE See also 1.3, 2.1(7) and 2.4(1) P.".

10) Modification to 3.3

Article (4)P, replace the NOTE with:

“NOTE Different sets of partial factors are associated with the various ultimate limit states, see 6.4.1.”.

11) Modifications to 4.1.3

Article (1)P, list entry (b), replace NOTE 2 with:

“NOTE 2 The infrequent value, represented as a product ψ1,infqQk, may be used only for the verification of
certain serviceability limit states specifically for concrete bridges The infrequent value which is defined
only for road traffic loads (see EN 1991-2) is based on a return period of one year.”.

Article (1)P, list entry (b), add new NOTE 3 as follows:

“NOTE 3 For the frequent value of multi-component traffic actions see EN 1991-2.”.

12) Modification to 4.1.5


"(1) The characteristic and fatigue load models in EN 1991 include the effects of
accelerations caused by the actions either implicitly in the characteristic loads or explicitly
by applying dynamic enhancement factors to characteristic static loads."


"(1) The load models defined by characteristic values, and fatigue load models, in EN
1991 may include the effects of accelerations caused by the actions either implicitly or
explicitly by applying dynamic enhancement factors.".

12) Modifications to 6.4.1

Article (1)P, list entry a), 1st dash, replace this list entry with:


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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

- minor variations in the value or the spatial distribution of permanent actions from a
single source are significant, and


Article (1)P, list entry d), replace the NOTE with:

“NOTE For fatigue design, the combinations of actions are given in EN 1992 to EN 1995, EN 1998 and EN

Article (1)P, add new list entries e) and f) as follows:

e) UPL : loss of equilibrium of the structure or the ground due to uplift by water
pressure (buoyancy) or other vertical actions ;

NOTE See EN 1997.

f) HYD : hydraulic heave, internal erosion and piping in the ground caused by hydraulic

NOTE See EN 1997.


13) Modification to

Article (4), 2nd paragraph, replace with:

“For fire situations, apart from the temperature effect on the material properties, Ad should
represent the design value of the indirect effects of thermal action due to fire.”.

14) Modification to A.1.2.2

Article (1), replace the NOTE with:

“NOTE Recommended values of ψ factors for the more common actions may be obtained from Table
A1.1. For ψ factors during execution see EN 1991-1-6 Annex A1.”.

15) Modifications to A.1.3.1

Replace Article (7) with:

"(7) Hydraulic (HYD) and buoyancy (UPL) failure (e.g. in the bottom of an excavation
for a building structure) should be verified in accordance with EN 1997.".

Tables A1.2(A), A1.2(B) and A1.2(C), replace these tables and their respective titles with the
following ones:


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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)


Table A1.2(A) - Design values of actions (EQU) (Set A)

Persistent Permanent actions Leading Accompanying variable

and variable actions
transient action (*)
Unfavourable Favourable Main Others
(if any)
(Eq. 6.10) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γQ,1 Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i

(*) Variable actions are those considered in Table A1.1

NOTE 1 The γ values may be set by the National annex. The recommended set of values for γ are :
γG,j,sup = 1,10
γG,j,inf = 0,90
γQ,1 = 1,50 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ,i = 1,50 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)

NOTE 2 In cases where the verification of static equilibrium also involves the resistance of structural
members, as an alternative to two separate verifications based on Tables A1.2(A) and A1.2(B), a
combined verification, based on Table A1.2(A), may be adopted, if allowed by the National annex, with
the following set of recommended values. The recommended values may be altered by the National
γG,j,sup = 1,35
γG,j,inf = 1,15
γQ,1 = 1,50 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ,i = 1,50 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
provided that applying γG,j,inf = 1,00 both to the favourable part and to the unfavourable part of permanent
actions does not give a more unfavourable effect.


Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

Table A1.2(B) - Design values of actions (STR/GEO) (Set B)

Persistent Permanent actions Leading Accompanying Persistent Permanent actions Leading Accompanying
and transient variable variable actions (*) and transient variable variable actions (*)
design action design action (*)
situations situations
Unfavourable Favourable Main Others Unfavourable Favourable Action Main Others
(if any)
(Eq. 6.10) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γQ,1Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i (Eq. 6.10a) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γQ,1ψ0,1Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i

(Eq. 6.10b) ξγG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γQ,1Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i

(*) Variable actions are those considered in Table A1.1

NOTE 1 The choice between 6.10, or 6.10a and 6.10b will be in the National annex. In case of 6.10a and 6.10b, the National annex may in addition modify 6.10a to include
permanent actions only.

