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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622

International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)


Modeling and Simulation of Five Phase Inverter Fed Im Drive

and Three Phase Inverter Fed Im Drive
Rahul B. Shende, 2Prof. Dinesh D. Dhawale, 3Prof. Kishor B. Porate
Department of Electrical Engineering, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
mailto:rahul.rcert@gmail.com 1 rahul.rcert@gmail.com, 2 dinchem7@rediffmail.com,

Whenever Three-Phase Induction Motor is in running condition, there is a problem which occurs due to the
ripple torque & harmonics. This disturbs the smooth operation of the motor and it also increases the amount of
heat generated in motor. The ripple content can be smoothened by supplying the motor with multi phase supply
greater than three phase supply. Even number phase selection should be avoided, because it degrades the
performance of motor as poles coincide with each other. So, Five Phase Supply/Odd Phases may be preferred.
Here we propose a step by step simulink implementation of Three-Phase inverter drive and Five-Phase inverter
drive. Five-Leg Inverter and Three leg inerter is a converter converts DC to variable AC (i.e., variable voltage
and variable frequency). Output of the five leg inverter and Three leg inerter is controlled by SPWM control
technique method. It is highly economical, has more Efficiency and fully controllable.
Keywords – Five Phase dq Induction Motor, Five phase SPWM Inverter, Three phase dq Induction Motor,
Three phase SPWM Inverter.

I. INTRODUCTION excitation sets, a multiphase induction machine can

Three-phase Induction motors have various continue to be operated with an asymmetrical
advantages such as simple construction, reliable, winding structure and unbalanced
rugged, low maintenance cost and lower excitation.[2][5][6].
manufacturing cost which has made induction motor
popular to be used in many industrial applications. Here we focused on a difference between Three-
The major problem arises in this motor is their speed Phase inverter drive and Five-Phase inverter drive.
control as it is complicated in industrial drive Inverter is a converter converts DC to variable AC
applications [1-6]. However, with the advent of (i.e., variable voltage and variable frequency). Some
cheap and fast switching power electronics devices controller is used to control the induction motor and
not only the control of induction machine became output of the five leg inverter and three leg inverter
easier and flexible but also the number of phases of is controlled by PWM control technique method. A
machine became a design parameter. Multi-phase comparative analysis is made on different aspects.
machines (more than three-phases) are found to
possess several advantages over three-phase A. INDUCTION MOTOR DQ MODEL
machines such as lower torque pulsation [7-8], B. Three Phase Induction Motor
higher torque density [1][2][6], and lower current The parameter equations (such as voltage and
ripple [1],[6]. Thus multi-phase order machines are torque) that describe the dynamic behavior of an
normally considered for niche application areas such induction motor are time-varying in nature. Such
as ship propulsion, „more electric aircraft‟, and equations involve complexity while solving such
electric/hybrid electric vehicles etc. Detailed reviews differential equations. A change of variables from
on the research on multiphase machines are time varying to time invariant can be used to
presented in [7-8]. Their applications are still limited minimize the complexity from the voltage equations
to the lower end of the high-power range due to the of motor due to relative motion of electric circuit. By
limitations on the ratings of the gate-turn-off-type this technique, a multi-phase winding can be reduced
semiconductor power devices. To achieve a high to a set of two phase windings (q-d) which are
power rating in such systems, is the multiphase quadrature to each other. In other words, the stator
inverter-fed multiphase (in excess of three) induction and rotor variables (voltages, flux linkages and
machine drive system. In addition to enhancing the currents) of an induction motor are transferred to
power rating, a multiphase system also has the merit arbitrary reference frame, which may be rotating
of high reliability at the system level. In particular, with some angular velocity or stay stationary.
with loss of one or more of the stator winding

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)

The dynamic analysis of the induction

motor in the arbitrary reference frame has been
widely used as a standard simulation. The three-phase stator voltages of an induction
Matlab/Simulink has an advantage over other machine under balanced conditions can be expressed
machine simulators in modeling the induction motor as:
using dq0 axis transformation. Every equation in the
model equations can be easily implemented in block
so that all the machine variables can be used for
control purposes.

The flux linkages can be as follows

These three-phase voltages are transferred

to a synchronously rotating reference frame in only
two phases (d-q axis transformation). This can be
done using the following two equations.

Then, the direct and quadrature axes voltages are


The values of the stator and rotor currents

in three-phase system are calculated using the
following transformation:

Then the values of the currents;

B. Five Phase Induction Motor

Modeling of five phase induction motor is
nearly same as that of the three phase induction
motor hence before going for the modeling of five
phase induction motor it was necessary to study the
modeling of three phase induction motor. For five
phase induction motor five phase supply is required
which is then transformed into arbitrary reference
frame. The only difference between the five-phase
Based on the above equations, the torque dq induction motor model and three phase dq
and rotor speed can be determined as follows: induction motor model, given with (22)-(32), and the
corresponding three phase dq motor model is the
presence of x-y component equations in
(27),(28),(29) and (30). Rotor x-y components are
fully decoupled from d-q axes components and one

