TDS MasterRoc SA 192 PDF
TDS MasterRoc SA 192 PDF
TDS MasterRoc SA 192 PDF
Alkali-free, liquid, solution type high performance set accelerator for sprayed concrete
thoroughly cleaned with plenty of water. Failure precautions as with handling and use of
to do so provokes blockages in the dosing system. cementitious products should be observed:
Make sure that all operators involved in testing and
application are fully informed.
Avoid eye and skin contact and wear rubber
gloves and goggles. If contact occurs, rinse with
Storage plenty of water. In case of eye contact seek
MasterRoc SA 192 must be stored at minimum medical advice.
+5°C and maximum +35°C. (optimum temperature For further information, refer to the Material Safety
for storage and performance is +20°C). Data Sheet or contact your local BASF
MasterRoc SA 192 has to be kept in closed
containers made of plastic, glass fiber plastic or
stainless steel. TDS Ref. No: M’RocSA192/02/0914
MasterRoc SA 192 must not be stored in normal
steel containers as the pH can cause corrosion
that might affect the performance of the product.
Safety precautions
MasterRoc SA 192 contains no hazardous
substances requiring labeling. However, the same
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are based on the present
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NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF Construction Chemicals
either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF
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