NOTE 2 The γ and ξ values may be set by the National annex. The following values for γ and ξ are recommended when using expressions 6.10, or 6.10a and 6.10b.
γG,j,sup = 1,35
γG,j,inf = 1,00
γQ,1 = 1,50 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ,i = 1,50 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
ξ = 0,85 (so that ξγG,j,sup = 0,85 × 1,35 ≅ 1,15).
See also EN 1991 to EN 1999 for γ values to be used for imposed deformations.

NOTE 3 The characteristic values of all permanent actions from one source are multiplied by γG,sup if the total resulting action effect is unfavourable and γG,inf if the total resulting
action effect is favourable. For example, all actions originating from the self weight of the structure may be considered as coming from one source; this also applies if different
materials are involved.

NOTE 4 For particular verifications, the values for γG and γQ may be subdivided into γg and γq and the model uncertainty factor γSd. A value of γSd in the range 1,05 to 1,15 can be
used in most common cases and can be modified in the National annex.


Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

Table A1.2(C) - Design values of actions (STR/GEO) (Set C)

Persistent Permanent actions Leading Accompanying variable
and variable actions (*)
transient action (*)
Unfavourable Favourable Main (if any) Others

(Eq. 6.10) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γQ,1 Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i

(*) Variable actions are those considered in Table A1.1

NOTE The γ values may be set by the National annex. The recommended set of values for γ are :
γG,j,sup = 1,00
γG,j,inf = 1,00
γQ,1 = 1,30 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ,i = 1,30 where unfavourable (0 where favourable)


16) Modification to A.1.3.2

Table A1.3, replace the table with the following one:


Design Permanent actions Leading Accompanying

situation accidental variable actions (**)
or seismic
Unfavourable Favourable Main (if any) Others
Accidental (*) Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf Ad ψ1,1 or ψ2,i Qk,i
(Eq. 6.11a/b) ψ2,1Qk,1
Seismic Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf AEd = γIAEk ψ2,i Qk,i
(Eq. 6.12a/b)
(*) In the case of accidental design situations, the main variable action may be taken with its frequent or,

as in seismic combinations of actions, its quasi-permanent values. The choice will be in the National

annex, depending on the accidental action under consideration. See also EN 1991-1-2.

(**) Variable actions are those considered in Table A1.1.



Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

17) Modification to A1.4.1

Table A1.4, replace the table with the following one:


Combination Permanent actions Gd Variable actions Qd

Unfavourable Favourable Leading Others
Characteristic Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf Qk,1 ψ0,iQk,i

Frequent Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf ψ1,1Qk,1 ψ2,iQk,i

Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf ψ2,1Qk,1 ψ2,iQk,i


Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

2) Modification to "Annex A2"

Just before the line "Annex A2" and the title of the Annex, add the following instruction:

"18) Modification to the Annexes

At the end of Annex A1 and before Annex B, add the following Annex A2:".

3) Modification to A2.1.1
Delete the line with the subclause number and title:

"A2.1.1 General".

4) Modification to A2.1.2
Delete the whole subclause A2.1.2.

5) Modification to A2.2.4
Paragraph (2), list, replace the second list entry with the following one:


− vertical rail traffic actions excluding dynamic factor and lateral rail traffic actions from
the “unloaded train” defined in EN 1991-2 (6.3.4 and 6.5) with wind forces for checking

6) Modifications to A2.2.5
Article (2), replace NOTE 1 with:

"NOTE 1 For actions due to impact from traffic, see EN 1991-1-7.".

Article (3), replace NOTE 1 with:

"NOTE 1 For actions due to impact from traffic, see EN 1991-1-7.".

7) Modifications to A2.2.6

Table A2.1, 4th column ("Ψ1"), 7th row ("Traffic loads"/"gr3 (Pedestrian loads)"), replace:




Table A2.1, 4th column ("Ψ1"), 8th row ("Traffic loads"/"gr4 (LM4 – Crowd loading))"), replace:




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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)


Table A2.1, 4th column ("Ψ1"), 9th row ("Traffic loads"/"gr5 (LM3 – Special vehicles))"), replace:




Replace Paragraph (2) with the following one:

"(2) For railway bridges, a unique ψ value should be applied to one group of loads as defined
in EN 1991-2, and taken as equal to the ψ value applicable to the leading component of the

Replace Paragraph (3) with the following one:

"(3) For railway bridges, where groups of loads are used the groups of loads defined in
EN 1991-2, 6.8.2, Table 6.11 should be used.".

Replace Paragraph (4) with the following one:

"(4) Where relevant, combinations of individual traffic actions (including individual

components) should be taken into account for railway bridges. Individual traffic actions may
also have to be taken into account, for example for the design of bearings, for the assessment of
maximum lateral and minimum vertical traffic loading, bearing restraints, maximum overturning
effects on abutments (especially for continuous bridges), etc., see Table A2.3.".

