Tank and Pressure Vessel Maintenance
Tank and Pressure Vessel Maintenance
Tank and Pressure Vessel Maintenance
Chapter 4
Tank & Pressure Vessel
4.1. General
Vertical, aboveground atmospheric-pressure storage tanks are
commonly used in processing facilities.
For more than a century, storage tanks have been in use
within the petrochemical industry, fulfilling their intended
purpose: to store products.
By definition, an atmospheric tank has a design pressure (DP)
less than 2.5 psig.
Most ASTs are
constructed out of
welded steel plates.
Older tanks have riveted
or bolted seams and
newer tanks are welded.
Some Incidents
Filling of a vertical tank
The top of tank
blew off because
the relief valve
could not displace
the air fast
enough for the
volume of water
that was being
p p in.
Hydro-test of
The root cause of the incident is not
a new vertical vessel fully known. But, there was some
thought that hydro testing with "very
cold" water was a contributing factor.
Fortunately no injuries occurred.
Wall Thickness
Tank Capacity
– Nominal capacity: capacity as printed on the tank wall.
– Geometry capacity: the volume of vertical cylindrical section.
– Storage
g capacity:
p y the volume from the tank bottom to the
maximum design level.
– Net working capacity: the volume between HLL and LLL or
Gbr. 4.3
Tank capacity
Tank Components:
– Shell
– Roof
– Rafter
– Column
– Top Angle
– Bottom Plate
– Welding Joint
– Nozzles & Manhole
– Anchor Bolts
– Venting
– Gauging
– Ladder
Top Angle
Cone roof with internal floating roof Dome roof with internal floating roof
4.2. Operation and Maintenance
During operation, the following activities are required.
Transfer: filling or emptying
Leak detection
Spill prevention
Minor repair
Painting and coating
Overhaul and/or repair
Transfer Procedure
• Transfer procedure:
Fungsi utama operasional fasilitas penyimpan cairan
adalah memindahkan (transfer) cairan dari perpipaan ke
tangki, dari satu tanki ke tangki lain atau dari tangki ke
• Things to be considered
– Spill/overfill
– Overpressure
– Collapse
– Cavitation
– Safety
Transfer Procedure
Sebelum transfer:
• Cek level bahan bakar pada tangki pengirim dan penerima
• Periksa perpipaan terhadap kebocoran.
• Cek posisi valve, tetap berkomunikasi dengan operator masing-
masing ujung tarnsfer.
Selama transfer:
• Mulai transfer pada laju rendah.
• Pastikan ada orang/teknisi yang MENJAGA saat transfer.
• Tetap berkomnunikasi antar operator selama transfer.
• Cek level tangki penerima secara teratur.
• Kurangi laju ketika level bahan bakar mendekati batas atas.
• Beritahu operator pengirim bahan bakar ketika transfer hampir
Kuliah MS4102 Perawatan Mesin 20
Ch 4 Tank & Pressure Vessel Maintenance
Transfer Procedure
Saat transfer selesai:
• Tutup katup-katup yang sesuai pada manifold dan tangki.
• Lakukan komnunikasi/meeting dengan antar operator pengirim
dan penerima.
• Endapkan tangki selama 6 - 24 jam dan cek water level pada
bawah tangki.
Spill Prevention
Pencegahan kebocoran sangat penting untuk:
• Menurunkan potensi masalah kesehatan,
• Menurunkan resiko lingkungan,
• Mencegah kerugian finansial, akibat kehilangan produksi, denda,
biaya pembersihan dll.
Spill Prevention
Penyebab Kebocoran
Kesalahan operator
• Tangki terlalu penuh.
• Valve terbuka.
• Prosedur transfer yang buruk.
• Tidak adanya product monitoring.
• Tidak adanya usaha untuk mengenali masalah.
• Pemeliharaan y yang
g buruk.
Desain dan pembangunan instalasi yang buruk
• Kurangnya pengamanan.
• Fasilitas berlokasi di daerah rawan banjir/bencana.
• Buruknya drainase atap tangki ke peralatan lain di bawahnya.
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Spill Prevention
Penyebab Kebocoran (cont’d.)
Masalah di Storage Tank
• Rancangan dan pembangunan yang buruk.
• Buruknya fondasi.
• Bawah tangki, terkorosi, bocor dll.
• Venting yang buruk.
Masalah pada Perpipaan
• I t l i perpipaan
Instalasi i pada
d jalur
j l ramai.
• Adanya atau banyaknya sambungan ulir, bukan las.
• Kurang efektifnya tumpuan pipa.
• Valve terkorosi atau tidak dalam kondisi yang baik.
Spill Prevention
Penyebab Kebocoran (cont’d.)
Masalah pada Perpipaan (cont’d.)
• Pipa tidak tertumpu, melainkan langsung di atas tanah.
• Pipa kontak dengan tanah yang asam mudah terkorosi.
• Tidak ada pipa fleksibel.
• Pipa tidak diinspeksi secara reguler/rutin.
Pada Secondary Containment
• Tidak terdapat penampung tumpahan, tidak baik atau tidak
• Terdapat kebocoran pada saluran, terutama liner nya.
