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Plaxis 2D: The Most Used Tool For Geo-Engineering

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The most used tool for geo-engineering

PLAXIS 2D and the Thermal, 2D Dynamics and 2D PlaxFlow

modules create a powerful and user friendly finite element PLAXIS Academy
package intended for two-dimensional analysis of defor- Expand your knowledge and join our specialised
mation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock courses, trainings and workshops worldwide.
mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering www.plaxis.com/plaxisacademy
companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical
engineering industry. Applications range from excavations,
embankment and foundations to tunnelling, mining and
reservoir geomechanics. PLAXIS Expert Services
Expert Services provides advanced finite element
The software is equipped with a broad range of advanced modelling consulting services, resulting in faster
features to model a diverse range of geotechnical problems implementations and quicker return on investments.
all within a single package. The geometry is modelled via www.plaxis.com/expertservices
predefined structural element types and loading types
using CAD-like drawing tools, leading to fast and efficient
finite element model creation. A large range of material
models is offered to accurately model the behaviour of PLAXIS VIP
various soils and rock types, which together with a robust Get the most out of your PLAXIS licence by subscribing
calculation procedures provide realistic assessment of to PLAXIS VIP to receive software releases, priority
stresses and displacements. support, specialised features, and discounts.
The PLAXIS Output program consists of a full suite of
visualisation tools to check details of the underground soil-
structure model for powerful and versatile post processing.
Python based scripting facilities are available to couple
PLAXIS 2D to other software applications.

Fast and efficient finite element model creation With the Python based remote scripting, it is possible
The user-friendly PLAXIS interface guides the user across to port results to other software packages that support
several modes to efficiently create models with a logical various API’s.
geotechnical workflow. The Borehole mode allows definition
of multiple boreholes to create any complex soil profile or Applications
geological cross-section. In the Structures mode, structural • Rock-mass response and surface settlements due to
elements, like piles, anchors, geotextiles, and prescribed tunnelling, mining or reservoir depletion
loads and displacements can be defined. It is also possible • Slope stability and seepage analysis for large earth
to import geometry from CAD-files. PLAXIS 2D contains a dams, tailing dams, embankments and pit mines
Tunnel Designer wizard to quickly create and edit tunnel • Predicting differential settlements of buildings
cross-sections and loading conditions. The Mesh mode adjacent to excavation pits
features automatic and manual mesh refinements, automatic • Stability of and seepage into excavation pits, lateral
generation of irregular and regular meshes and tools to displacements of diaphragm walls
inspect the mesh quality. • Calculate necessary consolidation time for pore
pressure dissipation in undrained loading problems
Realistic assessment of stresses and displacements • Bearing capacity and foundation settlement analysis
The Staged Construction mode allows users to accurately for high-rise buildings, LNG tanks and other structures
model the construc tion process by ac tivating and
deactivating soil clusters and structural elements in each
calculation phase. Calculation types offered, including
plastic, consolidation, dynamic and safety analysis, allow Request a free demo
PLAXIS to be used in a broad range of geotechnical To learn more about PLAXIS and to download a free
problems. PLAXIS offers various constitutive models demo version, visit www.plaxis.com/demo.
ranging from simple linear to advanced highly non-linear
models, so that a wide range of soil and rock behaviour
can be simulated. The well proven and robust calculation
procedures ensure that calculations converge and provide
accurate results. With multi-core calculations and a 64-
bit kernel PLAXIS can deal with the largest and most
complex models.

Powerful and versatile post processing

The versatile Output program offers various ways to display
forces, displacements, stresses, and flow data shown in
contour, vector and iso-surface plots. Cross-section tools
allow areas of interest to be inspected in more detail, and
data can be copied from tables for further plotting purpose
outside of PLAXIS. The Curve manager enables the creation
of graphs which can plot various types of results across a
selection of calculation phases.

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