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How Did Saccharomyces Evolve To Become A Good Brewer?

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Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.22 No.

4 April 2006

Research Focus

How did Saccharomyces evolve to become

a good brewer?
Jure Piškur1, Elżbieta Rozpe˛dowska1, Silvia Polakova1, Annamaria Merico2
and Concetta Compagno2
Cell and Organism Biology, Lund University, Sölvegatan 35, 22362 Lund, Sweden
Biomolecular Science and Biotechnology, University of Milan, Italy

Brewing and wine production are among the oldest have been studied during the past decades [3,4]. Com-
technologies and their products are almost indispens- parative genomics approaches have shed light on these
able in our lives. The central biological agents of beer metabolic processes and the origin and evolution of the
and wine fermentation are yeasts belonging to the corresponding genes and enzymes. Two research groups
genus Saccharomyces, which can accumulate ethanol. have recently identified the genetic changes that occurred
Recent advances in comparative genomics and bioinfor- in ancient yeast progenitors to provide a foundation for
matics have made it possible to elucidate when and why the development of basic brewing properties [5,6].
yeasts produce ethanol in high concentrations, and how
this remarkable trait originated and developed during The ‘make-accumulate-consume’ strategy
their evolutionary history. Two research groups have During fermentation (aerobic or anaerobic), yeast recycles
shed light on the origin of the genes encoding alcohol NADH in the acetaldehyde-to-ethanol conversion. If
dehydrogenase and the process of ethanol accumu- oxygen is subsequently available, the accumulated etha-
lation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. nol is converted back to acetaldehyde (Figure 1). The
acetaldehyde-to-ethanol conversion is catalyzed by alcohol
Introduction dehydrogenase (Adh), which can in principle catalyze the
The fundamental physiological characteristic of beer- and reaction in both directions (i.e. acetaldehyde-to-ethanol
wine-brewing yeasts is their ability to degrade carbo- and ethanol-to-acetaldehyde), although with different
hydrates, usually six-carbon (C6) molecules such as catalytic efficiencies. In S. cerevisiae, the cytoplasmic
glucose, to two-carbon (C2) components, in particular Adh activity is encoded by two genes that arose by a gene-
ethanol, without completely oxidizing them to CO2, even duplication event, ADH1 is expressed constitutively,
in the presence of oxygen, as many other yeasts do. Yeasts whereas ADH2 is expressed only when the internal
such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharo- sugar concentration drops. The Adh1 enzyme has an
myces pombe, which accumulate ethanol even in the elevated Km for ethanol, consistent with ethanol being
presence of oxygen are called Crabtree-positive yeasts,
whereas those that degrade sugars to CO2, such as Glossary
Kluyveromyces lactis and Candida albicans, are desig-
Crabtree effect: alcoholic fermentation is a predominant pathway in the
nated as Crabtree-negative yeasts [1]. During ethanol degradation of hexose sugars in the presence of oxygen, because of insufficient
production, the energy for growth is provided by the capacity or saturation or repression of the respiratory metabolism, leading to
glycolysis (see Glossary) and fermentation pathways pyruvate overflow.
Fermentation: conversion of pyruvate to ethanol, by oxidative decarboxyla-
rather than by the oxidative respiration pathway tion, leading to generation of CO2 and re-oxidation of glycolytic NADH, where
(Figure 1). In S. cerevisiae, the Crabtree effect relies, to one of the intermediates, acetaldehyde, serves as the ultimate electron
a large extent, on a glucose-repression circuit, in which
Glucose repression: a process whereby in the presence of glucose the gene
the presence of C6 carbohydrates, such as glucose, expression of a variety of enzymes (involved in using other carbon sources,
represses respiration [2,3] (Figure 2a). However, in nature cytochromes, Krebs cycle and respiration) is shut down.
Glycolysis: a series of reactions leading from glucose (six-carbon compound)
it is not the most efficient strategy to degrade the to pyruvate (three-carbon compound), generating energy (ATP by substrate
substrate to the C2 compounds. Indeed, after depletion of level phosphorylation only) and NADH.
glucose and accumulation of ethanol, the metabolism in Krebs cycle (TCA cycle): a series of reactions starting with the condensation of
acetyl CoA (originating from pyruvate) and oxaloacetate into citric acid [tri
Crabtree-positive yeasts changes (Figure 2a,b). The carboxylic acid (TCA)] and resulting in the main products: CO2, ATP, NADH and
fermentation product – ethanol – becomes a substrate precursors for anabolic reactions.
and is degraded if oxygen is present. This change in Oxidative phosphorylation: re-oxidation of NADH in the respiratory chain
generates a proton motive force, which provides energy for the phosphoryl-
metabolism is known as the ‘diauxic shift’ [1]. Both the ation of ADP to ATP.
initial fermentative metabolism and its subsequent shift Respiration: oxidation of pyruvate to CO2 by the TCA cycle, leading to the
production of NADH, which is re-oxidized while generating ATP by oxidative
require several specialized elements, including transcrip- phosphorylation, using oxygen as the terminal acceptor of electrons.
tion factors (e.g. Mig1) and enzymes (e.g. Adh2), which Whole genome duplication: the genome was duplicated w100 Mya in the
Saccharomyces cerevisiae lineage and was followed by gene loss and
Corresponding author: Piškur, J. (Jure.Piskur@cob.lu.se). rearrangements; but several duplicated gene pairs have been preserved.
Available online 24 February 2006

