Ichartpro: Electronic Clinical Documentation
Ichartpro: Electronic Clinical Documentation
Ichartpro: Electronic Clinical Documentation
Electronic Clinical
iCHARTpro is a comprehensive iCHARTpro is the ultimate tool for • Online orders sets
electronic clinical documentation today’s emergency department • Interfacing to order and results
and decision support module doctors and nurses wishing to management systems
designed to complement iSOFT’s see patients in a timelier, clinically • automatic graphical
emergency department system driven process. The capture of a representation and trending
(EDIS) by offering: patient’s clinical information is • standardised procedure and
• nurse documentation performed with the use of a tablet result review templates allowing
PC connected to the hospital’s for fast completion of clinical
• physician documentation
local area network (LAN) or via documentation
• task management
wireless technology. • procedure notes for over
• order sets
100 common emergency
• prescription writing department procedures
• discharge instructions Features include:
• risk management
• advanced triage documentation
• patient tracking
• documentation of nursing and
• biometrics and security physician history, examination,
• comprehensive audit reassessments, orders and
functionality procedures
• faxing and document scanning • real-time, online clinical
• design for tablet and standard charting using a tablet PC with
PC. wireless networking
From the moment a patient presents at triage, all iCHARTpro provides:
information is captured online and is immediately • over 250 complaint, gender and age specific charts
available to any authorised user connected to the LAN. • more than 100 sets of discharge instructions
The triage process initiates the clinical chart based on • more than 100 sets of procedure note templates
presenting complaint, gender and age of the patient.
• design based on ‘best-evidence’ clinical work
All patients are listed as ‘waiting to be seen’ together practices for doctors and nurses
with their arrival date and time, triage category and • real-time capture of patient information via
presenting complaint. The clinical staff can see the list touch-screen tablet PCs in a secure environment – no
from their tablet PCs. data stored on the tablet
• online orders and results
When a caregiver is ready to see a patient, the relevant
• automatic graphical representation and trending
patient is selected from the list and the caregiver
• administrator module allowing changes to core
‘assigns’ themselves to the patient. The patient now
charts and the opportunity to custom build local
appears under that caregiver ‘My Patients’ listing. From
here, the caregiver is able to complete a full medical
• Integration to iSOFT’s emergency department
examination, enter a full medical history, undertake a
application (EDIS).
re-assessment, utilise order sets (eg for procedures) and/
or interface to diagnostic order and results management
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