This document contains a lesson plan for a Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction class for two grade 11 sections. Over four class sessions, students will learn about geological hazards like sinkholes and landslides. They will discuss the causes of these hazards, recognize warning signs, interpret geological maps, and identify mitigation strategies. Lessons include videos, pictures, reading assignments, and group activities. The goal is for students to develop a family emergency preparedness plan to apply what they've learned.
This document contains a lesson plan for a Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction class for two grade 11 sections. Over four class sessions, students will learn about geological hazards like sinkholes and landslides. They will discuss the causes of these hazards, recognize warning signs, interpret geological maps, and identify mitigation strategies. Lessons include videos, pictures, reading assignments, and group activities. The goal is for students to develop a family emergency preparedness plan to apply what they've learned.
This document contains a lesson plan for a Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction class for two grade 11 sections. Over four class sessions, students will learn about geological hazards like sinkholes and landslides. They will discuss the causes of these hazards, recognize warning signs, interpret geological maps, and identify mitigation strategies. Lessons include videos, pictures, reading assignments, and group activities. The goal is for students to develop a family emergency preparedness plan to apply what they've learned.
This document contains a lesson plan for a Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction class for two grade 11 sections. Over four class sessions, students will learn about geological hazards like sinkholes and landslides. They will discuss the causes of these hazards, recognize warning signs, interpret geological maps, and identify mitigation strategies. Lessons include videos, pictures, reading assignments, and group activities. The goal is for students to develop a family emergency preparedness plan to apply what they've learned.
I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of : Related geological hazards 1. Rainfall – induced landslide 2. Sinkhole B. Performance Standard The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and after the occurrence of events that cause geological hazards. C. Learning Competencies Discuss the different geologic Recognize signs of impending geologic Interpret geological maps Apply mitigation strategies to prevent hazards hazard events DRR11/12 II a-b -30 loss of lives and property. DRR11/12 IIa-b-27 DRR11/12 IIa-b-29 DRR11/12 IIa-b-31 Analyze the cause of geologic hazards DRR11/12IIa-b-28 II. CONTENT Other related geological hazard Other related geological hazard Other related geological hazard Other related geological hazard III. LEARNING RESOURCE A. References TG page 111-115 TG page 111-115 TG page 111-115 TG page 111-115 B. Other Learning Resources Rex Bookstore – Disaster Readiness Rex Bookstore – Disaster Readiness Rex Bookstore – Disaster Readiness Rex Bookstore – Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction page 240-257 and Risk Reduction page 110-179 and Risk Reduction page 110-179 and Risk Reduction page 110-179 IV. PROCEDURES A. Beginning Show to the learners a video about Show the video about the Cherry Hills Show videos of geohazards maps. sinkhole. Ask the learners to Landslide. Ask the learners to take note After watching ask the what is the describe sinkhole in their own of some of the early warning signs the video all about. words. residents of Cherry Hills noticed before the landslide. B. Middle Show pictures of 3 types of sinkhole Show pictures and asks the class if they Ask the learners what is the Reading activity: Rain – induced and discuss each of them. can identify warning signs on an importance of colors from geohazard Landslide Susceptibility: A Guidebook impending landslide. map. for Communities and Non –experts. C. End Ask the learners to define sinkhole Group activity: Each group will read an The learners will identify the different Group Work : Find the slope or set of and explain some the causes of article of sink hole detection. And relate the parts of geohazard map. slopes within the premises of the sinks holes. it to landslide warning signs. school which learners can assess. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION
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Teacher II SHS Coordinator Head Teacher V Principal III