184 Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.22 No.4 April 2006

Glucose Glucose-6-P Pentose




Glycerol Dihydroxy- Glyceraldehyde-

acetone 3-phosphate
phosphate Ethanol



Pyruvate Acetaldehyde

Pyruvate Acetate


Acetyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA


TRENDS in Genetics

Figure 1. A scheme of the pathways involved in glucose and ethanol assimilation under aerobic conditions underlining the differences between a Crabtree-positive yeast,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (red arrows), which can accumulate ethanol, and a Crabtree-negative yeast Kluyveromyces lactis (green arrows), which degrades hexoses directly
to CO2. The conversion between acetaldehyde and ethanol, catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase, Adh, is marked in gray. Abbreviation: TCA cycle, tri carboxylic acid cycle.

a product of the reaction, whereas the Km of Adh2 is ten of the 12 reconstructed enzymes had demonstrable
times lower, consistent with ethanol being its substrate. activity levels, and all 11 showed a preference to convert
Recently, Thomson et al. [5] reconstructed an ancient acetaldehyde to ethanol, thus resembling the modern
Saccharomyces alcohol dehydrogenase progenitor gene Adh1 [5]. The authors interpreted these results to mean
(encoded by ADHA), using a combination of comparative that, pre-duplication, Saccharomyces alcohol dehydrogen-
sequence analysis and genetics. They generated ‘novel’ ase was predominantly involved in the generation, and not
forms of ADH genes, which represented putative ancient consumption, of ethanol. Thomson et al. used a molecular-
intermediates of the enzyme, and characterized their clock analysis to determine that the ADHA duplication
kinetic and substrate specificity parameters. Eleven out and specialization of the two novel enzymes took place
Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.22 No.4 April 2006 185

!80 million years ago (Mya) [5], after the separation of

(a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
the K. lactis and S. cerevisiae lineages. This duplication of
30 100 ADHA also seems to have occurred after the whole-genome
duplication of S. cerevisiae, estimated at 100 Mya [7,8]

Biomass OD/ml
(Figure 2c). Further analysis of duplicated genes revealed
several gene pairs that were also involved in ethanol
Glu, EtOH (g/l)

20 10
metabolism, which had originated by duplication at the
same time [5]. These duplicated genes, along with the
ability of S. cerevisiae and its closest relatives to ferment
10 1
glucose and accumulate ethanol even in the presence of
oxygen [9], formed the basis for the ‘make-accumulate-
consume’ strategy of ethanol production, which provided
0 0.1 the ancestor of Saccharomyces yeast with an advantage
0 10 Ethanol 20 30 40
use over its competitors because ethanol is toxic to most other
Time (h) microbes. Saccharomyces kills its competitors by produ-
cing ethanol but can also consume the generated
(b) Kluyveromyces lactis ethanol later.
30 100

Rewiring the transcriptional network of yeast

Ihmels et al. [6] developed a different approach to under-
Glu, EtOH (g/l)