• Adanya air pada saluran.
Kuliah MS4102 Perawatan Mesin 25
Spill Prevention
Tindakan Pencegahan
NOTES: “Tidak ada kebocoran yang terlalu kecil untuk tidak
di b iki”
Karyawan harus dilatih dengan prosedur operasi yang benar
dan tindakan pencegahan kebocoran, kesiapan dan respon.
Tidak diperbolehkan ada minuman beralkohol/obat terlarang.
Selalu up-to-date terhadap data-data produk dan peralatan.
Buat jadwal pemeliharaan yang teratur.
Lakukan inspeksi standar secara rutin sekaligus tindakan
perbaikan jika diperlukan.
Rancanglah fasilitas dengan baik dan sesuai standar.
Bangga dan bertanggungjawablah terhadap fasilitas.
Kuliah MS4102 Perawatan Mesin 26
Ch 4 Tank & Pressure Vessel Maintenance
Tank Cleaning
– Tank cleaning is a vital area of tank maintenance,
especially if your aim is to maximize your tank's
overall lifetime.
– But cleaning a tank takes it out of operation - and this
costs money.
– Proper and sufficient maintenance is necessary to
minimize the effects of degradation mechanisms,
such as corrosion and settlement.
– If parts of the tank are degraded beyond a defined
limit, extensive repairs are required to keep the tank
or a specific tank component fit-for-purpose.
Kuliah MS4102 Perawatan Mesin 29
Facility Maintenance
Good housekeeping clean and proprer.
Safety: fire extinguishers and other safety equipment must
be in good working
orking condition
Security: fence, lock, lighting.
Tank paint
Storage Tank: Facility piping:
Vent Valves & corrosion protection
Overfill device Change
g filters
Gauges Hydrostatically tests
Corrosion protection Rewrap or repaint pipes
Water drains
i off anchors
Sinking in foundation
4.4. Maintenance & Repair (API 653)
Frequency, external inspection, internal
inspection, bottom thickness, Records
Marking, record keeping, certification
Bottom lining
Maintenance Management
Inspection/maintenance periods
In order to maximize its functionality and structural integrity,
a tankk must bbe iinspected
d andd maintained
i i d at predetermined
d i d
intervals to check the progress of unwanted degradation
When degradation of a specific tank component nears its
rejection limit, proper repairs need to be carried out.
However, to prevent unwanted shut-down, routine
maintenance and inspection should also be carried out
during the in-service period of a tank.
Maintenance Management
Inspection/maintenance periods
Formal visual external inspection at least every 5 years or
at the
h quarter corrosion-rate
i lif off the
life h shell
h ll ((whichever
hi h
Insulation may be remove for inspection of the exterior wall
or roof.
Cathodic protection system requires periodic surveys
according to API RP 651.
Tank electrical grounding shall be visually checked.
Maintenance Management
Inspection/maintenance periods
Reference of code for inspection:
EEMUA*) Publication No. 159, “User’s guide to the
inspection, maintenance and repair of above-ground
vertical steel storage tanks”, Volume 1 and 2, 3rd
edition, 2003
API standard 653, “Tank inspection, repair, alteration
and reconstruction, 3rd edition, December 2001.
API Recommended Practice 575, “Inspection of
atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks, 1st edition,
November 1995.
Maintenance Management
Main Activities of Tank Maintenance
Preparation, deals with arranging
d t contracts
t t withith NDT iinspection
companies and contractors as well as
purchasing long-lead delivery items.
Actual out-of-service period, where
various other tasks have to be
Box-up, when the tank is connected to
the plant utilities, control room and
pipeline systems.
In-service routine preventive
Kuliah MS4102 Perawatan Mesin 54
Ch 4 Tank & Pressure Vessel Maintenance
Maintenance Management
Out-of-service Activities (EEMUA 159)
1. Records, incl. tank's original data, as-built documents, records of
inspection modification
inspection, modification, product change
change. After the maintenance
maintenance, a
description of all repairs, inspection reports and NDT reports must be
added to these files so they are properly updated
2. Cleaning, inc. cleaning and gas freeing activity
3. Inspection, inc. internal and external inspections to assess the actual
status of all tank components
Maintenance Management
Out-of-service Activities (EEMUA 159)
4. Compliance, to assess whether the component is still fit-for-purpose
or whether it should be replaced
5. Engineering, if the tank components need to be repaired or even
replaced, engineering tasks are needed to assess where, how and
when these repairs will be performed.
6. On-site Repair
Maintenance Management
Total Life-cycle
Maintenance Management
Total Life-cycle
Care must be taken to the Indirect Costs, that includes:
Non-availability of the tank during its out-of-service period
(during which time additional tank capacity may need to be
Lost rental earnings for depots and terminals, and
Additional cleaning costs of tanks used to temporarily store the
product removed from the out-of-service tank.
W to do
d it:
Reduce out-of-service time (non-availability cost)
Reduce total maintenance and inspection costs
Extend in-service time
API Std 650
API Std 653
API RP 575
Aboveground Storage Tank Operator Handbook, Second
Edition, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.
A vision on tank maintenance costs, by Jan de Jong.