Lesson Plan in Enlish V
Lesson Plan in Enlish V
Lesson Plan in Enlish V
At the end of the class discussion, the pupils must be able to gather relevant information from
the dictionary and determine the different uses of it with a mastery level of 75 %.
Very good. So what is the difference When we say fact it is something that is always true or can
between the two? be proven to be true while opinion those are statement
that is not true.
So, how do we know that a statement is a
fact? If it states reality and truth.
An opinion? If it is just a hearsays, feelings, emotions, perceptions and
What word do we usually use in stating an Sometimes we use the word perhaps, it seems, I think, in
opinion? my own opinion, maybe, might and others to make a
statement appear to be an opinion.
Where do we usually find (/hear)
statements that are fact? In the news.
How about an opinion? Sometimes in the entertainment or elsewhere as long as it
states no reality.
Okay very good!
A. 1. Phonics
The host announces the weather report.
They went together.
3. brother
He has a little brother named John.
The bird has a beautiful blue feather. feather
Nothing can replace the love of a mother. mother
The rhythm band plays a wonderful rhythm
7. leather
Leather shoes.
Lather and rinse carefully. lather
It’s smoother than the other.
The children gather together. Together
Very good!
2. Spelling
May I request everyone to please get ¼
sheet of paper, we will have our spelling
quiz. (Later we will know the syllabication
of each word with the help of dictionary.)
So, what do you feel during the game? It was exciting and fun.
How did you find it? It is very challenging.
Is it easy to relay information to someone No ma’am.
without talking?
Who says it easy? Who says it’s difficult? Pupils have varying answers.
What do you think is our lesson today? Our lesson for today is about the Importance and Uses od
a Dictionary.
Very good!
Our lesson for today is about the
importance and uses of dictionary.
At your age you will wonder why we need
to study more about the importance and
uses o dictionary.
Dear children, we need to study the
importance and uses of dictionary because
it has been our source of all our English
words. Besides English is our second
language and our International Language.
It is very useful in our daily life in order for
us to communicate effectively with our
fellow Filipino citizen that’s why we have
our English subject in our curriculum.
1. Syllabication
-is the breaking of a word into parts. Each
part is called SYLLABLE.
-sometimes we use hyphens, dots and
When you open a dictionary and look for a
particular word you will see there how the
word is being syllabicated.
Example: ceremony(cer-e-mo-ny) using a
(Cer•e•mo•ny)using a dots
( cer e mon y) using spaces
Always remember that not all dictionaries
contain syllabication of a word, others may
have while others do not.
2. Stress Mark
-the symbol (‘) between syllables is called
an accent mark or stress mark. It tells
which part or syllable of word is said in a
strong voice.
Example: furniture (fur’-ni-ture)
Based on the example the stress mark is
found in the first syllable ‘fur’ which
means that you are going to say the word
‘fur’ in a strong voice. Accent mark or
stress mark is a punctuation mark called
apostrophe but if seen in a dictionary has a
meaning. Just like what I have said before
if the accent mark is located on the 1st
syllable you should say it in a strong voice;
if it is in the 2nd syllable stress the 2nd
syllable; if it is in the 3rd stress the 3rd
syllable and so on.
3. Multiple Meaning
- some words may have different
meanings. In choosing the correct
meaning, we should consider how the
word is used in the sentence.
Okay get your Skill Builder book and open
on page 13.
So what is your answer in no. 1?
No. 2? No. 3? No. 4? And No. 5?
Take note that the encircled word in each
item is the word trunk. It is used in
different ways. Its meaning vary according
to its use in the sentence so always
remember that a word may vary its
meaning when use in different sentences.
So you will notice that some words has
many meanings in the dictionary.
4. Antonym
-an antonym is a word that has the
opposite or almost the opposite meaning
as another word.
ex.: small-tall
Always remember that not all dictionaries
contain antonyms and synonyms of a
word. When we say antonym it is opposite
in meaning.
5. Synonyms
-a synonym is a word that has the same or
almost the same meaning as another
6. Etymology
-the study of origin of words and the
historical development of its meaning.
Etymology or origin of a word is also
important when we try to know where the
word is derived from. Say for example the
word is phobia. Looe for the origin of the
word phobia using a dictionary.
Very good, you will see there that it’s from
a Greek word “phobos” which means fear.
Written in this manner ( Gk phobos, fear)
7. Pronunciation
-the way in which a word is pronounce.
Entry word is always followed by
pronunciation- a manner in which a word
is pronounce. Usually enclosed by a
2. literature
Word entry syllbication Part of origin meaning
1. phobia
2. clasiify
3. ignorant
4. propose
Student Teacher
Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher