Full Length Research Article: ISSN:2230-9926
Full Length Research Article: ISSN:2230-9926
Full Length Research Article: ISSN:2230-9926
International Journal of
Article History: Recent field and laboratory studies have shown that the effect of Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)
Received 15th January, 2015 can be not conservative to a structure if not considered. In evaluating the SSI effect along
Received in revised form basement walls on the seismic response of moment-resisting frame buildings with multiple
17th February, 2015 basements, a parametric study is performed on multiple story buildings resting on flexible
Accepted 21st March, 2015 grounds. The number of basements is varied and UBC suggested site conditions are considered.
Published online 29th April, 2015 Comparing results obtained by Plaxis that considers SSI along basement walls and Robot that
consider it only at foundation level (by mean of springs), one can observe that SSI along
Key words: basement walls greatly affects the seismic performance of buildings subjected to ground
Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI), movements. Results obtained from Plaxis and integrated into the Robot model by means of
Basement Walls, springs along basement walls with specific extracted stiffness values proved the accuracy of the
Seismic Behavior, method. These stiffness values are calculated using force-displacement relationships, and charts
Moment Resisting Frames, that relate stiffness to depth of basements are generated.
Base Shear,
Copyright © 2015Désirée Hanna Khoueiry and Michel Farid Khouri. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
programs and to find a procedure to integrate these effects • Soil Class D, corresponding to a stiff soil profile,
obtained from Plaxis into structure analysis programs, such as • Soil Class E, corresponding to a soft soil profile.
Robot. This study will be limited to the effect of soil-structure
interaction on the top displacement of the building and its Preliminary analysis of the buildings
fundamental frequency, noting that the soil-structure
interaction is not limited to variations in the fundamental The five, ten, fifteen and twenty story buildings were modeled
period of the structure, but has also lots of different effects. using the structural analysis program ROBOT assuming fixed
base condition. In order to simplify the comparison between
Description of the building models models, column sections were not changed since the objective
of this study is the seismic behavior of the building rather than
The parametric study involves the investigation of seismic its seismic design. Seismic loads are calculated using the code
behavior of buildings with 5, 10, 15 and 20 stories with 3, 5 UBC97 (Uniform Building Code, 1997). On the other hand,
and 7 basements. The models adopted herein are reinforced the superstructure is considered to remain in the elastic range
concrete moment resisting frames of 5m spans. Each story during the seismic excitation (Khouri, 2009; Khouri, 2011).
height is 3m, the thickness of the floor was taken equal to The basement walls must resist the lateral earth pressure, the
0.25m according to the rules of the ACI 318M-08 (American, bending moment and shear. Table 4 provides the stiffness of
2008).The slabs were considered rigidly connected to the columns and basement walls obtained.
columns and the buildings were assumed to rest on a mat type
foundation. The gravity loads assigned to the buildings were Buildings considered in this study involve different vertical
the dead loads consisting of the own weight of structural loads on foundations in addition to several types of soils; this
components, in addition to the load due to non-structural wide range of variable parameters results in different
elements and the live load. These loads are presented in the thicknesses for the mat foundation. In order to reduce the
Table 1. complications of the comparison process between various
Table 1. Gravity loads acting on the buildings models, the same raft thickness was used for all buildings with
the same soil class type. Consequently, the bearing capacity
Unit weight of the concrete 25 KN/m3 safety factor is higher for buildings with 5 floors and decreases
Nonstructural components 5 KN/m2 by increasing the number of floors. For soil class C, a raft of
Live load 2.5 KN/m3 1.5m was used; also for soil class D, a raft of 1.5m was used,
however the study was carried out only for 5, 10 and 15 floors
The concrete used for structural elements has a compressive and not for 20 floors; this is because the bearing capacity of
strength f'c = 25 MPa, an elastic modulus E = 32000 MPa, a the soil cannot support the loads of the 20 floors. On the other
shear modulus G = 13300 MPa and a Poisson's ratio equal to hand, the raft thickness used for soil class E was2m and
0.2.The buildings site has a 35-m-thick deposit of buildings with 5 and 10 floors were only considered for this
homogeneous soil underlain by the bedrock. type of soil.
Table 2. Soil properties
Table 4. Rigidities of columns and basement walls for various stories considered.
