Centro Escolar University School of Medical Technology Group Reporting Rubrics
Centro Escolar University School of Medical Technology Group Reporting Rubrics
Centro Escolar University School of Medical Technology Group Reporting Rubrics
Organization The speech has a clear The introduction and The introduction and No attempt has been made to
introduction that catches the conclusion are clear and conclusion may be ineffective compose an effective introduction
audience’s attention effectively somewhat related to the and not related to the whole; or conclusion; there is no logical
and is connected to the whole; whole; some transitions are the logical plan must be plan to the speech X5
effective transitions recap each used inferred, as no transitions are
main point; the conclusion used
effectively summarizes the
Development All main points begin with a Most main points begin with a Some main points have stated Main points contain no topic
clear topic sentence; all main clear topic sentence; Most or implied topic sentences; sentences; main points are not
and supporting points are main and supporting some main points are supported by specific X3
supported by specific and points include specific supported by specific examples/evidence; little or no
highly effective evidence/examples; most evidence/examples; some supporting material is used; main
examples/evidence; the main main and supporting points main and supporting points and supporting points do not
and supporting points all relate relate to each other relate to each other relate to each other
to each other
Style Language is memorable; Most language is somewhat Language is not memorable; Language is not memorable or is
language is well-chosen; tone is memorable; language usage is language usage is at times confusing; language usage is
appropriate. Visuals and/or correct; tone is usually inaccurate; tone is at times often inaccurate; tone is X2
interactions with audience are Appropriate. Visuals and/or inappropriate. Visuals and/or inappropriate or distracting.
clear, engaging, and fully interactions with audience are interactions with audience are Visuals and/or interactions with
support the presentation. mostly clear, engaging, and somewhat clear, engaging, audience are not clear, engaging,
support the presentation. and support the presentation. or supporting of the presentation.
Delivery Eye contact is effectively Eye contact with the audience Eye contact with the audience No eye contact is made with the
established with the audience; is somewhat established; is hardly established; gestures audience; gestures and verbal
gestures and verbal gestures and verbal cues are and verbal cues cues are not used to reinforce X3
cues are used to reinforce sometimes used to reinforce are seldom used to reinforce particularly important ideas;
particularly important ideas; no particularly important ideas; particularly important ideas; vocalized pauses are used in
excessive use of vocalized several vocalized pauses vocalized pauses are used abundance and distract from the
pauses (e.g., “ah”, “um”); are used; student is somewhat frequently; student is not very overall message
student is very articulate. articulate. Adheres to time articulate
Adheres to time limit/requirement.
References Outside sources are Source material is Source material is Source material is never
incorporated logically, incorporated logically and incorporated but sometimes incorporated or incorporated X2
insightfully, and elegantly; adequately; sources are inappropriately or unclearly; inappropriately or
sources are documented documented accurately for the sources are only occasionally unclearly; documentation is
accurately most part documented accurately inaccurate