8) Modifications to A2.3.1
Replace Paragraph (7) with the following one:

"(7) Hydraulic (HYD) and buoyancy (UPL) failure (e.g. in the bottom of an excavation for a
bridge foundation), if relevant, should be verified in accordance with EN 1997.".

Tables A.2.4(A), (B) and (C), replace these tables and their respective titles with the following ones:


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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)


Table A2.4(A) - Design values of actions (EQU) (Set A)

Persistent and Permanent actions Prestress Leading Accompanying variable

transient variable actions (*)
action (*)
Unfavourable Favourable Main Others
(if any)
(Eq. 6.10) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γ PP γQ,1 Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i

(*) Variable actions are those considered in Tables A2.1 to A2.3.

NOTE 1 The γ values for the persistent and transient design situations may be set by the National Annex.

For persistent design situations, the recommended set of values for γ are:
γG,sup = 1,05
γG,inf = 0,95(1)
γQ = 1,35 for road and pedestrian traffic actions, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,45 for rail traffic actions, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,50 for all other variable actions for persistent design situations, where unfavourable (0 where favourable).
γP = recommended values defined in the relevant design Eurocode.

For transient design situations during which there is a risk of loss of static equilibrium, Qk,1 represents the dominant
destabilising variable action and Qk,i represents the relevant accompanying destabilising variable actions.

During execution, if the construction process is adequately controlled, the recommended set of values for γ are:
γG,sup = 1,05
γG,inf = 0,95(1)
γQ = 1,35 for construction loads where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,50 for all other variable actions, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
Where a counterweight is used, the variability of its characteristics may be taken into account, for example, by
one or both of the following recommended rules:
− applying a partial factor γ G ,inf = 0,8 where the self-weight is not well defined (e.g. containers);
− by considering a variation of its project-defined position specified proportionately to the dimensions of the
bridge, where the magnitude of the counterweight is well defined. For steel bridges during launching, the
variation of the counterweight position is often taken equal to ± 1 m.

NOTE 2 For the verification of uplift of bearings of continuous bridges or in cases where the verification of static
equilibrium also involves the resistance of structural elements (for example where the loss of static equilibrium is
prevented by stabilising systems or devices, e.g. anchors, stays or auxiliary columns), as an alternative to two
separate verifications based on Tables A2.4(A) and A2.4(B), a combined verification, based on Table A2.4(A), may
be adopted. The National Annex may set the γ values. The following values of γ are recommended:
γG,sup = 1,35
γG,inf = 1,25
γQ = 1,35 for road and pedestrian traffic actions, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,45 for rail traffic actions, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,50 for all other variable actions for persistent design situations, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,35 for all other variable actions, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
provided that applying γG,inf = 1,00 both to the favourable part and to the unfavourable part of permanent actions
does not give a more unfavourable effect.


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EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

Table A2.4(B) - Design values of actions (STR/GEO) (Set B)

Persistent Permanent actions Prestress Leading Accompanying Persistent Permanent actions Prestress Leading Accompanying
and variable variable actions (*) and transient variable variable actions (*)
transient Unfavourable Favourable action (*) Main Others design Unfavourable Favourable action (*) Main Others
design (if any) situation (if any)
(Eq. 6.10) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γPP γQ,1Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i (Eq. 6.10a) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γPP γQ,1ψ0,1Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i
(Eq. 6.10b) ξγG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γPP γQ,1Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i
(*) Variable actions are those considered in Tables A2.1 to A2.3.

NOTE 1 The choice between 6.10, or 6.10a and 6.10b will be in the National Annex. In the case of 6.10a and 6.10b, the National Annex may in addition modify 6.10a to include permanent actions