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)

from the other. Since rotor winding is short-circuited

or closed, x-y components cannot see in the rotor
winding. Zero sequence component equations for
both stator and rotor can be removed from further
consideration due to short-circuited rotor winding
and star connection of the stator winding. Finally,
since stator x-y components are fully decoupled from
d-q components and one from the other and can be
removed from further consideration. This means that
the dq model of the five-phase induction motor in an
arbitrary reference frame is same as the dq model of
a three phase induction motor. (28)
Therefore before going for the modeling of
five phase induction motor we will first design
inverter so as to get five phase supply. Equations (21
to 32) shows the mathematical equation involved in
modeling of five phase induction motor whereas
model of five phase induction is shown below, since
modeling of five phase induction motor require five
phase supply which is generated using inverter.
Five Phase Stator Voltage of induction
machine under balanced condition is expressed as: -

Transformation equation to transform machine
variable to the variable in the arbitrary reference The torque and rotor speed of five phase
frame is expressed as: - induction motor can be determined as follows:

C. Inverter Model
With the advancement in development of
(26) power electronics interest in multi-phase machine
has been increased in last few years. Three phase
supply is easy available but for multi-phase machine
we require multiphase supply which was not
possible before the development of power
electronics. The main task of power electronics is to
control and convert electrical power from one form
to other. The power electronic converters are
essentially power electronic circuit that converts
voltage and current in one form into other form. In
(27) converter, at least one power semiconductor devices
is used as a static switch. As each leg of the

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)

converter represents phase, hence increasing the

number of leg in the converter increases the number
of phases.
SPWM technique is used for generation of
pulses in which a carrier wave is compared with the
sine wave. Simulation model of SPWM technique is
shown in Fig.15 & corresponding output pulses
waveform in Fig.16.

A. Modeling of Three phase Induction

Fig.3. Internal structure of 3 phase induction motor

d-q model.

Figure 4 shows the internal structure of

stator and rotor flux linkage along q & d

Fig.1. Computation of Park Transformation for three

phase induction motor

Fig.2. Computation of Clarke Transformation


Once the stator voltage are transformed to

d-q frame them we implement the flux linkage
equations, current equations, torque equation and
rotor speed equation so as to obtain current in terms
of iqs, ids, iqr, idr then we apply inverse Clark and
Park transformation equation . The internal structure
of induction motor d-q model is shown in fig.3.

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)

rotor current along d & q axis which is then again

transformed using inverse Park and Clarke
transformation to obtain Ias, Ibs, Ics from Iqs &Ids. The
Output of modeling of three phase induction motor
using three phase supply is shown below.

B. Modeling of Five phase Induction Motor

Fig.6. Computation of Clarke Transformation


Fig. 4.Computation Of Stator & Rotor Flux Linkage

along q& d Axis.

Figure 5 shows the internal structure of the

Stator & rotor current Block along with the rotor
speed and the electromagnetic torque.

Fig.7.Computation of Park Transformation

Equation for five phase induction motor

Once the stator voltage Vabcde are

transformed to d-q frame then we implement the flux
linkage equations, current equations, torque equation
and rotor speed equation so as to obtain current in
terms of iqs, ids, iqr, idr then we apply inverse Clark
and Park transformation equation. The internal
structure of induction motor d-q model is shown

Fig.5. Computation of Current, Torque &Speed

Equation (Eq. 16-18).

On implementing the Flux linkage, current,

torque and rotor speed equation we get stator and

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)

Fig.10. Simulink Model of Three Leg Inverter

D. Modeling of Five phase Inverter

Fig.8. Internal Structure of Five Phase Induction

Motor d-q Model.

The modeling of five phase induction

motor is nearly same as that of three phase
induction motor model. The five phase supply
generated through the inverter is converted intod & q
reference using parks and Clarke equation (Eq. 26 &
5). Later on implementing the flux linkage, current,
torque and speed equation Eq. 27-32) as shown in
figure 8 and at the end converting the d & q axis
current to Stator and rotor current Ias, Ibs, Ics, Ids, Ies.
Each block in internal structure of five phase
induction motor are implemented in the same way as
that of the three phase induction motor.
Fig.11. Simulation Model of SPWM Technique for
C. Modeling of Three phase Inverter Five Leg Inverter.

Fig.9. Simulation Model of SPWM Technique for

Three Leg Inverter.
Fig.12. Simulink Model of Five Leg Inverter

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)

Fig.17. Output waveform of three phase inverter

Stator Current
Fig.13. Three Phase Induction Motor Model.

Fig.18. Output waveform of five phase inverter

Fig.14. Five Phase Induction Motor Model.


Fig.15. SPWM Technique

Fig.19. Output waveform of three phase inverter fed

induction motor drive at No load

Fig.16. Pulses generated using SPWM Technique

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
International Conference on Industrial Automation and Computing (ICIAC-12-13th April 2014)


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This paper presents a complete simulation
model to simulate a three phase and five-phase
inverter fed induction motor drive. The simulation
model is developed using simpower system block
sets of the Matlab/Simulink software. Step by step
model development is elaborated. A detailed
simulation results are presented to validate the
modeling procedure. The ripple content of various
parameters(current, torque and speed) can be
smoothened by supplying the motor with Five phase
supply than three phase supply as shown in

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