The information of this layer are used to calculate the Table 5. Ultimate bearing capacity for the soil types and
foundation’s properties and the static pressure on basement basements considered
walls according to ACI 318M-08. No groundwater is
considered; also the deformation modulus E and the shear Ca [kg/cm2) 3 basements 5 basements 7 basements
modulus G of the soil are the dynamic modulus used for small Soil SC 4.8 5.8 6.9
Soil SD 2.8 3.7 4.8
deformation (FASCICULE, 2012; Bourgeois, 1997). Soil SE 1.9 2.6 3.6
Three soil types considered for the parametric study similar to Even though the bearing capacity is important in the analysis
those presented inUBC97 (Uniform Building Code, 1997): of any structure, the effect of varying it was not significant for
• Soil Class C, corresponding to a very dense soil to soft our study because we are mostly involved with the basement
4063 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 05, Issue, 04, pp. 4061-4068, April, 2015
walls subjected to lateral loads. Table 5 shows the ultimate The difference between Robot Model and Plaxis Model will
bearing capacity of each soil type for each excavation depth. only be the SSI along basement walls. The stiffness
coefficients of the springs are determined from the expressions
PLAXIS modeling of Newmark and Resenblueth for rectangular foundations
(Newmark, 1971).
Literature has shown that PLAXIS software has proven its
efficiency in many engineering cases for modeling SSI. Many
Kh = 2(1+υ).G.βx√ .
articles address how Plaxis can efficiently be applied as a tool
in seismic SSI problems (Besseling and Lengkeek, 2012). The Kv= v√ .
Plaxis bulletin in many issues contains descriptions of
practical projects in which Plaxis has been used for modeling With:
SSI (Plaxis Bulletin, 2006). Plaxis performs analysis in plane
strain and allows introducing the whole soil-structure system; L/B = 1 and (βx =1, βv = 2.16),
this system is subjected to seismic excitation at the L/B = 2 and (βx =0.94, βv = 2.2),
impermeable bedrock level. The linear elastic elements in L/B = 4and (βx =1, βv = 2.4),
PLAXIS, are represented by their normal inertia EA and
bending inertia EI as “plate” elements. The load includes self- Where L and B are the length and width of the foundation,
weight, superimposed dead load plus25% of the live load, and taken in this case equal to 1considering the rigidities per
physical damping in the building and the ground is simulated square meter of the floor. Table 6 gives the values of the
by Rayleigh formula. In addition, Mohr-Coulomb was used to spring stiffness for both directions depending on the shear
model the soil and the presence of groundwater is neglected. wave velocities associated with the three types of soils studied.
The seismic loading at the base of the building will be the
The seismic loading was applied as a time history amplified accelerogram obtained from a site response analysis
corresponding to a maximum seismic acceleration of 0.2g. carried out within PLAXIS at the foundation level. The time-
This time history was obtained from recordings on a bedrock displacement curve at the top of the building will be compared
site made in Turkey and presented in Figure 1. The vertical to that obtained from PLAXIS in addition to the natural
limits are taken far from the building and considered as frequency. Consequently, the influence of the SSI along
absorbent boundaries; they absorb the seismic waves and basement walls will be the difference between the two models.
prevent their reflections in the ground, see Figure 2.The
seismic excitation time was taken to be 10s for all models, and Table 6.Properties of each soil type
the time-displacement at the top of the building and the
fundamental period obtained from PLAXIS are to be Soil type SC SD SE
compared to the Robot Model. Shear wave velocity Vs [m/s] 400 200 100
Density ρ [kN/m3] 18 18 16
Poisson's ratio υ 0.3 0.4 0.3
Kh [T/m] 76440 20572 4246
Kv [T/m] 90720 26450 5039
Figure 16. Side Springs Rigidities for 7basements Finally, this paper presents an analysis technique that allows
the proper evaluation of structures with multiple basements
Conclusions situated in seismic zones. Analysis and designers that use
structural analysis programs such as Robot can utilize the
In this study, the impact of the soil-structure interaction along outcome of this work to incorporate the SSI into their designs.
basement walls on the dynamic behavior of the structure was
investigated. The seismic behavior of buildings with multiple Acknowledgements
stories and underground stories examined and three soil types
considered for the parametric study similar to those presented The authors thanks Optimal Engineering Consulting and
in UBC97. The work steps that were done can be presented as Contracting for sponsoring the major part of this work and
follows: special thanks to the Lebanese University, Faculty of
Engineering, Branch II and École Doctoral des Sciences et de
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