20 10
stand the origin of glucose repression and ethanol
Biomass OD/ml

accumulation in Saccharomyces yeasts [6]. During fer-

mentation, S. cerevisiae does not need fully active
10 1 mitochondria because sufficient energy is provided by
glycolysis and fermentation. Ihmels et al. found that in
S. cerevisiae the expression of genes encoding the
0 0.1 mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRPs), those encoding
0 10 20 30 40 cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins (CRPs) and those encoding
Time (h) the rRNA processing proteins were not coordinated;
instead MRP expression was correlated with the
Key: expression of stress genes induced during the slower
respiratory growth in non-fermentable carbon sources,
Ethanol Biomass (OD/ml) Glucose
such as glycerol and ethanol [6]. However, in C. albicans, an
aerobic and Crabtree-negative yeast [10], the expression of
genes encoding MRP, CRP and rRNA are all correlated [6].
(c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae The upstream regions of the genes encoding MRP, CRP and
rRNA were analyzed in several fully sequenced yeast
ADH duplication (80 Mya) species, considered to be intermediates in evolution
between C. albicans and S. cerevisiae. A common regulat-
Whole-genome duplication
(100 Mya) Kluyveromyces lactis ory motif, the rapid growth element (RGE), was found
upstream of the rRNA processing genes but not upstream
ADH duplication of the stress genes. However, differences were observed in
the MRP genes. In S. cerevisiae and its closest relatives,
Candida albicans which all accumulate ethanol, the MRP-encoding genes do
not contain the regulatory RGE motif (AATTTT). Pre-
sumably, a global rewiring of the transcriptional network
occurred after the whole-genome duplication in the S.
cerevisiae lineage, the ensuing loss of many of the
Schizosaccharomyces duplicated genes and the change in lifestyle (the ability to
pombe (200 Mya)
out-compete other microbes by using ethanol) [11]. The
promoter regions of genes that should not be expressed
when glucose is abundant (i.e. the MRP genes), all lost their
RGE regulatory elements [6].

TRENDS in Genetics (for more details, see Ref. [1]). This shift in metabolism is indicated by a green
arrow. (c) A simple phylogenetic relationship between the four yeasts is shown. The
Figure 2. Glucose (Glu)-grown aerobic batch cultures of (a) a Crabtree-positive timing of the whole-genome duplication that occurred w100 Mya [8] is indicated by
yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; and (b) a Crabtree-negative yeast, Kluyvero- a blue arrow. The S. cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe lineages
myces lactis. The consumption of glucose, and the appearance of biomass and separated O200 Mya, whereas S. cerevisiae and K. lactis lineages separated
ethanol are shown as a function of time. The Crabtree-positive yeasts initially O100 Mya. The two independent ADH gene duplications are shown (red arrows)
accumulate ethanol, which is later, after depletion of glucose, metabolized and the timing of the S. cerevisiae duplication w80 Mya is indicated.

186 Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.22 No.4 April 2006

Is ethanol consumption unique to S. cerevisiae? consume ethanol, and a tolerance for several environmen-
The end of the Cretaceous age provided an excess of fruits tal stresses, such as high ethanol concentration and low
and therefore the increased amounts of fermentable oxygen levels [11]. These properties are unevenly dis-
substrates became available for many microbial commu- tributed among different modern yeasts but are uniquely
nities [12]. The ability of fast ethanol accumulation and combined, specialized to perfection, regulated and coordi-
ethanol tolerance was first exploited by Saccharomyces nated through an efficient network [4,6] in S. cerevisiae
yeasts to inhibit the growth of competing organisms, and and its closest relatives. Perhaps ‘efficient regulation’ is
then the accumulated ethanol could be ‘digested’ (the the most unique invention of the Saccharomyces yeasts,
‘make-accumulate-consume’ strategy). However, is this providing a crucial competitive ‘advantage’ when pro-
strategy of ethanol consumption and the following proper- duction strains are selected for industrial fermentations in
ties unique to Saccharomyces yeasts? breweries and wineries [17].
Many different yeasts are capable of facultative
fermentation. S. pombe separated from the Saccharo- Acknowledgements
myces–Kluyveromyces lineage at least 200 Mya (Figure 2c) We thank Morten Kielland-Brandt (The Carlsberg Laboratory) for
and is capable of aerobic alcoholic fermentation in the comments on an early version of this article.
presence of excess sugars, a property shared by
S. cerevisiae [9]. S. pombe can also consume ethanol but References
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Concluding remarks
(Arora, D.K., ed.), pp. 233–248, Marcel Dekker
Saccharomyces yeasts owe their competitiveness to a
combination of several properties including fast growth, 0168-9525/$ - see front matter Q 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
efficient glucose repression, good ability to produce and doi:10.1016/j.tig.2006.02.002


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