1 Light and Dark: in This Module You Will
1 Light and Dark: in This Module You Will
1 Light and Dark: in This Module You Will
How can they see each other? There are many things that appear bright, but they are just
Where is the light coming from? reflections of light from somewhere else. They bounce light
from a source into our eyes. The Moon and shiny objects
Parts of the town square below are in
behave like this.
the light. Other parts are in the shade.
Look at the pictures. Read the words and circle the
Where is the light coming from?
sources of light.
What is making the shade?
Underline the ones which reflect light.
There are some shiny things that we
think are sources of light, but they are
not. They are bouncing the light from
another source. This is called reflection.
Look at the buildings below. The shiny
surfaces are reflecting the light.
Does a mirror give out light? Planet Sun Mirror Spoon Candle
We can see our reflection in a
mirror. Does this mean the mirror
is a source of light?
1 With a partner, take it in turns to hold a mirror in front of Name two artificial sources of light.
8 your face to look at your reflection. 9
1 Take it in turns to wear 2 Think about all the 3 Take off the blindfold.
a blindfold. Then sit sounds you can hear. What can you hear
very still and quiet. now?
Circle the correct answer.
When could you hear the most noises? Why?
1 Darkness is when there is:
Some people say they can see in the dark. This is not true. There light no light
has to be some light to see by.
What can you see in total darkness? What happens if you hold the torch
further away? Think about…
A shadow is the same
shape as the object
During the day, what is the natural source of light? that makes it.
We need light to see things (pages 10–13) I can change the size of a shadow.