NOTE 2 The γ and ξ values may be set by the National Annex. The following values for γ and ξ are recommended when using expressions 6.10, or 6.10a and 6.10b:
γG,sup = 1,351)
γG,inf = 1,00
γQ = 1,35 when Q represents unfavourable actions due to road or pedestrian traffic (0 when favourable)
γQ = 1,45 when Q represents unfavourable actions due to rail traffic, for groups of loads 11 to 31 (except 16, 17, 263) and 273)), load models LM71, SW/0 and HSLM and real trains, when
considered as individual leading traffic actions (0 when favourable)
γQ = 1,20 when Q represents unfavourable actions due to rail traffic, for groups of loads 16 and 17 and SW/2 (0 when favourable)
γQ = 1,50 for other traffic actions and other variable actions 2)
ξ = 0,85 (so that ξγG,sup = 0,85 × 1,35 ≅ 1,15).
γGset = 1,20 in the case of a linear elastic analysis, and γGset = 1,35 in the case of a non linear analysis, for design situations where actions due to uneven settlements may have unfavourable effects.
For design situations where actions due to uneven settlements may have favourable effects, these actions are not to be taken into account.
See also EN 1991 to EN 1999 for γ values to be used for imposed deformations.
γP = recommended values defined in the relevant design Eurocode.
This value covers: self-weight of structural and non structural elements, ballast, soil, ground water and free water, removable loads, etc.
This value covers: variable horizontal earth pressure from soil, ground water, free water and ballast, traffic load surcharge earth pressure, traffic aerodynamic actions, wind and thermal actions, etc.
For rail traffic actions for groups of loads 26 and 27 γQ = 1,20 may be applied to individual components of traffic actions associated with SW/2 and γQ = 1,45 may be applied to individual
components of traffic actions associated with load models LM71, SW/0 and HSLM, etc.


Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

Table continued on next page

Table continued from previous page

NOTE 3 The characteristic values of all permanent actions from one source are multiplied by γG,sup if the total resulting action effect is unfavourable and γG,inf if the total resulting action effect is
favourable. For example, all actions originating from the self-weight of the structure may be considered as coming from one source; this also applies if different materials are involved. See however

NOTE 4 For particular verifications, the values for γG and γQ may be subdivided into γg and γq and the model uncertainty factor γSd. A value of γSd in the range 1,0–1,15 may be used in most common
cases and may be modified in the National Annex.

NOTE 5 Where actions due to water are not covered by EN 1997 (e.g. flowing water), the combinations of actions to be used may be specified for the individual project.


Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)

Table A2.4(C) - Design values of actions (STR/GEO) (Set C)

Persistent and Permanent actions Prestress Leading Accompanying variable

transient variable actions (*)
Unfavourable Favourable action (*) Main Others
(if any)
(Eq. 6.10) γG,j,supGk,j,sup γG,j,infGk,j,inf γ PP γQ,1 Qk,1 γQ,iψ0,iQk,i

(*) Variable actions are those considered in Tables A2.1 to A2.3

NOTE The γ values may be set by the National Annex. The recommended set of values for γ are:
γG,sup = 1,00
γG,inf = 1,00
γGset = 1,00
γQ = 1,15 for road and pedestrian traffic actions where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,25 for rail traffic actions where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,30 for the variable part of horizontal earth pressure from soil, ground water, free water and ballast,
for traffic load surcharge horizontal earth pressure, where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γQ = 1,30 for all other variable actions where unfavourable (0 where favourable)
γGset = 1,00 in the case of linear elastic or non linear analysis, for design situations where actions due to
uneven settlements may have unfavourable effects. For design situations where actions due to uneven
settlements may have favourable effects, these actions are not to be taken into account.
γP = recommended values defined in the relevant design Eurocode.


9) Modification to A2.3.2
Paragraph (1), Table A2.5, replace the table with the following one:


Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 (E)


Design Permanent actions Prestress Accidental Accompanying

situation or seismic variable actions (**)
Unfavourable Favourable action Main Others
(if any)
Accidental(*) Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf P Ad ψ1,1Qk,1 ψ2,i Qk,i
(Eq. 6.11a/b) or
Seismic(***) Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf P AEd = γ I AEk ψ2,i Qk,i
(Eq. 6.12a/b)
(*) In the case of accidental design situations, the main variable action may be taken with its frequent or,
as in seismic combinations of actions, its quasi-permanent values. The choice will be in the National
Annex, depending on the accidental action under consideration.

(**) Variable actions are those considered in Tables A2.1 to A2.3.

(***) The National Annex or the individual project may specify particular seismic design situations. For
railway bridges only one track need be loaded and load model SW/2 may be neglected.

NOTE The design values in this Table A2.5 may be changed in the National Annex. The recommended
values are γ = 1,0 for all non seismic actions.

10) Modification to A2.4.1

Paragraph (1), Table A2.6, replace the table with the following one:


Combination Permanent actions Gd Prestress Variable actions Qd

Unfavourable Favourable Leading Others
Characteristic Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf P Qk,1 ψ0,iQk,i

Frequent Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf P ψ1,1Qk,1 ψ2,iQk,i

Quasi-permanent Gk,j,sup Gk,j,inf P ψ2,1Qk,1 ψ2,iQk,i



Rakennustuoteteollisuus. Käyttö sallittu vain standardien laadintaan. 07.05.2010

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